ContactOne Bookkeeping Fee Quote Preparatory Form Client

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Please complete this Form and email to [email protected].

We will contact you within 2 working days to advice you of an estimated fee quote or request for additional information.

Part I. Company Information

Name of Your Company

Name of Contact Person

Mobile Email

Nature of Business (a short description of what your company does)

Part II. Financial Information Required

You may input the Actual figures if you have them or Reliable Estimated figures for this section

Revenue/Sales Turnover for the year

(The value of your sales or revenue for the year, example: $100,000, $1,500,000, etc)

Number of Sales Transactions for the year

(The number of sales you have made in the year, regardless of value)

Number of Expenditure Transactions for the year

(A good way is to count the number of expenses in an average month and multiply by 12)

Number of Employees in the Company

(The total headcount in your Company drawing Salary)

Number of Company Bank Accounts

(The number of corporate accounts your have under the name of the Company)

Average Number of pages for the Company Bank Statements each month
(Number of pages in the bank statements you receive for all your accounts in a typical month)

Number of company expenses made through personal funds on behalf of the Company
(This refers to the company expenses paid out of the pockets of directors or shareholders)

Are company funds used for personal expenses

(Refers to the use of company accounts to pay off personal expenses, example: non-business related entertainment, etc) YES NO

Is the Company GST Registered

(Tell us if your company is already registered for GST) YES NO

Currency used for business activities

(Example: SGD only, EUR only, mainly SGD with some foreign currency, SGD + USD, etc)

Does the company have any hire purchase or bank loan facility arrangements? If yes, please describe.
(Example: Installment repayments for motor vehicles, printers / bank loan to finance property purchase, working capital, etc)

Are any listings or schedules relating to company sales and expenses prepared on your side?
(Example: Monthly Sales Listing, Annual Sales Listing, Expense Report, etc)

Any special request or accounting considerations that you would like us to take note of?
(Example: I need project accounting, My revenue is contract based, recognized upon completion of specific stages, etc)
Bookkeeping Fee Quote Preparatory Form (Page 2 of 2)

Let us know which type of Bookkeeping Package you will be interested in.
(Please note that Compilation of Financial Statements, Tax Computation and Filing Service, and GST Return Filing, if any, will be covered in the subsequent fee quote
raised) Annualized Accounting fees generally will be lower if the frequency of Bookkeeping is lower.

Annual Bookkeeping Service (Suitable for small scale business with no GST filing requirements)

Half-Yearly Bookkeeping Service (Suitable for businesses that have fair level of transactions or business with 6-month GST filing

Quarterly Bookkeeping Service (Suitable for businesses with high volume of transactions or business with 3-month GST filing

Monthly Bookkeeping Service (Suitable for business requiring timely reporting of business performance, or business with monthly
GST filing cycles)

Is the Company within the first year of incorporation has no prior financial year ends?
(Refers to the use of company accounts to pay off personal expenses, example: non-business related entertainment, etc) YES NO


Please provide your Financial Year End Date if you have decided on the year end date
(Alternatively, let us advise you on the best year end date suited for your company)


Please provide the last financial year end date that your accounts have been prepared
(We will commence bookkeeping for the subsequent financial years)

Do you require our assistance to submit corporate tax for previously completed financial years?
(Please check with your current accountant if they will be filing the taxes for you. Also, if you have engaged an external tax agent, YES NO
check if you have made payment for any tax services relating to any unfiled tax returns for previous financial years.)

Do you require our assistance to re-work your prior year accounts?

(For companies who are aware that their prior year accounts may not be correctly prepared) YES NO

By submitting this form to ContactOne Professional Services Pte. Ltd. (the Service Provider), I confirm that I am an authorized personnel representing
the Company in obtaining a fee quote for corporate services. I further confirm that I understand that the subsequent fee quote provided by the
Service Provider is based on my representation of the facts and estimations provided in this Form, and the Service Provider retains all rights, without
reservation, to negotiate for a different fee, prior to, during or after the commencement of the rendering of corporate services.

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