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Sydney Hubbell

78 St. Stephen St. Apt 2, Boston, MA 02115 (414) 520 6402 | [email protected]
Available Full Time: July Dec. 2017

Northeastern University, Boston, MA Sept. 2014 - Present
College of Computer and Information Science
Candidate for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Science Exp. May 2019
Minor in Business Administration
University Scholars Program: Earned full-tuition scholarship awarded to top 1%
of Northeasterns students on basis of academic achievement, leadership and service.
Related Courses: Human Computer Interaction, Information System Design, Software
Development, Algorithms & Data Structures, Computer Systems, Object Oriented Design,
Logic & Computation, Finance, Organizational Behavior
GPA: 3.81 / 4.00
Activities: National Merit Scholar, Honors Ambassador, Womens Club Volleyball

University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Study Abroad Sept. Dec. 2016

Homestead High School, Mequon, WI Sept. 2010 - June 2014

Honors: Valedictorian, National Honor Society (NHS), National Center for Women
and Information Technology Award for Aspirations in Computing (2013, 2014)
GPA: 4.3 / 4.0

Languages: Proficient in: Java, C#, JavaScript, SQL, HTML Familiar with: Python, VisualBasic
Software: Microsoft TFS, VisualStudio, SQL Server Management Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ

Participated in a Northeastern-sponsored six-week program to study Summer 2015
climate change science and policy in nine cities throughout India
Website Design for Mujeres Unidas Avanzando: Spring 2015
Developed a two-day workshop to introduce middle schoolers to coding Spring 2014

Northeastern College of Computer and Information Science, Boston, MA Spring 2017, Fall 2015
Fundamentals of Computer Science Teaching Assistant
Mentored students individually on programming concepts of a functional language
Graded weekly homework and provided constructive feedback on mistakes
Taught a weekly lab section, instructing a group of 30 students on class material

Bain & Company, Boston, MA Jan. 2016 June 2016

Full Stack Developer Co-op
Designed interactive analytics webpages for the online Partner Assessment System
Wrote complex SQL stored procedures pulling from Bains expansive databases
Wrote JavaScript code to specialize page content based on users authorization level
Updated an outdated desktop app to improve Bains Bank File Validation system

Photography, Travel, Hiking, Cooking, Sustainability

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