Syllabus: Common Subjects For BE Civil/Mechanical / Electrical Degree Holders: Sl. No. Name of Subject

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Common Subjects for BE Civil/Mechanical / Electrical degree holders:

Sl. Name of subject

1. Technical English
2. Mathematics
3. Engineering Physics
4. Engineering Chemistry
5. Engineering Graphics
6. Environmental Science and Engineering
7. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
8. Engineering Mechanics
9. Mechanics of Fluids
10. Strength of Materials

Core Subjects for Civil Engineering

Sl. Name of subject

1. Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick
Masonry Structures
2. Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements
3. Construction Materials
4. Applied Hydraulic Engineering
5. Concrete Technology
6. Storage Structures

Core Subjects for Mechanical Engineering:

Sl. Name of subject

1. Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
2. Design of Machine Elements
3. Non Destructive Testing and Materials
and Quality Control
4. Mechatronics
5. Energy Conservation and Management
6. Manufacturing Technology
Core Subjects for Electrical Engineering:

Sl. Name of subject

1. HT / LT Switch Gears & Protection
2. Induction Motors
3. Transformers
4. I.C. Engines
5. Instrumentation / Circuit Theory
6. Electrical Safety / I.E. Rules

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