The Experimental Study of The Expert System For Diagnosing Unbalances by ANN and Acoustic Signals
The Experimental Study of The Expert System For Diagnosing Unbalances by ANN and Acoustic Signals
The Experimental Study of The Expert System For Diagnosing Unbalances by ANN and Acoustic Signals
Journal of Sound and Vibration 272 (2004) 6983
The expert system based on the backward propagation neural network (BPN) has been developed and
tested for diagnosing mass unbalance of rotational machines. The system adopts the acoustic signals
as input features. In order to minimize the distance and background noise effects, the so-called
d-normalization was introduced. The d-normalization is similar to the loudness in speech synthesis. By
utilizing the normalized power spectra together with the rectied statistic moments of higher order of the
acoustic signals, the system is found to be very successful. However, it was found that the system still could
not discriminate those faults near the natural frequencies. The main reason may stem from the system non-
linearities even though they are small.
r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0022-460X/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
roller bearings [25]. They [3] reported that the system has the ability to identify different defects
with correct classication rate of 94%. For other review papers, one can refer to excellent papers
such as e.g., [6,7].
In fact, a diagnosis system is indeed a kind of pattern recognition. No matter which type of
expert system is chosen, one key factor that affects the system results is the sensors. The sensor
detects the physical changes of the machine or parts, and the signals are then transduced to and
stored in the computer for the expert system. Therefore, the quality that a sensor can attain surely
changes the results of an articial neural network (ANN) system. Normally, sensors that are
directly mounted onto the machine are commonly used. This type of sensor includes, for example,
proximity probes which sense the displacement changes, and accelerometers which sense the
acceleration changes of an object. However, they need to be mounted directly on xed parts.
Thus, such sensors may cause certain inconveniences especially for those machines that do not
provide appropriate locations for mounting such sensors. In addition, those sensors may be
contaminated and operators may not notice them. Even worse, one has no way of knowing a
priori the locations where good quality signals can be appropriately acquired so that sensors can
be mounted at the right places.
The alternative way may be to select sensors that do not need to be mounted on the part. In
practice, this type of sensor includes two categories. The rst one is the laser sensor [8]. Although
laser sensors can be used to detect signals of high frequency, they are somewhat more expensive.
The second category may be the acoustic sensors or microphones. Unfortunately, the background
noise is often a big problem for this type of sensor.
The objective of the present report is to develop an expert system for a rotating machine. The
faults include mass unbalance, shaft-bow misalignment, and looseness, etc. In addition, the
acoustic signals are the major considerations for the ANN inputs. However, it has been shown [9]
that the latter two are not sensitive enough to the microphone sensor. They will not be included in
the present report. Readers may directly refer to Chiu [9] for further discussions.
Clearly, certain malfunctions of rotary machines may be diagnosed through the vibrations of
the machine. However, it is not an easy task because there is no simple normal/malfunction
relationship. As a consequence, a computer-aided expert system like an ANN may be right answer
to this problem.
For an articial expert system, reliability and applicability are the two most important factors
to be taken into consideration even at the rst stage of development. However, the input signals
obtained from elds are always contaminated or incomplete. Therefore, the backward
propagation network (BPN) neural network model that has been applied and reported well in
industries is selected for the present investigation. And, its parameters and input features have to
be set and tested using the acoustic microphone as the input sensor. However, for comparison,
signals of proximity probes have also been added where they are necessary.
In general, the application of BPN algorithm, as shown in Fig. 1(a), involves the calculation of
the error between the network output vector and the target vector. Let the BPN have the input
vector x of length Nin ; the network output vector y of length r; and the synaptic weight matrix W:
(4) ....
r-th Abnormal vj yj
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the diagnosis system. (b) The output error of the BPN.
from node j to k: Readers are referred to BPN books such as e.g., [11] for more details on
On the other hand, the choice for the initial weights is one other crucial factor that affects the
convergence of the ANN. In general, the wrong starting weights can always delay the convergence
speed. For example, the possibility that the ANN converges to a local optimal, instead of the
global one, gets much higher in case excessively when large initial weights are given. That is
because the BPN may be saturated too quickly. In order to avoid this situation, the initial weights
were selected as uniform random real numbers in [0.5, +0.5] for the current ANN.
