Govt. Schemes Final
Govt. Schemes Final
Govt. Schemes Final
Contents Page 1
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Introduction MGNREGA
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) also Recently celebrated the 10th year of inception
known as Deen Dayal Antyodaya Mission Aligned with sustainable development of the
In 2011, the scheme was launched in rural areas economic, environment and social
to expand livelihoods in small enterprises, 57 percent of women participation
agriculture based rural areas and employment 40 percent of SC category people benefited
in formal sector Employment of 1970 crore person-days
Objective is to nurture rural power till they generated since inception
comes clear of abject poverty Rural employment of 100 days extended to 150
Bridge gaps between skilled labor and industries days
NRLM forms the basis for an umbrella of skill SAMARTHYA A set of 10 training programmers
development schemes like MGNREGA, Deen focusing on technical education created under
Dayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushal Yojana, MGNREGA by Ministry of Rural Developmen
These schemes are discussed as follows
Start Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme Deen Dayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushal Yojana
(SVEP) established to streamline the economic Skill Training imparted on green, grey and
growth from grass roots (villages) service sectors
Objective is to create self-employment Different strategies like ICT usage, vocational
opportunities for inclusive growth training, skill development models, residential
Enhance opportunities for entrepreneurship training, workshops
among rural youth Offers placement to trained youth
Training and skill programs are mainly Guides in foreign placement
conducted in the manufacturing sector to create HIMAYAT and ROSHNI skill development
jobs and increase incomes programs in J & K and North East respectively
Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) The key beneficiaries include SC/ST and women
established training institutes to impart skill on Main aim is to place 75 percent trained people
a village level basis in jobs
This will be a foundation program for skill
development Page 2
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Rural Self-employment training Institute (RSETI) As a result of these skill training schemes, the
set up to impart skill and technical training to livelihoods of the rural poor are likely to improve
rural youth NRLM schemes expand formal sector
Training programs mostly cover agricultural employment in the manufacturing sector
practices, products, process and general Semi-skilled labour will increase in the
entrepreneurship manufacturing sector as a result of NRLM
Helps rural youth to set up self-employment There will be a growth in the quality and
avenues demand for manufactured goods in global
Creates new employment opportunities markets
Hand holding ensured credit linkage and There will be a shift from agricultural produce
microenterprise sustainability market to manufacturing sector in rural areas
Implemented by banks in each district with the as a result of NRLM
collaboration of Ministry of Rural development NRLM schemes will help in the establishment of
and respective state governments agro-based industries
Entire funds of SETI are managed by NRLM will provide scope for value addition,
public/private sector banks innovation and entrepreneurship
The above schemes will uplift the rural poor and
improve their livelihood Page 3
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
various channels like Print Media, TVs, There are few parameters on which the
Campaign, etc. performance of these Health Facilities Centre
To incentivize and recognise such public would be judged are as follows:
healthcare facilities that show exemplary
performance in adhering to standard protocols Hospital or Facility Upkeep
of cleanliness and infection control. Sanitation and hygiene
To infuse a culture of ongoing assessment and Waste Management
peer review of performance related to public Infection control
health care, hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation. Support Services
To create and share sustainable practices Hygiene Promotion
related to improved cleanliness in public health
facilities linked to positive health outcomes.
Basic Criteria for application to the Awards
Award Categories:
Following are the criterias for applying for an
The awards would be categorised are as follow:
The Award will be given to best 2 District
Hospitals in each state (Best District hospital in Constituted a Cleanliness and Infection Control
states). Committee in District Hospitals or Sub-District
The Award will be given to best two Community Hospitals to monitor the process.
Health Centres or Sub-District Hospitals (limited to Instituted a mechanism of periodic review i.e.
one in small states). internal assessment based on defined criteria.
One Primary Health Centre in every district will get Achieved a minimum of 70% score in the criteria
the best Award. during the peer assessment process.
The Best Hospital out of all will get Award at
Parameters of the Health Facility Centre: National Levels.
The Award Committee at the district level is
headed by the District Magistrate
Fast Facts Page 4
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Runner-up 10 Lakh
Nodal Agency
Ministry of Skill Development and
DDUGKY aims to place 75% trained people in
guaranteed employment
Implemented through National Skill
Target Development Corporation
Strategies adopted in DDUGKY to train rural
Transportation youth
Furniture making
Vocational Education
Creating awareness
Metal art Page 5
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17 Page 6
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
related grievance management system) is an Today there are various ways to register Income tax
electronic system which is launched by Union related issue and grievances by the common
Government to address the Income tax issue people. But for that they have to approached to
and Income Tax grievance through one screen and correct department based on type of complaint tax
ensure early resolution or redressal of their payers are facing. Now this is very tough task and
complaints. E-Nivaran has been launched by the time taking and many people don't know where to
government of India and the whole works will be go and where to get solutions. For example, a
done under one screen i.e. In paperless environment grievance regarding your PAN card may be
under the eyes of an assessment officer of IT registered with the two dedicated helplines of NSDL
department. e-Governance Infrastructure Ltd. and UTI
Infrastructure Technology and Services Ltd.
Fast Facts of the Scheme
Therefore, it means that online complaints are
The E-Nivaran Scheme launched to resolve all tracked by a different system compared to offline
the query related to tax issues in a single screen ones, makes the grievance resolution process
under the scanner of assessment officials. lengthy and difficult as help line numbers are also
Prime Minister Narendra Modi advised the different. Hence, government has understand this
Income tax department and Central Board of issue of the common man and thus launched the e-
Direct Tax to take care of tax payers by solving Nivaran to bring convenience to the people / ease
the query as soon as possible related to tax on work on tax related issue.
How It Helps to Tax Payers
This Scheme is also launched with a motto to
reduce the paper works, so as it would save time After implementation of E-Nivaran Scheme it
for both the Tax Payers & the departments. uses technology with a aim to ensure easier and
The Main Aim of this Scheme to reduce the faster resolution of complaints.
Forged cases on tax evasions, etc. & to provide The system not only records the origin of the
assistance through electronic media. grievance on the electronic platform it works on,
To deal with the concerns an Electronic- but also keeps tracking of all figures & data, it
Prevention Plan is being launched as a pilot till it reaches its logical conclusion for final
basis in New Delhi. resolution.
Initiatives are being taken to create awareness Thus, E-Nivaran will be the one-stop-shop for all
among masses about tax policies and grievances. The system will integrate online and
procedures. offline complaints and also have an in-house
The Whole process will be done over Electronic mechanism to transfer grievances to the right
Media i.e. on Single Screen on Computer departments.
(Through Website). With E-Nivaran, Everyone will be able to track
Union Government Advised CBDT to resolve the their complaint and get a solution on the real-
query related to Tax issues within a month time basis.
which may be further reduced with time. All complaints will be monitored by an
assessment officer for time-bound resolution.
