Dolphins in The Water!: Add On

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Dolphins in the water!

A great game to strengthen children's swimming skills, this pool game encourages
children to work as a part of a team. Gather the kids and hold on tight as you watch
them develop their skills in the pool. Keep watch though!

Number of players:

What you need:

Swimming pool

Swim ready children

Adult supervision

Set children up in pairs and appoint one child the "arms" and one the "legs"
In the water, have "legs" hold on to "arm's" waist.
"Arms" lead the effort across the pool using their arms only.
"Legs" holds on to arm's waist and does the kicking.
Make sure that arms know their legs should lie dormant to avoid injury.
The more pairs, the better!
Time the kids and see who wins the race.

Add on
Test out the kids memory and ability to hold their breath at the same time. Each time
one of the kids goes under the water, another task is added. Best for kids a little older
and able to complete tasks. Make sure there is always an adult on hand.

Number of players:

What you need:

swimming pool


The first child goes underwater and completes a task or trick, such as front flip, back
flip, touch the bottom with their hand, sit indian style on the bottom, twirl with their
body horizontal in the water, etc.

The next child does this trick and then "adds on" one of their own.

Then, the next child does the first two tricks and "adds on" a third and so on.

Eventually, the sequence of tricks will get so long that a player cannot complete it
due to shortness of breath or they just can't remember the order accurately.

They are out and the remaining children continue until there is only one person left.


This is most enjoyed by children old enough to hold their breath for an extended period of time.

Beach ball race

This is a simple and fun activity to play while in the swimming pool. Kids will love
racing against each other to see who is the fastest with their ball. It can be played by
kids of all ages, so get them in the pool and let the fun begin!

Number of players:

What you need:

two beach balls

swimming pool

Inflate the beach balls and have children swim along in the pool pushing the beach
ball along with their noses.
The child who reaches the end of the pool first is the winner.
This game can also be played in a relay form.
Divide children into teams and have them compete against each other.

Find a coin
This is a great game to play in the pool with the kids or make it a summer party game!
The kids will love racing against their friends to find the coins first.

Number of players:

What you need:

coins or other objects that will sink to the bottom

adult supervision

Toss the coins around an area of the pool appropriate for your child's swimming skills
(larger/deeper area for better swimmers as they have to hold their breath longer).
Call out 1-2-3 GO!
The children dive in and find the coins as fast as possible.
You can time the effort or challenge them to pick up a certain number of coins before
taking a breath.
Great for building lung capacity!
If there are several children, you can make a game all about collecting the most coins
before your friends do.
Whoever collects the most coins wins.

Mermaid swim races

Beat the heat at your next pool party and stay cool by playing mermaid swim
races. This mermaid swimming game is a great activity for a pool party, a little extra
sibling rivalry or just because there is a great gathering at the pool.

Number of players:

What you need:

swimming pool

plastic shells


Run some string through some plastic shells to create a shell necklace for each
"mermaid" swimmer. Tie the ends securely.
Line up the swimmers at the end of the pool and explain the first "mermaid" to reach
the end of the pool is the winner.
Yell "Go" and watch as the mermaids take off!

Ping pong ruckus

This fun summer pool game will be a hit with everyone in the pool. Enjoy watching as
the kids race against each other to fill their bucket first. Who will end up with the
most ping pong balls? Only time will tell.

Number of players:

What you need:

2 buckets

12 or more ping pong balls

swimming pool

Divide players into two teams and have them spread out in the water, touching the
walls of the shallow end.
Dump a bucket of ping pong balls into the water.
As the game starts, players must collect ping pong balls, one at a time, and carry
them back to their team's bucket.
Teams collect as many ping pong balls as they can during a set time and the one with
the most ping pong balls wins.

Scavenger hunt
Playing in the swimming pool is loads of fun, especially if you include this game. It
can be played by all ages, making it a race for the older ones to see who can get the
most objects or just a familiarisation to water with the younger ones.

Number of players:

What you need:


floatable toys

Scatter floatable toys around the pool surface.
Set the bucket down at a certain point and assist your child to wade around and pick
them up.
Perhaps place a few objects on the steps of the pool to encourage your child to reach
under the water and eventually be comfortable to put their face in the water.

Shark in the water

Pool games are a fun way to improve your child's swimming strength. "Shark in the
water" is a simple game that can go for hours. Be ready for lots of squealing!

Number of players:


What you need:

a swimming pool

Optional extras:




"Shark in the water" is basically a form of 'tip.' You can play with as few or as many
players as you have. (Minimum two.)

Nominate one person to be the shark. The shark can wear goggles and flippers if you
want to make the game really fun. But it's just as fun without. (My kids thought the
flippers would give the shark too much advantage.)

Shark starts in the water. All the other players out of the water.

