Lampiran 4 Analisis Statistik

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Lampiran 4.

Analisis statistik

Analisis Univariat

Case Processing Summary

Usia 31-40
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent

GDS 7 30,4% 16 69,6% 23 100,0%

Kadar Asam urat 7 10,1% 62 89,9% 69 100,0%

Usia 31-40 tahun Statistic Std. Error
GDS Mean 223,1429 32,89987

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 142,6398

Mean Upper Bound 303,6459

5% Trimmed Mean 223,2698

Median 237,0000

Variance 7576,810

Std. Deviation 87,04487

Minimum 120,00

Maximum 324,00

Range 204,00

Interquartile Range 178,00

Skewness -,094 ,794

Kurtosis -2,310 1,587

Usia 31-40 tahun Statistic Std. Error

Kadar asam Mean 6,3000 ,68487

urat 95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 4,6242
Mean Upper Bound 7,9758

5% Trimmed Mean 6,2889

Median 6,0000

Variance 3,283

Std. Deviation 1,81200

Minimum 4,40

Maximum 8,40

Range 4,00

Interquartile Range 3,90

Skewness ,181 ,794

Kurtosis -2,355 1,587

Case Processing Summary

Usia 41-50
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent

GDS 23 100,0% 0 ,0% 23 100,0%

Kadar asam 23 33,3% 46 66,7% 69 100,0%

Usia 41-50 tahun Statistic Std. Error

GDS Mean 234,9130 19,02296

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 195,4618

Mean Upper Bound 274,3643

5% Trimmed Mean 234,5749

Median 260,0000

Variance 8323,083

Std. Deviation 91,23093

Minimum 72,00

Maximum 412,00

Range 340,00

Interquartile Range 154,00

Skewness -,242 ,481

Kurtosis -,857 ,935

Usia 41-50 tahun Statistic Std. Error

Kadar Mean 8,8913 ,44339

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 7,9718

Mean Upper Bound 9,8108

5% Trimmed Mean 8,7220

Median 8,5000

Variance 4,522

Std. Deviation 2,12644

Minimum 6,00

Maximum 15,00

Range 9,00

Interquartile Range 2,10

Skewness 1,477 ,481

Kurtosis 2,631 ,935

Case Processing Summary

Usia 51-60
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent

GDS 22 100,0% 0 ,0% 22 100,0%

Kadarasamurat 22 100,0% 0 ,0% 22 100,0%


Usia 51-60 tahun
Statistic Error

GDS Mean 262,5000 19,746


95% Confidence Lower Bound 221,4355

Interval for Mean Upper Bound 303,5645

5% Trimmed Mean 264,2020

Median 279,5000

Variance 8578,071

Std. Deviation 92,61788

Minimum 68,00

Maximum 428,00

Range 360,00

Interquartile Range 104,50

Skewness -,534 ,491

Kurtosis ,038 ,953

Kadarasamurat Mean 8,3318 ,58311

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 7,1192

Mean Upper Bound 9,5445

5% Trimmed Mean 8,1162

Median 8,2000

Variance 7,480

Std. Deviation 2,73503

Minimum 3,80

Maximum 16,90

Range 13,10

Interquartile Range 2,32

Skewness 1,602 ,491

Kurtosis 4,177 ,953

Case Processing Summary

Usia >60 tahun Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

GDS 17 77,3% 5 22,7% 22 100,0%

Kadarasamurat 17 77,3% 5 22,7% 22 100,0%
Usia >60 tahun Statistic Std. Error

GDS Mean 247,0588 19,10044

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 206,5677

Mean Upper Bound 287,5500

5% Trimmed Mean 252,1209

Median 280,0000

Variance 6202,059

Std. Deviation 78,75315

Minimum 73,00

Maximum 330,00

Range 257,00

Interquartile Range 136,00

Skewness -,908 ,550

Kurtosis -,251 1,063

Kadarasamurat Mean 7,1588 ,66011

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 5,7595

Mean Upper Bound 8,5582

5% Trimmed Mean 7,0042

Median 6,5000

Variance 7,408

Std. Deviation 2,72169

Minimum 3,50

Maximum 13,60

Range 10,10