Benefits Page 7
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
A separate and dedicated window for grievance smart electronic platform will handle the regular
redressal in the Income Tax Business Application operations of the department.
(ITBA), from now, this recently launched new Page 8
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Provision of services during PMSMA: To ensure that every facility is provided with a
medical officer
All the beneficiaries visiting the Facility should
To identify the facilities were PMSMA will be
first be registered in a separate register for
organised based on the criteria/prerequisites as
PMSMA. After registration, ANM & SN to ensure
mentioned in the above section.
that all basic laboratory investigations are done
To conduct orientation and training of all the
before the beneficiary is examined by the
staff on the operationalization of PMSMA
OBGY/Medical Officer.
To coordinate with District Program Manager
The report of the investigations should ideally be
and supply chain management team in
handed over within an hour and before the
providing all the logistics required by the
beneficiaries are meeting the doctors for further
facilities for organising PMSMA.
To coordinate with District IEC/BCC nodal
This will ensure identification of High-Risk status
person for implementation of mass awareness
(like anaemia, gestational diabetes,
campaigns in the district.
hypertension, infection etc.) at the time of
To plan and execute supportive supervision
examination and further advice.
In certain cases, where additional investigations
To facilitate empanelment and mapping of
are required, beneficiaries should be advised to
private specialist doctors volunteering to offer
get those investigations done and share the
services during PMSMA. Coordinate with Facility
report during next PMSMA or during her routine
In- charge for their deployment
ANC check-up visit.
Roles and Responsibilities of Service Providers:
If all pregnant women in our country are examined
To nominate a nodal officer for PMSMA who will
by a Medical officer and appropriately investigated
be responsible for the execution of the PMSMA
at least once or twice during the PMSMA. This can
in the State or district.
play a vital role in reducing the number of maternal
To nominate a person for execution of the
deaths in India. Implemented well, it can prove to be
awareness campaign in the State or district.
a game-changer and a sturdy stepping stone for the
To nominate a person for District Nodal Officer.
achievement of the sustainable development goals. Page 9
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17 Page 10
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
The demand for skilled Indians abroad is going A new skill development department will be
to increase from 2015 after the ageing problem created resulting in the creation of more jobs in
starts in China the formal sector Overall, Skill India mission is a
Skilled workforce will increase the output in the long term strategy initiated by GOI through an
industry both domestic and foreign umbrella of schemes aimed at developing India
Skilled people will help save time and increase as a skilled super power in the entire world
the efficiency Page 11
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
The main aim of Government to encourage a therefore all the parameters will be to
sustainable environment & development and encourage through same way.
years would get a monthly pension of 500 The Annual Budget of this scheme around 5
Under this scheme all weavers above age of 80 This scheme does nothing to encourage the
years would get 700 rupees per month. young weavers of the state.
The pension amounts shall be sent directly to This scheme could have provided some financial
Under this scheme all weavers within age of 60 Those weavers whose age are 60 years and
years would get a monthly pension of 500 above age of 80years and fulfill above the
rupees per month and above age of 80 years criteria will get 500 rupees and 700 rupees Page 12
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Those weavers who has been working in these This scheme will help in bringing out solution for
fields for more than 20 years service duration in the problems faced by the weavers.
the handloom industries. Textile inspectors and field stuff are visited of all
the families weavers individually and know
Additional Details:
about their requirements to improve the
Around annually 5crore rupees for implementing livelihood of the weavers.
for this scheme.
There will be site specific survey that will lead to
review of weavers condition.
Fast Facts
Facts Figures
Government Odisha Page 13
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17 Page 14
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Fast Facts
Name of the
Vittiya Saksharata Abhiyan
Main emphasis
Higher Educational institutions in India
on Page 15
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Initial cost of the scheme is 1500 crores Training of students conducted following
Fully sponsored by Central government prescribed standards
In 2016, budget for PMKVY is extended to 12000 Standards created by industry driven bodies like
crores Sector Skills Council (SSC)
67 crore allocated to efforts on mobilisation Targets of skill training aligned with flagship
through skill melas programs such as Digital India, Swachh Bharat,
National solar mission and Make in India
Key Components of PMKVY
PMKVY has a formal grievance redressal
Short-term training mechanism
Special projects Online citizens portal setup to convey
Recognition of Prior Learning information about PMKVY
Placement Assistance Industry relevant skill training
Standardised branding and communication PMKVY portal includes a complete set of
Continuous monitoring database available to all courses and the
Kaushal and Rozgar Mela various training centres
Aadhar enabled attendance system
Training provided on a short-term basis
School drop outs Certified under RPL (Recognition of Prior
Economically Weaker sections (EWS) Learning)
Unemployed youth
Monetary reward for trainees Participating Organizations
Certification provided by third parties after Awareness building and training programs
assessment of candidate conducted in coordination with
Panchayati Raj Institutions
Drop out reasons
State governments
Males engage in economic activities at a Community-based organisations and
younger age Municipal bodies
Females engage in domestic activities for a Event management companies to conduct skill
living miles
Lack of interest in education
Financial constraint Conclusion
Timing of educational institutions not suitable PMKVY is a flagship scheme of GOI that has
Unfriendly received good response throughout India and
Unavailability of teachers extended for another four years till 2020
Unfamiliar medium of instruction Millions of school drop outs will be trained and
Lack of training institutes placed in industry
This will improve productivity in due course of
time through skilled labour
Part of Skill India Mission PMKVY will increase the skilled workforce in the
Roping in training institutes to impart skills to industry by 2020
beneficiaries Page 16
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Technology Acquisition and Development Fund 20 lakhs reimbursed for mutually agreed value
Commerce and Industry to fund green development subsidy on capital expenses up to a maximum of
50 lakhs
projects in India.About TADF
Incentives for green manufacturing Green
TADF established under National Manufacturing building construction, environment friendly
Policy 2011 measures etc
Implementing agency is Department of
Features of TADF
Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP)
Funds are managed by a joint venture GITA Financial assistance to Indian owned MSME
(Global Innovation and Technology Alliance) Scheme applicable to all MSME in the NIMZ
(National Investment and Manufacturing Zones)
Need for TADF
SME patent and technology acquisition costs
SME contribute to about 45 percent of India covered
exports Direct patent acquisition costs reimbursed
SME employs about 60 million Indians and ranks Incentives given to adoption of innovation
after Agriculture as the largest employer technologies in water conservation, rain water