Players jump into the pool and try to swim to the edge without getting tipped by the

Players are only allowed to stay out of the pool for five seconds at a time.
Once someone gets 'tipped' by the shark, they become the shark.

Sharks and minnows

This is a summertime favourite! Get the kids in the pool and play this fabulous kids
birthday party game of sharks and minnows. This pool game is a great kids activity to
liven up any party. Just remember to keep a few responsible adults around to keep

Number of players:
3+ (but more players = more fun!)

What you need:

swimming pool

kids comfortable swimming in deeper water

Generally sharks and minnows is played in the deep end of a large pool.
The game starts out with one person selected as the shark and the rest as the

The shark starts in the water on one side of the pool and the minnows usually start on
the deck of the other side (if they are playing in water deep enough to dive into).

The game starts by the shark calling out "Sharks and minnows, one two three, fishies,
fishies swim to me!" at which point the minnows may begin to dive in to swim to the
other wall.

If the shark manages to tag a minnow before he touches the wall, then that minnow
becomes a shark in the next round.

After all the minnows have either reached the wall or been tagged the shark(s) swim
to the other wall and the cycle starts again.
If the some of the minnows refuse to enter the pool, the shark may swim to the other
wall and tag it, whoever was still out of the pool when the shark tags the wall
becomes a shark.

The game is played until all of the minnows have been tagged, then the first person
tagged becomes the shark who starts the next round.

White whale game

White whale is a fantastic outdoor kids party game that's perfect during summer when
you want to cool off with a pool game. Kids love to get into the water during the
warm weather so why not introduce a fun game to get them laughing as they play!

Number of players:


What you need:

swimming pool

swim-ready kids


Choose one player to be the whale.

Instruct the whale to swim to the middle of the pool and float on their back.

The other kids should swim around the whale until the whale shouts hungry

The whale then chases the other swimmers around the pool.

If the whale tags one of the swimmers, they are now the new whale.

If the whale doesn't catch any swimmers, the same whale goes back to the middle and
they repeat the activity.


Remember, with all pool games, adult supervision is needed at all times.

Take an empty clear 2 litre plastic bottle. One with a white cap, or
the same colour as your pool tiles is also a good idea. Fill the bottle
with pool water and line the players up on the pool deck, backs to
the water. When they hear the splash they can turn around and try
to find it. It's harder than it seems as the bottle camouflages to the

Popsicle8 of 18

Freeze tag in the water. When someone is tagged, they stand straight with their
hands above their head, like a popsicle. The added twist in this game is
submarining. When a player is under water, they cannot be tagged by "it," but they
can swim past a "popsicle" and unfreeze them. (No licking involved, please.)

Image via iStockPhoto

17 Pool Games1 of 18

Submarine races, noodle jousting, and belly flopping! Oh my! Click through for some
fun swimming pool game ideas.

Mermaid / Dolphin / Submarine Races2 of 18

Call it what you want, this is a "hold your breath and see who can swim the longest
underwater race." My brother always beat me at this one.
Image via iStockPhoto

Invisi-bottle3 of 18
Take an empty clear 2 litre plastic bottle. One with a white cap, or the same colour
as your pool tiles is also a good idea. Fill the bottle with pool water and line the
players up on the pool deck, backs to the water. When they hear the splash they
can turn around and try to find it. It's harder than it seems as the bottle
camouflages to the bottom.
Image via iStockPhoto

Noodle Jousting4 of 18

Instead of riding horses for this battle, the players line up on inflatable rafts. Then,
just like medieval gladiators, they try to knock each other from their mount with
pool noodles.
Image via iStockPhoto

Shark In The Pool5 of 18

This is another variation of tag where the players are allowed to hop in and out of
the water. The shark, "it", tries to tag them when they are in the water. If the shark
tags someone, they become "it." You can add variations by giving the shark a mask,
a snorkel, even fins so they can swim quickly to catch the players. Players can only
stay out of the water for 5 seconds at a time to give the shark a chance to catch

Image via iStockPhoto

Ping Pong6 of 18
Just as it is fun to collect things that sink to the bottom, you can do the same with
things that float. Ping pong balls make a great floating thing to catch since they're
light and hard to see. You can put numbers on them for point values, initials on
them where players need to find just their own, etc. The more you dump / toss in to
the pool the more fun it is.
Image via iStockPhoto

Treasure Hunt7 of 18

When I was a kid it was simple. My dad or grandpa would toss coins off the deck
next to my uncle's pool and my brother and I would dive in after them. For hours we
did this. HOURS.
Image via iStockPhoto

Popsicle8 of 18

Freeze tag in the water. When someone is tagged, they stand straight with their
hands above their head, like a popsicle. The added twist in this game is
submarining. When a player is under water, they cannot be tagged by "it," but they
can swim past a "popsicle" and unfreeze them. (No licking involved, please.)
Image via iStockPhoto

Octopus9 of 18

It's like Red Rover. Players try to get from one side of the pool to the other without
getting tagged by "It." When "It" tags a player, they join them in the middle and
hold hands. Subsequent players join in as well until you have a long line (an
octopus) in the middle. Play until 1 is left, and then start again.

pulling is encouraged.
Image via iStockPhoto

17 Pool Games1 of 18

Submarine races, noodle jousting, and belly flopping! Oh my! Click through for some
fun swimming pool game ideas.

