Performance Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.

8, August 2010


Performance Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad

hoc Networks
Singh Annapurna and Mishra Shailendra
Computer Sc. & Engineering Department

Ad hoc networks are characterized by multi-hop wireless
connectivity, frequently changing network topology and the need
for efficient dynamic routing protocols plays an important role.
In this paper we compare the performance of three on-demand
routing Protocols for mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET)
networks: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad Hoc On-demand
distance Vector Routing (AODV) and Temporarily Ordered
Routing Algorithm (TORA) in by varying the size of the
networks. The performance metrics selected to make the
performance differences are Total Traffic Received, Traffic Load,
Throughput, Number of Hops per Route and Route Discovery
Time. AODV shows a Considerable better performance over the
others for any number of nodes. TORA and DSR show moderate
performance for minimum number of nodes, where in the case of
large networks, DSR shows some performance rather than
Keywords: Ad hoc, AODV, DSR, TORA, OPNET.

1. Introduction
MANET (Mobile ad hoc network) is a temporary self
organizing system formed by a Collection of nodes, which
are connected with wireless links. In the network, nodes
may be disappeared or new nodes may be appeared over
the time due to node mobility. In the recent years, many
researchers are contributing to the improvement of the
performance of routing protocols in MANET. IETF
(Internet Engineering Task Force) created a working
group in 1996 to deal with the MANET research [1]. The
idea of such networking is to support robust and efficient
operation in mobile wireless networks by incorporating
routing functionality into mobile nodes. Figure.1 shows an
example of an ad hoc network, where there are numerous
combinations of transmission areas for different nodes.
From the source node to the destination node, there can be
different paths of connection at a given point of time. But
each node usually has a limited area of transmission as
shown in Figure 1 by the oval circle around each node. A
source can only transmit data to node B but B can transmit
data either to C or D. It is a challenging task to choose a
really good route to establish the connection between a
source and a destination so that they can roam around and
transmit robust communication.

Manuscript received August 5, 2010

Manuscript revised August 20, 2010

Fig. 1 Mobile Ad-hoc Network

In this paper we evaluate the performance of three ondemand routing protocols for mobile Ad-hoc network
(MANET): Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad Hoc Ondemand distance Vector Routing (AODV) and
Temporarily Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) by
varying the size of the networks. The performance metrics
selected to make the performance evaluations are Total
Traffic Received, Traffic Load, Throughput, Number of
Hops per Route and Route Discovery Time. This analysis
was done using the MANET model in OPNET simulator
[2]. OPNET Simulator is the industrys leading simulator
specialized for network research and development. It
allows to design and study communication networks,
devices, protocols, and applications with great flexibility.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the
mobile ad hoc routing protocols categories. Section 3 gives
the overview of AODV, DSR and TORA protocols.
Simulation environment and performance metrics are
described in Section 4 and simulation results and analysis
are presented in Section 5. Finally section 6 summarizes
the paper.

2. Routing Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks

There are many ways to classify the MANET routing
protocols. Depends on how the protocols handle the
packet to deliver from source to destination, most of the
protocol classifications are made as [3].


IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010

2.1 Proactive Routing

These types of protocols are called table driven protocol.
In the routing, the route is predefined. Packets are
transferred to that predefined route. In this scheme, packet
forwarding is faster but routing overhead is greater
because one has to define all of the routes before
transferring the packets. Proactive protocols have lower
latency because all routes are maintained at all the times.
Examples of proactive are DSDV (Destination Sequenced
Distance Vector), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing).

the source and the destination, the broadcast ID, which is

used as its identifier, the last seen sequence number of the
destination as well as the source nodes sequence number.
Sequence numbers are important to ensure loop-free and
up-to-date routes. To reduce the flooding overhead, a node
discards RREQs that it has seen before and the expanding
ring search algorithm is used in route discovery operation.
The RREQ starts with a small TTL (Time-To-Live) value.
If the destination is not found, the TTL is increased in
following RREQs.

3.2 Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)

2.2 Reactive Routing
These types of protocols are called On Demand Routing
Protocol. In the routing, the routes are not predefined. A
node calls for route discovery to find out a new route
when needed. This route discovery mechanism is based on
flooding algorithm which employs on the technique, a
node just broadcasts the packet to all of its neighbors and
intermediate nodes just forward the packet to their
neighbors. This is a repetitive technique until reaches to
destination; reactive techniques have smaller routing
overheads but higher latency because a route from node A
to node B will be found only when A wants to send to B.
Examples of Reactive are DSR, AODV, TORA.

2.3 Hybrid Routing

Hybrid protocols are the combinations of reactive and
proactive protocols. It takes advantages of these two
protocols and as a result, routes are found very fast in the
routing zone. ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol) is an example
of Hybrid protocol.

