Mark PDF
Mark PDF
Mark PDF
MARCU 1.1227
MARK 1:1227
21 Apoi
1 1:16 Simon Simons other name was Peter. Also in verses 29, 36.
MARCU 1.2844
MARK 1:2844
35Foarte devreme, cnd nc nu se luminase, Isus a plecat de acolo `i S-a dus ntr-un loc
pustiu s Se roage. 36Simon `i cei care erau
cu El s-au dus s-L caute, 37iar cnd L-au
gsit, I-au spus: Toat lumea Te caut.
38Dar Isus le-a spus: Trebuie s mergem
`i n a`ezrile nvecinate, pentru ca s predic `i acolo, deoarece pentru aceasta am
venit. 39A`a c a mers prin Galileea, predicnd n sinagogile* lor `i sco^nd demoni*.
1 1:34 who he was Meaning that the demons knew that Jesus was the
Christ, the Son of God. 2 1:44 Moses commanded See Lev. 14:132.
MARK 1:452:14
1 Peste
few days later, Jesus came back to Capernaum. * The news spread that he was back
home. 2A large crowd gathered to hear him speak.
The house was so full that there was no place to
stand, not even outside the door. While Jesus was
teaching, 3some people brought a paralyzed man
to see him. He was being carried by four of them.
4But they could not get the man inside to Jesus
because the house was so full of people. So they
went to the roof above Jesus and made a hole in it.
Then they lowered the mat with the paralyzed
man on it. 5When Jesus saw how much faith they
had, he said to the paralyzed man, Young man,
your sins are forgiven.
6Some of the teachers of the law were sitting
there. They saw what Jesus did, and they said to
themselves, 7Why does this man say things like
that? What an insult to God! No one but God can
forgive sins.
8Jesus knew immediately what these teachers
of the law were thinking. So he said to them,
Why do you have these questions in your minds?
910The Son of Man* has power on earth to forgive sins. But how can I prove this to you? Maybe
you are thinking it was easy for me to say to the
crippled man, Your sins are forgiven. Theres no
proof it really happened. But what if I say to the
man, Stand up. Take your mat and walk? Then
you will be able to see if I really have this power
or not. So Jesus said to the paralyzed man, 11I
tell you, stand up. Take your mat and go home.
12Immediately the paralyzed man stood up. He
picked up his mat and walked out of the room.
Everyone could see him. They were amazed and
praised God. They said, This is the most amazing
thing we have ever seen!
MARCU 2.1527
MARK 2:1527
zi de sabat*, Isus trecea prin lanurile de gru. Pe cnd mergeau prin lan, ucenicii Lui au nceput s smulg spice.
24 Fariseii * au vzut lucrul acesta `i L-au
ntrebat pe Isus: De ce fac ucenicii Ti ceva
ce nu este permis de Lege n ziua de sabat?
25Isus le-a rspuns: Nu a^i citit niciodat
ce au fcut David* `i oamenii lui cnd li s-a
fcut foame `i nu aveau ce s mnnce?
26 N-a^i citit cum a intrat el n Casa lui
Dumnezeu, n timpul marelui preot Abiatar,
cum a mncat pinea care i era oferit lui
Dumnezeu `i cum le-a dat pine `i celor
care erau cu el? Ceea ce a fcut el nu era
permis de Legea lui Moise dect preo^ilor.
27 Isus le-a mai spus: Sabatul a fost
fcut pentru om, `i nu omul pentru sabat.
fasting. *
Jesus said to the Pharisees, The Sabbath day was made to help people. People were
MARK 2:283:15
13Apoi, El S-a urcat pe un deal `i a chemat c^iva oameni, pe aceia pe care i-a vrut
El. Ei au venit la El `i El a ales doisprezece
dintre ei, 14pe care i-a numit apostoli*. Isus
i-a ales pentru a fi cu El `i pentru a-i trimite
s predice n alte pr^i. 15El le-a dat puterea
MARCU 3.1634
MARK 3:1634
20 Then
MARK 3:354:15
Pilda semntorului
(Mt. 13.19; Lc. 8.48)
MARCU 4.1629
MARK 4:1629
Pilda semin^ei
Isus a spus: V spun cu ce seamn mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu. Un om arunc semin^e pe pmnt. 27Fie c doarme, fie
c este treaz, noapte `i zi, smn^a ncol^e`te `i cre`te, fr ca omul s `tie cum. 28De
la sine, pmntul produce grul: la nceput,
apare un fir; apoi, un spic; dup aceea, apar
`i boabele de gru pe spic. 29Cnd s-a copt
grul, omul intr cu secera n el, pentru c a
venit timpul seceri`ului.
1 4:19 produce a crop Meaning to do the good things God wants his
people to do.
