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Required Skills of an Ethical Hacker:

Microsoft: skills in operation, configuration and management. Linux: knowledge of L
inux/Unix; security setting, configuration, andservices. Firewalls: configurations
, and operation of intrusion detectionsystems. Routers: knowledge of routers, rout
ing protocols, and access controllists Mainframes Network Protocols: TCP/IP; how the
y function and can bemanipulated. Project Management: leading, planning, organizin
g, and controlling a penetration testing team.
In one early ethical hack, the United States Air Forceconducted a security evalua
tion of the Multics operating systems for potential use as a two-level (secret/top
secret) system. With the growth of computer networking, and of the Internet in p
articular, computer andnetwork vulnerability studies began to appear outside of
the militaryestablishment. Most notable of these was the work by Farmer and Vene
ma,which was originally posted to Usenet in December of 1993.
Every ethical hacker must abide by a few basic commandments. If not, bad things
can happen. The commandments are as follows:
Working ethically:The word ethical in this context can be defined as working wit
hhigh profes-sional morals and principles. Everything you do as an ethicalhacker
must be aboveboard and must support the company s goals. Nohidden agendas are all
owed! Trustworthiness is the ultimate tenet. Themisuse of information is absolut
ely forbidden.
Respecting privacy:Treat the information gathered with the utmost respect. Allin
formation you obtain during your testing from Web-application logfiles to clear-
text passwords must be kept private. If you sense thatsomeone should know there s
a problem, consider sharing thatinformation with the appropriate manager.
Not crashing your systems:One of the biggest mistakes hackers try to hack their
own sys-tems is inadvertently crashing their systems. The main reason for this
is poor planning. These testers have not read the documentation or misunderstand
the usage and power of the security tools and techniques.
Methodology of Hacking:

As described above there are mainly five steps in hacking likereconnaissance, sc

anning, gaining access, maintaining access and clearingtracks. But it is not the
end of the process. The actual hacking will be acircular one. Once the hacker c
ompleted the five steps then the hacker willstart reconnaissance in that stage a
nd the preceding stages to get in to thenext level.The various stages in the hac
king methodology are? Reconnaissance? Scanning & Enumeration? Gaining access? Ma
intaining access? Clearing tracks
The literal meaning of the word reconnaissance means a preliminarysurvey to gain
information. This is also known as foot-printing. This isthe first stage in the
methodology of hacking. As given in the analogy, thisis the stage in which the
hacker collects information about the companywhich the personal is going to hack
. This is one of the pre-attacking phases.Reconnaissance refers to the preparato
ry phase where an attacker learnsabout all of the possible attack vectors that c
an be used in their plan.
Scanning & Enumeration:
Scanning is the second phase in the hacking methodology in which thehacker tries
to make a blue print of the target network. It is similar to a thief going thro
ugh your neighborhood and checking every door and window oneach house to see whi
ch ones are open and which ones are locked. The blue print includes the ip addre
sses of the target network which are live, theservices which are running on thos
e system and so on. Usually the services
run on predetermined ports.There are different tools used for scanning war diali
ng and pingers were used earlier but now a days both could be detectedeasily and
hence are not in much use. Modern port scanning uses TCP protocol to do scannin
g and they could even detect the operatingsystems running on the particular host
Enumeration is the ability of a hacker to convince some servers to givethem info
rmation that is vital to them to make an attack. By doing this thehacker aims to
find what resources and shares can be found in the system,what valid user accou
nt and user groups are there in the network, whatapplications will be there etc.
Hackers may use this also to find other hostsin the entire network.
Gaining access:
This is the actual hacking phase in which the hacker gainsaccess to the system.
The hacker will make use of all the informationhe collected in the pre-attacking
phases. Usually the main hindrance togaining access to a system is the password
s. System hacking can beconsidered as many steps. First the hacker will try to g
et in to the system.Once he get in to the system the next thing he want will be
to increase his privileges so that he can have more control over the system. As
a normaluser the hacker may not be able to see the confidential details or canno
tupload or run the different hack tools for his own personal interest. Another w
ay to crack in to a system is by the attacks like man in the middle attack.
Password Cracking:
There are many methods for cracking the password and thenget in to the system. T
he simplest method is to guess the password. Butthis is a tedious work. But in o
rder to make this work easier thereare many automated tools for password guessin
g like legion. Legionactually has an inbuilt dictionary in it and the software w
ill automatically.That is the software it self generates the password using thed
ictionary and will check the responses.Techniques used in password cracking are:
Dictionary cracking
Brute force cracking
Hybrid cracking
Social engineering
Privilege escalation:Privilege escalation is the process of raising the privileg
esonce the hacker gets in to the system. That is the hacker may get in as anordi
nary user. And now he tries to increase his privileges to that of anadministrato
r who can do many things. There are many types of toolsavailable for this. There
are some tools like getadmin attaches the user tosome kernel routine so that th
e services run by the user look like a systemroutine rather than user initiated
program. The privilege escalation process usually uses the vulnerabilities prese
nt in the host operatingsystem or the software. There are many tools like hk.exe
, metasploitetc. One such community of hackers is the metasploit.
Maintaining Access:
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