3. Overview of AODV, DSR and TORA

Every routing protocol has its own merits and demerits,
none of them can be claimed as absolutely better than
others. We have selected the three reactive routing
protocols AODV, DSR and TORA for evaluation [4],

3.1 Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV)

In AODV [6][7] routing information is maintained in
routing tables at nodes. Every mobile node keeps a nexthop routing table, which contains the destinations to
which it currently has a route. A routing table entry
expires if it has not been used or reactivated for a prespecified expiration time. In AODV, when a source node
wants to send packets to the destination but no route is
available, it initiates a route discovery operation. In the
route discovery operation, the source broadcasts route
request (RREQ) packets. A RREQ includes addresses of

The Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) [8] utilizes source

routing algorithm. In source routing algorithm, each data
packet contains complete routing information to reach its
dissemination. Additionally, in DSR each node uses
caching technology to maintain route information that it
has learnt. When a source node wants to send a packet, it
firstly consults its route cache. If the required route is
available, the source node includes the routing information
inside the data packet before sending it. Otherwise, the
source node initiates a route discovery operation by
broadcasting route request packets. A route request packet
contains addresses of both the source and the destination
and a unique number to identify the request. Receiving a
route request packet, a node checks its route cache. If the
node doesnt have routing information for the requested
destination, it appends its own address to the route record
field of the route request packet. Then, the request packet
is forwarded to its neighbors. When the route request
packet reaches the destination, a route reply packet is
generated. When the route reply packet is generated by the
destination, it comprises addresses of nodes that have been
traversed by the route request packet.

3.3 Temporarily




TORA [9], [10] is a distributed routing protocol based on

a link reversal algorithm. It is designed to discover
routes on demand, provide multiple routes to a destination,
establish routes quickly, and minimize communication
overhead by localizing algorithmic reaction to topological
changes when possible. Route optimality (shortest-path
routing) is considered of secondary importance, and
longer routes are often used to avoid the overhead of
discovering newer routes.
The actions taken by TORA can be described in terms of
water flowing downhill towards a destination node
through a network of tubes that models the routing state of
the real network. The tubes represent links between nodes
in the network, the junctions of tubes represent the nodes,
and the water in the tubes represents the packets flowing
towards the destination. Each node has a height with

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010


respect to the destination that is computed by the routing

protocol. If a tube between nodes A and B becomes
blocked such that water can no longer flow through it, the
height of A is set to a height greater than that of any of its
remaining neighbors, such that water will now flow back
out of A (and towards the other nodes that had been
routing packets to the destination via A).

figure 3 show, the performance curves for DSR is

downward after 5 minutes simulation but for AODV, the
curve is upward.

4. Simulation Environment
It is very difficult to estimate the performance of a
proposed network in real life and as a result, many
network simulators have been proposed to design and
simulate networks in many perspectives. In the paper,
simulation is performed on OPNET simulator [2]. In the
simulation, a 500 x 500 meters square geographical area is
selected with varying number of MANET workstations
where 30% of the total nodes are source-destination pairs.
One third of the total nodes in any scenario are mobile
nodes, moving according to Random Waypoint Mobility
Model [11]. A predefined trajectory manet_down_left is
used in every network. Each mobile node waits for 260
seconds and starts moving along the path defined in the
trajectory. The rest of the nodes are stationary nodes.
Many different networks of small size like 20, 50 nodes
and large size like 150,200 nodes are made to make the
different scenarios. Sources start traffic generations
exponentially at 100 seconds and continue till the end of
the simulations.
The performance metrics selected to make the
performance differences are:
1. Total Traffic Received
2. Traffic Load
3. Throughput
4. Route Discovery Time
5. Number of Hops per Route

5. Simulation Results and Analysis

The simulation results are shown in the following section
and comparison between the three protocols are performed
by varying numbers of nodes on the basis of the abovementioned metrics.

Fig. 2 Total Traffic Received for 20 nodes

Fig. 3 Total Traffic Received for 150 nodes

5.2 Traffic Load and Throughput

Based on Wireless LAN Load and Throughput, the
following figures show that, for different number of nodes,
loads are varying compared to each other. For 150 nodes,
load for DSR network increased alarmingly. For any load,
AODV is showing a considerable good performance.

5.1 Total Traffic Received

Based on MANET Traffic Received between the protocols
for different network sizes, the following figures show
packets received per second. For 20 nodes, after 8-10
minutes, the figure 2 shows, AODV and DSR receiving
almost the same number of packets where TORA
receiving almost the half of them. The packet receiving
performance of AODV and DSR increases exponentially
as increasing the number of nodes. For 150 nodes, the

Fig. 4 Wireless LAN load for 20 nodes


IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010

Fig. 5 Wireless LAN load for 150 nodes

Fig. 8 Route Discovery Time for 50 nodes

For a small network such as 20 nodes network, AODV has

a good throughput compared to DSR and TORA. For a
large network such as 150 nodes or 200 nodes, TORA has
a minimum throughput where AODV is performing well.

