Supplemented Companies As: Memo To Designers APRIL 1989 17-130
Supplemented Companies As: Memo To Designers APRIL 1989 17-130
Supplemented Companies As: Memo To Designers APRIL 1989 17-130
~oad loads shall be as provided by applicable current Specifications of the American Railway
Engineering Association (AREA), supplemented by this Memo and provisions pertaining to particular
railroad companies as provided in Memo 17-120.
The Cooper's E-10 railroad live loading, illustrated below, can be used for deriving any of the Copper
E Loadings. The charts on pages 9-95 and 9-96 in the Bridge Design Aids manual tabulate E-10
moments, shears and reactions. Cooper E-1 0 values must be multiplied by a factor proportional to the
loading being used; e.g., for Cooper's E-72 loading, the factor is 7 .2.
Designers should be aware that BDS does not include the uniform load portion ofthe Cooper E Loadings.
The two locomotives with the uniform load may control for negative moment and pier reactions on long
span continuous bridges. This loading combination can be investigated by using the H(501) form and
input concentrated loads for the two locomotives and a simulated uniform load.
Loads due to the vehicles of modern fixed-rail transit systems have not been standardized for design
purposes. They shall be as directed for the specific system under consideration.
The impact load percentage ofrailroad live loads shall be determined by the following formula according
to superstructure type.
I= 35
where L = span length center-to-center of bearings in feet but does not exceed 60 feet
I = SOO + 14
LL =Total live load on the member for which the computations are being made
DL = Dead load applicable to the member for which the computations are being made
Southern Pacific Company's letter to J. A. Legarra dated January 20, 1969. Union Pacific Railroad
Company's leuertoJ. A. Legarradated February 5, 1969. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
Company's letter to J. A. Legarra dated February 10, 1969. The Western Pacific Railroad Company's
letter to J. A. Legarra dated March 21, 1969.
When a normally reinforced concrete member suppons a member of other materials (e.g., prestressed
concrete, steel, etc.) the reinforced concrete member shall be designed using the impact formula for
reinforced concrete structures. However, the member of other material being supported shall be
designed using impact formulas specified for those materials (eg. prestressed concrete, steel, etc.)
Non-prestressed components of prestressed members shall be designed using the impact formula for
reinforced concrete structures, e.g., top slabs in prestressed box girders carrying loads transverse to the
direction ofprestress or composite decks on prestressed girders carrying loads transverse to the direction
of prestress.
JGS :jgf