16 Hult Prize Press Kit

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Press Kit

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Dear Friends,

On behalf of our partners President Bill Clinton, Hult International Business School and
EF, Education First, thank you for your ongoing support of The Hult Prize Foundation.
The Hult Prize is an entrepreneurship challenge that aims to turn ideas into impact.
In the past seven years, the Hult Prize has grown into a benchmark competition that
enables any college or university student in the world to tackle the most pressing
issues facing billions of people.
We created the Hult Prize to launch a new era of entrepreneurs, those who would
build for-good, for-profit start-ups to meet the ever important demands of 21st century
We hope youll be as inspired as we are by the people and ideas youll come across
as you learn more about our organization and mission.
Thank you for joining us.

Warm regards,

Dr. Stephen Hodges Ahmad Ashkar

President Chief Executive Officer
Hult International Business School Hult Prize Foundation

2 hultprize.org
How will
you change
the world
with USD
1 million?

The Hult Prize competition is a call to

action for the worlds brightest minds to by Yves Bhar, 13
tackle the worlds most pressing issues.

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Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus speaking at the 2015 Hult Prize Global Final

If you can create a real business,

the beginning of a prototype,
you can change the world.
Muhammad Yunus
2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

4 hultprize.org
2016 Finals Schedule on September 20th
7:00 Opening remarks by Dr. Stephen Hodges
and Ahmad Ashkar
7:15 Progress report by Taylor Scobbie, CEO and
co-Founder, IMPCT2015 Hult Prize Winner
7:20 Key Note Address by Muhammad Yunus
7:30 Five finalists pitch start-ups
8:30 Intermission
9:30 2017 Hult Prize Challenge and 2016 Winner
announced by President Clinton

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Meet the
Next Generation
of Social Entrepreneurs

President Clinton and the winners of the Hult Prize 2015 from Taiwans National Chengchi University
for their proposal to build and support early education through a global social enterprise that
franchises local day care centers

6 hultprize.org
The Hult Prize
Founded in 2009 by Hult International Business School graduate
Ahmad Ashkar, the Hult Prize has become the worlds largest student
competition and open innovation platform for social good.

Each year, in partnership with President Bill Clinton and Hult International
Business School, the Hult Prize challenges students around the world
to develop innovative social enterprises that can transform lives. The
goal? To tackle the worlds most pressing global issues, from poverty to
affordable housing.

Winners receive USD 1 million in seed capital, as well as mentorship

and advice from international business leaders to help launch their
ideas. Local campus, city and in-country competitions are held each
fall, followed by regional semi-final contests held in the spring at Hult
International Business School campuses in Boston, San Francisco,
London, Dubai, and Shanghai, culminating in a final competition and
awards ceremony held in New York during the Clinton Global Initiatives
annual meeting. Regional event winners are also invited to join the
summer Hult Prize Incubator Program hosted by the Hult International
Business School in Boston, MA.

The Hult Prize is made possible through the support of the Hult family.

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The Hult
Prize Impact
From ways to provide clean water to food security, the ideas inspired
by the Hult Prize help change lives as well as careers.

Now in its seventh year, the Hult Prize business. Every year, hundreds of social
has directly impacted the lives of nearly enterprise startups get launched, while
100,000 college and university student thousands more are inspired. With the
participants from nearly every country in Hult Prize, were building a community
the world. to help such enterprisesas well as the
entrepreneurs behind themflourish in
By pushing business students to engage
the long term.
with the worlds most challenging
problemssomething not covered by the In fact, no less than 14 Hult Prize finalists
typical business school curriculumthe were named on this years Forbes
Hult Prize helps create a new generation prestigious 30 Under 30 list as game-
of entrepreneurs, one thats transforming changing social entrepreneurs.
the way the world thinks and does

