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General Design Considerations for Marine Works

Civil Engineering Office

Civil Engineering Department
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

First published, May 2002

Prepared by :

Civil Engineering Office,

Civil Engineering Department,
101 Princess Margaret Road,
Homantin, Kowloon,
Hong Kong.

This publication is available from :

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Ground Floor, Low Block,
Queensway Government Offices,
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The Port Works Design Manual presents recommended standards and methodologies
for the design of marine works in Hong Kong. It consists of five separate volumes, namely,
Part 1 to Part 5. Part 1 mainly covers design considerations and requirements that are
generally applicable to various types of marine works. Part 2 to Part 5 are concerned with
specific design aspects of individual types of works including piers, dolphins, reclamation,
seawalls, breakwaters and beaches. This Manual supersedes the Port Works Manual, of
which the contents were prepared in the 80s.

This document, Port Works Design Manual : Part 1, gives guidance and
recommendations on the general environmental, operational, geotechnical, loading, material,
durability, maintenance and aesthetic considerations and criteria related to the design of
marine works. It was prepared by a working committee comprising staff of the Civil
Engineering Office and Special Duties Office with reference to the latest international and
local marine works design standards, manuals and research findings in consultation with
Government departments, engineering practitioners and professional bodies. Many
individuals and organizations made very useful comments, which have been taken into
account in drafting the document. An independent review was also undertaken by experts in
relevant fields before the document was finalized. All contributions are gratefully

Practitioners are encouraged to comment at any time to the Civil Engineering Office
on the contents of this document, so that improvements can be made to future editions.

C C Chan
Head, Civil Engineering Office
March 2002

Working Committee of Port Works Design Manual : Part 1

The preparation of the document was overseen by Chief Engineer/Technical Services :

Ir Luk Fuk-man (before 3 December 2001)

Ir Anthony Loo

The document was drafted by the following staff of the Civil Engineering Office :

Ir Lee Wai-ping
Ir Li Kam-sang
Ir Wong Chi-pan

Assistance and advice were provided by the following staff of the Civil Engineering Office and Special
Duties Office :

Ir Chiu Mau-fat
Ir Ko Wai-kuen
Ir Lai Cheuk-ho (before 12 September 2001)
Ir Lam Chi-keung
Ir Law Man-chin
Ir Li Yuen-wing

The document was reviewed by :

Professor Yoshimi Goda, Yokohama National University

Professor Lee Chack-fan, the University of Hong Kong
Dr Kwan Kwok-hung, the University of Hong Kong

Extracts from British Standards are reproduced with the permission of British Standards Institution
(BSI) under licence number 2001/SK0316. British Standards can be obtained from BSI Customer
Services, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL, United Kingdom (Tel +44 20 8996 9001).
Figures in Appendix A are reproduced from Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures with
the permission of Professor Yoshimi Goda.







1.1 Purpose and Scope 9

1.2 Definitions, Symbols and References 10


2.1 General 11
2.2 Tide and Water Levels 11
2.2.1 Datum 11
2.2.2 Tidal Characteristics in Hong Kong 11
2.2.3 Mean Water Levels 12
2.2.4 Extreme Water Levels 12
2.3 Bathymetry 13
2.4 Wind 13
2.4.1 Wind Stations in and around Hong Kong 13
2.4.2 Extreme Wind Speeds 14
2.4.3 Directional Distribution of Wind 15
2.5 Waves Generated by Winds 15
2.5.1 General 15
2.5.2 Wave Characteristics 16
2.5.3 Wave Parameters 18
2.5.4 Wave Conditions in Hong Kong 21
2.5.5 Wave Data and Data Sources 22
2.5.6 Wind Data for Wave Prediction 24
2.5.7 Wave Prediction from Wave Measurement 26
2.5.8 Wave Prediction by Mathematical Modelling 26
2.5.9 Wave Breaking in Surf Zone 28
2.5.10 Use of Physical Wave Modelling 29
2.5.11 Wave Overtopping 29
2.6 Ship Waves in Harbour 29


2.7 Currents 30
2.7.1 General 30
2.7.2 Field Measurements 30
2.7.3 Current Prediction by Mathematical Modelling 32
2.7.4 Use of Physical Flow Modelling 34
2.8 Sediments 35


3.1 General 37
3.2 Design Life 37
3.3 Ship Data 38
3.4 Current Conditions 38
3.5 Berth Conditions 39
3.6 Typhoon Shelters 39
3.7 Approach Channels 39
3.8 Navigation Aids 40


4.1 General 43
4.2 Marine Geology and Characteristics 43
4.3 Determination of Soil Properties 46
4.4 Determination of Rock Properties 49


5.1 General 51
5.2 Loading Conditions and Combinations 51
5.2.1 Normal Loading Conditions 51
5.2.2 Extreme Loading Conditions 52
5.2.3 Temporary Loading Conditions 53
5.2.4 Accident Loading Conditions 53
5.3 Dead Loads 54
5.4 Superimposed Dead Loads 54
5.5 Live Loads 54
5.5.1 Live Loads on Different Types of Structures 54
5.5.2 Determination of Continuous Live Loads 56
5.6 Tides and Water Level Variations 57
5.7 Hydrostatic Loads 58


5.8 Soil Pressure and Ground Water Profiles 58

5.9 Wind Loads 59
5.10 Wave Loads 60
5.10.1 General 60
5.10.2 Wave Conditions 60
5.10.3 Wave Forces on Vertical Structures 62
5.10.4 Wave Forces on Piles 63
5.10.5 Wave Forces on Pile-supported Deck Structures 64
5.10.6 Wave Uplift 65
5.10.7 Waves on Rubble Mound Structures 65
5.11 Current Loads 66
5.11.1 General 66
5.11.2 Steady Drag Forces 66
5.11.3 Flow Induced Oscillations 67
5.12 Berthing Loads 67
5.12.1 General 67
5.12.2 Assessment of Berthing Energy 68
5.12.3 Berthing Reactions 71
5.13 Mooring Loads 71
5.14 Temperature Variation 72
5.15 Earthquakes, Movements and Vibrations 73


6.1 General 75
6.2 Reinforced Concrete 75
6.3 Unreinforced Concrete 76
6.4 Underwater Concrete 76
6.5 Steel 77
6.5.1 Structural Steel in General 77
6.5.2 Corrosion Protection 77
6.5.3 Use of Stainless Steel 77
6.5.4 General Guidance 78
6.6 Timber 78
6.7 Rubber 79
6.8 Protective Measures 79
6.8.1 General 79
6.8.2 Protective Coatings for Steel 79
6.8.3 Protective Coatings for Concrete 80
6.8.4 Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete 81


6.8.5 Corrosion Protection of Steel Tubular Piles 81

6.8.6 Corrosion Monitoring 82
6.8.7 Important Points to be Considered 83
6.9 Armour Rock 84
6.10 Fill 84


7.1 General 87
7.2 Design Considerations 87
7.3 Maintenance Facilities 88
7.4 Design Memorandum and Maintenance Manual 88


8.1 General 91
8.2 Principles 91


List of Tables 101
Tables 105

List of Figures 127
Figures 129








1.1 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the Port Works Design Manual (the Manual) is to offer guidance on the design
of marine works and structures normally constructed by the Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region. Such works and structures include public piers, ferry piers,
dolphins, reclamation, seawalls, breakwaters, pumphouses, beaches and associated marine
facilities. The Manual has been written with reference to the local conditions and experience.
Therefore, it may also provide a source of useful data and design reference for other marine
works and structures constructed by other organizations or parties in Hong Kong.

The Manual is issued in five separate parts. The titles of these parts are :

 Part 1 General Design Considerations for Marine Works

 Part 2 Guide to Design of Piers and Dolphins
 Part 3 Guide to Design of Reclamation
 Part 4 Guide to Design of Seawalls and Breakwaters
 Part 5 Guide to Design of Beaches

The recommendations in the Manual are for guidance only and should not be taken as
mandatory. Compliance with these recommendations does not confer immunity from
relevant statutory and legal requirements. Because of the variable nature of the marine
environment, the design of marine works and structures relies particularly on the use of sound
engineering judgement and experience. Practitioners should be aware of the limitations of
the assumptions employed in a particular theoretical or computational method. Since the
marine environment is a field where active research and development are continuing, it is
beyond the scope of the Manual to cover all analysis and design methods. Practitioners
should be prepared to explore other methods to suit a particular problem and should also
realize that many of the methods will continue to evolve as more data and research findings
are available.

This part (Part 1) of the Manual is arranged on a topical basis. It gives guidance and
recommendations on the general environmental, operational, geotechnical, loading, material,
durability, maintenance and aesthetic considerations and criteria relevant to the design of those
marine works and structures mentioned previously. Worked examples are provided in
Appendix C to illustrate the application of recommended design methods. Readers should
refer to other parts of the Manual on particular aspects as necessary.

1.2 Definitions, Symbols and References

The definitions of terms and meanings of symbols for the purpose of this part of the Manual
are given in the Glossary of Terms and Glossary of Symbols at the end of this document.

The titles of publications referred to in this part of the Manual are listed in the reference
section. Readers should consult these original publications for more detailed coverage of
particular aspects. For Works Bureau Technical Circulars (WBTC) which are updated
regularly, reference should be made to their latest issues.


2.1 General

This chapter gives guidance on the investigation and assessment of the environmental data on
sea levels, winds, waves and currents relevant to the design of marine works and structures.
Records of these data available for Hong Kong conditions are also given.

The five-day means of meteorological elements for Hong Kong from 1961 to 1990 are given
in Table 1. These have been taken from Surface Observations in Hong Kong by the Hong
Kong Observatory. The period of 1961 to 1990 is the 30-year period used for the
computation of climatological standard normals by the World Meteorological Organization.

2.2 Tide and Water Levels

2.2.1 Datum

All levels for marine works should refer to the Hong Kong Principal Datum (PD). The PD is
the vertical or height datum used for land surveying in Hong Kong and is referenced to the
network of bench marks established by the Survey and Mapping Office. It is approximately
1.23 m below the mean sea level derived from 19 years (1965-1983) of tidal observations
taken at the automatic tide gauge at North Point.

Another datum commonly used in navigation is the Chart Datum (CD). Formerly known as
the Admiralty Datum, the CD is the datum on which all heights below mean higher high water
mark on Admiralty Charts are based, and is very close to the Lowest Astronomical Tide in the
Hong Kong harbour. The CD is 0.146 m below the PD and can be converted to the PD by
this relationship.

2.2.2 Tidal Characteristics in Hong Kong

Tides are generated by the gravitational attractions between the Earth, Moon and Sun. Tides
in Hong Kong are mixed and mainly semi-diurnal; on most days in a month, there are two
high tides and two low tides. Large tidal range occurs twice a month during spring tides
when the moon is new or full. On days around neap tides when the moon is at its first or last
quarter, however, tidal ranges become small and sometimes diurnal tides with only one high
tide and one low tide are observed. In general, the two high tides and the two low tides

which occur each day are unequal in height. These tidal characteristics are summarized in
Figure 1.

Tides at various locations in Hong Kong display a gradual change in tidal range and in the
time of occurrence of high and low tides from the southeast to the northwest across the
territory. In a tidal cycle, Waglan Island is typically the first to experience the high tide and
low tide while Tsim Bei Tsui is generally the last. The mean delay is about 1 hour and 30
minutes for high tides and around 2 hours 30 minutes for low tides. The tidal range is largest
at Tsim Bei Tsui and smallest at Waglan Island. The mean tidal range is 1.4 m at Tsim Bei
Tsui and about 1 m at Waglan Island and the Victoria Harbour.

The locations of tide stations under the control of the Hong Kong Observatory are shown in
Figure 2. These tide stations provide long term measured water level data over years.
General water level information at the tide stations can be found in the Tide Tables published
each year by the Hong Kong Observatory. In the tide tables, only the times and heights of
high and low tides which occur each day are shown. For more detailed predictions on hourly
tide levels at these stations, the Hong Kong Observatory should be consulted.

It should be noted that the water level information given in the Tide Tables of the Hong Kong
Observatory are based on normal meteorological conditions. The observed water levels may
differ from those given in the Tide Tables due to storm surges during tropical cyclones. The
water level information given in Tables 2 to 9 described in Sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 is derived
from observed water levels and has account for the effect of storm surges.

2.2.3 Mean Water Levels

The mean sea level, mean higher high water level, mean lower low water level at the eight
tidal stations together with the period of data are shown in Table 2. The mean higher high
water level is the average of the measured higher high levels and the mean lower low water
level is the average of the measured lower low levels. The meaning of the higher high water
level and lower low water level are shown in Figure 1.

2.2.4 Extreme Water Levels

Updated extreme sea level analyses have been carried out by the Hong Kong Observatory for
Ko Lau Wan, Quarry Bay/North Point, Tai Po Kau, Tsim Bei Tsui, Waglan Island, Chi Ma
Wan and Lok On Pai. Extreme sea levels for return periods of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200
years for these seven locations are given in Tables 3 to 9. The period of records used in each

case is given in these tables. At each location, the assessment was carried out by fitting a
Gumbel distribution to the annual maximum sea levels and using the method of moments in
parameter estimation.

Minimum sea levels observed at the 8 tide stations in Figure 2 are shown in Table 10.

Probable minimum sea levels at Quarry Bay/North Point have been estimated by the Hong
Kong Observatory using Gumbels method and are shown in Table 11.

2.3 Bathymetry

General information on the bathymetry of Hong Kong waters can be found in the nautical
charts for the following areas published by the Hong Kong Hydrographic Office :

 Victoria Harbour eastern part

 Victoria Harbour central part
 Victoria Harbour western part
 Lamma Channels
 Ma Wan and adjacent approaches
 Urmston Road
 Approaches in south eastern part of Hong Kong waters

These nautical charts provide the water depths below the Chart Datum. If other water level
data are used to calculate the water depth, care should be taken to ensure that both the
bathymetry and water level data refer to a common datum.

It should be noted that, apart from the information given in the nautical charts, detailed
bathymetry surveys are normally required to determine the latest seabed levels and to
supplement information at and around the site area of a project.

2.4 Wind

2.4.1 Wind Stations in and around Hong Kong

A number of meteorological stations are operated by the Hong Kong Observatory that
measures wind data in different areas of Hong Kong. Four stations in Huangmao Zhou,

Tuoning Liedao, Neilingding and Wailingding have also been installed in cooperation with the
Guangdong Meteorological Bureau. Figure 3 shows the locations of these stations. Details
of the wind data collected at these stations should be checked with the Hong Kong

2.4.2 Extreme Wind Speeds

Mean hourly wind speeds for return periods of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 years for three of the
main stations, namely, Kai Tak Airport Southeast Station, Cheung Chau Station and Waglan
Island Station are given in Tables 12 to 14. Mean wind speeds for durations of 2, 3, 4, 6 and
10 hours and return periods of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 for Kai Tak Airport Southeast Station,
Cheung Chau Station and Waglan Island Station are also given in Tables 15 to 30. The
assessment was carried out by the Hong Kong Observatory by applying Gumbel's method to
the annual maximum mean wind speeds for each duration and direction. The period of
records used for each station is also given in the tables. The following points about these
stations should be noted when applying their mean wind speed data :

 Both the Cheung Chau and Waglan Stations are better exposed geographically
and not directly affected by urbanization. Their wind data are generally more
representative of the wind conditions over Hong Kong.

 The wind data at Kai Tak Airport Southeast Station are subject to the shelter
effect of the mountains surrounding the harbour. Wind data at this station
should not be used for locations outside the inner Victoria Harbour area.

The mean wind speeds given in Tables 12 to 30 have been corrected to the standard height of
10 m above mean sea level. Nevertheless, users are advised to consult with meteorological
experts for the latest information on extreme wind speeds.

Extreme wind speeds for other wind stations are not shown because of the relatively short
period of data collection.

For conversion of the mean hourly wind speeds to mean speeds with durations of less than one
hour, the following conversion factors may be cited :

Duration Conversion Factor

1 minute 1.19
5 minutes 1.11
20 minutes 1.05
1 hour 1.00

Caution should be taken when using the above values, as the conversion factors are greatly
affected by the surface roughness and topography around a site of interest.

2.4.3 Directional Distribution of Wind

Pictorial summaries of the frequency distribution of wind direction and speed measurements at
Kai Tak Airport Southeast Station, Cheung Chau Station and Waglan Island Station are given
for an annual basis in the form of wind roses in Figure 4.

2.5 Waves Generated by Winds

2.5.1 General

Estimates of extreme wave conditions at a site should ideally be obtained by extrapolating a

series of wave measurements made at or close to the site. However, because of the relatively
high cost of setting up a wave recording system, and the need for records covering a suitably
long period (more than several years) to enable sufficiently reliable extrapolation, direct wave
record may not be available for the design of marine works or structures.

In Hong Kong waters, the most severe wave conditions are usually associated with storm
waves and, in the absence of wave records, wave forecasting from wind records can be used to
predict such conditions, as outlined in later sections. In some situations, particularly where
there is direct exposure to the South China Sea and longer period waves are therefore
considered important, swell waves from distant storms should be taken into account during

Because of the complex geographical features in Hong Kong waters, waves propagating into
such waters are likely to be transformed by processes such as refraction, diffraction, reflection,
breaking and seabed friction. These processes may have significant influence on the wave
climate in the area to be studied. The designer has to assess these factors at an early stage to
ascertain whether more sophisticated analysis has to be carried out. Computer models are
available for such analysis and are recommended for use in studying the wave transformation

in complex areas. These models have to be calibrated to make sure that they are suitable for
that particular study area.

2.5.2 Wave Characteristics

Characteristics of waves that should normally be considered in design are given in the
following paragraphs.

(1) Wind Waves and Swells

Waves can be broadly classified as wind waves and swells. Wind waves, also known as seas,
are those under the influence of wind in a generating area. In general, wind waves are highly
irregular in appearance and tend to be short-crested. Swells, on the other hand, are
wind-generated waves that have travelled out of the region of their generating area. Outside
the generating area, no energy is supplied from the wind, and therefore swells gradually decay
due to various energy dissipating and transformation processes, but their periods are elongated
during propagation. Swells have regular, long crest appearance, and are less steep than wind
waves. A sea state may consist of just wind waves or just swells or may be a combination of

Waves can also be broadly classified as deep water and shallow water waves according to the
water depth to wavelength ratio as follows :

 Deep water waves Water depth/wavelength ratio greater than 0.5

 Intermediate-depth water Water depth/wavelength ratio between 0.04 and 0.5
 Shallow water waves Water depth/wavelength ratio less than 0.04

(2) Wave Propagation

For deep water waves, the most important processes in the development of the wave field are
usually energy growth from the wind, deep water wave propagation and eventual decay of
wave energy. The seabed generally does not have an influence on the wave field in deep
water. When waves encounter an island, headland or obstacles during their propagation, they
diffract through these obstructions and such phenomenon should be account for in wave

Waves entering into water areas with water depth generally less than about one-half of the
wavelength, however, are subject to the influence of the seabed. These waves undergo

refraction by which the wave height and direction of propagation vary according to the
topography. The wave height also changes as a result of the change in the rate of energy flux
due to the reduction in water depth, even if no refraction takes place. This is the
phenomenon of wave shoaling. Wave attenuation will occur due to bottom friction and
should not be neglected in an area of relatively shallow water that extends over a great
distance with very gentle inclination in the sea bottom. For wave conditions inside tidal
basins or typhoon shelters, the effect of diffraction through the entrance and reflection inside
the boundary of the basins or typhoon shelters should also be considered.

As waves approach the shore in shallow water, the wavelength decreases and the wave height
may increase, causing the wave steepness (wave height/wavelength) to increase until a
limiting steepness is reached. At this limiting steepness, the waves break. In the water
shallower than 2 to 3 times the offshore wave height, waves begin to break and wave heights
decrease gradually. The region where many waves break is called the surf zone. Breaking
waves exert greater loading effects on the structures and it is therefore necessary to check in
design if the structures will be subject to breaking waves.

(3) Types of Wave Propagation

Three classic cases of wave propagation describe most situations found in coastal
engineering :

 Case 1 : Sea state with wind waves and swells A storm generates deepwater
waves that propagate across shallower water while the waves continue to grow
due to wind.

 Case 2 : Sea state with wind waves only Wind blows over the water areas
around the site of interest and generates waves that propagate to the site. In
this case, there is no propagation of waves as swells from a remote area.

 Case 3 : Sea state with swells only A storm generates winds in an area remote
from the site of interest and as waves cross shallower water with negligible wind,
they propagate to the site as swells.

All cases may happen at a site, but the first and the second cases are relatively complex and
require mathematical model for reasonable treatment in particular when variable shoreline and
seabed topography are present. The use of mathematical model for wave estimation is given
in Section 2.5.8.

The third case may be handled by approximating the swell as a monochromatic wave, and
manual refraction and shoaling calculation methods may be used to estimate the nearshore
wave climate. In variable seabed bathymetry, however, these manual procedures have the
drawbacks of ray crossing and bathymetry inadequacy on ray paths that will result in
inaccurate wave estimate, and the use of mathematical model is still recommended.

2.5.3 Wave Parameters

There are two approaches to describe the waves in the natural sea state, namely, the wave train
method and the spectral method.

(1) Wave Train Method

The wave train analysis determines the wave properties by finding the average statistical
quantities of individual wave components present in a wave record. Two of the most
important parameters necessary for adequately quantifying a given sea state are the wave
height and the wave period.

The most commonly used characteristic wave height parameter to represent the wave
condition of a sea state is the significant wave height. The significant wave height has been
found to be very similar to the estimated visual wave height by an experienced observer. The
definitions of typical wave parameters are given as follows :

 Significant wave height The average of the highest one-third of the wave
heights in a wave record is called the significant wave height (H1/3 or Hs).
From one wave record at a point with N measured wave heights, the significant
wave height can be estimated by ordering waves from the largest to the smallest
and assigning to them a number from 1 to N. The average of the first highest
N/3 waves is the significant wave height.

 Significant wave period It is the average of the periods of the highest one-third
of the wave heights in the wave record (T1/3 or Ts).

 Mean wave period It is the average of all the wave periods in the wave record.
The mean wave period obtained by averaging the periods of all the waves with
troughs below and crests above the mean water level is also called the
zero-crossing period Tz.

Wave height measurements in deep water have been found to closely obey a Rayleigh
distribution. For Rayleigh distributed wave heights, the maximum wave height Hmax in a
wave record can range from 1.6H1/3 to 2H1/3 : a larger Hmax tends to appear as the number of
waves in a record increases. The relationship of other higher wave heights with H1/3 is
shown in Table 31. The Rayleigh distribution is generally adequate except for shallow water
where no universally accepted distribution for waves exists. Within the surf zone, larger
waves are gradually eliminated by the depth-limited breaking process and the wave height
distribution becomes narrower than the Rayleigh distribution. Thus, in the surf zone region,
the Rayleigh distribution should not be applied and the method described in Section 2.5.9 may
be used to estimate the relationship between H1/3 and Hmax.

The wave period does not exhibit a universal distribution law but the relationship of the
significant wave period and the zero crossing wave period may be approximately related in a
general way as follows :

T1/3 ~ 1.2Tz

The periods of other larger wave heights (see Table 31) may be taken as equal to the
significant wave period.

(2) Spectral Method

Unlike the wave train method, the spectral analysis method determines the distribution of
wave energy with respect to the frequency and direction by converting time series of the wave
record into a form of energy spectral density function, which is called the directional wave
spectrum. The directional spectrum is expressed as the product of the frequency spectrum
and the directional spreading function. The wave frequency spectrum may be obtained from
a continuous time series of the sea surface elevation with the aid of the Fourier analysis by
considering the waves as a linear superposition of a large number of simple, small-amplitude
wavelets with different frequencies travelling independently of one another. The
representation of the waves in the form of wave spectrum is shown in Figure 5. The
directional spreading function expresses the degree of wave energy spreading in the azimuth
from the principal direction of wave propagation. Wind waves shows a large directional
spreading, while swells have a narrow spreading.

The wave spectrum gives an estimate of the spectral significant wave height Hm0 by the
following relationship :

H m0 = 4 m 0

where m0 is zero-th moment or the total area of the wave spectrum.

The period parameter that can be obtained from a wave spectrum is the peak period, defined as
the period associated with the largest wave energy (see Figure 5). An approximation of the
zero crossing wave period may be obtained from the wave spectrum by the following
relationship :


where m2 is the second moment of the wave spectrum in frequency time domain as indicated
in Figure 5.
and Tz is the zero crossing period.

The zero-crossing period from the spectral method is only an approximation and the peak
period can only be obtained through the spectral analysis. For wind waves in deep water, the
peak period Tp may be approximated by Tp = 1.1T1/3 in the absence of realistic information.

