S C I e N C e S
S C I e N C e S
S C I e N C e S
Research Article
Objective: Pollution by heavy metals is a serious problem due to its toxicity and its ability to accumulate in the biota. In vivo effects of Cadmium (Cd)
levels of expression on antioxidant enzymes such as Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and Catalase (CAT) were investigated in liver, kidney, gill and
brain tissues of marine Catfish Arius arius.
Methods: The various concentrations of CdCl2 such as 5.0 ppm, 10.0 ppm and 15.0 ppm exposed to a period of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs. GST and CAT
enzyme levels were studied in the tissues of liver, kidney, gill and brain in A. arius. The GST enzyme levels were analyzed using the method of Habig
et al., 1974 and measured using spectrophotometrically at 340 nm. Catalase levels were evaluated by the method of Sinha et al., (1972) and
spectrophotometrically read at 570 nm.
Results: GST is one of the intensely investigated conjugation enzymes and is the second stage of xenobiotic detoxification. CAT is a common
antioxidant enzyme which is produced naturally in almost all living organisms. The catalytic action of CAT, are important to life because it helps the
body to break down hydrogen peroxide (a powerful and harmful oxidizing agent) into oxygen and water, and thus preventing the accumulation of
carbon dioxide bubbles in the blood. The results showed the role of GST and CAT in antioxidant defense system to protect the animals from
oxidative stress and tissue damage in the tissues of exposed fishes.
Conclusion: In conclusion, our results indicate that antioxidant enzyme assays can be used as a bioindicator for acute exposure to Cd in marine
catfish A. arius and other fishes. Hence the GST and CAT activity can be considered as a sensitive biomarker for bioindicator of the antioxidant
defense system in the aquatic organisms, contaminated with heavy metals and this may provide a useful data for future investigations.
Keywords: Glutathione-S-transferase, Catalase, Cadmium, Arius arius, Antioxidants.
Each group has 20 fishes. One group was kept as a control, the other Statistical analysis
three groups were transferred to stone tanks (100 L) containing 5.0
mg L-1, 10.0 mg L-1, and 15.0 mg L-1 of CdCl2, respectively. The test Statistical analyses of data were carried out using Graphpad Prism
solutions were renewed daily to maintain the waterborne Cd Version 5.0. The values are reported as mean SD. One-way analysis
concentration. In our biological experiments, GST and CAT enzyme of variance was utilized to test the differences between the control,
levels were studied in the tissues of liver, kidney, gill and brain. The GST and CAT levels exposed for each sampling. The data of different
content of Cd and other heavy metals were analyzed before the start hours of sampling were compared by ANOVA, Unifactorial analysis
of the study and found to be below detectable levels (BDL) to rule was used to test the differences between the control and treated
out their role or influence in the experiments. groups.
The GST levels in response to Cd treatments were analyzed in the GST Enzyme Activity
tissues using the method of Habig et al., 1974 [25]. Enzymatic assay In the present study, GST activity in response to Cd treatments was
was performed on A. arius liver, kidney, gill and brain. The tissues analyzed in the liver, kidney, gill and brain of A. arius for the period
(50mg) were homogenized in 50 mM TrisHCl buffer, pH 7.4, and of 96 hrs. These data were graphically represented in (fig.1). The
containing 0.2 M sucrose and centrifuged at 16,000g for 45 min at highest levels of GST enzyme activity 7.31 0.454 (M/min/mg
4C. The pellet was discarded and the supernatant was used as the protein) was observed in the liver during 72 hrs of Cd exposure with
enzyme source. The reaction mixture in a volume of 3 mL contained 15.0 mg L-1, during 72 hours of Cd exposure, in the kidney GST
2.4 mL of 0.3 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 6.9), 0.1 mL of 30 levels were 5.661 0.321 (M/min/mg protein) when treated with
mM CDNB and 0.1 mL of 30 mM GSH, as enzyme source. The 15.0 mg L-1 of CdCl2. During 48 hours of Cd exposure, in the gills
reaction was initiated by glutathione. The absorbances were read at GST levels were 3.485 0.164 (M/min/mg protein) when treated
340 nm against the reagent blank. The results were expressed as with 15.0 mg L-1 of CdCl2. During 96 hours of Cd exposure, the brain
M/min/mg protein. The GST levels were measured using GST levels were 2.830 0.11 (M/min/mg protein) when treated
spectrophotometrically. with 15.0 mg L-1 of CdCl2. The GST levels of control tissues in the
Catalase Enzyme Assay liver were 0.298 0.062 (M min/mg protein), kidney 0.219 0.055
(M/min/mg protein), gills 0.179 0.016 (M/min/mg protein) and
Catalase levels in response to Cd treatments were evaluated by the brain 0.163 0.011 (M min/mg protein). The liver and kidney, GST
method of Sinha et al., (1972) [26]. The tissues (50mg) were enzyme levels gradually increased rapidly to reach a peak during
homogenized in 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, and centrifuged at 72 hours and then declined gradually during 96 hours. In gill, GST
16,000g for 45 min. The supernatant was used as the enzyme enzyme levels decreased after 48 hours. The brain showed the lower
source. The reaction mixture contained 2 mL of phosphate buffer GST levels than all other tissues. In the brain, GST enzyme levels
(pH 7.0) 0.45 mL H2O2, and 0.025 mL of enzyme source. The gradually increased at 96 hours. The data were subjected to
absorbance was read at 570 nm and the enzyme activity was statistical analysis of one way ANOVA and the values were found to
expressed as micromoles of H2O2 consumed/min/ mg protein. be statistically significant at P < 0.05.