A Look Back at the Hult Prize

2010 2011 2012

Education Clean Water Energy

The inaugural In 2011, the Hult The theme

Hult Prize was Prize teamed up of the 2012
originally called with Matt Damon Hult Prize
the Hult Global and Water.org was energy.
Case Challenge. to inspire Students
It brought students to from around
together over 300 of the worlds leading tackle the worlds clean water crisis. A the world were called to action to
MBA, graduate, and undergraduate team from the University of Cambridge, develop social enterprises which could
students in Boston, London, Dubai, led by Akanksha Hazari, was ultimately eliminate the use of the kerosene lamp
and Shanghai to present strategies to crowned the winner. The Cambridge in Africa by 2018 through collaborating
One Laptop per Child, a U.S. non-profit team designed an innovative incentive with NGO partner, Solar Aid. The
organization. The challenge was to scheme, where those living at the winning team came out of the New
help OLPC achieve its goal of providing bottom of the economic pyramid could York University (Abu Dhabi campus)
educational opportunities for pool loyalty points from certain telecom and today, Sunny Money is one of the
the worlds poorest children by partners and use the points to fund largest distributors of solar lights in
developing, producing, and distributing clean water and sanitation projects. Africa and the world.
affordable laptops.

8 hultprize.org
2013 2014 2015
Food Crisis Healthcare Early Childhood Development

The Global Hult Prize Last years

Food Crisis addressed challenge
was personally the pressing tackled the
selected by challenge lack of quality
President Bill posed by early childhood
Clinton, who chronic, non- education in
called on university students around the communicable diseases (NCDs) urban slums. Students were
world to help eradicate one of todays including cardiovascular disease, challenged to provide quality early
most critical, yet solvable, issues. The diabetes, cancer, and chronic education to 10 million children under
winning team from McGill University respiratory diseasesand their highly age six in urban slums by 2020. The
proposed an enterprise, called Aspire related mental and behavioral health winning team from Taiwans National
Food Group, to grow, process, and sell conditions. The winning team from the Chengchi University proposed a
edible insects. Today, Aspire is one of Indian School of Business, Nanohealth, global social enterprise, IMPCT, which
the largest commercial manufacturers of created a Doc-in-a-Bag that allows builds and supports early education
insects for human food consumption in medical workers to diagnose and franchises in exisiting informal day
the world, with established locations in monitor NCDs remotely and upload cares run by locals.
USA, Mexico and Ghana. data to the cloud.

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Profile of 2015
Hult Prize Winner

Taylor Scobbie
CEO and Founder, IMPCT

Taylor is the CEO and founder of IMPCT, a social enterprise

dedicated to building beautiful play-based preschools for
the developing worlds urban poor. Their Playcare franchise
empowers women in urban slums to bring the power of play-
based education to local families and is quickly becoming About IMPCT
a fixture in communities from El Salvador and Guatemala to
South Africa. Their Factory Playcare, on the other hand, is IMPCT is an early education social enterprise specializing
Latin Americas first at-work preschool solution. It enables local in building quality play-based classrooms (Playcares) for
companies to run quality educational daycares for their workers at-risk families in the developing world. Their Playcare
children, reducing churn and allowing employees peace of mind building Farm to Future platform and line of direct impact
knowing their children are safe nearby. products is currently one of East Asias fastest growing
ethical products brands.
Taylor was born and raised in Calgary, Canada and has a
Bachelors degree in both Finance and Philosophy from the
University of Calgary. After working for four years in finance and
IT consulting he made the leap to Taiwan to pursue an MBA
degree under scholarship from the Taiwanese government.
There he met his IMPCT co-founders and embarked on the
incredible Hult Prize journey, unlocking the opportunity to use
his business background to build a better future for the worlds
most vulnerable children.

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Profile of 2014
Hult Prize Winner

Manish Ranjan
CEO and Co-Founder, NanoHealth

Manish is the CEO and co-founder of NanoHealth, a social

enterprise striving to change the face of urban healthcare by
solving the rising burden of chronic diseases in urban slums.
NanoHealth was founded while Manish was studying for his
MBA at the Indian School of Business, where he received the About NanoHealth
Torchbearer award for outstanding leadership. An engineering
graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, NanoHealth is a social enterprise specializing in chronic
Manish worked as a consultant helping large multinationals disease management in urban slums. NanoHealth creates a
boost their business processes efficiency. He now applies network of community health workers called Saathis and
his extensive experience to improve healthcare processes for equips them with low-cost point of care devices called
addressing critical health challenges. Doc-in-a-Bag. With the help of the right care model and
scalable technology, NanoHealth promises a winning model
Manish believes in the power of enterprises to have sustainable for the fight against chronic disease and aims to prevent a
impact. He is actively engaged in developing the social million premature deaths every year. NanoHealth is currently
enterprise ecosystem and is a regular speaker at events. scaling its services in south India.

