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Venirea lui Isus

(Mt. 3.112; Lc. 3.19, 1517; Ioan 1.1928)

John Prepares the Way for Jesus

(Mt. 3:112; Lk. 3:19, 1517; Jn. 1:1928)


Bun* despre Isus Cristos*, Fiul

lui Dumnezeu 1, ncepe 2cu ceea ce a
spus profetul* Isaia c se va ntmpla. Isaia
a scris:
Iat, Eu l trimit pe mesagerul Meu
naintea Ta.
El ^i va pregti calea.
Maleahi 3.1
3 Iat

glasul celui care strig n pustie:

Pregti^i calea Domnului,
netezi^i-I crrile.
Isaia 40.3
4 Astfel,


Good News* about Jesus Christ, the Son

of God,1 begins 2with what the prophet* Isaiah
said would happen. He wrote:
Listen! I will send my messenger ahead of you.
He will prepare the way for you. Malachi 3:1
3 There

is someone shouting in the desert:

Prepare the way for the Lord.
Make his paths straight.
Isaiah 40:3

a venit Ioan Boteztorul `i a

botezat oameni n pustie. El le spunea
oamenilor s se boteze* ca s arate c vor
s-`i schimbe inima `i via^a, pentru ca
pcatele s le fie iertate. 5To^i oamenii care
locuiau n Iudeea `i Ierusalim s-au dus la
Ioan. Ace`ti oameni `i-au mrturisit pcatele `i au fost boteza^i de Ioan n rul
Iordan. 6Ioan purta haine din pr de cmil, iar la mijloc avea o curea din piele. El
mnca lcuste `i miere slbatic. 7El le
spunea oamenilor: Dup mine va veni
cineva care este cu mult mai important
dect mine. Eu nu sunt vrednic nici mcar
s-I dezleg cureaua de la ncl^minte. 8Eu
v botez cu ap, dar El v va boteza cu
Duhul Sfnt*.

John the Baptizer* came and was baptizing*

people in the desert area. He told them to be baptized to show that they wanted to change their
lives, and then their sins would be forgiven. 5All
the people from Judea, including everyone from
Jerusalem, came out to John. They confessed the
bad things they had done, and he baptized them in
the Jordan River.
6John wore clothes made from camels hair and
a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts* and
wild honey.
7This is what John told the people: There is
someone coming later who is able to do more than
I can. I am not good enough to be the slave who
stoops down to untie his sandals. 8I baptize you
with water, but the one who is coming will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.*

Isus este botezat

(Mt. 3.1317; Lc. 3.2122)

Jesus Is Baptized by John

(Mt. 3:1317; Lk. 3:2122)


acele zile, Isus a venit din Nazaret,

din Galileea `i a fost botezat* de Ioan n rul
Iordan. 10Cum a ie`it din ap, Isus a vzut
cerurile deschise `i Duhul* cobornd spre El
ca un porumbel. 11i o voce s-a auzit din
ceruri: Tu e`ti Fiul Meu preaiubit, n Tine
mi gsesc plcerea.
1 1.1 Fiul lui Dumnezeu Unele manuscrise omit Fiul lui



that time Jesus came from the town of

Nazareth in Galilee to the place where John was.
John baptized* Jesus in the Jordan River. 10As
Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw the
sky torn open. The Spirit* came down to him like
a dove. 11A voice came from heaven and said,
You are my Son, and I love you. I am very
pleased with you.
1 1:1 the Son of God Some Greek copies do not have these words.

MARCU 1.1227


Ispitirea lui Isus

(Mt. 4.111; Lc. 4.113)

MARK 1:1227

Jesus Goes Away to Be Tempted

(Mt. 4:111; Lk. 4:113)
12 Then

Duhul L-a trimis pe Isus n pustie,

a stat patruzeci de zile `i unde a
fost ispitit de Satan. Acolo a stat printre animale slbatice `i ngerii au avut grij de El.

the Spirit * sent Jesus into the desert

alone. 13He was there for 40 days, being tempted
by Satan.* During this time he was out among the
wild animals. Then angels came and helped him.

Isus alege primii ucenici

(Mt. 4.1222; Lc. 4.1415; 5.111)

Jesus Begins His Work in Galilee

(Mt. 4:1217; Lk. 4:1415)




ce Ioan* a fost nchis, Isus S-a

dus n Galileea `i a nceput s predice
Vestea Bun* de la Dumnezeu. 15Isus spunea: Acum este momentul potrivit:
mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu este aproape.
Schimba^i-v inima `i via^a `i crede^i
Vestea Bun.

John was put in prison, Jesus went into

Galilee and told people the Good News* from
God. 15 He said, The right time is now here.
Gods kingdom* is near. Change your hearts and
lives, and believe the Good News!

16 n timp ce mergea pe malul mrii

Galileii, Isus i-a vzut pe Simon1 `i pe fratele acestuia, Andrei, aruncnd plasele n
mare. Ei erau pescari. 17 Isus le-a spus:
Veni^i dup Mine `i v voi face pescari de
oameni! 18Simon `i Andrei `i-au lsat plasele de pescuit `i L-au urmat.
19A mai mers pu^in `i l-a vzut pe Iacov,
fiul lui Zebedei `i pe fratele lui, Ioan. El i-a
vzut n timp ce-`i pregteau plasele n
barc. 20Isus i-a chemat, iar ei L-au urmat,
lsndu-l n barc pe tatl lor, Zebedei,
mpreun cu angaja^ii acestuia.

16Jesus was walking by Lake Galilee. He saw

Simon1 and his brother, Andrew. These two men
were fishermen, and they were throwing a net into
the lake to catch fish. 17Jesus said to them, Come,
follow me, and I will make you a different kind of
fishermen. You will bring in people, not fish. 18So
they immediately left their nets and followed Jesus.
19Jesus continued walking by Lake Galilee. He
saw two more brothers, James and John, the sons of
Zebedee. They were in their boat, preparing their
nets to catch fish. 20Their father Zebedee and the
men who worked for him were in the boat with the
brothers. When Jesus saw the brothers, he told them
to come. They left their father and followed Jesus.

Isus vindec un om stpnit de un duh ru

(Lc. 4.3137)

Jesus Frees a Man From an Evil Spirit

(Lk. 4:3137)

21 Apoi

Jesus Chooses Some Followers

(Mt. 4:1822; Lk. 5:111)


Isus `i ucenicii Si s-au dus la

Capernaum. n urmtoarea zi de sabat*, Isus
a intrat n sinagog* `i a nceput s-i nve^e
pe oameni. 22Ei erau uimi^i de nv^tura Lui,
pentru c Isus i nv^a ca unul care are autoritate, `i nu ca nv^torii Legii. 23Deodat,
un om care era posedat de un duh ru a nceput s ^ipe, 24spunnd: Ce vrei Tu de la noi,
Isuse din Nazaret? Ai venit s ne distrugi?
Eu `tiu cine e`ti: Sfntul lui Dumnezeu.
25Dar Isus l-a certat `i i-a spus: Taci `i
ie`i din el! 26Duhul ru l-a fcut pe acel
om s tremure, apoi a nceput s urle `i a
ie`it afar din el.
27Oamenii erau att de uimi^i, nct au
nceput s se ntrebe unii pe al^ii: Ce este
aceasta? Este o nv^tur nou, spus cu
autoritate! El porunce`te chiar `i duhurilor

and his followers went to Capernaum.*

On the Sabbath* day, Jesus went into the synagogue * and taught the people. 22 They were
amazed at his teaching. He did not teach like their
teachers of the law. He taught like someone with
authority. 23While Jesus was in the synagogue, a
man was there who had an evil spirit inside him.
The man shouted, 24Jesus of Nazareth! What do
you want with us? Did you come to destroy us? I
know who you areGods Holy One!
25Jesus, his voice full of warning, said, Be
quiet, and come out of him! 26The evil spirit
made the man shake. Then the spirit made a loud
noise and came out of him.
27The people were amazed. They asked each
other, What is happening here? This man is
teaching something new, and he teaches with
authority! He even commands evil spirits, and

1 1.16 Simon Simon Petru.

1 1:16 Simon Simons other name was Peter. Also in verses 29, 36.

MARCU 1.2844


MARK 1:2844

rele `i ele l ascult! 28 Astfel, vestea

despre Isus s-a rspndit foarte repede n tot
^inutul Galileii.

they obey him. 28So the news about Jesus spread

quickly everywhere in the area of Galilee.

Isus vindec mai mul^i oameni

(Mt. 8.1417; Lc. 4.3841)

Jesus Heals Many People

(Mt. 8:1417; Lk. 4:3841)

29Isus `i cei ce-L urmau au ie`it imediat

din sinagog* `i au mers mpreun cu Iacov
`i cu Ioan la casa lui Simon `i Andrei.
30Soacra lui Simon avea febr `i sttea n
pat. Oamenii de acolo I-au vorbit lui Isus
despre ea. 31Isus S-a dus la ea, a luat-o de
mn `i a ridicat-o. Febra a lsat-o, iar ea a
nceput s-I slujeasc.
32Seara, dup apusul soarelui, i-au adus la
Isus pe to^i bolnavii `i pe cei poseda^i de
demoni*. 33Toat cetatea se adunase la u`a
acelei case. 34Isus a vindecat mul^i oameni
care aveau diferite boli `i a scos multe
duhuri rele. Dar El nu-i lsa pe ace`ti demoni s vorbeasc, pentru c ei l cuno`teau.

29Jesus and the followers left the synagogue.*

They all went with James and John to the home of
Simon and Andrew. 30Simons mother-in-law was
very sick. She was in bed and had fever. The
people there told Jesus about her. 31So he went to
her bed. Jesus held her hand and helped her stand
up. The fever left her, and she was healed. Then
she began serving them.
32 That night, after the sun went down, the
people brought to Jesus many who were sick. They
also brought those who had demons* inside them.
33Everyone in the town gathered at the door of that
house. 34Jesus healed many of those who had different kinds of sicknesses. He also forced many
demons out of people. But he would not allow the
demons to speak, because they knew who he was.1

Isus Se pregte`te s spun Vestea Bun

(Lc. 4.4244)

Jesus Goes to Other Towns

(Lk. 4:4244)

35Foarte devreme, cnd nc nu se luminase, Isus a plecat de acolo `i S-a dus ntr-un loc
pustiu s Se roage. 36Simon `i cei care erau
cu El s-au dus s-L caute, 37iar cnd L-au
gsit, I-au spus: Toat lumea Te caut.
38Dar Isus le-a spus: Trebuie s mergem
`i n a`ezrile nvecinate, pentru ca s predic `i acolo, deoarece pentru aceasta am
venit. 39A`a c a mers prin Galileea, predicnd n sinagogile* lor `i sco^nd demoni*.

35The next morning Jesus woke up very early. He

left the house while it was still dark and went to a
place where he could be alone and pray. 36Later,
Simon and his friends went to look for Jesus. 37They
found him and said, Everyone is looking for you!
38Jesus answered, We should go to another
place. We can go to other towns around here, and
I can tell Gods message to those people too. That
is why I came. 39So Jesus traveled everywhere in
Galilee. He spoke in the synagogues, * and he
forced demons* out of people.

