Critical Chain Project Management

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Critical chain project management (CCPM) is a method of planning and managing projects that

puts the main emphasis on the resources required to execute project tasks. It was developed
byEliyahu M. Goldratt. This is in contrast to the more traditional critical path and PERT methods,
which emphasize task order and rigid scheduling. A Critical Chain project network will tend to keep
the resources levelly loaded, but will require them to be flexible in their start times and to quickly
switch between tasks and task chains to keep the whole project on schedule.

Critical chain project management is based on methods and algorithms derived from Theory of
Constraints. The idea of CCPM was introduced in 1997 in Eliyahu M. Goldratt's book, Critical Chain.
Application of CCPM has been credited with achieving projects 10% to 50% faster and/or cheaper
than the traditional methods (i.e. CPM, PERT, Gantt, etc.) developed from 1910 to 1950s.
From numerous studies by Standish Group and others as of 1998 for traditional project management
methods, only 44% of projects typically finish on time, projects usually complete at 222% of the
duration originally planned, 189% of the original budgeted cost, 70% of projects fall short of their
planned scope (technical content delivered), and 30% are cancelled before completion.[citation needed]
These traditional statistics are mostly avoided through CCPM. Typically, CCPM case studies report
95% on-time and on-budget completion when CCPM is applied correctly. Mabin and Balderstone,[1] in
their meta-analysis of seventy-eight published case studies, found that implementing Critical Chain
resulted in mean reduction in lead-times of 69%, mean reduction of cycle-times of 66%, mean
improvement in due date performance of 60%, mean reduction in inventory levels of 50% and mean
increases in revenue / throughput of 68%.

With traditional project management methods, 30% of the lost time and resources are typically
consumed by wasteful techniques such as bad multi-tasking, student syndrome, In-box delays, and
lack of prioritization.
In project management, the critical chain is the sequence of both precedence- and resourcedependent terminal elements that prevents a project from being completed in a shorter time, given
finite resources. If resources are always available in unlimited quantities, then a project's critical chain
is identical to its critical path.
Critical chain is used as an alternative to critical path analysis. The main features that distinguish the
critical chain from the critical path are:
1. The use of (often implicit) resource dependencies. Implicit means that they are not included in
the project network but have to be identified by looking at the resource requirements.
2. Lack of search for an optimum solution. This means that a "good enough" solution is enough
1. As far as is known, there is no analytical method of finding an absolute optimum
(i.e. having the overall shortest critical chain).
2. The inherent uncertainty in estimates is much greater than the difference between the
optimum and near-optimum ("good enough" solutions).
3. The identification and insertion of buffers:
project buffer
feeding buffers
resource buffers. (Most of the time it is observed that companies are reluctant to give
more resources)
4. Monitoring project progress and health by monitoring the consumption rate of the buffers
rather than individual task performance to schedule.

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