The frequency spectra for storm waves may sometimes be multi-peaked. One peak may
correspond to swells occurring at lower frequencies (longer periods) and one or sometimes
more peaks are associated with local wind waves at comparatively higher frequencies (shorter
periods). The direction of swells may also differ from those of wind waves. In a
multi-peaked spectrum, the effect of different peak periods and the zero crossing period
calculated from such a spectrum should be investigated in the design.

(3) Relationships of H1/3 and Hm0

The principles of modern wave forecast mathematical models and wave recorders are
generally based on the spectral method providing outputs on the above spectral wave
parameters. However, the significant wave height H1/3 is commonly used to characterize the
wave condition and therefore, it is necessary to understand the relationships between the wave
parameters derived from the wave train and spectral methods.

While H1/3 determined from the wave train method is a direct measure of the significant wave
height, Hm0 from the spectral method provides an estimate of the significant wave height. A
number of field measurements over the world have yielded the average relationship of H1/3 =

0.95 Hm0 in deep water. As waves propagate into shallow water, waves exhibit nonlinear
characteristics and H1/3 becomes equal to or even slightly greater than Hm0. When waves
further travel into very shallow water and begin to break, however, the spectral analysis loses
its effectiveness because waves cannot be considered as a linear superposition of
small-amplitude wavelets. Thus, the estimation of H1/3 based on Hm0 should be made in deep
to relatively shallow water only. When the wave information within the surf zone is required,
it is recommended to begin with the spectral data in the offshore and to evaluate the wave
transformation by breaking as given in Section 2.5.9.

2.5.4 Wave Conditions in Hong Kong

Under normal weather conditions, waves are usually mild in most parts of Hong Kong waters.
When strong monsoon wind prevails, higher waves can be experienced at the more exposed
locations and may last for a few days or even longer in the presence of the monsoon wind.
According to the Hong Kong Observatory, northeasterly monsoon occurs from September to
May while southwesterly monsoon blows from June to August, and the northeasterly monsoon
is usually stronger than the southwesterly monsoon. Hence, waves due to northeasterly
monsoon are generally higher than those generated by the southwesterly monsoon.

Extreme wave conditions in Hong Kong are due to tropical cyclones. Cyclone is an area of
low atmospheric pressure surrounded by a circular wind system attaining maximum wind
speed near its center. Winds due to tropical cyclones are characterized by their high speed
and rapidly changing direction and the wind field normally covers a large region. The wave
climate in Hong Kong waters changes when a tropical cyclone encroaches upon Hong Kong,
as described below :

 When the cyclone is far away, its wind system has little or minor effect on the
wave climate in Hong Kong. Local wind waves are generally insignificant.
There could be a noticeable increase in the offshore swells from the southerly
and southeasterly directions travelling a long distance from the cyclone.

 As the cyclone moves closer to Hong Kong, swells in Hong Kong waters
become stronger and the local wind speeds also increase at the same time.
Depending on the location of the cyclone and its distance from Hong Kong, the
swells and the local wind waves are not necessarily approaching from the same

 When the cyclone passes over or in the close vicinity of Hong Kong, very strong

winds can prevail, resulting in high local wind waves. At the same time,
offshore swells continue to contribute to the local wave climate for areas
exposed to the southerly or southeasterly direction.

Under normal weather condition, the use of a constant uniform wind field is considered
appropriate for wave prediction. In extreme condition during tropical cyclones, wave
prediction using mathematical wave models capable of handling time varying non-uniform
wind field is regarded as the most realistic wave prediction method in principle. However,
this involves significant calibration effort and difficulty in getting comprehensive wind data
over large area coverage throughout the period of typhoon development and propagation.
The use of constant uniform wind fields using the extreme wind speed data corresponding to
various incoming wave directions given in Tables 12 to 30 may be considered acceptable as a
pragmatic alternative in wave prediction for engineering design.

2.5.5 Wave Data and Data Sources

(1) Measurement Data

Wave information can be obtained directly from field measurement. For general information
on wave recording and analysis, reference may be made to Section 26 of BS6349:Part 1
(BSI, 2000).

Two bed-mounted wave recorders have been installed near Kau Yi Chau and West Lamma
Channel as shown in Figure 6 since 1994 as part of Civil Engineering Departments long term
wave monitoring programme in Hong Kong waters. The following parameters are provided
from the outputs of the recorders :

 Spectral significant wave height Hm0 .

 Maximum recorded wave height Hmax .
 Peak wave period Tp .
 Zero crossing wave period Tz .
 Mean wave direction.
 Average water depth.

The average recorded water depths at Kau Yi Chau and West Lamma Channel wave stations
are respectively about 9 m and 10 m.

A summary of the wave measurement between 1994 and 2000 is given in Tables 32 and 33,

and wave roses on annual basis are shown in Figure 7. The wave measurement over these
periods reflect that the prevailing wave directions in the measurement locations are the south
and southeast, and extreme wave heights are generally aligned with the presence of tropical
cyclone events. It should be noted that the recorded spectral significant wave height Hm0 at
these two wave stations may be taken to be approximately the same as the significant wave
height H1/3 for design purpose. More details of these data, such as the full set of wave output
files, can be obtained from Civil Engineering Department if required.

(2) Wave Data from Storm Hindcasting

Storm hindcasting is based on the estimation of the wave height at a particular location
associated with past storm events. If there is a sufficiently long period of storm records, it is
possible to estimate the extreme wave heights based on the hindcast wave heights of each
storm events by means of extreme value analysis.

A hindcasting study had been undertaken to estimate the significant wave heights at two
offshore locations as shown in Figure 8 by means of a mathematical typhoon model with
reference to 47 typhoons occurred in Hong Kong between 1948 to 1994 (HKPU, 1995 &
2000). For each year, the typhoon that most probably generates the annual maximum wave
height in Hong Kong was chosen and its characteristics, including tracks and pressure
distribution, were input to the model to estimate the significant wave height. Based on the
significant wave height computed each year, an extreme value analysis based on Weibull
distribution was performed to determine the significant wave heights of different return
periods. The results are shown in Table 34. The estimated significant wave height for
given return periods may be considered for design purposes as the offshore wave condition
from which the nearshore wave conditions in Hong Kong can be calculated after due
consideraton of various wave transformations, but the users are advised to seek for the latest
information on storm wave prediction results.

It should be noted that no specific direction and period information are given in Table 34 due
to data limitation in the hindcasting study. When using the wave information, it may be
assumed that the waves are travelling from directions approaching towards Hong Kong waters
and the critical direction relevant to the site of interest should then be adopted in wave analysis.
For storm waves, the wave steepness, 2H1/3/(gT1/32), is generally in the range of 0.03 to 0.06.
The range of period of the waves given in the table may be estimated by equating the wave
steepness to equal 0.03 to 0.06. The wave period most critical for the safety of structure
under design should be selected within the above range.

(3) Ship Observation Data

Visual observations of wave conditions are reported from ships in normal service all over the
world, and sometimes these data are used to estimate the wave conditions when wave
information is absent. In offshore area where the wave climate does not vary quickly with
position, observations from a wide area based on a large number of observations can be
gathered together and give a general indication of the wave climate of the area.

Records of ship observed wave data within the area of the South China Sea bounded by
longitudes 100E and 120E and by latitudes 0N and 30N are kept by the Hong Kong
Observatory. The areas covered by these ship observations may include some relatively
protected inshore region. If information on waves is required from ship observations for a
particular project, an open area should therefore be considered when approaching the Hong
Kong Observatory for details of records held. Ship observation wave data of the South China
Sea can also be obtained from the Global Wave Statistics (Hogben et al, 1986). The statistics
provides compiled information on the frequency of joint occurrence of wave heights and
periods for different directions in various ocean areas of the world.

It should be noted that these data are very scattered in time and space, and ship navigation will
generally avoid passage through storm locations. Visual observations from ships by their
nature are unable to produce a complete and reliable description of waves. Caution should be
exercised if these data are used.

2.5.6 Wind Data for Wave Prediction

A common approach to predict the wave conditions is to use wind data in wave prediction if
wave data are not available. Actual wind records from the site of interest are preferred so
that local effects are included. If wind measurements at the site are not available and cannot
be collected, measurements at a nearby location will be useful.

Attention should be paid to the following aspects before applying the measured wind speeds in
wave prediction :

 Wind speed at the level of 10 m above mean sea level should generally be used
in wave prediction formulae or mathematical wave model. The wind speeds
given in Tables 12 to 30 can be considered to have been corrected to 10 m above
mean sea level for this purpose. Among the three wind stations given in this
Part of the Manual, correction has been applied to the wind data measured at

Waglan Island and Cheung Chau wind stations which have recording heights of
75 m (82 m after 1993) and 92 m above mean sea level respectively. The
correction was made using a relationship derived from measured wind speeds at
Waglan Island and the measured wind speeds close to the standard height of
10 m at Hong Kong Observatory in the 50s (Chin & Leong, 1978). No
correction was made for the wind data at Kai Tak Airport Southeast Station as
the recording height, which is 10 to 16 m above mean sea level, is close to the
standard height of 10 m. It should be noted that the normal wind-height
adjustment formulae, including the one-seventh power law and the Hellman
formula, are not recommended for use in Hong Kong conditions.

 The wind speed should be adjusted from the duration of the observation to an
averaging time appropriate for wave prediction. In general, several different
averaging times should be considered for wave prediction to ensure that the
critical wave condition can be identified. Conversion factors for duration of
wind speeds less than one hour are given in Section 2.4.2. However, the
applicability of these conversion factors to a site of interest should be checked
by the users of this Manual because the conversion factors listed there are not
universally applicable. For duration greater than one hour, the respective wind
speed information is given in Tables 15 to 30.

 If the wind data are collected inland, the measured wind speeds may not be able
to represent the wind speeds over water. No simple method can accurately
represent the complex relationship of inland and over-water wind speeds.
However, if a wind measurement station on land is adjacent to the water body,
the measured wind speeds may be considered equivalent to those over water.
This applies to the wind speeds given in this Manual as the wind stations are
located adjacent to the sea.

 An adjustment for the effect of the stability of the boundary layer of the
atmosphere on the wind speeds due to air-sea temperature difference should be
made by means of a stability correction factor for fetch length exceeding a
certain distance. In the absence of local information, a stability correction
factor of 1.1 may be assumed for fetch length greater than 16 km for the purpose
of wave assessment.

2.5.7 Wave Prediction from Wave Measurement

Estimates of extreme wave conditions by extrapolation of measured wave data are only
reliable if the original data are derived from a large number of years. The method of
prediction consists of plotting the initial wave heights against the cumulative probabilities of
occurrence, using an appropriate probability function. The objective is to achieve a graph
which may then be extended to give an estimate of the extreme conditions. An example of
such method can be found in Section 27 of BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000).

2.5.8 Wave Prediction by Mathematical Modelling

The use of mathematical models to estimate the wave conditions is recommended for water
areas with variable bottom topography and shoreline configuration and subject to the effect of
swells and wind waves. Details of the input requirements vary among various types of
models developed by different organizations and therefore reference should be made to the
users manuals of these models accordingly when the models are used. Expert advice or
input should be sought where appropriate as specialist software and experience are usually
required in wave modelling.

Where mathematical wave modelling is applied, a modelling report should be prepared to

describe the wave spectrum employed and the modelling approach, procedures and results,
and should include the following information :

(1) Wave Spectrum

Wave transformation analysis should be made for irregular waves except for special cases such
as long-travelled swells approaching a coast with nearly parallel, straight depth contours for
which monochromatic wave analysis may yield reliable results. Because transformations of
irregular waves depend on the functional shapes of directional wave spectrum, the frequency
spectrum and directional spreading function employed should be stated so that a check of the
analysis can be made afterward.

(2) Types of Wave Models

The type of models and their principles, assumptions and limitations should be specified
because each type of model has its range of applications reflecting its theoretical basis. For
example, wave propagation models may not be able to give detailed description of the wave
climate in a tidal basin, harbour or typhoon shelter due to diffraction and reflection and

therefore separate diffraction and reflection models may be used in combination with the wave
propagation models under such condition. Explanations should be given on why the chosen
models are suitable for the project and the required accuracy of the wave results.

(3) Site Analysis

A general description of the physical characteristics of the site should be given as they would
be important in the selection of the model boundary, applicability of the type of wave models
to be used and understanding the problems that may arise in the analysis. This should
include the layout of shorelines, seabed irregularity, water depth and the exposures of the site
to different incoming wind or wave directions. Special features such as presence of shoals,
seabed depressions, navigation channels, islands, headlands and structures should be

(4) Model Set-up

The report should provide the input information in the wave models, which should include the
following :

 Layout of shoreline, islands and structures.

 Water level.
 Wind speed, duration and direction.
 Wave height, period and direction.
 Model boundary and boundary conditions.
 Computational grid and time steps.
 Other modelling parameters such as bottom friction, wave breaking index or
direction spread of waves, depending on the type of models adopted.

An explanation of why the chosen model boundary and boundary conditions are appropriate
for the project should also be given. As an indication, the location of the model boundaries
should be set as far away from the areas of interest as possible, but without covering too large
an area that will affect the computational efficiency. Locations where there are sheltering of
waves or oddness of bathymetry that would make the input site inappropriate as model
boundary should be avoided.

(5) Calibration

The purpose of the calibration is to ensure that the computed results can realistically represent
the wave climate and is achieved by tuning the wave model to reproduce the known or
measured wave conditions for a particular situation. In this connection, evidence of
calibration for a particular chosen model, such as comparison of modelled results with
measured data, sensitivity tests on variation of input parameters and accuracy achieved, should
be presented in the report.

(6) Computation Results

The results should be plotted and examined for any signs of computational instability or
unreasonable variations in wave height or direction over short distances. Checking should
also be made if the values of the computed wave conditions are consistent and reasonable with
respect to the shoreline or bathymetry configuration in the area being examined. A summary
of the computed wave conditions at the site of interest for various chosen design scenarios
should be given at the end of the report.

2.5.9 Wave Breaking in Surf Zone

The often quoted figure of the maximum wave height being equal to 0.78 times the still water
depth can be derived from the theory describing individual waves. However, sufficient
difference exists in models between results with random waves and results with individual
waves to indicate that the above figure is not an adequate estimate of the breaker height in all
situations. A method by Goda in Appendix A may be used to estimate the wave heights in
the surf zone.

A design chart that relates the shoaling coefficient with the equivalent deepwater wave
steepness, the slope of seabed and the relative water depth is shown in Figure A1 of
Appendix A. The dotted lines in the figure for the seabed slope demarcate the regions of
wave breaking and non-breaking. When the intersecting point of the relative water depth and
equivalent deepwater wave steepness falls in the region above the dotted lines, wave breaking
will occur. This procedure may be used to check whether the structure lies in the breaking
wave region or not.

The wave heights in the breaking wave region or the surf zone do not follow a Rayleigh
distribution as larger wave heights break under the limited water depth. If a structure is
found to be inside a surf zone, the Goda formulae or the corresponding design charts in

Figure A2 in Appendix A may be used to estimate the significant wave height and the
maximum wave height in the surf zone. In the event that the wave condition is found to be
marginal between non-breaking and breaking, it is suggested that both the non-breaking and
breaking wave conditions be checked in the design to determine which condition is more
critical to the structure.

2.5.10 Use of Physical Wave Modelling

Physical wave models can be used as a predictive scale model for the prototype or as a
verification model for a mathematical one. As the present state of the art of mathematical
wave modelling is often sufficient for general design purposes, physical modelling is mainly
applied when a complicated bathymetry in front of a structure causes significant variations in
the near-structure sea state or when detailed structural design aspects related to run-up,
overtopping, toe scour or rock movements have to be clarified. It is mainly due to this
capacity to deal with complex interactions that leads to physical models being selected to
obtain the necessary design data. For many of the typical design problems, however,
mathematical model may be the more economical and efficient option. Therefore, expected
accuracy must be balanced against the cost of both mathematical and physical modelling.

2.5.11 Wave Overtopping

Information of the amount of wave overtopping is needed to determine the crest level of
marine structures. The methods for assessing the amount of wave overtopping are given in
Part 4 of the Manual Guide to Design of Seawalls and Breakwaters.

2.6 Ship Waves in Harbour

The wave climate in the Victoria Harbour is dominated by ship waves due to the movement of
marine traffic. According to an inner harbour wave study (HKU, 1997), it was concluded
that the wave climate in the Victoria Harbour, based on field measurements, has the following
characteristics :

 The wave climate is dominated by the ship waves which are highly irregular in
 The period of the ship waves so generated tends to be short and is in the range of
about 2 to 5 seconds.
 Waves in the western portion of the harbour area are stronger than those in the

eastern portion.
 Waves in the region off the northwest shore of Hong Kong Island are generally
the strongest in the harbour area.
 Waves in busy navigation area are stronger than those in open areas with less
marine activities.
 Waves during daytime are stronger than those at night.

The distribution of wave regions and the observed significant wave height corresponding to
each wave region are shown in Figure 9 and Table 35. A typical daily wave height variation
is also shown in 10. According to the inner harbour wave study, about 80% of the wave
energy within the Victoria Harbour in the daytime is due to marine traffic and the balance is
due to other sources such as winds. A description of the effect of waves on harbour activities
in various wave regions is summarized in Table 35.

Where new reclamation and marine structures are constructed in the Victoria Harbour, check
should be made, for example, by mathematical wave modelling, to see if the works will lead to
deterioration of the existing wave climate.

2.7 Currents

2.7.1 General

Currents are the movement of water in the sea and can be generated by the effect of tide, wind,
waves, river discharge and density difference and are described by their velocities (speed and
direction). Information on currents in specific locations may be obtained from reports
prepared by consultants for various Government departments in the past. The Civil
Engineering Department, Environmental Protection Department, Territory Development
Department and Marine Department should be consulted in the first instance for details of
studies carried out in any areas for which information on currents is required.

2.7.2 Field Measurements

For locations where no information on existing currents is available, it may be necessary to

carry out measurements on site. Field measurements give realistic local and time-specific
information on flow conditions and can provide surveyed data for the calibration of
mathematical flow models. However, the quality of the field data may be affected by the
variability of the forcing conditions such as river flow, tide, wind and waves acting along and

over the water area. Hence, the planning of the field measurement work and the period of
measurement should consider the meteorological and tidal characteristics of the area of
interest, and aspects of the study for which the current data are needed, taking into account the
following points :

 Two meteorological seasons prevail in the region of the Pearl River Estuary : the
dry season lasts approximately from October to April in which the northeast
monsoon in the South China Sea dominates and the wet season lasts from
approximately June to August in which the southwest monsoon prevails. These
two major seasons are separated by a transitional period which generally extends
over the month of May and September. Depending on the amount of rainfall
received within the drainage basin of the Pearl River, the amount of freshwater
discharged into the estuary varies significantly in these two seasons. As a
result, the current velocities measured in these two seasons will also vary

 Variation of tide in the region is characterized by the spring and neap tides
according to the relative positions of astronomical bodies. Since tidal flow is
one of the essential forcing conditions to the estuarine behaviour, each seasonal
field measurement should be conducted to cover a spring and neap tide.

 The minimum observation period should be a complete tidal cycle, which is

about 25 hours for two high tides and two low tides in the semi-diurnal tidal
regime in Hong Kong.

 Stratification in some areas may be significant. Field measurement should be

made in such a way as to provide full information on the velocity and salinity
profile at the monitoring point.

The flow conditions can be determined on site by means of the Eulerian and Lagrangian
methods. The Eulerian method is a measurement of water flowing through an instrument
with fixed spatial coordinates such as a current meter or an acoustic doppler current profiler.
The resultant current speed and direction at a specific point at different water depths can be
obtained by this method. In the Lagrangian method, a number of floats or drogues are
usually used and are released at pre-determined release point. The paths of movement of the
drogues are then measured regularly until they are recovered. This method enables the
tracing of the actual paths of the currents. Its limitation is that only the surface water
movement is tracked and heavy marine traffic may make the method not feasible. A

combination of these two methods can be employed in a current survey for mathematical
modelling to provide measurements for calibration of a hydraulic flow model and to provide
information on the path of the current for checking the level of confidence of the modelling

2.7.3 Current Prediction by Mathematical Models

Mathematical modelling is necessary to provide realistic estimation of the characteristics of

the flow field in the coastal waters as the flow systems in these water areas are usually very
complex due to irregular shoreline, variable bathymetry and a number of interacting tidal,
wind, pressure and density gradient forcing conditions. Details of model application depend
on the types of models to be employed, and expert advice and input are required as these
models are normally not easy to apply. General principles on mathematical flow modelling
are given in the following paragraphs.

(1) Model Category

In coastal or estuarine situations, two-dimensional or three-dimensional models should

normally be used. Two-dimensional flow models for use in coastal or estuarine situations are
generally depth-integrated. They provide a single velocity vector representing the flow
condition over the whole water column in each horizontal cell of the modelled area. These
models are generally used in situations where the currents are approximately uniform
throughout the water column or for studies in which the surface elevation are the primary
concern. Three-dimensional models are used when the vertical structure of currents is not
uniform. For Hong Kong waters which is subject to the effect of monsoon winds and the
discharge from the Pearl River, the use of three-dimensional models is essential when the
vertical distribution of currents is an important aspect of the study.

(2) Model Set-up

The setting up of a mathematical flow model involves the establishment of the shoreline,
bathymetry, model boundary and boundary flow conditions, wind field, computational grid
and values of other physical parameters such as river discharges and bottom friction of the
seabed. Details of the input requirement should be consistent with the particular notation and
format adopted by the models. In general, the following aspects should be noted :

 The shoreline in the model should take into account known and foreseeable
reclamation or marine structures constructed along the shore.

 The model boundaries should be set as far away from the areas of interest as
possible, but without covering too large an area that will affect the
computational efficiency as inaccuracies and uncertainties in the boundary
conditions will immediately affect the model performance. If the extent is too
small, the phenomena in the modelled area will be dominated by the boundary
conditions. The natural effects of the geometry, depth and friction on the flow
will not be able to be reflected in the computation.

 The computational grid should be established in such a way to reflect the details
of the shoreline configuration, bathymetry and to yield the required resolution of
the current vectors in the area of interest. As a general rule, small grids should
usually be used around the harbour, channels and sensitive receivers, and a
relatively coarse grid may be acceptable in remote areas and the open sea.

 The seabed bathymetry should be accurately schematized in the model as the

water depth is an important parameters that determine the global and local
current distribution. An overall picture should be in mind from a preliminary
study of bathymetric records before starting the schematization.

(4) Calibration

The application of a mathematical flow model should involve a calibration procedure in which
the model is run to compare with the hydrodynamic flow field of a specific period in which
field data have been collected. In calibration, model parameters such as seabed bottom
friction or depth resolution are adjusted to optimize the comparison of computed data to field
data. Comparisons are generally made to water levels and velocities, and may include
reproduction of temperature and salinity. Discrepancies may be progressively minimized
through a number of simulation runs based on sensitivity analysis of the boundary conditions,
physical and numerical parameters. It is also necessary to check the performance of the
calibrated model in an alternate time period with another set of field data, which are collected
independently from the set used for calibration, by a verification process. The verification
procedure may result in some fine-tuning of the model input parameters.

(5) Simulation Conditions

The flow conditions to be simulated should take into account the variability under different
seasons and tidal periods. In general, the following situations should be considered in a

mathematical flow modelling for Hong Kong waters :

 Flow during flood and ebb tides.

 Flow in spring and neap tides.
 Flow in wet and dry seasons.

(6) Modelling Report

A mathematical modelling report should be prepared to summarize the modelling approach,

procedures and the computation results, and should include the following details :

 Type of flow model employed and the principle, assumptions, limitations and
range of applicability.
 Model boundary and computational grid.
 Bathymetry of the modelled area.
 Input data, including boundary conditions, wind speed and direction, river
discharge and other physical parameters.
 Calibration results and accuracy achieved.
 Computation results of various simulation scenarios.

2.7.4 Use of Physical Flow Modelling

Physical modelling is an option for complicated current patterns for which, despite their
complexity, the boundary conditions can be reproduced well in the laboratory. Examples are
structures exposed to combined current and wave action, complex bathymetry and
unconventional structure geometry. Physical modelling may be useful in the following
situations :

 Where interference of currents and waves is concerned, although mathematical

models have been developed to cover this situation.
 Where verification of or comparison with a mathematical model is required.
 Where the physical model can be built and operated at a competitive cost in
relation to other options.
 Where the influence of vortices generated from the edges of structures or the
sharp corners of topography needs to be studied.

2.8 Sediments

In general, the sedimentation rate at estuaries and coastal regions is dependent on river
discharge, land erosion, tidal current as well as the prevailing storm and wave climate. In
Hong Kong waters, the natural long-term sedimentation rate is governed primarily by the
amount of sediments originating from the river discharges and tidal currents. Since the
transport and deposition processes of sediments are very complex, analytical prediction of the
suspended sediment concentrations and the prevailing sedimentation rate at a given area of
interest is difficult. Mathematical modelling is therefore used to simulate and assist in
predicting the outcome of such complex processes.

