Fire Alarm Voice Evac Spec
Fire Alarm Voice Evac Spec
Fire Alarm Voice Evac Spec
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A. Section Includes:
A. General: Definitions contained in NFPA 72 shall apply to fire alarm terms used in this Section.
C. Digital Addressable Fire Alarm System: An addressable fire alarm system employing a digital
peer-to-peer protocol where detectors allow for configurable sensitivity settings.
A. Seismic Performance: Fire-alarm control unit and raceways shall withstand the effects of
earthquake motions determined according to [SEI/ASCE 7] <Insert requirement>.
1. The term "withstand" means "the unit will remain in place without separation of any parts
from the device when subjected to the seismic forces specified [and the unit will be fully
operational after the seismic event]."
C. Shop Drawings: For fire-alarm system. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and
attachments to other work.
1. Drawings showing the location of each smoke and heat detector, ratings of each, and
installation details as needed to comply with listing conditions of the detector.
2. Design Calculations: Calculate requirements for selecting the spacing and sensitivity of
detection, complying with NFPA 72.
E. Qualification Data: For qualified Installer list local requirements of State/Local License
requirements, bonding and other AHJ/Owner requirements of installer.
F. Seismic Qualification Certificates: For fire-alarm control unit, accessories, and components,
from manufacturer.
1. Basis for Certification: Indicate whether withstand certification is based on actual test of
assembled components or on calculation.
2. Dimensioned Outline Drawings of Equipment Unit: Identify center of gravity and locate
and describe mounting and anchorage provisions.
3. Detailed description of equipment anchorage devices on which the certification is based
and their installation requirements.
H. Operation and Maintenance Data: For fire-alarm systems and components to include in
emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals. In addition to items specified in Division 01
Section "Operation and Maintenance Data," include the following:
1. Comply with the "Records" Section of the "Inspection, Testing and Maintenance" Chapter
in NFPA 72.
2. Provide "Record of Completion Documents" according to NFPA 72 article "Permanent
Records" in the "Records" Section of the "Inspection, Testing and Maintenance" Chapter.
3. Record copy of site-specific software.
4. Provide "Maintenance, Inspection and Testing Records" according to NFPA 72 article of
the same name and include the following:
A. Manufacturer Qualifications:
2. AS 9100 Certified.
B. Installer Qualifications: The installer shall be regularly engaged in the business of installing,
maintain and service fire alarm systems.
1. Installation shall be by personnel certified by NICET as fire-alarm [Level II] [Level III]
[Level IV] technician.
2. Installation shall be supervised by personnel certified by NICET as fire-alarm [Level II]
[Level III] [Level IV] technician.
3. Installation Company shall be licensed by local or state licensing entity. A copy of the
license shall be required as part of the submittal.
4. Installation Company shall be insured in accordance with the General Conditions of the
project and design documentation.
5. Installation Company shall provide Performance and Payment Bond(s) in accordance
with the General Conditions of the project and design documentation.
6. Personnel shall be trained and certified by manufacturer for installation of units required
for this Project. Personnel shall be recertified every two years by the fire alarm equipment
manufacturer through an authorized factory training and recertification program
C. Source Limitations for Fire-Alarm System and Components: Obtain fire-alarm system from
single source from single manufacturer. Components shall be compatible with, and operate as,
an extension of a new [existing] system.
D. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70,
by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application.
A. Existing Fire-Alarm Equipment: Maintain existing equipment fully operational until new
equipment has been tested and accepted. As new equipment is installed, label it "NOT
IN SERVICE" until it is accepted. Remove labels from new equipment when put into
service and label existing fire-alarm equipment "NOT IN SERVICE" until removed from
the building.
C. New Fire Alarm Installation: for new installation maintain a clean, proper safe work
environment per OSHA and local AHJ requirements. As new equipment is installed, label
it "NOT IN SERVICE" until it is accepted. Remove labels from new equipment when put
into service.
1. Warranty Period: [One year, for systems not certified and covered] [Five years, for
systems certified and covered under manufacturer's maintenance service
agreement signed by an authorized Installer 120 days from date of Substantial
A. Service: Manufacturer's shall provide for multiple factory authorized service companies to
provide post-installation service in the service area of the project. Service companies shall
provide for 24/7/365 Emergency Service capabilities. Local service companies shall carry
significant stock to perform emergency repairs of the system including but not limited to fire
alarm control panel components and field devices.
B. Factory Service Support: Manufacturer shall provide in house factory technical support for
authorized factory service companies. Service helpdesk shall be available during normal
business hours.
D. Preventive Maintenance: The manufacturer authorized service company shall provide as part of
the contract a comprehensive maintenance program in compliance with NFPA and
manufactures requirements. A separate line item for the Preventive Maintenance Contract shall
be provided as indicated on the Bid Documents.