Isus vindec un om bolnav

(Mt. 8.14; Lc. 5.1216)

Jesus Heals a Sick Man

(Mt. 8:14; Lk. 5:1216)

40Un lepros* a venit la Isus, a ngenuncheat

`i L-a implorat s-l ajute. Leprosul I-a spus
lui Isus: Dac Tu vrei, po^i s m vindeci.
41Lui Isus I s-a fcut mil de el. A ntins
mna, l-a atins `i i-a spus: Vreau s te vindec! Fii vindecat! 42Imediat lepra a disprut `i a fost vindecat.
43Isus i-a cerut s plece, dar nainte l-a
avertizat, 44spunndu-i: S nu spui nimnui
nimic despre ce ^i s-a ntmplat. Dar du-te s
te ar^i preotului `i s aduci jertfele rnduite
de Moise pentru cur^ire 1. S faci lucrul
acesta pentru ca oamenii s `tie c te-ai

40A man who had leprosy* came to Jesus. The

man bowed on his knees and begged him, You
have the power to heal me if you want.
41Jesus felt sorry for the man. So he touched
him and said, I want to heal you. Be healed!
42Immediately the leprosy disappeared, and the
man was healed.
43Jesus told the man to go, but he gave him a
strong warning: 44Dont tell anyone about what I
did for you. But go and show yourself to the
priest. And offer a gift to God because you have
been healed. Offer the gift that Moses * commanded.2 This will show everyone that you are

1 1.44 pentru cur^ire Vezi Lv. 14.132.

1 1:34 who he was Meaning that the demons knew that Jesus was the
Christ, the Son of God. 2 1:44 Moses commanded See Lev. 14:132.

MARCU 1.45 2.14


MARK 1:452:14

vindecat. 45Dar acel om a plecat `i a nceput

s spun tuturor ce i s-a ntmplat. Vestea
despre El s-a rspndit. A`a c Isus nu mai
putea intra ntr-o cetate n vzul lumii `i sttea n afara lor, n locuri retrase. Dar `i acolo
veneau la El oameni din toate pr^ile.

healed. 45The man left there and told everyone

he saw that Jesus had healed him. So the news
about Jesus spread. And that is why he could not
enter a town if people saw him. He stayed in
places where people did not live. But people came
from all the towns to the places where he was.

Isus vindec un om paralizat

(Mt. 9.18; Lc. 5.1726)

Jesus Heals a Crippled Man

(Mt. 9:18; Lk. 5:1726)

1 Peste

cteva zile, Isus S-a ntors n

Capernaum. Vestea c era acas s-a rspndit. 2Oamenii s-au strns n numr att
de mare nct nu mai era loc nici afar. Pe
cnd Isus i nv^a, 3c^iva oameni au venit
la El cu un om paralizat. Patru dintre ei l
transportau. 4Pentru c, din cauza mul^imii,
nu puteau s ajung cu el la Isus, ei au fcut
o gaur n acoperi`ul casei `i de acolo l-au
cobort cu targ cu tot. 5Cnd a vzut Isus
credin^a lor, i-a spus celui paralizat: Fiule,
pcatele ^i sunt iertate!
6 C^iva

dintre nv^torii Legii erau

acolo. Ei au vzut ce fcuse Isus `i `i-au
spus: 7De ce spune omul acesta a`a ceva?
El spune lucruri care sunt o insult la adresa
lui Dumnezeu. Cine poate ierta pcatele, n
afar de Dumnezeu?
8 Isus a `tiut imediat, n duhul Su, ce
gndesc ei `i le-a spus: De ce gndi^i astfel? 9Ce este mai u`or: s zic acestui om
paralizat: Pcatele ^i sunt iertate! sau
s-i spun: Ridic-te! Ia-^i targa `i
mergi!? 10Dar Eu v voi dovedi c Fiul
omului* are putere pe pmnt s ierte pcatele. A`a c Isus i-a spus celui paralizat:
11 ^i spun, ridic-te! Ia-^i targa `i du-te
acas! 12Omul paralizat s-a ridicat. i-a
luat targa `i a ie`it, n timp ce to^i ceilal^i se
uitau la el uimi^i. Ei l ludau pe
Dumnezeu `i ziceau: Nu am mai vzut
niciodat a`a ceva!


few days later, Jesus came back to Capernaum. * The news spread that he was back
home. 2A large crowd gathered to hear him speak.
The house was so full that there was no place to
stand, not even outside the door. While Jesus was
teaching, 3some people brought a paralyzed man
to see him. He was being carried by four of them.
4But they could not get the man inside to Jesus
because the house was so full of people. So they
went to the roof above Jesus and made a hole in it.
Then they lowered the mat with the paralyzed
man on it. 5When Jesus saw how much faith they
had, he said to the paralyzed man, Young man,
your sins are forgiven.
6Some of the teachers of the law were sitting
there. They saw what Jesus did, and they said to
themselves, 7Why does this man say things like
that? What an insult to God! No one but God can
forgive sins.
8Jesus knew immediately what these teachers
of the law were thinking. So he said to them,
Why do you have these questions in your minds?
910The Son of Man* has power on earth to forgive sins. But how can I prove this to you? Maybe
you are thinking it was easy for me to say to the
crippled man, Your sins are forgiven. Theres no
proof it really happened. But what if I say to the
man, Stand up. Take your mat and walk? Then
you will be able to see if I really have this power
or not. So Jesus said to the paralyzed man, 11I
tell you, stand up. Take your mat and go home.
12Immediately the paralyzed man stood up. He
picked up his mat and walked out of the room.
Everyone could see him. They were amazed and
praised God. They said, This is the most amazing
thing we have ever seen!

Levi (Matei) l urmeaz pe Isus

(Mt. 9.913; Lc. 5.2732)

Levi (Matthew) Follows Jesus

(Mt. 9:913; Lk. 5:2732)

13Isus S-a dus din nou pe malul mrii,

mul^imea a venit la El, iar El i-a nv^at.
14Pe cnd mergea Isus de-a lungul ^rmului, l-a vzut pe Levi, fiul lui Alfeu, stnd
la vam, unde lucra `i i-a spus:

13 Jesus went to the lake again, and many

people followed him there. So Jesus taught them.
14He was walking beside the lake, and he saw a
man named Levi, son of Alphaeus. Levi was sitting at his place for collecting taxes. Jesus said to

MARCU 2.1527


MARK 2:1527

Urmeaz-M! Levi s-a sculat `i L-a

urmat pe Isus.
15Mai trziu, Isus S-a dus la casa lui Levi
unde a mncat cu ucenicii Si. La mas,
mpreun cu ei, mai erau vame`i* `i pcto`i. Mul^i dintre ei l urmaser pe Isus.
16Cnd nv^torii Legii care erau farisei* au
vzut c Isus mnca mpreun cu pcto`ii `i
cu vame`ii, i-au ntrebat pe ucenicii Si: De
ce mnnc Isus cu vame`ii `i cu pcto`ii?
17Isus a auzit `i le-a spus: Cei bolnavi
au nevoie de doctor, nu cei snto`i! Eu nu
am venit s-i chem pe cei drep^i, ci pe cei

him, Follow me. Then Levi stood up and followed Jesus.

15Later that day, Jesus and his followers ate at
Levis house. There were also many tax
collectors* and others with bad reputations eating
with them. (There were many of these people who
followed Jesus.) 16When some teachers of the law
who were Pharisees* saw Jesus eating with such
bad people, they asked his followers, Why does
he eat with tax collectors and sinners?
17When Jesus heard this, he said to them, It is
the sick people who need a doctor, not those who
are healthy. I did not come to invite good people.
I came to invite sinners.

Isus nu este la fel ca al^i conductori religio`i

(Mt. 9.1417; Lc. 5.3339)

Jesus Is Not Like Other Religious Leaders

(Mt. 9:1417; Lk. 5:3339)



lui Ioan Boteztorul `i fariseii*

posteau. Ni`te oameni au venit la Isus `i
L-au ntrebat: De ce ucenicii lui Ioan* `i ai
fariseilor postesc*, iar ai Ti nu?
19Isus le-a rspuns: Pot oare nunta`ii s
posteasc atunci cnd mirele este cu ei? Ct
timp mirele este cu ei, nu pot posti. 20Dar
vor veni zilele n care mirele va fi luat de la
ei. Atunci vor posti.
21Nimeni nu coase la o hain veche un
petic din material nou. Dac ar face cineva
a`a, atunci peticul ar destrma haina veche,
iar ruptura ar fi mai mare. 22i nimeni nu
pune vin nou n burdufuri vechi. Pentru c
vinul ar sparge burdufurile `i atunci `i vinul,
`i burdufurile s-ar strica. Vinul nou se pune
n burdufuri noi.

followers of John* and the Pharisees* were

Some people came to Jesus and said,
Johns followers fast, and the followers of the
Pharisees fast. But your followers dont fast. Why?
19Jesus answered, At a wedding the friends of
the bridegroom* are not sad while he is with them.
They cannot fast while the bridegroom is still there.
20But the time will come when the bridegroom will
be taken from them. Then they will fast.
21When someone sews a patch over a hole in
an old coat, they never use a piece of cloth that is
not yet shrunk. If they do, the patch will shrink and
pull away from the coat. Then the hole will be
worse. 22Also, no one ever pours new wine into old
wineskins.* The wine would break them, and the
wine would be ruined along with the wineskins.
You always put new wine into new wineskins.

Fariseii l critic pe Isus

(Mt. 12.18; Lc. 6.15)

Jesus Is Lord Over the Sabbath Day

(Mt. 12:18; Lk. 6:15)


zi de sabat*, Isus trecea prin lanurile de gru. Pe cnd mergeau prin lan, ucenicii Lui au nceput s smulg spice.
24 Fariseii * au vzut lucrul acesta `i L-au
ntrebat pe Isus: De ce fac ucenicii Ti ceva
ce nu este permis de Lege n ziua de sabat?
25Isus le-a rspuns: Nu a^i citit niciodat
ce au fcut David* `i oamenii lui cnd li s-a
fcut foame `i nu aveau ce s mnnce?
26 N-a^i citit cum a intrat el n Casa lui
Dumnezeu, n timpul marelui preot Abiatar,
cum a mncat pinea care i era oferit lui
Dumnezeu `i cum le-a dat pine `i celor
care erau cu el? Ceea ce a fcut el nu era
permis de Legea lui Moise dect preo^ilor.
27 Isus le-a mai spus: Sabatul a fost
fcut pentru om, `i nu omul pentru sabat.

fasting. *


the Sabbath* day, Jesus and his followers

were walking through some grain fields. The followers picked some grain to eat. 24Some Pharisees * said to Jesus, Why are your followers
doing this? It is against the law to pick grain on
the Sabbath.
25Jesus answered, You have read what David*
did when he and the people with him were hungry
and needed food. 26It was during the time of Abiathar the high priest. * David went into Gods
house and ate the bread that was offered to God.
And the law of Moses* says that only priests can
eat that bread. David also gave some of the bread
to the people with him.

Jesus said to the Pharisees, The Sabbath day was made to help people. People were

MARCU 2.28 3.15


MARK 2:283:15


c Fiul omului* este Domn chiar `i al


not made to be ruled by the Sabbath. 28So the Son

of Man* is Lord of every day, even the Sabbath.

Isus vindec un om cu mna paralizat

(Mt. 12.914; Lc. 6.611)

Jesus Heals a Man on the Sabbath Day

(Mt. 12:914; Lk. 6:611)

1 Isus a intrat din nou n sinagog * .

Acolo era un om cu o mn paralizat.
2C^iva oameni se uitau la Isus s vad dac
nu cumva l va vindeca n ziua sabatului*,
pentru a-L putea acuza. 3Isus i-a spus omului cu mna paralizat: Ridic-te!