Sediment models simulate the transport of sediments by advection, wind, settling,

resuspension and random turbulent processes. In most cases, sediment models use a
hydrodynamic database that is generated by a flow model similar to that mentioned in
Section 2.7.3 as the basic input. To minimize computational effort without compromising on
accuracy, the computational grid of a sediment model is normally an optimum aggregation of
the flow computational grid. With the hydrodynamic database in the background, other
physical and control parameters are used as input to simulate the physical processes involved.
The results of a sediment model study are just as good as the calibration of these parameters.
Hence, physical parameters such as settling velocity of the sediments and critical stresses for
resuspension and sedimentation have to be calibrated before the models can be reliably used in
any sedimentation studies.

To calibrate the above physical parameters, it is generally agreed that the following field data
will be very useful in the calibration of a sediment model for sedimentation studies :

 Data on maintenance dredging in the vicinity of the area of interest.

 Amount of sediment discharged from river.
 Long-term data on suspended sediment concentration of the area.
 Short duration time series of suspended sediment concentration under a known
hydrodynamic condition.

It should be noted that details of the model application and required input data depend on the
types of sediment models to be employed and expert advice should be sought where necessary.
A sedimentation modelling report, with details similar to those described in Section 2.7.3,
should be prepared after completion of the modelling work.


3.1 General

This chapter gives guidance on general aspects such as the design life of structures, ship data,
requirements of approach channel and other operational considerations.

Many of the operational requirements of marine works and structures are specific to their
particular functions. Appropriate advice should be obtained from the client or the operator,
Director of Marine, Commissioner of Transport, other concerned government departments and
parties as appropriate on all operational matters.

3.2 Design Life

The design life of a structure is taken to be its intended useful life, and will depend on the
purpose for which it is used. The choice of design life is a matter to be decided in relation to
each project. Unless special circumstances apply, the design life should be taken to be 50
years for all permanent marine structures covered by this Manual. This does not necessarily
mean that the structure will continue to be serviceable for that length of time without adequate
inspection and maintenance. Rather, regular inspection and, where necessary, repair are
required under competent direction to ensure the stability and serviceability of the structure.
In view of the variable and often unpredictable character of the forces to which marine
structures are subjected, it is frequently unrealistic to expect substantial cost savings to result
from attempting to design them for short lives. Generally, greater overall economy will be
achieved by choosing simple robust concepts and appropriate reliable construction procedures.

Where special circumstances apply, the determination of the design life should take into
account the following aspects :

 Nature and purpose of the project.

 Effects of factors which act against the stability and functions of the structure,
including fatigue loading, corrosion, marine growth and soil strength reductions,
and the corresponding maintenance effort required to ensure that the stability
and functional requirements of the structure can still be met.
 Probability level that particular limit states or extreme events will occur during
the design life.
 Cost benefit of the design life being considered, including an assessment of the

capital cost and overall maintenance cost of the structure together with any
associated replacement cost required.
 Impact on the design life due to future developments, changes in operational
practices and demands.

The probability level that an extreme event will occur is related to the design life and return
period. Design life and return period are not the same and should not be confused. An
event with a return period of TR years or longer is likely to occur on average once in TR years.
The relationship among the probability level, design life and return period is given in
Figure 11. Recommended return periods are covered in other sections or parts of this

3.3 Ship Data

Where possible, details and dimensions should be obtained from the Director of Marine, the
client, owners and operators of the vessels to be accommodated, and those likely in the
anticipated lifetime of the structure. Vessel characteristics which should be considered
include type, size and shape, ship handling requirements, cargo or passenger handling
requirements, and vessel servicing requirements. A definition sketch of the typical
dimensions of the vessels is given in Figure 12.

Basic characteristics of local vessels taken from the Local Craft Registry provided by the
Director of Marine are given in Table 36. Basic characteristics of the vessels owned by
major ferry operators are given in Table 37. All values should be checked with the Director
of Marine, concerned government departments and the ferry operators as appropriate before
being used for design purposes. Information on other vessels using Hong Kong as a port of
call should be sought from the appropriate authorities when required.

3.4 Current Conditions

Reclamation, dredging works and major sea defense such as breakwaters may cause changes
in the pattern of tidal flow and consequently affect navigation, mooring and berthing forces,
siltation and water quality in the vicinity of these marine works, and possibly some distance
away from the site. During planning of the project, advice should be sought from the Civil
Engineering Department and Environmental Protection Department on whether detailed
mathematical modelling studies will be necessary, and Marine Department on the current

conditions for navigation and other vessel operations such as berthing and mooring.

3.5 Berth Conditions

Acceptable wave conditions at berths for ferries and public vessels or within cargo handling
basins and typhoon shelters can only be determined after consultation with the Director of
Marine and ferry or other vessel operators. Guidance on acceptable wave conditions for
moored vessels is given in Sections 30 and 31 of BS 6349: Part 1 (BSI, 2000).

3.6 Typhoon Shelters

Typhoon shelters in Hong Kong are to provide shelter for vessels not exceeding 50 m in length
under extreme wave conditions in typhoons. The recommended wave heights under extreme
wave conditions should not exceed the following criteria :

Vessel Length Significant Wave Height

Less than 30 m Less than 0.6 m

30 m to 50 m Less than 0.9 m

It should be noted that the recommended design criteria should be taken only as the target
design values instead of the absolute allowable values. Localized exceedance of the design
values may be permitted with due consideration of the site condition and the layout of the
mooring areas within the typhoon shelter in consultation with the Marine Department.

3.7 Approach Channels

The depth and width of approach channels should be specified or approved by the Director of
Marine. The required depth of channels can be calculated taking into account the following
factors :

 Loaded draft of design vessel.

 Tidal variations.
 Wave induced motions of the vessel.
 Vessel squat and trim.
 An empirical factor giving an under-keel clearance to facilitate manoeuvrability,

economic propeller efficiency and a factor of safety.

The width of the channel, defined as the width at the dredged level, should be determined
according to the following factors :

 Beam, speed and manoeuvrability of the design vessel.

 Whether the vessel is to pass another vessel.
 Channel depth.
 Channel alignment.
 Stability of the channel banks.
 Winds, waves, currents and cross currents in the channel.
 Availability of navigational aids.

The above factors are covered in detail by PIANC (1997).

Where the bottom of the channel consists of mud, it is usual in international ports to define the
depth for navigation as being that between low water level and the level at which the density
of the bottom sediment is equal to or greater than 1200 kg/m3, since research elsewhere has
shown that the mud layers of lower density do not significantly impede the passage of a ship.
The general practice to determine such a level in local port condition is to use an echo sounder
of 200 kHz to 220 kHz which, by experience, is able to identify the seabed of density of
1200 kg/m3 in most cases for safe navigation.

When planning the location of approach channels, and approaches or fairways in general,
account should be taken of future siltation and maintenance. Consideration may be given to
dredging to a depth greater than the minimum required navigation depth, with the intention of
eliminating the need for maintenance dredging in the first few years after completion of initial
dredging. Estimation of the amount of siltation within the channel may be determined from
sedimentation field measurement and mathematical modelling as described in Section 2.8.

3.8 Navigation Aids

Aids to navigation are used to mark limits of structures such as piers, seawalls, breakwaters
and dolphins, channel entrances, boundaries and turns, and hidden dangers such as shoals and
rock outcrops, to act as a guide for vessels and to assist with their safe movement. The type,
size, location and details of fittings and fixtures for navigation aids should be to the
requirements of the Director of Marine.

General information and locations of existing navigation aids in Hong Kong waters which
may be referred to in design can be found on the nautical charts published by the Hong Kong
Hydrographic Office (see Section 2.3). The definitions of symbols, terms and abbreviations
used on the nautical charts can be found in Hong Kong Chart 1 published by the Hong Kong
Hydrographic Office (HKHO, 1997).


4.1 General

This chapter gives general comments and guidance on geotechnical investigation during the
planning and design of a marine works project. For details of geotechnical investigation, the
following documents issued by the Geotechnical Engineering Office should be referred to as
appropriate :

 Geoguide 1 : Guide to Retaining Wall Design (GEO, 1993a).

 Geoguide 2 : Guide to Site Investigation (GCO, 1987).
 Geoguide 3 : Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions (GCO, 1988).
 Geospec 3 : Model Specification for Soil Testing (GEO, 2001).

Where necessary, advice from the Geotechnical Engineering Office should be sought.

4.2 Marine Geology and Characteristics

(1) Sources of Geological Information

An understanding of the marine geology is useful in the design of the foundation of marine
works. Information about site geology in Hong Kong can be obtained from the following
documents published by the Geotechnical Engineering Office :

 Hong Kong Geological Survey Memoirs No. 1 to 6

(GCO, 1986 to 1990; GEO, 1995 to 1996)
 Hong Kong Geological Survey Sheet Reports No. 1 to 5
(GEO, 1992 to 1996)
 The Pre-Quaternary Geology of Hong Kong
(GEO, 2000a)
 The Quaternary Geology of Hong Kong
(GEO, 2000b)

These documents are accompanied by geological maps varying from Hong Kong-wide
1:20,000 and 1:100,000 scale to area specific 1:5000 scale for selected parts of Hong Kong.
These sources of geological information will assist in the planning of the marine ground
investigation and interpretation of the investigation results.

(2) Typical Offshore Subsoil Profile

Details of the offshore subsoil distribution and characteristics in Hong Kong are given in
GEO (2000b) and a summary of the typical subsoil profile is given in the following

In Hong Kong, the typical offshore subsoil profile consists of a sequence of soft to very stiff
transported sediments, which may be up to 100 metres thick, overlying in-situ rock in various
states of weathering. The offshore transported sediments have been subdivided into four
geological groups or formations, the Hang Hau Formation, the Sham Wat Formation, the
Waglan Formation, and the Chek Lap Kok Formation. The distribution and sedimentary
characteristics are summarized in Table 38 and a schematic diagram showing the general
sequence of these geological formations is given in Figure 13.

Marine deposits of the Hang Hau Formation form the seabed over most of Hong Kong waters.
The formation consist of a fairly uniform deposit of very soft to soft, normally consolidated,
olive grey, clayey silts that contain shells and lenses of fine sand. These deposits are
commonly referred to as marine mud. However, the formation becomes sandy towards the
base, particularly in eastern waters where the lowest deposits represent the sandy infilling of
tidal channels. At the seabed, in zones of strong currents such as the tidal channels of
Urmston Road and Kap Shui Mun, the Hang Hau Formation deposits become sandy. In the
deepest parts of the channels the deposits may be absent with rock exposed at the seabed.

In central and northeastern waters, the Hang Hau Formation directly overlies the Chek Lap
Kok Formation, a mixed succession of clays, silts, sands, gravels and cobbles that may be
uniform or poorly sorted. The assorted sediments that make up the Chek Lap Kok Formation
are predominantly of alluvial origin, with complex geometrical relationships that reflect their
origin as river channels and floodplains. Eroded channels, ranging in width from a few
metres to several hundred metres and up to 20 metres deep, characterize the surface of the
Chek Lap Kok Formation. This irregular topography is important when determining the base
of the Hang Hau Formation for dredging or foundation purposes.

In western and southwestern waters, the marine Sham Wat Formation occurs between the
Hang Hau Formation and the Chek Lap Kok Formation. The Sham Wat Formation
sediments are typically soft to firm, normally to slightly over-consolidated, light grey silty
clays with thin sand bands. They differ in appearance from the Hang Hau Formation being
lighter grey in colour with white patches of decayed shells and orange yellow oxidised mottles

indicating subaerial exposure and weathering of the sediments. They also have a higher clay
content, a slightly higher shear strength, and a lower moisture content than the Hang Hau

In southeastern waters, the Hang Hau Formation directly overlies the Waglan Formation,
which is in turn underlain by the Chek Lap Kok Formation. The Waglan Formation
comprises a generally firm, normally to slightly over-consolidated, dark olive grey, clayey silt
with shells that is similar in appearance to the Hang Hau Formation. However, the Waglan
Formation has a slightly higher shear strength and lower moisture content. The formation
becomes sandy at the base with interbedded shelly sand and clayey silt. In a small area of
southeastern waters, a restricted occurrence of the Sham Wat Formation underlies the Waglan

(3) Behaviour of Marine Mud

The presence of soft marine mud underlain by highly variable alluvial deposits requires that
particular attention be paid to the site geology when designing marine works. The properties
of the marine mud have been studied extensively in recent years and are shown in Table 39
(Ho & Chan, 1994). When the soft mud is loaded, the increase in external shear and vertical
stresses will cause deformation leading to stability problems and foundation failure if the
deformation becomes excessive. In a reclamation where the soft mud is left in place, mud
waves may develop if the loading is uneven or is applied too quickly. Consequently, careful
site control is required to avoid rapid or irregular fill placement that may result in excessive
soil displacement and possibly successive slip failures. For foundations of marine structures,
the stability during and after construction must be checked. Soil improvement techniques,
piled foundations to transfer loads below the soft layers, or dredging and filling with granular
material can be used to improve the stability. For environmental reasons, non-dredge
solutions should be employed as far as possible. The correct choice and effective
implementation of the fill placement and foundation methods, apart from cost, programming
and technical factors, relies heavily on a sound understanding of the strength properties of the
underlying sediments which can only be obtained through a comprehensive geotechnical

An increase in vertical stress will also induce an excess pore water pressure in the sediments,
which will gradually dissipate as the pore water drains out. This process is accompanied by
the consolidation settlement of the soil, which takes place until the excess pore water pressure
has completely dissipated. However, even after the excess pore water pressure has dissipated,
settlement may continue for many years at a gradually decreasing rate. This phenomenon is

commonly termed secondary consolidation. Settlement problems, such as differential

settlement, may arise in a reclamation or marine structure if significant amount of settlement
occurs after the works are completed. Hence, it is essential to ascertain the settlement
parameters of the soils in order to ensure that any residual settlement, due either to primary or
secondary consolidation, will not affect the future development of the reclamation or the
operation of the marine structures.

Details of stability and settlement analysis for seawalls, breakwaters and reclamation are given
in Part 3 and Part 4 of the Manual :

 Part 3 Guide to Design of Reclamation.

 Part 4 Guide to Design of Seawalls and Breakwaters.

4.3 Determination of Soil Properties

Geotechnical investigations should begin with a desk study in which all existing site
investigation data and geological information are reviewed, lead up to a thorough site
reconnaissance, and culminate in one or more stages of ground investigation. From in-situ
and laboratory tests of the sediments, the engineering design parameters can be determined.
The procedures for carrying out geotechnical investigations and laboratory soil testing are
described in Geoguide 2 (GCO, 1987) and Geospec 3 (GEO, 2001). Recommendations for
the description of Hong Kong rocks and soils for engineering purposes are given in
Geoguide 3 (GCO, 1988).

(1) Layout of Investigation

The extent, layout and final depth of the ground investigation should be determined with
reference to the nature of the proposed marine works, the geology of the site, the findings of
the desk study, and from site reconnaissance observations undertaken at periods of both low
and high tides. Where weak and compressible materials will be encountered, the ground
investigation should penetrate to a sufficient depth preferably into the underlying weathered
rock to allow an estimate of the founding depth, the location of any potential shear failure
surface, and the amount and rate of settlement. For piled structures such as a pile-supported
deck pier, the investigation should be continued until a suitable pile-bearing stratum has been
reached and is proved to be of adequate thickness. The depth of exploration should be at
least 5m below the founding level of the piled foundation or 2.5 times the diameter of the piles
proposed (GCO, 1987), whichever is deeper.

Guidance on the determination of the location and spacing of the points of exploration is given
in Chapter 10 of Geoguide 2 (GCO, 1987). The points of exploration may include a
combination of borehole locations and points of in-situ tests such as cone penetration tests (see
paragraphs below). General indication on the spacing of the points of exploration for
different types of marine works are given as follows :

 Piers or Jetties : 10 m to 30 m
 Seawalls, breakwaters or reclamation : 50 m to 150 m

For works which are small in plan area, a minimum of three points of exploration should be
required if possible. In cases where the soil stratification is complex, or where buried
obstructions are present or suspected, or where there are uncertainties on the information,
additional boreholes should be sunk as necessary to confirm the soil strata and properties. It
should be noted that the required spacing of points of exploration is dependent on factors such
as types and functions of proposed marine works, site location and soil complexity. Hence,
the above spacing should not be treated as the absolute maximum or minimum allowable
values. For large offshore projects requiring a staged ground investigation, a marine
geophysical survey carried out during the first stage will provide useful information about the
distribution of sediments and serve as a reliable basis for the optimum location and spacing of
boreholes, in addition to identifying those areas that will require more detailed investigation
(see Geoguide 2 (GCO, 1987)). For pile foundation works, reference should also be made to
WBTC 22/2000 (WB, 2000).

(2) Soil Testing

The engineering properties of the soils can be assessed by means of a range of in-situ or
laboratory tests.

Methods of in-situ testing commonly used include the Standard Penetration Test, Vane Shear
Test and Cone Penetration Test. The Standard Penetration Test, which is carried out during
drilling, records the number of blows that are required to drive a standard sampler a distance
of 300 mm below the base of the borehole. Blow count provides an indication of the relative
strength of the soils encountered. The Vane Shear Test measures the torque required to rotate
a calibrated vane in the sediments, from which the measured torque value can be related to the
shear strength of the soil. This test is very useful for determining the in-situ undrained
strength of the marine mud and clayey alluvial deposits. However, if the sediments are sandy
or contain shells, the vane shear results should be interpreted with caution. In addition, there

exists strong evidence that in-situ vane shear tests (e.g. Clause 4.4 of BS1377:Part 9:1990)
give values too large for design. The use of proper reduction factor for the in-situ vane shear
strength as proposed by Bjerrum (1972), Ladd et al (1977) and Aas et al (1986) should be
noted. The Static Cone Penetration Test generally provides a rapid means of determining the
soil type, the soil profile, and the soil strength by measuring the resistance encountered by the
tip of the penetrating cone. The Static Cone Penetration Test uses a 60o cone and friction
sleeve (see Clause 3.1 of BS1377:Part 9:1990). This test is also used as a rapid and
economical means of interpolating between boreholes. Although it may be possible to
estimate the type of soil through which the cone is passing, it is preferable to carry out the test
in conjunction with other means of determining the nature of the soil.

Details of typical laboratory tests are given in Geospec 3 (GEO, 2001). As a general
requirement, soil classification, shear strength and consolidation tests (such as the triaxial
compression test and the oedometer test) are commonly specified for marine ground
investigations. Undisturbed samples for laboratory tests, such as the determination of the
strength and settlement characteristics of the sediments, are usually obtained as piston samples
from soft marine mud and Mazier samples from the firmer alluvial deposits. Piston and
Mazier samples may not necessarily be high-quality undisturbed samples. A sufficient
number of samples should be taken to assess the variations in both the characteristics of the
sediments and the associated geotechnical design parameters. In order to cover all possible
variations, the testing schedule should be flexible. The designer should prepare an initial
testing schedule that is continually modified as observations are made and new information is
obtained from the ground investigation. Wherever possible, additional samples should be
specified for duplicate tests to check the consistency of the test results.

The quality of the test results depends on the sample quality. Therefore, close field
supervision is required to ensure that careful drilling and sampling techniques are employed to
yield high quality test samples. Tables 8 and 9 in Geoguide 2 (GCO, 1987) provide guidance
on the sample quality that is required for different sampling procedures and soil materials.

It should be noted that shear strength and consolidation tests normally take a fairly long period
to complete, especially for soils like marine mud which has low permeability. Adequate time
should be allowed for the laboratory testing programme during project planning.

Table 40 lists the in-situ and laboratory tests that can be carried out during marine ground
investigations, together with the type of information provided by the tests. Additional tests
such as particle size distribution, Atterberg limits, moisture contents and soil density tests are
usually requested to provide information on the general properties of the soils, correlation

between soils in different locations, and further details to support the geotechnical parameters.
For silty or clayey soil, information on the undrained shear strength is necessary to assess the
stability of marine structures such as gravity or sloping seawalls.

It should be emphasized that the specified laboratory testing conditions should resemble, as
closely as possible, the field conditions in which the works or structures will be constructed
and operate under various stages. The initial state of the samples as well as the state of the
soils in the construction and operation conditions should be clearly specified. Adequate
number of samples should also be tested under different stress conditions in order to determine
the shear strength and settlement parameters of the soils at different locations and depths.

4.4 Determination of Rock Properties

Typical ranges of values of the uniaxial compressive strength of the most commonly
encountered rocks in Hong Kong are given in Table 11 of Geoguide 1 (GEO, 1993a).
Usually, the strength of the intact bedrock is not an important consideration in the design of
breakwaters, gravity seawalls and reclamations. For marine structures supported by piles
founded on rock, it is necessary to check whether the rock strength is adequate to resist the
loads transmitted from the piles. The rock strength may be assessed approximately by
identification tests (GCO, 1988). Where necessary, it can be measured by uniaxial
compression tests on rock cores or point load index tests on rock specimens. It should be
noted that, depending upon the rock type, the strength of Grade III rock (moderately
decomposed rock) is very variable and can be quite low. In such case, the rock strength
should be selected conservatively in the design. For further details about the determination
of rock strength parameters, reference should be made to Chapter 5 of Geoguide 1
(GEO, 1993a).


5.1 General

This Chapter describes the loading conditions which should be considered in the design of
marine structures and includes information on the loads to be taken into account. Guidance
is given on the selection of relevant design parameters and methods of calculation to derive
the resulting direct forces on structures, taking into account the nature and characteristics of
the structures.

In addition to dead loads, superimposed dead loads, hydrostatic loads and soil pressures, the
other forces which may act on marine structures are environmental loads, arising from such
natural phenomena as winds, temperature variations, tides, currents, waves and earthquakes,
and those imposed loads due to operational activities. General imposed loads cover live
loads from pedestrians, vehicles, cargo storage and handling. Vessel imposed loads cover
berthing, mooring and slipping.

Unless stated otherwise, the design loads given in this Chapter are unfactored.

5.2 Loading Conditions and Combinations

The structure as a whole, or any part or section, should be designed and checked for at least
the loading conditions given below. If it is expected that other loading conditions could be
critical, they should also be investigated. Various types of load should be combined in a
manner consistent with the probability of their simultaneous occurrence.

5.2.1 Normal Loading Conditions

These loading conditions are those in which normal operations continue unaffected by
environmental conditions. A combination of the following should be considered :

 Dead loads.
 Superimposed dead loads.
 Live loads due to normal working operations (the most severe arrangement
likely to occur simultaneously).
 Vessel imposed loads (berthing and mooring).
 Normal environmental loads (winds, currents and waves).
 Soil pressures.

 Hydrostatic loads.

Guidance on the calculation of environmental loads associated with normal working

operations is given later in this Chapter under each type of loading condition. It should be
assumed that maximum imposed live loads can occur simultaneously with maximum vessel
imposed loads from either berthing or mooring, whichever gives the most severe effect. It is
possible for mooring loads to occur at the same time as berthing for certain size and geometry
of the structure such as a jetty allowing berthing on one side and mooring on the other side.
In this latter case, the most severe combination of berthing and mooring loads should be
determined by the designer and this combination assumes to occur simultaneously with
maximum imposed live loads.

For normal environmental loads, it should be assumed that maximum loads from winds,
currents and waves can occur simultaneously. All directions should be considered when
assessing the most severe effects from these loads.

5.2.2 Extreme Loading Conditions

These loading conditions are associated with the most severe environmental conditions which
the structure is designed to withstand. It is assumed that under these conditions most normal
operations, such as vessel berthing and mooring, pedestrian and vehicle movements, and cargo
storage and handling, will have ceased. A combination of the following should be
considered :

 Dead loads (same values as for Normal Loading Conditions).

 Superimposed dead loads (these may be different from Normal Loading
 Reduced live loads (if any at all) due to continuing operations.
 Reduced vessel-imposed loads (if any) due to continuing operations.
 Extreme environmental loads (winds, currents, waves and temperature
 Soil pressures (these may be different from Normal Loading Conditions due to
variation of water table).
 Hydrostatic loads (in some cases, these will be different from Normal Loading
Conditions, e.g., due to difference in water levels).

It should be assumed for extreme environmental loads that maximum effects from winds,
currents and waves can occur simultaneously, but maximum effects from temperature

variations should be considered separately. Vessel-imposed loads can be ignored under

extreme environmental conditions from winds, currents and waves, as these will occur during
tropical cyclone conditions when normal vessel movements will have ceased. However,
vessel-imposed loads should be combined with maximum effects from temperature variations.
Guidance on live loads to be considered under extreme environmental conditions from winds,
currents and waves is given in later sections of this chapter. Normal maximum live loads
should be combined with maximum effects from temperature variations, as these variations
will not occur during tropical cyclone conditions.

