Sbdart - Ricchiazzi Et Al

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SBDART: A Research and Teaching

Software Tool for Plane-Parallel

Radiative Transfer in the
Earths Atmosphere
Paul Ricchiazzi,* Shiren Yang,* Catherine Gautier,*,+ and David Sowle#


SBDART is a software tool that computes plane-parallel radiative transfer in clear and cloudy conditions within the
earths atmosphere and at the surface. All important processes that affect the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation
fields are included. The code is a marriage of a sophisticated discrete ordinate radiative transfer module, low-resolution
atmospheric transmission models, and Mie scattering results for light scattering by water droplets and ice crystals. The
code is well suited for a wide variety of atmospheric radiative energy balance and remote sensing studies. It is designed
so that it can be used for case studies as well as sensitivity analysis. For small sets of computations or teaching applica-
tions it is available on the World Wide Web with a user-friendly interface. For sensitivity studies requiring many com-
putations it is available by anonymous FTP as a well organized and documented FORTRAN 77 source code.

1. Introduction bases and perform lengthy multiple scattering radia-

tive transfer computations put detailed radiative trans-
The main driving force of the earth system is ra- fer (RT) computations out of reach of the general
diation forcing. The temperature and circulation of the geoscience community. Within the last decade, how-
earth atmosphere and surface are largely regulated by ever, the development of efficient radiative transfer
the amount of radiation the earth receives from the algorithms and freely available gaseous transmission
sun. The spectral composition of the radiation impacts codes, coupled with the steady improvements in com-
life on earth through photosynthesis. Therefore, a de- puter technology have made detailed atmospheric RT
tailed and quantitative knowledge of the earth radia- modeling accessible to a much larger audience. Now,
tion field is crucial to understand and predict the with the addition of user-friendly interfaces, the mod-
evolution of the components of the earth system. Until els can be used as a teaching tool, making them even
recently, the ability to compute detailed radiative more broadly usable.
quantities within the earths atmosphere has been re- Radiative transfer computer codes, such as
stricted to a relatively small group of researchers. The LOWTRAN (Kneizys et al. 1983) and MODTRAN
heavy investments of labor and computer time re- (Berk et al. 1983), have provided an accurate and ex-
quired to compile large molecular transmission data- pedient way to compute radiation levels at low
(20 cm1) and moderate (2 cm1) spectral resolution.
LOWTRAN and MODTRAN were developed prima-
*Institute for Computational Earth System Science, University of
California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California.
rily to address the problem of computing the atmo-
Geography Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, spheric transmission in clear sky conditions. Until
Santa Barbara, California. recently, both codes used simple two-stream radiative
Mission Research Corporation, Santa Barbara, California. transfer algorithms to handle multiple scattering in
Corresponding author address: Dr. Paul Ricchiazzi, Institute for overcast conditions. Besides being less accurate than
Computational Earth System Service, University of California,
more sophisticated RT treatments, two-stream meth-
Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3060.
E-mail: [email protected] ods do not provide angular radiance information, a
In final form 18 May 1998. severe limitation particularly for the interpretation of
1998 American Meteorological Society satellite remote sensing observations. Because the