10 hultprize.org
Profile of 2013 Hult
Prize Winner

Mohammed Ashour
CEO and Founder, Aspire Food Group

Mohammed is the CEO and co-founder of one of the fastest

growing companies on the planet and winner of the 2013
Hult Prize, Aspire Food Group. A commercial manufacturer of
alternative protein sources such as insects, Aspire has re-
imagined the livestock industry and as a result has created About Aspire Food Group
an innovative sector, which they are currently leading: Micro-
Livestock. Local and international manufacturing facilities Aspire Foods is the worlds largest producer of insects and
weaved into a micro-works business model has led to the rapid insect by-products exclusively for human consumption. Their
scale of an organization the United Nations calls a company mission is to eliminate food insecurity through the mega-
whose time has a come for their disruptive approach to global farming of alternative protein.
food insecurity. Mohammed is a globe trotter, currently looking
after manufacturing, production and distribution facilities in
Ghana, Mexico and Texas.

An accomplished academic and practioner, Mr. Ashour is a

Resident Doctor of Medicine and holds a Master of Surgery
degree (MD, CM) from the Faculty of Medicine, and a MBA
from the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University.
Mohammed also completed a Master Degree in neuroscience
(M.Sc.) at McGill University and a Bachelor of Life Sciences (B.Sc.)
at the University of Toronto.

10 hultprize.org
2016 Hult Prize
Presidents Challenge
This year, the Hult Prize Presidents Challenge is Crowded
Urban Spaces: doubling the incomes of 1 million crowded
urban space dwellers by 2022. The challenge asks teams
to build sustainable and scalable social enterprises that
double the income of 1 million people residing in crowded
urban spaces by better connecting people, goods, services,
and capital.

Almost 1.5 billion people living in While not all crowded urban spaces
crowded spaces worldwide are are illegal, many, including the slums
struggling. that house one billion people
People dont make enough money, they worldwide, are informal. This means
cant reach where they need to be, and people living in these areas lack
they are living in unsafe spaces that support from the government and
lack infrastructure and connection to access to utilities.
basic services. Crowded spaces are difficult. As rural
Costs associated with mobility make it populations around the world migrate
so that people are forced to work where to city centers in pursuit of a better life,
they live and live where they work. they often add strain and hardship
People may not be able to afford the to both themselves and the spaces
cost of looking for work, which makes they occupy.
the price of commuting every day Poverty camps exist in all places of the
completely unreachable. world. Social welfare dictates where
Because people dont have enough the poor live, what schools children
money, and the communities they live in must attend, and what types of
are difficult to serve, basic needs remain services are available. Lack of
unmet. Goods and services are either education and economic opportunity
too far away or too expensive. has created a downward cycle of
poverty that is difficult to break.

12 hultprize.org
2016 Hult Prize Finals Speakers and Judges

Bill Clinton Muhammad Yunus

42nd President of 2006 Nobel Peace
the United States Prize Winner

Stephen Hodges
President Ahmad Ashkar
Hult International Chief Executive Officer
Business School Hult Prize Foundation


John Chambers Akinwumi Adesina

Executive Chairman President
Cisco African Development Bank

Bob Collymore Kathleen Rogers

Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer
Safaricom Earth Day Network

Premal Shah Mohammed Ashour

President CEO
Kiva.org Aspire Food Group

Chairman & CEO
OgilvyOne Worldwide

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Magic Bus
Earlham College

Uber is the largest taxi company in the world that owns no cars. Magic Bus
This years five regional finalists hail from around Ticketing will be the largest bus ticketing service that owns no buses. In emerging
the globe with some of the most transformative markets, access to public transportation has become more important due to urban
sprawling. In Africa, this system is based on informal minibuses that do not follow
ideas in the space. They represent the very best of set timetables or consistent prices; both commuters and bus drivers face huge
more than 25,000 applicants who began this years amounts of uncertainty. Magic Bus aims to connect the buses to the commuters
through an offline technology that serves as an automated ticketing service.
Hult Prize journey. The ideas presented by these
We allow the bus to know the demand along the route hence reduce waiting
teams are the product of rigorous competition, time, make more trips per day and double their income. Our primary strategy
hours of hard work, and a relentless commitment to is to develop Magic Bus as the preferred method for buying public bus tickets
as the most convenient and cost effective alternative to long waiting times and
changing the world. inconsistent fares.