More than 6000 products are released yearly by harvesting, pollution control, waste water
SME giving a lot of scope in innovation in the treatment, green buildings and renewable
SME sector energy projects
TADF was established to encourage SME to Green buildings are encouraged through TADF
innovate and manufacture green products Incentives given to reduced energy consumption
and adoption of solar power systems
Objective of TADF
Facilitation of Green, Clean and Energy efficient
technologies through MSME TADF contributes directly to the Make In India
Projects under TADF take the form of patents, Scheme to promote manufacturing in India
customized products, technology, specialized Scheme facilitates the acquisition of green and
services and industrial design clean technologies by SME
TADF helps bridge the technology transfer
TADF Schemes
between international and domestic player at
Direct technology acquisition 50 % subsidy or affordable cost
20 lakhs reimbursed for technology transfer Page 17
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
TADF schemes will promote green concept mechanisms and adoption of green
among MSME technologies
Adoption of clean and green technologies will TADF will benefit both the manufacturing sector
be encouraged and at the same time contribute to the
Environmental pollution will be reduced to a environment as a whole through adoption of
great extent through proper waste disposal clean and green technologies
The move towards cashless economy in India has its Better than Cash Alliance fueled the worlds
roots from Jan Dhan Yojana triggered through UNs largest financial inclusion system of Jan Dhan
Better Than Cash Alliance Network Yojana in India
Helped open about 180 million accounts in a
year accumulating to $3 billion in deposits in
Better than Cash Alliance Network is an India
initiative of United Nations Capital Development Brought nearly 300 million Indian citizens under
Fund (UNCDF) formal banking sector in 3 years
UNCDF is the secretariat of the alliance based The financial inclusion along with Aadhar
at United Nations identification will help in identification of
It is a partnership of international agencies, beneficiaries to provide subsidies
companies and countries The LPG subsidy is a major success in India
Alliance is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates through DBT saving $2billion to GOI annually
foundation, Master card, Citi foundation, Visa, India can enhance its research and technology
Omidyar network and Ford foundation by joining in the alliance
India gained a policy partner through the
Aims and Benefits
Aim is to help countries to make a transition to India is a great case study and success story of
electronic or digital payments Better than cash alliance
Alliance promotes inclusive growth
It reduces poverty by helping nations to benefit Conclusion
poor directly India has benefited a lot from the alliance in the
The alliance promotes financial inclusion recent demonetization scenario
It enhances digital finance GOI has partnered with the alliance to make a
Reduce costs for countries change to cashless economy
Women empowerment
Increases transparency levels Page 18
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
It has improved transparency levels to a great Creating awareness and changing the attitude
extent by bringing most of the financial of the Indians from traditional to modern
transactions under formal banking sector methods is a big challenge
Alliance has given India the required India is progressing to a cashless economy
infrastructure and technical expertise to change despite facing a lot of hurdles and challenges
to a cashless economy UN Better than cash alliance is an aid to Indias
The alliance has helped India develop a digital Digital India Mission
economy Overall, India is changing with the partnership of
the UN Better than cash alliance Page 19
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Fields Data Page 21
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Interest Rate 1% Page 22
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
The scheme will be for the youngsters who are countries in the field of entrepreneurial skills till
educated but not skilled and knowledgeable date.
enough to face global competition. MSDE also unveiled the Lab Guidelines towards
This scheme overall aims for the betterment of standardization of lab equipment across skill
the nations economy. development training centers in India at the
conference. As mention there will be 50 Skill
Development Institutions that will be involved in
After becoming a party of this Ministry, these this scheme.
MSDEs two institutes are now focusing on The Award under this scheme has introduced to
mentorship of budding entrepreneurs across the motivate youngsters who are below 30 to
country and succeed so far and we are contribute more to the entrepreneur ecosystem
determined to create more opportunities of of the nation through many innovative ways.
employment for our youth through this The Award Ceremony will be held on 16th
initiative. January, 2017.
The institutes under this scheme include 2200
institutes of Higher Learning (colleges,
universities and premier institutes), 300 schools, The scheme follows the Start-Up India Scheme
500 ITIs and 50 entrepreneurship development where people can start their own business
centers through Massive Open Online Course instead of looking for jobs.
(MOOCs). This scheme is for the young entrepreneurs
MSDEs two institutions dedicated to across the nation.
entrepreneur education and training- NIESBUD The scheme is that now youngsters will be more
and IIE- have trained more 7 lakh trainee motivate and contribute in the workflow and
including 2600 person from more than 125 cash inflow of the economy.
Important Highlights
Fields Data Page 23
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Time 5 Years
Kisan Credit Card facility was proposed by the farmers Kisan Credit Cards.
Finance Minister Shri Yashwant Sinha in the The card holder/ farmer should have a good
FY1998-99 Budget, with the objective of providing credit history to be eligible for the KCC.
accessible short-term credit to farmers to meet their The Card holders get facilities like passbook,
immediate credit requirements during the crop particulars of land holding, address, validity Page 24
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Kisan credit cards can be used at outlets, as well Time and cost-efficient scheme.
as to withdraw cash to make the necessary Comparatively lower interest rates.
purchases for agriculture. Single term loan for all agricultural
Interest and other charges on Kisan Credit Cards
Flexible repayment options.
Kisan Credit Card interest rates, as well as credit Assists in the purchase of fertilisers, seeds,
limits, varies from bank to bank. Generally, the availing cash discounts from merchants/
applicable interest rate per annum for Kisan dealers, etc.
Credit Cards is 9%, for a maximum Rs. 3 Lakh as Funds withdrawal from any of the Banks
a credit limit. branches, as per the sole discretion of the bank
The Central government subsidies on interest is possible.
rate applicable to the financing institutions, Income from agriculture and allied sources
provided that the cardholders credit history is determines the maximum credit limit.
good. Repayment of the credit can be made once the
The additional interest subsidy of 2% is provided harvest season in over.
and if the customer has a soundtrack record for An elaborate documentation process is not
3 years, She/he is eligible for an increased credit required or continuous appraisals under the
limit. Kisan Credit Card Scheme.
Other charges and fees involved in taking credit Cash withdrawal using the Kisan credit card
under KCC scheme are insurance premium, requires very little paperwork, it is simple and
processing fees, charges on land mortgage hassle-free for both ( the card holder and bank).
deed, etc. Some other advantages include no transaction
costs, lesser risks in loan recovery, etc.
Benefits of Kisan Credit Cards Page 25
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Under PMJDY( Jan Dhan Yojana), debit cards are 50,000 in the event of deceased(death), and Rs.
offered in RUPAY platform. 25,000 in the case of disability.