Interquartile Range 3,95

Skewness ,779 ,550

Kurtosis ,375 1,063

Case Processing Summary

Perempuan Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

GDS 48 100,0% 0 ,0% 48 100,0%

Kadarasamurat 48 100,0% 0 ,0% 48 100,0%
JK Perempuan Statistic Std. Error

GDS Mean 241,1250 12,73766

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 215,5001

Mean Upper Bound 266,7499

5% Trimmed Mean 241,9398

Median 263,5000

Variance 7787,899

Std. Deviation 88,24907

Minimum 68,00

Maximum 428,00

Range 360,00

Interquartile Range 151,50

Skewness -,451 ,343

Kurtosis -,552 ,674

Kadarasamurat Mean 7,9083 ,40868

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 7,0862

Mean Upper Bound 8,7305

5% Trimmed Mean 7,7157

Median 8,1000

Variance 8,017

Std. Deviation 2,83142

Minimum 3,50

Maximum 16,90

Range 13,40

Interquartile Range 3,02

Skewness 1,019 ,343

Kurtosis 1,728 ,674

Case Processing Summary

JK Laki Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

GDS 21 43,8% 27 56,3% 48 100,0%

Kadarasamurat 21 43,8% 27 56,3% 48 100,0%
JK Laki-laki Statistic Std. Error

GDS Mean 256,9524 18,86562

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 217,5994

Mean Upper Bound 296,3054

5% Trimmed Mean 256,7407

Median 285,0000

Variance 7474,148

Std. Deviation 86,45315

Minimum 108,00

Maximum 412,00

Range 304,00

Interquartile Range 139,50

Skewness -,331 ,501

Kurtosis -,837 ,972

Kadarasamurat Mean 8,2857 ,40481

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 7,4413

Mean Upper Bound 9,1301

5% Trimmed Mean 8,1241

Median 8,2000

Variance 3,441

Std. Deviation 1,85507

Minimum 6,00

Maximum 13,60

Range 7,60

Interquartile Range 2,20

Skewness 1,170 ,501

Kurtosis 2,116 ,972

Jenis kelamin-Hiperurisemia (Uji Koefisien kontingensi + Risk factor)

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Jeniskelamin * 69 97,2% 2 2,8% 71 100,0%


Jeniskelamin * Hiperurisemia4 Crosstabulation


tidak ya Total

Jeniskelamin Laki-laki Count 3 18 21

% within Hiperurisemia4 20,0% 33,3% 30,4%

% of Total 4,3% 26,1% 30,4%

Perempuan Count 12 36 48

% within Hiperurisemia4 80,0% 66,7% 69,6%

% of Total 17,4% 52,2% 69,6%

Total Count 15 54 69

% within Hiperurisemia4 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 21,7% 78,3% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square ,986a 1 ,321

Continuity Correction ,457 1 ,499
Likelihood Ratio 1,046 1 ,306
Fisher's Exact Test ,527 ,255
Linear-by-Linear Association ,971 1 ,324
N of Valid Cases 69

a. 1 cells (25,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4,57.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient ,119 ,321

N of Valid Cases 69
Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Jeniskelamin ,500 ,125 1,999

(Laki-laki / Perempuan)
For cohort Hiperurisemia4 = ,571 ,180 1,817
For cohort Hiperurisemia4 = 1,143 ,900 1,452
N of Valid Cases 69

Usia-Hiperurisemia (Uji Koefisien kontingensi + Risk factor)

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Usia * Hiperurisemia 69 100,0% 0 ,0% 69 100,0%

Usia * Hiperurisemia Crosstabulation


tidak ya Total

Usia >40 tahun Count 11 51 62

% within Hiperurisemia 73,3% 94,4% 89,9%

% of Total 15,9% 73,9% 89,9%

31-40 tahun Count 4 3 7

% within Hiperurisemia 26,7% 5,6% 10,1%

% of Total 5,8% 4,3% 10,1%

Total Count 15 54 69

% within Hiperurisemia 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 21,7% 78,3% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 5,739a 1 ,017