Unless stated otherwise, the extreme environmental conditions for structures having a design
life of 50 years should be taken as those having return periods of 100 years. Where special
circumstances apply, resulting in a shorter or longer design life, the return period should be
adjusted accordingly. The relationship of the return period and the design life is shown in
Figure 11.

5.2.3 Temporary Loading Conditions

Temporary Loading Conditions are those which arise during construction, towing, installation
or the carrying out of unusual but foreseeable operations, such as the application of a test load.
For these conditions, a combination of the appropriate dead and maximum temporary loads,
together with the associated environmental loads, should be considered. Temporary design
and environmental conditions should be appropriate for the location, and for the time of year,
when the construction or operation will be carried out.

5.2.4 Accident Loading Conditions

Accident Loading Conditions are those which occur during accidental impact by a vessel.
For these conditions, a combination of dead, superimposed dead and hydrostatic loads, soil
pressures, live loads and normal environmental loads, together with the appropriate accident
berthing load, should be considered. Guidance on accident berthing loads is given later in
this Chapter. The above combination is to some extent artificial, as an accident can occur at
a time of normal or extreme environmental loading conditions. However, it is not normally
necessary to combine accident berthing loads with maximum imposed loads and extreme
environmental loads because of the low probability of their simultaneous occurrence. The
need for checking of accident loading conditions will depend on :

 Importance of the structure.

 Location with respect to normal ferry routes and fairways.

 Degree of exposure to adverse environmental conditions.

 Expected degree of use if the structure is a pier.
 Susceptibility to damage of the type of design used.

Public and ferry piers should generally be designed or checked for accident loading conditions.
For such accident loading conditions, damage to minor structural members which can be
readily repaired, and to such items as fenders, can be accepted at the discretion of the designer
in consultation with the maintenance authority.

5.3 Dead Loads

The dead load is the weight of the structural elements of the structure, including any
substructure, piling and superstructure. The weight of the structure is its weight in air.
Where parts are wholly, partially or intermittently immersed in water, upthrust on those parts
should be calculated separately, as recommended in Section 5.7.

5.4 Superimposed Dead Loads

The superimposed dead load is the weight of all materials imposing loads on the structure that
are not structural elements, and should include surfacing, fixed equipment, fenders, bollards,
handrails, ladders, walkways, stairways, services, fittings and furniture. For all loading
conditions, the possibility of any of the superimposed dead loads being removed should be

5.5 Live Loads

5.5.1 Live Loads on Different Types of Structures

The imposed live loads include all loads which the structure has to withstand except dead,
superimposed dead, hydrostatic, soil, vessel-imposed and environmental loads, and should be
the greatest applied load likely to arise from the intended use or purpose of the structures.
The minimum imposed live loads that should be applied in a design are recommended in the
following paragraphs, and should be adjusted to take into consideration the use of the
structures and the types of installations on them.

(1) Public Piers

The live loads for the decks of public piers, to include for the movement of pedestrians, hand
luggage, ship provisions and temporary stacking, should be taken as 10 kPa. Where
emergency vehicular access by an ambulance, police vehicle and/or fire engine as appropriate
is required, the following additional requirements should be satisfied :

 Concentrated load to be applied on plan over any square with a 300 mm side
should be greater than 75 kN.
 Total load to be applied on beams, uniformly distributed over span, should be
greater than 150 kN.

Where general access for pedestrians is provided to the roof, the live load should be taken as
5 kPa.

(2) Ferry Piers

The live loads for pedestrian ferry piers should be no less than those given above for public
piers, but should in addition be checked and agreed with the prospective ferry operators. The
live loads for vehicular ferry pier waiting areas and ramps will depend on the types of vehicles
allowed or expected to use the services, and should be agreed with the prospective ferry

(3) Other Piers

The live loads for other piers should be determined after consultation with the prospective
users, taking into account the proposed use, possible cargo storage, cargo handling equipment
and vehicular access.

(4) Dolphins

The live loads for dolphins should be taken as 5 kPa.

(5) Seawalls

The live load on the area of the land behind the seawalls should be determined taking into
account the designated land use, and should be taken as follows :

 Footpaths, cycle tracks, open play areas and the like : 10 kPa
 Roads and carriageways (normal traffic) : 20 kPa

When assessing the loading conditions behind seawalls, the effect of temporary loads, such as
those due to surcharge preloading in a new reclamation, should also be investigated in the

(6) Breakwaters

The live load on the crest of the breakwaters should be no less than those given above for
seawalls, taking into account the uses and operations on the breakwaters.

5.5.2 Determination of Continuous Live Loads

Guidance on the determination of the live load due to continuing operations under extreme
environmental conditions from winds, currents and waves, and of the live loads to be used in
accident loading conditions referred to in Section 5.2, is given below.

(1) Live Loads under Extreme Environmental Conditions

The live loads due to continuing operations under extreme environmental conditions from
winds, currents and waves may be taken as zero for piers and dolphins unless there is a
specific need or requirement for the pier to be used during tropical cyclone conditions, e.g. for
emergencies or storage. For seawalls, the maximum live loads on the adjacent land due to
continuing operations under extreme environmental conditions may be taken as 50% of the
live loads due to normal working operations under normal environmental conditions, provided
that it can be ensured with reasonable certainty that the land behind the seawall will not be
used for the storage or temporary stacking of materials. For other structures, the live loads
due to continuing operations under extreme environmental conditions should be assessed by
the designer. Normal maximum live loads should be considered to apply under extreme
environmental conditions relating to temperature variations.

(2) Live Loads under Accident Conditions

The live loads to be used in Accident Loading Conditions for normal structures can be taken as
50% of the live loads due to normal working operations under normal environmental
conditions. At the discretion of the designer, this percentage may be reduced to 25% for
structures expected to be loaded infrequently, or increased to 75% for structures expected to

have particularly heavy usage such as ferry piers on major routes with exceptionally frequent

5.6 Tides and Water Level Variations

Information on tides, the mean and extreme range of still water levels is given in Section 2.2.
Such information is required for the evaluation of :

 Hydrostatic pressures, including buoyancy effects.
 Soil pressures.
 Levels of action of mooring, berthing and wave forces.

In addition, the effect of waves and wave run-up should be considered in relation to
overtopping and hydrostatic pressures.

For structures with a design life of 50 years and for the loading conditions referred to in
Section 5.2, the range of water levels that should normally be considered are given as follows :

Loading Conditions Water Levels

Extreme From mean lower low water level to 100-year

return period water level

Normal From mean lower low water level to 2-year return

period water level

Accident From mean lower low water level to 2-year return

period water level

Temporary Range of water levels to be assessed by designers

for each individual case

For structures where a different design life applies, the return period for extreme loading
conditions should be adjusted accordingly.

Structures should be designed to withstand safely the effects of the range of still water level
referred to above for each loading condition. It should be noted that for different types of
structure, different loading cases, and different conditions, the critical still water level may be
the minimum, maximum or some intermediate level; the full range must be investigated by the

5.7 Hydrostatic Loads

When considering the effects of buoyancy, it is preferable to represent the buoyancy and
gravitational loads as separately applied loading systems. In this way, the effect of changes
in water level can be seen more clearly, and it is possible in limit state design to apply different
load factors to dead loads and hydrostatic loads as appropriate. The determination of
hydrostatic loads should take into account water level variations and ground water profiles
mentioned in Section 5.6 and Section 5.8 respectively.

For calculating the hydrostatic loads, the freshwater and seawater densities may be taken as
1000 kg/m3 and 1025 kg/m3 respectively.

5.8 Soil Pressure and Ground Water Profiles

Guidance on the calculation of soil pressures is given in Geoguide 1 (GEO, 1993a). For the
purposes of calculating soil pressures :

 Water levels should be derived as described in Section 5.6.

 Ground pore water pressures should be determined with reference to tidal range,
soil permeability, drainage provisions, and any artesian and sub-artesian ground
water conditions.
 Allowance should be made for reduced passive resistance due to overdredging
or scour.

In the case of a seawall adjoining reclaimed land, the wall together with the backfill up to a
vertical plane above its heel (i.e. the virtual back) can be treated as a monolithic block for the
purpose of stability checking. Active soil pressures may be assumed in the calculations and
suggested maximum values of mobilized angle of wall friction for active pressure calculations
are given in Table 14 of GEO (1993a). Passive resistance in front of the toe of the structure
can be neglected for typical gravity type seawalls such as concrete blockwork seawalls resting
on a rubble mound.

The ground water condition is a critical factor in stability analysis. Designers should note
that ground water profiles are site-dependent. If possible, it is recommended that the design
water pressures should be evaluated from field observations and a detailed analysis
considering :

 Tidal variation at the seaward side of the seawall.

 Water inflow from landward and from seaward sides of the seawall.
 Rate of overtopping water under severe wave climate.
 Permeability of water draining behind, through and under the structure.
 Surface and back drainage provided to cater for surface and ground water.

In relatively simple conditions, the ground water profiles illustrated in Figure 14 may be used
as a reference. Where the land behind the seawall is paved, the flow from landward sources
is negligible, and adequate surface and back drainage behind the structure are provided, the
ground water profile in the fill behind the seawall may be taken as almost horizontal at a level
higher than the still water level. Unless there is clear evidence to the contrary, a tidal lag of
not less than 0.7 m and 1.0 m above the still water level under normal loading conditions and
extreme loading conditions respectively may be used in design.

In addition to the above water level lags, where the land behind the seawall is not paved and
the fill is highly variable, the groundwater profile should take into consideration the worst
credible ground water conditions that would arise in extreme events selected for design.
Guidance on the determination of the worst credible water conditions are given in Geoguide 1
(GEO, 1993a).

Where the flow from landward sources is significant, the effects of the ground water profile
should be evaluated by field investigations.

5.9 Wind Loads

For the assessment of wind loads on marine structures and for the loading conditions referred
to in Section 5.2, the following design wind pressures may be assumed :

Loading Conditions Design Wind Pressures

Normal 1.2 kPa

Extreme 3.0 kPa
Accident 1.2 kPa

For Temporary Loading Conditions, the design wind pressure should be assessed by the
designer for each individual case, taking into account the following points :

 The design wind pressure of 1.2 kPa for Normal and Accident Loading

Conditions corresponds to a gust of about 44 m/s, which is the maximum gust

expected to occur with a mean hourly wind speed of 17 m/s (33 knots). This
by definition is the maximum mean hourly wind speed likely to occur while
Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 3 is hoisted or within the first few hours of the
hoisting of Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8. The above assumes a gustiness
factor (ratio between maximum gust and mean hourly wind speed) of about 2.6,
which is not normally exceeded under Hong Kong conditions. For details of
gustiness factors, reference may be made to Chen (1975) and Poon (1982).

 The design wind pressure of 3.0 kPa under extreme environmental conditions
corresponds to a gust of about 70 m/s (136 knots), which is the maximum gust
expected to occur with a return period of about 50 years in Hong Kong waters.

Wind forces on structures and elements of structures may be calculated in accordance with
Hong Kong Code of Practice on Wind Effects (BDD, 1983).

5.10 Wave Loads

5.10.1 General

Wave loads on a structure are dynamic in nature, but when the design wave period is much
higher than the structure's fundamental period, as will be the case for the vast majority of
structures covered by this Manual, these loads may be adequately represented by their static
equivalents. General guidance on dynamic responses and vibrations are covered in
Section 5.15. The crest or trough of any design wave should be positioned relative to a
structure such that the wave forces have their maximum effect on the structure. It should be
noted that the maximum stress in elements of the structure may occur for wave positions,
directions and periods other than those causing the maximum force on the structure and such
effect should be considered in design. Allowance should also be made in calculations for the
build-up of marine growth on the structures. Where no other information or site
measurements are available, a uniform effective thickness of 100 mm of marine growth for all
surfaces below mean sea level may be assumed.

5.10.2 Wave Conditions

The wave conditions that should be assessed in design should be jointly described with the
water levels as these two variables are correlated (HKPU, 2000). For marine works with a

design life of 50 years, the following wave conditions and water levels should normally be
considered :

Loading Conditions Waves and Water Levels

 Extreme  Extreme wave condition at 100-year return period

and extreme water level at 10-year return period.

 Extreme wave condition at 10-year return period

and extreme water level at 100-year return period.

 Extreme wave condition at 50-year return period

and extreme water level at 50-year return period.

 Extreme wave condition at 100-year return period

and mean lower low water level.

 Normal  Wave condition at tropical cyclone signal no. 3 or

within the first few hours of the hoisting of
tropical cyclone signal no. 8 and maximum water
level at 2-year return period.

 Wave condition at tropical cyclone signal no. 3 or

within the first few hours of the hoisting of
tropical cyclone signal no. 8 and mean lower low
water level.

 Accident  Same as normal loading condition.

 Temporary  Wave condition to be assessed by designers for

each individual case.

The extreme wave and water level conditions given above refers to extreme environmental
events with return periods of about 100 years.

When wind data are used for determining the wave heights, the extreme wind speeds shown in
Tables 12 to 30 may be used to estimate the wave heights under extreme loading conditions.
In this connection, it may be assumed that the 100-year wind waves are generated by the
100-year winds, the 50-year wind waves by the 50-year winds, the 10-year wind waves by the
10-year winds and so forth. For the assessment of wave heights under normal and accident
loading conditions, a mean hourly wind speed of 17 m/s, or the equivalent wind speed
adjusted for duration, may generally be used. The reason for selecting this particular mean
hourly wind speed is given in Section 5.9. For temporary loading conditions, the designer
should assess the design wave parameters for each situation, taking into account the likely
wind speeds and water levels to be experienced.

In each loading condition, the effect of swells may be considered with reference to Table 34 in
which the offshore wave data of Hong Kong are given. For assessing the wave conditions in
normal loading and accident loading conditions, the 2-year wave data may be used in the
absence of more realistic wave information. Similarly, for assessing the wave conditions in
extreme loading condition, the respective wave data corresponding to the return period of the
extreme wave conditions may be used.

It should be noted that for different types of structure, different loading cases and different
conditions, the critical still water level may be the minimum, maximum or some intermediate
level. For example, smaller waves at a lower sea water level may break near the shore while
those higher waves at higher sea water level may not break. The associated breaking waves
of the smaller waves may represent a more critical condition to the structures than the higher
non-breaking waves. The full range of water levels in addition to the water levels mentioned
in the above paragraphs should be investigated by the designer.

5.10.3 Wave Forces on Vertical Structures

Waves incident upon a long vertical surface may be reflected without breaking and a standing
wave will be formed in front of the wall. In certain depths, relative to the wavelength and
wave height, waves may break against the wall producing impulsive loading which may be
very large over small surface area. The following paragraphs recommend methods to
estimate the average wave pressures on a long structure.

(1) Wave Pressure under Wave Crests

The maximum wave pressure on a long vertical reflective wall may be estimated by the
method of Goda as referred to in BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000). A summary of the method is
given in Figures 15 and 16. The method deals with both the standing and breaking wave
forces in a single formula. The formulae make use of the wave height parameter Hmax as the
design wave height. The basic concept is to design the structure against the largest single
wave force expected during the design sea state, assuming that the largest force could be
evaluated with the highest wave in a wave group. Goda recommended that Hmax can
generally be taken as 1.8H1/3 seaward of the surf zone, whereas within the surf zone the height
is taken as the highest of the random breaking waves Hmax at the location of a distance equal to
5H1/3 seaward of the structure as given by the equations shown in Appendix A. The wave
period to be used in the formulae can be taken as the significant wave period T1/3.

A trapezoidal shape of pressure distribution is assumed along the face of the vertical wall. It
should be noted that the water depth above the rubble foundation is measured from the top of
the rubble layer but the wave pressure is exerted down to the bottom of the vertical wall.

The method of Goda also calculates the wave uplift pressure acting on the bottom of the
structure in addition to the buoyancy due to displaced water below the design water level. A
triangular distribution of uplift pressure under the structure is assumed as almost free drainage
is provided by the rubble mound of the foundation.

(2) Wave Pressure under Wave Trough

When the trough of an incident wave makes contact with a vertical wall, the pressure exerted
on the wall becomes less than the hydrostatic pressure under the still water level. As a result,
the vertical wall experiences a net pressure seaward. The solution for wave pressure under a
wave trough, in particular that of breaking waves, has not yet been fully developed. But as
far as the pressure of standing waves is concerned, the wave pressure distribution under the
trough may be determined according to the theory of Sainflou as given in Figure 17. The
maximum wave height Hmax should be used as the design wave height in the calculation of
wave pressures under wave troughs. Such a pressure will likely govern the stability of the
structure against sliding and overturning seaward.

5.10.4 Wave Forces on Piles

Wave force due to non-breaking waves on a circular pile which does not obstruct wave
propagation may be calculated from Morisons equation as the sum of a drag force and an
inertia force. The method, summarized in Figure 18, is applicable for D/L 0.2, where D
is the pile diameter and L is the wavelength. Caution is given here, however, that the use of
linear wave theory in evaluating the wave orbital velocity may lead to an underestimation of
the wave force when the ratio of wave height to water depth or the wave steepness cannot be
regarded small. It should also be noted that the crest elevation above the mean sea level is
greater than H/2 because of the finite amplitude wave effect, where H is the wave height.
Suggested values of the drag coefficient in the Morisons equation are shown in Figure 19 and
a value of 2 is recommended for the inertia coefficient for circular piles.

For breaking waves, the Morisons equation may also be applied under the assumption that the
wave acts as a water mass with high velocity on the pile without acceleration. The inertia
coefficient may be taken to be zero whereas the drag coefficient may be increased to 1.75.
This recommendation, however, is based on limited information. Breaking wave force

generally occurs in very shallow water region (e.g. surf zone). Although the breaking wave
force may be greater per unit length of the pile, the pile length subject to action of breaking
waves is usually shorter in very shallow water area as compared to that in deeper water and
this possibly results in a smaller total force. Hence, pile design may be governed primarily
by vertical loads acting along the pile under such condition.

The design wave height may be taken as 2H1/3 seaward of the surf zone, whereas within the
surf zone the height is taken as the highest of the random breaking waves Hmax at the location
of a distance equal to 5H1/3 seaward of the structure as given by the equations shown in
Appendix A. The wave period to be used in the formulae can be taken as the significant
wave period T1/3.

Care should be taken that for piles standing closer than about four pile diameters, the loading
for the front piles standing side by side in rows parallel to the wave crest should be increased
by the following factors (EAU, 1990) :

Pile Centre-to Centre Distance Factor

2 x Pile Diameter 1.5

3 x Pile Diameter 1.25
4 x Pile Diameter 1.0

For the assessment of wave forces on piles, the area normal to the flow or wave propagation
should include an allowance for marine growth. Where no other information or site
measurements are available, a uniform effective thickness of 100 mm of marine growth for all
surfaces below mean sea level may be assumed.

5.10.5 Wave Forces on Pile-supported Deck Structures

For some structures, it will be necessary to separate the structure into different elements and
apply different theories to different elements in order to assess the total wave load on the
structure. For a pile-supported deck structure consisting of a relatively open concrete deck
supported on piles, the deck should be considered to consist of a solid concrete deck edge,
with effective depth to be assessed by the designer, for which reflective conditions mentioned
in Section 5.10.3 will apply if the deck length is sufficient. Below this solid concrete deck
edge, wave loads on the piles should be assessed separately using Morison's equation. It
should normally be assumed that maximum wave forces on the deck edge and piles can occur
simultaneously. However, it should be noted that maximum wave forces may not occur
simultaneously at all piles in a pile bent.

It is particularly important when assessing wave forces for pile-supported deck structures,
where reflective conditions may apply for one part and Morison's equation for another part of
the structure, to check wave forces for different still water levels. The critical still water
level for wave loads on different elements of the structure will not always be the same, and
will not always correspond to the critical water level for wave loads for the structure as a

5.10.6 Wave Uplift

For a deck whose soffit is just above the still water level, incoming waves may exert impulsive
uplift forces as the rising water surface hits the decks soffit. The impulsive uplift is
characterized by the relatively high magnitude but short duration. There have been some
instances of damage of open-type wharves with decks supported by vertical piles, in which the
connecting parts between decks and piles were destroyed and the decks were uplifted while
partially damaged. The access bridges between the decks and the earth retaining walls may
be fallen down by the action of impulsive wave uplift. The magnitude of uplift intensity is
hard to evaluate. Based on a study on wave absorbing seawall for the Victoria Harbour
(HKU, 1998), the average uplift pressure on the deck soffit just above the still water level may
be in the order of 1.3 to 1.7wHmax , where w is the unit weight of seawater. However, the
instantaneous uplift pressure may locally rise more than 10wHmax , but the equivalent static
pressure for calculating stresses within the deck should be less than 4 times the hydrostatic
head of the design wave height (OCDI, 2002).

5.10.7 Waves on Rubble Mound Structures

For rubble mound structures protected by rock armour or concrete armour units on the slope,
the overall stability and the unit stability must be fulfilled for the structure to remain stable
under wave actions. It is realized that damage to an armoured sloping structure is often a
chain process by which failure of one element induces a series of failures. The stability of a
single armour unit therefore becomes a prime interest for the stability of the entire structure.

In general, the design of rubble mound structure involves the determination of the size of the
armour unit on the slope by means of some stability formulae instead of calculating the wave
force on it. These stability formulae generally express the weight of an armour unit as a
function of a number of factors such as wave conditions, slope of the structure, the
permeability of the structure and the properties of the armour unit. Examples of these
formulae include the Hudson formula and the Van Der Meer formulae. Guidance on the
application of these formulae are given in Part 4 of the Manual Guide to Design of Seawalls

and Breakwaters.

5.11 Current Loads

5.11.1 General

Where no detailed information or records are available at a site, the design current velocity for
Normal, Extreme, Temporary and Accident Loading Conditions may be taken as 1 m/s from
the water surface to a depth of 15 metres below the water surface. Below 15 metres water
depth, the current may be ignored. For most locations, particularly within the harbour area,
the above will be conservative, as current forces are assumed to act simultaneously with wave
and wind forces. For locations near channels such as Kap Shui Mun, Urmston Road, Tolo
Channel, Rambler Channel and Lei Yue Mun, where above average currents are encountered,
the figure of 1 m/s should not be used without a detailed investigation. Where measurements
or mathematical modelling results are available, the designer should assess design current
velocities for the various loading conditions.

The direction of the design current for locations where no information or records are available
should be determined by the designer. For locations close to the shore, the direction may
normally be assumed to be parallel to the shoreline. For isolated locations remote from the
shore, it should normally be assumed that the design current can occur in all directions.

For the assessment of current forces on piles and other parts of structures, for all loading
conditions other than for temporary conditions during construction, the area normal to flow
should include an allowance for marine growth. Where no other information or site
measurements are available, a uniform effective thickness of 100 mm of marine growth for all
surfaces below mean sea level may be assumed.

5.11.2 Steady Drag Forces

Loads imposed by currents on marine structures may be classified as either drag forces parallel
to the flow direction, or cross-flow forces transverse to the flow direction. Current drag
forces are principally steady; the oscillatory component is only significant when its frequency
approaches the natural frequency of the structure. Cross-flow forces are entirely oscillatory
for bodies symmetrically presented to the flow. Steady drag forces on a circular pile in a
uniform current may be calculated using the formula given as follows :

f D = C Dv 2 D

where fD : Drag force per unit length.

CD : Drag coefficient.
: Density of water.
v : Velocity of current normal to pile axis.
D : Pile diameter (including marine growth).

Where the current is not uniform over the water column, the total drag force can be
determined by adding the drag force at different depths of the pile. The drag coefficients for
circular cylinders is given in Figure 19.

5.11.3 Flow-induced Oscillations

A pile in a current experiences fluctuating forces, both in-line and cross-flow, due to the
shedding of vortices downstream of the pile. The frequencies of the fluctuating forces are
directly related to the frequency of the vortex shedding and the amplitude of the fluctuating
force increases as its frequency approaches the natural frequency of the pile or of the structure
as a whole.

Piled structures are particularly vulnerable to this type of oscillation during construction.
Hence, restraint should be provided to pile heads immediately after driving to prevent the
possibility of oscillation in the cantilever mode. For completed structures in typical water
depths and with the types of pile normally used in Hong Kong, it is not usually necessary to
check critical flow velocities causing the oscillations. However, for structures in particularly
deep water where slender piles are being considered and at locations where high design
current velocities are encountered, reference should be made to BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000) to
check whether flow-induced oscillations will occur.

5.12 Berthing Loads

5.12.1 General

In the course of berthing, loads will be generated between the vessel and the berthing structure
from the moment at which contact is first made until the vessel is finally brought to rest. The
magnitude of the loads will depend, not only on the size and velocity of the vessel, but also on

the nature of the structure, including any fendering, and the degree of resilience it presents
under impact.

