ADS 312 Additional Help Document: GH/OHA/SCMS "Restricted Commodity" Approval of Pharmaceuticals

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312 Additional Help Document

GH/OHA/SCMS Restricted Commodity Approval
of Pharmaceuticals

We have written this in an attempt to help USAID partners and USAID technical and
procurement offices understand the restricted commodity approval process for
pharmaceuticals. We hope that you find it helpful and welcome your feedback.

We encourage you to contact us as you begin to consider procuring pharmaceuticals.

I. Background
On February 22, 2011, the Administrator approved:

1. A sourceorigin waiver for all USAIDfinanced pharmaceuticals purchased
through December 31, 2016.

2. Changes to ADS 312.5.3c which, among other things, removed the requirements
that nonU.S. pharmaceuticals may only be purchased if the pharmaceutical is either (i) not
available from the US or (ii) the delivered price from the United States would be at least 50
percent more expensive and for justifying why the pharmaceuticals are essential for the

Therefore, while you no longer need a sourceorigin waiver for pharmaceuticals you still
need a restricted commodity approval under ADS 312.5.3c. This help document explains in
greater detail the restricted commodity approval process for pharmaceuticals.

II. Scope and Applicability

1. Under ADS 312.5.3c ,Pharmaceuticals, noncontraceptive pharmaceuticals are a
restricted commodity and require prior approval from OHA/SCMS. This restricted
commodity approval does not apply to contraceptive pharmaceuticals which are approved
under ADS 312.5.3d. This restricted commodity approval is different from the source
origin requirements in ADS 310.

2. The Director of GH/HIDN or designee(s) must provide concurrence on
procurements of pharmaceuticals for the following programs: malaria, tuberculosis,
neglected tropical diseases, emerging pandemic threats, and maternal and child health.
Many of the pharmaceuticals, including diagnostic test kits that are required for these
programs, have unique properties, require additional evidence on efficacy, and have

specific quality requirements in addition to the standard pharmaceutical quality

requirements. OHA/SCMS obtains GH/HIDN concurrence as part of the OHA/SCMS
approval process.

3. The Pharmaceutical Advisor in DCHA/OFDA approves OFDA pharmaceuticals
under a delegation from OHA/SCMS.

4. With the changes to ADS312, OHA/SCMS no longer processes pharmaceutical
approvals under the Expedited Acquisition and Assistance Procedures for USAIDs
Activities and Programs related to the Prevention, Care, and Treatment of HIV/AIDS.

III. Purpose of OHA/SCMS Approval Process

1. The purpose of the pharmaceutical approval process is to determine if there is
sufficient information on file with USAID or available to USAID on the quality of a
pharmaceutical from a specific manufacturer at a specific manufacturing site, or from a
specific procurement agent or other source. A change in the manufacturer, manufacturing
site [even from the same manufacturer], or procurement agent or other source requires a
new approval.

2. The focus of this process is on the quality of the drug at the point of manufacture,
not on reviewing the means of transporting, storing, or distributing the pharmaceutical and
the adequacy of distributors and other intermediaries in the supply chain. Shipment,
storage and distribution through responsible distributors and other intermediaries can
affect the quality of the pharmaceutical but these processes are part of the larger issues in
supply chain management of any pharmaceutical procurement effort and are not part of
the ADS 312 approval process.

IV. Types of Pharmaceuticals

There are different requirements for different categories of pharmaceuticals. Certain
pharmaceuticals already have a restricted commodity approval and do not require any
further OHA/SCMS approval. Others do not require additional information on the quality
of the pharmaceutical for OHA/SCMS approval due to USAID experience and accessibility to
other information already on file or available to OHA/SCMS.