Continuity Correctionb 3,657 1 ,056
Likelihood Ratio 4,729 1 ,030
Fisher's Exact Test ,036 ,036
Linear-by-Linear Association 5,656 1 ,017
N of Valid Cases 69

a. 1 cells (25,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1,52.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient ,277 ,017

N of Valid Cases 69

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Usia (>40 ,162 ,032 ,828

tahun / 31-40 tahun)
For cohort Hiperurisemia = ,310 ,135 ,716
For cohort Hiperurisemia = 1,919 ,810 4,550
N of Valid Cases 69

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Usia1 * Hiperurisemia1 69 100,0% 0 ,0% 69 100,0%

Usia1 * Hiperurisemia1 Crosstabulation


tidak Ya Total

Usia1 <41 dan >50 tahun Count 14 32 46

% within Hiperurisemia1 93,3% 59,3% 66,7%

% of Total 20,3% 46,4% 66,7%

41-50 tahun Count 1 22 23

% within Hiperurisemia1 6,7% 40,7% 33,3%

% of Total 1,4% 31,9% 33,3%

Total Count 15 54 69

% within Hiperurisemia1 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 21,7% 78,3% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 6,133 1 ,013
Continuity Correction 4,696 1 ,030
Likelihood Ratio 7,494 1 ,006
Fisher's Exact Test ,014 ,011
Linear-by-Linear Association 6,044 1 ,014
N of Valid Cases 69

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5,00.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient ,286 ,013

N of Valid Cases 69
Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Usia1 (<41 9,625 1,179 78,609

dan >50 tahun / 41-50
For cohort Hiperurisemia1 = 7,000 ,980 49,996
For cohort Hiperurisemia1 = ,727 ,589 ,897
N of Valid Cases 69

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Usia2 * Hiperurisemia2 69 98,6% 1 1,4% 70 100,0%

Usia2 * Hiperurisemia2 Crosstabulation


tidak ya Total

Usia2 <51 dan >60 Count 12 35 47

% within Hiperurisemia2 80,0% 64,8% 68,1%

% of Total 17,4% 50,7% 68,1%

51-60 tahun Count 3 19 22

% within Hiperurisemia2 20,0% 35,2% 31,9%

% of Total 4,3% 27,5% 31,9%

Total Count 15 54 69

% within Hiperurisemia2 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 21,7% 78,3% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 1,246a 1 ,264

Continuity Correctionb ,645 1 ,422
Likelihood Ratio 1,328 1 ,249
Fisher's Exact Test ,355 ,214
Linear-by-Linear Association 1,228 1 ,268
N of Valid Cases 69

a. 1 cells (25,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4,78.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient ,133 ,264

N of Valid Cases 69

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Usia2 (<51 2,171 ,545 8,657

dan >60 / 51-60 tahun)
For cohort Hiperurisemia2 = 1,872 ,587 5,969
For cohort Hiperurisemia2 = ,862 ,681 1,092
N of Valid Cases 69

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Usia3 * Hiperurisemia3 69 98,6% 1 1,4% 70 100,0%

Usia3 * Hiperurisemia3 Crosstabulation


tidak ya Total

Usia3 <61 Count 8 44 52

% within Hiperurisemia3 53,3% 81,5% 75,4%

% of Total 11,6% 63,8% 75,4%

>60 tahun Count 7 10 17

% within Hiperurisemia3 46,7% 18,5% 24,6%

% of Total 10,1% 14,5% 24,6%

Total Count 15 54 69

% within Hiperurisemia3 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 21,7% 78,3% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5,009 1 ,025
Continuity Correction 3,608 1 ,058
Likelihood Ratio 4,571 1 ,033
Fisher's Exact Test ,040 ,033
Linear-by-Linear Association 4,937 1 ,026
N of Valid Cases 69

a. 1 cells (25,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3,70.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient ,260 ,025