The finalists competed against participating

students from over 150 countries, who collectively
represent more than 650 colleges and universities
from around the world. Their startups are
innovative, disruptive, and catalytic. The five Musana Carts
strongest teams were selected by a group of Hult International Business School
judges that includes top-tier executives from the
private, public, and nonprofit sectors. Their ideas
are now one step closer to changing the lives of
billions around the world.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, the existing $29Bn street food vending industry has not
been harnessed to reach its full potential. Musana Carts sees an opportunity
to revolutionize this age old business. Musana Carts provides a clean and
licensed food cart to actors of the shadow economy, ultimately doubling their
current income. Musana carts is the only organization providing a highly refined
multi-revenue generating engine for street vendors in Africa, that includes a
financing program as well as business skills and WASH training. In Uganda, where
our pilot is running, we have established a unique partnership with the city, making
us their implementation partner for street food licenses. The Musana Carts vision is
to create more collaborative cities, giving people who do not have jobs a legitimate
chance and giving hard workers the capability to become more profitable. Our idea
is incredibly simple and it is already doubling incomes.

14 hultprize.org
Simprints Synergy Global
University of Cambridge BRAC University

There are hundreds of organizations globally trying to increase the incomes of People in marginalized communities lack access to dignified job opportunities. With
poor slum dwellers by delivering critical services in education, health, finance, NGO interventions, many have ben traing in sewing and tailoring skills, yet they
and beyond. However, these efforts are plagued by identification challenges. still suffer from unemployment or worse, end up working in garment sweat shops.
Without the ability to uniquely identify their beneficiaries, NGOs and governments Worldiwde, over 46m work in conditions considered as modern day slavery. On
struggle to scale the very services that could lift the poor out of poverty. Simprints the other hand many of the fashion brands trying to solve this problem have had
is a simple, seamless biometric solution that allows organizations to identify to develop their own ethical manufacturing supply chains which is a costly, time
beneficiaries anytime, anywhere with just the touch of a finger. Our software is consuming, process with limited yields. Synergy Global is an online platform that
customized to deal with the scarred, worn, and burned fingerprint profiles common provides and ethical manufacturing supply chain of highly skulled workers from
among the worlds poorest citizenssomething the biometrics industry has marginalized communities to fashion brands that demand ethically made clothing.
never done before. Simprints enables a consistent digital record for the poorest Our solution allows fashion brands to immediately bring their designs to life while
and most marginalized slum dwellers, empowering our clients to deliver the creating high-paying dignified earning solutions for millions at the bottom of the
key services in education, finance, and healthcare needed to double incomes. pyramid.

Tecnolgico de Monterrey

In Mexico only 11% of the total recyclable waste is collected, and the remaining
89% is left unattended and not recycled. This garbage ends up pilling up in low-
income communities. PROtrash is targeting the 24 billion dollar market opportunity
provided by un-recycled trash in Mexico. PROtrash will create financial incentives
for communities to collect and deliver their own trash, increase the volume of
recyclable waste, and re-distribute the wealth within the community. PROtrash is
a social enterprise, dedicated to optimizing the recycling industry in Mexico and
at the same time helping people in low-income communities to acquire monetary
value for their recyclable waste. One of our main objectives is to create more
disposable income through recyclable waste for families living in urban crowded
spaces in Mexico. As an outcome, we will create an economic accelerator in these