A. Furnish extra materials that match products installed and that are packaged with protective
covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents.
1. Lamps for Remote Indicating Lamp Units: Quantity equal to [10] <Insert number>
percent of amount installed, but no fewer than 1 unit.
2. Lamps for Strobe Units: Quantity equal to [10] <Insert number> percent of amount
installed, but no fewer than 1 unit.
3. All types of Initiating Device Detectors: Quantity equal to [10] <Insert number> percent
of amount of each type installed, but no fewer than 1 unit of each type.
4. Detector Bases: Quantity equal to [2] <Insert number> percent of amount of each type
installed, but no fewer than 1 unit of each type.
5. Keys and Tools: One extra set for access to locked and tamper-proofed components.
6. Audible and Visual Notification Appliances: [One] <Insert number> of each type
7. Fuses: [Two] <Insert number> of each type installed in the system.
A. Fire-alarm signal initiation shall be by one or more of the following devices[ and systems]:
C. Supervisory signal initiation shall be by one or more of the following devices and actions:
D. System trouble signal initiation shall be by one or more of the following devices and actions:
E. System Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory Signal Actions: Initiate notification appliance and
annunciate at fire-alarm control unit [and remote annunciators] and [Record the event on
system printer.]
1. Identify alarm, trouble or supervisory signal and specific device initiating the event at fire-
alarm control unit, [connected network control panels, off-premises network control
panels and remote annunciators.]
2. Transmit an alarm, trouble or supervisory signal to the remote alarm receiving
3. Transmit system status to building management system (Field Server).
4. Display system status on a PC graphics annunciation station.
B. Alphanumeric Display and System Controls: Arranged for interface between human operator at
fire-alarm control unit and addressable system components including annunciation and
supervision. Display alarm, supervisory, and component status messages and the
programming and control menu.
3. Serial Interfaces:
a. One dedicated RS-485 port for [central station] [remote station] operation using
point ID DACT.
b. One RS-485 port for remote annunciators, Ethernet module, or multi-interface
module (printer port).
c. One [USB] [RS-232] port for PC configuration.
d. One RS-232 port for VESDA HLI interface connection.
e. One RS-232 port for voice evacuation interface.
E. Smoke-Alarm Verification:
G. Printout of Events: On receipt of signal, print alarm, supervisory, and trouble events.
Identify zone, device, and function. Include type of signal (alarm, supervisory, or trouble)
and date and time of occurrence. Differentiate alarm signals from all other printed
indications. Also print system reset event, including same information for device,
location, date, and time. Commands initiate the printing of a list of existing alarm,
supervisory, and trouble conditions in the system and a historical log of events.
H. Primary Power: 24-V dc obtained from [120-V] [240-V] ac service and an on-board power-
supply. Initiating devices, notification appliances, signaling lines, trouble signals, [supervisory
signals] [supervisory and digital alarm communicator transmitters] shall be powered by
24-V dc source.
I. Secondary Power: 24-V dc supply system with batteries, automatic battery charger, and
automatic transfer switch.
J. System Software and Programming Utility: The fire alarm control panel shall be programmable
from the front panel or via a laptop program utility. The laptop program utility shall be a common
program utility regardless of panel size and configuration. The program utility shall provide for a
simple table/spreadsheet format. The utility shall provide cut and paste functionality to speed
programming of common points and functions. The utility shall provide for archival of system
programming, off-site editing and reports. The utility shall provide for system diagnostics to
assist in the set up and troubleshooting of the system during commissioning or service calls.
The control panel shall be able to upload the current system configuration without the need for
the software utility to have a previous copy. The fire alarm control panel and software utility shall
be password protected to prevent unauthorized changes, downloading or uploading of system
configuration. The software shall provide for reports to assist in battery calculations and
historical system/device data and error checking.
K. System devices shall be programmable from the fire alarm control panel, via front panel menus
or form the laptop software utility, a handheld programmer device or an Infrared Program Tool.
L. Instructions: Computer printout or typewritten instruction card mounted behind a plastic or glass
cover in a stainless-steel or aluminum frame. Include interpretation and describe appropriate
response for displays and signals. Briefly describe the functional operation of the system under
normal, alarm, and trouble conditions. Mount as directed by local AHJ.
N. Voice Evacuation and Communications System: The Voice Evacuation system shall be an
integrated part of the fire alarm control panel. The Voice system will provide for centralized
control of the communication functions. Voice Evacuation system components shall be located
as indicated on the design document.
A. General requirements for the Integrated Voice System: Provide as an integral part of the fire
alarm system a full digital voice evacuation and communication control system as indicated on
the design documents. The system shall provide but not be limited to alarm evacuation tones,
digital recorded evacuation and alert messages, live voice paging and two way communication
elements. The Voice Evacuation System shall be provided with primary and standby power
equal to the requirements of the fire alarm control panel. Signals shall not stop in response to
alarm acknowledge signals, but may be silenced from signal silence commands as accepted by
local AHJ.