Fig. 9 Route Discovery Time for 150 nodes

Fig. 6 Wireless LAN Throughput for 20 nodes

Fig. 10 Number of Hops for 50 nodes

Fig. 7 Wireless LAN Throughput for 150 nodes

5.3 Route Discovery Time and Number of Hops

between AODV and DSR
Based on number of hops required and route discovery
time between AODV and DSR, the following figures
show that for any number of nodes, AODV performing
better than DSR. For 150 nodes, route discovery time
ranging from 2.5 seconds to 3.8 seconds for DSR
throughout the simulation and thats why DSR needs more
hops than AODV in every route. AODV has an excellent
performance, taking less route discovery time and less
number of hops per route.

Fig. 11 Number of Hops for 150 nodes

IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010


6. Conclusion
The OPNET simulator provides only AODV, DSR and
TORA MANET models, which are the most commonly
used models in Ad hoc routing. In the paper, the
performance difference is made between three protocols
for different number of nodes In the paper, detail analysis
of the behavior of protocols based on some important
metrics such as traffic sent and received, route discovery
time and number of hops per route, load and throughput is
performed. The network load is selected for small size like
20, 50nodes and large size 150, 200 nodes in which one
third are mobile nodes and the rest of them are stationary
nodes. Multiple sources and destinations are used in every
scenario. AODV and DSR receive traffics for any number
of nodes but TORA creates a lot of loads in large
networks like 150, 200 nodes and cannot receive
considerable traffics. As a result, AODV and DSR have
better performance than TORA for maximum as well as
minimum number of nodes. But above of all, AODV is
showing the best performance over the others in every
Only Random Waypoint Mobility Model is used in this
paper due to the limitation of OPNET simulator.
Therefore in future different mobility models with varying
mobility of nodes should be measured along with different
security issues.
[1] Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks (MANET) Working Group Charter, Chaired by
Joseph Macker and Scott Corson,
html.Charters/manet charter.html
[2] Network Simulator, OPNET Modeler 10.5, available at
[3] Ankur Khetrapal, Routing Techniques for Mobile ad hoc
Networks: a quantitative and qualitative analysis,
Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless
Networks (ICWN' 06)
[4] Elizabeth M. Royer and C.-K. Toh, A Review of Current
Routing Protocols for Ad- Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks,
IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, April 1999, pp.
[5] A. Boukerche, A performance comparison of routing
protocols for ad hoc networks, in proceedings 15th
International Symposium on Parallel and distributed
Processing, April 2001, pp. 1940-1946.
[6] Ian Chakeres and Elizabeth Belding-Royer, AODV
Implementation Design and Performance Evaluation,
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,
Issue 2/3, 2005.
[7] C. E. Perkins and E. M. Royer, Ad Hoc On-demand
Distance Vector Routing, In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE
Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications,
New Orleans, LA, February 1999, pp. 90-100.
[8] D. B. Johnson and D. A. Maltz, Dynamic Source Routing
in Ad-Hoc Ad hoc Networks," Mobile Computing, ed. T.

Imielinski and H. Korth, Kluwer Academic Publishers,

1996, pp. 153 181.
[9] V. D. Park, M. S. Corson, A Performance Comparison of
TORA and Ideal Link State Routing, Proceedings of IEEE
Symposium on Computers and Communication, June 1998.
[10] V. Park, S. Corson, Temporally-Ordered Routing
Algorithm (TORA) Version 1, Internet draft, IETF
MANET working group,, July 2001.
[11] W. Navidi and T. Camp, Stationary Distributions for the
Random Waypoint Mobility Model, Technical Report
MCS-03-04, the Colorado School of Mines, April 2003

Annapurna Singh received M.Tech. in

Computer Science Engineering from
Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Banasthali,
India in Dec 2003. From 2003 to till
date she worked as lecturer in various
Engineering College of India and
presently working as an Assistant
Professor in Computer Science
Engineering of G. B. Pant Engineering
College, India.

Shailendra Mishra Received Ph.D

degree in 2007, Master of Engineering
Degree (ME) in Computer Science &
Engineering MNNIT, Allahabad in
2000. From August 1994 to Feb 2001,
he was associated with the Department
of Computer Science and Electronics at
ADC, University of Allahabad, India.
From Feb 2001 to Feb 2002 he has been
with RG Engineering College, Meerut
India as Assistant Professor. From Feb 2002 to Aug. 2009 he had
been with Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun as
Professor,. Presently he is Professor & Head, Department of
Computer Science & Engineering Kumaon Govt. Engineering
College ,Uttrakhand. His recent research has been in the field of
Mobile Computing & Communication and Advance Network
Architecture. He authored two books in the area of Computer
Network and Security and published 30 research papers in
International journals and International conference proceedings.

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