Weekly Status Report

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Weekly Time Sheet Dansie Orthodontics, Herriman UT

Job: Clinical Assisstant & Office Assistant

Duties Include: Clinical Work, Social Media, Ordering, Events, Phones, Scheduling, Creating Content, Trudenta
Therapy, Greeting & Seating Patients, Cleanliness of Office, Contests, etc.
Name: Whitney Andersen Peterson

Hours Total
Week Worked hours Weekly Status Report - Accomplishments & Goals
this week worked
I have been working for this company for about 9 months now, and the company has only be open for about
13 months. Time sure has flown by. I started with very little knowledge about anything Orthodontics. Now I
consider myself very well rounded in the field. On Monday I met with my boss to celebrate my success. He
gave me a $1 raise and a new project to work on. I am creating a huge master training list so when our
company grows larger than 3 people, the newly hired person will have a streamline training process. I will
earn a bonus if I complete this by the deadline (Sept 26.). On Wednesday we worked in Duchesne, we go
1 27 27 there every few weeks to see patients. When we go there are days are long & jammed with patients. These
days help me test my skills & rely on my abilities more than other days because everyone is busy trying to
stay on schedule. I think I was super helpful this week there. I completed all my chart notes and cleaned up
the office because I finished up with patients first. We were able to make it home earlier than we normally
do. That's always good. Friday I was able to preform a few new appointment procedures in the clinic since I
have been expanding my training. I feel more valueable to my boss each day.

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

I spent a lot of time this week trying to make the training project. I am working on making it super nice, and
extremely user friendly. My Boss asked me to check in with him every once in awhile so he could provide
feeback. So far all the feedback has been good and he seems happy with my work. I have been improving a
lot with my ability to complete most of the appointment types myself. This week the Dr. decided to do a
same day start (meaning some one comes in for a consultation & they decide they want to have treatment so
we put braces on them that day). We only had 30 minutes until our busy afternoon schedule was going to
begin. I was a major help in making that appointment go faster. I also seated the other patients and got them
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ready for the Dr. to check up on them within about 10 minutes. I am proud of myself for that. On Friday we
had a work retreat. It went really well, we all had some time to express our appreciation for each other and
discuss things we could do to make different parts of our business and our customer service better than it
was before. We discussed other kinds of businesses that do certain things well- like Disney, the Cheesecake
Factory, the container store, etc. I really enjoyed it. I also finished up the project with a few days left before
it's due date on Monday.

This week Dr. Dansie wanted to make a lot more training videos. We spent most of our free time doing that. I
felt like I did a really good job this week listening to everyone else and trying to only speak up when I found it
more necessary. It's hard sometimes. I also did a really good job with greeting & chating with customers. I
made sure to greet everyone with their name and with a huge smile on my face. I added about thirty more
scheduled posts to facebook. I am incharge of our social media, so that was really good to find some time to
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add content to our feed. This semester in school I decided to take anatomy to help me learn more about the
body, specifically in regards to work. This week my boss took some time with me and another coworker to
review some muscles and planes of the body. I think it is cool when I can apply what I learn in school to what I
do in work.

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

Over the weekend I developed a bad cough. Due to my cough I decided it would be a good idea to take the
day off because it is not a very appropriate idea to go to work when you have any kinds of sickness. I realized
that if I continued to keep coughing every few seconds, it would not look good from a patient's perspective. I
sent my boss a text to ask him what his thoughts were and that I was willing to do whatever his will was. He
suggested I take Monday off, so I did. On Wednesday we went to Duchesne. I can't believe it has already
4 12 72 been three weeks since the last time we were there. The day was not as busy as normal, but one of our
coworkers is on a cruise. Since I'm still sick I tried to stay away from doing direct work in patient's mouth and
covered a lot of her usual admin stuff. Overall the day went very well. I made sure all the charting notes were
written up. I processed fees & receipts and recorded those in our system. I made a few copies for patient's,
scheduled appointments, and sterilizied equipment.

I've been sick for the past few weeks, so I have worked less hours than normal - but that's okay. I think I am
finally starting to get better. I'll my having surgery next week so that will also limit my hours for some timeas
well. My boss has been super understanding with all of my recent health problems. I feel bad that I have not
been able to be super awesome, willing, or helpful employee that I normally am. On Monday I answered
phones, placed a few orders on products we are almost out of, and scheduled a few new patients. We love
new patients, of course, because that is where the money comes from. Wednesday afternoon we saw
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patients. I did a really good job of getting them to tell me new details about their lives. This one little boy had
all these ideas that we should use for a commercial for the office. I thought it was adorable, and he was
pretty creative. One thing I was proud of myself for is when the Dr asked for something I already new what
he was thinking and I tried to take whatever he was working on off his hands. We are trying to hire another
employee to work phones soon. I'm not sure exactly when that will happen.

