An opportunity to help, an opportunity to get help.
Table of Contents
2. Situation Analysis 24. Public Opinion
3. Challenges 25. Hire an Intern
4. Goals 26. Budget
5. Target Audiences 27. Executive Summary
6. Communication Vehicles 28. Meet Your Team
14. Calendar
19. Research
Analysis To identify the Rexburg Mobile Food Pantrys
current strengths and build upon them, throough
identifying and converting and to identify and convert
their weaknesses into opportunities for growth.
This analysis offers a brief summary of the current
situation details of the Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry.
The Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry is a non-profit
organization with no prerequisites to receiving
aid, including no government stipulation it is
also close in proximity located at the Wilcox
Fresh Warehouse.
The pantry has very little local support
due to a lack of widespread community
presence. It also lacks sufficient supplies
to operate.
Building relationships
with local businesses and participation in
community events. We can reach target audiences
through increased social media presence and
generate more word of mouth support.
Other local food pantries and a community
fear of looking needy. This also generates a
3 lack of interest from community members.
Our primary goal for this PR plan is to secure 50 adult volunteers (consistently) for one year at the
1 2 3
Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry by:
Involving local businesses, Secure sponsors for Increase the social media presence
reaching out to BYU-Idaho materials such as tape by 50%, and raise awareness
students, and unifying Rexburg and garbage bags. among the Rexburg community
permanent residents. by 30% in one year
Our primary audience is local businesses Our secondary audience is local Our tertiary audience is BYU-Idaho
here in Rexburg. It is crucial that we reach families. We believe reaching out to students. Reaching the BYU-Idaho
out to local businesses in order to recieve local families will help increase the students will come by selecting
the commitment of time from a business number of volunteers that can come specific majors or classes that require
team. We believe that encouraging as a family and spend time together. volunteer hours. It will also be
businesses to send a team to the food This will improve the public opinion of promoted within campus as a good
pantry once a month and posting their the pantry as an organization that resume builder. With students, the
picture on social media will promote their promotes families working together. process can run quicker because of
business and the food pantry. This will also Not only does this promote good young and able bodies doing the labor,
be an outlet for the donations of supplies. family values, but it is also an such as lifting. Throughout their
opportunity to teach children the experience, they will be able to act
importance of goodwill and hard work. outside of themselves and give back to
the city that gives so much to them
constantly. They are the most
abundant of our target audiences and
possibly have the most to gain when
they consistently participate and
give back.
Newsletter Business Cards
With a newsletter in PDF form, Business cards are perfect for
you can post it on your Facebook networking. When you meet a
page, community Facebook pages, business owner and discuss with
also in an email form. This will them the Rexburg Mobile Food
inform the commnunity about the Pantry you will be able to easily
events, happening with the food leave them with your information.
pantry and when the food pantry Business cards are also great to
is taking place, You will also be pass along to people and a great
able to higlight the company that way to get your name out there. You
came the previous month or for the can post them on bulletin boards as
upcoming month. well.
Is a free website that matches organizations looking
for volunteers and individuals looking for volunteer
experiences. It is completely free with connection
through facebook profiles. The matches happen
according to proximity and specific experience
(i.e. medical, or education volunteer work)
depending on what the volunteer is looking for.
This outlet will allow more people to connect to
the food pantry.
Business Cards Newsletter
The Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry needs to have an identifying logo. This will help
people identify the Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry. We commited to images of food for
the logos, trying to capture the essence of the service being provided.
Logos 10
Press Release
REXBURG, IdahoThe Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry will hold its monthly food
The Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry is centered on bringing help to the Rexburg
community, said Jessica Goudy, the director of the Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry. The
The Rexburg Mobile Food pantry serves roughly 400-500 families each month;
a family is represented by the car that comes through the food distribution line.
food donations provided by The Idaho Food Bank, also a charity organization. The
Social Media 12
Calendar 14
Madison Free
Lunch Program
The Madison Free Lunch Program is an
opportunity for the children of Rexburg to
receive free lunch even when not attending
school. This happens at both Smith Park, Porter
Park and the junior high. One of the stipulations
of the program is that parents cannot eat their
childrens food, and that food must be kept on
Supply Drive
A supply drive will help the community to How To Promote it:
contribute to supplies such as tape, boxes, and
grocery bags. This supply drive will increase Develop flyers.
awareness of the Food Pantry by marketing
around the city at different locations such as Make sure to provide the date, time and location
stores, community centers, and local schools. for the supply drop-off.
Organizing A Supply Drive: Tell the local papers (The Standard Journal, the
A unified, community supply drive would help Scroll)
the food pantry to put together the list of
supplies needed. You need to: Tell all of your friends word of mouth is a
great promotional tool.
Determine drop-off dates and locations.
Reach out to PTAs, community organizations,
Consider local community locations such as faith organizations, libraries, etc., They could do
Broulims, faith organizations, the county library, so through bulletins, email blasts, social media,
the university, and other local schools. mention at public meetings and/or allowing you
to post your flyer in their buildings.
Ensure that someone will be at the location at all
drop-off times (main offices). Post the supply drive on social media.
Make sure each drop-off location has a Post signs near the drop-off location to make it
receptacle to place the supplies. easy for everyone to find it.
As part of our primary research we reached out to the people of Rexburg via an online Facebook
Survey. This helped us gauge the type of audience the Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry has been reaching
through their main mode of communication: Facebook.
Roughly 81 percent of our audience was aged 18-30. Our survey found that roughly 60 percent of our
audience is kept from serving at the food pantry due to schoolwork, or taking care of children. The
majority of our audience is employed students. Roughly 89 percent of our audience finds the most
self-fulfillment with family and friends.
What the public says...
I think its a great opportunity for locals and
students to unify to serve other people. I
would definitely become involved in some-
thing like this. Dallas, 21, Health Psychology
Internrequire a minimum of 150 hours
within a 14 week period.
Run Social Media Campaigns
Create a website
Conduct Surveys
Plan Events
Communicate with Businesses for contributions
At the completion of the campaign The Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry will evaluate the amount of local
support they have received by reviewing the number of volunteers they gained during the campaign.
They will also gauge increased support through the number of local businesses that gave support
through volunteers and supplies.
We are confident that our campaign will be successful in bringing increased awareness and support to
the Rexburg Mobile Food Pantry. We are able to maintain this confidence because of the research and
planning we have conducted as seen in this campaign book.
Katie Misty Natalie Emily
I am Katie Harvey. I am a junior and a Communications major at BYU-Idaho, studying Public Rela-
tions and Organizational Management. I am interested in the food pantry campaign because we are
helping unify the Rexburg Community, by teaching them to support and help one another. I love this
community and believe that we, as students, can make a difference within even if we are here for a
short amount. We still have the opportunity to leave a legacy!
My name is Misty Kempton. I am a junior from the small town of Star Valley, Wyoming. I am
studying Public Relations and Advertising. While working this PR plan for the Rexburg Mobile Food
Pantry I have been able to expand my knowledge of non for profit organizations and been more aware
of the community that I have been spending so much of my college experience in. I hope that after we
have finished this campaign, that we may be able to make a lasting effect of the community of Rex-
burg, Idaho.
My name is Emily McClure. I am a junior from California. I am attending BYU-Idaho studying Com-
munications with an emphasis in Public Relations and Social Media Marketing. Throughout my whole
experience at BYU-Idaho I have been given so much. The mobile food pantry was an amazing way to
give back and support the community that has helped me grow so much. I hope that this campaign
will spark someone else into giving back to Rexburg. I want to help bring more volunteers and aware-
ness to the needs here in the Madison county area.