Sharpen Your Cost Estimating Skills
Sharpen Your Cost Estimating Skills
Sharpen Your Cost Estimating Skills
projects in the CPI, and identifies the 100,000-bbl/d hydrogen-peroxide unit is to be built in Philadelphia and
technical deliverables required to prepare completed in 2002. In Malaysia, a similar plant, with a capacity of 150,000
each class of estimate. The techniques used bbl/d and a final cost of $50 million, was completed in 2000. Recent history
for each type of estimate are discussed. shows a capacity factor of 0.75 to be appropriate. The simple approach is to use the
These estimating methodologies, and the capacity-factor algorithm:
engineering information required to
support them, should be understood by all $B = $A(CapB/CapA)e
engineers. $B = $50M(100/150)(0.75) = $36.9M
Estimate Classifications However, a better estimate is obtained when adjustments for differences in scope,
Most organizations use some form of location and time are made. The plant in Malaysia includes piling, tankage and
classification system to identify the various owner costs that are not included in the plant to be built in Philadelphia. However,
types of estimates that may be prepared construction in Philadelphia is expected to cost 1.25 times that in Malaysia.
during the lifecycle of a project, as well as Escalation will be included as a 1.06 multiplier from 2000 to 2002. Additional costs
to indicate the overall maturity and for the Philadelphia plant (not included in the cost estimate of the Malaysian plant)
quality of the estimates being prepared. involve pollution control. The revised estimate appears below:
Unfortunately, there is often a lack of
Plant in Malaysia = $50M Escalate to 2002
consistency and understanding of the Deduct $10M for piling, tankage and $50M 3 1.06 = $53M
terminology used during classification, owner costs = $40M Capacity factor estimate
both across the process industries and Malaysia to Philadelphia adjustment $53M 3 (100/150)0.75 = $39M
within individual companies or $40M 3 1.25 = $50M Add $5M for pollution requirements
organizations. = $44M
parameters. For deterministic methods, nonlinear relationship between capacity plant increases costs by approximately 100
the independent variables used in the and cost shown in the following equation: percent.
algorithm are a direct measure of the item In reality, as plant capacities increase,
being estimated, such as straightforward $B/$A = (CapB/CapA)e (equation 1) the exponent tends to increase as
counts or measures of items, multiplied by where $A and $B are the costs of the two illustrated in Figure 1. The capacity factor
known unit costs. Deterministic similar plants, CapA and CapB are the exponent between plants A and B may
estimating methods require the quantities, capacities of the two plants, and e is the have a value of 0.6; between B and C, the
pricing and completeness of scope to be exponent or proration factor. The value of exponent may have a value of 0.65; and
known with relative certainty. As the level the exponent typically lies between 0.5 between C and D, the exponent may have
of project definition increases, the and 0.85, depending on the type of plant, risen to 0.72. As plant capacity increases to
estimating methodology tends to progress and must be analyzed carefully for its the limits of existing technology, the
from stochastic (or factored) methods to applicability to each estimating situation. exponent approaches a value of one. At
deterministic methods. The e used in the capacity factor this point, it becomes as economical to
equation is actually the slope of the log- build two plants of a smaller size, rather
Capacity-Factored Estimates curve that has been drawn to reflect the than one large plant.
Generated during the feasibility stage of change in the cost of a plant as it is made Table 2 shows the capacity factors for
a project, the capacity-factored estimate larger or smaller. These curves are several chemical process plants [4].
(CFE) provides a relatively quick, and typically drawn from the data points of the Unfortunately, most of the data are quite
sufficiently accurate means of known costs of completed plants. With an
determining whether a proposed project exponent less than 1, scales of economy
should be continued. It is a good method are achieved such that as plant capacity
to use when deciding between alternative increases by a percentage (say, by 20
designs or plant sizes. This early screening percent), the costs to build the larger plant
method (Class 5 estimate) is most often increase by less than 20 percent.
used to estimate the cost of battery-limit The methodology of using capacity
process facilities, but may also be applied factors is sometimes referred to as the
to individual equipment items. scale of operations method, or the six-
When estimating via CFE, the cost of a tenths factor method because of the
new plant is derived from the cost of a reliance on an exponent of 0.6 if no other
similar plant of a known capacity, with a information is available [2,3]. With an
similar production route (such as, both are exponent of 0.6, doubling the capacity of a
batch processes), but not necessarily the plant increases costs by approximately 50 Figure 1The capacity-factored relationships
same end products (products should be percent, and tripling the capacity of a shown here are logarithmic. Exponents differ
relatively similar, however). It relies on the across capacity ranges CapA is the capacity of
plant A, and so on.