B. Paging System shall consist of automatic controls (via FACP System Software) and manual
controls located within a common enclosure (FCS). Amplifiers shall provide for continuous
A. Stairwell Pressurization: Provide input and output signal using an addressable modules to start
the stairwell pressurization system. Signal shall remain on until alarm conditions are cleared
and fire-alarm system is reset. Signal shall not stop in response to alarm acknowledge or signal
silence commands.
B. Smoke Control: Provide input and output signal using an addressable modules to perform
smoke control functions of the smoke management system. Signal shall remain on until alarm
conditions are cleared and fire-alarm system is reset. Signal shall not stop in response to alarm
acknowledge or signal silence commands.
1. Smoke Control starts when any alarm is received at fire-alarm control unit.
2. Alarm signals from smoke detectors at smoke control air supplies have a higher priority
than other alarm signals that start the system.
3. Provide manual control of smoke control functions via panel mounted control annunciator
modules as required. Control functions shall provide a minimum of positive status of
control equipment and manual control switches with a UL UUKL Listed Smoke Control
Station. Systems that require an external mounted annunciator shall not be acceptable.
Smoke Control Station Annunciator: Provide a UL UUKL Listed smoke control station that
provides for six zones of control per module (provide total number of zones required to
perform all smoke control functions per design documents.
4. Smoke control system shall receive the signals for action and monitoring form the
addressable control modules providing positive feedback and operation of system.
5. System shall be arranged to provide On-Auto-Off operation of controlled systems.
6. Each switch shall be capable of controlling up to 25 remote addressable relay modules.
7. System shall provide for 6 Green On, 6 Red Off and 6 White Normal and 6 Yellow
Fault LED Lights and 18 tactile switches grouped in to 6 zones. Each switch and LED
Light shall be fully programmable to provide smoke control functions and annunciation.
C. Elevator Recall:
a. Elevator lobby detectors except the lobby detector on the designated floor.
b. Smoke detector in elevator machine room.
c. Smoke detectors in elevator hoist way.
2. Elevator lobby detectors located on the designated recall floors shall be programmed to
move the cars to the alternate recall floor.
3. Water-flow alarm connected to sprinkler in an elevator shaft and elevator machine room
shall shut down elevators associated with the location without time delay.
a. Water-flow switch associated with the sprinkler in the elevator pit may have a delay
to allow elevators to move to the designated floor.
E. Door Controls: Door hold-open devices that are controlled by smoke detectors at doors in
smoke barrier walls shall [be] [not be] connected to fire-alarm system.
F. Mechanical Equipment Systems: Provide manual control switches and positive status of
mechanical systems connected to the fire alarm system for programmed automatic functions.
Provide input and output signal using an addressable modules to start the stairwell
pressurization system. Signal shall remain on until alarm conditions are cleared and fire-alarm
system is reset. Signal shall not stop in response to alarm acknowledge or signal silence
1. Automatic control starts when any alarm is received at fire-alarm control unit (or as
indicated on the control sequence of operation).
2. Provide manual control of mechanical system functions via panel mounted control
annunciator modules as required. Control functions shall provide a minimum of positive
status of control equipment and manual control switches.
G. Add other manual control or annunciation requirements to be located within the fire
alarm control panel here.
A. General Requirements: The fire alarm control panel shall support the addition of remote
annunciators, printers or networking as indicated on the design documents and herein specified.
All remote annunciators shall follow operational requirements of panel mounted annunciator
modules specified elsewhere.
C. Remote Alpha-numeric type Display: Annunciator functions shall be similar to those of fire-alarm
control unit for alarm, supervisory, and trouble indications, with an 80 character display.
<Manual switching functions shall match those of fire-alarm control unit, including
acknowledging, silencing, resetting and drill testing protected by a key switch enable>
<Manual switching functions shall match those of fire-alarm control unit, including
acknowledging, silencing, resetting and drill testing and eight programmable switches>
D. LED Point type Display: Annunciator functions shall provide 40 LED lights to be arranged by
device or group of zones and devices as programmed to provide general annunciation of event
status. Annunciator panel shall be provided with slide in zone descriptor labels protected from
tampering or altering. The annunciator shall provide for 20 zones, two LED lights per zones.
Each LED light shall be fully configurable to be programmed from a single device, group of
devices or zone.