4Isus le-a spus celor din sinagog: Este

permis s faci bine sau ru ntr-o zi de
sabat? Este bine s salvezi o via^ sau s
omori? Dar ei tceau.
5Isus i-a rotit privirea peste ei mnios,
ntristat de mpietrirea inimii lor. Isus i-a spus
acelui om: ntinde-^i mna! Omul `i-a ntins
mna, care i s-a vindecat. 6Imediat, fariseii*
au plecat `i, mpreun cu irodienii*, au nceput s se gndeasc cum s-L omoare pe Isus.

time Jesus went into the synagogue.*

In the synagogue there was a man with a crippled hand. 2Some Jews there were watching Jesus
closely. They were waiting to see if he would heal
the man on a Sabbath* day. They wanted to see
Jesus do something wrong so that they could
accuse him. 3Jesus said to the man with the crippled hand, Stand up here so that everyone can
see you.
4Then Jesus asked the people, Which is the
right thing to do on the Sabbath day: to do good,
or to do evil? Is it right to save a life or to destroy
one? The people said nothing to answer him.
5Jesus looked at the people. He was angry, but
he felt very sad because they were so stubborn.
He said to the man, Hold out your hand. The
man held out his hand, and it was healed. 6Then
the Pharisees* left and made plans with the Herodians* about a way to kill Jesus.

Mul^i l urmeaz pe Isus

Many Follow Jesus


a plecat mpreun cu ucenicii Si

la Marea Galileii. I-a urmat o mare mul^ime ce s-a strns din Galileea, din Iudeea,
8din Ierusalim, din Idumeea, de dincolo de
rul Iordan, din Tir `i din Sidon. Ei au
venit la Isus pentru c auziser vorbindu-se despre toate lucrurile pe care le
fcea El. 9Din cauza mul^imii, El le-a spus
ucenicilor s-I pregteasc o barc, pentru
ca nu cumva s fie mbulzit de mul^ime.
10El vindecase mul^i oameni, a`a c to^i cei
ce sufereau de vreo boal se mpingeau ca
s ajung la El pentru a-L putea atinge.
11 De cte ori l vedeau, duhurile rele
cdeau naintea Lui `i strigau: Tu e`ti
Fiul lui Dumnezeu! 12 Isus ns le-a
poruncit s nu spun oamenilor cine
este El.

7Jesus went away with his followers to the lake.

A large crowd of people from Galilee followed
them. 8 Many also came from Judea, from
Jerusalem, from Idumea, from the area across the
Jordan River, and from the area around Tyre and
Sidon. These people came because they heard
about all that Jesus was doing.
9Jesus saw how many people there were, so he
told his followers to get a small boat and make it
ready for him. He wanted the boat so that the
crowds of people could not push against him.
10He had healed many of them, so all the sick
people were pushing toward him to touch him.
11Some people had evil spirits inside them. When
the evil spirits saw Jesus, they bowed before him
and shouted, You are the Son of God! 12But
Jesus gave the spirits a strong warning not to tell
anyone who he was.

Isus i alege pe cei doisprezece apostoli

(Mt. 10.14; Lc. 6.1216)

Jesus Chooses His Twelve Apostles

(Mt. 10:14; Lk. 6:1216)

13Apoi, El S-a urcat pe un deal `i a chemat c^iva oameni, pe aceia pe care i-a vrut
El. Ei au venit la El `i El a ales doisprezece
dintre ei, 14pe care i-a numit apostoli*. Isus
i-a ales pentru a fi cu El `i pentru a-i trimite
s predice n alte pr^i. 15El le-a dat puterea

13Then Jesus went up on a hill and invited those

he wanted to go with him. So they joined him
there. 14And he chose twelve men and called them
apostles.* He wanted these twelve men to be with
him, and he wanted to send them to other places
to tell people Gods message. 15He also wanted
them to have the power to force demons* out of

MARCU 3.1634


MARK 3:1634

de a scoate duhuri rele. 16Isus i-a chemat pe

urmtorii doisprezece: Simon (pe care l-a
numit Petru), 17 Iacov `i Ioan, fiii lui
Zebedei, crora le-a pus numele
Boanerghes, adic fiii tunetului; 18Andrei,
Filip, Bartolomeu, Matei, Toma, Iacov, fiul
lui Alfeu, Tadeu, Simon Zelotul* 19`i Iuda
Iscarioteanul, care L-a `i trdat.

people. 16These are the names of the twelve men

Jesus chose: Simon (the one Jesus named Peter),
17James and John, the sons of Zebedee (the ones
Jesus named Boanerges, which means Sons of
Thunder), 18 Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew,
Matthew, Thomas, James, the son of Alphaeus,
Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, 1 19 and Judas
Iscariot (the one who gave Jesus to his enemies).

Puterea lui Isus este de la Dumnezeu

(Mt. 12.2232; Lc. 11.1423; 12.10)

Jesus Power Is From God

(Mt. 12:2232; Lk. 11:1423; 12:10)


20 Then

Isus S-a dus acas. Mul^imea s-a

adunat din nou la El. Erau att de mul^i
oameni, nct Isus `i ucenicii Si nici mcar
nu puteau s mnnce. 21Familia lui Isus a
auzit c era n cas `i s-au dus s-L ia pe
Isus, pentru c lumea spunea c e nebun.
22 nv^torii Legii care veniser de la
Ierusalim spuneau: l are pe prin^ul demonilor* n El `i prin puterea prin^ului demonilor scoate El demonii!
23Isus i-a chemat `i a nceput s le vorbeasc n pilde: Cum poate Satan s l
scoat afar pe Satan? 24Dac o mpr^ie
este dezbinat mpotriva ei nse`i, mpr^ia
aceea nu va dinui. 25i dac o familie este
dezbinat mpotriva ei nse`i, acea familie
nu va dinui. 26A`a c dac Satan se ridic
mpotriva lui nsu`i, el nu va putea dinui `i
i va veni sfr`itul. 27ntr-adevr, nimeni nu
poate intra s fure n casa unui om puternic,
dac nu-l leag mai nti pe stpn. Dup
ce-l va lega, i va putea jefui casa. 28V
spun adevrul: Oamenilor li se pot ierta
toate pcatele `i toate lucrurile rele spuse de
ei mpotriva lui Dumnezeu. 29Dar oricine
spune lucruri rele mpotriva Duhului Sfnt*
nu va fi iertat niciodat. Persoana aceea este
vinovat de un pcat etern.
30Isus a spus lucrul acesta pentru c unii
oameni ziceau: Are un duh ru n El.

Jesus went home, but again a large

crowd gathered there. There were so many
people that he and his followers could not eat.
21His family heard about all these things. They
went to get him because people said he was
22And the teachers of the law from Jerusalem
said, Satan2 is living inside him! He uses power
from the ruler of demons* to force demons out of
23So Jesus called them together and talked to
them using some stories. He said, Satan* will not
force his own demons out of people. 24A kingdom
that fights against itself will not survive. 25And a
family that is divided will not survive. 26If Satan
is against himself and is fighting against his own
people, he will not survive. That would be the end
of Satan.
27 Whoever wants to enter a strong mans
house and steal his things must first tie him up.
Then they can steal the things from his house.
28I want you to know that people can be forgiven for all the sinful things they do. They can
even be forgiven for the bad things they say
against God. 29But anyone who speaks against the
Holy Spirit* will never be forgiven. They will
always be guilty of that sin.

Adevrata familie a lui Isus

(Mt. 12.4650; Lc. 8.1921)

Jesus Followers Are His True Family

(Mt. 12:4650; Lk. 8:1921)


`i fra^ii lui Isus au venit la El. Ei

au rmas afar `i au trimis pe cineva s-L
cheme. 32Mul^imea sttea n jurul lui Isus.
i I-au spus: Mama Ta, fra^ii Ti `i surorile Tale sunt afar `i Te cheam.
33El le-a rspuns: Cine este mama Mea
`i cine sunt fra^ii Mei? 34Isus S-a uitat la
cei care stteau n jurul Su `i a spus:


said this because the teachers of the law

had accused him of having an evil spirit inside him.


Jesus mother and brothers came. They

stood outside and sent someone in to tell him to
come out. 32Many people were sitting around
Jesus. They said to him, Your mother and
brothers are waiting for you outside.
33Jesus asked, Who is my mother? Who are my
brothers? 34Then he looked at the people sitting
1 3:18 Zealot Literally, Cananaean, an Aramaic word meaning Zealot
or Enthusiast. See Zealot in the Word List. 2 3:22 Satan Literally,
Beelzebul (the devil).

MARCU 3.35 4.15


MARK 3:354:15


Ace`tia sunt mama Mea `i fra^ii Mei!

face voia lui Dumnezeu mi este
frate, sor `i mam.

around him and said, These people are my mother

and my brothers! 35My true brother and sister and
mother are those who do what God wants.

Pilda semntorului
(Mt. 13.19; Lc. 8.48)

A Story About a Farmer Sowing Seed

(Mt. 13:19; Lk. 8:48)

1Isus a nceput din nou s-i nve^e pe

oameni lng mare. n jurul Lui s-a adunat o mare mul^ime, a`a c El S-a urcat
ntr-o barc `i S-a a`ezat n ea, iar oamenii
stteau pe malul mrii. 2El i-a nv^at multe
lucruri folosindu-Se de pilde. Iat una din
ele: 3Asculta^i! Un semntor a ie`it s
semene. 4i pe cnd semna, o parte din
semin^e au czut pe drum, iar psrile au
venit `i le-au mncat. 5 Alte semin^e au
czut pe un loc stncos, unde nu aveau prea
mult pmnt. Acestea au ncol^it repede,
pentru c pmntul nu era adnc. 6i cnd a
rsrit soarele, au fost dogorite; `i pentru c
nu aveau rdcini, s-au uscat. 7Alte semin^e
au czut ntre spini. Spinii au crescut `i
le-au npdit, `i ele n-au dat road. 8Alte
semin^e au czut pe un pmnt bun, au
ncol^it, au crescut `i au adus road. Unele
au dat de treizeci, de `aizeci `i chiar de o
sut de ori mai mult road.
9Apoi a spus: Cine are urechi de auzit,
s aud.

time Jesus began teaching by the

lake, and a large crowd gathered around him.
He got into a boat so that he could sit and teach
from the lake. All the people stayed on the shore
near the water. 2Jesus used stories to teach them
many things. One of his lessons included this
3 Listen! A farmer went out to sow seed.
4While he was scattering the seed, some of it fell
by the road. The birds came and ate all that seed.
5Other seed fell on rocky ground, where there was
not enough dirt. It grew quickly there because the
soil was not deep. 6But then the sun rose and the
plants were burned. They died because they did
not have deep roots. 7Some other seed fell among
thorny weeds. The weeds grew and stopped the
good plants from growing. So they did not make
grain. 8But some of the seed fell on good ground.
There it began to grow, and it made grain. Some
plants made 30 times more grain, some 60 times
more, and some 100 times more.
9Then Jesus said, You people who hear me,

Isus explic de ce vorbe`te n pilde

(Mt. 13.1017; Lc. 8.910)

Why Jesus Used Stories to Teach

(Mt. 13:1017; Lk. 8:910)

10Cnd era singur, cei ce erau n jurul Su

cu cei doisprezece L-au ntrebat care este
rostul pildelor.
11i El le-a spus: Vou vi s-a ngduit
s cunoa`te^i taina mpr^iei lui
Dumnezeu. Dar pentru cei de afar totul
este spus n pilde,
12pentru ca:

10Later, Jesus was away from the people. The

twelve apostles* and his other followers asked
him about the stories.
11Jesus said, Only you can know the secret
truth about Gods kingdom.* But to those other
people I tell everything by using stories. 12I do
this so that:

Ei s priveasc, dar s nu vad;

s asculte, dar s nu n^eleag;
ca nu cumva s se ntoarc
`i s fie ierta^i.
Isaia 6.910