(a). Liver
(b). Kidney
Meena et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 6, Issue 1, 326-332
(d). Brain
Fig. 1: Activity of GST (M/min/ mg protein) in A. arius on exposure to various concentrations of CdCl2 (Control, 5.0 ppm, 10.0 ppm and
15.0 ppm) for a period of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs. The results were represented as Mean SD, n=5. Statistical comparisons were made
against Control fish on each sampling day. (*Statistically significant at P < 0.05)
Catalase Enzyme Activity subjected to statistical analysis of one way ANOVA and the values
were found to be statistically significant at P < 0.05.
Catalase is an important enzyme in antioxidant defense system
protecting animals from oxidative stress. The effect of Control, 5 DISCUSSIONS
ppm, 10 ppm and 15ppm of CdCl 2 in the four tissues a liver, kidney,
gill and brain of A. arius were graphically represented in (fig.2). GST Enzyme
The highest CAT enzyme activity of 553.8 16.15 (mol H2O2 Glutathione-S-transferases are a family of multifunctional enzymes
consumed/min/mg protein) was observed in the liver during 24 that are involved in the detoxification of both xenobiotics as well as
hrs of Cd exposure with 5.0 mg L -1, during 24 hours of exposure to endogenous reactive compounds of cellular metabolism. GST was
Cd, the kidney CAT activities were 396.4 14.36 (mol H2O2 shown to catalyze essential steps in the biosynthesis of
consumed/min/mg protein) when treated with 5.0 mg L-1 of CdCl2.
prostaglandins and leukotrienes [27]. GST plays a critical role in
During 24 hours of exposure to Cd, in gills, CAT activities were 227
mitigating oxidative stress in all life forms and GST activity also has
10.49 (mol H2O2 consumed/min/mg protein) when treated
been widely used as a biomarker to detect stress. As an antioxidant
with 5.0 mg L-1 of CdCl2. During 24 hours of exposure to Cd, the
brain CAT activities were 167.2 7.69 (mol H2O2 enzyme, a GST activity either has a significant increase or decrease
consumed/min/mg protein) when treated with 5.0 mg L-1 of CdCl2. with different patterns according to the exposed elements or
The CAT activities of control tissues in the liver were showed exposure conditions. GST activity varied in different tissues and
values of 635.5 12.17 (mol H2O2 consumed/min/mg protein), in organs of aquatic animals [28]. The GST activities in the fish tissues
the kidney were showed values of 455.2 10.49 (mol H2O2 of A. arius were in the following order liver > kidney > gill > brain.
consumed/min/mg protein), in the gills were showed values of These results are in accordance with the works of [29] in whitefish
252.3 10.15 (mol H2O2 consumed/min/mg protein) and the tissues. The concentrations of Cd levels in liver and kidney were
brain were showed values of 182.6 14.98 (mol H2O2 much higher than gills and brain in the experimented fishes. This
consumed/min/mg protein). CAT activities decreased on exposure might be due to the fact that the liver and kidney are the major
to increased Cd concentration when compared to the control CAT targets for Cd distribution. Here they Cd are detoxified by binding
activity. The specific activity CAT in the brain was found to be with MT. The gills are the major entry site of heavy metals and act as
lower, when compared to all other tissues. The datas were a transient store for accumulation of metals [30].