A. OHA/SCMS Approved Pharmaceuticals

The following pharmaceuticals have ADS 312 approval and do not require further
OHA/SCMS approval:

1. Antiretrovirals (ARVs) on the PEPFAR and USAID Consolidated List of

Approved ARVs. USAID policy is to limit procurement of ARVs for clinical use to
those on the Consolidated List. Please refer to:

2. HIV/AIDS Rapid Test Kits on the USAID List of Approved HIV/AIDS Rapid
Test Kits. USAID policy is to limit procurement of rapid test kits for clinical use to
those on the USAID List. Please refer to:

B. OHA/SCMS Approved Sources

OHA/SCMS approval is required for pharmaceuticals in the following three categories.
However, because of USAID experience and other information already on file or available to
USAID, as a general rule, you will not have to submit additional information on the quality
of the pharmaceutical from these sources.

1. Category 1: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or a Stringent
Regulatory Authority (SRA) Approved Manufacturers. OHA/SCMS recognizes as SRAs,
national drug regulatory authorities of other countries that are comparable to the FDA in
its standards and operations. For example, members or observers in the International
Conference on Harmonization are considered SRAs. The current SRAs include:

European Medicines Agency (EMEA);
Health Canada (HCnda);
Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare;
Swiss Medic for the European Free Trade Area (EFTA); and
European Union member states admitted prior to 1996.

2. Category 2: UNICEF and World Health Organization (WHO) Approved
Manufacturers. This category includes pharmaceuticals purchased from:

A manufacturer inspected and approved by the WHO in compliance with
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP); and
A pharmaceutical approved by the WHO Prequalification of Medicines

3. Category 3: Approved Procurement Agents. OHA/SCMS has determined that
the following procurement agents have in place adequate prequalification, quality
assurance, and quality control systems for ensuring the quality of the pharmaceuticals that
they purchase from their prequalified manufacturers:

Action Medeor
International Dispensary Association Foundation (IDA)
Medical Export Group (MEG)


C. Category 4 Other Pharmaceuticals

1. Category 4 Other Pharmaceuticals are pharmaceuticals that do not qualify
under any of the above categories and require additional information on quality before
they can be approved.

2. Extraordinary Need. In exceptional circumstances, such as a natural disaster or
an act of terrorism, it may be necessary to obtain pharmaceuticals immediately from local
vendors. Most of these needs will be met by the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster
Assistance (OFDA). Occasionally, however, other USAID operating units may have a need
to procure pharmaceuticals for extraordinary need. On these occasions, OHA/SCMS may
provide approval on an exceptional casebycase basis. Approval will be based on a risk
benefit judgment considering available quality information for the pharmaceuticals,
source(s) of the pharmaceuticals, previous performance of the vendor(s), and conditions
present on the ground.

V. Submitting a Request
1. Template. Please use the template GH/OHA/SCMS ADS 312 "Restricted
Commodity" Approval for Pharmaceuticals and include the following information:

(1) Generic name
(2) Strength
(3) Dosage form
(4) Approved OHA/SCMS source (as applicable)
(5) Specific manufacturer, and city and country of specific manufacturer (as
applicable.) *

*Note: This information is not required if purchasing from an approved procurement agent.

You can find the template on the USAID public website at:

2. Additional Information on quality. For Category 4 Other Pharmaceuticals
you will also need to submit information on the quality of the pharmaceutical. Please
contact OHA/SCMS before you submit the information to discuss what you may need to
provide. For example, OHA/SCMS may require quality testing by a recognized laboratory
as part of the approval.

3. Please email your template and any information on quality to Mike Hope
([email protected]), Christine Malati ([email protected]), or Jan Miller
([email protected]) with a carbon copy (cc) to Quinn Cikaitoga ([email protected]).
You can also fax your request to 2022163037.

VI. Additional Information

1. Express Authorization by U.S. Patent Holder. Under Section 606(c) of the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (FAA), 22 USC 2356(c), USAID may not finance
a pharmaceutical that is manufactured outside the United States if the pharmaceutical is
covered by a valid U.S. patent, unless the U.S. patent owner expressly authorizes the
manufacture of the pharmaceutical. Without such an express authorization, the
pharmaceutical must be purchased from the U.S. patent holder. OHA/SCMS is available to
assist with section 606(c) issues.