MARK 4:305:4
day, at evening, Jesus said to his followers, Come with me across the lake. 36So
they left the crowd behind and went with Jesus
in the boat he was already in. There were also
other boats that went with them. 37A very bad
wind came up on the lake. The waves were
coming over the sides and into the boat, and it
was almost full of water. 38Jesus was inside the
boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, Teacher,
dont you care about us? We are going to
39Jesus stood up and commanded the wind and
the waves to stop. He said, Quiet! Be still! Then
the wind stopped, and the lake became calm.
40 He said to his followers, Why are you
afraid? Do you still have no faith?
41They were very afraid and asked each other,
What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the
waves obey him!
MARCU 5.520
MARK 5:520
1 5:9 Legion This name means very many. A legion was about 6000
MARCU 5.2139
MARK 5:2139
MARK 5:406:11
MARCU 6.1223
MARK 6:1223
then leave that town and shake the dust off your
feet1 as a warning to them.
14 Regele
14 King
nsu`i poruncise arestarea `i nchiderea lui Ioan* pentru a-i face pe plac so^iei
sale, Irodiada. Irodiada fusese so^ia lui
Filip, fratele lui Irod. 18Pentru c Ioan i tot
spunea lui Irod: Legea nu-^i d voie s-o ai
pe so^ia fratelui tu!, 19Irodiada l ura pe
Ioan `i dorea s-l omoare. Dar ea nu-l putea
omor, 20deoarece Irod se temea de Ioan.
Irod l ocrotea pe Ioan, pentru c `tia c
acesta este un om bun `i sfnt. Cnd l
auzea pe Ioan vorbind, rmnea uimit; `i i
fcea plcere s-l asculte.
21Dar a sosit `i ziua potrivit pentru ca
Irodiada s ob^in moartea lui Ioan. De ziua
lui, Irod a dat o mas pentru conductorii
cei mai importan^i, pentru comandan^ii
armatei `i pentru oamenii boga^i ai Galileii.
22Fiica Irodiadei a venit la petrecere `i a
dansat. Lui Irod `i celor ce erau cu el le-a
plcut mult cum a dansat ea.
Irod i-a spus fetei: Cere-mi orice dore`ti
`i eu ^i voi da! 23Irod i-a promis cu jurmnt: ^i voi da orice-mi vei cere, pn la
jumtate din mpr^ie!
1 6:11 shake the dust off your feet A warning. It would show that they
were finished talking to these people. 2 6:13 put olive oil on Olive oil
was used like a medicine.
MARCU 6.2438
24Ea a ie`it afar la mama sa `i a ntrebat-o: Ce s-i cer? i Irodiada i-a rspuns:
Cere-i capul lui Ioan Boteztorul.
MARK 6:2438
25 Fata
38 Jesus
MARCU 6.3956
MARK 6:3956
Isus merge pe ap
(Mt. 14.2223; Ioan 6.1621)
MARCU 7.113
MARK 7:113
1 7.10 Citat din Ex. 20.12; Dt. 5.16. 2 7.10 Citat din Ex. 21.17.
1 7:4 pots Some Greek copies add and couches. 2 7:10 Quote from
Ex. 20:12; Deut. 5:16. 3 7:10 Quote from Ex. 21:17.
MARCU 7.1429
MARK 7:1429
think it is more important to follow those traditions you have, which you pass on to others. And
you do many things like that.
14Jesus called the people to him again. He said,
Everyone should listen to me and understand what
I am saying. 15There is nothing people can put in
their mouth that will make them wrong.1 People are
made wrong by what comes from inside them. [16}2
17Then Jesus left the people and went into the
house. The followers asked Jesus about what he
had told the people. 18He said, You still have
trouble understanding? Surely you know that
nothing that enters the mouth from the outside can
make people unacceptable to God. 19Food does
not go into a persons mind. It goes into the
stomach. Then it goes out of the body. (When
Jesus said this, he meant that there is no food that
is wrong for people to eat.)
20And Jesus said, The things that make people
wrong are the things that come from the inside.
21All these bad things begin inside a person, in the
mind: bad thoughts, sexual sins, stealing, murder,
22adultery, * greed, doing bad things to people,
lying, doing things that are morally wrong, jealousy, insulting people, proud talking, and foolish
living. 23These evil things come from inside a
person. And these are the things that make people
unacceptable to God.
Jesus Helps a Non-Jewish Woman
(Mt. 15:2128)
24 Jesus
MARK 7:308:9
1 n
MARCU 8.1023
MARK 8:1023
1 8:15 yeast The part of bread dough that makes it rise. Here, used as a
symbol of bad influence.
MARCU 8.2436
MARK 8:2436
1 8:33 Satan Name for the devil meaning the enemy. Jesus means
that Peter was talking like Satan.