Mermaid / Dolphin / Submarine Races2 of 18

Call it what you want, this is a "hold your breath and see who can swim the longest
underwater race." My brother always beat me at this one.
Image via iStockPhoto

Invisi-bottle3 of 18

Take an empty clear 2 litre plastic bottle. One with a white cap, or the same colour
as your pool tiles is also a good idea. Fill the bottle with pool water and line the
players up on the pool deck, backs to the water. When they hear the splash they
can turn around and try to find it. It's harder than it seems as the bottle
camouflages to the bottom.
Image via iStockPhoto
Noodle Jousting4 of 18

Instead of riding horses for this battle, the players line up on inflatable rafts. Then,
just like medieval gladiators, they try to knock each other from their mount with
pool noodles.
Image via iStockPhoto

Shark In The Pool5 of 18

This is another variation of tag where the players are allowed to hop in and out of
the water. The shark, "it", tries to tag them when they are in the water. If the shark
tags someone, they become "it." You can add variations by giving the shark a mask,
a snorkel, even fins so they can swim quickly to catch the players. Players can only
stay out of the water for 5 seconds at a time to give the shark a chance to catch

Image via iStockPhoto

Ping Pong6 of 18

Just as it is fun to collect things that sink to the bottom, you can do the same with
things that float. Ping pong balls make a great floating thing to catch since they're
light and hard to see. You can put numbers on them for point values, initials on
them where players need to find just their own, etc. The more you dump / toss in to
the pool the more fun it is.
Image via iStockPhoto
Treasure Hunt7 of 18

When I was a kid it was simple. My dad or grandpa would toss coins off the deck
next to my uncle's pool and my brother and I would dive in after them. For hours we
did this. HOURS.
Image via iStockPhoto

Popsicle8 of 18

Freeze tag in the water. When someone is tagged, they stand straight with their
hands above their head, like a popsicle. The added twist in this game is
submarining. When a player is under water, they cannot be tagged by "it," but they
can swim past a "popsicle" and unfreeze them. (No licking involved, please.)
Image via iStockPhoto

Octopus9 of 18

It's like Red Rover. Players try to get from one side of the pool to the other without
getting tagged by "It." When "It" tags a player, they join them in the middle and
hold hands. Subsequent players join in as well until you have a long line (an
octopus) in the middle. Play until 1 is left, and then start again.
Image via iStockPhoto

Atomic Whirpool10 of 18
Have everyone start slowly moving around in a circle, then move faster and faster
and faster until a whirpool is created and you can float on it. (Works better in a
smaller pool.)
Image via iStockPhoto

Pirates!11 of 18

Grab an odd number of diving sticks (7, 5, 9) and place your players on opposite
ends of the pool. Toss the sticks in the middle, and the first pirate to come back with
the majority of the sticks (treasure) wins. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Image via iStockPhoto

Mr Wolf / Mr Shark?12 of 18

The same as "What Time Is It Mr Wolf?" that your kids would play at recess, except
in the pool it is "What Time Is It Mr Shark?"
Image via iStockPhoto

F-I-S-H13 of 18

The basketball game HORSE has people taking stunt shots, miss a shot get a letter.
First to spell HORSE loses. For FISH, you can play with a poolside basketball net, or
you could just have players go back and forth doing dives, splashes, and other
acrobatic pool maneuvers.
Image via iStockPhoto

Scavenger Hunt14 of 18
Get a collection of items that will sink in pairs. (2 coins, 2 pool rings, 2 dive toys,
etc.) Toss them about the pool and then have the teams try to collect one of each
item. First to collect them all, wins.
Image via iStockPhoto

Belly Flop Contest15 of 18

Honestly, with some kids you don't even need to have a contest, they just do it
naturally. Last time at the pool with my boys, even the lifeguard gave a
growning"oooohhh!" when my son flopped in.

Image via iStockPhoto

Marco Polo16 of 18

This classic is basically tag in the water. "It" closes their eyes and yells "MARCO!"
the rest of the players respond with "POLO!" while they move around the pool and
try to avoid being caught. Be careful which kind of pool you play this in, you'll want
to make sure it's shallow and the players are mindful of "It" not being able to see
where they are going.

back on the shoulders and then engage the other team. First one to fall of
their ride's shoulders loses. All sorts of age appropriate punching, kicking, and hair
pulling is encouraged.
Image via iStockPhoto

17 Pool Games1 of 18

Submarine races, noodle jousting, and belly flopping! Oh my! Click through for some
fun swimming pool game ideas.