Furthermore, the number of neurons of the hidden layer has been set to be NH Nin r=2;
where Nin is the number of feature inputs, r the number of output vectors or the dimension of y:
The other network parameters like the learning rate, momentum, number of hidden layers, the
number of nodes for the individual hidden layer, etc., are also important and have been discussed
by many researchers, e.g., [12]. However, for the present study, such network parameters are
simply picked in such a way that the BPN reasonably converges in the training process. For
example, to choose a value for the learning rate can be crucial and different algorithms with
different advantages are given in Ref. [12]. For the current case, the initial learning rate is simply
set to 3.0 and with decreasing rate of 95% to the minimum learning rate of 0.2 [9]. In addition, the
learning momentum is set with the same decreasing rate of 95% and minimum value as the
learning rate but a different initial momentum value of 0.95. These values are believed to be
reasonable and have been tested and veried before being put into the system.
The stop criterion of convergence for the network is set to the cumulative maximum error, emax ;
smaller than 0.2%. The cumulative maximum error of N training samples is dened as follows
1 XN
jjy Tjj2
emax ; 6
2N n1 r
where y denotes the estimated output vector of the network and T the known target vector of the
training samples.
3. Input signals
All rotating machinery tends to generate periodic signals no matter whether it is in normal or
malfunction condition. The most common way to understand these signals is through its
vibrations and sound. Independent of the ways of signal they certainly relate to various physical
characteristics. On the other hand, these signals may be classied into two categories. Depending
on their representation, they can be either in the time or in the frequency domains. However, most
eld engineers prefer to have their signals transformed into the latter [13]. That is, the detected
time-domain signals are transformed into frequency signals by using an FFT algorithm. Using
this frequency signal, as has been shown in Ref. [13], most malfunctions, namely, mass unbalance,
misalignment, looseness, and axis bent, etc., can be successfully diagnosed with the aid of the
ANN, if the signals used in it honestly represent the machine. For the signal treatments in the
frequency domain, readers are referred to [13] for detail.
However, any signal in the frequency domain has to be acquired from the time domain a priori.
And all directly acquired signals include as much noise error as information. As a consequence,
the choice of signal representation must be as robust as possible. Here, robust means insensitive
to noise or other uncontrollable parameters. As indicated in many research reports, there exist
many choices for the signal representations. Among them, it has adopted the statistical moments
[13] as one of the input signals for the current ANN. That is, the nth moments of a random
variable X t about an arbitrary point k are dened by [14,15]
Ex kn x kn fX x dx; 7
Mn Ex kn D xi kn pxi ; 8
in which E denotes the expectation, fX x is the probability density function (PDF) of X ; N total
number of points. It is worth of note that Eq. (7) is obviously for a continuous random variable
while Eq. (8) is for a discrete one. In case the moments are calculated with respect to the rst
moment or mean value, mX ; i.e., k mX ; the second statistical moment (n 2) is the well-known
variance of X or s2X : In general, all higher moments normalized about mX are the central statistical
moments, i.e.,
1X N
mX xi : 9
N i1
Furthermore, the third and fourth moments are called the skewness and kurtosis coefcients,
respectively, after their physical meanings in PDF. That is, let SX and kX be the skewness and
kurtosis of X : Then they are dened by
M3 Ex mX 3
SX ; 10
s3X s3X
M4 Ex mX 4
kX ; 11
s4X s4X
Then the value of the skewness will denitely be non-zero, while the kurtosis is the same. For
example, the rst rectied moment
1X N
mY jxi j; 13
N i1
which will never be zero unless all xi are zero. As the calculation shows [17], SY 1:6 and
kY kX 3:0 for the Gaussian distribution. And thus depending on the signal amplitudes,
sY ; SY and kY in addition to mY ; are chosen as the input signals for the current study.