They will look and look but never really see;

they will listen and listen
but never understand.
If they saw and understood,
they might change and be forgiven.
Isaiah 6:910

Explicarea pildei semntorului

(Mt. 13.1823; Lc. 8.1115)

Jesus Explains the Story About Seed

(Mt. 13:1823; Lk. 8:1115)

13 Apoi Isus le-a spus ucenicilor: Nu

n^elege^i aceast pild? Atunci cum le ve^i
n^elege pe celelalte? 14Semntorul este cel
care seamn cuvntul lui Dumnezeu.
15 Unii oameni sunt asemenea semin^elor

13Then Jesus said to the followers, Do you

understand this story? If you dont, how will you
understand any story? 14 The farmer is like
someone who plants Gods teaching in people.
15Sometimes the teaching falls on the path. That is

MARCU 4.1629


MARK 4:1629

czute lng drum. Cum aud nv^tura lui

Dumnezeu, vine Satan `i ia cuvntul care a
fost semnat n ei. 16Al^i oameni se aseamn cu locul stncos. Cum aud cuvntul, l
primesc cu bucurie. 17Dar cuvntul nu prinde rdcin n ei `i nu ascult de el dect
pentru scurt timp. Cnd apar probleme sau
cnd sunt persecuta^i din cauza cuvntului,
renun^ repede la credin^a lor. 18Al^i oameni
sunt ca semin^ele semnate printre spini.
Ace`tia sunt cei ce aud cuvntul, 19dar apar
grijile acestei vie^i, amgirea bog^iilor `i
dorin^a de a avea tot felul de lucruri `i toate
acestea nbu` cuvntul. Ace`ti oameni nu
aduc road. 20Al^ii se aseamn cu semin^ele semnate pe un pmnt bun. Ace`tia sunt
cei ce aud cuvntul, l accept `i aduc road:
unii de treizeci de ori, al^ii de `aizeci de ori
`i unii chiar de o sut de ori mai mult.

like some people who hear the teaching of God.

As soon as they hear it Satan* comes and takes
away the teaching that was planted in them.
16Other people are like the seed planted on
rocky ground. They hear the teaching, and they
quickly and gladly accept it. 17But they dont allow
it to go deep into their lives. They keep it only a
short time. As soon as trouble or persecution* comes
because of the teaching they accepted, they give up.
18Others are like the seed planted among the
thorny weeds. They hear the teaching, 19but their
lives become full of other things: the worries of
this life, the love of money, and everything else
they want. This keeps the teaching from growing,
and it does not produce a crop1 in their lives.
20And others are like the seed planted on the
good ground. They hear the teaching and accept
it. Then they grow and produce a good crop
sometimes 30 times more, sometimes 60 times
more, and sometimes 100 times more.

Folosi^i-v de ceea ce ave^i

(Lc. 8.1618)

Use the Understanding You Have

(Lk. 8:1618)



El le-a spus: Aduce oare vreunul

dintre voi o lamp pentru a fi acoperit sau
ascuns sub pat? Nu este oare ea adus
pentru a lumina? 22Tot ceea ce este ascuns
va fi fcut cunoscut. Fiecare secret va fi
scos la lumin. 23Dac are cineva urechi de
auzit, s aud.
24Apoi El le-a spus: Gndi^i-v bine la
ceea ce auzi^i! Cu msura cu care msura^i,
vi se va msura `i vou, `i chiar vi se va da
n plus. 25Celui ce are i se va da `i mai mult.
i celui ce nu are, i se va lua `i pu^inul pe
care-l are.

Jesus said to them, You dont take a

lamp and hide it under a bowl or a bed, do you?
Of course not. You put it on a lampstand.
22Everything that is hidden will be made clear.
Every secret thing will be made known. 23You
people who hear me, listen! 24Think carefully
about what you are hearing. God will know how
much to give you by how much you understand
now. But he will give you more than you
deserve. 25The people who have some understanding will receive more. But those who do not
have much will lose even the small amount they

Pilda semin^ei

Jesus Uses a Story About Seed


Isus a spus: V spun cu ce seamn mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu. Un om arunc semin^e pe pmnt. 27Fie c doarme, fie
c este treaz, noapte `i zi, smn^a ncol^e`te `i cre`te, fr ca omul s `tie cum. 28De
la sine, pmntul produce grul: la nceput,
apare un fir; apoi, un spic; dup aceea, apar
`i boabele de gru pe spic. 29Cnd s-a copt
grul, omul intr cu secera n el, pentru c a
venit timpul seceri`ului.


Jesus said, Gods kingdom* is like a

man who plants seed in the ground. 27The seed
begins to grow. It grows night and day. It
doesnt matter whether the man is sleeping or
awake, the seed still grows. He doesnt know
how it happens. 28Without any help the ground
produces grain. First the plant grows, then the
head, and then all the grain in the head. 29When
the grain is ready, the man cuts it. This is the
harvest time.

1 4:19 produce a crop Meaning to do the good things God wants his
people to do.

MARCU 4.30 5.4


mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu `i smn^a de mu`tar

(Mt. 13.3132, 3435; Lc. 13.1819)

MARK 4:305:4

What Is Gods Kingdom Like?

(Mt. 13:3132, 3435; Lk. 13:1819)

Isus a spus: Cum vom spune c

arat mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu? Sau prin ce
pild o vom explica? 31Ea este ca o smn^
de mu`tar care, atunci cnd este semnat n
pmnt, este cea mai mic dintre semin^e.
32Dup ce este semnat, ea cre`te `i devine
una dintre cele mai mari plante din grdinile
noastre. Ea are ramuri mari la umbra crora
`i fac cuiburi psrile cerului.
33Isus i-a nv^at folosind multe pilde ca
acestea. El le-a spus lucrurile pe care le
puteau ei n^elege. 34El nu le-a spus nimic
fr s foloseasc pilde, dar cnd rmnea
singur cu ucenicii Si, le explica totul.

Jesus said, What can I use to show you

what Gods kingdom* is like? What story can I
use to explain it? 31Gods kingdom is like a mustard seed, which is smaller than any other seed on
earth that you can plant. 32But when you plant it,
it grows and becomes the largest of all the plants
in your garden. It has branches that are very big.
The wild birds can come and make nests there and
be protected from the sun.
33Jesus used many stories like these to teach the
people. He taught them all they could understand.
34He always used stories to teach them. But when
he was alone with his followers, Jesus explained
everything to them.

Isus potole`te furtuna

(Mt. 8.2327; Lc. 8.2225)

Jesus Followers See His Power

(Mt. 8:2327; Lk. 8:2225)



seara aceleia`i zile, Isus le-a spus:

Haide^i s trecem de partea cealalt a
mrii. 36Isus `i ucenicii Si au lsat mul^imea acolo. Ucenicii s-au urcat `i ei n barca
n care era El. Acolo mai erau `i alte brci
care L-au urmat. 37Un vnt puternic s-a abtut asupra mrii, iar valurile loveau att de
tare barca, nct aproape c au umplut-o cu
ap. 38Isus era n partea din spate a brcii `i
dormea cu capul sprijinit pe o pern.
Ucenicii L-au sculat `i I-au spus:
nv^torule, nu vezi c ne scufundm?
39Isus S-a sculat, a certat vntul `i a spus
mrii: Lini`te! Lini`te`te-te! Vntul s-a
oprit `i marea s-a lini`tit de tot.
40 Apoi Isus le-a spus: De ce v este
fric? Nici acum nu ave^i credin^?
41Ucenicilor le era foarte fric `i `i spuneau ntre ei: Ce fel de om este Acesta?
Chiar `i marea `i vntul l ascult!

day, at evening, Jesus said to his followers, Come with me across the lake. 36So
they left the crowd behind and went with Jesus
in the boat he was already in. There were also
other boats that went with them. 37A very bad
wind came up on the lake. The waves were
coming over the sides and into the boat, and it
was almost full of water. 38Jesus was inside the
boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, Teacher,
dont you care about us? We are going to
39Jesus stood up and commanded the wind and
the waves to stop. He said, Quiet! Be still! Then
the wind stopped, and the lake became calm.
40 He said to his followers, Why are you
afraid? Do you still have no faith?
41They were very afraid and asked each other,
What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the
waves obey him!

Isus vindec un om posedat de un duh ru

(Mt. 8.2834; Lc. 8.2639)

Jesus Frees a Man From Evil Spirits

(Mt. 8:2834; Lk. 8:2639)


`i ucenicii Si au traversat marea

`i au ajuns n ^inutul gadarenilor. 2Cum
s-au dat jos din barc, un om posedat de un
duh ru a ie`it dintr-un cimitir `i s-a dus
s-L ntlneasc pe Isus. 3Acest om tria
printre morminte `i nimeni nu putea s-l
lege, nici mcar cu lan^uri. 4De multe ori i
fuseser prinse n fiare picioarele `i legate
n lan^uri minile, dar de fiecare dat el rupsese lan^urile `i sfrmase fiarele. Astfel nu
se gsea nimeni destul de puternic pentru

1Jesus and his followers went across the lake

to the area where the Gerasene people lived.
2When Jesus got out of the boat, a man came to
him from the caves where the dead are buried.
This man had an evil spirit living inside him. 3He
lived in the burial caves. No one could keep him
tied up, even with chains. 4Many times people had
put chains on his hands and feet, but he broke the
chains. No one was strong enough to control him.

MARCU 5.520


a-l supune. 5Zi `i noapte el sttea printre

morminte `i pe dealuri; ^ipa `i se tia cu
6Cnd L-a vzut pe Isus venind de la distan^, a alergat la El `i I s-a nchinat. 7Apoi,
cu o voce puternic, a spus: Ce ai cu mine,
Isuse, Fiul Dumnezeului Preanalt? Te
implor, n Numele lui Dumnezeu, nu m
chinui! 8(Duhul ru i spunea toate acestea
pentru c Isus i poruncise: Ie`i afar din
acest om, duh ru!)
9Isus l-a ntrebat: Cum te cheam?
Iar duhul I-a rspuns: Numele meu este
Legiune 1, pentru c suntem mai mul^i.
10Duhurile din acel om l tot implorau pe
Isus s nu le alunge din acel ^inut.
11Pe un deal din apropiere p`tea o turm
mare de porci. 12Duhurile rele L-au rugat pe
Isus: Trimite-ne n porcii aceia, ca s
putem intra n ei. 13Isus le-a dat voie, a`a
c duhurile rele au ie`it `i au intrat n porci.
Porcii, care erau cam dou mii, au luat-o la
fug `i au czut n mare, unde s-au necat.
14Cei care ngrijeau porcii au alergat n
cetate `i n mprejurimi s spun ce au
vzut. Oamenii care au auzit, au venit s
vad ce se ntmplase. 15Ei au venit la Isus.
Acolo l-au vzut `i pe cel ce fusese posedat
de legiunea de duhuri rele. El sttea lini`tit
`i era mbrcat, fiind n toate min^ile.
Oamenilor li s-a fcut fric. 16Martorii celor
petrecute le-au explicat `i celorlal^i ce se
ntmplase cu omul posedat de duhuri rele
`i cu porcii. 17 Oamenii au nceput s-L
roage pe Isus s plece din ^inutul lor.
18 Pe cnd Se urca Isus n barc, omul
care fusese posedat de demoni* L-a rugat
s-l lase s mearg cu El.
19Dar Isus nu i-a dat voie s mearg cu
El, ci i-a spus: Du-te acas la ai ti `i
spune-le tot ce a fcut Domnul pentru tine `i
cum a avut mil de tine. 20A`a c omul a
plecat `i a nceput s le spun oamenilor din
Decapole* tot ce fcuse Isus pentru el. To^i
erau uimi^i de ceea ce auzeau.