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2101

LOWTRANMODTRAN codes were intended for a 2. Physical models
highly diverse audience, the input parameters describ-
ing cloud characteristics are rather generic. For ex- a. Standard atmospheric profiles
ample, though several cloud types can be specified, a We have adopted six standard atmospheric profiles
full range of cloud characteristics is not available. This that are intended to model the following prototypical
makes it difficult to perform sensitivity studies of such climatic conditions: tropical, midlatitude summer,
basic parameters as the mean cloud drop radius. midlatitude winter, subarctic summer, subarctic win-
Though a multistream RT treatment has been imple- ter, and US62, which represents typical conditions
mented in the most recent version of MODTRAN over the continental United States. These model atmo-
(Bernstein et al. 1996), the code inherits the same ge- spheres (McClatchey et al. 1972) have been widely
neric set of cloud models as earlier versions. used in the atmospheric research community and pro-
To improve on the LOWTRANMODTRAN vide standard vertical profiles of pressure, temperature,
treatment of the cloudy atmosphere and provide an water vapor, and ozone density. In addition, users may
easy-to-use comprehensive software tool, we have specify their own model atmosphere based on, for ex-
developed the SBDART (Santa Barbara DISORT At- ample, a series of radiosonde profiles. The concentra-
mospheric Radiative Transfer) program. This FOR- tion of trace gases such as CO2 or CH4 are assumed to
TRAN computer program is designed for the analysis make up a fixed fraction (that may be specified by the
of a wide variety of radiative transfer problems en- user) of the total particle density.
countered in satellite remote sensing and atmospheric
radiation budget studies. The program is based on a b. Standard ground reflectance models
collection of well tested and reliable physical models, The ground surface cover is an important determi-
which were developed by the atmospheric science nant of the overall radiation environment. In SBDART
community over the past few decades. five basic surface typesocean water (Tanre et al.
In developing SBDART, we have tried to follow 1990), lake water (Kondratyev 1969), vegetation
modern standards of software design. The code struc- (Reeves et al. 1975), snow (Wiscombe and Warren
ture is modular and excessive use of FORTRAN 1980)and sand (Staetter and Schroeder 1978), are
common blocks has been avoided. The routines, used to parameterize the spectral albedo of the surface,
which cover a fairly wide variety of topics in atmo- which is defined as the ratio of upwelling to down-
spheric physics and radiative transfer, include ample welling spectral irradiance at the surface. The spectral
documentation describing purpose, methodology, albedo describing a given surface is often well approxi-
and inputoutput quantities. In addition to easing mated by combinations of these basic surface types.
maintenance of the code, this approach provides a Input parameters in SBDART allow the user to specify
good starting point for researchers interested in using a mixed surface consisting of weighted combinations
the routine library to develop their own RT codes or of water, snow, vegetation, and sand. For example, a
atmospheric science teachers interested in showing combination of vegetation, water, and sand can be
how radiation interacts with the atmosphere and sur- adjusted to generate a new spectral reflectivity repre-
face properties. We have taken advantage of this foun- senting new/old growth, or deciduous versus evergreen
dation in the development of a separate 3D Monte forest. Combining a small fraction of the spectral re-
Carlo RT model, which we have used to stimulate flectivity of water with that of sand yields an overall
horizontal cloud heterogeneity (OHirok and Gautier spectral dependence close to wet soil.
1998). In SBDART we assume that the angular distribu-
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. tion of surface-reflected radiation is completely iso-
In section, 1 we discuss the key components of tropic, irrespective of solar zenith angle. This
SBDART and the models on which they are based. Lambertian reflection assumption is probably ad-
Next, in section 2, we compare SBDART predictions equate for most situations and is a convenient choice
to recently available measurements of long and short- considering the scarcity of angular reflection data.
wave (SW) radiation. A presentation of the Web ver- However, it should be noted that large deviations from
sion and discussion of its different uses is provided in Lambertian reflection may occur, especially at shallow
section 3. We conclude in section 4 with several ex- viewing and illumination angles, or when viewing a
amples of research and instructional applications of water surface at the specular angle (sun glint). We in-
SBDART. tend to implement nonisotropic reflection models as

2102 Vol. 79, No. 10, October 1998

more observational data of the bidirectional reflection
distribution function become available.

c. Scattering by cloud droplets

Clouds are a major modulator of the earths cli-
mate, both by relfecting visible radiation back to space
and by intercepting part of the infrared radiation emit-
ted by the earth and reradiating it back to the surface.
The computation of radiative transfer within a cloudy
atmosphere requires knowledge of the extinction ef-
ficiency Qeff, the single scattering albedo , and the
asymmetry factor g. The single-scattering albedo is
the probability that an extinction event scatters rather
than absorbs a photon. The asymmetry factor indicates
the strength of forward scattering. We have computed
these parameters using a Mie scattering code
(Stackhouse 1991, personal communication) for
spherical cloud droplets with a statistical distribution
of drop radius. The radius distribution is given by a
modified gamma size distribution:

N(r) = C(r/Reff)(p 1)e(p + 2)r/Reff, (1)

where C is a normalization constant, p is a dimension-

less parameter that controls the width of the distribu-
tion, and Reff is the effective radius. The effective
radius is defined as the ratio of the third and second
moments of the radius distribution. SBDART contains
precomputed scattering parameters for a set of effec-
tive radii in the range 2 to 128 m. All distributions FIG. 1. Extinction efficiency (a), single-scattering albedo (b),
have width parameter, p = 7. Figure 1 shows the com- and asymmetry factor (c) for cloud droplets of effective radius 2,
puted scattering parameters using this code. These 8, 32, and 128 m.
results agree very well with the scattering parameters
generated with Wiscombes (1980) Mie code. To al-
low analysis of radiative transfer through cirrus clouds These band models represent rather large wave-
we also include the scattering parameters for spheri- length bands, and the transmission functions do not
cal ice grains of a single-size distribution [given by necessarily follow Beers Law. This means that the
Eq. (1)] with Reff = 106 m. fractional transmission through a slab of material de-
pends not only on the slab thickness, but also on the
d. Molecular absorption amount of material penetrated before entering the slab.
SBDART relies on low-resolution band models Since the radiative transfer equation solved by
developed for the LOWTRAN 7 atmospheric trans- SBDART assumes Beers Law behavior, it is necessary
mission code (Pierluissi and Peng 1985). These mod- to express the transmission as the sum of several ex-
els provide clear-sky atmospheric transmission from ponential functions (Wiscombe and Evans 1977).
0 to 50 000 cm 1 and include the effects of all SBDART uses a three-term exponential fit, which was
radiatively active molecular species found in the also obtained from LOWTRAN 7. Each term in the
earths atmosphere. The models are derived from de- exponential fit implies a separate solution of the ra-
tailed line-by-line calculations that are degraded to diation transfer equation. Hence, the RT equation
20 cm1 resolution for use in LOWTRAN. This trans- solver only needs to be invoked three times for each
lates to a wavelength resolution of about 5 nm in the spectral increment. This is a great computational
visible and about 200 nm in the thermal infrared. economy compared to a higher order fitting polyno-