34 Apoi
MARK 8:379:13
MARCU 9.1428
MARK 9:1428
MARCU 9.2942
MARK 9:2942
S-a a`ezat, i-a chemat pe cei doisprezece la El `i le-a spus: Dac vrea cineva s fie cel mai important, trebuie s-i considere pe to^i ceilal^i mai importan^i dect el
`i s fie slujitorul tuturor.
36i lund un copila`, l-a pus n fa^a lor.
Lund copilul n bra^e, Isus le-a spus:
37Oricine prime`te pe vreunul din ace`ti
copila`i n Numele Meu, pe Mine M prime`te. i cine M prime`te pe Mine, nu M
prime`te numai pe Mine, ci `i pe Cel ce M-a
trimis pe Mine.
Oricine nu este mpotriva noastr este cu noi
(Lc. 9.4950)
MARK 9:4310:9
50Sarea este bun. Dar dac sarea `i pierde gustul, cum o ve^i face srat din nou?
S ave^i sare n voi n`iv `i s tri^i n pace
unii cu al^ii.
Despre divor^
(Mt. 19.112)
MARCU 10.1024
MARK 10:1024
13 Oamenii
22 Omul
S-a uitat n jur `i le-a spus ucenicilor: Ct de greu este pentru cei boga^i s
intre n mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu!
24Ucenicii au fost uimi^i cnd au auzit
aceste cuvinte. Dar Isus le-a mai spus:
1 10.19 S nu ucizi mama ta. Citat din Ex. 20.1216;
Dt. 5.1620.
MARCU 10.2537
MARK 10:2537
MARCU 10.3851
MARK 10:3851
MARK 10:5211:13
Praise1 Him!
Welcome! God bless the one who
comes in the name of the Lord!
Psalmul 118.2526
Psalm 118:2526
10 God
Smochinul blestemat
(Mt. 21.1819)
MARCU 11.1427
MARK 11:1427
15 Apoi
15 Jesus
20 Diminea^a,
MARK 11:2812:10
a nceput s le vorbeasc n
pilde: Un om a plantat o vie. A
construit un gard n jurul ei, a spat o groap pentru teasc `i a zidit un turn. Apoi a
nchiriat-o unor viticultori `i a plecat ntr-o
cltorie. 2Cnd a venit vremea culesului,
omul `i-a trimis un slujitor s-i aduc ceva
din rodul viei. 3Dar viticultorii l-au prins pe
slujitor, l-au btut `i l-au trimis napoi cu
mna goal. 4Apoi, omul a trimis la ei un alt
slujitor. Viticultorii l-au lovit n cap `i `i-au
btut joc de el. 5El a mai trimis un slujitor.
Viticultorii l-au ucis pe acesta. El a mai trimis `i al^i slujitori. Unii au fost btu^i, iar
al^ii au fost omor^i.
6Acum mai avea un singur om pe care-l
putea trimite: pe fiul su iubit. Pe acesta l-a
trimis ultimul. Omul `i-a spus: Sigur l vor
respecta pe fiul meu!
7Dar viticultorii aceia `i-au spus: Acesta
este mo`tenitorul. Veni^i s-l omorm `i
mo`tenirea va fi a noastr. 8L-au omort `i
l-au aruncat afar din vie.
9Acum, ce va face proprietarul viei? Se
va duce, i va omor pe viticultori `i via o va
da altora. 10 Nu a^i citit Scriptura * care
MARCU 12.1122
MARK 12:1122
Psalmul 118.2223
12 Conductorii iudeilor au nceput s
caute o cale de a-L aresta pe Isus pentru c
`tiau c aceast pild fusese spus mpotriva
lor. ns ei se temeau de mul^ime, a`a c
L-au lsat s plece.
13L a t e r ,
some Sadducees* came to Jesus. (Sadducees believe that no one will rise from death.)
They asked him a question: 19Teacher, Moses*
wrote that if a married man dies and had no children, his brother must marry the woman. Then
they will have children for the dead brother. 1
20 There were seven brothers. The first brother
married but died. He had no children. 21So the
second brother married the woman. But he also
died and had no children. The same thing happened with the third brother. 22All seven brothers
married the woman and died. None of the brothers
had any children with her. And she was the last to
MARCU 12.2334
MARK 12:2334
Lv. 9.18.
Citat din
Citat din
1 12:26 burning bush See Ex. 3:112. 2 12:26 Quote from Ex. 3:6.
3 12:30 Quote from Deut. 6:45. 4 12:31 your neighbor Or, others.
Jesus teaching in Lk. 10:2537 makes clear that this includes anyone in
need. 5 12:31 Quote from Lev. 19:18.