Berthing loads transmitted to a structure comprise berthing reactions normal to the berthing
face and friction loads parallel to the berthing face. The berthing reactions normal to the
berthing face depends upon the berthing energy and the load/deflection characteristics of the
vessel, structure and fender system, and should be determined in accordance with
Section 5.12.2 and Section 5.12.3. The friction loads parallel to the berthing face may be
taken as the coefficient of friction between the two faces in contact multiplied by the berthing
reaction and should be considered in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Where
necessary, reference on the coefficient of friction should be made to the manufacturers of the
selected fender units.

5.12.2 Assessment of Berthing Energy

The total amount of energy E (kNm) to be absorbed, either by the fender system alone or by a
combination of the fender system and the structure itself with some flexibility, may be
calculated from the following energy formulae :

1 2
E= * C m * M v * Vb * C e * C s * C c

where Cm is the hydrodynamic coefficient.

Mv is the displacement of the vessel (t).
Vb is the velocity of the vessel normal to the berth (m/s).
Ce is the eccentricity coefficient.
Cs is the softness coefficient.
Cc is the berth configuration coefficient.

This energy depends on the velocity of the vessel normal to the berth and a number of factors
that modify the vessels kinetic energy to be absorbed by the fender system and the structure.

(1) Berthing Velocity

The berthing velocity of the vessel normal to the berth depends on the vessel size and type,
frequency of arrival, possible constraints on movement approaching the berth, and wave,
current and wind conditions likely to be encountered at berthing. Where no other
information is available, for the normal loading conditions referred to in Section 5.2, the
following berthing velocities normal to the berth may be used as a guide :

Vessel Displacement Berthing Velocity Normal to Berth

(t) (m/s)

Under 100 0.40

100 to 200 0.35
200 to 2,000 0.30
2,000 to 10,000 0.20

The berthing velocities normal to the berth suggested above relate to structures located at sites
with normal exposure to environmental conditions without excessive frequency of use, and
assume that berthing may continue after the raising of Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 3, and for
the first few hours after the raising of Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8. Before any velocity is
finally adopted for detailed design, advice should be sought from the clients, users or ferry
operators as appropriate.

For Accident Loading Conditions, general comments are given in Section 5.2.4. The vessel
displacement and berthing velocity for such conditions should be decided by the designer for
the individual structure being considered, but as a general rule the total energy to be absorbed
for accident loading should be at least 50% greater than for normal loading. For particularly
critical structures or for structures with expected heavy use and unfavourable exposure, this
may need to be increased to 100%.

Where adequate statistical data on berthing velocities for vessels and conditions similar to
those of the berth being designed are available, the velocity should be derived from these data
in preference to the above suggested values.

(2) Hydrodynamic Mass Coefficient

The hydrodynamic mass coefficient allows the movement of water around the ship to be taken
into account when calculating the total energy of the vessel by increasing the mass of the
system. The hydrodynamic mass coefficient Cm may be calculated from the following
equation (BSI, 1994b) :

Cm = 1 + 2 *

where Dv is the draft of the vessel (m).

Bv is the beam of the vessel (m).

(3) Eccentricity coefficient

A vessel will usually berth at a certain angle and hence it turns simultaneously at the time of
first impact. During this process, some of the kinetic energy of the ship is converted to
turning energy and the remaining energy is transferred to the berth. The eccentricity
coefficient represents the proportion of the remaining energy to the kinetic energy of the vessel
at berthing (see Figure 20). The formula for calculating the coefficient is given as follows
(BSI, 1994b) :

(K 2v + R 2v cos 2 )
Ce =
(K 2v + R 2v )

where Kv is the radius of gyration of the ship.

Kv = (0.19Cb + 0.11) Lv
Lv is the length of the hull between perpendiculars (m).
Cb is the block coefficient, typically in the range of 0.5 to 0.85.
Cb = displacement (kg)/(Lv(m) x beam(m) x draft(m) x density of water(kg/m3))
Rv is the distance of the point of contact from the centre of mass (m).
is the angle between the line joining the point of contact to the centre of mass and
the velocity vector.

(4) Softness Coefficient

The softness coefficient allows for the portion of the impact energy that is absorbed by the
vessels hull. Generally, the energy absorbed by the deformation of the ships hull is small.
In the absence of more reliable information, the value of the softness coefficient should be
taken as 1.0 (BSI, 1994b).

(5) Berth Configuration Coefficient

The berth configuration coefficient allows for the portion of the vessel energy which is
absorbed by the cushioning effect of the water trapped between the vessel hull and the
structure. For solid quay walls or seawalls, the coefficient should be taken as between 0.8
and 1. For pile-supported deck structures, a value of 1.0 should be used (BSI, 1994b).

(6) Energy Capacity of Fenders

The designed energy capacity of each fender should in general be at least 50% greater than

that calculated for normal loading conditions to allow for accidental occurrences such as
vessel engine failure, breaking of mooring or towing lines, sudden changes of wind or current
conditions and human error. Because of the non-linear energy/deflection and
reaction/deflection characteristics of most fender systems, the effects of both normal and
abnormal impacts on the fender system and berth structures should be examined.

5.12.3 Berthing Reactions

Berthing reaction is a function of the berthing energy and the deformation characteristics of
the fender system. After the berthing energy is calculated, berthing reaction to be taken by
the structure can be assessed from the manufacturer's performance curves once the type of
fender to be used has been determined. A performance curve shows the relationship of the
deflection, energy absorption and reaction of a fender.

Where the point of impact is not on the straight run of the vessel hull and the vessel is not
parallel to the berth at impact, the fender unit will receive an angular loading. The hull
geometry over the impact area should therefore be considered in both horizontal and vertical
planes (see Figure 21) to establish the angle of application of load to individual units.
Manufacturers of proprietary rubber fender units usually provide correction factors to the
performance data of their units under angular berthing conditions.

5.13 Mooring Loads

Mooring loads comprise those loads imposed on a structure by a vessel tied up alongside, both
through contact between the vessel and structure or its fender system, and through tension in
mooring ropes. They also include loads arising from manoeuvres of the vessel at the berth
but exclude the impact and frictional berthing loads. These loads are principally caused by
winds, currents and, in more exposed locations, by waves.

Mooring bollard locations and normal maximum working loads should be agreed with the
Director of Marine, user departments and the ferry operators as appropriate. For Normal
Loading Conditions, mooring loads may be assumed to be equal to the normal maximum
bollard working loads. As a general guidance, the following bollard loads may be assumed
without specific calculation on the probable maximum mooring loads :

Vessel Displacement Bollard Loading

(t) (kN)

Up to 2,000 100
Up to 10,000 300

Where it is considered necessary to calculate the forces acting on the moored vessels in order
to check bollard loads or loads imposed directly by vessels on a structure, reference may be
made to BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000) and Part 4 (BSI, 1994b) for further details.

At exposed locations, where wave loading is severe, the dynamic response of the vessel under
restraint of mooring lines and fenders should be determined by model testing, mathematical
analysis or other methods with reference to the guidance given in Clause 31 of BS 6349:Part 1
(BSI, 2000).

In the design calculations of the marine structures, allowance should be made for the mooring
lines not being horizontal. If no other information is available, a maximum angle to the
horizontal of 30 (up and down) may be assumed. The direction of each mooring load
should be taken as that having the most adverse effect on the structure, and in general it should
be assumed that all mooring loads on a structure can act simultaneously.

5.14 Temperature Variation

The loads or load effects arising from thermal expansion or contraction of the structure and
from temperature gradients in the structure will usually be minor in relation to other loads for
marine structures with a maximum length between joints of 50 m, and need not be considered.

The loads arising from thermal expansion or contraction of the structure for marine structures
with a length between joints exceeding 50 m should be assessed. This is particularly
important for piers and similar pile-supported deck structures where thermal movements of the
deck induce loads in the supporting piles. Where no specific information is available
concerning the temperatures of the structure at the time of construction, and the extremes
expected during the design life of the structure, for design purposes an effective maximum
temperature drop of 25C and an effective maximum temperature rise of 20C can be assumed
for concrete deck structures under extreme environmental conditions. Under normal loading
conditions, the effects of temperature variations may be ignored.

5.15 Earthquakes, Movements and Vibrations

For the marine structures covered by this Manual, seismic forces in Hong Kong may be
assumed to be minor in relation to the combined effects of other imposed loads. Further
information on seismicity may be obtained from GCO(1991), GEO(1992) and GEO(1997).

For guidance on movements and vibrations, reference may be made to Section 47 of

BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000). For the marine structures covered by this Manual and the
relatively shallow water depths normally applying, movement and vibration problems should
not be expected and usually can be effectively ignored. Movements between different parts
of structures, and between new and existing structures, should be assessed in the usual way in
order to fix joint sizes and locations. Where vessel berthing occurs, movements of flexible
and even relatively inflexible structures can be important in assisting with energy absorption.


6.1 General

This Chapter gives comments and guidance on particular matters related to material selection,
use and specification. The materials covered are concrete, steel, timber, rubber, armour rock
and fill materials. For general information on these materials and any other materials used in
marine structures, reference should be made to the General Specification for Civil Engineering
Works (GS) (Hong Kong Government, 1992a). Comments on aspects related to durability
are also given in this Chapter.

6.2 Reinforced Concrete

The durability of reinforced concrete depends fundamentally on the quality of the concrete and
the cover to the reinforcement embedded inside the concrete. Normally, the alkalinity of the
concrete enables the formation of a protective passivity layer around the reinforcement that
prevents corrosion. However, under intermittent or periodical wetting and drying conditions,
chloride of seawater that penetrates into the concrete will break down the passivity layer and
initiate corrosion of the reinforcement. Therefore, it is important to use a concrete mix with
high density and the required workability for adequate compaction and to provide a large
concrete cover to the reinforcement bars to delay the time for ingress of chloride to the
reinforcement. In this connection, the recommended specification given in Appendix B,
designed to address the corrosion of reinforced concrete, should be adopted for marine

The main features of the recommended specification are summarized as follows :

 The minimum characteristic strength of the concrete mix shall be 45 MPa.

 The maximum water/cementitious ratio shall not exceed 0.38.
 Condensed silica fume is to be added to reduce the permeability of the
 The cementitious content shall be within 380-450 kg/m3, of which the dry mass
of condensed silica fume shall be within 5-10% range by mass of the
cementitious content.
 The cover to all reinforcement in all exposure zones shall be 75 mm.
 For flexural crack width design and control purpose, the allowable crack width,
taken to be 0.1 mm for marine structures, may be increased by a factor of 1.25.

The specification also stipulates other requirements on cements, aggregates, chemical

admixtures, pulverised fuel ash or blast furnace slag and curing compounds to ensure that :

 Suitable constituents and mix compositions are used.

 Concrete mixes are sufficiently workable to ensure effective compaction.
 Harmful chemical reactions in the concrete are within acceptable levels.
 Adequate curing is carried out in order to achieve the desired durability.

6.3 Unreinforced Concrete

For unreinforced concrete in massive sections, such as precast concrete seawall blocks and
backing concrete for granite facing in seawalls, the use of concrete with a minimum
characteristic strength of 20 MPa has been shown to be successful with no significant
maintenance problems. The continued use of such concrete for massive sections is
recommended, irrespective of whether the concrete is fully immersed or within the tidal or
splash zones, provided the concrete is actually cast in the dry.

Partial replacement of cement by pulverized fuel ash in thick sections will reduce effects of
heat of hydration. Replacement of up to 50% of the cement may be considered if early
strength is not critical.

6.4 Underwater Concrete

Guidance on underwater concrete is given in Section 58.4.12 of BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000).

Reinforced concrete placed underwater should only be used where absolutely necessary,
because of the difficulties of ensuring sound results and the problems of inspection. In
particular, the use of concrete placed by tremie for forming heavily reinforced elements such
as pile caps within the fully immersed or tidal zones should be avoided, and the use of precast
units or the use of watertight steel shutters, extended in height as necessary to avoid being
flooded by seawater due to tide level change or wave action, should be adopted to enable the
concrete to be cast in dry condition.

It should be noted that concrete placed under water should not be designed for a characteristic
strength greater than 25 MPa. It is recommended that this limitation should apply to bored
piles formed by reinforced concrete placed by tremie due to the defects which can occur, but a

higher grade of concrete should be specified in order to achieve this condition.

6.5 Steel

6.5.1 Structural Steel in General

Structural steel in marine structures should normally be weldable structural steel complying
with BS EN 10025 (BSI, 1993) for structural sections, BS EN 10248 (BSI, 1996a & b) for hot
rolled sheet piling, BS EN 10210 (BSI, 1994 & 1997d) for tubular piles made of hot formed
sections, and BS EN 10219 (BSI, 1997a & b) for tubular piles made of cold formed sections as

6.5.2 Corrosion Protection

In the design of steel structures and steel elements, corrosion protection, allowance for metal
losses due to corrosion or both are major considerations. It should be noted that the advice in
Table 25 of BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000), which gives typical upper rates of corrosion for
structural steels in maritime conditions for temperate climates, is not recommended for use in
Hong Kong. Hong Kong waters are relatively warm, and contain various pollutants whose
effect on steel is generally unknown. In many sites, the presence of anaerobic
sulphate-reducing bacteria, which can greatly increase normal steel corrosion rates, is also
suspected. In the absence of full scale long-term tests covering metal loss from corrosion in
Hong Kong waters, it is recommended that all structural steelwork above sea-bed level,
whether fully immersed, within the tidal or splash zones, or generally above the splash zone, is
fully protected against corrosion for the design life of the structure. Below sea-bed level, an
allowance for corrosion loss of 0.05 mm per year on the outside face of steel is considered
reasonable if no corrosion protection is carried out within this zone. For guidance on
protective measures which can be taken against corrosion, Section 6.8 should be referred to.

6.5.3 Use of Stainless Steel

Section 21 of the GS requires stainless steel for elements in marine works such as chains,
railings, cat ladders, pumphouse screens and screen guides, mooring eyes and other fittings to
be austenitic stainless steel grade 316 complying with BS 970:Part 1 (BSI, 1996c),
BS 1449:Part 2 (BSI, 1983), or BS EN 10088 (BSI, 1995a, b & c) as appropriate. It should
be noted that the commonly available grade 304 stainless steel is not suitable for use in a
marine environment due to the presence of chlorides. The selection of the correct grade of

stainless steel at the design stage is most important, as corrosion in stainless steel members
and fasteners may not be readily evident. In stress corrosion cracking, corrosion occurs
along grain boundaries, and there may be no corrosion product evident, or only slight staining.
A visual examination may not show this cracking, even though the member or fastener is
about to fail.

6.5.4 General Guidance

General guidance on the use of structural steel and other metals in marine structures is given in
Clause 59 of BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000). Important points to note are as follows :

 Fabrication details should be kept as simple as possible and should be designed

to avoid corrosion and facilitate maintenance.

 Tolerances for on-site connections should be generous because of the difficulties

associated with working in a marine environment.

 As much prefabrication as possible should be undertaken, taking advantage of

mechanised welding and early painting under factory-controlled conditions.

 Steel embedded in concrete is cathodic relative to the same steel in seawater, and
rapid corrosion will therefore occur at the interface of a partly embedded
member unless special treatment is carried out, e.g. use of sacrificial anodes or
impressed currents.

 Chemical composition of steels has less influence on corrosion rates in a marine

environment than physical factors such as the roughness of the surface finish of
the steel and the presence of holes and re-entrant corners, all of which tend to
promote the formation of galvanic corrosion cells.

6.6 Timber

Timbers are mainly used in the fendering system of marine structures in Hong Kong in the
past. However, such application is considered not environmentally friendly and hence
further use of timber as fenders is not recommended. Where the use of timbers in marine
structure are considered necessary, reference should be made to BS 5756 (BSI, 1997c) and
BS 5268:Part 2 (BSI, 1996d).

6.7 Rubber

Section 21 of the GS requires rubber for fenders to be resistant to aging, weathering and
wearing, to be homogeneous, free from any defects or impurities, pores or cracks and to have
certain defined properties as covered by parts of BS 903 (BSI, several parts, 1990 to 1998).
Types of rubber fenders available in the market can be obtained from manufacturers
catalogues. Information given in major manufacturers' catalogues concerning fender reaction,
deformation and energy characteristics may generally be accepted with confidence. Before
finalising a rubber fender design, advice should always be sought from one or more of the
major reputable suppliers regarding suitability for the project. Wherever possible, rubber
fenders should be selected or specified to match existing fenders, to minimise the different
types of fenders required to be kept in stock for future maintenance.

6.8 Protective Measures

6.8.1 General

Information on protective measures which can be used to stop or reduce deterioration in

marine structures is given in Section 66 of BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000). Comments on
corrosion losses for steel in local conditions are given in Section 6.5.2

6.8.2 Protective Coatings for Steel

BS EN ISO 12944 (8 parts, 1998) gives guidance on the choice, design and specification of
coating systems available, although it should be noted that the definitions of environment and
recommendations for coatings may not be straightly applicable to local conditions which are
likely to be more corrosive, due mainly to higher air and sea temperatures and humidity. For
the use of coating materials under local conditions, the advice of the manufacturers should be
sought and followed.

The period during which the protection covered by paint systems is effective is generally
shorter than the design life of the structure. Due consideration should be given at the
planning and design stage to the possibility of their maintenance and renewal. As a general
guidance, structural components which are exposed to corrosion stresses and which are no
longer accessible for corrosion protection measures after assembly should be provided with
corrosion protection that will remain effective for the duration of the design life of the

structure. If this cannot be achieved by means of protective coating systems, other measures,
such as manufacturing components from corrosion-resistant material, designing components
so that they are replaceable, or the specification of a corrosion allowance, should be

The cost-effectiveness of a given corrosion protection system is generally in direct proportion

to the length of time for which effective protection is maintained, and the amount of
maintenance or replacement work required during the design life of the structure should be
reduced to a minimum. Durability has been indicated in BS EN ISO 12944 in terms of three
ranges. These include low durability: 2 to 5 years, medium durability: 5 to 15 years, and
high durability: more than 15 years. The life requirement of the protective coating should be
based on the time which can elapse before major or general maintenance of the coating
becomes necessary, and should be agreed by the interested parties. Such life requirement can
assist the client or the maintenance authority to set up a maintenance programme. General
information on the expected durability of various types of coatings can be found in
BS EN ISO 12944.

6.8.3 Protective Coatings for Concrete

Coatings may be used to provide additional corrosion protection to marine concrete structures
by preventing ingress of external deleterious agents such as chloride into the concrete. The
coatings applied to such concrete should normally be resistant to abrasion, salt sprays and salt
water immersion. The life of a coating system prior to the need of re-coating should be at
least ten years and should have bridging resistance over cracks due to flexural loading.

Some types of concrete coatings for local marine conditions are given in the Model
Specification for Protective Coatings for Concrete published by the Civil Engineering
Department (CED, 1994). Generally, suitable coating systems applied in the splash zone
include acrylic and polyurethane, but epoxy and coal tar epoxy may also be used if protected
from sunlight. Silane could also be used at limited locations in splash zone where concrete is
not wholly saturated. For the tidal zone, coating systems such as cross-linking high
performance epoxy, coal tar epoxy and polyurethane are normally effective for immersed

The Model Specification also provides guidance on the choice, application, specification,
testing methods and acceptance criteria of protective coatings for concrete of marine structures.
Reference should be made to it for further details. Designers are also advised to seek for the
latest information on coatings.

6.8.4 Cathodic Protection for Reinforced Concrete

Cathodic protection may be applied to restrain reinforcement corrosion in marine concrete

structures by causing direct current to flow from the electrolytic environment into the
reinforcement. There are generally two systems of cathodic protection, namely, the
impressed current system and the sacrificial anode system. The impressed current system
operates by passing an external direct current through a permanent anode fixed in the concrete
to the reinforcement. The use of this system requires a permanent power supply at the
structures. An alternate cathodic protection system is called sacrificial anode system in
which the reinforcement is connected to a sacrificial anode without using a power supply.
Metals that can be used as sacrificial anodes include zinc, aluminum and magnesium.
Nowadays, alloys of these metals are normally used as sacrificial anodes. As sacrificial
anodes need to be replaced every several years, they should be fixed at locations that are
relatively easy for future inspection and replacement.

The design of a cathodic protection system requires specialist knowledge and experience and
should be undertaken by a suitably qualified corrosion expert.

A pre-requisite requirement for the installation of cathodic protection system is to ensure that
the embedded reinforcement is electrically connected. This should be checked carefully
during the construction stage by electrical continuity measurement over the reinforcing bars or
steel elements. Any discontinuity should be rectified immediately.

6.8.5 Corrosion Protection of Steel Tubular Piles

For the corrosion protection of steel tubular piles, covering the immersed, tidal and splash
zones, the use of polyethylene sheeting for coating steel tubular piles may be considered, and
in theory such a system should be able to offer full corrosion protection for the piles. The
polyethylene sheeting is normally several millimetres thick and is applied under controlled
factory conditions by heat-shrinking on the outside surface of the steel tube, which has been
treated with undercoat/primer and an adhesive layer. However, this type of coating can be
damaged during handling and driving, or by vessel activities during operation stage of the
structure. Therefore, the condition of the coating should be thoroughly checked after
construction and frequently inspected during the operation stage.

The other corrosion protection method is to apply a spiral wrap of denso tape around the steel
piles. The system normally consists of an inner anti-corrosion tape wrapping with an outer

armouring layer. It seals out oxygen and water and forms an anti-corrosion barrier by
displacing water and forming a moisture resistant bond. A tough outer cover surrounds this
component to protect against weathering and mechanical damage. This system can be
applied below and above water on site without heat-shrinking, and is suitable for the repair of
existing piles.

For all proprietary coatings and wrappings, where site application is unavoidable, the advice
of the manufacturer, particularly with regard to surface preparation, should be strictly followed
and close supervision maintained.

The electrochemical processes leading to corrosion of submerged steel elements in seawater

are described in BS 7361 (BSI, 1991), which also gives details of the way that cathodic
protection should be applied to combat corrosion. Cathodic protection avoids the problems
usually encountered in the use of coating or wrapping systems due to damage by handling,
driving or vessel operations, but this system is generally considered to be only effective up to
about half-tide mark. It is recommended that the detailed design for any cathodic protection
system should be entrusted to a suitably qualified specialist company and an operating and
maintenance manual should be provided. For monitoring work after installation,
consideration should be given to arranging a maintenance contract with a suitably qualified

To reduce the possibility of long term maintenance problems, consideration may be made for
steel tubular piles to be infilled with reinforced concrete to a depth below seabed level at least
adequate for loading transfer between the concrete and the steel tube, and the steel tube above
seabed level can be considered as sacrificial and ignored for design purposes. The length of
pile above seabed level in effect becomes a reinforced concrete cast in-situ pile. Such
reinforced concrete should follow the recommendations of Section 6.2, with the increase in
durability provided by the steel casing as an additional benefit, and should be cast in a dry
condition. For the latter, it is usually possible, after excavation, to form a plug in the bottom
and pump the inside of the pile dry before concreting.

6.8.6 Corrosion Monitoring

To monitor the conditions of the structures, it is recommended that corrosion monitoring

devices should be installed to provide the necessary information for the maintenance engineers
to take actions against corrosion. The design of such corrosion monitoring system by a
qualified specialist is required. It should be noted that, no matter how sophisticated the
corrosion monitoring system is, visual inspection is still required and should be incorporated

in any corrosion monitoring program.

6.8.7 Important Points to be Considered

The following notes, which are summarized from Clause 66.1 of BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000),
are particularly important when considering protective systems :

 Potential corrosion hazards can be eliminated by planned maintenance and

monitoring of the structure or by increasing the allowance of the structural

 The costs of protective measures are repetitive in that the protective materials
themselves deteriorate, and regular maintenance and renewal of coatings will be
necessary for all structures except those with relatively short design lives.

 For important, heavily used structures, regular maintenance and renewal of

coatings should be designed to allow normal use of the structures.

 Corrosion does not proceed at a uniform rate over the whole structure or
member, and at certain corrosion points, loss of the original material can be
much more rapid than expected; any estimate of a corrosion allowance is likely
to be excessive for some parts while being inadequate for others.

 The cost of renewing a protective system is likely to be much more than the
initial protection due to the need to remove marine growth and old paint prior to
renewal of the system, and the fact that access will usually be more difficult than
during construction.

 Marine growth is prevalent on structures below mean high water level.

Evidence exists that such growth can be protective against corrosion and
therefore generally should not be removed, as it may be more effective and
durable than a paint system which might replace it. Normally the only
exposure zones which might usefully be repainted are the splash and
atmospheric zones.

6.9 Armour Rock

The properties of armour rock should comply with the requirements given in Section 21 of the
GS. For armour design, it is recommended that the specific gravity of the rock, if obtained
locally, should be taken as 2.6. This figure corresponds to the minimum requirement of
specific gravity given in Section 21 of the GS. A value higher than 2.6 should not be used
for design without extensive testing, both prior to construction, where a rock source has been
identified, and during construction for quality control.

