Deity Empowerment Manual PDF
Deity Empowerment Manual PDF
Deity Empowerment Manual PDF
The Deities are - and will always be - special to me. I received all of the
Deity Empowerments from Ole Gabrielsen.
Some of them were gifts wich makes them even more special. It was a
precious adventure. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Of course these jewels are meant to be shared and there is no need for me
to hold on to them.
The Deities will last for ever in this world, they have always been here.
But the way Ole has channeled them makes the energy more accessible
and it is easier to generate the character and energies when a person
wants to use them in healings and everyday events.
I watched her ''floating'' above the ground, with long grey, almost white
hair. When she saw I was awake, she whispered :
''Don't be scared, it just me going to get some sleep...'' She never scared
me, I thought she was beautiful. This tall white silhouette in a dark night.
Her white nightgown, her skinny apearence and her long, soft white hair
wich during the day was in a tuft.
She then tucked me in and told me short stories about Buddha. About
fairies in the forest. About her life in Indonesia. Her time in Switzerland
when she had to go to college. About the war. About her mother who had
a coven. How she watched the covenmembers do their rituals. Watching
the sceances. Stories about the Moon. What she liked about swimming.
How the recognize karmic events, how to surf on the waves of Love and
Life. We close our eyes and watched the stars come closer until we could
reach out and touch this huge pulsating Ocean of Universal Energy.
When we woke up early, we slipped out of bed and walked barefoot
outside in the garden.
We used to dance till our feet were cold and wet with raindrops and
moist coming out of a warm Earth in the early morning.
Before my parents woke up, we would be back in bed. Long after she
was gone to be with my grandfather again I continued doing this for the
fun and to keep the memories alive.
After my grandfather died she would talk even more then she ever did. I
listened and she listened to me. When I moved out of the house she made
a habit out of it to call me when her favorite program was on and we
watched television ''together''.
She with her eyes on the screen and talking to me about all sorts of things
and me on the other side of the phone with one eye watching my kids and
the other focussed on the screen to see what my grandmother wanted to
show me.
I loved her so much, I still do miss her terribly. She promissed to pay me
a visit after she had died, but she never did wich made my heart ache
every now and then. But this night she came in my dream.
I could even smell her and feel her wrinkly skinn. I gave her a kiss and
cried. She hugged me and gently touched the tears on my face. The best
thing that happened to me in years. It made my heart go soft again and it
has cleared my thoughts. I went to the Snow White Garden for a healing
and stayed there all night.
And today I woke up, it is 1-1-2006 and decided to make this short story
to thank my grandmother for everything she told and taught me and put
the Deity manual in pdf. She would have loved this !
On the intenet there can be found plenty of rituals and ways to work with
Deities. None of them made it able for me to feel that the Gods and
Goddesses are alive. Inside of me.
Ole Garielsen was able to feel the power and energy inside and that is
ecxactly what my grandmother could do. Simple but effective ways to
work with energy without complicated rituals and spells. This is to
remember all that I was taught and to thank my granma. It has been about
4 years since she died so it was time for me to cry, to thank her for her
presence and to start teaching like she did.
Celtic Reiki works very well for me. Working with a Grid and the
Ogham Alphabet wich represents all sorts of trees and their spiritual
meaning. Dolphin Reiki has been a very interesting adventure for me.
Flower Essences are very important in my life.
I haven't been able to grow a garden like my grandmother used to do, so I
had to find another way to work with nature and Gaia in my life. Lunar
Light and Solar Light I use very often. The Deities brought me the
greatest gift : they woke up all the burried memories about my
grandmothers teachings and stories. I will not share these stories with
you, but it might be nice to share this pdf and some of you will be able to
awaken the Deities within themselves without even without an
I started with Rhiannon, because Ole suggested it. After that : Lug, Ra,
Ot took me a while to get used to the Deities. Some of them were already
so alive inside of me. I received the Lug Empowerment twice, because I
did not recognize the energy. I am very often in a Lug-mood, so an
energy so dominant - at that time- I just wasm't able to notice it and to
use it.
Hands on healing
Mixing Herbs
This box will be a focus for one or more deities. You can
write notes with healing requests, wishes, things or
situations you would like to have manifested and place it
in the box. You can also place crystals, jewellery, herbs
etc. in it.
Candle Healing
God of fertility, life, animals, wealth.
Keywords: Animals, Commerce, Fertility, Healing, Herbs, Journeys,
Music, Prophecy, Prosperity, Psychic Abilities, Wine, Woodlands.
also LUGH, LLEU - A sun god.
Keywords: Architecture, Arts and Crafts, Commerce, Healing, Health,
Journeys, Music, Patron of Priests, Regeneration, Solar Magick, Writing.
Goddess of fertility, love and beauty.
Keywords: Beauty, Flowers, Happiness, Love, Marriage, Passion, Sexual
Activities, Women.
God of light, prophecy and music.
Keywords: Beauty, Death, Divination, Fertility, Healing, Health,
Inspiration, Music.
to the Romans, CERES Goddess of grain and the fruitful earth.
Keywords: Women, Agriculture, Blessings, Childbirth, Children,
Commerce, Divination, Fertility, Home, Marriage, Motherhood,
Protection, Regeneration, Seasons.
God of Spring.
Keywords: Fertility, Happiness, Regeneration.
God of the sun.
Keywords: Abundance, Prosperity, Athletics, Commerce,
Communication, Journeys, Merchants, Success.
God of the sun.
Keywords: Agriculture, Prosperity.
Goddess of horses and birds.
Keywords: Animals, Calmness, Fertility, Horses.
(Kwan Yin) Goddess of mercy and compassion.
Keywords: Calmness, Childbirth, Children, Commerce, Fertility,
Healing, Mercy, Motherhood, Patron of Priestesses, Protection,
Moon Goddess.
Keywords: Animals, Childbirth, Children, Fertility, Freedom, justice,
Motherhood, protection, purification, success, women.
Fire Element
Keywords: South, summer, passion, strength and energy.
Earth Element
Keywords: North, Winter, material, nature, fertility and
Water Element
Keywords: West, Autumn, changes, emotions, and
Air Element
Keywords: East, spring, intellect, communication,
imagination and travel.
OR :
Carlijn Christina
Energy River - Reiki River