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2103

mial, but it may also be a source of significant error. aerosol particle density, shown in Fig. 4, is as speci-
However, since recent attempts to validate the predic- fied by McClatchey et al. (1972). These models are
tions of radiation models in cloudy atmospheres have meant to model the vertical distribution of aerosol par-
shown unexplained anomalous absorption (Zhang ticles in low (V = 5 km) and high visibility (V = 23 km)
et al. 1997; Valero et al. 1997), it seems appropriate conditions. The vertical profiles of the 5- and 23-km
to delay implementation of an improved model until visibility models are the same above 5-km altitude,
a better understanding of nonconservative scattering but below that altitude, where most of the extinction
in the atmosphere is attained. occurs, they follow exponential profiles with differ-
ing density scale heights of 0.99 and 1.45 km for 5-
e. Standard aerosol models and 23-km visibility, respectively. A weighted aver-
Atmospheric aerosols affect the earths energy age of these vertical distribution models is used when
balance primarily through scattering and absorption of an intermediate value of visibility is selected. For a
SW radiation and through modification of cloud mi- horizontal path, the meteorologic visibility is defined
crophysics. For example, it has been postulated that as 3.912/ext, where the numeric factor is the natural
anthropogenic sulfate aerosols may reduce the surface logarithm of a 2% visible contrast threshold and ext
insolation sufficiently to partially offset the effects of is the extinction coefficient (per kilometer) at the sur-
increasing levels of greenhouse gases (Schwartz 1996). face. Hence, since extinction is proportional to aero-
Aerosols may also have a strong indirect influence on sol particle density, the vertical profile of aerosol
the radiation budget. A large density of small aerosol optical depth is
particles can enhance cloud reflectivity in the SW by
increasing the droplet number density for the same
total amount of liquid water. Due to a lack of infor-
mation on their global distribution, aerosols are con-
sidered a major uncertainty in climatic global change.
SBDART can compute the radiative effects of sev-
eral lower- and upper-atmosphere aerosol types. In the
lower atmosphere, typical rural, urban, or maritime
conditions can be simulated using the standard aero-
sol models of Shettle and Fenn (1975). These models
differ from one another in the way their extinction ef-
ficiency Qext, single-scattering albedo , and asymme-
try factor g, vary with wavelength and to the extent the
scattering parameters depend on the surface relative
humidity. Figure 2 shows the spectral variation of Qext,
, and g for the urban aerosol model. The single-
scattering albedo of this model shows a sensitivity to
surface humidity greater than that of the other mod-
els. The maritime model, shown in Fig. 3, has weaker
variation of omega with humidity, but a greater sen-
sitivity of Qext. These differences follow from the par-
ticle-size distributions and the refractive properties of
the aerosol constituents that are thought to be present at
any given relative humidity. For example, the increase
of urban single-scattering albedo with increasing hu-
midity is caused by a relative reduction of the soot con-
tent as the aerosol particles take on more liquid water.
The total vertical optical depth of lower-atmosphere
aerosols is derived from user-specified horizontal
meteorological visibility, V, at 0.55 m and an inter-
nal vertical distribution model (that may be over-rid- FIG. 2. Extinction efficiency (a), single-scattering albedo (b),
den by user input). The default vertical profile of and asymmetry factor (c) for urban aerosols.

2104 Vol. 79, No. 10, October 1998

time-varying electric dipole moment is induced in the
3.912 n( z )

V z n(0) ,
aer ( z ) = dz (2) object. Hence, the object becomes a new point source
of dipole radiation. This redirection of wave energy
is called Rayleigh scattering. Rayleigh scattering by
where n(z) is the vertical profile of the aerosol particle gas molecules is responsible for many commonly ob-
density, V is the visibility in kilometers, and the upper- served phenomena in the SW spectrum, including blue
integration limit actually stops at the top of the atmo- skies and red sunsets. In terms of the wavelength ,
spheric grid, 100 km. the Rayleigh scattering coefficient is given by (Liou
In addition to the low-altitude aerosol models dis- 1980)
cussed above, SBDART also includes models for
upper-atmospheric aerosols. Up to five aerosol layers
8 3 ( m 2 1) (6 + 3 )
can be specified (i.e., at five different altitudes), with
= , (3)
radiative characteristics that model fresh or aged vol-
34 N 2 (6 7 )
canic, meteoric, and upper-tropospheric background
where m is the index of refraction of air, N is the num-
f. Rayleigh scattering ber density of molecules, and is the depolarization
When an electromagnetic wave impinges on an factor. Since the index of refraction varies with wave-
object significantly smaller than its wavelength, a length, the wavelength dependence of the scattering
coefficient is slightly different from the simple and
familiar 4 power law. Using results from the theory
of dispersion of electromagnetic waves to relate m to
N and using a depolarization factor of 0.0279, the
Rayleigh optical depth (Shettle et al. 1980) is given by