The normal maximum armour size available locally in reasonable quantities is generally in the
range of 6 to 8 t, although sizes up to about 10 t may be available in small quantities. Where
required maximum rock armour sizes exceed the range given above, the use of precast
concrete armour units will normally be necessary, taking into account the effect on cost and
programming of the project.

6.10 Fill

General requirements of the different types of fill material for marine works, including their
particle size distribution, are given in Section 21 of the GS. Reference should also be made
to the guidance notes for the GS (Hong Kong Government, 1992b) providing further
information on the fill material, which is summarized in the following paragraphs :

 Underwater fill material (Type 1) shall consist of natural material extracted

from the seabed or a river bed, and is basically natural sand similar to coarse
sand free from deleterious material.

 Underwater fill material (Type 2) shall consist of material which has a

coefficient of uniformity exceeding 5 and a plasticity index not exceeding 12.
It is basically decomposed granite or similar type of rock. The restriction on
plasticity index is intended to limit the clay content of the material.

 Rock fill material (Grade 75) shall consist of pieces of hard, durable rock which
are free from cracks, veins, discolouration and other evidence of decomposition.
It is usually used as levelling founding layers for marine structures. The
maximum rock size is 75 mm (for BS test sieve size).

 Rock fill material (Grade 700) shall consist of pieces of rock which are free

from cracks, veins and similar defects, and not more than 30% by mass shall be
discoloured or show other evidence of decomposition. The maximum rock
size is 700 mm (for BS test sieve size).

Where decomposed granite is used for underwater foundations, reference can be made to the
GEO report entitled An Evaluation of the Suitability of Decomposed Granite as Foundation
Backfill for Gravity Seawalls in Hong Kong (GEO, 1993b). The suitability of the use of
decomposed granite depends on many factors, such as grading, plasticity index, permeability,
coefficient of consolidation and construction programme. In order to limit excess pore
pressures within the construction period for maintaining the stability of the seawall, the
deposited layer should normally not exceed 15 m thick and should not contain Grade VI
materials as defined in Table 4 of Geoguide 3 (GCO, 1988). The suitability of decomposed
rock other than granite is subject to designers evaluation.

General parameters of the above fill materials that may be adopted for design purpose are
indicated as follows :

Bulk Density Friction Angle Cohesion

(kN/m3) (degree) (kN/m2)

Underwater fill 19 30 0
(Type 1 and Type 2)

Rock fill material 20 45 0

(Grade 700)

Values of fill parameters higher than those given above may be used for design when
supported by evidence such as testing results of the fill material from an identified source both
prior to and during construction.

Public fill is the inert portion of construction and demolition materials and can be used as fill
material for reclamation through the provision and operation of public filling facilities. The
requirements of the public fill are given by the conditions of the dumping licence issued under
Section 5 of the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap.28) and are restricted to
earth, building debris, broken rock and concrete. The materials shall be free from marine
mud, household refuse, plastic, metal, industrial and chemical waste, animal and vegetable
matter, and other material considered unsuitable by the filling supervisor. Small quantities of
timber mixed with otherwise suitable material will be permitted. Since rock and concrete
over 250 mm would impede subsequent piling works, they should be broken down below this
size or deposited in areas where no building development will take place.

The Public Fill Committee (PFC) and Marine Fill Committee (MFC), under the Chairmanship
of the Director of Civil Engineering, are responsible for the management of the use of fill
materials for government, quasi-government and major private projects. The PFC is
responsible for overall management and coordination of the use of public fill and the provision
and operation of public filling, and is also responsible for forecasting the generation of
construction and demolition material and identifying the fill demands for reclamation and site
formation projects. The MFC has the responsibility to identify and manage the supply and
demand of marine fill resources in Hong Kong. The PFC and MFC should be consulted for
the use of fill materials as appropriate during the planning of marine works projects.

It should be noted that when placing fill under water, the material and method of placement
should be capable of achieving a relatively high density fill untreated, as external compaction
is expensive. Care must be taken with the choice of bedding and filter materials to prevent
loss of material from wave or current action and groundwater movements. Fill material
placed immediately behind seawalls should be free draining to avoid the unnecessary build up
of water pressures due to tidal lag and ground water flow.


7.1 General

This chapter outlines the general principles that should be considered with respect to
maintenance in the design of a marine structure.

7.2 Design Considerations

Marine structures require regular inspection and maintenance in the course of their life to
ensure satisfactory long-term performance of the structures. Without proper maintenance,
the life of a structure may be significantly reduced due to the corrosive marine environment
and wear and tear of daily operation. This may lead to the need for serious remedial works
or even replacement of the structure within an unexpectedly short time. Hence, it is
necessary to take into consideration future maintenance aspects during the design stage.

Proper choice and specification of materials are important to ensure the durability of marine
structures as this will affect the required maintenance effort in the future. In this connection,
reference can be made to the guidance on the choice and specification given in Chapter 6 of
this Part of the Manual. Use of protective coatings or cathodic protection and
implementation of corrosion monitoring measures may also be considered to protect the
reinforcement or steel from corrosion. These aspects should be considered collectively in the
design stage with respect to the particular site and operational conditions in order to optimize
the maintenance effort in the future.

Careful detailing of the structure will also have a beneficial effect on future maintenance.
Some suggestions are provided as follows :

 Layouts or shapes of elements that will be subject to frequent usage or wear

and tear should be detailed in such a way to minimize damage and to avoid
malpractice of operations.
 Simple structural forms and precast or prefabricated units with the minimum of
in-situ connections should be adopted wherever possible, as quality control of
in-situ works in the tidal zone is generally more difficult.
 Attention should be paid to detailing to avoid congested reinforcement so that
the concrete can be easily placed and subsequently compacted.
 For pier fenders which is frequently subject to the berthing loads of vessels,

extra members may be added on the fender framework to help redistribution of

the berthing load and to provide additional fixing for the fender units.

7.3 Maintenance Facilities

Consideration should be given to the provision of facilities to facilitate inspection and

maintenance. These facilities should include access holes, ladders, fixing or lifting hooks,
access walkways, guard rails, inspection openings and associated safety measures as
appropriate. The design of these maintenance facilities should take into account the
appearance and functions of the structure and advice should be sought from the maintenance
authority before finalizing these details. Specific requirements on maintenance facilities for
piers, dolphins, seawalls and breakwaters will be given in the following parts of the Manual :

 Part 2 : Guide to Design of Piers and Dolphins

 Part 4 : Guide to Design of Seawalls and Breakwaters

7.4 Design Memorandum and Maintenance Manual

On completion of the design, the designer should provide the design memorandum containing
all the information relevant to the marine works or structures. This should be updated at the
end of construction if necessary to include any as-constructed modifications to the original
design. Such information should form the basis for the maintenance records and, together
with the as-constructed drawings, should be passed to the maintenance authority. Where
considered appropriate by the maintenance authority, a maintenance manual, on completion of
the design, should be submitted to the maintenance authority to recommend the maintenance
work required. The maintenance manual should also be updated as necessary at the end of
construction before handing over the works or structures. As a general guidance, a
maintenance manual should be prepared for the maintenance authority under the following
circumstances :

 Large scale marine works or structures that will require significant input of
maintenance resources.
 Marine works or structures with the use of non-routine design, facilities or
 Marine works or structures requiring special inspection, monitoring or
maintenance techniques.

The maintenance manual should contain a description of the maintenance objectives, an

inspection programme, the likely failure modes, monitoring requirements, criteria for
maintenance actions and recommended maintenance work or procedures. Any items which
require specialist input and use of special maintenance equipment or monitoring devices
should be identified and brought to the attention of the maintenance authority. The
maintenance manual should be prepared by the designer in consultation with the maintenance


8.1 General

Marine structures can be very dominant features in the harbour, seafront and adjacent
landscape and their appearance may have a significant impact on the visual quality of the
surroundings. Therefore, good appearance is an important element in design, and
consideration should commence in the preliminary design stage as it will have a significant
bearing on subsequent design process.

8.2 Principles

Various aspects of a marine structure would affect public perception of whether it is

aesthetically pleasing. Examples of these include the form, dimensional proportion, colour,
quality of materials and surface textures. Since the introduction of a structure will invariably
modify the setting of a local environment, good appearance should also aim at fitting the
structure with the surroundings. A structure with a harmonising appearance with the
surroundings means that there should be no discordant features and the structures attributes
such as form, texture and colour should blend in a positive way with the corresponding
characteristics of the surroundings. Attention should also be paid to the relationship of the
structure with adjacent buildings, landscape features, seafront characteristics and scenic
elements in order to achieve successful integration with the environment.

To fully appreciate the appearance of a marine structure, a designer should make use of visual
aids including drawings, computer graphics, models and photo-montages to assist in the
three-dimensional perception of the layout of the structure throughout the design process.
Alternative forms of the structure should be compared in order to determine an aesthetically
pleasing solution. In addition, careful design of the form and detailing of the structure
together with sound appreciation of the site characteristics could make considerable
improvement to the appearance without leading to significant increase in cost. Where
appropriate, the advice of architect(s) or landscape architect(s) should be sought.

The sustainability of the appearance in the long term is also important to ensure that the
structures remain attractive throughout its design life. In this connection, the following
points should be noted :

 Use of durable materials or protective coatings which will not deteriorate


significantly with time.

 Less durable materials, if used, should be confined to components which can be
readily replaced.
 Careful detailing to reduce chance of damage or spoiling of surfaces or
components due to accident or improper use, and to avoid easy trap of refuse
and floating debris.
 Proper provision of facilities in the structure for cleaning and maintenance.
 Close supervision to avoid improper construction practices that may affect the
durability of the structure.
 Systematic inspection and repair programme to maintain the structures in good


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Table Page
No. No.

1 Five-day Normals of the Meteorological Elements for Hong Kong 105


2 Mean Sea Levels, Mean Higher High Water Levels and Mean Lower 107
Low Water Levels

3 Extreme Sea Levels at Ko Lau Wan (1974-1995) 107

4 Extreme Sea Levels at Quarry Bay/North Point (1954-1999) 107

5 Extreme Sea Levels at Tai Po Kau (1962-1999) 108

6 Extreme Sea Levels at Tsim Bei Tsui (1974-1999) 108

7 Extreme Sea Levels at Waglan Island (1976-1999) 108

8 Extreme Sea Levels at Chi Ma Wan (1963-1997) 109

9 Extreme Sea Levels at Lok On Pai (1981-1999) 109

10 Observed Minimum Sea Levels 109

11 Probable Minimum Sea Levels at Quary Bay/North Point 110


12 Mean Hourly Wind Speeds (m/s) Kai Tak Airport Southeast Station 110

13 Mean Hourly Wind Speeds (m/s) Cheung Chau Station 110


14 Mean Hourly Wind Speeds (m/s) Waglan Island Station 111


15 Mean Wind Speeds East Direction (m/s) Kai Tak Southeast Station 111


16 Mean Wind Speeds Southeast Direction (m/s) Kai Tak Southeast 111
Station (1968-1997)

17 Mean Wind Speeds West Direction (m/s) Kai Tak Southeast Station 112

18 Mean Wind Speeds North Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station 112

19 Mean Wind Speeds Northeast Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau 112

Station (1970-1991)

20 Mean Wind Speeds East Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station 113

21 Mean Wind Speeds Southeast Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau 113

Station (1970-1991)

22 Mean Wind Speeds South Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station 113

23 Mean Wind Speeds Southwest Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau 114

Station (1970-1991)

24 Mean Wind Speeds North Direction (m/s) Waglan Island Station 114

25 Mean Wind Speeds Northeast Direction (m/s) Waglan Island 114

Station (1975-1999)

26 Mean Wind Speeds East Direction (m/s) Waglan Island Station 115

27 Mean Wind Speeds Southeast Direction (m/s) Waglan Island 115

Station (1975-1999)

28 Mean Wind Speeds South Direction (m/s) Waglan Island Station 115

29 Mean Wind Speeds Southwest Direction (m/s) Waglan Island 116

Station (1975-1999)


30 Mean Wind Speeds West Direction (m/s) Waglan Island Station 116

31 Relationship of Higher Wave Heights with Significant Wave Height 116

32 Wave Measurement at Kau Yi Chau Station (1994-2000) 117

33 Wave Measurement at West Lamma Channel Station (1994-2000) 117

34 Offshore Wave Data from Storm Hindcasting 118

35 Effect of Waves on Harbour Activities 118

36 Basic Characteristics of Vessels Local Craft Register (January 119


37 Basic Characteristics of Vessels (August 2000) 120

38 Geology of Offshore Sediments in Hong Kong 123

39 Engineering Properties of Hong Kong Marine Mud 123

40 Typical Soil Tests 124

Table 1 Five-day Normals of the Meteorological Elements for Hong Kong
1961 - 1990
Air Temperature Wind

M.S.L. Pressure Mean Daily Mean Mean Daily Wet-Bulb Dew Point Relative Rainfall Amount Sunshine Prevailing Mean Speed
Maximum Minimum Temperature Humidity (Mean Daily) of Cloud (Mean Daily) Direction

(hPa) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (%) (mm) (%) (hr) (deg.) (m/s)

Jan 1-5 1020.5 18.5 15.7 13.5 12.6 9.3 68 1.0 56 5.1 010 7.2
6 - 10 1020.6 18.9 16.1 13.9 13.0 9.8 68 0.4 51 5.7 070 6.2
11 - 15 1020.5 18.5 15.6 13.3 12.6 9.5 69 0.5 52 5.3 070 6.6
16 - 20 1020.3 18.5 15.6 13.3 12.8 10.1 72 0.7 55 5.4 070 6.7
21 - 25 1019.8 19.1 16.2 14.0 13.6 11.2 74 0.6 62 4.6 070 6.4
26 - 30 1019.3 18.7 16.0 13.9 13.6 11.3 76 0.9 69 3.8 070 6.6
31 - 4 1019.9 17.3 14.8 12.8 12.4 10.1 75 1.0 71 3.5 070 6.9
Feb 5-9 1019.6 17.8 15.3 13.3 13.1 11.0 77 1.7 72 3.6 070 6.8
10 - 14 1019.1 18.8 16.0 13.9 13.9 12.0 78 1.3 69 3.9 070 6.1
15 - 19 1018.0 19.6 16.8 14.7 14.6 12.7 78 1.3 70 4.0 070 6.1
20 - 24 1017.5 19.2 16.7 14.7 14.7 13.1 81 2.2 80 2.6 070 6.4
25 - 1 1018.5 18.3 15.8 13.8 13.7 11.7 78 2.8 78 2.9 010 7.1
Mar 2-6 1018.1 19.7 16.9 14.8 14.8 12.8 79 2.4 75 3.3 070 6.3
7 - 11 1017.5 20.6 17.9 16.1 15.9 14.3 80 0.9 76 3.2 070 6.2
12 - 16 1016.2 21.8 18.8 16.6 16.8 15.3 81 1.7 71 3.7 070 5.5
17 - 21 1014.8 22.1 19.2 17.2 17.3 16.0 82 2.4 76 3.1 080 6.0

22 - 26 1015.5 21.4 18.8 16.8 16.9 15.5 82 3.4 81 2.5 070 6.8
27 - 31 1014.9 22.7 20.0 18.0 18.0 16.7 82 2.1 78 3.0 080 5.5
Apr 1-5 1014.5 22.8 20.2 18.2 18.3 17.0 83 6.3 84 2.5 080 6.2
6 - 10 1013.8 24.0 21.3 19.3 19.4 18.2 83 6.3 81 2.9 080 5.6
11 - 15 1013.7 24.2 21.6 19.6 19.5 18.3 83 4.6 79 3.1 080 5.6
16 - 20 1012.6 25.4 22.6 20.6 20.6 19.5 83 3.4 79 3.9 080 5.2
21 - 25 1012.0 26.6 23.6 21.5 21.5 20.3 83 4.8 71 5.1 080 4.9
26 - 30 1011.9 26.6 23.8 21.9 21.7 20.7 83 6.9 76 4.4 080 4.9
May 1-5 1010.7 27.6 24.7 22.7 22.6 21.6 84 8.0 75 4.7 080 4.8
6 - 10 1010.6 28.6 25.7 23.6 23.4 22.3 82 6.6 72 5.4 090 4.5
11 - 15 1009.7 28.6 25.9 23.9 23.8 22.8 84 12.1 76 4.7 090 5.1
16 - 20 1008.8 28.8 26.0 24.0 23.6 22.4 81 12.3 70 5.4 080 6.3
21 - 25 1008.2 28.8 26.2 24.3 23.9 22.9 83 7.6 73 4.8 090 5.4
26 - 30 1007.1 29.4 26.8 24.8 24.5 23.5 83 14.3 75 4.6 090 5.5
31 - 4 1006.8 29.5 26.9 25.0 24.8 23.8 84 15.2 78 4.2 090 5.9
Jun 5-9 1006.9 29.2 26.8 25.0 24.6 23.7 84 12.9 77 4.5 090 5.9
10 - 14 1006.4 30.0 27.5 25.6 25.1 24.2 83 12.8 75 5.3 090 5.7
15 - 19 1005.6 30.6 28.1 26.2 25.6 24.6 82 16.0 74 5.6 220 6.3
20 - 24 1005.7 31.2 28.5 26.6 26.0 25.0 82 7.7 71 6.6 100 5.8
25 - 29 1005.3 31.2 28.5 26.6 26.0 25.0 82 11.2 73 5.9 190 6.1
30 - 4 1005.2 31.3 28.7 26.7 26.1 25.1 81 11.3 69 6.8 230 5.5

Observed at The Observatory Kings Park Waglan Island

Table 1 Five-day Normals of the Meteorological Elements for Hong Kong (Continued)
1961 - 1990
Air Temperature Wind

M.S.L. Pressure Mean Daily Mean Mean Daily Wet-Bulb Dew Point Relative Rainfall Amount of Sunshine Prevailing Mean Speed
Maximum Minimum Temperature Humidity (Mean Daily) Cloud (Mean Daily) Direction

(hPa) (C) (C) (C) (C) (C) (%) (mm) (%) (hr) (deg.) (m/s)

Jul 5-9 1005.7 31.8 29.1 27.0 26.2 25.1 80 5.8 62 8.0 230 5.4
10 - 14 1005.8 31.7 28.9 26.7 26.1 25.0 80 10.8 65 7.7 230 5.5
15 - 19 1005.6 31.7 28.8 26.5 26.0 24.9 80 11.3 63 8.1 230 5.5
20 - 24 1005.7 31.5 28.7 26.5 26.1 25.0 81 9.7 67 7.4 230 5.5
25 - 29 1004.3 31.3 28.5 26.3 25.8 24.7 81 12.8 65 6.8 230 5.6
30 - 3 1004.4 31.2 28.5 26.3 26.0 25.0 82 14.9 67 6.6 230 5.4

Aug 4-8 1004.8 31.5 28.7 26.5 26.1 25.1 82 8.7 66 6.9 230 4.7
9 - 13 1004.8 31.1 28.4 26.3 25.9 24.9 82 14.7 69 6.6 090 5.7
14 - 18 1004.8 31.4 28.4 26.2 25.9 24.8 82 14.7 66 6.8 090 5.1
19 - 23 1004.8 31.4 28.4 26.2 25.8 24.7 81 14.3 65 6.8 230 5.5
24 - 28 1006.1 31.4 28.5 26.4 25.8 24.6 80 9.3 64 6.8 090 4.7
29 - 2 1006.4 31.1 28.2 26.0 25.6 24.5 81 12.1 66 6.1 090 4.6

Sep 3-7 1006.9 31.0 28.2 25.9 25.5 24.4 81 12.6 65 6.5 090 5.7
8 - 12 1007.6 30.9 27.9 25.7 24.9 23.6 78 12.9 60 6.6 090 5.0
13 - 17 1008.9 30.6 27.8 25.7 24.6 23.0 76 5.8 63 6.2 090 5.5
18 - 22 1009.9 30.2 27.5 25.3 24.3 22.8 77 6.9 63 6.0 090 6.4

23 - 27 1010.6 29.6 27.0 24.9 24.0 22.6 78 10.3 64 5.5 090 6.9
28 - 2 1011.3 29.1 26.6 24.6 23.6 22.1 77 7.9 63 5.5 090 7.6

Oct 3-7 1012.4 29.1 26.4 24.3 22.8 20.9 73 4.6 53 6.6 090 6.8
8 - 12 1013.3 28.6 25.9 23.9 22.3 20.4 72 3.5 53 6.8 090 7.5
13 - 17 1013.4 28.4 25.6 23.5 22.1 20.2 73 7.9 55 6.5 090 8.1
18 - 22 1014.6 27.4 24.8 22.8 21.5 19.5 74 5.3 56 6.2 080 8.2
23 - 27 1015.3 26.9 24.3 22.3 20.9 18.9 73 3.0 60 5.7 080 7.8
28 - 1 1016.4 26.0 23.3 21.3 19.9 17.8 72 3.3 53 6.3 090 7.1

Nov 2-6 1016.7 26.1 23.3 21.2 19.8 17.7 72 0.9 50 6.7 080 7.1
7 - 11 1016.5 25.0 22.5 20.5 19.2 17.1 72 1.8 61 5.4 080 8.1
12 - 16 1017.6 24.3 21.7 19.6 18.5 16.2 72 1.6 63 5.0 080 7.6
17 - 21 1018.2 23.9 21.1 18.8 17.5 14.8 69 1.2 51 6.4 080 7.3
22 - 26 1019.0 22.9 20.1 17.9 16.2 12.9 65 0.6 49 6.1 080 7.7
27 - 1 1020.1 21.9 18.8 16.2 14.8 11.2 63 0.8 44 6.7 360 7.5

Dec 2-6 1020.0 21.7 18.7 16.4 15.1 11.9 67 1.7 44 6.3 080 6.7
7 - 11 1019.7 21.6 18.6 16.3 15.3 12.4 69 0.6 44 6.5 080 6.8
12 - 16 1020.7 20.3 17.5 15.2 13.9 10.6 66 0.2 44 6.3 080 7.4
17 - 21 1020.3 20.3 17.6 15.4 14.4 11.4 69 1.1 52 5.5 080 6.8
22 - 26 1019.8 20.0 17.2 14.9 14.1 11.1 70 0.6 53 5.4 070 6.9
27 - 31 1020.3 18.9 16.2 14.0 13.2 10.2 69 1.1 60 4.8 070 7.3

Observed at The Observatory Kings Park Waglan Island


Table 2 Mean Sea Levels, Mean Higher High Water Levels and Mean Lower
Low Water Levels

Mean Mean Higher Mean Lower

Period of
Location Sea Level High Water Low Water
(mPD) Level (mPD) Level (mPD)
Chi Ma Wan 1981-1997 1.3 2.0 0.4
Ko Lau Wan 1983-1995 1.3 2.0 0.5
Lok On Pai 1982-1999 1.2 2.1 0.3
Quarry Bay/North Point 1981-1999 1.3 2.0 0.5
Tai O 1985-1997 1.2 2.1 0.2
Tai Po Kau 1981-1999 1.2 2.0 0.4
Tsim Bei Tsui 1983-1999 1.3 2.3 0.2
Waglan Island 1981-1999 1.3 2.0 0.6

Table 3 Extreme Sea Levels at Ko Lau Wan (1974-1995)

Return Periods (years) Sea Level (mPD)

2 2.6
5 2.8
10 3.0
20 3.1
50 3.3
100 3.4
200 3.5

Table 4 Extreme Sea Levels at Quarry Bay/North Point (1954-1999)

Return Periods (years) Sea Level (mPD)

2 2.8
5 3.0
10 3.1
20 3.2
50 3.4
100 3.5
200 3.6

Table 5 Extreme Sea Levels at Tai Po Kau (1962-1999)

Return Periods (years) Sea Level (mPD)

2 2.9
5 3.3
10 3.6
20 3.8
50 4.1
100 4.3
200 4.6

Table 6 Extreme Sea Levels at Tsim Bei Tsui (1974-1999)

Return Periods (years) Sea Level (mPD)

2 3.0
5 3.3
10 3.4
20 3.6
50 3.8
100 3.9
200 4.1

Table 7 Extreme Sea Levels at Waglan Island (1976-1999)

Return Periods (years) Sea Level (mPD)

2 2.5
5 2.7
10 2.9
20 3.1
50 3.3
100 3.4
200 3.6

Table 8 Extreme Sea Levels at Chi Ma Wan (1963-1997)

Return Periods (years) Sea Level (mPD)

2 2.8
5 3.0
10 3.1
20 3.2
50 3.4
100 3.5
200 3.7

Table 9 Extreme Sea Levels at Lok On Pai (1981-1999)

Return Periods (years) Sea Level (mPD)