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

This week was a good week. I got a lot done before I had surgery yesterday. I decided that it would be a good
idea to put our own logo on the water bottles we give out in the waiting room. It didnt take much effort and
the Dr. thought it was a great idea. They turned out pretty cute. I also spent a lot of time adding notes to
patient's charts about their treatment progress because Dr Dansie implemented a new system called
Infusionsoft and what I did really helped him out. We do this thing in our office where we write notes to
patients and send them gifts and what not. So I spent a chunk of time when I was answering phones this
week updating that. I got to see a trudenta patient this week. It has been awhile since I got to do my job as a
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DMRT for that, so that was fun. On Wednesday I worked for 12 hours straight, what a busy day. We had a
hiring day after patient hours. My boss has a unique method for hiring people. First, we bring candidates in
and they meet with each member of our team for 5 minutes and then we switch until everyone has met all
the applicants. Afterward we have a pow wow and talk about which people would be worth learning more
about and which might not be a good fit. We have a few good options this time, so hopefully we get someone
to answer the phones this time!

I didn't work many hours these week because I was recovering from surgery. One of my coworkers wrote me
a cute note & made some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for me. That definitely meant a lot to me. Another
coworker called me to check on me. I appreciate having good friendships at work, because you almost spend
more time at work then you do at home sometimes. I did work Friday though. Today I saw one patient and
7 10 112 answered phones. I posted new social media posts about some events we are having at work. My boss
actually looked at the work I've been doing on Facebook and he was impressed. That felt pretty good, it takes
a lot of my time. I also cut out about a thousand flyers, that was a project. I went through the list of recalls &
organized some things in the office. It was a fairly productive day.

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

We hired a new employee this week. I'm excited to have someone to help out but also kinda of worried I
won't get as many hours now. This week on Monday I went around to different schools and businesses in the
area to deliver flyers for our candy buy back and for our Free Santa Picture night. I also made a facebook
event on facebook for that and started inviting people. We didn't have very many calls near the holiday. The
office has been slow lately. I am trying a lot harder to connect on a deeper level with patients and remember
more about them. I think it feels good to them when I remember details about their lives. I spent a lot of time
8 26 138 trying to set up the schedule for patients, phones, and employee hours so we can all get our time in. It sure
takes a while to try to anticipate that and plan ahead like that. My boss was pretty happy about it. His wife
came in and I offered to watch her kids again, I feel good when I help her out. I also love watching their kids.
(This is unrelated to work itself, but I have been trying to work on being more christlike and I spent a lot of
time this week calling old friends. I feel really good about this. I think I was inspired to do so.)

This week I had to cover some hours for another employee very last minute, because I found out the night
before that she had to leave to go to Colorado for a family emergency. It was kind of a busy week trying to
make up for a treatment corrdinator when we don't ever have to do her job. I think besides that it was a
really good day. I was able to bond with quite a few patients this week, answer a few new patient phone
calls, and get a handleful of cleaning chores done. When ever we have packed afternoons we tend to have to
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stay at the office about an hour longer than planned. I think my boss was grateful that I was willing to cover
the phone hours last minute. I was also able to plan the exact schedule we will be open up until next year. I'm
not sure what next semester will be like yet, but I am trying to prepare for classes and work so it works out
the best for both me and the company.

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

On Monday my coworker asked me to cover her shift. I said that I would and then my boss scheduled an
extra earlier patient, so I had to come in earlier than normal. The day was extremely busy. We were over
booked & the doctor slipped in some extra appointments even though we were running behind. Sometimes
that is frustrating, but I respectfully do what he asks. The other employee was still out of town because her
brother in law died. I will have to cover her hours this week as well. It is a good and a bad thing. Luckily, more
hours means more pay, but it is still hard to plan out time for homework and other things I have to do when I
10 32 186 can't anticipate my work schedule. Fortunately, I don't usuallly ever procrastinate things. I always get
everything done that I need to ahead of time. I guess that could be considered an awesome trait. On
Wednesday we went to Duchesne. It was a nice slow day compared to the usual Duchesne Day. That was a
refreshing change of pace for once. I had more time to speak with the girl on our team from Duchesne and
learn more about her. It was nice to get to know her better. Friday was a super busy day, I feel like I did a
really good job staying on top and ahead of everything though.