) NN((0z)) dz ,

ray ( z ) = (938 10
4 2 1

where the altitude z is the altitude in kilometers and

the wavelength is in microns.

g. Discrete ordinate radiative transfer

The radiative transfer equation is numerically in-
tegrated with DISORT (Discrete Ordinate Radiative

FIG. 4. Vertical profile of boundary layer aerosols for 23

FIG. 3. Same as Fig. 2 but for maritime aerosols. (dashed) and 5 km (solid) visibility.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2105

Transfer; Stamnes et al. 1988). The discrete ordinate The input quantities required by DISORT include
method provides a numerically stable algorithm to the solar spectral input, extinction optical depth,
solve the equations of plane-parallel radiative trans- single-scattering albedo, and angular phase function
fer in a vertically inhomogeneous atmosphere. The in- of the scattered radiation. The extinction optical depth
tensity of both scattered and thermally emitted for each layer is the sum of the layer optical depths
radiation can be computed at different heights and di- due to molecular absorption, aerosols, clouds, and
rections. SBDART is configured to allow up to 50 at- Rayleigh scattering. Since the gas transmission at a
mospheric layers and 20 radiation streams (20 zenith particular wavelength is itself broken into a sum of
angles and 20 azimuthal modes). Polarization effects three exponential terms, the complete solution to the
are not included in SBDART. multiscattering radiative transfer involves three sepa-
The DISORT module was designed to treat plane- rate invocations of the DISORT algorithm to treat each
parallel radiative transfer. It is difficult to specify ex- of the k-distribution components. Each subcalculation
act conditions for which the plane-parallel assumption uses the same optical properties of clouds, aerosols,
is valid. However, in general, the horizontal transport and Rayleigh scattering but different gas optical
of radiation should be unimportant when the scale of depths. A fraction of the solar input is assigned to each
horizontal variability is very large compared to a rel- of the three k-distribution terms, with all the fractions
evant vertical scale. For example, when considering summing to one.
radiative transfer through stratus clouds, it would be In LOWTRANs treatment of multiple scattering,
reasonable to require homogeneous conditions over a the k-distribution weighting factors are specified as
horizontal distance about 10 times the cloud-base altitude-dependent parameters rather than the constant
height (Ricchiazzi and Gautier 1998). When model- factors generally used in the k-distribution approach.
ing the surface irradiation in clear-sky conditions, the In this way LOWTRAN can be used to model radia-
horizontal distance scale is set by the vertical scale of tive heating rates for different altitudes in the atmo-
the dominant scattering process. Hence, homogeneity sphere that may be radiatively dominated by the
over a larger horizontal scale is required when the opacity of different molecular species. Due to the re-
optical depth of stratospheric aerosols is significant quirements of the DISORT subroutine, we have had
and greater than that of Rayleigh scattering or low- to eliminate this flexibility. To use the LOWTRAN k-
level aerosols. distribution parameters with DISORT we have com-
DISORT uses a flat-earth coordinate system. In puted vertically averaged factors weighted by the layer
general this assumption is valid when the region of opacity. Though this simplification will tend to de-
interest has a vertical extent much less than the radius crease the ability to model spectral regions for which
of earth. This is generally the case when dealing with opacity is dominated by different species at different
common sources of scattering in the earths atmo- altitudes, the overall error is probably small. As shown
sphere. However, gas absorption can be important in section 2, the results obtained using this assump-
even at very high altitudes (e.g., UV absorption by tion agree well with the clear-sky longwave spectro-
stratospheric ozone). When considering large solar scopic measurements.
zenith angles, the flat-earth assumption may lead to The effective single-scattering albedo and asym-
significant errors. In our treatment of radiative trans- metry factor for a given atmospheric layer is taken to
fer we have implemented a first-order correction, be the average of either quantity weighted by the opac-
which computes the direct beam attenuation using the ity of each constituent (gas, aerosol, cloud, Rayleigh)
correct spherical geometry. This approach provides a within the layer. The asymmetry factor is used to gen-
much better estimate of the solar input into the lower erate a scattering phase function through the Henyey
atmosphere. Dahlback and Stamnes (1991) showed Greenstein approximation. The HenyeyGreenstein
this approximation provides adequate estimates of at- parameterization provides good accuracy when ap-
mospheric photolysis even for solar zenith angles as plied to radiative flux calculations (van de Hulst 1968;
large as 90 when used with a plane-parallel radiative Hansen 1969), but it is probably less reliable for radi-
transfer model. SBDART does not contain corrections ance computations. While the DISORT model can
for refractive effects, but these effects are small for solar treat more detailed phase function information, it is
zenith angles less than about 85. (At a solar zenith currently not practical to implement a more detailed
angle of 85 refractive effects extend the path length model due to the lack of quantitative information on
from 100-km altitude to the surface by only 1.4%.) aerosol scattering properties.

