Mediation is the process of collecting and processing usage data from networked
devices (switches), usually for billing purposes. Whenever a Subscriber / Customer
uses communication services (Voice, Call, SMS, Data transfer etc) from a Service
Provider, network elements records used data in the form of Call Detail Record
(CDR). There are various protocol supported namely FTP, SFTP, etc provides a
secured way of collecting the CDRs
Mediation collects and processes the CDRs from networked devices (switches),
CDRs are normally pushed to or pulled from the switches to the mediation
At Mediation following tasks performed before files are pushed to downstream
Collecting and validating CDR from network elements (switches / MSCs)
Filtration (non billing CDRS)
Correlation of different input sources CDRs
Aggregation of partial CDRs related to the same call.
CDR normalization.
Transformation of data as per business logic.
Downstream Format mapping ,header and trailer generation
Downstream Distribution(DWH, Watchdog, Inopac/ Revup, Inforoam, Avabil),
Mediation Flow