E. LED/Switch Point type Display: Annunciator shall provide 20 LED Lights and 20 tactile style
switches to be arranged by device or group of zones and devices as programmed to provide
general annunciation of event status. Annunciator panel shall be provided with slide in zone
descriptor labels protected from tampering or altering. The annunciator shall provide for 20
zones, one LED light per zones. Each LED light shall be fully configurable to be programmed
from a single device, group of devices or zone. The annunciator shall provide for 20 zones, one
switch per zones. Each switch shall be fully configurable to be programmed from a single
device, group of devices or zone.
F. Smoke Control Station Annunciator: Provide a UL UUKL Listed smoke control station that
provides for six zones of control per module (provide total number of zones required to perform
all smoke control functions per design documents).
1. Smoke control system shall receive the signals for action and monitoring form the
addressable control modules providing positive feedback and operation of system.
2. System shall be arranged to provide On-Auto-Off operation of controlled systems.
3. Each switch shall be capable of controlling up to 25 remote addressable relay modules.
4. System shall provide for 6 Green On, 6 Red Off and 6 White Normal and 6 Yellow
Fault LED Lights and 18 tactile switches grouped in to 6 zones. Each switch and LED
Light shall be fully programmable to provide smoke control functions and annunciation.
G. Smoke Control Graphic Annunciator Panel: Provide as indicated on the design drawings a
Graphic Smoke Control Station Panel. The Graphic Smoke Control Station panel shall be UL
UKLL Listed. Provide for zones of control and annunciation (provide total number of zones
required to perform all smoke control functions per design documents).
1. Smoke control system shall receive the signals for action and monitoring form the
addressable control modules providing positive feedback and operation of system.
2. System shall be arranged to provide On-Auto-Off operation of controlled systems.
3. Each switch shall be capable of controlling up to 25 remote addressable relay modules.
4. System shall provide for Green On, Red Off and White Normal and Yellow Fault
LED Lights and switches grouped in to logical zones on the panel. Each switch and LED
Light shall be fully programmable to provide smoke control functions and annunciation.
5. Control Switches shall be toggle, rotary or key switch type as required by local AHJ.
I. System Printer: The fire alarm control panel shall provide communications to a printer for the
purpose of printing events in real time or to print reports as initiated from the fire alarm control
1. The printer shall be supervised for connection and power.
2. The printer shall be provided with a UPS back up system of equal capacity as the fire
alarm control panel.
3. The printer shall be listed by a NRTL for the use as a fire alarm printer.
J. System Networking: The fire alarm control panel shall provide the ability to network to other fire
alarm control panels.
1. Peer-to-Peer Networking: Systems shall provide for all control panels to participate in
shared information and command and control functions as programmed to provide a
single life safety fire protection system. No master controller will be required.
a. The network shall permit up to 128 control panels or a minimum of 130,000
addressable points per total network.
b. Network shall be UL S2203 Listed.
c. Network topology shall utilize standard networking technologies, and available for
installation over cooper wiring or multi-mode fiber optic cabling.
d. System shall be capable of Class B Style 4 or Class A Style 7 wiring
e. Network Modules shall provide for regeneration of network signal to boost panel-
to-panel distance. Limitations of wiring will be based on cable type (cooper or fiber)
per manufacturers requirements. A maximum distance of 4,000 feet for cooper
wiring and 3KM for Fiber Optic cable shall be possible.
f. In the event of communication failure, the fire alarm control panel, or associated
panels still communicating, shall continue to operate and respond to alarm
conditions and perform programmed functions.
2. Ethernet Networking: Systems shall provide for all control panels to participate in network
using standard IP topology. The system will provide annunciation information only to a
designated master control panel.
a. The network shall permit up to 128 control panels or a minimum of 130,000
addressable points per total network.
b. Network topology shall utilize standard networking technologies each panel shall
be assigned a network address (IP address) and connected to the facility network.
c. Network Modules shall be located in the control panel or remote from the control
panel at a maximum distance of 4,000 feet.
d. Panel to Panel distance limitations will be limited only by network connectivity.
A. Digital alarm communicator transmitter shall be acceptable to the remote central station and
shall comply with UL 632 and be listed and labeled by an NRTL.
B. Functional Performance: Unit shall receive an alarm, supervisory, or trouble signal from fire-
alarm control unit and automatically capture [one] [two] telephone line(s) and dial a preset
number for a remote central station. When contact is made with central station(s), signals shall
be transmitted. If service on [either] line is interrupted for longer than 45 seconds, transmitter
shall initiate a local trouble signal and transmit the signal indicating loss of telephone line to the
remote alarm receiving station over the remaining line. Transmitter shall automatically report
telephone service restoration to the central station. If service is lost on both telephone lines,
transmitter shall initiate the local trouble signal.
C. Local functions and display at the digital alarm communicator transmitter shall include the
F. Self-Test: Conducted automatically every 24 hours with report transmitted to central station.
G. DACT shall be located with in the fire alarm control panel or remotely located as approved by
the local AHJ, in accordance with applicable codes and regulations.
