Standalone Financial Results For December 31, 2016 (Result)
Standalone Financial Results For December 31, 2016 (Result)
Standalone Financial Results For December 31, 2016 (Result)
H. O.: "AtbaDd Jyoti',8tt Roa4 ER NO 6822J Sertacflz (E), rr{unbai - 400 055. (Idir)
Tel: +91.2 76040{n.Far t +9ta24t&446[17l
E-Dail : [email protected] . Web Slte : [email protected]
ctN No. L 24210MH1 987P1CO44362
The X4anager -Deparhnent of Corporate Services
BSE Limited
Pturoze Jeejeebhoy f owers,
Dalal Sh-eei, Fort,
Mumbai 400 001.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Un-audited financial results for the 3.d qglllqr ended 31"r December, 2016
Please Iincl enclosed herewiih an un-audited standalone financial result of Aimco pesticilcs
Linited ('the Conl,any') for the 3'd quarter ended 31n December, 2014 pursuant to ltegulation
33 of thc SEBI (l-isting Obligation & Disclosures Requirements) Regulations, 2015.
the sirme has been approved by Board of Dilectors of the Company at its meeting held on '14,f
Yours faithfull]',
ita\Ramesh Panchal
Compan\ Scrretnr\ & Compljance
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