Equipment Factors:
Understanding Them Is As Important As Learning How to Use Them
t is extremely important to understand the basis behind
Three specific variables affect the equipment cost to a
the equipment factors being used, and to account for all greater degree than they affect the cost of the bulk materials
costs that are not covered by the factors themselves. The and installation [10]: the size of the major equipment, the
factors may apply to total installed costs (TICs) or direct field materials of construction and the operating pressure. As the
costs (DFCs) for the facility. Usually, the factors generate costs size of a piece of major equipment gets larger, the amount of
for inside battery limits (ISBL) facilities, and require outside- corresponding bulk materials (foundation, support steel,
battery-limit facilities (OSBL) costs to be estimated separately. piping and instruments) required for installation does not
In some cases, factors are used to estimate the costs of the increase at the same rate. Thus, as the equipment increases in
complete facilities. size, the value of the equipment factor decreases. A similar
Hans Lang introduced the concept of using the total cost tendency exists for metallurgy and operating pressure. If the
of equipment to estimate the total cost of a plant [7,8]: equipment is made from expensive materials (stainless steel,
Total plant cost (TPC) = Total equipment cost (TEC) 3 titanium or Monel), or if the operating pressure increases, the
Equipment factor (equation 2) equipment factor decreases. These three variables could be
summarized into a single attribute known as the average unit
Lang proposed three separate factors based on the type of cost of equipment, or the ratio of total cost of process
process plant. For solids, the factor is 3.10; for combined solids equipment to the number of equipment items [11,12].
and fluids, 3.63; and for fluids alone, 4.74. These factors were
meant to cover all the costs associated with the TIC of a plant, The Discipline Method
including the ISBL costs and OSBL costs. Here is an example Another way to use equipment factors, aside from
of a Lang-factor estimate for a fluid-process plant: calculating DFC or TIC, is to generate separate costs for each
of the disciplines associated with the installation of equipment.
TEC = $1.5M Heres how: Each type of equipment is associated with several
TPC = $1.5M 3 4.74 = $7.11M discipline-specific equipment factors. For example, one
discipline-equipment factor will generate costs for concrete, a
Langs approach was simple, utilizing a factor that varies second factor will generate costs for structural steel, and a third
only by the type of process. Today, many different methods of will generate the costs for piping. An advantage to this
equipment factoring have been proposed. The Lang factor, approach is that it provides the estimator with the capability to
however, is often used generically to refer to all the different adjust the costs for the individual disciplines based on specific
types of equipment factors [9]. knowledge of the project conditions, and improves the
W. E. Hand elaborated on Langs work by proposing using accuracy of the equipment factoring method. It also allows the
different factors for each type of equipment (columns, vessels, costs for each specific discipline to be totaled, and compared
heat exchangers and other units) rather than process type. to those of similar projects [13,14].
Hands equipment factors estimate DFCs, excluding An example of discipline-specific equipment factors is
instrumentation, and range from 2.0 to 3.5, which might shown in Table 5. The total DFC costs for installation of this
correlate to approximately 2.4 to 4.3 if instrumentation were heat exchanger totals $28,600 (including the equipment
included. Hands factors exclude indirect field costs (IFC), purchase cost of $10,000). This equates to an overall DFC
home office costs (HOC), and the costs for OSBL facilities, all equipment factor of 2.86. These costs do not include IFC,
of which must be estimated separately. HOC or OSBL costs.
We will run an estimate prepared for a fluid processing Development of the actual equipment factors used for
plant using Hands equipment factoring techniques in Table 4. process plant estimates is time-consuming. Although some
Each equipment item has its own factor. The ratio of DFC to published data exists, much of these data are old, and some of
TEC to is 2.8, whereas a typical value would range from 2.4 to the assumptions in normalizing the data for time, location and
3.5. The ratio of TFC to TEC is 3.6, while a typical value scope are incomplete or unavailable. For lack of anything
would range from 3.0 to 4.2, and the ratio of total project cost better, this data is an acceptable source of equipment factors.
(including contingency) to TEC is 5.1. A typical value would However the best information will be that which come from a
range from 4.2 to 5.5. This correlates closely with Langs cost database that reflects the companys project history.
original overall equipment factor of 4.74 for fluid plants.
Equation 5 demonstrates that the cooling range and flowrates affect cost in a non-
linear fashion, while the approach affects cost in a linear manner. Increasing the
approach will result in a less costly cooling tower, since it increases the efficiency of
the heat transfer taking place. These are reasonable assumptions. The regression
analysis resulted in an R2 value of 0.96, which indicates that the equation is a good-
fit for explaining the variability in the data.
In Table 6, the actual costs and the predicted costs from the estimating algorithm
are shown. The percentage of error varies from 4.4 percent to 7.1percent. The
estimating algorithm developed from regression analysis, can be used to develop
cost-versus-design parameters that can be represented graphically (Figure 2). This
information can then be used to prepare estimates for future cooling towers. It is
Figure 2This graph, developed from regression fairly easy to develop a spreadsheet model that will accept the design parameters as
data for tower cost versus design parameters
input variables, and calculate the costs based on the parametric-estimating
(Table 6), such as flowrate, can be used to prepare
estimates for future cooling towers.