2106 Vol. 79, No. 10, October 1998

3. Validation of the model with of Wisconsin. Figure 5a shows results for a clear-sky
observations observation made during conditions that were cool,
dry, and relatively free of aerosols. This sample case
a. Longwave comparisons is a good test of SBDART. Compared to a moister air
Since the mid-1980s the ICRCCM (Intercompari- column, the LW radiation emitted by a dry atmosphere
son of Radiation Codes used in Climate Modeling) is more sensitive to ambient conditions over the en-
working group has made an ongoing effort to estab- tire vertical column. In addition, the reduced water
lish a reference standard against which to compare ra- vapor opacity increases the importance of other mo-
diation models. The earliest results from this program lecular species that emit in the window region, thereby
concentrated on the validation of longwave (LW) ra- providing a test of how well SBDART simulates their
diation models. Since reliable LW datasets were dif- emission.
ficult to obtain, the initial goal was to compare models In the comparison shown in Fig. 5b, the observa-
with state-of-the-art line-by-line (LBL) radiative tions were degraded to SBDARTs resolution by con-
transfer codes. Since LBL models do not make any volution with a square response function of width
spectral averaging assumption, these models should 20 cm1. The overall agreement is very good. The de-
have the highest fidelity to the radiative processes in graded data are usually within 5 mW cm m2 sr 1
the atmosphere. throughout the window region. Part of the discrepancy
The results of this first round of intercomparisons at 600 cm1 may be explained by the decreased sensi-
revealed rather large discrepancies between different
radiation codes (Luther et al. 1988). Worse yet, there
were also distressingly large differences between dif-
ferent LBL models. Since that time LBL modelers
have greatly upgraded their models, mainly by improv-
ing the treatment of water vapor continuum and pro-
viding a better partition of the absorption profile
between algorithms for line cores and continua
(Clough et al. 1992). Their efforts have filtered down
to the low-resolution models on which LOWTRAN
and SBDART are based.
The disappointing results from the first round of
intercomparisons also spurred the community to de-
velop SPECTRE (Spectral Radiation Experiment;
Ellingson and Wiscombe 1996). The goal of this com-
prehensive measurement program was to establish
observational standards used to test radiative transfer
models. To achieve this objective, the design of SPEC-
TRE followed from a careful consideration of how to
minimize uncertainties due to radiometric calibration
errors and emission by optical elements and gases in
the optical path. In addition, uncertainties in the aero-
sol, humidity, and temperature profiles were reduced
through in situ and remote sensing measurements dur-
ing the observational periods.
As part of a new round of model comparisons
based on SPECTRE results, the ICRCCM group mem-
bers were provided with atmospheric state data and
spectroscopic observations obtained at Coffeyville,
FIG. 5. (a) Observed spectra from AERI under cooldry con-
Kansas, during November and December 1991. The
ditions. The dashed lines indicate blackbody radiation curves for
spectral data were obtained with AERI (Atmospheric a range of temperatures between 150 and 275 K. (b) AERI spec-
Emitted Radiance Interferometer), a Fourier transform tra smoothed with a 20 cm1 boxcar average (solid) compared to
spectrometer designed and operated by the University SBDART results (dotted).

