Lucis (Lucifer) Trust

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A Scientific Analysis of The Writings of Alice A. Bailey and Their Applications

Alice Bailey and The Lucis Trust - World Goodwill, Master Djwhal Khul, The False Light of The World...
Alice Bailey y Lucis Trust - 'Buena Voluntad Mundial', el Maestro Djwhal Khul, La Falsa Luz del Mundo...
El Engao Final - La Monstruosa Mentira de La Nueva Era
Lucifer Rising
Lucis Trust Allocation in NWO Worldwide Chart Organization
Lucis Trusts Involvement in The Windsor International Bank and Trust Company
Lucis Trust - The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations
Lucis Trust - U.N. Tool for One World Religion
The Lucis Trust - Satanism and the New World Order
The New Age Religion - Brought To Us By The Ascended


- The Spiritual Impulse Behind The United Nations - Let Purpose Guide the Little Wills of Men
- The Tibetan Master and The Transformation of Society
- The Wingmakers - Los Hacedores de Alas - Main File




Additional Information
- 2012 - Hacia La 'Era de Luz'
- Antichrist - The Contemporary Data
- Culto o Fraude? - de '...Y La Verdad Os Har Libres'
- Cult or Con? - from '...And The Truth Shall Set You Free'
- Cults
- Cults & Mind Control
- Dialogo Con Un Autoproclamado Illuminati - "Hidden Hand"
- Dialogue With a Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider - "Hidden Hand"
- Djwhal Khul
- El Maestro Tibetano y El Alma
- En Busca de Shambala
- In Search of Shambhala
- La Ciencia del Antakarana
- Real History of Satanism
- Shamballa - Where The Will of God is Known
- Sinister Sites - St. John The Divine Cathedral
- Sustainable Development - A Global Agenda Structured On Population Control
- The Inner Machinery - from 'America's Subversion The Enemy Within'
- The New Cult in Washington
- The New World Religion - from 'Global Tyranny... Step by Step' by William F. Jasper
converted by W


The Occult Character of The United Nations

The Rockefeller Bloodline - They directly help control certain religious groups such as Lucis Trust
The Science of The Antahkarana
The 'Spiritual' United Nations
The Temple of Understanding
Una Nueva Sub-Raza en Australia

- A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
- Education in The New Age - by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
- El Destino de Las Naciones - por Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
- Initiation, Human and Solar - by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
- La Exteriorizacin De La Jerarqua - por Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
- The Destiny of the Nations - by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
- The Externalization of The Hierarchy - by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
- Tratado del Fuego Csmico - by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul
- How 2012 "Enlightenment" Could Lead To Genocide
- Lucis Trust & The U.N. New Age Agenda
- Lucis Trust - U.N. Tool for One World Religion
Related Reports
- Aliens and Cosmic - COINTELPRO
- America's Subversion - The Enemy Within
- Buddhism and The Kalachakra System - Main File
- Globalization - The Octopus of the New World Order - Main File
- Global Religion - La Religion Global - Main File
- Gods and Religions on Planet Earth - Main File
- La Verdadera Historia de Los Nazarenos y La Biblia - Main File
- New Dawn Rising - Formal Extraterrestrial Contact - the Ashtar Command
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Maytreya and The 'Anti-Christ' - Main File
- The Ashtar Command - Main File
- The Council of Nine - Main File
- The Dark History of The Vatican - Main File
- The Controlled Global Education - La Educacion Global Controlada - Main File
- The Thule Society and The New World Order (NWO)
- The Urantia Book - Main File
Return to The Divine and The Manipulative
Return to The Ultimate Delusion - The United
Return to Channelers and Channeled Information
Return to Gods and Religions on Planet Earth
Return to Great White Brotherhood
Return to The New Age Movement
Return to Temas / Investigadores
Return to Temas / Sociopolitica
Return to New World Order
Return to The Anti-Christ
Return to The Illuminati

converted by W

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