This week with the Thanksgiving holiday observance, I only had to work Monday (yesterday). It was definitely
a super busy day. I was suppose to leave early because it was my brother's birthday but I really wanted to
complete a project I was working on between patient's all day. I have been working on scheduling for the
New year for a while now. Yesterday was no different. My boss mentioned he wanted to change some things
for next year. We are going to be open Monday & Wednesday afternoons and the try to be open more late
evenings on Tuesdays & Thursdays. On Fridays it will alternate every other Friday will be open in the morning
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or all day long. I am actually excited for this change. I had to update the google calender, my boss's calender,
both tops calender's for Duchesne & Herriman offices, my planner, the office calender, etc. So it took my a
while to get that done. Although, I am super happy that I did. I hope when my boss sees it he will be thrilled,
because it took a lot of time effort and thinking. Most of my jobs at the office were things that I took on
myself and not that I was specifically asked to do. I like that quality about me.

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

Monday was a busy afternoon. I performed 3 trudenta treatments. I really like performing those and getting
to know the patients better. I didn't have to do much in the clinic. I added a profile picture to our team trello.
I also found a bunch of patient coupons we need to give out before they expire, so I tried to give patients
those. We had a little team meeting, it was really helpful to talk about a few things. Dr. Dansie has created
this master schedule I need to add my schedule to this week. He asked me to make a surgery for the lunch
visit we are having with another office. We also had an awesome meeting about the evaluation forms for this
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class. He decided we should talk about the different items on the list and my progress. We had a really good
conversation about how I felt I had been doing and what he thought I had been doing. Wednesday was a very
productive day. We had lots of patients in the afternoon and a lunch with another office. I won't be working
Friday unless Dr. Chuck calls me to have me do more for our Free Pictures with Santa Event next week. Dr.
Dansie assigned that to me because I like events & he thinks I am a good project manager.

On Monday I worked in the afternoon. I was planning to have most of the entire day to work on the event,
but things get busy and don't usually happen that way. I ended up having a few care visits, a trudenta exam,
taking impressions, and helping with a consult. Between answering the phones, treatment notes, etc I didnj't
really have any time to work on it. We had a little meeting about everything though and his sister in law is
helping me decorate the office so that is way helpful. Dr. Dansie is also allowing me to work in our Herriman
office on Wednesday instead of going to Duchesne so I can work on the event stuff & decorating. Wednesday
I worked all day on the event. I am so grateful for all Tristan, Kim, and Amanda's help to make the event
work. It was a very productive day, the kind of day that I like when I can just pound out everything that I need
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to get done. Thursday was our Santa Event. I arrived later than I wanted because I usually am at school this
day so I had to try to work around some classes to be there - I think it all worked out though. Friday, was a
pedo day so we worked in the morning. It was a busy patient morning but was very managable. I think I got a
lot done and I placed a few orders on items we are out of. Dr. Dansie was so nice he took us out to lunch
when we were done with patient's. I really appreciate things like that. Between finals and an event, what a
week. The one thing I am grateful for is that since I'm very good at staying ahead and not procrastinating it
gave me time to pause and work on the event.

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

Well, It's finally the last week of the semester, yay! On Monday Caitlin answered phones in the morning. I
planned on working at 12:30 but she had some errands to run before she could send out the pictures from
the Santa Event so I answered phones at home. Then I came into the office and Caitlin and I were both there
for a bit while she finished her stuff up. We discussed who would answer phones on different days. It was a
mellow day, not many calls but there was at least two new patients scheduled. Wednesday I found out that
Kim had quit. I'm bummed and also thinking about everything we have to set up. This is now our second
phones employee who quit. Dang it. I will have to edit all the schedules for the rest of the year and next year
now. That will keep me busy for a while. Wednesday was a very busy day without Kim as we originally
planned. I felt bad leaving Caitlin with a few patients. I meet with Dr. Dansie and we had a good chat about
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the new year, hiring, and training. I want to become fully training clinically, when we have time for it and it
doesn't mess up the other things I need to do. At the same time, I think I mostly like how with this job and
the mix between clinical and admin make every day different from another. I don't think I would like my job
as much if I was doing the exact same thing each day or if I was constantly in the clinic without a break. Over
this semester I have really enjoyed the opportunities that allowed me to things I enjoy. I liked when I was
asked to created a survey for another office. I enjoyed planning events, decorating the office, and bonding
with patients. I enjoy trying to make sure everyone is scheduled, making sure everyone gets there hours, and
we always have someone to answer the phones. I like organizing things and making things function.

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013
Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013
Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013
Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013
Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013
Bus 299 Internship Time Sheet Fall 2013

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