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2107

tivity of the interferometer at longer wavelength. The have been made available from the recently completed
spectral integration of this data from 600 to 1600 cm1 ARM SW Intensive Observation Period conducted in
agrees with the SBDART prediction to within 3%, the fall of 1997.
which is about three times as large as the calibration To determine how well SBDART predicts total
accuracy of the instrument. We have obtained similar SW surface irradiance, we compared its predictions to
results in clear-sky comparisons with the AERI de- observations made by the Baseline Surface Radiation
ployed at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) observa- Network (BSRN) at the SGP Central Facility. The
tional site of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement BSRN dataset contains measurements from several
(ARM) program (Stokes and Schwartz 1994). The dis- SW and LW radiometric instruments. We used infor-
crepancy between our model predictions and AERI mation from a shaded Eppley Precision Spectral
appears to be a limitation in the SBDART model. Pyranometer (PSP) and an Eppley Normal-Incidence
Comparisons of the integrated AERI spectra with de- Pyrheliometer (NIP) to obtain the diffuse and direct
tailed line-by-line radiation model (e.g., Clough et al. SW radiation, respectively. The total SW irradiance
1992) typically show 1% agreement, even including was reconstructed by adding the diffuse irradiance to
the additional uncertainty introduced by the atmo- the product of the direct-normal irradiance and the
spheric state measurements. cosine of the solar zenith angle. This reconstructed
Clearly, SBDART is not the correct tool for de- total irradiance is more accurate than can be obtained
tailed analysis of AERI data in clear-sky conditions. from an unshaded pyranometer because it bypasses the
However, it does provide quick estimates of wideband uncertainties of the instruments cosine response (Kato
IR irradiance. By comparison, with more detailed et al. 1997). The passband of both the PSP and NIP is
models over a representative range of atmospheric 2902800 nm. Figure 6a,b shows a comparison of to-
conditions, it may be possible to develop correction tal and diffuse SW irradiance predicted by SBDART
factors to make these estimates both quick and accu- and observed by the BSRN on 30 September 1997.
rate. It should also be noted that the discrepancies in This day was very clear, with very low aerosol levels
downwelling irradiance between SBDART and more and no hint of clouds in the SW time history. As dis-
detailed models are much smaller when clouds are cussed below, the model calculations were run with
present. In this case SBDART correctly predicts a ra- both a typical weakly absorbing aerosol with a
diation spectrum in the window region characterized single-scattering albedo of 0.9 (Fig. 6a) and a strongly
by blackbody emission at the cloud-base temperature. absorbing aerosol with a single-scattering albedo of
A more challenging test would be provided by a case 0.5 (Fig. 6b). All SBDART simulations used four ra-
with high, thin cirrus clouds. However, the radiative diation streams.
properties and microphysical description of clouds The data used for this comparison were combined
composed of ice or waterice mix is not yet known from several ARM experiments. Meteorological infor-
well enough to sufficiently constrain the model. mation (vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, and
relative humidity) was obtained from radiosondes,
b. Shortwave comparison which were launched from the central facility several
In some ways it is more difficult to validate the times during each day. Since total precipitable water
accuracy of a radiative transfer model in the SW than is an important determinant of total SW, we used ob-
at longer wavelengths. At visible wavelengths clouds servations from the ARM Microwave Radiometer
produce large variations in transmission over the typi- (that were available for afternoon hours only) to verify
cal range of cloud optical thickness. It is currently that vertical integration of water vapor profiles from
extremely difficult to constrain models with accurate the radiosondes agree to within a few percent of the
estimates of cloud optical depth and microphysics. microwave estimates. Using observations from either
Even under clear skies, the uncertainty of atmospheric source, total water vapor path remained fairly constant
state, particularly aerosol turbidity, produces signifi- at about 2 g cm2 throughout the day. The total col-
cant variation in the SW predictions, at a level much umn ozone used in the SBDART computation was set
greater than would be present in the LW case. It is at 275 dobson units, which was the midday value mea-
therefore essential to obtain along with the surface SW sured by the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer in-
measurements, a set of high-quality atmospheric ob- strument on the Earth Probe Satellite.
servations that include information on aerosol visibil- The Langley method (Harrison and Michalsky
ity over the SW spectral range. Such high-quality data 1994) was used with observations from the Multifilter

2108 Vol. 79, No. 10, October 1998

Rotating Shadowband Spectrometer (MFRSR) to es- inconsistent with in situ observations, which suggest
timate optical depth within narrow (10 nm) passbands that the primary constituent is mineral aerosol.
at 414, 499, 609, 665, and 860 nm. Aerosol optical SBDARTs overestimate of clear-sky diffuse radiation
depths were derived by subtracting out the known ef- is consistent with comparisons performed by Kato
fects of Rayleigh scattering and ozone absorption in et al. (1997), and may support their contention that cur-
the Chappuis band, resulting in aerosol optical depths rent radiative transfer models neglect an important
of 0.109, 0.083, 0.062, 0.053, and 0.044 at the afore- continuum absorption process at visible wavelengths.
mentioned wavelengths. These values were extremely We have also compared SBDART to measure-
stable, with morning and afternoon regressions agree- ments made with an accurately calibrated narrowband
ing to within a few percent. Logarithmic interpolation radiometer system deployed at Palmer Station, Ant-
(or extrapolation for < 414 nm or > 860 nm) was arctica (Ricchiazzi et al. 1995). We were able to
used to supply SBDART with aerosol optical depths achieve about 3% agreement with measurements of
covering the entire wavelength range of the calcula- total (direct + diffuse) irradiance at 410 and 630 nm
tion (2902800 nm). Measurements from tower- under clear skies. These observations were obtained
mounted up- and down-looking MFRSRs provided under conditions of very low aerosol loading, for
spectral surface albedo near the central facility which assumptions regarding aerosol properties are
(Michalsky 1998, personal communication). less important. Unfortunately, the instrument used in
As shown in Fig. 6a, when a typical rural aero- this study did not provide a separate measurement of
sol single-scattering albedo and asymmetry factor ( diffuse radiation.
= 0.9 and g = 0.8) are assumed, the SBDART predic-
tion of total irradiance is about 1520 W m2 greater
than the total observed SW. This discrepancy is 4. Web computation
roughly consistent with the 3% calibration accuracy
of the instruments. SBDARTs prediction of direct To facilitate and promote the use of SBDART by
SW irradiance (not shown) is within about 1% of the a variety of investigators or instructors not necessar-
NIP observations. This last result can be considered ily familiar with computer programming, we have
a validation of both SBDARTs solar and gas absorp- developed an extremely easy-to-use version for use on
tion models and the accuracy of the
narrowband optical depth retrievals.
A bit harder to explain is why
SBDART overestimates the diffuse SW
by almost 30% (25 W m2). Comparisons
with observations on other days show a
similar overestimate of the diffuse radia-
tion. A potential source for this discrep-
ancy may be an incorrect choice of
aerosol scattering parameters. To check
this possibility we repeated the SBDART
simulation with an aerosol single-scatter-
ing albedo of 0.5, keeping the asymme-
try factor at 0.8. These input values
decreased the predicted diffuse radiation
to a level within a few percent of the ob-
servations (Fig. 6b). A similar improve-
ment can be obtained by fixing the FIG. 6. (a) Total and diffuse irradiance for 30 September 1997 observed by the
single-scattering albedo at 0.9 and low- BSRN (solid) and predicted by SBDART (dashed). The SBDART calculation used
ering the asymmetry factor to 0.1 (not aerosol optical depths derived from a Langley analysis of the MFRSR observa-
shown). Though the scattering properties tions for the same day. The aerosol single-scattering albedo and asymmetry fac-
tor were set to 0.9 and 0.8, respectively. The difference, SBDART BSRN, is
of aerosols are difficult to determine pre- shown in the lower panel for the total (solid) and diffuse (gray) component.
cisely, such small values of single-scat- (b) Same as Fig. 6a except the SBDART simulation used a aerosol single-scatter-
tering albedo or asymmetry factor seem ing albedo of 0.5.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2109