In order to avail this insurance cover, the customer
Insurance under Kisan Credit Card Scheme
should not be above the age of 70 years at the time
A personal accident insurance cover for farmers of availing the Kisan Credit Card
who have a Kisan Credit Card, as soon as the
customer avails the scheme is provided. The
individual gets a personal accident cover of Rs. Page 26
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Incentives shall be restricted to transactions The winners will be selected through a random
within the range of Rs 50 and Rs 3000 (common draw of the eligible Transaction IDs
All transactions between consumers and
merchants; consumers and government The main objective of this Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana
agencies will be considered for the incentive is to increase the Cashless Transactions and to
scheme make our country Digital. These efforts of the
AEPS transactions will be considered for the government will take India to the paramount of
incentive scheme development. Page 27
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Major Points
5. Place Thiruvananthapuram
7. Name of the Schemes under Nava Haritha Keralam, Ardram, Education System,
Kerala Mission Life Scheme Page 28
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
How it make India Cashless and Digital? On 14th April three Lucky draws will be
announced for those Consumers who did digital
In November 2016, our government took
transactions between 8th November 2016 to
initiative to make our India free from corruption
13th April 2017
and black money holders. For this, the
government banned 500-1000 notes. People First Prize- Cash Prize of 1 Crore
face many problems regarding the exchange of
currency So, they started doing cashless Second Prize- Cash Prize of 50 Lakhs
transactions. No doubt, that people are familiar
Third Prize- Prize of 25 Lakhs
with these activities, but most of the people
avoid doing cashless transactions because most On 14th April three Lucky draws will be
of the people dont know how to do Cashless announced for those Merchants who did digital
transactions. After this more than 50% started transactions between 8th November 2016 to
making cashless transactions. 13th April 2017:-
For making people more aware of the cashless
First Prize- Cash Prize of 50 Lakhs
transaction our government started Lucky
Second Prize- Cash Prize of 25 Lakhs
Grahak Yojana. In this Yojana, there is a lucky
Third Prize- Cash Prize of 12 Lakhs
draw for those who will do more cashless
transactions during a particular period. This Selection of Lucky Grahak
scheme is for merchants and customers only.
For selecting the persons for the lucky draw there is
Our Government decided to give the Christmas
a simple method which is the random
gift to our Nation So, First lucky draw will be
selection. NPCI has made a software through which
declared on 25th December 2016.
they make payment of that Lucky Grahak person.
The second Lucky draw will be declared on 14th
National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) is a
April 2017 on the occassion of Dr.Ambedkar
non profit organisation which took the initiative to
make India Digital. As its motive is to make the
Terms & Conditions middle class and poor people aware about the
Digital India.
Those who are doing cashless transactions by
using AEPS, USSD, UPI, RuPay. They will be Conclusion
eligible for this scheme.
The main objective of this Grahak Lucky Draw
Those who are doing cashless transactions
Yojana is to increase the Cashless Transactions
through credit card, debit card and other
and to make our country Digital.These efforts of the
applications like E-Wallet. They will not be
government will take India to the paramount of
eligible for this scheme.
NITI Ayogs CEO Mr Amitabh Krant announced
that (NPCI) National Payment Corporation of
India will distribute gifts to customers by
cashback prizes of Rs.1000 in the next 100 days
which is starting from 25 December. Page 29
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
RBI changes the repo rates and other rates Term deposit Page 30
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
MCLR rule exempted for loans given to retired banks change their lending rates according to
employees, existing employees, government the repo rate cuts
schemes etc The ultimate success of MCLR lies in the end
Banks will be reluctant to change to MCLR rule user getting benefited
due to cut in interest rates as currently, it is up Lending rates will see quick change in MCLR
to the customer to exercise their loans under The entire economy of India will get a boost with
MCLR as an option increase in rate transparency as a result of
MCLR - A change in repo by RBI reflects on the
loans borrowed by individuals from banks
Bank customers will quickly get the benefit of Overall, this MCLR regime is one of the
the repo rate changes from their respective innovative measures of RBI to improve Indian
banks banking system to global standards
Banks also get benefited to compete with
commercial paper market
Companies and borrowers will get benefited
with the low-interest rates for short term loans
and reflection on repo on lending rates
MCLR has to be implemented by RBI with a
strong monitoring system to check whether Page 31
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Basic Layout/ How it works: Since 2015, Our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
has been doing many things for the welfare of our
Let us understand by using flow chart. I Hope it will
country. He started a number of schemes for the
clear everything. But here I will describe the
welfare of the Indians. He has visited a number of
following steps.
countries to sign various deals to make our country
Step 1 Customer swaps his/her cards at Mini developed. He started around about 30 schemes
Step 2 Mini ATM fetch data from Customers urban in 2015, Digital India in 2014, Mudra Bank
Step 3 Customers bank get confirmation from Swachh Bharat in 2014, Pradhan Matri Garib Kalyan
Step 6 Again after getting confirmation from Yojana. This Yojana was launched in 2015. The
UIDAI , NPCI again asks Creditors details to objective behind this Yojana is to improve the
Step 7- Creditors Bank Approve details of poverty alleviation program. Under this program Page 32
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
A number of benefits are there for this scheme. As As we know that under Demonetization if someone
we know that this scheme is valid for BPL families. tried to make deposits more than 2.5 lakhs then he
BPL stands for Below Poverty Line. This scheme will have to pay a penalty around 60% on his
provides help to poor people. The main objective of deposit amount.The amount collected as the
this scheme is to improve the condition of society penalty under demonetization drive will be used for
and remove the poverty from India. the welfare of the poor people.
As we know that from a month ago demonetization This Yojana will help to improve the society. A Garib
is in talks. As Prime Minister banned 500 and 1000 Kalyan Mela in 2015 was conducted in 22 districts
Notes. This is done by The Prime Minister to stop of Gujarat. Just because of this Yojana, many poor
the corruption and malpractices in India. To find out people got their rights. This scheme is beneficial for
the ratio of black money in our country, our Prime BPL and to lift up the poor people and make weaker
Minister Shri Narendra Modi started this. section strong. The main motive of this scheme is to
make our country developing to developed.
Rules of Demonetization Page 33
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
to introduce a string of restaurants to offer low-cost In the first stage, 80 vans will be employed to
good food to economically backward sections of distribute food Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Pratapgarh
society. etc. at the self-governance units.
