Performance Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Performance Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Performance Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
8, August 2010
Ad hoc networks are characterized by multi-hop wireless
connectivity, frequently changing network topology and the need
for efficient dynamic routing protocols plays an important role.
In this paper we compare the performance of three on-demand
routing Protocols for mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET)
networks: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad Hoc On-demand
distance Vector Routing (AODV) and Temporarily Ordered
Routing Algorithm (TORA) in by varying the size of the
networks. The performance metrics selected to make the
performance differences are Total Traffic Received, Traffic Load,
Throughput, Number of Hops per Route and Route Discovery
Time. AODV shows a Considerable better performance over the
others for any number of nodes. TORA and DSR show moderate
performance for minimum number of nodes, where in the case of
large networks, DSR shows some performance rather than
Keywords: Ad hoc, AODV, DSR, TORA, OPNET.
1. Introduction
MANET (Mobile ad hoc network) is a temporary self
organizing system formed by a Collection of nodes, which
are connected with wireless links. In the network, nodes
may be disappeared or new nodes may be appeared over
the time due to node mobility. In the recent years, many
researchers are contributing to the improvement of the
performance of routing protocols in MANET. IETF
(Internet Engineering Task Force) created a working
group in 1996 to deal with the MANET research [1]. The
idea of such networking is to support robust and efficient
operation in mobile wireless networks by incorporating
routing functionality into mobile nodes. Figure.1 shows an
example of an ad hoc network, where there are numerous
combinations of transmission areas for different nodes.
From the source node to the destination node, there can be
different paths of connection at a given point of time. But
each node usually has a limited area of transmission as
shown in Figure 1 by the oval circle around each node. A
source can only transmit data to node B but B can transmit
data either to C or D. It is a challenging task to choose a
really good route to establish the connection between a
source and a destination so that they can roam around and
transmit robust communication.
In this paper we evaluate the performance of three ondemand routing protocols for mobile Ad-hoc network
(MANET): Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad Hoc Ondemand distance Vector Routing (AODV) and
Temporarily Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) by
varying the size of the networks. The performance metrics
selected to make the performance evaluations are Total
Traffic Received, Traffic Load, Throughput, Number of
Hops per Route and Route Discovery Time. This analysis
was done using the MANET model in OPNET simulator
[2]. OPNET Simulator is the industrys leading simulator
specialized for network research and development. It
allows to design and study communication networks,
devices, protocols, and applications with great flexibility.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the
mobile ad hoc routing protocols categories. Section 3 gives
the overview of AODV, DSR and TORA protocols.
Simulation environment and performance metrics are
described in Section 4 and simulation results and analysis
are presented in Section 5. Finally section 6 summarizes
the paper.
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010
3.3 Temporarily
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010
4. Simulation Environment
It is very difficult to estimate the performance of a
proposed network in real life and as a result, many
network simulators have been proposed to design and
simulate networks in many perspectives. In the paper,
simulation is performed on OPNET simulator [2]. In the
simulation, a 500 x 500 meters square geographical area is
selected with varying number of MANET workstations
where 30% of the total nodes are source-destination pairs.
One third of the total nodes in any scenario are mobile
nodes, moving according to Random Waypoint Mobility
Model [11]. A predefined trajectory manet_down_left is
used in every network. Each mobile node waits for 260
seconds and starts moving along the path defined in the
trajectory. The rest of the nodes are stationary nodes.
Many different networks of small size like 20, 50 nodes
and large size like 150,200 nodes are made to make the
different scenarios. Sources start traffic generations
exponentially at 100 seconds and continue till the end of
the simulations.
The performance metrics selected to make the
performance differences are:
1. Total Traffic Received
2. Traffic Load
3. Throughput
4. Route Discovery Time
5. Number of Hops per Route
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010
6. Conclusion
The OPNET simulator provides only AODV, DSR and
TORA MANET models, which are the most commonly
used models in Ad hoc routing. In the paper, the
performance difference is made between three protocols
for different number of nodes In the paper, detail analysis
of the behavior of protocols based on some important
metrics such as traffic sent and received, route discovery
time and number of hops per route, load and throughput is
performed. The network load is selected for small size like
20, 50nodes and large size 150, 200 nodes in which one
third are mobile nodes and the rest of them are stationary
nodes. Multiple sources and destinations are used in every
scenario. AODV and DSR receive traffics for any number
of nodes but TORA creates a lot of loads in large
networks like 150, 200 nodes and cannot receive
considerable traffics. As a result, AODV and DSR have
better performance than TORA for maximum as well as
minimum number of nodes. But above of all, AODV is
showing the best performance over the others in every
Only Random Waypoint Mobility Model is used in this
paper due to the limitation of OPNET simulator.
Therefore in future different mobility models with varying
mobility of nodes should be measured along with different
security issues.
[1] Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks (MANET) Working Group Charter, Chaired by
Joseph Macker and Scott Corson,
html.Charters/manet charter.html
[2] Network Simulator, OPNET Modeler 10.5, available at
[3] Ankur Khetrapal, Routing Techniques for Mobile ad hoc
Networks: a quantitative and qualitative analysis,
Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless
Networks (ICWN' 06)
[4] Elizabeth M. Royer and C.-K. Toh, A Review of Current
Routing Protocols for Ad- Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks,
IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, April 1999, pp.
[5] A. Boukerche, A performance comparison of routing
protocols for ad hoc networks, in proceedings 15th
International Symposium on Parallel and distributed
Processing, April 2001, pp. 1940-1946.
[6] Ian Chakeres and Elizabeth Belding-Royer, AODV
Implementation Design and Performance Evaluation,
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,
Issue 2/3, 2005.
[7] C. E. Perkins and E. M. Royer, Ad Hoc On-demand
Distance Vector Routing, In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE
Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications,
New Orleans, LA, February 1999, pp. 90-100.
[8] D. B. Johnson and D. A. Maltz, Dynamic Source Routing
in Ad-Hoc Ad hoc Networks," Mobile Computing, ed. T.