the World Wide Web. Through the use of a simple neous value of the solar constant modified by earth
graphical user interface (GUI) anyone may carry out sun distance is used.
calculations spanning most of SBDARTs capabili- Radiance calculations require additional input to
ties without cost, detailed knowledge of the code, or specify the zenith and azimuth angles for which radi-
formality. Our goals in doing so include both educa- ance information is computed. These angles specify
tion and research. The Web version of SBDART has the direction of the propagating radiation. For ex-
been found useful as a tool for assigned homework in ample, zenith angle of 0 or 180 represents radiation
graduate courses involving atmospheric radiation propagating vertically up or down. The azimuth angle
transfer or climate change. Perhaps this could be ex- is measured clockwise from the horizontal projection
tended to undergraduate or even high school students. of the suns direct beam (0 is toward the forward scat-
However, to date most use of the Web SBDART has tering peak), as illustrated in Fig. 8. Results from these
been by research scientists who lack the resources or calculations are presented in the form of tables or
inclination to develop or implement their own radia- graphics.
tion transfer code, or who wish to test SBDART be-
fore installing it. The Web version of SBDART has
found use as a check on field measurements in real 5. Conclusions
time, as an aid in design of satellite borne instruments,
and as an analysis tool for atmospheric radiometric In this paper we have described SBDART, a newly
data. available software tool for plane-parallel radiative
At present, three types of calculations can be car- transfer in the earths atmosphere. Because of its rela-
ried out through the GUI: broadband radiance, and tive ease of use and modular design, it should have
spectral and broadband irradiance. The user chooses widespread use in the geoscience community, as a re-
from various options for these calculations, replacing search code, an educational tool, and a basis for the
default values for such parameters as solar zenith construction of new radiative transfer applications.
angle, instrument filter function, atmosphere and aero-
sol models, etc. Custom input forms present the user
with only those choices necessary for the calculation
desired. One of these forms is illustrated in Fig. 7.
Any of the six U.S. standard atmospheres listed
earlier may be chosen and, if desired, modified by a
number of rawinsonde measurements taken at the
ARM central site near Lamont, Oklahoma, during
flight periods of the ARM Unmanned Aerospace Ve-
hicle (the ARMUAV) program.
Up to five layers of clouds are allowed, each speci-
fied by four parameters: altitude in integral kilometers,
effective droplet radius, optical depth, and phase (if ice,
then the effective radius is set to 106 m).
A number of standard instrument response func-
tions are available for choice by the user, including
some from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-
ministrations Advanced Very High Resolution Radi-
ometers, and some from radiometers used by the
ARMUAV program (Valero et al. 1982). Alterna-
tively, the user may specify an instrumental filter func-
tion that is flat between arbitrary wavelengths.
For broadband and spectral calculations, the user
may specify the solar zenith angle (degrees), in which
case the yearly average solar constant is used (Neckel
and Labs 1984), or may specify a location, date, and
time, in which case solar zenith angle and instanta- FIG. 7. Web user interface to SBDART.