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The Hult Prize

Hult Prize
support team includes:
Action coaches
24/7 facilitator

Panel of advisors
Subject-matter experts
Industry leaders
External networks

A leading boot-camp style eight-week incubation

program for social entrepreneurs

The Hult Prize start-up incubator is a Program Structure Workshops

cutting-edge, eight-week program that Each week, startups focus on one Workshops at the Hult Prize Incubator
runs every summer at Hult International broad topic (eight in total throughout take place once or twice a week, and
Business Schools Boston campus in the program), spend one day in the they are held in an open classroom
Cambridge, Massachusetts. classroom, four days in the field, and pitch setting. Entrepreneurs work within
to an audience of judges on Friday. Topics teams on the assigned exercises, with a
Each year, the top five finalist startups
range from understanding your customer particular emphasis on hands-on learning
from the Hult Prize competition are
to refining your business model. and results.
provided with living and working spaces,
along with the opportunity to hone their
Facilities Networking
business skills, network with business and
Hult Prize provides every team with Networking activities are an integral
academic leaders, register their entities,
state-of-the-art office space that includes part of the incubation program, as they
and prepare for launch.
classrooms, an auditorium, a cafeteria, and help entrepreneurs develop personal
The innovative program includes weekly mail/print services. Entrepreneurs are also relationships with fellow competitors,
classes, speakers, workshops, pitches, provided with shared living spaces that build lifelong friendships, broaden their
and multi-disciplinary expert coaches and include social opportunities and custom networks, and cross-pollinate ideas.
mentors who guide the startups through content in an informal and friendly setting.
some of their most critical inputs. The Incubator Key Statistics
incubator supports teams as they register Coaching Teams were exposed to more than
legal entities, draft founders agreements, Coaches spend a minimum of 2-4 hours 100 expert investors, coaches, judges,
brainstorm ideas, pilot their offerings, per week working closely with the teams speakers, and entrepreneurs in one-on-
design their marketing materials, refine to help draft business plans, refine one sessions totaling more than 400
business models, prototype, secure their business models and value proposition, hours of support
first customers, and finalize business secure their first customers, build
Teams spent more than 100 combined
plans. There is a deliberate focus on real, partnerships, and gain access to valuable
hours pitching, more than 150 hours
market-driven artifacts and results. networks.
working directly with their coaches,
Partners this year included the Hult and more than 100 hours in one-on-one
International Business School, Mintz Levin, sessions with VIP speakers
Incubator speakers provide 30-45 minute
EF, MASS Design Group, Common Cove,
presentations followed by general Q&A The incubator guided teams through
Oxfam America, MIT, MassChallenge,
sessions. Teams are given the opportunity a eight-week curriculum with 14 expert-
WeWork and Google.
to sign up for one-on-one time with every run workshops
The Hult Prize approach involves bringing speaker for individualized support and
The incubator featured more than
together some of the most passionate ongoing mentorship.
20 social events to help teams build
people across disciplines to solve well-
camaraderie and cooperation
defined challenges through rapid ideation, Feedback
prototyping, iteration, and measurement. Over the course of the accelerator, the More than 25 corporate and foundation
The incubator is a central element of this teams spend a combined time of almost supporters provided content to the
process, and seeks to graduate startups 100 hours pitching to investors and accelerator program
whose teams are fully engaged and expert judges from leading corporations
Expert legal and corporate advisory
whose products and services are ready and academic institutions and receiving
assuring each company is investment
for market launch. detailed actionable feedback.
ready and fully bankable

16 hultprize.org
2016 Content Partners/Supporters:

hultprize.org 17
Hult International
Business School
The Hult Prize is sponsored by Hult Among the worlds leading business
International Business School, which schools, Hult is at the forefront of
hosts the competitions regional finals the movement to develop social
on its five international campuses in entrepreneurship. The Hult Prize is a
Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, key aspect of the schools commitment
and Shanghai. The final round is held on to social good, showcasing Hults
the first day of the Clinton Global Initiative conviction that the worlds most pressing
annual meeting in New York. social problems can be addressed by
entrepreneurial solutions. Unlike other
Hult International Business School is
business case competitions geared
named after Bertil Hult, founder of EF
towards solving standard business
Education First, the worlds leading
challenges, the Hult Prize engages
privately held international education
students to use their skills and training to
company. Hult is the worlds most
take on large-scale problems, from access
international business school.
to clean water to education.