4. Experimental setups
Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of the experimental process. The acoustic signals of a rotary
disk were generated from the PBS-5000 rotor kit in the lab. The phenomenon signals of both
normal and malfunction were purposely generated depending on the needs of analysis by means
of this rotor kit. For example, a known extra mass is put on a well-balanced disk to simulate the
mass unbalance of the machine. Moreover, the pre-processed signal data are randomly and evenly
divided into two sets. One set is for the system training, while the other one is for diagnosis testing
of the ANN. Refer to Fig. 2 for details.
The microphone that is installed close to one of the two bearings detects the acoustic signal
generated from the machine. Meanwhile, the vibrations are acquired by and four non-contact
proximity probes installed close to the two supporting bearings. For comparison, refer to Fig. 3.
Both acoustic and vibration signals appear as a voltage and are adequately amplied before
processing in the computer. In addition, in order to lter the DC voltage resulting from the initial
installation of the probes, a second order Butter-Worth lter was added prior to the PCL-818H A/
D card for vibration signals. The high-pass frequency was set at 5 Hz to get rid of the DC voltage
while the lower-pass lter is at 1 kHz to lter those useless high-frequency signals and noise. The
A/D card supplied by Advent Tech. Co. has 16 channels with the maximum sample rate of
PBS-5000 microphone
Rotor Kit
ANN Netwrok
Testing Weight
PCL-818H Card
Bearing m, mass
Proximity disk m
L R microphone
r r = 30 mm
K.P. Disk
=76 R.P. bolts
74 230 74
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) The experimental setup: microphone and the probe installations and (b) side view of the disk.
Hi-Pass A/D
Filter Card
Raw d-
DMA X Y Normalization
10 MHz. Therefore, it is more than enough to acquire both the low-frequency vibration and
acoustic signals of high frequencies. The signals collected from the A/D card are then digitized
and stored in the PC for the next ANN training as well as testing.
The perturbation rotor kit is driven by a 3f; 90 W AC motor. The shaft was made from high
carbon steel with 9.525 mm 38 in diameter and 276 g and coupled with the motor by a exible
coupling. The relative locations of the proximity probes and test disk (mass 411 g) are shown in
Fig. 3 in addition to the microphone. Two proximity probes that were installed in the vertical and
horizontal directions, 90 apart at the frame on the relative plane (RP) are shown in Fig. 3(b). The
scale factor of the probes is 200 mv/mil up to 10 kHz with accuracy 74%.
Besides, there is an additional probe, or the so-called key phasor (KP), mounted on the RP to
lock an impulsive signal in each shaft revolution. The signal from this KP probe will get the right
rpm for the diagnosis system. See Fig. 4 for details of the experimental setup. Note that there are
six (6) channels which have been connected during the experiment. They are: one for the KP, one
for the microphone, and the two proximity probes for each bearing.
5. Experiments
The main concern of the present study is the signals acquired from the microphone, even
though there are four other proximity probes. The maximum sampling rate of the microphone
was set to 8196 Hz, while only those signals below approximately 4 kHz were of interest. The total
sampling time was set to 1.2 s. Thus, the frequency resolution is 1 Hz. In addition, the averaging
method was applied to reduce the random noise. Both normal and abnormal signals were
recorded for analysis. In addition, the signals were taken with various rotation speeds. For each
speed, 20 samples were taken for processing later.
Anticipating for both training and test needs, the acquired acoustic signals were processed into
those in the power spectra (P) and rectied statistical moments (S) introduced in Section 3. In
addition, since the conguration of the rotor kit bearing has seven (7) balls inside the inner cage,
some signals that are in fractions and multiples of seven are of main interest:
0:5o; o; 2o; 3o; 4o; 5o; 6o; and 3:5o; 7o; 14o and 21o: Here, o stands for the speed of the disk.
It can be either in Hz or in RPM. Nevertheless, there are 11 intensity feature inputs in the
frequency domain to be fed into the ANN. More then that, there are four features in S including
mY ; sY ; SY ; and kY :
Since the acoustic signals are recorded from the microphone, one crucial factor that affects the
quality of the ANN is the distance. That is, the effect of the distance between the microphone and
the acoustic source, shown by d in Fig. 3(a), has to be successfully eliminated, otherwise, the
input would be meaningless since the sound intensity attenuates as the distance increases. In order
to normalize those acoustic signals, a d-normalization was designed for readers who are into
speech synthesis may be familiar with the loudness or acoustic volume of speech, e.g., [16].