A. General Requirements for Manual Fire-Alarm Boxes: Comply with UL 38. Boxes shall be
finished in red with molded, raised-letter operating instructions in contrasting color; shall show
visible indication of operation; and shall be mounted on recessed outlet box. If indicated as
surface mounted, provide manufacturer's surface back box.
1. Detector address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the detector's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Present sensitivity selected.
1. Detector address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the detector's location within the system.
2. An operator at fire-alarm control unit, having the designated access level, shall be able to
manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Present sensitivity selected.
d. Sensor range (normal, dirty, etc.).
1. Detector address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the detector's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Present sensitivity selected.
d. Sensor range (normal, dirty, etc.).
3. Each sensor shall have multiple levels of detection sensitivity.
4. Sampling Tubes: Design and dimensions as recommended by manufacturer for specific
duct size, air velocity, and installation conditions where applied.
1. Detector address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the detector's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Present sensitivity selected.
d. Sensor range (normal, dirty, etc.).
3. The system shall provide for discrimination between the Smoke and Heat sensor. The
system shall permit the Smoke Sensor to report as a Supervisory condition while the
Heat Sensor reports as an Alarm condition based on its respective alarm threshold set-
4. The detector shall use one address point on the system SLC Loop.
5. Devices not capable for discrimination of Smoke and Heat functions shall provide
separate units programmed to operate as noted in this section.
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Present sensitivity selected.
d. Sensor range (normal, dirty, etc.),
B. Heat Detector, Combination Type: Actuated by either a fixed temperature of [135 - 190 deg F
(57 - 88 deg C)] <Insert temperature> or a rate of rise that exceeds 15 deg F (8 deg C)
between 135 and 70 deg F (57 - 77 deg C) per minute unless otherwise indicated.
1. Mounting: [Adapter plate for outlet box mounting] [Twist-lock base interchangeable
with smoke-detector bases].
2. Integral Addressable Module: Arranged to communicate detector status (normal, alarm,
or trouble) to fire-alarm control unit.
3. Provide two pre-alarm levels between 70 and 190 deg F (21 - 88 deg C).
1. Detector Cable: Rated detection temperature [155 deg F (68 deg C)] [172 deg F (78
deg C)] [190 deg F (88 deg C)] [220 deg F (104 deg C)] <Insert temperature>. NRTL
listed for "regular" service and a standard environment. Cable includes two steel actuator
wires twisted together with spring pressure, wrapped with protective tape, and finished
with PVC outer sheath. Each actuator wire is insulated with heat-sensitive material that
reacts with heat to allow the cable twist pressure to short- circuit wires at the location of
elevated temperature.
2. Control Unit: Two-zone or multi-zone unit as indicated. Provide same system power
supply, supervision, and alarm features as specified for fire-alarm control unit.
3. Signals to Fire-Alarm Control Unit: Any type of local system trouble shall be reported to
fire-alarm control unit as a composite "trouble" signal. Alarms on each detection zone
shall be individually reported to central fire-alarm control unit as separately identified
4. Integral Addressable Module: Arranged to communicate detector status (normal, alarm,
or trouble) to fire-alarm control unit.
1. Module address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the monitor module's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Input type (alarm, supervisory, trouble).
d. Sensor activation type (open, short)
3. Provide for a single input, Class A or B wiring.
4. Monitor modules will be used to interface dry contact closures from auxiliary devices such
as sprinkler devices, sub-systems, HVAC controls or other devices/systems that require
status and indication at the fire alarm control panel.
1. Module address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the monitor module's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Input type (alarm, supervisory, trouble).
d. Sensor activation type (open, short)
3. Provide for a single input, Class B wiring.
4. Mini-Module shall fit within a device or the devices backbox to be monitored or mounted
in an approved enclosure.
1. Module address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the monitor module's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Input type (alarm, supervisory, trouble).
d. Sensor activation type (open, short)
3. Provide for two inputs, Class B wiring.
4. Monitor modules will be used to interface dry contact closures from auxiliary devices such
as sprinkler devices, sub-systems, HVAC controls or other devices/systems that require
status and indication at the fire alarm control panel.
5. Dual Monitor Module shall provide for two input zones to the fire alarm control panel
utilizing one SLC Loop address. The inputs shall be programmable as follows:
1. Module address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the monitor module's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Input type (alarm, supervisory, trouble).
d. Sensor activation type (open, short)
3. Provide for a single input, Class A or B wiring.
4. Monitor modules will be used to interface two wire smoke (conventional) detectors.
a. Zone Interface Monitor Module will receive 24VDC resettable power from the fire
alarm control panel.