Established in 1964

1964 1976 1998 2003 2005 2008

Arthur D. Little Inc., The business school Forbes identifies The school is renamed Hults one-year MBA Hult welcomes its first
the worlds oldest is officially accredited the schools Action Hult International program earns the class of students to the
management by the New England Learning curriculum Business School, accreditation of the MBA program in Dubai.
consulting firm, Association of Schools as highly distinctive, honoring benefactor Association of MBAs Hult is the first U.S.
establishes the and Colleges (NEASC), ranking it in the top Bertil Hults personal (AMBA), making Hult academic institution to
Management Education the regional accrediting five MBA programs in vision and commitment the first business be licensed in the U.A.E.
Institute, developing an body for all academic the U.S. to educating global school in the U.S.
innovative, accelerated institutions in the business leaders. to be recognized
one-year Master northeastern U.S. 2002 by this prestigious
degree program to The Economist ranks international
train business leaders. the school as the third- accrediting body.
best business school
in Massachusetts, after
Harvard Business
School and the
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT).

18 hultprize.org
Hult Boston

Hult San Francisco

Hult London

Hult Dubai

Hult Shanghai

Ashridge Estate, U.K.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

The first Hult Global Hult launches a Hult becomes the The Hult Prize Final Hult opens its first U.S. Hult International
Case Challenge is Master of Social worlds largest ranked is held at the Clinton undergraduate campus Business School and
launched in partnership Entrepreneurship graduate business GIobal Initiatives in San Francisco. The Ashridge Business
with One Laptop per degree and a Master school. The Hult Global Annual Meeting Association of MBAs School form a strategic
Child to crowdsource of Finance degree. The Case Challenge is in New York, after (AMBA) gives the alliance to create the
student ideas and school is ranked #3 in renamed the Hult Prize. finalists are trained Innovation Award to worlds most global
revolutionize the International Business through the Hult Prize Hults MBA curriculum, business school.
business of giving. by the Financial Times. Incubator Program. the worlds first
Hult adds a one-year Hults campus Hult Labs releases curriculum designed
Master in International in China opens in the groundbreaking in collaboration with
Marketing degree. heart of Shanghai. research on the future global business leaders
The school opens its Former U.S. President of the MBA. and employers.
second U.S. campus Bill Clinton presents a
in downtown USD 1 million prize to
San Francisco. Water.org at the
Hult Global Case
Challenge Final.

hultprize.org 19
EF Education First
EF Education First was founded in Sweden Our Programs
in 1965 by young entrepreneur Bertil Hult.
The concept was straightforward: take Educational Travel
local high school students to England to We offer international tours that provide
learn English. It was a simple business rich cultural experiences and hands-on
ideaon-site language and cultural learning for middle school students, high
studiesbut one with an enormous future. school students, college students, and
adult travelers interested in exploring
Today, EF Education First is the world
the world.
leader in international education focusing
on language, academics, and cultural
experience. EF operates more than 500 Language Training
schools and offices in 53 countries and Learn a new language at an EF English
has a network of more than 43,500 Center locally, at an EF International
teachers and staff. Language Center abroad, or online at
englishlive.com. Or, travel abroad and
EFs mission is more relevant than ever
learn in a native country where culture
as todays world becomes increasingly
and language come to life.
complex and interdependent.
Cross-cultural communication and
understanding are vital for long-term Cultural Exchange
success. EFs programs enable everyone Live with American families, providing
to make the world their classroom. childcare in exchange for housing
or attending educational courses as an
exchange student.

Academic and Degree Programs

From International Baccalaureate diplomas
to university preparatory programs.