Under this scheme various canteen were There will be adequate space in these vans to sit
incorporated in the state to provide people healthy and eat.
food. The skilled staff will be trained to prepare meals
The scheme was a great hit in Tamil Nadu as some with their gloves, head-masks and aprons on.
of the kitchens are operated with solar energy. There will be a menu displayed on the vans
Ammas canteen offer rice, chapati and sambhar prepared keeping in view the nutritional
and pongal. The cost varies between Rs. 3 to Rs. 5. requirements so that the food can be prepared
More than 60 vans will be serving under this
Scheme available all over India except J&K 3000 p.a for mentally retarded people
Insurance cover of up to 1 lac to PwDs PwD family including spouse and up to two
Single premium across age bands children are covered by this scheme
PwDs with disabilities under the National Trust No premedical tests involved
No need for pre-medical tests before enrolling in Assurance created network of hospitals for free
OPD treatment facility available including Claims must be made to New India Assurance
Alternate medicine to reduce disability impact cerebral palsy and Multiple disabilities Page 34
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Objectives of Swavlamban Page 35
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Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Awareness about the scheme must be enhanced Initial steps to be taken to cover all PwDs
and more PwD must be enrolled in the scheme working in the formal sector
GOI has introduced a slew of welfare measures Identification of beneficiaries is a key challenge
for PwD in this fiscal year including Swavlamban Overall, the scheme is a positive measure in
but the implementation and monitoring must be utilising the PwD talent and recognising them as
enhanced further respectable individuals in the society
The Central government Cabinet Committee on Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC)
Economic Affairs (CCEA) headed by Prime Minister
CBEC is a part of finance ministry under the
Mr. Narendra Modi approved Project Saksham to
department of Revenue
ease GST implementation on 28th September 2016.
Deals with policy formulation pertaining to
Project Saksham is a back end IT Infrastructure
customs, excise and service tax
project integrating CBEC and GSTN systems.
Administers the prevention of smuggling
Administers all indirect tax laws
Need for Project Saksham
Main role is the regulation of import and export
GST is to be rolled out by April 1, 2017 trade
In order to integrate GSTN with CBEC, IT Frames the EXIM Policy of India
infrastructure has to be upgraded Publishes all export and import related
Project Saksham integrates CBEC and GSTN procedures and documents
Systems Subordinate houses include
Project Saksham is developed under Digital India a.Central excise commissionerates
Initiative b. Custom houses
c. Central revenues control
d. Service tax commissionerates
Project Cost and Tenure Head quarters located at Ministry of Finance,
New Delhi
Project Saksham cost is 2256 crores
Tenure of the CBEC and GSTN integration project is
7 years Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) Page 37
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Indian government holds an equity of 24.5% E-services to speed up indirect tax collection
State Finance Ministers empowered committee Convenience to tax payers
holds 24.5% Extension of SWIFT Initiative
Remaining 51% with private financial Integration with e-taal, e-nivesh and e-sign
institutions government initiatives
Set up mainly to provide IT Infrastructure for In accordance with Ease of Doing Business
GST implementation with a corpus of 10 crore Subsume local levies
Aim is to provide a uniform interface of tax
payment system between centre and state
SWIFT code for Banks
Now each state has its own system of collecting
indirect taxes Standard format of money transfer between
Integrating all these systems in a single unified banks in India
system for the overall implementation of GST is Bank identifier code
the purpose of GSTN Banks use the SWIFT code for message
Head quarters located at New Delhi exchange between them
Swift code has 11 characters or 8 digits
8 digits code denotes the primary office
a. 11 characters represent the following
CBEC b. First 4 digit represent bank code and are only
GSTN letters
Tax payers (36 lac currently) c. Next 2 letters country code
Exporters d. Next 2 characters location code
Importers e. Last 3 characters branch code
All Indirect tax payers (65 lac after GST) Swift network spans across the world with
40000 live codes
Registration handled by Society for World wide
Software Developers
Inter bank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
GSTN acts as the front end Head quarters located at La Hulpe, Belgium
Infosys develops GSTN software Project Saksham will serve as an extension of
CBEC acts as the back end this Swift network
Wipro develops CBEC software
CBEC acts as the front end for investigation,
appeal and audit only
Integration of existing CBEC system with GSTN
is a complex process
Handling huge information
Project Saksham will help in effective Hardware and Software requirements including
implementation of GST. infrastructure etc.
Digitalization of customer accounts and Duplication of data
scanned documents Information security Page 38
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Mission Bhagiratha, a new initiative started by the The Government of Telangana constituted a
state government of Telangana to provide safe water grid pipelines that would depend on
drinking water to everyone in the State through water resources available in River Krishna and
dedicated water pipeline channels in the state. To Godavari.
confederate the mission, The state government has The Government of Telangana estimated to
designed a water grid project to provide utilize a total of 34 Thousand Million Cubic of
a sustainable and durable solution to the problem water from River Godavari and 21.5 Thousand
of safe drinking water. The Main objective of this Million Cubic from River Krishna for the water
Mission Bhagiratha is to provide 100 litres & 150 grid pipelines to provide clean drinking water to
litres of clean drinking water per person in rural every household in the state.
households and in urban households respectively. Plans are ready to use water from Sriram Sagar
The Final deadline for the completion of the water Project, Srisailam, Komuram Bheem Project,
grid project is March 2018. Jurala Dam, Paleru Reservoir, Nizam Sagar
Project. This scientifically designed project
Fast Facts:
intends to use the natural gradient wherever
The Project Mission Bhagiratha was started by possible and pump water where necessary and
the State Government of Telangana with a supply water through pipelines channels. The
support of Union Government. state-level grid will comprise of a total of 26
The Project will cover 67 urban and 25000 Rural internal grids.
habitants across the States. The Telangana state government will be using
This Project will provide 100 Litres in rural latest and Upgraded technology for the
Households & 150 Litres in Urban Areas. proposed Water Grid project. In this Project
The expected costs of the project is around Advanced Light Detection and Ranging
42,000 Cr. (LIDAR) technology would be utilized for survey
Mission Bhagiratha Project will rejuvenate of the Water Grid and the Lightweight
45,000 water tanks with dedicated pipelines. aircrafts will be engaged only for aerial survey.
For this Project The Government of Telangana According to the Media Report the Government
estimated to utilize a total of 34 Thousand of Telangana will use hydraulic based modelling
Million Cubic of water from River Godavari. software for determining the shape and size of
This projects also utilize 21.5 Thousand Million water pipelines, pumping capacity and the
Cubic of water from River Krishna, i.e. It is height from which the water would be pumped.
known as mother of all the rivers. Page 39
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17 Page 40
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
The training mainly covers courses in four main youth to pursue terrorism or other illegal
sectors including engineering, manufacturing, activities
soft skills and services These schemes are considered vital from social
Avenues are open to continuing or pursue perspective and creates employment
higher education and create employment opportunities for minority students
opportunities in the formal sector Schemes like USTTAD aim to revive the
traditional crafts and arts practised in the
ancient Mughal rule Page 41
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
six equal bi-monthly installments payable along to 2KW in rural areas (connected or
with the next six bills. disconnected).