1. Module address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the monitor module's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Output type (Notification, Solenoid Release).
d. Sensor activation type (open, short)
3. Provide for a single output, Class A or B wiring.
a. Control modules will be used to external power supplies to the device circuit
b. Control modules will provide supervision of wiring while in normal state.
c. Control modules shall be programmable for output pattern of:
1) Continuous; Slow; Fast; Temporal; Walk-test; Timed; or Custom.
1. Module address shall be accessible from fire-alarm control unit and shall be able to
identify the monitor module's location within the system.
2. An operator at the protected premises, having the designated access level, shall be able
to manually access the following for each detector:
a. Primary status.
b. Device type.
c. Output type (Notification, Solenoid Release).
d. Sensor activation type (open, short)
3. Provide for a single relay output, DPDT.
a. Provide a single non-supervised input for positive indication of the controlled
device. The input shall not require an additional address from the SLC Loop.
Modules that do not provide the positive input feedback point shall be provided
with a separate addressable input monitor module for current or future use.
b. The module Tri-color LED for device status.
A. General Requirements for VESDA Early Warning Smoke Detection Systems: The VESDA
System shall be connected to the fire alarm control panels via a High-Level Interface
(HLI). The VESDA system will communicate status via the HLI and not require the use of
addressable device addresses. .
B. High Level Interface (HLI): The HLI will provide a gateway from the VESDA Network to the
fire alarm control panel. The connection will create a virtual point that in turn activates
the fire alarm control panel functions. The interface allows for bi-direction
communications and will annunciate activity of the Vesda System(s) connected. The HLI
shall be housed in a dedicated enclosure, receive primary and secondary power from the
fire alarm control panel.
D. Alarm Notification Appliances: Electric-vibrating-polarized type, 24-V dc; with provision for
housing the operating mechanism behind a grille. Comply with UL 464. Horns shall produce a
sound-pressure level of 90 dBA, measured 10 feet (3 m) from the horn, using the coded signal
prescribed in UL 464 test protocol.
E. Speakers: All speakers shall operate on 25 [70.7] VRMS or with field selectable output taps
from 0.5 to 2.0 Watts. Speakers in corridors and public spaces shall produce a nominal sound
output of 84 dBA at 10 feet (3m). Frequency response shall be a minimum of 400 HZ to 4000
HZ. The back of each speaker shall be sealed to protect the speaker cone from damage and
F. Visible Notification Appliances: Xenon strobe lights comply with UL 1971, with clear or nominal
white polycarbonate lens mounted on an aluminum faceplate. The word "FIRE" is engraved in
minimum 1-inch- (25-mm-) high letters on the lens.
a. [15] [15/75] [30] [75] [110] [135] [150] [177] [185] <Insert value> cd.
b. 15/30/75/110 cd, selectable in the field.
B. Notification Appliance Circuit Power Supplies shall provide for the following features:
1. Listed NAC Synchronization using System Sensor, Wheelock, or Gentex (Commander
Series) appliances.
2. Cascade up to 10 power supplies (four with Gentex) with strobe timing maintained.
3. Operates as a sync follower or a sync generator (default).
4. Contains two, fully-isolated input/control circuits (triggered from FACP
5. Notification Appliance Circuit [NAC expander mode] or jumper permanently on
[standalone mode]).
6. Four Class B (Style Y) or four Class A (Style Z) (with 27-034 Module) Notification
Appliance Circuits.
7. 8.0 A full load output (3.0 A maximum per circuit) in NAC expander mode (UL 864).
8. 6.0 A continuous output in stand-alone mode (UL 1481).
9. Compatible with coded inputs; signals passed through.
A. Description: Units are equipped for wall or floor mounting as indicated and are complete
with matching doorplate.
A. Description: Welded wire mesh of size and shape for the manual station, smoke
detector, gong, or other device requiring protection.
A. Description: A Video Image Detection (VID) system shall be provided as indicated on the
fire alarm drawings. The system shall provide connection to the fire alarm control panel
via addressable interface modules, and receive primary and secondary power from an
approved fire alarm power supply system.
B. The VID System shall utilize an IP Camera with the required analytics to detect flame,
smoke, radiated (reflected) flame and motion located within the camera (analytics on the
edge), to facilitate speed and accuracy of detection without lowering bandwidth of
traditional network systems. Analytics located in the camera will provide additional
redundancy and survivability in the event of network communication loss, providing that
each IP camera can operate independently of the system NVR or software. The system
C. The VID System shall be provided with a Network Video Recorder (NVR) Server to
provide archive or event recordings.