MARK 5:520

5Day and night he stayed around the burial caves

and on the hills. He would scream and cut himself
with rocks.
6While Jesus was still far away, the man saw
him. He ran to Jesus and bowed down before
him. 78As Jesus was saying, You evil spirit,
come out of this man, the man shouted loudly,
What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the
Most High God? I beg you in Gods name not to
punish me!
9 Then

Jesus asked the man, What is your

The man answered, My name is Legion, 1
because there are many spirits inside me. 10The
spirits inside the man begged Jesus again and
again not to send them out of that area.
11A large herd of pigs was eating on a hill near
there. 12The evil spirits begged Jesus, Send us to
the pigs. Let us go into them. 13So Jesus allowed
them to do this. The evil spirits left the man and
went into the pigs. Then the herd of pigs ran down
the hill and into the lake. They were all drowned.
There were about 2000 pigs in that herd.
14The men who had the work of caring for the
pigs ran away. They ran to the town and to the
farms and told everyone what happened. The
people went out to see. 15They came to Jesus, and
they saw the man who had the many evil spirits.
He was sitting down and was wearing clothes. He
was in his right mind again. When they saw this,
they were afraid. 16Those who had seen what
Jesus did told the others what happened to the
man who had the demons* living in him. And they
also told about the pigs. 17Then the people began
to beg Jesus to leave their area.
18Jesus was preparing to leave in the boat. The
man who was freed from the demons begged to
go with him. 19But Jesus did not allow the man to
go. He said, Go home to your family and friends.
Tell them about all that the Lord did for you. Tell
them how the Lord was good to you.
20So the man left and told the people in the Ten
Towns* about the great things Jesus did for him.
Everyone was amazed.

1 5.9 legiune n armata roman, o legiune avea `ase mii de

1 5:9 Legion This name means very many. A legion was about 6000


men in the Roman army.

MARCU 5.2139


Isus red via^a unei feti^e

`i vindec o femeie bolnav
(Mt. 9.1826; Lc. 8.4056)

a trecut din nou de partea cealalt a

mrii `i o mare mul^ime s-a strns n jurul
Su. Isus Se afla pe ^rm. 22Iair, unul din
conductorii sinagogii*, a venit acolo. Cnd
L-a vzut pe Isus, Iair a czut la picioarele
Lui, 23 rugndu-L fierbinte `i spunnd:
Feti^ei mele i se apropie sfr`itul. Vino, Te
rog, `i pune-i minile peste ea, ca s se
vindece `i s triasc.
24Isus S-a dus cu el. O mul^ime mare l
urma `i mul^i oameni se nghesuiau n jurul
Su, gata s-L striveasc.
25n mul^ime era o femeie care de doisprezece ani avea o hemoragie. 26Ea suferise mult `i trecuse pe la mul^i doctori.
Cheltuise tot ce avea, dar nu se fcea mai
bine, ba i era chiar mai ru. 27Ea auzise de
Isus. S-a apropiat de El pe la spate, prin
mul^ime `i I-a atins haina, 28pentru c `i
spunea: Dac voi putea atinge mcar hainele Lui, m voi vindeca. 29 Imediat
hemoragia i s-a oprit `i a sim^it n trupul ei
c s-a vindecat de suferin^a sa. 30Isus a
sim^it cum a ie`it putere din El. S-a oprit,
S-a ntors `i a ntrebat: Cine Mi-a atins

Si I-au spus: Vezi c sunt at^ia oameni care se mping n jurul Tu `i Te

mbulzesc `i mai ntrebi: Cine M-a atins?
32Dar Isus a continuat s Se uite n jurul
Su, ca s vad cine L-a atins. 33Atunci
femeia, tremurnd de fric `i `tiind ce i se
ntmplase, a venit `i a czut naintea Lui; `i
I-a spus ntregul adevr. 34 Isus i-a spus
Fiic, credin^a ta te-a mntuit! Mergi n
pace `i fii vindecat!
35Pe cnd mai vorbea El nc, au venit
c^iva oameni de la casa lui Iair. Ei i-au
spus: Fiica ta a murit. De ce-L mai deranjezi pe nv^tor?
36Isus nu a dat aten^ie spuselor lor `i i-a
spus lui Iair: Nu-^i fie team! Ai credin^!
37 Isus nu a dat voie nimnui s intre
mpreun cu El n casa lui Iair, n afar de
Petru, Iacov `i Ioan, fratele lui Iacov. 38Ei au
ajuns la casa conductorului sinagogii, unde
au vzut o agita^ie mare `i mul^i oameni
plngnd `i tnguindu-se. 39Isus a intrat `i a

MARK 5:2139

Jesus Gives Life to a Dead Girl

and Heals a Sick Woman
(Mt. 9:1826; Lk. 8:4056)

went back to the other side of the lake

in the boat. There, a large crowd of people gathered around him on the shore. 22A leader of the
synagogue* came. His name was Jairus. He saw
Jesus and bowed down before him. 23He begged
Jesus again and again, saying, My little
daughter is dying. Please come and lay your
hands on her. Then she will be healed and will
24So Jesus went with Jairus. Many people followed Jesus. They were pushing very close
around him.
25There among the people was a woman who
had been bleeding for the past twelve years. 26She
had suffered very much. Many doctors had tried
to help her, and all the money she had was spent,
but she was not improving. In fact, her sickness
was getting worse.
27The woman heard about Jesus, so she followed him with the other people and touched his
coat. 28 She thought, If I can just touch his
clothes, that will be enough to heal me. 29As
soon as she touched his coat, her bleeding
stopped. She felt that her body was healed from
all the suffering. 30Jesus immediately felt power
go out from him, so he stopped and turned
around. Who touched my clothes? he asked.
31The followers said to Jesus, There are so
many people pushing against you. But you ask,
Who touched me?
32But Jesus continued looking for the one who
touched him. 33The woman knew that she was
healed, so she came and bowed at Jesus feet. She
was shaking with fear. She told Jesus the whole
story. 34He said to her, Dear woman, you are
made well because you believed. Go in peace.
You will not suffer any more.
35While Jesus was still there speaking, some
men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. They said, Your daughter is dead.
There is no need to bother the teacher.
36But Jesus did not care what the men said. He
said to the synagogue leader, Dont be afraid;
only believe.
37 Jesus let only Peter, James, and John the
brother of James go with him. 38They went to the
synagogue leaders house, where Jesus saw many
people crying loudly. There was a lot of confusion. 39He entered the house and said, Why are
you people crying and making so much noise?

MARCU 5.40 6.11


MARK 5:406:11

spus: Ce este cu toat aceast agita^ie `i cu

acest plns? Copila nu este moart, ea doarme. 40Dar ei au rs de El. ns El i-a scos
pe to^i afar. Isus i-a luat pe tatl `i pe mama
feti^ei, pe cei trei care erau cu El `i au intrat
n camera n care se afla fata. 41Isus a luat-o
pe feti^ de mn `i i-a spus: Talita cumi!
(ceea ce nseamn: Feti^o, ^i spun s te
ridici!). 42Feti^a s-a sculat imediat `i a nceput s mearg. (Ea avea doisprezece ani.) Ei
au fost cople`i^i de o mare uimire. 43Isus le-a
poruncit ca nimeni s nu afle nimic despre
ce se ntmplase. Apoi le-a spus s-i dea
feti^ei ceva de mncare.

This child is not dead. She is only sleeping.

everyone laughed at him.
Jesus told the people to leave the house. Then
he went into the room where the child was. He
brought the childs father and mother and his three
followers into the room with him. 41Then Jesus
held the girls hand and said to her, Talitha,
koum! (This means Little girl, I tell you to stand
up!) 42The girl immediately stood up and began
walking. (She was twelve years old.) The father
and mother and the followers were amazed.
43 Jesus gave the father and mother very strict
orders not to tell people about this. Then he told
them to give the girl some food to eat.

Isus Se ntoarce n cetatea Sa natal

(Mt. 13.5358; Lc. 4.1630)

Jesus Goes to His Hometown

(Mt. 13:5358; Lk. 4:1630)


a plecat de acolo `i S-a ntors n

cetatea Sa natal. Ucenicii Si au mers
cu El. 2n ziua de sabat*, Isus a nceput s-i
nve^e pe oameni n sinagog*, iar ace`tia au
rmas uimi^i de ceea ce auzeau. Ei se ntrebau: De unde a nv^at omul acesta tot ceea
ce `tie? De unde a primit aceast n^elepciune? Cine I-a dat-o? i de unde are puterea
de a face astfel de minuni*? 3Oare nu este El
doar tmplarul, fiul Mariei? i nu este El
fratele lui Iacov, al lui Iose, al lui Iuda `i al
lui Simon? i nu sunt surorile Lui aici cu
noi? Din acest motiv le era greu s cread
n El.
4Iar Isus le-a spus: Doar n ^ara lui este
primit fr cinste un profet*, acolo unde se
afl rudele `i familia lui. 5n afar de faptul
c i-a pus minile peste c^iva oameni bolnavi `i i-a vindecat, Isus nu a mai putut face
nici o alt minune n cetatea aceea. 6i El a
fost uimit de necredin^a lor.
Apoi Isus S-a dus prin satele apropiate
s-i nve^e pe oameni.
Trimiterea celor doisprezece
(Mt. 10.1, 515; Lc. 9.16)

i-a chemat cei doisprezece ucenici

`i i-a trimis doi cte doi. El le-a dat putere
asupra duhurilor rele. 8Isus le-a spus s nu
ia nimic pentru drum, n afar de un toiag;
s nu ia pine, s nu ia traiste `i nici bani.
9S poarte sandale `i s nu aib la ei haine
de schimb. 10i Isus le-a spus: Dac, atunci
cnd intra^i ntr-o cetate, v opri^i s sta^i
ntr-o cas, s rmne^i acolo pn cnd ve^i
pleca din acea cetate. 11Dac se ntmpl s
nu fi^i primi^i ntr-o cetate sau dac oamenii



left and went back to his hometown.

His followers went with him. 2 On the
Sabbath* day Jesus taught in the synagogue,* and
many people heard him. They were amazed and
said, Where did this man get this teaching? How
did he get such wisdom? Who gave it to him?
And where did he get the power to do miracles*?
3Isnt he just the carpenter we knowMarys son,
the brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon?
And dont his sisters still live here in town? So
they had a problem accepting him.


Jesus said to them, People everywhere

give honor to a prophet,* except in his own town,
with his own people, or in his home. 5Jesus was
not able to do any miracles there except the
healing of some sick people by laying his hands
on them. 6He was surprised that the people there
had no faith. Then he went to other villages in that
area and taught.
Jesus Sends His Apostles on a Mission
(Mt. 10:1, 515; Lk. 9:16)

called his twelve apostles* together. He

sent them out in groups of two and gave them
power over evil spirits. 8This is what he told
them: Take nothing for your trip except a stick
for walking. Take no bread, no bag, and no
money. 9You can wear sandals, but dont take
extra clothes. 10When you enter a house, stay
there until you leave that town. 11If any town
refuses to accept you or refuses to listen to you,

MARCU 6.1223


MARK 6:1223

de acolo nu v ascult, pleca^i din acea cetate `i scutura^i-v praful de pe picioare.

Acesta va fi un avertisment pentru ei.
12 Ucenicii au plecat `i au mers n alte
locuri. Ei vorbeau cu oamenii `i le spuneau
s-`i schimbe inima `i via^a. 13Ei au scos
multe duhuri rele. Au uns mul^i oameni bolnavi cu ulei de msline `i i-au vindecat.

then leave that town and shake the dust off your
feet1 as a warning to them.