20 hultprize.org
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Hult Prize
Schools (2016)
Boston University of Western Ontario University of Central Florida
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business University of Chicago-Booth School of Business
Babson College
Villanova University University of Hawaii at Manoa
Boston College
Washington University-Olin Business School University of Michigan
Brandeis University
Yale University University of Notre Dame
Brown University
York University-Schulich School of Business University of Saskatchewan
College of William & Mary
University of Southern California
Columbia University
San Francisco University of St. Thomas-Opus College of Business
Cornell University
University of Tampa
Duke University Arizona State University University of Toronto-Rotman School of Management
Earlham College Claremont McKenna College Vanderbilt University
ESADE Colorado State University, Fort Collins Warwick Business School
Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco Cornell University York University-Schulich School of Business
George Washington University Duke University
Georgia Institute of Technology Ege University
Harvard Business School Emory University London
Harvard University Florida International University Africa University
HEC Montreal Gonzaga University American University in Cairo
Hult International Business School, Boston Hult International Business School, San Francisco Aston University
IIT Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Ateneo De Manila University
Indiana University London School of Economics and Political Science Audencia School of Management
Johns Hopkins University McGill University Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani-Goa
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Bocconi University-SDA Bocconi School of Management
McGill University Monterey Boise State University
Monterey Institute of International Studies at Monterey National Chengchi University British University Egypt
New York University-Steinhardt School of Culture, Northwestern University Central European University
Education, and Human Development Ontario College of Art and Design Chinese University of Hong Kong
Northeastern University Oregon State University Cornell University-Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School
Northwestern UniversityKellogg School of Pinchot University of Management
Management Saint Marys College of California Cranfield University
Princeton University Stanford University cole Mohammadia dingnieurs, Morocco
Queens UniversitySmith School of Business Tecnolgico de Monterrey cole Polytechnique
Rutgers University-Newark The American University in Cairo ENPC School of International Management
Tecnolgico de Monterrey The British University in Egypt Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management
University of California, Irvine-The Paul Merage School The Ohio State University ESADE
of Business Universidad de Oriente Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Central Florida Universit de Mhamed Bougara Boumerdes Hebrew University of Jerusalem
University of Cincinnati-Carl H. Lindner College of University of Calgary HEC Paris
Business University of California, Berkeley Hertie School of Governance
University of Iowa University of California, Irvine Hult International Business School, London
University of Pennsylvania UCLA-Anderson School of Management IE Business School
University of Tampa University of California, San Diego Indian School of Business
University of the West Indies, Mona University of California, Santa Barbara Jacobs University, Bremen
University of Virginia University of California, Santa Cruz London School of Economics and Political Science
University of Waterloo University of Cambridge Lund University

22 hultprize.org
Mannheim Business School Indian School of Business Nanyang Technological University
Northwestern University INSEAD National University of Singapore
Royal College of Art Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad Ontario College of Art and Design
Sabanci University Isra University Peking University-HSBC Business School
Sciences Po, Paris Johns Hopkins University RMIT International University Vietnam
Stockholm School of Economics King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
Universitas Indonesia Ko University Sophia University
Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona School of London School of Economics and Political Science Surya University
Management Middlesex University Tsinghua University
University of Birmingham National Chengchi University University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge National University Of Science and Technology University of International Business and Economics
University of Cambridge-Judge Business School New York University University of Macau
University of Exeter New York University, Abu Dhabi University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China
University of Jordan Northwestern University University of Pennsylvania
University of Manchester-Manchester Business School RMIT International University Vietnam University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
University of Oxford Rollins College University of Southern California
University of St Andrews Universidade de Braslia University of Tokyo
University of Strathclyde University of Cambridge University of Toronto-Rotman School of Management
University of Tunis University of Indonesia Vietnam National University
University of Warwick-Warwick Business School University of Toledo Xingwei College
University of Zurich University of Toronto Yonsei University
Vlerick Business School University of Toronto-Rotman School of Management York University-Schulich School of Business
York University-Schulich School of Business University of Virginia The University of Tokyo
VERN University of Applied Sciences Tsinghua University
Western University University of International Business and Economics
Dubai York University-Schulich School of Business University of Macau
American University of Nigeria University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Amity University Shanghai University of Pennsylvania
Ashesi University, Ghana University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Ashoka University Asian Institute of Management University of Southern California
Asian Institute of Management Australian National University University of Toronto-Rotman School of Management
Aston University Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Xingwei College
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Binus International University Yonsei University
Bocconi University-SDA Bocconi School of BRAC University
Management Chinese University of Hong Kong
British University Dankook University
Chinese University of Hong Kong Foreign Trade University, Vietnam
Delhi Technological University Griffith University
cole Centrale Paris Hitotsubashi University
Erasmus University-Rotterdam School of Management Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
ESADE Hult International Business School, Shanghai
HEC Paris IE University
Hult International Business School, Dubai Indian Institute of Technology
IE Business School J. F. Oberlin University
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Monash University

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Jenny Harler
Email: [email protected]

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