Sbdart - Ricchiazzi Et Al
Sbdart - Ricchiazzi Et Al
Sbdart - Ricchiazzi Et Al
SBDART is a software tool that computes plane-parallel radiative transfer in clear and cloudy conditions within the
earths atmosphere and at the surface. All important processes that affect the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation
fields are included. The code is a marriage of a sophisticated discrete ordinate radiative transfer module, low-resolution
atmospheric transmission models, and Mie scattering results for light scattering by water droplets and ice crystals. The
code is well suited for a wide variety of atmospheric radiative energy balance and remote sensing studies. It is designed
so that it can be used for case studies as well as sensitivity analysis. For small sets of computations or teaching applica-
tions it is available on the World Wide Web with a user-friendly interface. For sensitivity studies requiring many com-
putations it is available by anonymous FTP as a well organized and documented FORTRAN 77 source code.
V z n(0) ,
aer ( z ) = dz (2) object. Hence, the object becomes a new point source
of dipole radiation. This redirection of wave energy
is called Rayleigh scattering. Rayleigh scattering by
where n(z) is the vertical profile of the aerosol particle gas molecules is responsible for many commonly ob-
density, V is the visibility in kilometers, and the upper- served phenomena in the SW spectrum, including blue
integration limit actually stops at the top of the atmo- skies and red sunsets. In terms of the wavelength ,
spheric grid, 100 km. the Rayleigh scattering coefficient is given by (Liou
In addition to the low-altitude aerosol models dis- 1980)
cussed above, SBDART also includes models for
upper-atmospheric aerosols. Up to five aerosol layers
8 3 ( m 2 1) (6 + 3 )
can be specified (i.e., at five different altitudes), with
= , (3)
radiative characteristics that model fresh or aged vol-
34 N 2 (6 7 )
canic, meteoric, and upper-tropospheric background
where m is the index of refraction of air, N is the num-
f. Rayleigh scattering ber density of molecules, and is the depolarization
When an electromagnetic wave impinges on an factor. Since the index of refraction varies with wave-
object significantly smaller than its wavelength, a length, the wavelength dependence of the scattering
coefficient is slightly different from the simple and
familiar 4 power law. Using results from the theory
of dispersion of electromagnetic waves to relate m to
N and using a depolarization factor of 0.0279, the
Rayleigh optical depth (Shettle et al. 1980) is given by
) NN((0z)) dz ,
ray ( z ) = (938 10
4 2 1