Eo066i028p00538 PDF
Eo066i028p00538 PDF
Eo066i028p00538 PDF
omitted is a chapter discussing the natural 0% view and synthesis of research conducted from the standpoint of the extensive refer-
currence of stable nitrogen isotopes and their during the past 15 years. Although the book ence lists. For the graduate student or investi-
fractionations during uptake and remineral- probably has a useful life of 5 to 8 years, I gator in a related field, the book provides an
ization. T o some extent this omission is un- would recommend it to anyone interested in excellent summary of our current under-
derstandable, as much of this information has nitrogen in the oceans. For the experienced standing.
come out since the time of-writing. researcher the book is an excellent reference Alhn H. ~ l of ocean
~ the~ college
eis with and
Despite these minor omissions, Nitrogen in (and memory Jogger), both from the stand- Fishey Sciences, University of Washington, Seat-
the Marine Environment represents a major re- point of the contents of the chapters and tle.