The consumer opts to pay in lump-sum, This scheme for also Domestic consumer having
additional rebate of 5% will be allowed. loaded up to 2KW in urban areas (disconnected
No checking will be carried out during the only).
period of operation of the scheme for The surge amount outstanding as on 30th
consumers having load up to 5KW. December, 2016 in the name of a consumer who
No meter having similar load will be seized and opts for the scheme shall be frozen.
sent to the lab for testing during this period. 40% of this amount will be waived off on
The cases of defective meters, brunt meters payment of next six bills by the customers.
shall be covered under this scheme. Another 30% of the surge amount will be waived
off at the end of second year on full payment of
bills during the year.
2. Lunched on 19 November, 2016
th st
4. Operation period 20 November, 2016 to 31 December, 2016. Page 42
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Introduction by 2019.
Swachh Swasth Sarvatra is an initiative launched by 5. Under Kayakalp, one Primary Health Centre
Union Health Ministry in collaboration with the (PHCs) in each district is awarded for meeting
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and quality
Human Resource Development. standards including sanitation and hygiene.
The main aim of this initiative is to strengthen 6. Through the initiative, the Gram Panchayat in
health centers in open defecation-free blocks. which the PHC gets awarded will be noted and
This initiative is a part of the Union Governments special focus will be given to make it ODF.
chief Swachh Bharat Mission and is focused on the
dual objectives of constructing toilets and enabling
Components of Swachh Swasth Sarvatra
behavioural change.
Swachh Swasth Sarvatra is the advanced form of There are three main components of
Swach Bharat Mission from being Swachh Bharat to SwachhSwasthSarvatra, they are
Swastha Bharat. 1. Community Health Centres (CHCs) in ODF blocks
supported to achieve Kayakalp certification.
Objective 2. Gram Panchayat of Kayakalp Primary Health
1. This initiative aims to fulfill the requirements of Centres (PHCs) prioritized to become ODF.
two complementary programes namely, Swachh 3. Training in WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Bharat Mission (SBM) of the Ministry of Drinking ) of CHC/PHC nominees.
Water and Sanitation and Kayakalp of the Ministry
Other initiative also launched along with Swachh
of Health and Family Welfare.
Swasth Sarvatra
2. Over 700 blocks are declared as Open Defecation
Another joint initiative, Swasth Bacche Swasth
Free (ODF) under Swachh Bharat Mission by
Bharat (Healthy Children Healthy India) was also
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.
launched on the occasion between Ministry of
3. Rs 10 lakh will be given to each Community
Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of
Health Centres (CHCs) in ODF blocks of the country
Human Resource Development.
to strengthen the standards of sanitation, hygiene
It is a booklet that contains tips on leading a
and infection control.
healthy life for children.
4. SwachhSwasthaSarvatra is a much needed
programme to achieve open defecation-free India
Quick fact Page 43
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
What is BHIM?
Bhim is an application for payment through How to use
On downloading the app users will be asked to
smartphones which is based on the technology of
verify their mobile numbers which are linked
UPI (Unified Payment Interface). This app has been
with their respective bank account.
developed by the NPCI (National Payment
Corporation of India) in association with Juspay. After verification the app will show a list of all
the bank accounts linked to the mobile number.
This app is now readily available on playstore which
is the android platform the and same for the iOS One has to select the account he or she wants
to make transactions through
platform is expected to be launched soon. Page 44
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
After selecting the account the user has to enter For now maximum limit for every transaction
a 4 digit code (UPI PIN) to make transactions has been set at 10,000 INR and a total
through the app transaction of 20,000 INR per day. The limits are
The payment address will be set as the mobile expected to change in future.
number which is entered for verification which
can be changed later.
in the state. This scheme was launched by Chief The main objective of this scheme are to assess
Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chouhan. service being provided to citizens and bring
This scheme will be conducted from 25th December, them at standard life.
2016 to 5th February, 2016 in three phases. Chief Also inform lower income class people residing
Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chouhan in slums in urban areas about public welfare
also performed bhoomipujan of 2.2km long smart scheme and provide benefit in today. Page 45
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Also inform them about works carried out for Teams of officers and employees of
urban development and ensure contribution of departments would be constituted in the first
citizens and other agencies in urban phase of the campaign.
development schemes. Necessarily of employment for unemployed
person will be earmarked and work plan will be
made in this regard.
This scheme will be conducted from 25th Ward Sabha will be held in Second phase.
December, 2016 to 5th February, 2017 in three Status of infrastructure development and
phases. beneficiaries oriented schemes will be assessed.
The First phase will be held between 25th Shivraj Singh Chouhan informed that Urban
December to 28th December, 2016. Development work of Rs. 83,000crore will be
The Second phase will be conducted between sanctioned.
January 3 to January 15, 2017. He told that with the bhoomipujan of smart city,
The Third phase will take place between 20th smart road works have been started in Bhopal.
January to 5th February, 2017. A sum of 100crore rupees will be provided for
Under this scheme CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan Bhopal and the money would be given to every
flagged off Uday Abhijan Rath and 51 e city for development under CM infrastructure
rickshaws. scheme.
Under this scheme CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan
also inaugurated payment facility by POS of
Bhopal Municipal Corporation.
Fast Facts:
2. Launched on 25 December, 2016
th th
5. Scheme Period 25 December, 2016 to 5 February, 2017
th th
First phase- 25 December to 28 December,
6. Three Phases are
2016 Page 46
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
th th
Third phase- 20 January to 5 February, 2017
PS Malay Shrivastava
Chief Guest of this
campaign Former CM Babulal Gaur Page 47
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17 Page 48
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Quality assessment and certification NSDM will make India the Skill capital of the
Increase in the number of quality vocational entire world
trainers By 2020, India will be a supplier of skilled labor
to the entire world
Domestic labor force will also be upgraded
NSDM is one of the flagship schemes of GOI through short term skill training programs
Assam Government extending its hands to give burns, neo-natal and neurological conditions.
quality health care which is affordable to the Assam has claimed to have taken the biggest
Benefit of free treatment upto 2 lakhs per year for 5 treatment can be availed without much
critical diseases which include kidney, hassle. Assam Chief Minister concluded that the
cancer, burns, neuro and heart surgery. government has always thought of
committing in health and this scheme will ensure
that quality healthcare is affordable.