Irod crede c Isus este Ioan Boteztorul

(Mt. 14.112; Lc. 9.79)

Herod Thinks Jesus Is John the Baptizer

(Mt. 14:112; Lk. 9:79)

14 Regele


apostles left and went to other places.

They talked to the people and told them to change
their hearts and lives. 13 They forced many
demons* out of people and put olive oil on2 many
who were sick and healed them.

14 King

Irod * a auzit ce se ntmpla,

pentru c Isus ajunsese acum foarte cunoscut. Unii oameni ziceau: Isus este Ioan
Boteztorul nviat din mor^i `i de aceea
poate face aceste minuni.
15Al^ii ziceau: Isus e Ilie*.
Iar al^ii ziceau: Isus este un profet* asemenea celor din trecut.
16Dar cnd a auzit Irod toate acestea, a
spus: Ioan, cel cruia i-am tiat capul, a

Herod * heard about Jesus, because

Jesus was now famous. Some people said, He is
John the Baptizer. * He must have risen from
death, and that is why he can do these
15Other people said, He is Elijah.*
And others said, He is a prophet.* He is like
the prophets who lived long ago.
16 Herod heard these things about Jesus. He
said, I killed John by cutting off his head. Now
he has been raised from death!

Cum a fost omort Ioan Boteztorul

How John the Baptizer Was Killed


nsu`i poruncise arestarea `i nchiderea lui Ioan* pentru a-i face pe plac so^iei
sale, Irodiada. Irodiada fusese so^ia lui
Filip, fratele lui Irod. 18Pentru c Ioan i tot
spunea lui Irod: Legea nu-^i d voie s-o ai
pe so^ia fratelui tu!, 19Irodiada l ura pe
Ioan `i dorea s-l omoare. Dar ea nu-l putea
omor, 20deoarece Irod se temea de Ioan.
Irod l ocrotea pe Ioan, pentru c `tia c
acesta este un om bun `i sfnt. Cnd l
auzea pe Ioan vorbind, rmnea uimit; `i i
fcea plcere s-l asculte.
21Dar a sosit `i ziua potrivit pentru ca
Irodiada s ob^in moartea lui Ioan. De ziua
lui, Irod a dat o mas pentru conductorii
cei mai importan^i, pentru comandan^ii
armatei `i pentru oamenii boga^i ai Galileii.
22Fiica Irodiadei a venit la petrecere `i a
dansat. Lui Irod `i celor ce erau cu el le-a
plcut mult cum a dansat ea.
Irod i-a spus fetei: Cere-mi orice dore`ti
`i eu ^i voi da! 23Irod i-a promis cu jurmnt: ^i voi da orice-mi vei cere, pn la
jumtate din mpr^ie!

17Herod * himself had ordered his soldiers to

arrest John and put him in prison. Herod did this
to please his wife Herodias. She had been married
to Herods brother Philip, but then Herod married
her. 18John told Herod that it was not right for him
to be married to his brothers wife. 19So Herodias
hated John. She wanted him dead, but she was not
able to persuade Herod to kill him. 20Herod was
afraid to kill John, because he knew that he was a
good and holy* man. So he protected him. He
liked listening to John, although what John said
left him with so many questions.
21 Then the right time came for Herodias to
cause Johns death. It happened on Herods
birthday. Herod gave a dinner party for the most
important government leaders, the commanders of
his army, and the most important people in
Galilee. 22The daughter of Herodias came to the
party and danced. When she danced, Herod and
the people eating with him were very pleased.
So King Herod said to the girl, I will give you
anything you want. 23He promised her, Anything you ask for I will give to youeven half of
my kingdom.

1 6:11 shake the dust off your feet A warning. It would show that they
were finished talking to these people. 2 6:13 put olive oil on Olive oil
was used like a medicine.

MARCU 6.2438


24Ea a ie`it afar la mama sa `i a ntrebat-o: Ce s-i cer? i Irodiada i-a rspuns:
Cere-i capul lui Ioan Boteztorul.

MARK 6:2438

s-a ntors repede la rege `i i-a

spus: Vreau s-mi dai, chiar acum, pe o
farfurie, capul lui Ioan Boteztorul.
26Lui Irod i-a prut ru, dar din cauza jurmntului su `i din cauza celor ce stteau la
mas cu el, nu a vrut s-o refuze. 27Irod a trimis pe unul din solda^ii lui s-i taie capul lui
Ioan `i s i-l aduc. Acesta s-a dus n nchisoare `i i-a tiat capul lui Ioan, 28dup care l-a
adus pe o farfurie. Soldatul i-a dat capul fetei,
care i l-a dat mamei sale. 29Cnd au auzit
ucenicii lui Ioan ce se ntmplase, s-au dus,
i-au luat trupul `i l-au pus ntr-un mormnt.

24The girl went to her mother and asked, What

should I ask King Herod to give me?
Her mother answered, Ask for the head of
John the Baptizer.*
25So right then the girl went back in to the king.
She said to him, Please give me the head of John
the Baptizer. Bring it to me now on a plate.
26King Herod was very sad, but he didnt want
to break the promise he had made to her in front
of his guests. 27So he sent a soldier to cut off
Johns head and bring it to him. The soldier went
and cut off Johns head in the prison. 28 He
brought the head back on a plate and gave it to
the girl, and the girl gave it to her mother.
29Johns followers heard about what happened, so
they came and got Johns body and put it in a

Isus hrne`te peste cinci mii de oameni

(Mt. 14.1321; Lc. 9.1017; Ioan 6.114)

Jesus Feeds More Than 5000

(Mt. 14:1321; Lk. 9:1017; Jn. 6:114)

30Ucenicii trimi`i de Isus s-au ntors la El

`i I-au povestit tot ce fcuser. 31Apoi Isus
le-a spus: Veni^i cu Mine ntr-un loc lini`tit, unde s fim singuri `i s v odihni^i
pu^in. n jurul lor erau mul^i oameni `i ei
nici nu apucaser s mnnce.

30 The apostles * Jesus sent out came back to

him. They gathered around him and told him
about all they had done and taught. 31Jesus and
his followers were in a very busy place. There
were so many people that he and his followers did
not even have time to eat. He said to them, Come
with me. We will go to a quiet place to be alone.
There we will get some rest.
32So Jesus and his followers went away alone.
They went in a boat to a place where no one lived.
33But many people saw them leave and knew who
they were. So people from every town ran to the
place where they were going and got there before
Jesus. 34As Jesus stepped out of the boat, he saw a
large crowd waiting. He felt sorry for them,
because they were like sheep without a shepherd to
care for them. So he taught the people many things.
35It was now very late in the day. Jesus followers came to him and said, No one lives
around here, and it is already very late. 36So
send the people away. They need to go to the
farms and towns around here to buy some food
to eat.
37But Jesus answered, You give them some
food to eat.
They said to Jesus, We cant buy enough bread
to feed all these people. We would all have to
work a month to earn enough to buy that much

25 Fata

32A`a c au plecat singuri cu barca spre

un loc lini`tit. 33 ns mul^i oameni i-au
vzut plecnd. Cei ce i-au vzut i cuno`teau. De aceea, oameni din toate cet^ile au
alergat ctre locul spre care mergeau ei.
Oamenii au ajuns acolo naintea lor. 34Cnd
S-a dat jos din barc, Isus a vzut mul^imea
care se adunase `i I s-a fcut mil de ei,
pentru c erau ca ni`te oi fr pstor.
35Se fcuse deja destul de trziu. Ucenicii
au venit la Isus `i I-au spus: Aici este un
loc izolat `i este deja trziu. 36Spune oamenilor s plece, s se duc pe la gospodriile
din mprejurimi `i n satele din jur s-`i
cumpere ceva de mncare.
37Dar El le-a spus: Da^i-le voi ceva de
Ucenicii I-au spus: Nu putem merge s
cumprm destul pine pentru a fi hrni^i
to^i ace`ti oameni! Ne-ar trebui banii c`tiga^i ntr-o lun de munc de noi to^i, ca s
putem cumpra atta pine!
38 Atunci Isus le-a spus: Duce^i-v `i
vede^i cte pini ave^i.

38 Jesus

asked them, How many loaves of

bread do you have now? Go and see.

MARCU 6.3956


MARK 6:3956

Isus le-a poruncit ucenicilor s le

spun oamenilor s se a`eze pe iarb `i s se
mpart n grupuri. 40i oamenii s-au a`ezat
n grupuri de cte o sut `i de cte cincizeci.
41Isus a luat cele cinci pini `i cei doi pe`ti,
`i, privind ctre cer, I-a mul^umit lui
Dumnezeu `i a frnt pinile. El le-a dat ucenicilor Si pentru ca ei s-i serveasc pe
oameni. Isus a mpr^it `i cei doi pe`ti.
42Toat lumea a mncat `i s-a sturat. 43i
s-au strns dousprezece co`uri cu resturi de
pine `i pe`te. 44Brba^ii care au mncat au
fost n numr de cinci mii.

They counted their loaves of bread. They came

to Jesus and said, We have five loaves of bread
and two fish.
39Then Jesus said to them, Tell everyone to sit
in groups on the green grass. 40So all the people
sat in groups. There were about 50 or 100 people in
each group.
41Jesus took the five loaves and two fish. He
looked up to the sky and thanked God for the food.
Then he broke the bread into pieces, which he gave
to his followers to distribute to the people. Then he
divided the two fish among everyone there.
42They all ate until they were full. 43After they
finished eating, the followers filled twelve baskets
with the pieces of bread and fish that were left.
44There were about 5000 men there who ate.

Isus merge pe ap
(Mt. 14.2223; Ioan 6.1621)

Jesus Walks on Water

(Mt. 14:2233; Jn. 6:1621)

Dup ce s-au uitat, I-au spus: Avem

cinci pini `i doi pe`ti.


aceea, Isus i-a urcat n barc pe

ucenici `i i-a trimis n Betsaida, pe malul
cellalt al lacului. Isus a dat drumul mul^imii 46`i S-a dus pe munte s Se roage.

s-a nserat, barca ucenicilor era n

mijlocul mrii, iar Isus sttea singur pe mal.
48Din cauza vntului care btea mpotriva
lor, ucenicii se strduiau din greu s
vsleasc. Cndva, ntre ora trei noaptea `i
`ase diminea^a, Isus S-a dus la ei mergnd
pe mare. El S-a apropiat de ei, 49dar cnd
L-au vzut mergnd pe mare, ucenicii Lui
au crezut c vd o stafie `i au nceput s
^ipe. 50Cu to^ii l vzuser `i erau ngrozi^i.
Isus le-a spus: Curaj! Eu sunt! S nu v fie
fric! 51El S-a urcat la ei n barc, iar vntul s-a potolit. Ucenicii erau uimi^i 52pentru
c nu n^eleseser nici ce nsemna minunea
cu pinile. Inimile le erau mpietrite.

