Dr. Ramakrishna Bag: Civil Engineering Dept NIT Rourkela

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Ramakrishna Bag
Civil Engineering Dept
NIT Rourkela
Relevance of the course?
Environmental Engineering

Water pollution Air pollution

Noise pollution
What is biodiversity?
Biological diversity
variety of life found on Earth
and all of the natural processes.
This includes ecosystem,
genetic and cultural diversity,
and the connections between
these and all species.

From the smallest ant to the tallest tree

Each and Every Creature is part of the
biodiversity family
Lets Protect our family
Community of living organisms (plants, animals and microbes)
in conjunction with the non living components of their
environment (things like air, water and soil), interacting as a
Ecosystem as a woven carpet-
if you pull on a loose thread
it might only affect the
thread and those closest to it
or it might unravel the whole

Fauna is all of the animal life of any

particular ecosystem. The corresponding
term for plants is flora.
Flora, fauna and other forms of life such
as fungi are collectively referred as biota.
Benefits of conserving biodiversity
Resilience of the ecosystem in the face of climate change
Agriculture is totally dependent on ecosystem processes
and functions provided by biodiversity
Prevention of salinity and soil acidification, weed invasion
and pest control
Products such as timber, honey and medicine
A link to the past preservation of the natural world
Prevention of habitat for native species, support for living
things including humans
Maintenance of natural processes filtering of pollution.
Protection from soil water loss and erosion
Safety Engineering
Some facts Health and safety related

cost to the society an estimated 13.8 billion in 2010/11

Road Accident Statistics in India

In 2013, over 1, 37,000 people were killed in road

accidents, which is more than the number of people
killed in all our wars put together.
16 children die on Indian roads daily.
One serious road accident in the country occurs every
minute and 16 die on Indian roads every hour.
1214 road crashes occur every day in India.
20 children under the age of 14 die every day due to
road crashes.
377 people die every day, equivalent to a jumbo jet
crashing every day.
Various warning symbols

Very helpful during emergency situation

Safety equipments

These must be worn in workplace

Expected Learning
Understand causes and control mechanisms of
Water pollution
Air pollution
Noise pollution

Learn how to assess Environmental Impact of several

Understand safety requirement in workplace
Risk assessment
Hazard identification and control
TA: 20% (Work-Ethics, Discipline, Attendance,
tutorial work)

Mid-semester Exam: 30%

End-semester Exam: 50%

Attendance: State of being attentive

< 15 % of total classes one grade less

< 30% x grade

Reference books
S. K. Garg, Water Supply Engineering.
M. L. Davis and D. A Cornwell, Introduction to
Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill International,

B. S. Dhillon, Engineering Safety: Fundamentals,

Techniques, Applications, World Scientific.

G. Kiely, Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill Int.

Class notes/slides will be shared via

www.nitrkl.ac.in academics
computational resources Moodle

Can login to Moodle using

Cyberoam/email login id and password.

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