1. Each Server shall consist of a 3U rack mounted assembly. The mounting rack shall
be installed in a surface or recess cabinet as indicated on the drawings. All
switches, indicator lamps and meters shall be visible and accessible. The VID NVR
server shall perform but not necessarily be limited to, the following functions:
a. Each NVR shall operate from a 120 VAC supply and be capable of operating
from a stand-by battery
b. Each NVR shall have a built-in watchdog circuit to monitor the NVRs
c. Each NVR unit shall communicate with a user interface. The user interface
shall provide an alarm-reset switch, alarm delay switch, alarm confirmation
D. The VID System User Interface (software) shall be provided as a Graphical User Interface
1. The GUI shall provide the following:
a. The GUI shall connect to an unlimited number of servers to provide user
interface for event management of connected servers.
b. The system shall permit remote viewing regardless of physical location.
Network administration shall control access via password/administration
rights to the network.
c. The servers shall be protected from unauthorized access via user login and
password protection. The software shall provide two levels of password
protection Administrator and Operator.
d. The GUI shall provide for viewing in multiple levels from maps, floor plans
and live video.
e. System shall provide for email notification of events, to include a text of the
event condition and a snapshot of the alarm event.
f. The system shall provide for voice annunciation of change of event states.
g. Events shall automatically bring the GUI to the front of all other applications
during alarm events.
h. The software shall provide administrative and operator tools for viewing,
searching and downloading archived and live events. The software shall
provide administrative tools for the setting of IP Camera parameters,
detection sensitivity and zones, and relay operation.
i. For UL Listed systems, the PC shall be provided as part of a UL listed
system package, provide a touch screen interface as well as keyboard,
mouse and speakers.
j. Coordinate network communication devices (switches, routers, servers) with
IT support to insure all devices are compatible and provided with power
requirements equal to or in excess fo the fire alarm control panel
B. The software shall provide easy to use intitive graphics and directions to assist operator
to view information related to fire, supervisory, trouble and other system condition.
System shall automatically have priority over other applications on the workstation. The
software shall priorities events based on programming and event type, with fire
conditions taking highest priority. Events shall be color-coded and dynamically change
in real time.
C. The workstation shall provide for password protection for administrative and operator
E. The system shall permit programmable views for each individual point of the fire alarm
system. The views shall be determined to provide an overview of the alarm location, a
floor plan of the device location in respect to immediate areas, and a detail view of the
immediate area in alarm. The system shall permit field programming without the need of
offsite support. The system shall receive updated information of alarm points added from
the fire alarm systems being monitored, updating the text description without user
interaction. New devices added to fire alarm panels shall be transmitted the workstation
for programming without need for additional data input. The system shall permit the
importing of the fire alarm system data base directly to the workstation to assist in
programming and insure all fire alarm control points are accounted for.
F. The system shall provide a table style format of all event conditions, allowing the
operator to filter between alarm, supervisory and trouble conditions.
G. The system shall provide for the import of AutoCAD drawings in .WMF format, as well as
other standard formats such as .TIFF, .JPEG, and other standard media formats. The
system will also allow for voice instructions per monitored point to provide voice
instructions of event.
H. The system shall provide for automatic E-mail notification to emergency, administrative
or maintenance staff.
I. The system shall provide dynamic take action documents per device monitored for both
alarm and trouble conditions. The message will be fully customized to provide plan text
operator action notes for each event device. Separate alarm and trouble messages will
be provided per point. Alarm event messages shall be coordinated with facility fire safety
plan to coordinate emergency response efforts. Trouble conditions shall direct operator
to preventive actions to take, notification requirements for maintenance and service
J. The system shall provide for the hyperlink of device icons to call up external links or to
open IP Cameras on the network for live camera video feed.
K. The system shall provide for archival of all event and operator actions. The system shall
provide for reports of system status, device status, history and be fully customized by
the administrator. Search tools shall be provided to assist the operator or administrator
to find devices based on a word search utility.
L. The workstation shall have the following minimum capabilities and hardware
a. Pentium 4 Processor (minimum)
b. Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Server 2003 Operating System
c. 2GB RAM Memory
d. 1GB hard drive
e. RS232 and RS485 connections for control panel and network interfaces
f. Sound card with speakers
g. Keyboard and mouse
h. XGA or WXGA video card
i. 19 VGA Monitor (touch-screen)
A. Comply with NFPA 72, NFPA 101 and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for
installation of fire-alarm equipment. Install all electrical wiring in compliance with requirements
of NFPA 70, including but not limited to, article 760 Fire Alarm Systems.
B. Equipment Mounting: Install fire-alarm control unit on concrete base with tops of cabinets not
more than 72 inches (1830 mm) above the finished floor. Comply with requirements for
concrete base specified in Division 03 Section "[Cast-in-Place Concrete] [Miscellaneous Cast-
in-Place Concrete]."
1. Install seismic bracing. Comply with requirements in Division 26 Section "Vibration and
Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems."
2. Install dowel rods to connect concrete base to concrete floor. Unless otherwise
indicated, install dowel rods on 18-inch (450-mm) centers around the full perimeter of
concrete base.