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17 Page 50
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
By 2020, India will have a surplus of 47 million Rural youth find it hard to enter colleges due to
manpower compared to the deficit in other high competition from urban youth
world nations NYP comes to the aid of rural youth in imparting
NYP aims to train youth on modern agricultural skills that are job oriented
practices NYP encourages youth to become
Training on non farm sectors is also provided entrepreneurs
under NYP Higher emphasis given to rural youth with focus
Job oriented courses to youth on vocational training
Improve the educational and literacy This will ensure that Indian youth is skilled and
percentage in rural areas industry ready
Overall, NYP will address the huge problem of
Alignment of NYP with other Schemes
unemployment in India and bridge the gap
PM Mudra Yojana Develop entrepreneurial between corporate and employees through
spirit among the youth skilled youth
Stand up India To develop SC/ST and women
Digital India Skill youth on digital
infrastructure and technologies
Make in India Developing skilled and industry
ready youth
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a new Varanasi within two years. Page 51
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
This project would be beneficial for around Government has also planned to develop 25
20lakh families in those eastern parts of the industrial clusters in five states like Varanasi,
India like Cuttack, Patna, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar Patna, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata and Cuttack using
and Varanasi. the gas from this pipeline.
Because of this project about 800kms pipeline Under this project a total 2540km long natural
would be put just only in Varanasi region and gas pipeline would be laid in five states.
profit about 50,000 households and 20,000 From this project a total of 40 districts and 2600
vehicles for PNG and CNG correspondingly. villages are expected to be benefited.
This project would also provide the accessibility 20,000 vehicles will get CNG because of this
of approx. 5lakh LPG gas cylinders within next project so lot of people will get work as CNG as
5years. cheaper than the diesel and petrol.
Set up 20 CNG stations for the vehicle is also Set up 20 CNG stations for vehicle is also part of
part of this project to solve the problem of diesel this project to solve the problem of diesel and
and petrol. petrol and total no of project is 1000crore which
will be finally give more output to people.
Key Features
20lakh people of Varanasi city is affected by this
Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off project as length of this city is approx. 1535km.
projects like doubling of railway tracks on the Approx. all the farmer will benefit of this
Allahabad to Varanasi station and expansion of project.
Diesel Locomotive Work (DLW) besides laying
foundation stone for a fully air-conditioned
perishable cargo center in Varanasi.
441km Bihar
500km Jharkhand
Overall Information Page 52
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
2. Lunched on 24 October, 2016 Page 53
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17 Page 54
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
NAPS is a part of labor reforms amending the Apprenticeship training works hand in hand with
factories act, labor laws act and apprenticeship the industry especially with MSMEs
act Apprenticeship training facilitates increase in
Major punishments such as imprisonment and opportunities by ten fold by 2020
liabilities pertaining to Apprenticeship act are PM Modi recently launched the Apprenticeship
removed through the amendments portal to network employees, companies and
NAPS labor reforms - Amended Acts
It is expected to become the countrys most
Factories Act Better worker safety and powerful skill delivery program
doubled provision for working overtime
Labor laws act Companies with less than 40 Need for Apprenticeship program
workers exempted from labor law provisions Migration of rural youth (2 million annually app)
Apprenticeship act - Removal of mandate for Employment opportunities are less due to high
absorption of half apprentices rate of migration
As a result youth land up in low paid or under
Target of NAPS
paid jobs
To train 50 lakh apprentices by 2020 Low profitability in agriculture
No interest in Agriculture
Nodal Agency
Urgent need to empower rural youth and
Ministry of Skill development and
Nearly 74 percent of Indian households have
Implemented by Director of General Training
monthly income less than 5000 rupees
according SECC, 2011 Page 55
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Employment department in each district Maharashtra State Agro and Tourism (MART) is
empowered to provide career guidance a successful model with more than 150 centers
programs in lieu of NAPS to youth pertaining to run privately
education or job This successful model is followed in Kerala,
NAPS aims to create job opportunities for rural Rajasthan, H.P and Gujarat
youth in rural areas itself and minimize the NAPS develops such innovations
migration problems
NAPS trains rural youth on modern agriculture
practices and technology to make them NAPS trains millions of youth and is projected to
Non farm apprentice training on a short term skill training with job oriented outcomes
NAPS works in alignment with the goals of PURA It helps prevent the migration of rural youth to
NAPS interfaces institutions like Khadi and urban areas by establishing network with
Village industries, educational institutions, Small different rural non governmental institutions
farmers agri business association, NGO etc to and provide training to rural youth and get
impart skill training to the apprentices in various employment in the rural areas
job creating fields The scheme will encourage third party agencies
Agro tourism based industries offer new to impart skill training where in house training
provided in these areas Overall, NAPS helps GOI to achieve the Skill
India mission
was launched by Rural development ministry to To give incentives to rural poor pursuing self-
Scheme was launched in 2016 along with Start new business or pursue self-employment options Page 56
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Ministry of Skill development and More emphasis is given to women and Self-help
Entrepreneurship groups (SHG) in DUSY
MUDRA bank This will increase the participation of more SHG
Rural entrepreneurship will see an uplift with
Main source of Funding is through National DUSY network with SHG
Rural Livelihoods Mission DUSY is seen as a means of achieving financial
DUSY loans are funded through MUDRA Bank independence from the perspective of women
loans Women empowerment will occur in the rural
Beneficiaries obtain credit linkages in an areas
innovative manner The rural economy will get a boost with new
Self-help groups are the main beneficiaries avenues of employment other than agriculture
The pressure on land will reduce considerably
Skill Set Training areas under DUSY
Suryamitra initiative is a residential program to India has set a target of 100 GW solar power in
develop skilled technicians in solar powered projects 25 years Page 57
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
According to Confederation of Indian Industry NISE coordinates technology and research work
(CII) estimates, this will need about 6.5 lakh pertaining to Solar power
trained personnel in the solar energy field
Funding Agency
Suryamitra course is designed to meet this need
100 % funding of Suryamitra by GOI
About Suryamitra initiative
Services covered under Suryamitra
Suryamitra initiative is a part of Make in India
scheme Solar project installation Page 58
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Suryamitra skill development programs are The skill development program promotes
conducted in the above institutes and various entrepreneurship and employment
other locations across the country
Benefits Suryamitra will create employment in the solar
Suryamitra scheme creates job opportunities in energy field
various solar industries Solar energy use will be projected to the public
Helps in reducing the unemployed youth through the Suryamitra mobile app
80 percent of the trained suryamitras are placed Suryamitra mobile app create demand for solar
in a solar field company with a good based products and act as a catalyst
remuneration Overall, Conventional energy consumption will be
Rest of the suryamitras are becoming reduced to a great extent by switching to solar
entrepreneurs in the solar energy field energy benefiting India as a whole
PM Modi announced about PKVY skill drain challenge into brain gain
development program at the fourteenth edition PKVY will help boost the confidence of Indian
PKVY is aimed at imparting skill training to Skill development is given to Indian youth based
PKVY is launched as a means of showing respect PKVY will ensure that Indian youth will not feel