N of Valid Cases 69
Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Usia3 (<61 / ,260 ,076 ,884

>60 tahun)
For cohort Hiperurisemia3 = ,374 ,159 ,878
For cohort Hiperurisemia3 = 1,438 ,951 2,177
N of Valid Cases 69

Diabetes-Hiperurisemia (Uji Koefisien kontingensi + Risk factor)

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Diabetes * Hiperurisemia 69 95,8% 3 4,2% 72 100,0%

Diabetes * Hiperurisemia Crosstabulation


Tidak Ya Total

Diabetes <200 Count 11 9 20

% within Hiperurisemia 73,3% 16,7% 29,0%

% of Total 15,9% 13,0% 29,0%

>200 Count 4 45 49

% within Hiperurisemia 26,7% 83,3% 71,0%

% of Total 5,8% 65,2% 71,0%

Total Count 15 54 69

% within Hiperurisemia 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 21,7% 78,3% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-

Value df sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 18,313a 1 ,000

Continuity Correctionb 15,664 1 ,000
Likelihood Ratio 17,021 1 ,000
Fisher's Exact Test ,000 ,000
Linear-by-Linear Association 18,048 1 ,000
N of Valid Cases 69

a. 1 cells (25,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4,35.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures

Value Approx. Sig.

Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient ,458 ,000

N of Valid Cases 69

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Diabetes 13,750 3,566 53,026

(<200 / >200)
For cohort Hiperurisemia = 6,738 2,431 18,673
For cohort Hiperurisemia = ,490 ,300 ,801
N of Valid Cases 69

Hubungan Usia-Jenis Kelamin-DMT 2 dengan Hiperurisemia

(Uji Regresi Logistik)

Logistic Regression
Categorical Variables Codings

Parameter coding

Frequency (1) (2) (3)

Usia 31-40 7 1,000 ,000 ,000

41-50 23 ,000 1,000 ,000

51-60 22 ,000 ,000 1,000

>60 17 ,000 ,000 ,000

Diabetes >200 49 1,000
<200 20 ,000
Jenis Kelamin L 21 1,000

P 48 ,000

Classification Tablea,b

Observed Predicted

Hiperurisemia Percentage
Ya Tidak Correct

Step 0 Hiperurisemia Ya 54 0 100,0

Tidak 15 0 ,0

Overall Percentage 78,3

a. Constant is included in the model.

b. The cut value is ,500
Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

Chi-square df Sig.

Step 1 Step 36,022 5 ,000

Block 36,022 5 ,000

Model 36,022 5 ,000

Step 2a Step -,132 1 ,717

Block 35,890 4 ,000

Model 35,890 4 ,000

a. A negative Chi-squares value indicates that the Chi-squares

value has decreased from the previous step.
Variables in the Equation

95% C.I.for EXP(B)

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lower Upper

Step 1a Sex(1) -,390 1,089 ,128 1 ,720 ,677 ,080

Usia 9,543 3 ,023

Usia(1) ,463 1,244 ,139 1 ,710 1,589 ,139

Usia(2) - 1,585 8,178 1 ,004 ,011 ,000


Usia(3) - 1,253 3,073 1 ,080 ,111 ,010


KadarG - 1,169 11,956 1 ,001 ,018 ,002

ula(1) 4,04

Constan 2,72 1,231 4,904 1 ,027 15,259

t 5
Step 2 Usia 9,898 3 ,019

Usia(1) ,485 1,237 ,154 1 ,695 1,624 ,144

Usia(2) - 1,583 8,531 1 ,003 ,010 ,000


Usia(3) - 1,233 2,978 1 ,084 ,119 ,011


KadarG - 1,171 11,991 1 ,001 ,017 ,002

ula(1) 4,05

Constan 2,63 1,211 4,740 1 ,029 13,950

t 5

a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Sex, Usia, KadarGula.

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