Analogous to that denition of the acoustic volume function, the row acoustic signals can be
normalized by dividing by mY ; or, referring to Fig. 4. Let I f be the sound intensity power at a
frequency f : Then the d-normalization was dened by
I f
If ; 14
where mY has been dened in Eq. (13). Fig. 5 compares a typical acoustic power spectrum before
and after the d-normalization. The gure shows that the distance between the microphone and the
acoustic source has been successfully reduced to a very low level.
Furthermore, the output signals are normalized in another way. That is, let y
fy1 ; y2 ; y; yr gT be the output vector before normalization. Then it can be normalized by its
one-norm by
y fy ; y ; y; y2 gT
y 1 P2r
: 15
jjy jj1 i1 jyi j
The normalized output vector y is then compared with the target vector T in the ANN training.
Besides, in the present study, the length of the output vector y is 4, i.e., r 4:
x 10
1 measured
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
d (mm)
Fig. 5. Normalized acoustic intensities (x: before normalization, o: after d-normalization) for o 60 Hz.
0 100 200 300 400 500
No. iterations
As mentioned earlier, the ANN parameters are very important and affect its performance [27].
For example, the momentum factor (o) was set to a xed value of 0.9 in addition to Nin : NH :
r 16:10:4, and, the maximum iterations was 2000 in case emax 0:002 (0.2%) could not be
reached. In addition, the learning rate constant of 0.3 was selected for the current ANN. Fig. 6
shows the residual error during the network training. Note that the levels of emax are too small to
be seen in the gure.
The unbalance was established by adding 0.25% extra mass to the disk, i.e., Dm=m 0:7=276 g,
during the experiments. For reasons of comparison, the signals were acquired both by using the
proximity probes and the microphone. Figs. 7 and 8 show the two signals recorded from the two
different sensors for rotation speed o 60 Hz and at the normal condition Dm 0: Despite the
intensities of the two signals in these two plots, they are actually consistent, especially at 1o:
However, the acoustic signals seem to have more harmonic peaks than that of proximity probes.
x 10
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig. 8. Normal at o 60 Hz with proximity probe signals.
For instance, there is the highest peak at 3o (180 Hz) in Fig. 7, but not in Fig. 8. Note, the
proximity probes were to measure the amount of the axis oscillations including shaft bow, while
the microphone was put close the right bearing. In other words, the latter may further include
defects of the bearings. That may be the reason the latter has more peaks in Fig. 7. Nevertheless,
the acoustic signals seem to have more information than the proximity probes.
Fig. 9 shows the acoustic signals in the case where unbalance Dm 0:7 g. As can be clearly seen
by comparing Figs. 9 and 7, the extra unbalance mass creates much larger acoustic power right at
1o: However, as one can see from Fig. 9 the acoustic intensity at 3o did not increase
proportionally. Instead, it became much small relatively to that of the power unbalance mass at
1o: Note that the approximate maximum level of normal condition has also been plotted in Fig. 9
for comparison.
For convenience of expression, the braces ({ }) denote the rotational speeds inside the braces,
while those in the brackets ([ ]) are the speed ranges analogous to math symbols. For example,
{30, 50} Hz means the speeds at 30 and 50 Hz.
0.006 (normal signal)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig. 9. Acoustic signals for unbalance of 0.25% at o 60 Hz.
Table 1
Constant speed tests in [30, 100] Hz
Disk rpm (Hz) 30 40 50 60
Train/test samples 40/40 40/40 40/40 40/40
Results (%) 100 90 100 100
Under the constant speed test, the ANN was trained with acoustic signals acquired in [30,
100]Hz under the same unbalance condition. After the ANN converged below the acceptable
error level, it was tested by signals of o7Do; i.e., the test signals were generated in the vicinity of
the training speed. By doing so, the ANN may be more exible and robust in real application. The
results are shown in Table 1. With Do 2:5 Hz; the ANN is able to 100% classify the cases of
normal and abnormal, with the exception at o 40 Hz.