Isus vindec mul^i bolnavi

(Mt. 14.3436)
53 Ei

au traversat marea `i au ajuns n

^inutul Ghenezaretului. Acolo `i-au legat
barca de mal. 54Cnd s-au dat jos din barc,
oamenii L-au recunoscut pe Isus. 55i au
nceput s alerge n tot ^inutul acela, ca s
aduc la El oameni bolnavi. 56Isus S-a dus
n satele, n cet^ile `i pe la fermele din acel
^inut. i oriunde ajungea, oamenii locului i
adunau pe cei bolnavi n pie^e. Cu to^ii l


Jesus told the followers to get into the

boat. He told them to go to the other side of the
lake to Bethsaida. He said he would come later.
He stayed there to tell the people they could go
home. 46After he said goodbye to the people, he
went into the hills to pray.
47That night, the boat was still in the middle of
the lake. Jesus was alone on the land. 48He saw the
boat far away on the lake. And he saw the followers working hard to row the boat. The wind was
blowing against them. Sometime between three
and six oclock in the morning, Jesus went out to
the boat, walking on the water. He continued
walking until he was almost past the boat. 49But the
followers saw Jesus walking on the water. They
thought he was a ghost, and they started screaming.
50It scared them all to see him. But he spoke to
them and said, Dont worry! Its me! Dont be
afraid. 51When he got into the boat with the followers, the wind stopped. The followers were completely amazed. 52They could not believe what happened. It was like the miracle he did with the bread.
They still didnt understand what that meant.
Jesus Heals Many Sick People
(Mt. 14:3436)

and his followers went across the lake

and came to shore at Gennesaret. They tied the
boat there. 54When they were out of the boat, the
people there saw Jesus. They knew who he was,
55so they ran to tell others throughout that area.
They brought sick people on mats to every place
Jesus went. 56Jesus went into towns, cities, and
farms around that area. And every place he went,
the people brought sick people to the market-

MARCU 7.113


MARK 7:113

rugau pe Isus s-i lase s ating hainele Lui

`i to^i cei care le atingeau erau vindeca^i.

places. They begged him to let them touch any

part of his coat. And all those who touched him
were healed.

Legea lui Dumnezeu `i tradi^iile oamenilor

(Mt. 15.120)

Gods Law and Human Traditions

(Mt. 15:120)

1 Fariseii * `i c^iva dintre nv^torii

Legii care veniser de la Ierusalim s-au
strns n jurul lui Isus. 2Ei i vzuser pe
unii dintre ucenicii lui Isus mncnd cu
minile nesplate. 3(Fariseii `i to^i ceilal^i
evrei nu mnnc dac nu `i-au splat minile, a`a cum le cere tradi^ia btrnilor. 4i
cnd se ntorc din pia^, nu mnnc pn
nu se spal. Ei mai ^in `i alte tradi^ii, cum ar
fi: splarea paharelor, a ulcioarelor, a vaselor de aram `i a paturilor.)

5A`a c fariseii `i nv^torii Legii L-au

ntrebat: De ce nu respect ucenicii Ti tradi^ia btrnilor `i mnnc fr a-`i spla

le-a rspuns: Sunte^i ni`te ipocri^i!

Isaia avea dreptate cnd a profe^it despre
voi, dup cum este scris:
Acest popor M onoreaz cu buzele,
dar departe de Mine le sunt inimile.

nchinarea lor este lipsit de rost,

pentru c nv^tura dat de ei
oamenilor const n reguli fcute
de om.
Isaia 29.13

1Some Pharisees * and some teachers of the

law came from Jerusalem and gathered
around Jesus. 2They saw that some of his followers ate food with hands that were not clean,
meaning that they did not wash their hands in a
special way. 3The Pharisees and all the other Jews
never eat before washing their hands in this special way. They do this to follow the traditions they
have from their great leaders who lived long ago.
4 And when these Jews buy something in the
market, they never eat it until they wash it in a
special way. They also follow other rules from
their people who lived before them. They follow
rules like the washing of cups, pitchers, and pots.1
5The Pharisees and teachers of the law said to
Jesus, Your followers dont follow the traditions
we have from our great leaders who lived long
ago. They eat their food with hands that are not
clean. Why do they do this?
6 Jesus answered, You are all hypocrites. *
Isaiah was right when he wrote these words from
God about you:

These people say they honor me,

but they dont really make me
an important part of their lives.
7 Their worship of me is for nothing.
The things they teach are only rules
that people have made.
Isaiah 29:13

8 Voi a^i ncetat s asculta^i poruncile lui

Dumnezeu `i acum respecta^i tradi^iile
9Isus le-a mai spus: Voi ignora^i poruncile lui Dumnezeu pentru a respecta propriile voastre nv^turi. 10 Moise a spus:
Respect-i pe tatl tu `i pe mama ta.1 `i
Cel ce `i vorbe`te de ru mama `i tatl
trebuie omort.2 11Dar voi spune^i c dac
cineva zice tatlui `i mamei sale: Orice
^i-a` putea da este pus deoparte pentru
Dumnezeu, 12atunci acelei persoane i este
permis s nu mai fac nimic pentru tatl su
`i pentru mama sa. 13Astfel, voi, cu tradi^ia
pe care o transmite^i poporului, anula^i


have stopped following Gods commands,

preferring instead the man-made rules you got
from others.
9 Then he said, You show great skill in
avoiding the commands of God so that you can
follow your own teachings! 10Moses* said, You
must respect your father and mother.2 He also
said, Whoever says anything bad to their father
or mother must be killed.3 11But you teach that
people can say to their father or mother, I have
something I could use to help you, but I will not
use it for you. I will give it to God. 12You are
telling people that they do not have to do anything
for their father or mother. 13So you are teaching
that it is not important to do what God said. You

1 7.10 Citat din Ex. 20.12; Dt. 5.16. 2 7.10 Citat din Ex. 21.17.

1 7:4 pots Some Greek copies add and couches. 2 7:10 Quote from
Ex. 20:12; Deut. 5:16. 3 7:10 Quote from Ex. 21:17.

MARCU 7.1429


Cuvntul lui Dumnezeu. i face^i multe alte

lucruri asemntoare.

a chemat din nou mul^imea la El

`i le-a spus oamenilor: Asculta^i-M cu
to^ii `i n^elege^i! 15Omul nu este ntinat de
ceea ce intr n el, ci de ceea ce iese din
el. [16]1
17Apoi, Isus a lsat mul^imea `i a intrat
ntr-o cas. Ucenicii L-au ntrebat ce
nseamn aceast pild. 18i El le-a spus:
Nici voi nu n^elege^i? Nu vede^i c nimic
din ceea ce intr n om din afara lui nu-l
ntineaz? 19Pentru c nimic din acestea nu
intr n inima lui, ci n stomac. De acolo,
sunt date afar din nou. (Vorbind astfel,
Isus a dat de n^eles c se poate mnca orice
fel de mncare.)
20Isus le-a spus: Ceea ce iese din om l
ntineaz. 21Pentru c din interiorul omului,
din inima lui, ies gndurile rele, pcatele
sexuale, furturile, crimele, 22adulterul, lcomia, rutatea, n`eltoria, indecen^a, invidia, brfa, arogan^a `i nebunia. 23 Toate
aceste lucruri rele vin din interior `i l ntineaz pe om.

Isus ajut o femeie neevreic

(Mt. 15.2128)
24 Isus

MARK 7:1429

think it is more important to follow those traditions you have, which you pass on to others. And
you do many things like that.
14Jesus called the people to him again. He said,
Everyone should listen to me and understand what
I am saying. 15There is nothing people can put in
their mouth that will make them wrong.1 People are
made wrong by what comes from inside them. [16}2
17Then Jesus left the people and went into the
house. The followers asked Jesus about what he
had told the people. 18He said, You still have
trouble understanding? Surely you know that
nothing that enters the mouth from the outside can
make people unacceptable to God. 19Food does
not go into a persons mind. It goes into the
stomach. Then it goes out of the body. (When
Jesus said this, he meant that there is no food that
is wrong for people to eat.)
20And Jesus said, The things that make people
wrong are the things that come from the inside.
21All these bad things begin inside a person, in the
mind: bad thoughts, sexual sins, stealing, murder,
22adultery, * greed, doing bad things to people,
lying, doing things that are morally wrong, jealousy, insulting people, proud talking, and foolish
living. 23These evil things come from inside a
person. And these are the things that make people
unacceptable to God.
Jesus Helps a Non-Jewish Woman
(Mt. 15:2128)
24 Jesus

a plecat de acolo `i S-a dus n

^inutul Tirului. El a intrat ntr-o cas `i
dorea s nu se `tie c este acolo. Dar Isus
nu putea sta ascuns. 25De fapt, o femeie a
crei fat era posedat de un duh ru, a
auzit imediat vorbindu-se despre Isus. Ea
s-a dus la El `i a czut la picioarele Lui.
2 6 Femeia era o grecoaic de origine
siro-fenician. Ea L-a implorat pe Isus s
scoat demonul* din fata ei.
27Isus i-a spus: Mai nti, trebuie s se
sature copiii, pentru c nu este bine s iei
pinea copilului `i s-o arunci la cini.
28Dar ea I-a rspuns: Doamne, dar chiar
`i cinii care stau sub mas mnnc firimiturile care cad de la masa copiilor.
29Atunci Isus i-a spus: Pentru acest rspuns po^i s te duci lini`tit acas. Demonul
a ie`it din fiica ta.

went from there to the area around

Tyre. He did not want the people in that area to
know he was there, so he went into a house. But
he could not stay hidden. 25A woman heard that
he was there. Her little daughter had an evil spirit
inside her. So the woman came to Jesus and
bowed down near his feet. 26She was not a Jew.
She was born in Phoenicia, an area in Syria. She
begged Jesus to force the demon * out of her
27Jesus told the woman, It is not right to take
the childrens bread and give it to the dogs. First
let the children eat all they want.
28She answered, That is true, Lord. But the
dogs under the table can eat the pieces of food
that the children dont eat.
29 Then he told her, That is a very good
answer. You may go. The demon has left your

1 7.16 versetul 16 n unele manuscrise este adugat versetul

1 7:15 wrong Literally, unclean or not pure, meaning unacceptable to

God. Also in verse 20. 2 7:16 Some Greek copies add verse 16: You
people who hear me, listen!

16: Cine are urechi de auzit, s aud.

MARCU 7.30 8.9


MARK 7:308:9

30Femeia s-a dus acas `i `i-a gsit fata

stnd pe pat. Demonul ie`ise din ea.

30 The woman went home and found her

daughter lying on the bed. The demon was gone.

Isus vindec un surd

Jesus Heals a Deaf Man


a plecat din ^inutul Tirului ctre

Marea Galileii, trecnd prin ^inutul
Sidonului `i prin Decapole. 32Acolo, I-a fost
adus un surd care nici nu prea putea vorbi.
Cei ce l-au adus L-au rugat pe Isus s-i
pun minile peste el.
33Isus l-a luat deoparte de mul^ime `i a
atins urechile acelui om. Apoi, a scuipat `i
i-a atins limba. 34Isus a privit ctre cer, a
suspinat `i i-a spus: Efata! (ceea ce
nseamn Deschide-te!). 35Imediat urechile omului s-au deschis, limba i-a fost dezlegat `i a nceput s vorbeasc.
36Isus le-a poruncit s nu spun nimnui
cele ntmplate. Dar cu ct le poruncea
mai mult, cu att mai mult vorbeau ei
despre El. 37Oamenii erau foarte uimi^i `i
ziceau: Tot ce a fcut El, a fcut bine.
Chiar `i pe surzi i face s aud, `i pe mu^i
s vorbeasc.

31Then Jesus left the area around Tyre and went

through Sidon. On his way to Lake Galilee he went
through the area of the Ten Towns.* 32While he was
there, some people brought a man to him who was
deaf and could not talk clearly. The people begged
Jesus to put his hand on the man to heal him.
33Jesus led the man away from the people to be
alone with him. He put his fingers in the mans ears.
Then he spit and touched the mans tongue with it.
34Jesus looked up to the sky and with a loud sigh he
said, Ephphatha! (This means Open!) 35As
soon as Jesus did this, the man was able to hear. He
was able to use his tongue and spoke clearly.
36Jesus told the people not to tell anyone about
what happened. He always told people not to tell
others about him. But this only caused them to tell
about him more and more. 37The people were
completely amazed. They said, Look at what he
has done. Its all good. He makes deaf people able
to hear and gives a new voice to people who could
not talk.

