Backgrounds Traits Character Information: Brawn Finesse Resolve Panache
Backgrounds Traits Character Information: Brawn Finesse Resolve Panache
Backgrounds Traits Character Information: Brawn Finesse Resolve Panache
Reputation Paranoico
Wealth 0 AIM 1 1 1 0 0
PERFORM 0 0 0 0 0
Indomitable Will
Activate your Virtue to prevent any magical effect (Sorcery, Artifacts, CONVINCE 1 0 0 0 0
Hubris Stubborn (The Thrones) INTIMIDATE 1 1 0 0 0
WARFARE 1 0 0 0 0
You receive a Hero Point when your Hero is stubborn and refuses to NOTICE 1 1 1 0 0
WEAPONRY 1 1 1 0 0 Duelist Academy x 1
change her mind in the face of evidence.
Rank 3: Re-Roll a single die
Rank 4: Sets of 15 = 2 Raises
STORIES Rank 5: 10s explode
Name El aprendiz rabioso DEATH SPIRAL
Type 0
Goal Adiestrar a la fiera
Reward Empatia rango 3
Step 1 Completar su primera misin
Staredown Spend a Hero Point to intimidate a character into backing down from a threat, letting you into somewhere he shouldnt, or otherwise getting out of your way.
Academy You studied strategy, horsemanship, and soldiering at one of Thahs many military academies. When you make a Risk using Athletics, Warfare or Ride, all of your dice gain +1 to their value.
Duelist Academy x 1 You may choose a Dueling Style. If you purchase this Advantage again, you gain an additional Dueling Style. See the Dueling chapter for more information.
Eisenfaust When you wield a heavy weapon in one hand and a panzerhand in the other, your Riposte Maneuver is replaced by the Iron Replypreventing a number of Wounds equal to your Ranks in
Resolve + your Ranks in Weaponry. You also deal a number of Wounds equal to your Ranks in Brawn + your Ranks in Weaponry. You can only perform Iron Reply once per Round.
Sorcery None