It can be seen from Table 1 that the ANN cannot identify the machine condition at rotational
speed at o 40 Hz. As has been shown in [17], the rotor disk was purposely set to process the rst
natural frequency approximately at 80 Hz. On the other hand, the conguration of the ball
bearing is depicted in Fig. 10. Assuming there exist no slipping at the ball and xed the outer ring,
one has no difculty in nding the velocity of the inner ring as [9]
Vin o Rin ; 16
while for the outer ring Vout 0; refer to Fig. 10; and, the ball center has velocity Vb;
Vb 12o Rin : 17
In addition, the retaining cage which locates at RB Rin Rout =2; has the same velocity as the
balls. In fact the cage acts in such a way as to keep all rolling balls in the same motion. Thus, the
Rin inner ring
ball Vb B
angular velocity of the rolling set, including the balls and the cage, is
Vb o Rin Rin
oB 1 2 o: 18
RB 2Rin Rout Rin Rout
Eq. (18) actually implies that the rolling sets of the rotor kit generate signals at a frequency less
than and close to o=2 if the shaft rotates with the angular velocity of o:
In addition, it is clear that there exist quadratic non-linearities in the rotor-disk system, e.g.,
[18]. As a consequence, the energy excited at o 40 Hz ows into 2o; which is 80 Hz, as shown in
Fig. 11(a) and (b). This phenomenon has been known and classied as internal resonance [19,20].
In other words, if in non-linear system natural frequencies satisfy oi 2 oj ; for some i and j; then
the system energy may ow forth back and between these two modes. As one can read by
comparing Fig. 11(a) and (b), such energy leaks to 2o (80 Hz) happen at both unbalance and
normal conditions. As a result, the ANN can hardly classify the difference between normal and
abnormal condition at this speed.
Similarly, in the case where o 80 Hz is excited, the system energy again ows to 40 Hz too.
However, the results from Table 1 show that the ANN can successfully identify the signals at this
speed, even if the speed is very close to the disk resonance. The main reason stems from the fact
that the training set of the ANN has included signals of that particular non-linear phenomenon.
Moreover, the signals of the unbalance mass at o 80 Hz are so strong that the ANN can easily
identify the features.
Fig. 12 shows the same acoustic power as in the case of Fig. 11(a). The energy ows into 2o is
very clear, that is, the same as in Fig. 11(a), though all other multiples of o include more noises. In
addition, there exist some other unknown peaks in the spectra. It is the authors opinion that these
strange peaks mainly stem from the imperfectness of ball bearings or its cage.
40 Hz
80 Hz
160 Hz
120 Hz
0 50 100 150 200
(a) Hz
40 Hz
0.08 80 Hz
0 50 100 150 200
(b) Hz
Fig. 11. Vibration signals at o 40 Hz for: (a) unbalance of 0.25% and (b) normal condition.
x 10
40 Hz
80 Hz
0 50 100 150 200
7. Conclusions
A diagnosis expert system for identifying the mass unbalance of rotating machines was
developed and tested in the present study. The expert system adopts the backward propagation
neural network as the inference mechanism. The main feature inputs are extracted from the
signals that are acquired by a microphone. The acoustic signals are better than the traditional
vibrations because of the mobility of the sensors. However, the distance between the microphone
and the acoustic source is the main factor that affects the quality of the input feature. This
problem can be overcome by the so-called d-normalization before putting into the system. The d-
normalization is actually similar to the normalization based on the loudness or the acoustic
volume. Nevertheless, the experimental study showed that the d-normalization could successfully
minimize the effect of the source distance.
In addition, the acoustic power spectra together with rectied statistical moments were designed
as the major input representations for the expert system. Both the skewness and kurtosis
coefcients are sensitive to the change of rotating speeds or signal amplitudes. And, thus they can
provide additional information as long as the malfunctional signal deviates from the normal
one. Moreover, the rst moment of the rectied acoustic signals can be used as the base of
The system was further veried by many tests under different considerations. It has been found
that the ANN system is good except that there exists a special phenomenon like resonance.
The nancial support of the present research from the National Science Council (NSC) of
Taiwan under NSC-89-2212-E-027-006 is thankfully acknowledged.
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