2 2.8
5 2.9
10 3.1
20 3.2
50 3.3
100 3.4
200 3.5

Table 10 Observed Minimum Sea Levels

Location Period of Data Minimum Sea Levels (mPD)

Chi Ma Wan 1961-1997 -0.31
Ko Lau Wan 1974-1995 -0.28
Lok On Pai 1981-1999 -0.43
Quarry Bay 1986-1999 -0.28
Tai O 1985-1997 -0.67
Tai Po Kau 1970-1999 -0.41
Tsim Bei Tsui 1974-1999 -0.36
Waglan Island 1976-1999 -0.32

Table 11 Probable Minimum Sea Levels at Quarry Bay/North Point


Return Period (years) Sea Level (mPD)

2 -0.15
5 -0.20
10 -0.25
20 -0.30
50 -0.40
100 -0.45
200 -0.50

Table 12 Mean Hourly Wind Speeds (m/s) Kai Tak Airport Southeast Station

Return Period
5 15 16 20 18 16 17 16 14
10 17 18 23 22 18 20 18 15
20 19 20 27 25 21 23 20 17
50 22 22 31 28 24 27 23 19
100 24 24 34 31 26 30 26 21
200 26 26 37 34 29 33 28 22

Table 13 Mean Hourly Wind Speeds (m/s) Cheung Chau Station (1970-1991)

Return Period
5 17 19 24 25 21 19 17 17
10 19 22 28 30 27 23 21 20
20 21 25 31 36 32 28 25 23
50 23 29 37 43 41 35 30 27
100 25 32 41 48 46 40 34 30
200 27 36 45 52 51 45 39 34

Table 14 Mean Hourly Wind Speeds (m/s) Waglan Island Station (1975-1999)

Return Period
5 23 25 27 25 23 22 18 14
10 27 29 31 30 28 27 22 17
20 31 33 35 37 33 32 25 19
50 37 40 42 45 41 40 29 23
100 42 44 45 50 45 45 33 25
200 46 48 49 55 50 49 37 27

Table 15 Mean Wind Speeds East Direction (m/s) Kai Tak Southeast Station
(1968 - 1997)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 20 20 19 19 18 15
10 23 23 22 22 20 17
20 27 26 25 25 23 18
50 31 30 29 28 36 21
100 34 33 32 31 29 22
200 37 36 35 34 31 24

Table 16 Mean Wind Speeds Southeast Direction (m/s) Kai Tak Southeast
Station (1968 - 1997)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 18 17 15 13 11 9
10 22 19 17 16 13 10
20 25 22 19 18 14 11
50 28 26 22 20 16 13
100 31 28 24 22 18 14
200 34 31 26 24 19 15

Table 17 Mean Wind Speeds West Direction (m/s) Kai Tak Southeast Station
(1968 - 1997)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 16 14 14 13 11 9
10 18 16 16 15 13 11
20 20 18 18 17 15 12
50 23 21 20 19 17 14
100 26 23 23 21 19 16
200 28 25 25 23 20 17

Table 18 Mean Wind Speeds North Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station
(1970 - 1991)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 17 17 17 15 15 14
10 19 19 19 17 16 15
20 21 21 21 18 17 17
50 23 23 23 19 19 19
100 25 25 25 21 20 20
200 27 27 27 22 21 21

Table 19 Mean Wind Speeds Northeast Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station
(1970 - 1991)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 19 18 16 16 12 9
10 22 21 19 19 15 11
20 25 25 22 22 18 13
50 29 29 26 25 21 16
100 32 32 29 28 24 19
200 36 37 32 31 26 21

Table 20 Mean Wind Speeds East Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station
(1970 - 1991)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 24 22 21 20 19 17
10 28 25 24 24 22 19
20 31 28 27 27 25 22
50 37 32 31 31 28 25
100 41 35 35 34 31 28
200 45 39 39 38 33 31

Table 21 Mean Wind Speeds Southeast Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station
(1970 - 1991)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 25 23 18 17 15 12
10 30 28 20 20 18 14
20 36 33 23 22 20 16
50 43 42 26 26 23 18
100 48 46 29 28 25 20
200 52 51 32 31 27 22

Table 22 Mean Wind Speeds South Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station
(1970 - 1991)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 21 20 18 17 14 9
10 27 26 22 21 19 11
20 32 31 27 26 23 13
50 41 40 34 32 29 17
100 46 45 39 37 34 19
200 51 50 44 42 39 21

Table 23 Mean Wind Speeds Southwest Direction (m/s) Cheung Chau Station
(1970 - 1991)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 19 15 14 12 11 9
10 23 19 18 15 14 10
20 28 23 21 18 16 11
50 35 28 25 22 19 13
100 40 32 29 25 22 14
200 45 36 32 28 24 16

Table 24 Mean Wind Speeds North Direction (m/s) - Waglan Island Station
(1975 - 1999)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 23 21 20 20 19 17
10 27 24 23 22 21 19
20 31 27 26 24 23 21
50 37 31 29 27 25 23
100 42 35 32 30 27 25
200 46 38 34 32 29 26

Table 25 Mean Wind Speeds Northeast Direction (m/s) - Waglan Island Station
(1975 - 1999)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 25 23 22 21 19 17
10 29 26 25 23 22 21
20 33 29 28 26 25 24
50 40 34 32 30 29 28
100 44 38 35 33 32 32
200 48 42 39 36 36 35

Table 26 Mean Wind Speeds East Direction (m/s) - Waglan Island Station
(1975 - 1999)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 27 26 26 25 21 20
10 31 30 29 29 24 22
20 35 34 33 32 26 24
50 42 41 39 38 29 27
100 45 44 43 42 31 29
200 49 48 47 46 33 31

Table 27 Mean Wind Speeds Southeast Direction (m/s) - Waglan Island Station
(1975 - 1999)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 25 23 22 20 18 12
10 30 29 27 24 22 15
20 37 35 32 28 25 18
50 45 43 40 34 31 21
100 50 48 45 40 35 24
200 55 53 49 44 40 27

Table 28 Mean Wind Speeds South Direction (m/s) - Waglan Island Station
(1975 - 1999)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 23 21 18 17 14 11
10 28 26 22 20 18 13
20 33 31 25 24 21 16
50 41 37 30 29 26 19
100 45 43 35 33 29 21
200 50 47 39 37 32 23

Table 29 Mean Wind Speeds Southwest Direction (m/s) - Waglan Island Station
(1975 - 1999)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 22 19 18 17 15 11
10 27 23 22 20 18 13
20 32 26 25 23 21 14
50 40 31 30 27 25 17
100 45 35 33 30 27 18
200 49 40 37 33 30 20

Table 30 Mean Wind Speeds West Direction (m/s) - Waglan Island Station
(1975 - 1999)

Return Period
Duration (hr)
1 2 3 4 6 10
5 18 17 13 12 11 10
10 22 20 15 14 13 11
20 25 22 16 16 14 13
50 29 26 19 18 17 15
100 33 29 20 19 18 16
200 37 32 21 21 19 18

Table 31 Relationship of Higher Wave Heights with Significant Wave Height

Higher Wave Heights in a Rayleigh Distribution Relationship with H1/3

Hmax (Most probable largest wave height) 0.706 ln N 0
H1/100 (Average of the highest 1 percent of all waves) 1.67 H1/3
H1/20 (Average of the highest 5 percent of all waves) 1.40 H1/3
H1/10 (Average of the highest 10 percent of all waves) 1.27 H1/3
Notes : 1. The wave periods of these higher wave heights can be taken as equal to the significant
wave period.
2. N0 is the number of waves during a peak of storm events.

Table 32 Wave Measurement at Kau Yi Chau Station (1994-2000)

Year Percentage Calm Period Average Average Maximum Maximum

of Time in (Hm0<0.3m) Hm0 Peak Period Hm0 (m) [Tp (s)] Recorded Wave
Service (m) Tp (s) Height Hmax (m)
1994 78% 63% 0.31 6.7 1.46 [9.1] 2.45
1995 87% 77% 0.26 6.5 1.51 [11.6] 2.68
1996 60% 75% 0.27 6.3 1.57 [11.6] 2.38
1997 95% 79% 0.26 6.7 1.61 [11.6] 2.68
1998 97% 81% 0.24 6.4 1.40 [9.1] 2.92
1999 92% 75% 0.25 6.2 2.36 [9.9] 3.75
2000 76% 71% 0.28 6.3 1.70 [9.1] 2.33
Note 1. The percentage of time in service refers to the time at which the recorder is operational.
2. For the maximum Hm0, the corresponding peak period Tp is shown in brackets.

Table 33 Wave Measurement at West Lamma Channel Station (1994-2000)

Year Percentage Calm Period Average Average Maximum Maximum

of Time in (Hm0<0.3m) Hm0 Peak Period Hm0 (m) [Tp (s)] Recorded Wave
Service (m) Tp (s) Height Hmax (m)
1994 84% 55% 0.33 7.5 1.68 [9.1] 2.42
1995 53% 47% 0.36 7.3 1.45 [3.9] 2.47
1996 41% 56% 0.32 7.1 1.71 [11.6] 2.83
1997 70% 60% 0.28 6.7 2.52 [5.8] 3.99
1998 34% 51% 0.32 8.0 1.08 [12.8] 1.93
1999 51% 50% 0.33 7.3 3.28 [9.9] 4.68
2000 72% 38% 0.38 6.5 1.95 [9.9] 3.01
Note 1. The percentage of time in service refers to the time at which the recorder is operational.
2. For the maximum Hm0, the corresponding peak period Tp is shown in brackets.

Table 34 Offshore Wave Data from Storm Hindcasting

Significant Wave Height (m)

Return Period Location Location
(1149E, 2147N) (11440E, 2155N)
2 5.2 5.2
5 7.3 7.6
10 8.7 9.2
20 10.0 10.7
50 11.7 12.7
100 13.0 14.2
200 14.3 15.6
Note 1. The wave period may be estimated from the following formula :
2H1/3/(gT1/32) = 0.03 to 0.06.
The critical period needs to be tested in design.
2. The offshore locations are shown in Figure 8.

Table 35 Effect of Waves on Harbour Activities

Wave Region in
Wave Effects on Harbour Activities
Figure 9

No severe wave impacts on harbour activities, ship navigation conditions and

cargo handling occur under normal weather conditions. Wave field variation
Region 1 from daytime to night is not significant. The average measured significant
wave height in this region is less than 0.3 m.

Wave conditions affect harbour activities of small sized passenger vessels and
cargo boats. Navigation is acceptable. Waves become considerably strong
Region 2 during peak navigation hours. Degree of ship movement is still in acceptable
range. The average measured significant wave height in this region is
between 0.3 m to 0.4 m.

The average measured significant wave height in this region is between 0.4 m
and 0.5 m. Degree of ship movement, however, is sometimes unacceptable
Region 3 during the period of intensive harbour navigation. In such period, harbour
activities of small to middle sized vessels are affected, and vessel berthing and
cargo handling may become difficult.

The wave region is limited to the area which receives direct incident waves.
Sea state is very rough and navigation of small to middle sized vessels in this
Region 4 area becomes difficult. Wave climate in the area is considerably improved at
night when most navigation activities come to a halt. The average measured
significant wave height in this region is greater than 0.5 m.
Table 36 Basic Characteristics of Vessels - Local Craft Register (January 2000)
No. of Vessels Licensed Approximate Dimensions (m)

Type/ Category of Vessel Mech. Non- Total Length O.A. Beam Depth Draft Displacement Carrying Service
Mech. (m) (t) Capacity Speed

1. Motor Launches & Ferry Vessels 801 - 801 10.5 - 62.0 2.6 - 19.1 1.0 - 4.0 0.5 - 3.0 15 - 3000 7 - 1400 pass. 3 - 17

2. Class I Passenger Sampans 120 55 175 3.7 - 7.9 2.1 4.8 0.7 - 1.0 0.3 - 0.7 4 - 25 1 - 5 pass. -

3. Class II Wooden, Steel Cargo / Work Barges 396 1040 1436 6.1 96.2 2.8 - 29.8 2.0 - 4.0 1.0 - 3.0 25 - 3200 25 - 2200 t 2-4

4. Class III Stationary Craft - 248 248 3.0 176.5 1.4 - 21.0 1.0 - 4.0 0.7 - 3.0 13 - 6200 - -

5. Class IV Fishing, Misc. Craft 3667 983 4650 2.4 49.9 1.0 26.7 0.7 - 4.0 0.3 - 3.0 20 - 3200 15 - 2200 t 2-5

6. Class V Trading Vessels 58 - 58 7.7 - 36.1 3.3 - 8.5 1.0 - 3.0 0.7 - 2.5 20 - 40 5-6t 5-7

7. Class VI Fishing Vessels 2667 1 2668 7.3 - 39.3 2.9 - 19.3 1.0 - 2.0 0.7 - 1.5 16 - 350 - 3 - 15

8. Class VII Floating Dock / Workshops - 8 8 23.2 - 270.0 8.5 - 57.5 2.0 - 3.0 1.0 - 2.5 150 - 58000 - -

9. Class VIII Float Restaurant - 3 3 52.5 - 76.2 15.1 - 22.3 - - - - -

10. Various Classes Pleasure Vessels 5171 - 5171 2.1 64.6 1.1 - 11.3 0.3 - 5.0 0.2 - 4.5 0.5 - 800 1 - 200 pass. 2 - 30

11. HK Registered Passenger Ferries 76 - 76 16.0 200.0 4.9 - 44.0 2.0 13.0 1.0 - 4.0 50 1300 10 - 1400 pass. 3 25

12. HK Registered Container Ships 31 - 31 177 - 264 27.6 - 40.0 14.7 21.3 8.0 14.0 18000 72000 - 8 - 13

Total 12987 2338 15325

Mech. = Mechanical Non-Mech. = Non-mechanical Pass. = Passenger

Table 37 Basic Characteristics of Vessels (August 2000)

Type & Name of Vessels Length Beam Depth Draft Displacement Wind Presentment Area Service Name of Fleet
Overall (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Speed

Fully Loaded Light Fully Loaded Light Broadside Frontal

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (t) (t) (sq. m) (sq. m) (m/s)

Celestial Star
Meridian Star
Solar Star
Northern Star
Night Star
Shining Star 36.3 8.6 2.6 2.4 2.1 302.6 246.8 212.0 54.0 5.7
Day Star
Twinkling Star
Morning Star The Star Ferry Fleet
Silver Star

Pacific Princess 44.5 7.9 3.8 2.1 1.9 277.6 243.3 234.6 59.1 6.2

Golden Star 46.0 9.3 3.6 2.1 1.7 426.1 317.0 301.5 62.3 6.0
World Star

High Speed Catamaran

40.0 10.1 14.0 1.6 1.3 140.0 108.0 - - 16.5 Shun Tak TurboJet Fleet
Universal MK1 MK4

The notes are shown at the end of this table.

Table 37 Basic Characteristics of Vessels (August 2000) (Continued)

Type & Name of Vessels Length Beam Depth Draft Displacement Wind Presentment Area Service Name of Fleet
Overall (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Speed

Fully Loaded Light Fully Loaded Light Broadside Frontal

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (t) (t) (sq. m) (sq. m) (m/s)

Waterjet Catamaran

(Discovery Bay 1 3) 42.0 11.5 3.8 1.3 - 168.0 - - - 16.5

(Discovery Bay 5 8) 43.0 11.5 3.8 1.3 - 168.0 - - - 17.0

(DB Support) 26.2 8.0 3.2 1.2 - 132.0 - - - 13.0

Waterjet Monohull
Discovery Bay Ferry Fleet
(Discovery Bay 12, 15, 35.5 7.7 2.9 1.2 - 93.0 - - - 12.5
16, 19 22)

GRP Launch
19.7 5.4 3.0 1.7 - 43.0 - - - 9.5
(Discovery Bay 23, 25 & 26)

HM218 Hovercraft
18.3 6.1 2.1 1.1 - 28.4 - - - 14.0
(RTS 201 203)

The notes are shown at the end of this table.

Table 37 Basic Characteristics of Vessels (August 2000) (Continued)

Type & Name of Vessels Length Beam Depth Draft Displacement Wind Presentment Area Service Name of Fleet
Overall (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Speed

Fully Loaded Light Fully Loaded Light Broadside Frontal

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (t) (t) (sq. m) (sq. m) (m/s)

Single End Triple Deck 59.4 -65.0 10.5 -11.6 3.6 4.3 2.3 -3.0 - 936.6 780.6 530.1 122.8 6.7 8.2

Single End Double Deck 44.2 8.2 3.4 2.4 - 289.9 227.9 268.2 52.8 5.1 6.1
First Ferry Fleet
Propeller Catamaran 25.0 28.0 8.7 -8.9 2.6 2.8 1.8 1.6 81.6 -81.8 70.4 139.0 50.5 11.8

Waterjet Catamaran 40.0 10.1 4.0 1.7 1.3 136.0 104.0 214.5 97.0 17.0

Passenger Ship
176.0 29.0 - 6.5 6.3 19184.0 16500.0 4840.0 895.0 20.0 Star Cruise Fleet
Star Pisces


1. Length overall is the extreme length of the vessel measured from the foremost point of the stem to the aftermost part of the stem.
2. Beam is the maximum breadth of the vessel.
3. Depth is the vertical distance from the vessels base line or keel to the top of the deck, measured at mid-length of the vessel.
4. Fully loaded and light drafts are the mean depths of the vessel below the waterline measured vertically to the vessels base line or keel under full load condition and unloaded condition respectively.
5. Fully loaded displacement is the maximum displacement of the vessel measured in tonnage when floating at its greatest allowable draft. Light displacement is the minimum displacement of the vessel.
6. Broadside and frontal wind presentment areas are respectively the maximum longitudinal and transverse cross-sectional areas of the vessel above waterline including hull and superstructures, which are wind

Table 38 Geology of Offshore Sediments in Hong Kong

Environment of
Formation Material Type Age
Mainly very soft to
soft, olive-grey clayey
Shallow marine
Hang Hau silts with fine sand
Littoral Holocene
Formation lenses and shells.
Grey muddy sands and
sandy muds
Firm, grey, shelly,
Waglan clayey silt. Shallow marine
Late Pleistocene
Formation Interbedded shelly sand Littoral
and clayey silt
Soft to firm grey, silty Fluctuating open
Sham Wat clays with light yellow marine and
Late Pleistocene
Formation mottles and thin sand brackish water
bands conditions
Diverse lithology.
Comprising firm to Fluvial channel
Chek Lap Kok Middle to Late
stiff silts and clays, and Alluvial plain
Formation Pleistocene
dense, poorly-sorted Estuarine
sands and gravels

Table 39 Engineering Properties of Hong Kong Marine Mud

(K.S. Ho & Y.C. Chan, 1994)

Soil Properties Range of Values

Organic matter (%) 2.6 - 4.1
Sulphur content (%) 0.2 - 2.0
Salt content in pore water (%) 1.0 - 3.5
Liquid limit (%) 20 - 100
Plasticity index (%) 10 - 60
Ratio of undrained shear strength to maximum past pressure 0.22 - 0.39
Compression index 0.4 - 1.0
Coefficient of consolidation (m2/year) 0.3 - 3.5
Sensitivity 4 - 12
Permeability (m/s) 10-10 - 10-8
Moisture content (%) Variable, up to 100

Table 40 Typical Soil Tests

Tests Soil Tested Information Revealed

Field tests :
Vane shear test  Silty/clayey deposit  Undrained shear strength
 Silty/clayey deposit  Soil profile
 Sandy deposit  Interpretation of soil type from
 Highly or completely cone resistance and friction
Static cone penetration
decomposed bedrock, with reasonable accuracy
residual soil  Strength indication
 Generally not suitable for  Interpolation of information
gravel and stiff clays between boreholes
 Sandy deposit
Standard penetration  Highly or completely  Soil type and profile
test decomposed bedrock,  Strength indication
residual soil
Laboratory tests :
undrained triaxial  Silty/clayey deposit  Undrained shear strength
compression test
 Silty/clayey deposit
 Sandy deposit
drained/undrained  Effective shear strength
 Highly or completely
triaxial compression parameters
decomposed bedrock,
residual soil
 Cohesive and
Direct shear test  Shear strength parameters
cohesiveless soils
 Coefficient of consolidation
 Coefficient of volume
consolidation test  Silty/clayey deposit
 Coefficient of secondary
(Oedometer test)
 Preconsolidation pressure
 Soil of sedimentary
origin containing
 Coefficient of consolidation
laminations of sand and
Isotropic compression  Coefficient of volume
test compressibility
 Highly or completely
 Preconsolidation pressure
decomposed bedrock,
residual soil
 Sediment classification
Heavy metal, organic  Soils down to the base of
according to WBTC 3/2000
and biological tests the layer to be dredged
 Depth of contamination
Note : 1. The coefficient of horizontal consolidation of silty/clayey deposit may also be determined
from the Rowe Cell Consolidation Test. Reference on the test can be made to : (a) Head
(1985) Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing Volume 3 : Effective Stress Tests, pp 1129-1225;
and (b) GEO (1996) Conventional and CRS Rowe Cell Consolidation Test on Some Hong
Kong Clays, GEO Report No. 55.
2. WBTC 3/2000 Works Bureau Technical Circular 3/2000 : Management of
Dredged/Excavated Sediment.



Figure Page
No. No.

1 Simplified Earth/Moon/Sun System for Spring and Neap Tides 129

2 Locations of Tide Stations 130

3 Locations of Weather Stations 131

4 Annual Wind Rose 132

5 General Shape of Wave Spectrum 133

6 Locations of Wave Stations 134

7 Wave Roses at Kau Yi Chau and West Lamma Channel Wave Stations 135

8 Locations of Offshore Wave Data from Storm Hindcasting 136

9 Wave Regions in the Harbour Area 137

10 Daily Wave Variation around a Harbour Wave Station close to Busy 138

11 Relationship between Design Life, Return Period and Probability of 139


12 Ship Definitions 140

13 Schematic Diagram of Offshore Quaternary Stratigraphy of Hong Kong 141

14 Ground Water Profile behind Seawalls Area Paved 142

15 Maximum Wave Pressure on Vertical Structures (Breaking and 143

Non-Breaking Waves) Pressure Distribution

16 Maximum Wave Pressure on Vertical Structures (Breaking and 144

Non-Breaking Waves) Alpha Values


17 Wave Pressure under Wave Trough 145

18 Wave Forces on Piles 146

19 Drag Coefficient Values for Circular Cylinders 147

20 Geometry of Vessel Approach to Berth 148

21 Hull and Fender Geometry at Impact 149

















This Appendix describes a method of estimating the wave height for random wave breaking
in surf zone developed by Goda. For more details of wave breaking, reference should be
made to Goda (2000) and BS 6349:Part 1 (BSI, 2000).


The analysis of wave transformation is often facilitated by the concept of equivalent

deepwater wave. It is a hypothetical wave devised to account for the effects of refraction,
diffraction and bottom friction on the deepwater wave. This device is useful for physical
model tests using wave flumes of uniform width, which have difficulty in reproducing the
complicated real seabed. Using the equivalent significant deepwater wave height to cater
for these processes, model tests can be carried out with straight and parallel seabed contours.

The equivalent deepwater significant wave height is related to the deepwater significant wave
height as follows and is used in the Godas method of wave breaking :

Ho = Kr*Kf*Kd*Ho

Where Ho is the equivalent deepwater significant wave height.

Ho is the deepwater significant wave height.
Kr is the coefficient of random wave refraction.
Kf is the coefficient of random wave attenuation due to bottom friction.
Kd is the coefficient of random wave diffraction.

The above formula implies that the deepwater wave height is adjusted to account for the
change due to wave refraction, diffraction and attenuation due to bottom friction. The effect
of shoaling is not included in the evaluation of Ho.

The period of the equivalent deepwater wave is generally regarded as being equal to the
deepwater significant wave period, but in reality the significant wave period may vary during
wave propagation, as in the sheltered area behind a breakwater.


Goda has developed design chart which relates the shoaling coefficient with the equivalent
deepwater steepness, the slope of seabed and the relative water depth as shown in Figure A1.
The figure presents the shoaling coefficient including the finite amplitude effect during wave
propagation toward the shore. The shoaling coefficient given in the upper right corner of
the figure corresponds to water of relative depth d/Lo greater than 0.09 (d : water depth, Lo :
deepwater wavelength) and is the same as the value of the shoaling coefficient for small
amplitude waves. Lo may be estimated from the following formula :

gT 2
Lo = = 1.56T 2

The dotted lines in the figure for the seabed slope demarcate the regions of wave breaking
and non-breaking. When the intersecting point of the relative water depth (d/Lo) and
equivalent deepwater steepness (Ho/Lo) falls in the region of the dotted lines, the structure
will be subject to the action of breaking waves.