3. For supported equipment, install epoxy-coated anchor bolts that extend through concrete
base and anchor into structural concrete floor.
4. Place and secure anchorage devices. Use setting drawings, templates, diagrams,
instructions, and directions furnished with items to be embedded.
5. Install anchor bolts to elevations required for proper attachment to supported equipment.
C. Equipment Mounting: Install fire-alarm control unit on finished floor with tops of cabinets not
more than 72 inches (1830 mm) above the finished floor.
1. Connect new equipment to existing control panel in existing part of the building.
2. Connect new equipment to existing monitoring equipment at the supervising
3. Expand, modify, and supplement existing [control] [monitoring] equipment as
necessary to extend existing [control] [monitoring] functions to the new points.
New components shall be capable of merging with existing configuration without
degrading the performance of either system.
1. Comply with NFPA 72, "Smoke-Sensing Fire Detectors" Section in the "Initiating Devices"
Chapter, for smoke-detector spacing.
F. Duct Smoke Detectors: Comply with NFPA 72 and NFPA 90A. Install sampling tubes so they
extend the full width of duct.
G. Heat Detectors in Elevator Shafts: Coordinate temperature rating and location with sprinkler
rating and location.
H. Single-Station Smoke Detectors: Where more than one smoke alarm is installed within a
dwelling or suite, they shall be connected so that the operation of any smoke alarm causes the
alarm in all smoke alarms to sound.
I. Remote Status and Alarm Indicators: Install near each smoke detector and each sprinkler
water-flow switch and valve-tamper switch that is not readily visible from normal viewing
J. Audible Alarm-Indicating Devices: Install not less than 6 inches (150 mm) below the ceiling.
Install bells and horns on flush-mounted back boxes with the device-operating mechanism
concealed behind a grille.
K. Visible Alarm-Indicating Devices: Install adjacent to each alarm bell or alarm horn and at least 6
inches (150 mm) below the ceiling.
L. Device Location-Indicating Lights: Locate in public space near the device they monitor.
M. Fire-Alarm Control Unit: Surface mounted, with tops of cabinets not more than 72 inches (1830
mm) above the finished floor.
A. The system shall function and operate in accordance with NFPA and local AHJ requirements.
Refer to System Sequence of Operation Matrix [in appendix ##] [on the fire alarm shop
1. Verify that hardware and devices are NRTL listed for use with fire-alarm system in this
Section before making connections.
A. For fire-protection systems related to doors in fire-rated walls and partitions and to doors in
smoke partitions, comply with requirements in Division 08 Section "Door Hardware." Connect
hardware and devices to fire-alarm system.
B. Make addressable connections with a supervised interface device to the following devices and
systems. Install the interface device less than 3 feet (1 m) from the device controlled. Make an
addressable confirmation connection when such feedback is available at the device or system
being controlled.
A. Identify system components, wiring, cabling, and terminals. Comply with requirements for
identification specified in Division 26 Section "Identification for Electrical Systems."
A. Ground fire-alarm control unit and associated circuits. Install a ground wire from main service
ground to fire-alarm control unit. If shielded cabling is utilized in the installation, attach the drain
at the panel and connect through or insulate at junction boxes or devices, then leave open and
insulated at the last device.
A. Field tests shall be witnessed by [Architect] [authorities having jurisdiction] <Insert names
or titles of witnesses>.
2. System Testing: Comply with "Test Methods" Table in the "Testing" Section of the
"Inspection, Testing and Maintenance" Chapter in NFPA 72.
3. Test audible appliances for the public operating mode according to manufacturer's written
instructions. Perform the test using a portable sound-level meter complying with Type 2
requirements in ANSI S1.4.
4. Test audible appliances for the private operating mode according to manufacturer's
written instructions.
5. Test visible appliances for the public operating mode according to manufacturer's written
6. Factory-authorized service representative shall prepare the "Fire Alarm System Record of
Completion" in the "Documentation" Section of the "Fundamentals of Fire Alarm
Systems" Chapter in NFPA 72 and the "Inspection and Testing Form" in the "Records"
Section of the "Inspection, Testing and Maintenance" Chapter in NFPA 72.
E. Reacceptance Testing: Perform reacceptance testing to verify the proper operation of added or
replaced devices and appliances.
F. Fire-alarm system will be considered defective if it does not pass tests and inspections.
H. Maintenance Test and Inspection: Perform tests and inspections listed for weekly, monthly,
quarterly, and semiannual periods. Use forms developed for initial tests and inspections.
I. Annual Test and Inspection: One year after date of Substantial Completion, test fire-alarm
system complying with visual and testing inspection requirements in NFPA 72. Use forms
developed for initial tests and inspections.