MARK 12:3513:1
Psalm 110:1
37 David
True Giving
(Lk. 21:14)
Drmarea Templului
(Mt. 24.144; Lc. 21.533)
MARCU 13.216
2Dar Isus i-a rspuns: Vezi tu aceste cldiri mari? Toate vor fi drmate. Nu vor
rmne dou pietre una peste alta.
3 Mai
MARK 13:216
Dan. 11:31).
MARCU 13.1734
MARK 13:1734
soarele se va ntuneca
`i luna nu va mai lumina.
25 Stelele vor cdea din cer,
iar corpurile cere`ti vor fi cltinate.1
MARK 13:3514:9
1 It
timp ce se afla n Betania, Isus a mncat n casa lui Simon leprosul. Atunci a
venit o femeie cu un vas de alabastru*. n el
avea un parfum foarte scump fcut numai
din nard*. Ea a spart vasul de alabastru `i a
turnat parfumul pe capul lui Isus.
4Unii s-au indignat `i `i-au spus: De ce
trebuie s se risipeasc atta parfum? 5Acest
parfum s-ar fi putut vinde cu trei sute de
dinari `i banii s-ar fi putut da sracilor. i
au criticat-o aspru.
1 14:5 a full years pay Literally, 300 denarii (silver coins). One coin, a
Roman denarius, was the average pay for one days work. 2 14:7 You
MARCU 14.1023
MARK 14:1023
Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles, * went to talk to the leading priests about
helping them arrest Jesus. 11They were very happy
about this, and they promised to pay him. So he
waited for the best time to hand Jesus over to
Masa de Pa`te
(Mt. 26.1725; Lc. 22.714, 2123; Ioan 13.2130)
12 Era
Cina Domnului
(Mt. 26.2630; Lc. 22.1520; 1 Cor. 11.2325)
22 While
MARCU 14.2438
MARK 14:2438
Zaharia 13.7
28 Dar
Zechariah 13:7
MARCU 14.3954
39Isus S-a dus din nou `i S-a rugat, spunnd acela`i lucru. 40Cnd S-a ntors, i-a
gsit din nou dormind, pentru c erau obosi^i. i ei nu au `tiut ce s-I spun.
MARK 14:3954
Jesus Is Arrested
(Mt. 26:4756; Lk. 22:4753; Jn. 18:312)
53 L-au
53 Those
MARCU 14.5570
MARK 14:5570
aceste cuvinte.
MARK 14:7115:14
MARCU 15.1532
MARK 15:1532
21 Pe
1 15.23 smirn smirna amestecat cu vin era folosit pentru calmarea durerilor. 2 15.28 versetul 28 Unele manuscrise adaug
1 15:28 Some Greek copies add verse 28: And this showed the full
meaning of the Scripture that says, They put him with criminals.
MARCU 15.3346
Isus moare
(Mt. 27.4556; Lc. 23.4449; Ioan 19.2830)
MARK 15:3346
Jesus Dies
(Mt. 27:4556; Lk. 23:4449; Jn. 19:2830)
1 15:34 Quote from Ps. 22:1. 2 15:35 He is calling Elijah The word for
My God (Eli in Hebrew or Eloi in Aramaic) sounded to the people like
the name of Elijah, a famous man who spoke for God about 850 B.C.
MARK 15:4716:12
47 Maria
1 The
6El le-a spus: Nu v teme^i! Voi l cuta^i pe Isus din Nazaret care a fost rstignit.
El a nviat. Nu este aici. Uita^i-v la locul
unde a fost a`ezat. 7Dar duce^i-v `i spune^i
ucenicilor Lui `i lui Petru c Isus merge naintea voastr n Galileea. Voi l ve^i vedea
acolo, a`a cum v-a spus.
aceast carte.
1 16:8 Some of the oldest Greek copies end the book here. A few later
copies have this shorter ending: But they soon gave all the instructions
to Peter and those with him. After that, Jesus himself sent them out from
east to west with the holy message that will never changethat people
can be saved forever.
MARCU 16.1320
MARK 16:1320
13Cei doi s-au ntors `i le-au spus `i celorlal^i, dar nu i-au crezut nici pe ei.
13 These
followers went back to the other followers and told them what happened. Again, the
followers did not believe them.
Jesus showed himself to the eleven followers while they were eating. He criticized them
because they had so little faith. They were stubborn and refused to believe the people who said
Jesus had risen from death.
15He said to them, Go everywhere in the world.
Tell the Good News * to everyone. 16Whoever
believes and is baptized* will be saved. But those
who do not believe will be judged guilty. 17And the
people who believe will be able to do these things
as proof: They will use my name to force demons*
out of people. They will speak in languages they
never learned. 18If they pick up snakes or drink any
poison, they will not be hurt. They will lay their
hands on sick people, and they will get well.
nl^area la cer
(Lc. 24.5053; F.A. 1.911)