Insurance (Tickler)
Insurance (Tickler)
Insurance (Tickler)
Cases Doctrine
1. Enriquez v. Sunlife Insurance, (GR D:
15895, Nov. 1920) Laws Governing Insurance
Law on Insurance now found in the
F: Insurance Code and CC (Expressly
Sept. 24 1917:Herrer made an repealed the provisions on the Code
application to SunLifeCo.through its of Commerce on Insurance)
office in Manila for Life Annuity. o In matters which are governed
o (2 days later)Herrer paid the by special laws, any deficiency of
sum of 6k to the companys the latter shall be supplied by
manager in its Manila office and the provisions of the CC
was given a receipt. Repeal of Commercial Law
Head office gave notice of left a void (Insurance Act
acceptance by cable to only deals w/ Life Insurance,
Manila. not Life Annuity), so CC
provision on Life Annuity
(On the same date) the can be applied
Manila office prepared a
Letter notifying Herrer Acceptance made by Letter (When
that his application has Perfected)
been accepted and this Acceptance made by letter shall bind
was placed in the ordinary the person making the offer only
channels of transmission from the date it came to his
(but was never actually knowledge.(Art. 1262, CC)
mailed and never received
by Herrer)
EX: Pensions
Applying Art. 1262, CC (On Life
Annuity), acceptance made by letter
shall not bind the person making the
offer except from the time it came to
his knowledge.
3. Filipinas-Compania de Seguros de D:
Nava (GR L-20552, May 1966) Laws Governing Insurance
Insurance Law does not contain an
F: express provision as to what the
1. (Before the war) Nava obtained 18 court should do in cases of rescission
Insurance Policies from Filipinas of aninsurance policy[under Sec. 69];
Life Assurance Co. hence, the provision that should
IPs contain a Loan Clause (w/c apply is that embodied in [Art. 1295]
allows I/ed to borrow money from Old CC.
I/er, AFTER 3Y from approval of
policy) Insured is Debtor of the Insurer
Petitioners maintain that the Haw Pia
2. Navaapplied for a P5k loan. case did not settle the question of the
Filipinas Life refused (After war, valuation of premium payments in
Insurance Comm. required Jap. military notes during the war on
insurance companies to withhold life insurance policies bec. the
payments on premiums, made insured is by no means a debtor of
during Jap. occupation, bec. it the insurer, noris the insurer his
shall be subject to currency creditor, considering that there is
adjustments) absolutely no obligation on hispart to
pay the premiums.
3. Nava: COURT: There is no merit in this
Haw Pia v. China Banking: contention. A life insurancepolicy
Establishing and recognizing the involves a contractual oblig. wherein
relationship of D/or and C/or with the insured becomes duty boundto
respect to payments in fiat pay the premiums agreed upon, lest
currency made during the Jap. he runs the risk of having his
occupation on pre-war obligations insurancepolicy lapse if he fails to
- Fil. Life still refused (Not pay such premiums.
applicable when they relate to The fact that the insurance
life-insurance policies) policycontains an automatic
premium payment clause cannot
Filed for rescission of the 18 divest such policy of
policies and for refund of itscontractual nature, for the
premiums paid result of such failure would only
be for him to pay laterthe
CFI: Ruled in favor of Nava premium plus the corresponding
CA: Affirmed. interest depending upon the
Before SC, Filipinas Life argued condition of thepolicy.
that even if Nava is entitled, he is In effect, therefore, the payment
only entitled to recover the cash of premiums on the life
surrender value (He had fully insurance policieswere made by
enjoyed the protection of the a debtor to a creditor.
insurance on his life during the
period of the policies)
I: W/N Nava is only entitled to cash
surrender value - NO
Argument had no basis.
o Considering that our Insurance
Law does not contain an express
provision as to what the court
should do in cases of rescission of
an insurance policy, the provision
that should apply is that
embodied in Ar. 1225 of the old
Civil Code, provides that on
matters which are not governed
by special laws the provisions of
said Code shall supplement its
o Art. 1295, OCC1
1 ART. 1295. Rescission makes necessary the return of the things which were the
subject-matter of the contract, with their fruits, and of the price paid, with interest
vessels from Steamship Mutual and
thru Pioneer Insurance and Surety 3. the exact nature of the agreement
Corp. in the light of the occurrence,
When WG failed to fully pay its contingency, or circumstances
accts., SMUA refused to renew its under which the performance
coverage. becomes requisite.