Mermaid / Dolphin / Submarine Races2 of 18

Call it what you want, this is a "hold your breath and see who can swim the longest
underwater race." My brother always beat me at this one.
Image via iStockPhoto

Invisi-bottle3 of 18

Take an empty clear 2 litre plastic bottle. One with a white cap, or the same colour
as your pool tiles is also a good idea. Fill the bottle with pool water and line the
players up on the pool deck, backs to the water. When they hear the splash they
can turn around and try to find it. It's harder than it seems as the bottle
camouflages to the bottom.
Image via iStockPhoto

Noodle Jousting4 of 18

Instead of riding horses for this battle, the players line up on inflatable rafts. Then,
just like medieval gladiators, they try to knock each other from their mount with
pool noodles.
Image via iStockPhoto

Shark In The Pool5 of 18

This is another variation of tag where the players are allowed to hop in and out of
the water. The shark, "it", tries to tag them when they are in the water. If the shark
tags someone, they become "it." You can add variations by giving the shark a mask,
a snorkel, even fins so they can swim quickly to catch the players. Players can only
stay out of the water for 5 seconds at a time to give the shark a chance to catch

Image via iStockPhoto

Ping Pong6 of 18

Just as it is fun to collect things that sink to the bottom, you can do the same with
things that float. Ping pong balls make a great floating thing to catch since they're
light and hard to see. You can put numbers on them for point values, initials on
them where players need to find just their own, etc. The more you dump / toss in to
the pool the more fun it is.
Image via iStockPhoto

Treasure Hunt7 of 18

When I was a kid it was simple. My dad or grandpa would toss coins off the deck
next to my uncle's pool and my brother and I would dive in after them. For hours we
did this. HOURS.
Image via iStockPhoto

Popsicle8 of 18

Freeze tag in the water. When someone is tagged, they stand straight with their
hands above their head, like a popsicle. The added twist in this game is
submarining. When a player is under water, they cannot be tagged by "it," but they
can swim past a "popsicle" and unfreeze them. (No licking involved, please.)
Image via iStockPhoto

Octopus9 of 18

It's like Red Rover. Players try to get from one side of the pool to the other without
getting tagged by "It." When "It" tags a player, they join them in the middle and
hold hands. Subsequent players join in as well until you have a long line (an
octopus) in the middle. Play until 1 is left, and then start again.
Image via iStockPhoto

Atomic Whirpool10 of 18
Have everyone start slowly moving around in a circle, then move faster and faster
and faster until a whirpool is created and you can float on it. (Works better in a
smaller pool.)
Image via iStockPhoto

Pirates!11 of 18

Grab an odd number of diving sticks (7, 5, 9) and place your players on opposite
ends of the pool. Toss the sticks in the middle, and the first pirate to come back with
the majority of the sticks (treasure) wins. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Image via iStockPhoto

Mr Wolf / Mr Shark?12 of 18

The same as "What Time Is It Mr Wolf?" that your kids would play at recess, except
in the pool it is "What Time Is It Mr Shark?"
Image via iStockPhoto

F-I-S-H13 of 18

The basketball game HORSE has people taking stunt shots, miss a shot get a letter.
First to spell HORSE loses. For FISH, you can play with a poolside basketball net, or
you could just have players go back and forth doing dives, splashes, and other
acrobatic pool maneuvers.
Image via iStockPhoto
Scavenger Hunt14 of 18

Get a collection of items that will sink in pairs. (2 coins, 2 pool rings, 2 dive toys,
etc.) Toss them about the pool and then have the teams try to collect one of each
item. First to collect them all, wins.
Image via iStockPhoto

Belly Flop Contest15 of 18

Honestly, with some kids you don't even need to have a contest, they just do it
naturally. Last time at the pool with my boys, even the lifeguard gave a
growning"oooohhh!" when my son flopped in.

Image via iStockPhoto

Marco Polo16 of 18

This classic is basically tag in the water. "It" closes their eyes and yells "MARCO!"
the rest of the players respond with "POLO!" while they move around the pool and
try to avoid being caught. Be careful which kind of pool you play this in, you'll want
to make sure it's shallow and the players are mindful of "It" not being able to see
where they are going.
Image via iStockPhoto

Bobbing Heads17 of 18
This is whack-a-mole in the pool. "It" must try and pluck off the bobbing players
when they pop up with a pool noodle, or soft ball. Once they're all plucked off, trade
places and bob again.
Image via iStockPhoto

Chicken Fight18 of 18

Okay, this is for the older kids, and maybe even for the parents. Ahem. Ride piggy
back on the shoulders and then engage the other team. First one to fall of their
ride's shoulders loses. All sorts of age appropriate punching, kicking, and hair
pulling is encouraged.

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