Meena et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 6, Issue 1, 326-332
(a). Liver
(b). Kidney
(c). Gill
Meena et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 6, Issue 1, 326-332
(d). Brain
Fig. 2: Activity of CAT (mol H2O2 consumed/min/ mg protein) in A. arius on exposure to various concentrations of CdCl2 (Control, 5.0
ppm, 10.0 ppm and 15.0 ppm) for a period of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs. The results were represented as Mean SD, n=5. Statistical
comparisons were made against Control fish on each sampling day. (*Statistically significant at P < 0.05)
There are various modes of Cd uptake in aquatic organism, where it CAT activity in the liver. The reduction may be associated with the
is most readily absorbed by organisms directly from the water in its direct binding of metal to SH groups in the enzyme molecule. Liver
free ionic form Cd (II). Metal ions are usually absorbed through CAT activity was found to be inhibited following both in vivo and in
passive diffusion or carrier mediated transport over the gills while vitro exposure to dissolved Cd 2+ at a concentration greater than 1
metals associated with organic materials are ingested and absorbed mg/L in the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus and the authors suggested
by endocytosis through the intestine. It has been suggested that Cd a direct effect of Cd 2+ of high molecular weight compounds like CAT
ions enter the chloride cells in the gills through calcium channels [36]. In previous studies, the liver was found to be stronger in the
[31]. Cd after entering into the organism of fishes through the gills, face of oxidative stress than the other tissues and a uniform organ
Cd binds to albumins and erythrocytes in the blood and then with the highest antioxidant enzyme activities (CAT). This could be
transferred into the tissues and organs where it is bound to proteins related to the fact that the liver is the site of multiple oxidative
of low molecular weight producing metallothioneins by the reactions and the maximal free radical generation [37].
induction of metallothionein mRNA synthesis [7]. The present study
has also shown higher concentrations of GST activity in the liver The highest inhibition was observed in the kidney, this can be
than the gills. About 75 % of the total accumulated Cd in an associated with the effective antioxidant system in this tissue where
organism is deposited in the liver and kidney [8, 9], but it can also be there is higher metal bioaccumulation and is directly related to the
deposited in the heart, gills and other tissues [10, 11]. metal binding protein synthesis and non-enzymatic antioxidant
mechanisms that has been suggested by Dautremepuits et al., [38].
The role of the liver in antioxidant enzyme response as a result of its Moreover, this can be attributed to the possible induction of stress
higher sensitivity to metals when compared to the kidney has been proteins and non-enzymatic antioxidant formation [22]. A gill is first
elucidated by various investigations as the liver has to overcome the affected organ when fish are exposed to metals because its direct
oxidative stress than the other tissues because of the high contact with water medium. In the present study there was a
antioxidant enzyme activities [32]. Liver of vertebrates exhibits a significant change in CAT activity in the gill and this could be
high metabolism and oxygen consumption and it is the main organ associated with the higher activity of GPX, which acts as a defense
of xenobiotic detoxification. It is a particularly rich source of GST against the formation of H2O2 or effective antioxidant responses due
[33]. Gills uptake the heavy metals from the site and directly interact to a higher renovation in the gill epithelium. The lowest activity of
with the toxic medium [34]. But however their GST enzyme levels CAT was measured in the gill tissue; this was explained by the
are low, compared to liver and kidney. The GST activity increases increased generation of H2O2, which led to a decreased CAT activity
steadily during 24 hrs and 48 hrs of exposure and then decline [39].
slowly during 72 hrs and 96 hrs of exposure during the present
study. These variations might due to the time taken to the metal to The brain is susceptible to oxidative damage by free radicals as it
be transported to other detoxifying organs. contains high amounts of unsaturated lipids and utilizes about 20%
of total oxygen demand of the body [40]. The specific activity of
Catalase Enzyme brain CAT was found to be lower, which may be related to the direct
binding of metal ions to SH groups in the enzyme molecule,
CAT being a primary antioxidant defense component, eliminates increased hydrogen peroxide and superoxide radical due to
hydrogen peroxide (2H2O22H2O+O2) a non-radical reactive oxygen oxidative stress. It was indicated that rapid inactivation of CAT at
species which can penetrate through all biological membranes and high hydrogen peroxide concentration was due to the conversion of
directly inactivate few enzymes. CAT is considered as a sensitive active enzyme compound to inactive compounds [41]. In general,
biomarker of oxidative stress before major deleterious effects occur inhibition of CAT enzyme activity in all tissues of A. arius may be
in fish [23, 24]. CAT is an important enzyme in antioxidant defense
resulted due to the direct effect of heavy metal Cd.
system protecting animals from oxidative stress. The highest CAT
activity was marked in liver tissue when compared to other tissues, CONCLUSION
which are in agreement with various authors [35, 24]. These data
are in accordance with those reported in other fish species were CAT In conclusion, our results indicate that antioxidant enzyme assays
activity is seen in a decreasing order, as follows: liver > kidney > can be used as a bio indicator for acute exposure to Cd in the marine
heart> brain > muscle [35]. In the present study, Cd decreased the catfish A. arius and other fishes. This metal stimulated rapidly the
Meena et al.
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