SMUAfiled a case for the
collection of sum of money to Itis not by what it is called.
recover the unpaid balance.
Doing Insurance Business:
2. WGfiled a complaint w/ the See Sec. 2 (b) of Insurance Code
Insurance Comm. against SMUA and
Pioneer for violating the Insurance Mutual Insurance Company;
Code2 (Re: Licensing) Elucidated:
Relatedly, a mutual insurance
IC: Ruled in favor of SMUA and Pioneer company is a cooperative enterprise
SMUA (No need for license since not where themembers are both the
engaged in insurance business) insurer and insured.
SMUA: [We are] merely In it, the members all contribute,
anassociation of vessel owners by asystem of premiums or
who have come together to assessments, to the creation of a
provide mutual protectionagainst fund from which all lossesand
liabilities incidental to liabilities are paid, and where
shipowning (A Protection and the profits are divided among
Indemnity Club) themselves, inproportion to their
Pioneer (Need not obtain another interest.
license asinsurance agent and/or a Additionally, mutual insurance
broker for Steamship Mutual because associations, or clubs,provide 3
Steamship Mutualwas not engaged in types of coverage, namely:
the insurance business) a. protection and indemnity,
-------------------------------------------------- b. war risks, and
------------- c. defense costs.
I: W/N SMUA is engaged in
insurance business - YES Regulation by the State is necessary
A Protection and Indemnity Club" is in an Insurance Contract (Certificate
a form of insurance against third of Authority):
party liability, where Since a contract of insurance
the 3rd party is anyone other than the P involves publicinterest, regulation by
& I Club and the members. the State is necessary. Thus, no
o Specifically, it is a mutual insurer or insurancecompany is
insurance company engaged in allowed to engage in the insurance
the marine insurance business. business without a license or
o It maintains a resident agent in acertificate of authority from the
the Phil. (Pioneer) to solicit Insurance Commission.
insurance and to collect payments
in its behalf.
o Hence, SMUA and Pioneer must
both obtain Cert. of Authority to
engage in insurance business.
2 a. SMUA: Secs. 186 & 187; Pioneer: Secs. 299, 300 and 301
See Sec. 2 (1), Insurance Code
1. Ernani Trinosapplied for a health Elements of a Contract of Insurance
care coverage with Philam. 1. The insured has an insurable
He answered no to a question interest;
asking if he or his family 2. The insuredis subject to a risk of
members were treated to heart loss by the happening of the
trouble, asthma, diabetes, etc. designated peril;
3. The insurerassumes the risk;
The application was approved for 4. Such assumption of risk is part of a
1 year. general scheme to distribute actual
He was also given hospitalization losses among a large group of persons
benefits and out-patient benefits. bearing a similar risk; and
After the period expired, he was 5. In consideration of the insurer's
promise, the insured pays a premium.
given an expanded coverage for
Insurable Interest
See Sec. 10, Insurance Code
2. (During the period) he suffered
from heart attack andconfined at
MMC. Exception to the Rule that
Concealment Avoid Policy
Wife tried to claim the benefits -
Where matters of opinion or
Philam DENIED(Trinos concealed
his medical history by answering judgment arecalled for, answers
made in good faith and without intent
no to the aforementioned
question). to deceive will not avoid a policy
even though they are untrue.
She had to pay for the hospital
Although false, a representation of
bills (P76k)
the expectation, intention, belief,
opinion, or judgment of the
insured will not avoid the policy if
3. Wifefiled a case for the collection of
there is no actual fraud in
the amount + damages.
inducing the acceptance of the
risk, or its acceptance at a lower
RTC: Ruled in favor of Wife (Awarded
rate of premium, and this is
P76k for the bills and P40 for damages)
likewise the rule although the
CA: Affirmed w/ mod (Deleted damages) statement is material to the risk, if
the statement is obviously of the
Philam argues foregoing character, since in such
It is not an insurance company case the insurer is not justified in
(under by Insurance Comm) relying upon such statement, but
BUT a Health Maintenance Org is obligated to make further
(under DOH) inquiry.