by ensuring their welfare and safety The training program will be of international
Bharatiya Divas at Bengaluru Indian youth will be trained and certified under
Indian Diaspora
Nodal Agency
30 million Indians live abroad
They reflect the Indian ethos, culture and values Implemented by National Skill Development
PM Modi urged PIO card holders to change to Ministry of Skill Development and Page 59
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
overseas Indians in distress through social the welfare, safety and security of overseas
PKVY will help keep a track record of the Indian going abroad to work
youth going abroad after getting trained in the In the due course of time, PKVY will help convert
PKVY will aid in making India the Worlds Skill India will become a major supplier of skilled
PKVY will serve as a vehicle for NSDC to enter decade and PKVY is one of the schemes to
training to potential immigrant workers Skill banks cover about 110 job roles
Skill Banks are established first in the states of 50 global skill banks are set up by GOI in 2016 Page 60
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Main focus countries of Skill banks If the requirement in a gulf nation is for 1000
South East Asia mason workers, then skill banks will train 1000
Sweden demand-based
The above countries will have huge dearth of Skill banks ensure that the employee gets good
nurses and care givers in the next decade working conditions abroad
Skill banks focus on these countries for job The trainees get a better salary abroad after
opportunities and train people according to the attending the training program and sent
requirement abroad Page 61
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
Now the scheme covers the entire country The main objective of the scheme is to generate
Minister for Minority affairs launched the employment to youth belonging to minority
scheme communities
The scheme focuses on school drop outs in The scheme also extend loans for starting up
minorities and help them complete their school new businesses to minorities
education The scheme will address the educational needs
The scheme aids in providing employment of the minorities especially Muslims
opportunities to school dropouts after training The scheme also covers the livelihood needs of
them minorities
The scheme is implemented by ministry of Scheme covers people in the age group of 17 to
minority affairs 35 from all minority communities
GOI to fund 3738 crore rupees for the scheme All school drop outs are eligible for training
initially under this scheme
World Bank funded scheme Madarasa students form the main beneficiaries
Recently, World Bank signed credit agreement Madarasa students confine themselves to
with GOI to provide funding to Nai Manzil contemporary education and often do not get
Scheme to the tune of $50 million formal employment
Maulana Azad education foundation to impart Nai Manzil Scheme enables Madarasa students
skill training in all its centers to get employed in the formal sector through
skill training
30 percent of the seats are reserved for minority
World Bank reports indicate that around 20 girls
percent of individuals in the age group of 17 to
35 are from minority groups About Nai Manzil Scheme Training course Page 62
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
The scheme was launched by the Government of The government of India will release an estimated
India in 2015.The main aim of scheme is to bring funds of Rs.43,033 crores with a budgetary support
reforms and uninterrupted power supply in rural of Rs.33,453 crores during the execution of the
areas of the country.The earlier rural electrification entire project.
scheme Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran
Yojana(RGGVY) has been merged with this DDUGJY.
Inclusion of BPL
Remarkable features of the scheme:- The below poverty line households will get a free
To provide electricity to all 6 lakh villages in the electricity connection with LED lamps at Rs.3000
To provide separate feeders for electricity supply The SC/ST population within the BPL will also be
to household consumers and agricultural provided with free connections along with separate Page 63
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
rural areas.The app also provides the district wise The main outcome of this scheme would be 100%
progress of the scheme which enables the citizens electrification of rural areas and also a next step
to fetch the data through this app comfortably. towards 24 7 power for all.
launched by the government of India in February Issuer: an entity which issues the documents in
2015.The main idea behind the scheme is to provide original format and converting them to electronic
one of the key initiatives of digital India Requester: an entity who requests for a secure
locker accounts.Some of the examples of such The Digi locker will gradually bring down the
digitally uploaded documents are income tax cost incurred in providing services by the
returns file, university degree certificates, etc. government.
It will also bring down the staffing requirements
Helps in saving the time as well as safe and
My certificates (in dashboard of customers account) secure, thereby reducing the fraudulent and
futher divided into two middlemen.
Digital documents: It contains the URLS of the Since these e-documents are digitally signed
documents issued by the government agncies or using aadhar based facility one cannot
any other entities. cheat/forge the documents.
Uploaded documents: It contains all the documents Page 64
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
The Andhra Pradesh Government launched a new The NTR Arogya Seva scheme has already been
scheme named NTR Arogya Raksha Scheme on launched for Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.
1st December, 2016 in Vijayawada to provide a This health scheme provides medical treatment
medical treatment to the people of the Above for 1044 health and medical ailments in any of
Poverty Line (APL) at Rs. 1200 premium per annum. the 432 Corporate Hospitals and 80
This scheme was launched by the Chief Minister of Government Hospitals in the state.
Andhra Pradesh N. Chandrababu Naidu. This This scheme also offers medical insurance to
scheme is health insurance scheme. those people who are not covered under any of
the existing health schemes of the state
The Above Poverty Line families can be avail its
This schemes main objective is to provide benefit by paying monthly installment of Rs. 100
medical treatment to the people belonging to per month per head or yearly installment of Rs.
Above Poverty Line (APL) at Rs. 1200 premium 1200 per annum per head.
per annum. Also, a similar service has been provided to
This health scheme will cover the 1044 employees and journalists in the form of health
secondary and tertiary diseases and appeals cards.
people to enroll their names in the scheme by Those who are not being covered by any such
paying Rs. 1200 per annum per head. scheme, the new health initiative Arogya
This scheme also health insurance cover is Raksha have been launched.
offered up to 2lakh and free treatment. The new Married couple either the wife or
husband belongs to other state can be Page 65
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
registered under one family by paying the entire program in Vijayawada named Swasthya Vidya
annual premium. Vahini program on 24th December, 2016. This
People are resister for this scheme at any of the program was aimed to developing a disease-free
Mee Seva centers till 28th February, 2017. Andhra Pradesh. Some features of this program is-
Unlike other insurance schemes pre existing This program will involve helping of all medical
diseases will not be considered. and nursing students from the state.
The chief Minister also requested the students Under this program, students of all the nursing,
of medical, nursing, psychology and home psychology, medical and home science will be
science to contribute their best to improve the divided in to 446 teams.
public health through the Swasthya Vidya This program will help to develop leadership and
Vahini. communication skills among the students. The
Andhra Pradesh has now become the FIRST students have to prepare a health profile of the
state to fulfill the health for all vision of the village and inform the officials over the reasons
World Health Organization (WHO). for the spread of disease and remedial
The students would be awarded marks in the
The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh N. field work which would be treated as practical
Chandrababu Naidu launched a health education
2. Launched on 1 December, 2016 Page 66
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
This scheme is a successor of Provision of Urban smart villages across the nation by 2020 Page 67
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17
The mission has an innovation budget for Mitigates the challenges of rural migration
undertaking research, capacity building and Reduces the after effects of hyper urbanization Page 68
Government Schemes 2016-17 2016-17 Page 69