2110 Vol. 79, No. 10, October 1998

Over the past few years, SBDART has been success- velopment of the Web version of SBDART was sponsored by the
fully used in a number of research efforts by us and ARMUAV Program under Grant 94ER61820.
other researchers (Lubin et al. 1994; Ricchiazzi et al.
1995; Koskela et al. 1996).
We anticipate that the Web version will be tested Appendix: Operational features and
over a broader range of applications than we alone can examples
provide. We hope the resulting user feedback will help
us expedite the process of model improvement. We SBDART is provided as a self-contained FOR-
also hope its release will encourage other geoscience TRAN 77 source code. Extensive input documenta-
researchers to share their software tools with the com- tion is included in the release package. Minimum
munity. In the mean time we solicit suggestions for system requirements for a stand-alone installation are
improvements in the implementation or presentation a FORTRAN compiler and 2.2 MB of free disk space.
of the Web version of SBDART at [email protected]. While running, SBDART uses about 2.3 MB of
memory. SBDART has been successfully compiled
Acknowledgments. This work was supported in part by the At- and run with UNIX operating system on DEC and sun
mospheric Radiation Measurement Program of the U.S. Depart- workstations, and with Windows NT using the FOR-
ment of Energy under Grant 96ER61986, and in part by the
National Science Foundation under Grant OPP9317120. The de-
TRAN PowerStation compiler. The time required to
complete an SBDART simulation depends on the
number of radiation streams used to resolve the angu-
lar radiance distribution and the number of quadrature
points used to resolve the spectral range. For example,
the computation of total SW (2904000 nm) using
5 nm spectral resolution and four radiation streams
takes about 40 s on a Pentium Pro 200 MHz system.
User directives to SBDART are handled with
input is not part of the FORTRAN 77 standard, it is
an extremely common extension available on most
modern FORTRAN compilers and is part of the FOR-
TRAN 90 standard. A significant advantage of
NAMELIST input is that not all elements of an input
block need be specified by the user. This makes
SBDART fairly easy to learn. Since most of the code
inputs have been initialized with reasonable default
values, a new user can quickly learn how to use the
code, concentrating first on specifying just a few in-
teresting input parameters.
The SBDART input file is named INPUT. If this
file is not found in the current working directory when
SBDART is executed, the program will create it, fill-
ing in default values of all the NAMELIST parameters.
The input file consists of two NAMELIST blocks
$input and $dinput. Parameters in the $dinput block
relate to operating details of the DISORT radiative
transfer module, while those in $input are more gen-
eral parameters that specify such things as the model
atmosphere, the wavelength range, and output quan-
tity options. Online documentation is provided which
FIG. 8. The solar and viewing geometry of a SBDART radi-
ance calculation is specified by the solar zenith angle (SZA), the fully describes SBDARTs input parameters. In the
viewing zenith angle (UZEN), and the relative azimuth angle next section we present two sample input files and their
(PHI). respective outputs.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2111

a. Example 1 figure, but at the cost of 10 times greater execution
This input file directs SBDART to compute the time.
downwelling spectral surface irradiance from 0.25 to
1.0 m: b. Example 2
This input file causes SBDART to compute top of
$input atmosphere (TOA) radiance at 0.55 m:
WLINF = 0.25,
WLSUP = 1.0, $input
WLINC = 0.005, WLINF = 0.55,
IDATM = 4, WLSUP = 0.55,
IOUT = 1, IDATM = 1,
$end ISALB = 4,
SZA = 60,
The input quantity WLINC controls the spectral ZCLOUD = 1,
resolution of the calculation. In this example the step TCLOUD = 5,
size is set to 0.005 m. The input quantity IDATM IOUT = 23,
specifies a model atmosphere, in this case the $end
subarctic-summer model. Setting the input parameter $dinput
IOUT = 1 indicates that spectral output is desired. NSTR = 16,
Nearly 60 model parameters and a dozen output op- NZEN = 16,
tions may be specified in the input file. However, as UZEN = 0,15,32,45,60,70,80,89,91,
shown in this example, because the code is initialized 100,110,120,135,148,165,180
with reasonable default values, a new user can obtain NPHI = 13,
meaningful output by specifying only a few inputs. PHI = 0,15,30,45,60,75,90,105,
Graphical output produced by this input file is 120,135,150,165,180,
shown in Fig. A1. The spectral detail obtained in this $end
example is somewhat less than the maximum avail-
able. SBDART allows the spectral step size to be In this example the solar zenith angle is set to 60,
specified in constant increments of wavelength, the cloud height is 1 km, and the cloud optical depth
wavenumber, or log of wavelength. To take full advan- is 5. An ocean surface (ISALB = 4) and a tropical at-
tage of the spectral resolution of the molecular band- mosphere are assumed (IDATM = 1). Radiance out-
models and solar constant tables within SBDART, the put is obtained by specifying IOUT = 23. The number
spectral step interval should be set at 20 cm1. This of viewing zenith and azimuth angles is set by param-
results in 10 times better resolution than shown in the eters NZEN and NPHI, respectively, while the param-
eters UZEN and PHI specify zenith angles and relative
azimuth angles at which the radiance information is
generated (see Fig. 8). In the previous example, the
input parameter NSTR, which sets the number of in-
ternal radiation streams, was left at its default value
of 4 (four polar angles and four azimuthal modes).
While four streams are adequate for irradiance com-
putations (irradiance predictions with NSTR = 4 are
within a percent of calculations performed with a
greater number of streams), radiance predictions re-
quire more streams to better resolve the angular de-
pendence of the radiation field. As a result, given the
same wavelength integration interval, the calculation
of radiance takes much longer than irradiance.
Figure A2a shows contour plots of TOA and sur-
FIG. A1. SBDART results for spectral surface irradiance at the face radiance produced by this sample file. A similar
top of the atmosphere (dotted) and at the surface (solid). case with a cloud optical depth of 10 is shown in

2112 Vol. 79, No. 10, October 1998

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