Claimed that its Health Care
Agreementgrants benefit only Rescission of Contract of Insurance
when the insured is alive during When (See Sec. 27, Insurance Code)
the 1-year duration. It
contended that there was no Cancellation of health care
indemnification unlike in agreements as in insurance
insurance contracts. policies require the concurrence
-------------------------------------------------- of the ff. conditions:
------------- 1. Prior notice of cancellation to
I: W/N Philams Health Care insured;
Agreement is an insurance contract - 2. Notice must be based onthe
YES occurrence after effective date of
Philamcare is liable. the policy of one or more of the
Health Care Agreement is an groundsmentioned;
Insurance Contract because all 3. Must be in writing, mailed or
elements are present: delivered to the insured at the
a. Insurable interest (Trinos health) addressshown in the policy; 4. Must
b. Subject (Expenses) state the grounds relied upon
c. Premiums paid provided in Sec. 64, Insurance
d. Rsik-distribution scheme Code and upon request of insured,
e. Insurer assumes risk (Health care to furnish facts on
must pay for expenses) whichcancellation is based.
RE: Concealment
No concealment since the
representation was based on his
opisnion and Philamcare did not
make any further inquiry but just
relied on the opinsion.
o Assuming there was concealment,
Insurer is entitled to rescind, but
no rescission was made.
It is not an insurance company but
merely a Health Maintenance Org.
(So, not subject to DST)
Due to CIRs inaction, it brought the
case to CTA.
PhilHealth is merely a health care
provider whose primary purpose is
to provide medical services to its
subscribers by providing them w/
physicians and hospital services at a
lower price.
o The Fire Insurance Policy
Contract shall be resolved against
Rizal Surety (whose lawyer/ mngr.
drafted the contract)
Driver and guardnot its officer,
employee, trustee or authorized
representative at the time of the
o Driver (assigned by PRC
Management Systems with
Producers by virtue of an
o Guard (assigned by Unicorn
Security Services, Inc. to
Producers by virtue of a contract
of Security Service)
TC: In favor of PB
CA: Affirmed
3 Sec. 174. Casualty insurance is insurance covering loss or liability arising from
accident or mishap, excluding certain types of loss which by law or custom are
considered as falling exclusively within the scope of insurance such as fire or
applicable to casualty insurance
or to theft/ robbery insurance in
particular - So, rights and obligs.
determined by the contract of
A contract of insurance is a
contract of adhesion (See
The term employee and
authorized rep should be given the
meaning as understood in common
Driver and Sec. guard are
considered authorized rep. of
PB(bec. they were entrusted w/
the duty to safely transfer the
money) - So, w/in the
contemplation of the general
exception clause.
The rule applies and the vague
provision shall be interpreted in
favor of the Eternal (insured) - That
upon purchase of memorial lots, an
insurance is already created.
2nd sentence is a resolutory
condition w/c would lead to the
cessation of the insurance
. Manila Bankers Life Insurance v. D:
Aban (GR 175666, July 2013) Contract of Adhesion
F: A contract of insurance is a
1. Delia Sotero availed a life insurance contract of adhesion, thus any
policy w/ Manila Bankers (designating ambiguity should be resolved strictly
her niece as beneficiary) against the insurer or construed
When the insurance policy had been liberally in favor of the insured (to
in force for 2Y and 7M, Sotero died. safeguard the latters interest)
Niecefiled a claim for the insurance
proceeds Insurers may not be allowed to
delay the payment of claims by
2. Manila Bankers conducted an filingfrivolous cases in court,
investigation and discovered the ff: hoping that the inevitable may be
a. Sotero did not personally apply put off for years (or even
she was illiterate decades) by the pendency of
b. Sotero was sickly since 1990 these unnecessary court cases.
c. Sotero did not have the financial
capability to pay the premiums Inthe meantime, they benefit
d. Sotero did not sign the July 1993 from collecting the interest
application and/or returns onboth the
e. Niecewas the one who filed the premiums previously paid by the
application and designated insured and the
herself as beneficiary. insuranceproceeds which should
otherwise go to their
3. Manila Bankersdenied the claimand beneficiaries.
premiums refunded.
One year later MBaction was filed The business ofinsurance is a
for rescission/annulment of the highly regulated commercial
policy(There was fraud, concealment, activity in the country, and is
and/or misrepresentation, rendering imbued with public interest.
the insurance contract voidable)
o MB claims that their insurance
agent connived w/ the Niece
(cousin of her husband) in
committing the fraud.
After a policy of life insurance made payable on the death of the insuredshall
have been in force during the lifetime of the insured for a period of two
years from the date of its issue or of its last reinstatement, the insurer
cannot prove that the policy is void ab initio or is rescindible by reason of the
fraudulent concealment or misrepresentation of the insured or his agent.
Verendia used a false lease contract
to support his claim under Fire
Insurance Policy.