MYOLA Feedlot W

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MYOLA feedlot was built by a consortium of local northern NSW cotton and grain

farmers and Sydney investors in 1993.

Moree grain and cotton farmers, James and Andrea Mulligan and family, one of the
major original investors, now own the business outright.

Historically, Myola feedlots heavy reliance on custom-feeding exposed it to the

ebbs and flows in demand for feedlot space, caused by seasonal conditions.
However a greater emphasis now in longer-term program type custom-feeding
relationships, rather than casual spot feeding work, has been a significant and
successful strategy.

Myola was always intended primarily as a custom-feedyard, and underwent a series

of expansions from around 2001 when it was at 5000 head to its current capacity of
20,000 head.

The effects of the recent drought, firstly in Queensland and then NSW have added
to the capacity pressure on Myola. The biggest proportion of custom-fed cattle tend
to come from NSW, but when circumstances and seasons dictate, its not
uncommon to see Queensland cattle in the pens.

With Elders Killara feedlot taking on more principal positions in their cattle, Myola is
now clearly the largest custom-feed service-provider in NSW.

The feedlot itself holds a Coles contract for supply of a B-double each fortnight of
trade heifers to Australian Country Choice in Brisbane and the rest of the pens are
occupied with custom-feeding clients cattle. Another regular custom-feeding client
also holds a supermarket supply contract.

Major feeder clients include supply chains like James Macleans Allied Beef program,
and end-users with grainfed branded beef programs including several large beef

While the proportions change a little over time, currently the greatest proportion of
custom-fed cattle are 70-day steers and heifers, with fewer cattle destined for
export programs.

The focus on building relationships with dedicated supply chains to deliver

program type custom-feeding, as opposed to relying solely on spot market
feeding has paid off for Myola, allowing it to avoid some of the inevitable occupancy
peaks and troughs that custom feedyards historically tended to be exposed to.

Its about building that surety of supply, week-in, week-out, that the branded beef
business delivers, that underpins our business these days, feedlot manager Jeff
Dight said.

A new feedmill (a whopping big

Ferrell Ross 24 x 56 unit was installed about six years ago. Myola has always used
steamflaking for grain processing due to its improved digestibility and resultant
cattle performance.

The surrounding farming country grows silage and roughage to meet some of the
feedlots requirements, with the balance sourced from the surrounding area.
Cropping internally this year included both an annual summer and winter program.
Silage production this year exceeded 8000 tonnes including summer silage of
irrigated corn and winter silage of barley and wheat a recipe which has proven
very successful over the past couple of years.

The yard features shade access in all pens, with first pens covered way back in the
late 1990s. Both shadecloth and corrugated iron-based shade systems are used.

Convenient access to grain, cottonseed and other feedstuffs is one of Myolas

biggest competitive advantages, followed by good access to a wide range of
NSW/Qld abattoirs chasing grainfed cattle.

Feed and inventory management aids like Digi-Star, FY3000, and Stockaid have all
contributed to the operational efficiency and reporting systems used by the yard

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