Where the wave height (at a certain water depth outside the surf zone) computed from a
mathematical wave model has included the effect of shoaling, refraction, diffraction and
bottom friction, the equivalent deepwater wave height Ho may be approximately determined
by dividing the computed wave height by the shoaling coefficient at that water depth outside
the surf zone shown in the upper right corner of Figure A1.


The variation of wave height within the surf zone can be estimated from the following
formulae derived by Goda :

If d/Lo0.2, (1) H1/3 = KsHo

(2) Hmax = 1.8KsHo

If d/Lo<0.2, (1) H1/3 is the minimum of the following :

 H1/3 =o Ho+1 d or
 H1/3 =max Ho or
 H1/3 = KsHo

(2) Hmax is the minimum of the following :

 Hmax =o Ho+1 d or
 Hmax =max Ho or
 Hmax = 1.8KsHo

The coefficientso, 1, max, o, 1 andmax are given by the following expressions :

Coefficients for H1/3 : o = 0.028(Ho/Lo)-0.38exp(20tan1.5)

1 = 0.52exp(4.2tan)
max = max {0.92, 0.32(Ho/Lo)-0.29exp(2.4tan)}

Coefficients for Hmax : o = 0.052(Ho/Lo)-0.38exp(20tan1.5)

1 = 0.63exp(3.8tan)
max = max {1.65, 0.53(Ho/Lo)-0.29exp(2.4tan)}

where denotes the slope of the seabed.

max {a, b} denotes the larger value of a or
exp represents the exponential function.

Alternatively, the wave heights may be estimated from the charts in Figure A2 for bottom
slopes of 1/10, 1/20, 1/30 and 1/100. Each chart contains a dash-dot curve labelled
Attenuation less than 2%. In the zone to the right of this curve, the attenuation in wave
height due to wave breaking is less than 2% and the wave height can be estimated from the
shoaling coefficient given in Figure A1.

The formulae can give estimated wave heights differing by several percent from those
obtained from the graphs. In particular for waves of greater gradient than 0.04 in the water
depth whereoHo+1d =maxHo, differences can exceed 10% with a similar difference for
Hmax. There can also be a discontinuity in Hmax at d/Lo = 0.2.

It should be noted that it may be safer to use the wave height at the depth of about 0.5Ho for
structures located in the shoreline area with water depth shallower than such depth for
estimation of wave force and action on the structures.


BSI (2000). Maritime Structures Part 1 : Code of Practice for General Criteria (BS
6349-1:2000). British Standards Institution, London, 189p.

Goda Y. (2000). Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures (2nd Edition). World
Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, 443p.


Figure Page
No. No.

A1 Diagram of Nonlinear Wave Shoaling 161

A2 Estimation of Wave Height in the Surf Zone (4 Sheets) 162








1. Constituent Materials

Cementitious Materials

1.1 All cement and supplementary cementitious materials shall comply with the following

Ordinary and Rapid Hardening Portland Cement : BS 12

Portland-blast furnace cement : BS 146

Low heat Portland-blast furnace cement : BS 4246

Sulphate resisting Portland cement : BS 4027

Portland pulverised-fuel ash cement : BS 6588

Pulverised fuel ash (PFA) : BS 3892

(except that the criterion for maximum water requirement shall not apply)

Blast furnace slag (BFS) : BS 6699

The Contractor shall nominate the source of any of the materials mentioned in above
proposed to be used in each concrete mix.

1.2 Where there is a danger or high risk of chlorides ingress causing the reinforcement to
corrode, the tricalcium aluminate (C3A) component of the cement is very desirable to
reduce the amount of chloride available to promote corrosion. Sulphate-resisting
cements, which are low in C3A content, may not be appropriate and their inclusion in
concrete mixes for marine environment may need to be reviewed carefully before

Mineral Additive

1.3 Mineral additive shall comply with the following:

Condensed Silica Fume (CSF) : CSA-A23.5-M86 (Canadian Standard)


1.4 Water for mixing, curing and cleaning concrete shall be clean fresh water taken from
the public supply.


1.5 Concrete aggregates shall be normal weight and shall comply with the requirements of

BS882, Aggregates from Natural Sources for Concrete. In addition, the aggregates
shall meet the following:

(a) Particle Shape

Flakiness index shall not exceed 30%
Elongation index shall not exceed 35%.

(b) LA abrasion and sulphate soundness

The maximum Los Angeles Value (ASTM C131) shall be 30% loss and
maximum sodium sulphate soundness (ASTM C88) weighted average loss
shall be 6%.

1.6 Aggregate shall be obtained from a dedicated deposit having demonstrable ability to
provide a consistent quality and grading of material for the duration of the Contract.
Aggregates from marine sources shall not be permitted.

2. Chemical admixture

2.1 A chemical admixture is defined as a constituent material of concrete other than

cementitious materials, mineral additives, aggregates and water. The admixtures shall
comply and be used in accordance with the suppliers recommendation. Chemical
admixtures shall comply with the following:

Pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products : BS 1014

Accelerating admixtures, retarding admixtures and

water-reducing admixtures : BS 5075:Part 1

Superplasticising admixtures : BS 5075:Part 3

2.2 Where two or more admixtures are used in a concrete mix, the compatibility shall be
verified in writing by the supplier with the following:
BS 5075 Concrete Admixtures

2.3 The use of chemical admixtures shall only be permitted subject to the Contractor
carrying out prior testing on trial mixes in accordance with this specification.

2.4 The use of any chemical admixture containing chlorides is prohibited.

2.5 The Contractor shall submit relevant test data which demonstrates that the properties
of concrete composed of the chemical admixture meets the requirements of this

3. Maximum Water/Cementitious Content Ratio

3.1 The water/cementitious content ratio of the concrete mix shall not exceed 0.38.

4. Cementitious Content

4.1 Cementitious content is the combined mass of cement and the dry mass of Condensed
Silica Fume (CSF) and the mass of either Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) or Blast Furnace
Slag (BFS) per cubic metre of compacted concrete.

4.2 The cementitious content of the concrete mix shall be within the 380-450 kg/m3.

4.3 Either PFA or BFS shall be incorporated in the concrete as separate materials in
accordance with the following requirements:

The proportion of PFA replacement shall be within the 25-40% range by mass of the
cementitious content for normal applications.

If BFS is used instead of PFA, the proportion of BFS replacement shall be within the
60-75% range by mass of the cementitious content for normal applications and the 60-
90% range by mass of the cementitious content for low heat applications.

4.4 The proportion of the dry mass of CSF replacement shall be within the 5-10% range
by mass of the cementitious content.

5. Chemical Content

5.1 The acid soluble chloride ion content of all concrete shall be determined in
accordance with BS 1881:Part 124:1988 Methods for Analysis of Hardened
Concrete, and shall not exceed 0.02% of total weight of concrete.

5.2 The acid soluble sulphate content of all concrete expressed as SO3 shall be determined
in accordance with BS 1881:Part 124:1988 Method for Analysis of Hardened
Concrete and shall not exceed 4% of total weight of concrete.

6. Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

6.1 The reactive alkali of concrete expressed as the equivalent sodium oxide per cubic
metre of concrete shall not exceed 3.0 kg.

7. Curing

7.1 After final set has taken place the concrete shall be cured for at least 7 days. All
exposed surfaces shall be protected from the sun and wind immediately after the
initial set has occurred and the concrete shall be kept moist by light water spray or
other suitable means until curing methods are applied. Surfaces from which
formwork has been removed before 7 days shall be cured for the remaining period.

Moist Curing

7.2 Concrete shall be covered by canvas, hessian or plastic sheets and kept continuously

moist. Where plastic sheets are used, all edges of the sheeting shall be securely
fastened so that no air circulation can occur. Alternatively, exposed surfaces can be
cured by flooding or continuous sprinkling. Formwork left in position shall be kept
continuously wet.

8. Curing Compounds

8.1 Curing compound shall be a proprietary type approved by the Engineer and shall have
an efficiency index of not less than 90%. The use of curing compound shall be
limited to the following types:

(a) Wax Emulsion

(b) Petroleum Hydrocarbon Resin

8.2 The minimum application rate shall be 0.2 litre/m2 or the minimum stated on the
certificate of compliance, whichever is greater.

9. Cover to Reinforcement

9.1 The cover to all reinforcement in all exposure zones shall be 75 mm. Detailing and
fixing of reinforcement shall be such that this cover is achieved to a tolerance
of -5 mm, +10 mm.

9.2 For flexural crack width design and control purpose, allowable crack width may be
increased by a factor of 1.25.

10. Minimum Characteristic Strength

10.1 The minimum characteristic strength of the concrete mix shall be 45 MPa.

















Reference Section 2.5.3.

The wave measurement at 17:00 on 16.9.1999 at West Lamma Channel wave station gives
the following wave spectrum information : m0 = 0.64 m2, m2 = 0.82 m2/s2, m4 = 1.42 m2/s4,
Tp = 7.1 s, water depth = 10.5 m.
(Note : The outputs m0, m2 and m4 from the wave spectrum are expressed in w domain where
w = 2f and f is the frequency)

Spectral significant wave height Hm0, equivalent deepwater significant wave height Ho and
zero crossing period Tz .


H m0 = 4 m 0 = 4 0.64 = 3.2 m

d d 10.5
= = = 0.133
L o 1.56Tp 1.56x7.12

From Figure A1 Ks = 0.91

Therefore Ho = Hm0/Ks = 3.2/0.91 = 3.5 m

Since the moments of the spectrum are expressed in w domain instead of frequency (f)
domain, therefore, a factor of 2 has to be applied to the formula of Tz given in
Section 2.5.3 :

mo 0.64
Tz 2 = 2 = 5.6s
m2 0.82


Reference Section 2.5.9 and Appendix A.

The significant wave height H1/3 at a point about 50 m from the shore is found to be 2.7 m
and the wave period is 7 s. The water depth at this point is 9 m and the slope of the seabed
is 1 in 10.

Estimate the wave height at a structure to be constructed at the shore where the water depth d
is equal to 4 m.


Deepwater wavelength, Lo = gT2/2 = 1.56x(7)2 = 76.4 m

At the point of 50 m from the shore, water depth d = 9.0 m

d/Lo = 9.0/76.4 = 0.12

From Figure A1, Ks = 0.91

Equivalent deepwater water significant wave height Ho = H1/3/Ks = 2.7/0.91 = 3.0 m

(Since H1/3 = Ks*Kr*Kf*Kd*Ho = Ks*Ho)

At the structure, water depth d = 4.0 m > 0.5Ho (equal 0.5x3m = 1.5 m), use d = 4.0 m
(see Appendix A Section A.4 last paragraph)

Ho/Lo = 3.0/76.4 = 0.04

d/Lo = 4.0/76.4 = 0.052

From Figure A1, the intersection of Ho/Lo and d/Lo is in the dotted line region and therefore
the wave is breaking. The shoaling coefficient Ks = 1.15.

H1/3 is the minimum of the following :

H 1/3 = [0.028(H o ' /L o ) 0.38 exp(20 tan 1.5 )]H o '+0.52[exp(4.2 tan )]d or

H 1/3 = H o ' max{0.92,0.32(H o ' /L o ) 0.29 exp(2.4 tan )} or


H 1/3 = K s H o '

Ho = 3.0 m, Lo = 76.4 m, d = 4.0 m, tan = 1/10 = 0.1, Ks = 1.15

H 1/3 = 3.7 or
H 1/3 = 3.1 or
H 1/3 = 3.5

Therefore, H1/3 = 3.1 m

Hmax is the minimum of the following:

H max = [0.052(H o ' /L o ) 0.38 exp(20 tan 1.5 )]H o '+0.63[exp(3.8 tan )]d or

H max = H o ' max{1.65,0.53(H o ' /L o ) 0.29 exp(2.4 tan )} or

H max = 1.8K s H o '

H max = 4.7 or
H max = 5.1 or
H max = 6.2

Therefore, Hmax = 4.7 m



Reference Section 5.10.3(1).

See Figure C1 on dimensions of vertical breakwater.
Water depth at structure d = 11.5 m (the structure is seaward of the surf zone)
Water depth measured to the top of toe protection dm = 9.5 m
Water depth measured to the bottom of toe protection d = 10.1 m
Base width of structure = 15 m
At extreme water level, height of crest above water level hc = 0.8 m
Significant wave height H1/3 = 2.0 m
Wave period T = 4.0 s
Angle between the direction of wave approach and the normal of the structure = 5o
Density of seawater = 1025 kg/m3

Estimate the wave force, the hydrostatic and buoyancy forces on the structure.


Design wave height HD = Hmax = 1.8H1/3 = 1.8 x 2.0 = 3.6 m

(If the location of vertical structures is inside the surf zone, Hmax may be determined
according to Appendix A.)
gT 2
Wavelength at the structure, L = 24.6 m (solved by L = tanh kd , k = 2/L)
Local depth of water at a distance 5H1/3 seaward of the structure db=13.5 m (from sounding
survey plan)

Critical condition occurs when the wave crest is at the seaward side of the structure and there
is no wave in the harbour side. Therefore, use Goda wave pressure formulae.

d/L = 11.5/24.6 = 0.47

dm/db = 9.5/13.5 = 0.70
HD/dm = 3.6/9.5 = 0.38
d/d = 10.1/11.5 = 0.88

From figure 16
1 = 0.6
2 = 0.015
3 = 0.21

Since the angle between the direction of wave approach and a line normal to the structure is
less than 15 o, therefore = 0 o

The elevation to which wave pressure is exerted :

* = 0.75(1 + cos )H D
= 0.75(1.0+0)3.6
= 2.7 m

Wave pressure on the front face of the structure :

p w1 = (1 + cos )( 1 + 2 cos 2 ) w H D
= 0.5(1.0+0)(0.6+0.015)(10.06)3.6
= 11.1 kN/m2

p w2 = 3 p w1
= 0.21(11.1)
= 2.3 kN/m2

Uplift pressure at the toe of the structure :

p u = 1 3 (1 + cos ) w H D
= 2.3 kN/m2

The force diagram is shown in Figure C1. The Goda wave formulae do not include the
hydrostatic and buoyancy components.

Horizontal force due to wave pressure

= (11.1+2.3) x 10.1/2 + (11.1+7.8) x 0.8/2 = 75.2 kN/m (direction toward harbour side)

Uplift due to wave pressure

= 2.3 x 15/2 = 17.3 kN/m

Uplift due to buoyancy

= 1.025 x 9.81 x 10.1 x 15.0 = 1523.4 kN/m

Note :

According to Goda (2000), the wave pressure originates from the difference between the
quasi-hydrostatic pressures acting at the front and rear of an upright section. The
quasi-hydrostatic pressure in front of an upright wall is slightly less than the hydrostatic
pressure corresponding to the water level of wave crest. Therefore, there is no need to add
the hydrostatic head between the front and rear of an upright section.


Reference Section 5.10.3(2).

See Figure C2 on dimensions of vertical seawall.
Water depth at structure d = 11.5 m
Base width of structure = 10.0 m
Rise of water level behind seawall above still water level d- d = 1.0 m
Significant wave height H1/3 = 2.0 m
Wave period T = 4.0 s
Density of seawater = 1025 kg/m3

Estimate the wave force, the hydrostatic and buoyancy forces on the structure.


Design wave height HD = Hmax = 1.8H1/3 = 1.8 x 2.0 = 3.6 m

(It can be checked from Appendix A that wave breaking does not occur at the structure)
gT 2
Wavelength at the structure, L = 24.6 m (solved by L = tanh kd , k = 2/L)
d/L = 11.5/24.6 = 0.47

Critical condition occurs when the wave trough is at front face of the seawall. Therefore,
use Sainflou wave pressure formulae.

Clapotis set-up,
H D 2 3 .6 2
H OC = coth ( 2d/L) = coth(2 0.47) = 1.66 m
L 24.6

Pressure at the toe of the structure :

p min = w d - w H D / cosh ( 2d/L)
= 10.06(11.5) - 10.06(3.6)/cosh(20.47) = 111.9 kN/m2

The force diagram is shown in Figure C2. The Sainflou wave formulae have included the
hydrostatic and buoyancy components.

Hydrostatic pressure at the heel of the structure

w d' = 10.06 x 12.5 =125.8 kN/m2

Horizontal force due to wave and hydrostatic pressure on front vertical face of seawall
= 111.9 x (11.5 - 1.94)/2 = 534.9 kN/m (direction toward land side)

Horizontal force due to hydrostatic pressure on back of the seawall

= 125.8 x (11.5 + 1.0)/2 = 786.3 kN/m (seaward direction)

Uplift due to wave pressure and buoyancy

= (111.9 + 125.8) x 10.0/2 = 1188.5 kN/m


Reference Section 5.10.4.

See Figure C3
Diameter of vertical piles of a suspended deck pier = 600 mm
Pile spacing = 4.0 m
Water depth at structure d = 6.5 m
Significant wave height H1/3 = 1.45 m
Wave period = 7 s (corresponding wavelength L = 51 m)
Kinematic viscosity = 1.0 mm2/s for 20o water temperature
Density of seawater = 1025 kg/m3

Wave force on the piles.


HD = 2 H1/3 = 2 x 1.45 = 2.9 m

(It can be checked from Appendix A that wave breaking does not occur at the structure.)

d/L = 6.5/51 = 0.127

Wp = = 2.9/tanh(20.127) = 4.3 m
tanh( )

Pile diameter with marine growth (100mm) D = 0.6 + 2 x 0.1 = 0.8 m

D/Wp = 0.8/4.3 = 0.186 < 0.2

Therefore, drag force is dominant.

The order of the horizontal water particle velocity normal to member may be estimated from
the following equation (see BS6349-Part1:2000) :

H cosh[2 (z + d) / L]
Umax =
T sinh(2d / L)

At z = 0, Umax = (x2.9/7) x coth(2x6.5/51) = 2 m/s

Reynolds number Re = UD/ = (2.0 0.8)/(1.010-6) = 1.6106

From Figure 19, for rough cylinder, drag coefficient CD = 1.0

From Figure 18 and Figure C3,

Wave force on a vertical pile when the wave crest is at the pile :
C D gDH 2 gT 2 cosh[2 (z + d) / L] 2
= 1.4 { 2[ ] }z i = 1 to 8, z = 1.0 m
i 2 4L cosh[2d / L]

i z (m) Z+d (m) {cosh[2(z+d)/L]}2

1 1 7.5 2.13
2 0 6.5 1.79
3 -1 5.5 1.53
4 -2 4.5 1.34
5 -3 3.5 1.20
6 -4 2.5 1.10
7 -5 1.5 1.03
8 -6 0.5 1.00
Total 11.12

Substitute D = 0.8 m, CD = 1.0, HD = 2.9 m, d = 6.5 m, L = 51 m, = 1025 kg/m3,

g = 9.81 m/s2
Wave force on a vertical pile = 13638 N = 13.6 kN

Pile spacing = 4.0 m > 2 x pile diameter (i.e. 2 x 0.6 m = 1.2 m)

Therefore, it is not necessary to increase the wave load on the front piles by the factors given
in Section 5.10.4.


Reference Section 5.11.2.

Diameter of vertical piles of a suspended deck pier = 800 mm
Water depth at structure = 10 m
Velocity of current = 1.0 m/s
Kinematics viscosity = 1.0 mm2/s for 20o water temperature
Density of seawater = 1025 kg/m3

Current force on pile.


Pile diameter with marine growth (100mm) = 0.8 + 2 x 0.1 = 1.0 m

Reynolds number Re = UD/ = (1.0 x 1.0)/(1.010-6) = 1.0106

From Figure 19, drag coefficient for rough cylinder CD = 1.0

From Section 5.11.2

Steady drag force per unit length of pile f D = C D v 2 D = 0.5(1.0)(1025)(1.0)2(1.0)
= 513 N/m

Total force on each pile = 513 N/m x 10 m = 5.1 kN

The force can be assumed acting uniformly over the pile length.


Reference Section 5.12.

Type of structure = solid jetty
Draft of vessel Dv = 4.5 m
Beam of vessel Bv = 9.0 m
Length of the hull between perpendiculars Lv = 43 m
Displacement of the vessel Mv = 600 tonnes
Distance of the point of contact from the centre of mass, Rv = 18 m
Angle between the line joining the point of contact to the centre of mass and the velocity
vector= 45o

Energy absorption capacity of rubber fender and berthing reaction.


From Section 5.12.2 (1)

Berthing velocity normal to berth Vb = 0.3 m/s

From Section 5.12.2 (2)

Cm = 1+2(Dv/Bv) = 1+2 x (4.5/9) = 2.0

From Section 5.12.2 (3)

Ce = (Kv2+Rv2cos2)/(Kv2+Rv2) = (7.52 + 18.02cos245)/(7.52 + 18.02) = 0.57
where Kv = [0.19600103/(439.04.51025) + 0.11] 43 = 7.5 m

From Section 5.12.2 (4),

Since no reliable information is available for the vessels hull, Cs is taken as 1.0.

From Section 5.12.2 (5),

The berth configuration coefficient, Cc is taken as 0.9 for solid structure.

C m M V Vb C e C s C c = 0.5(26000.320.571.00.9) = 28 kNm
Berthing Energy E =

From Section 5.12.2(1), the total energy to be absorbed for accident loading should be at least
50% greater than that for normal loading.

Therefore, select a fender from supplier catalogue with designed energy absorption capacity
greater than 28 x 1.5 = 42 kNm .

The berthing reaction is estimated as follows :

For normal loading condition, the berthing reaction can be read from the performance curve
of the selected fender corresponding to berthing energy of 28 kNm.

For accident loading condition, the berthing reaction can be read from the performance curve
of the selected fender corresponding to berthing energy of 42 kNm.

The relationship between berthing energy and reaction is shown in Figure C4.


Figure Page
No. No.

C1 Wave Force on Vertical Breakwater 193

C2 Wave Force on Vertical Seawall 194

C3 Wave Force on Vertical Pile 195

C4 Fender Performance Curve 196





Beam. The maximum breadth of a vessel.

Diurnal tides. A tidal pattern in which there are one high tide and one low tide in a day.

Draft. The depth of a vessel below the waterline measured vertically to the vessels base
line or keel.

Fetch distance. The distance over which the wind blows.

Fully loaded displacement. The maximum displacement of a vessel measured in tonnage

when floating at its greatest allowable draft.

Quaternary. The Quaternary is the shortest and most recent geological period in the Earths
history, spanning the period about 1.61 million years ago until the present day.

High tide. The maximum height reached in a rising tide.

Length overall. The extreme length of a vessel measured from the foremost point of the
stem to the aftermost part of the stem.

Light displacement. The minimum displacement of a vessel.

Low tide. The minimum height reached in a falling tide.

Lowest astronomical tide. The lowest level that can be predicted to occur under average
meteorological conditions and under any combination of astronomical conditions.

Neap tides. Tides of small range occur when the moon is at its first or last quarter.

Phase velocity. The speed at which a wave propagates.

Semi-diurnal tide. A tidal pattern in which there are two high tides and two low tides in a

Splash zone. The zone from the high water level to the upper levels attained by spray of
seawater and subject to intermittent wetting and drying as waves run up or break on

the structure.

Spring tides. Semi-diurnal tides of large range occur when the moon is new or full.

Tidal range. The difference in height between a high tide and the succeeding or preceding
low tide.

Tidal zone. The usual range between high and low water which is periodically immersed.

Wavelength. The distance between successive crests of the wave.

Wave height. The vertical distance between the crest and successive trough of the wave.

Wave overtopping. Over-spilling of water of waves when the crest level of the structure is
lower than the wave run-up level.

Wave period. The time required for the passage of successive crests.

Wave spectrum. The expression of the distribution of wave energy against the wave


Bv Beam of vessel

CD Drag coefficient

CI Inertia coefficient

Cc Berth configuration coefficient

Ce Eccentricity coefficient

Cm Hydrodynamic coefficient

Cs Softness coefficient

D Pile diameter

Dv Draft of vessel

d Water depth

E Berthing energy

fD Drag force per unit length

fI Inertia force per unit length

g Acceleration due to gravity

H1/3 Significant wave height, also denoted as Hs in other literatures

HD Design wave height

Hmax Maximum wave height

Hm0 Spectral significant wave height determined from a wave spectrum

Ho Deep water significant wave height

Ho Equivalent deep water significant wave height

Kv Radius of gyration of vessel.

L Wavelength

Lo Wavelength in deepwater

Lv Length of hull between perpendiculars of vessel

Mv Displacement of vessel

mi The i-th moment of the wave spectrum, i = 0, 1,2,3,4,


R Berthing reaction
Distance between the point of contact of vessel at the berth from its centre
of mass
T Wave period

T1/3 Significant wave period, also denoted as Ts in other literatures

Tmax The period of the maximum wave height

Tp Peak wave period

TR Return period

Tz Zero crossing wave period

tu Duration of wind

u Wind speed

Vb Velocity of the vessel normal to the berth

v Velocity of current

vc Phase velocity

X Fetch distance

Density of water

w Unit weight of water

Slope of seabed

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