2. Communicating OHA/SCMS Approval to Partners. Under the sourceorigin
and restricted commodity award provisions (AIDAR clause 752.22570, Source, Origin,
and Nationality Requirements for contracts and the standard provision "USAID Eligibility
Rules for Goods and Services for assistance agreements), the Contracting
Officer/Agreement Officer (CO/AO) is authorized to communicate the OHA/SCMS
restricted commodity approval to the partner. The CO or AO may delegate this authority to
the COTR and AOTR in a COTR or AOTR delegation letter or the contract or agreement.

A sample letter for advance approval of pharmaceuticals is attached.

3. Marking. The marking provisions of ADS 320 do not apply to the packaging of
pharmaceuticals. ADS 320 otherwise applies to programs and activities utilizing
pharmaceuticals. Missions and operating units can provide for the marking of
pharmaceuticals as part of the marking and branding strategies and plans in ADS 320.


Attachment: Sample Letter to Contractors/Recipients for Approval of


[Contractor or Recipient name and address]

Subject: Pharmaceuticals Source/Origin/Nationality Waiver and ADS 312

Reference: [Award number and title]


The purpose of this letter is to provide USAID waiver approval of source, origin, and
nationality requirements for the purchase of pharmaceuticals and ADS 312 approval of
noncontraceptive pharmaceuticals.

Use this paragraph for contracts only:
Advance approval is given under the AIDAR provision 752.22570, Source, Origin, and
Nationality Requirements for the purchase of pharmaceuticals as set out below.

Use this paragraph for assistance awards only:
Advance approval is given under the source/origin or restricted commodity provisions of
the Mandatory Standard Provisions for U.S., Nongovernmental Recipients "USAID Eligibility
Rules for Goods and Services", in your grant/cooperative agreement for the purchase of
pharmaceuticals as set out below.

1. Source/Origin/Nationality Waiver for Pharmaceuticals. On February 22, 2011, the
Administrator approved a source/origin/nationality waiver for all USAIDfinanced
pharmaceuticals purchased through December 31, 2016. Accordingly, Geographic Code
935 is established as the authorized source, origin, and nationality code for
pharmaceuticals purchased through December 31, 2016. Code 935 includes all countries,
except certain foreign policy restricted countries see 22 CFR 228 for further details on
geographic codes.

2. Restricted Commodity Approval of Pharmaceuticals.

(a) AntiRetrovirals (ARVs). Advance approval is given for ARVs on the "USAID
Consolidated List of Approved ARVs", are approved. The list can be found at
Procurement of ARVs must comply with the procedures in the AAPD when purchasing

(b) HIV/AIDS Rapid Test Kits. Advance approval is given for the test kits listed in
the "USAID List of Approved HIV/AIDS Test Kits which can be found at
The authority for this approval is the HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Initiatives: Source
and Origin Waiver for HIV/AIDS Diagnostic Materials (testing kits), as set forth in AAPD 07
05 USAID List of Approved HIV/AIDS Test Kits. Contractors/recipients must comply
with the procedures in the AAPD when purchasing test kits.

(3) Other Pharmaceuticals. For noncontraceptive pharmaceuticals other than
ARVs and HIV/AIDS rapid test kits, advance approval is given provided they are approved
by the Office of HIV/AIDS/Supply Chain Management System (GH/OHA/SCMS). Further
information and the procedures for OHA/SCMS approval are at

Documentation: Prime Select one: [contractors] [recipients] and CTOs, as applicable, are
responsible for providing to the Select one: [Contracting Officer] [Agreement Officer]
copies of all GH/OHA/SCMS approvals for Other Pharmaceuticals for inclusion in the
Award file.

OPTIONAL: Add language on any additional approvals by, or coordination with,
AOTR/COTR or other conditions.

Use this paragraph for contracts only
Advance consent Select one: [is given] [is still required] for subcontracts solely for
Approved ARVs, test kits, and/or pharmaceuticals in amounts in excess of the simplified
acquisition threshold, under FAR clause 52.2442, Subcontracts.

All approvals herein are provided with the understanding that: 1) sufficient funding exists
in the award to cover the approved expenditures; 2) the approval does not increase the
total estimated amount of the award; and 3) additional funding will not be required. All
other terms and conditions of the award remain unchanged.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions...



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