Isus hrne`te peste patru mii de oameni

(Mt. 15.3239)

Jesus Feeds More Than 4000

(Mt. 15:3239)

1 n

zilele acelea, s-a adunat iar`i o

mare mul^ime. Nimeni nu avea ce s
mnnce. Isus i-a chemat pe ucenici la El `i
le-a spus: 2Mi-e mil de ace`ti oameni
pentru c sunt cu Mine de trei zile `i nu au
ce mnca. 3Dac i trimit acas flmnzi,
vor le`ina pe drum; iar unii au venit de
4 Ucenicii L-au ntrebat: Unde s-ar
putea gsi pine, n aceast pustietate,
pentru a-i stura?
5Iar Isus i-a ntrebat: Cte pini ave^i?
apte, I-au rspuns ei.
6 Apoi

Isus le-a cerut oamenilor s se

a`eze pe jos. A luat cele `apte pini, I-a
mul^umit lui Dumnezeu `i le-a frnt,
dndu-le ucenicilor s le mpart. Ace`tia
le-au dat mul^imii. 7 De asemenea, mai
aveau `i c^iva pe`ti`ori. Isus I-a mul^umit
lui Dumnezeu pentru ei `i le-a spus ucenicilor s-i mpart. 8Oamenii au mncat pn
s-au sturat `i s-au strns `apte co`uri pline
de resturi. 9Acolo erau patru mii de oameni
care au mncat. Apoi, Isus le-a dat drumul


time there were many people with

Jesus. The people had nothing to eat. So he
called his followers to him and said, 2I feel sorry
for these people. They have been with me for
three days, and now they have nothing to eat. 3I
should not send them home hungry. If they leave
without eating, they will faint on the way home.
Some of them live a long way from here.
4Jesus followers answered, But we are far
away from any towns. Where can we get enough
bread to feed all these people?
5Then Jesus asked them, How many loaves of
bread do you have?
They answered, We have seven loaves of
6Jesus told the people to sit on the ground. Then
he took the seven loaves and gave thanks to God.
He broke the bread into pieces and gave them to
his followers. He told them to give the bread to the
people, and they did as he said. 7The followers
also had a few small fish. Jesus gave thanks for the
fish and told them to give the fish to the people.
8They all ate until they were full. Then the followers filled seven baskets with the pieces of food
that were left. 9There were about 4000 men who
ate. After they ate, Jesus told them to go home.

MARCU 8.1023


MARK 8:1023

s plece. 10Imediat Isus S-a urcat ntr-o

barc mpreun cu ucenicii Si `i s-au dus
n ^inutul Dalmanutei.

10Then he went in a boat with his followers to the

area of Dalmanutha.

Fariseii l pun la ncercare pe Isus

(Mt. 16.14)

Some People Doubt Jesus Authority

(Mt. 16:14; Lk. 11:16, 29)

11Fariseii* au venit `i au nceput s-I pun

ntrebri. Ca s-L ncerce, ei I-au cerut un
semn din ceruri. 12Suspinnd adnc n duhul
Su, Isus a spus: De ce-Mi cere aceast
genera^ie un semn? V spun adevrul: nu va
fi dat nici un semn acestei genera^ii.
13Apoi, Isus i-a lsat, S-a urcat din nou n
barc `i a trecut de partea cealalt.

11The Pharisees* came to Jesus and asked him

questions. They wanted to test him. So they asked
him to do a miracle* as a sign from God. 12Jesus
made a sad sound like he was troubled. He said,
Why do you people ask to see a miracle as a
sign? I want you to know that no miracle will be
done to prove anything to you. 13Then Jesus left
them and went in the boat to the other side of the

Avertismentul lui Isus cu privire

la conductorii evreilor
(Mt. 16.512)
14Ucenicii uitaser s ia pine, astfel c
acum mai aveau una singur. 15Isus le-a
atras aten^ia `i le-a spus: Ave^i grij!
Feri^i-v de aluatul1 fariseilor* `i de aluatul
lui Irod!
16Ucenicii au nceput s se gndeasc la
ce le spusese Isus `i `i-au zis: A spus
lucrul acesta pentru c nu avem pine.
17tiind la ce se gndeau, Isus i-a ntrebat: De ce spune^i c nu ave^i pine? nc
nu `ti^i `i nc nu a^i n^eles? Ave^i cumva
inimile mpietrite? 18Ave^i ochi care nu
vd `i urechi care nu aud? Nu v mai aduce^i aminte? 19Mai `ti^i cte co`uri pline cu
resturi a^i strns atunci cnd am mpr^it
cele cinci pini la cei cinci mii de

Dousprezece, I-au rspuns ucenicii.

20 Dar

atunci cnd am mpr^it `apte

pini la patru mii de oameni, cte co`uri
pline cu resturi a^i strns?
apte, I-au spus ucenicii.
Isus le-a spus: nc nu n^elege^i?


Isus vindec un orb n Betsaida


Jesus Followers Misunderstand Him

(Mt. 16:512)
14The followers had only one loaf of bread with
them in the boat. They forgot to bring more
bread. 15Jesus warned them, Be careful! Guard
against the yeast1 of the Pharisees* and the yeast
of Herod.*
16The followers discussed the meaning of this.
They said, He said this because we have no
17Jesus knew that the followers were talking
about this. So he asked them, Why are you
talking about having no bread? You still dont see
or understand? Are you not able to understand?
18Do you have eyes that cant see? Do you have
ears that cant hear? Remember what I did before,
when we did not have enough bread? 19I divided
five loaves of bread for 5000 people. Remember
how many baskets you filled with pieces of food
that were not eaten?
The followers answered, We filled twelve
20And remember that I divided seven loaves
of bread for 4000 people. Remember how many
baskets you filled with pieces of food that were
not eaten?
They answered, We filled seven baskets.
21Then he said to them, You remember these
things I did, but you still dont understand?

Jesus Heals a Blind Man in Bethsaida

au ajuns n Betsaida, ni`te oameni

I-au adus un orb `i L-au rugat pe Isus s-l
ating. 23Isus l-a luat de mn `i au ie`it din
sat. Apoi Isus a scuipat pe ochii orbului,

22Jesus and his followers came to Bethsaida.

Some people brought a blind man to him and
begged him to touch the man. 23So Jesus held the
blind mans hand and led him out of the village.

1 8.15 aluatul aici ca simbol al unei influen^e rele.

1 8:15 yeast The part of bread dough that makes it rise. Here, used as a
symbol of bad influence.

MARCU 8.2436


MARK 8:2436

i-a pus minile peste el `i l-a ntrebat:

Vezi ceva?
24 Orbul s-a uitat n sus `i I-a spus:
Zresc ni`te oameni, dar ei seamn cu
ni`te copaci care se mi`c.
25Isus a pus din nou minile pe ochii lui.
Orbul `i-a deschis ochii. Vederea i fusese
redat `i acum vedea foarte bine. 26Apoi Isus
l-a trimis acas, spunndu-i: Nu cumva s
intri n sat `i s spui cuiva ce ^i s-a ntmplat!

Jesus laid his hands on the mans eyes,

and the man opened them wide. His eyes were
healed, and he was able to see everything clearly.
26Jesus told him to go home. He said, Dont go
into the town.

Petru declar c Isus este Cristosul

(Mt. 16.1320; Lc. 9.1821)

Peter Says Jesus Is the Christ

(Mt. 16:1320; Lk. 9:1821)

27Isus `i ucenicii Si au plecat ctre satele

din Cezareea lui Filip. Pe drum, Isus i-a
ntrebat pe ucenici: Cine spun oamenii c
sunt Eu?
28Ucenicii I-au rspuns: Unii spun c
e`ti Ioan Boteztorul. Al^ii zic c e`ti Ilie*.
Al^ii zic c e`ti unul din profe^i*.
29Apoi, i-a mai ntrebat: Dar voi cine
zice^i c sunt Eu?
Iar Petru I-a rspuns: Tu e`ti Cristosul*.
30ns Isus i-a avertizat s nu spun nimnui cine este El.

27Jesus and his followers went to the towns in

the area of Caesarea Philippi. While they were
traveling, Jesus asked the followers, Who do
people say I am?
28They answered, Some people say you are
John the Baptizer.* Others say you are Elijah.*
And others say you are one of the prophets.*
29Then Jesus asked, Who do you say I am?

Peter answered, You are the Christ.*

30Jesus told the followers, Dont tell anyone
who I am.

Isus veste`te moartea Sa

(Mt. 16.2128; Lc. 9.2227)

Jesus Says He Must Die

(Mt. 16:2128; Lk. 9:2227)


a nceput s-i nve^e: Fiul omutrebuie s ndure multe suferin^e. El nu

va fi primit de btrni, de marii preo^i `i
nici de nv^torii Legii. El va fi omort `i
va nvia n a treia zi. 32Isus le-a spus toate
aceste lucruri foarte deschis. Petru ns L-a
luat pe Isus deoparte `i a nceput s-L certe.
33Dar Isus S-a ntors, S-a uitat la ucenici `i
l-a mustrat pe Petru: D-te la o parte,
Satan!1 Pe tine nu te intereseaz lucrurile
lui Dumnezeu, ci mai degrab cele ale

Then he spit on the mans eyes. He laid his hands

on him and asked, Can you see now?
24 The man looked up and said, Yes, I see
people. They look like trees walking around.


Isus a chemat mul^imea la El.

Ucenicii erau `i ei acolo. i le-a spus:
Dac vrea cineva s vin dup Mine, va
trebui s renun^e la dorin^ele sale, s-`i ia
crucea `i s M urmeze. 35Pentru c oricine
va dori s-`i scape via^a `i-o va pierde, dar
oricine `i va pierde via^a pentru Mine `i
pentru Vestea Bun * `i-o va salva. 36Ce
folos are un om care c`tig ntreaga lume,

Jesus began to teach his followers that

the Son of Man * must suffer many things. He
taught that the Son of Man would not be accepted
by the older Jewish leaders, the leading priests,
and the teachers of the law. He said that the Son
of Man must be killed and then rise from death
after three days. 32Jesus told them everything that
would happen. He did not keep anything secret.
Peter took Jesus away from the other followers
to talk to him alone. Peter criticized him for
saying these things. 33But Jesus turned and looked
at his followers. Then he criticized Peter. He said
to Peter, Get away from me, Satan1! You dont
care about the same things God does. You care
only about things that people think are important.
34Then Jesus called the people to him. His followers were also there. He said, Whoever wants
to be my follower must say no to themselves and
what they want to do. They must accept the cross*
that is given to them and follow me. 35Those who
try to save their life will lose it. But those who
give up their life for me and for the Good News*
about me will save it. 36It is worth nothing for you
to have the whole world if you yourself are lost.

1 8.33 Satan nume pentru Diavol, care nseamn du`man;

aici Isus vrea s spun c Petru vorbea la fel ca Satan.

1 8:33 Satan Name for the devil meaning the enemy. Jesus means
that Peter was talking like Satan.


34 Apoi

MARCU 8.37 9.13


MARK 8:379:13

dar `i pierde via^a? 37i ce ar putea da omul

n schimb pentru via^a sa? 38Dac cuiva din
aceast genera^ie necredincioas `i pctoas i va fi ru`ine de Mine `i de cuvintele
Mele, atunci `i Fiului omului i va fi ru`ine
de acea persoan atunci cnd va veni n
slava Tatlui Su, mpreun cu ngerii.
1Apoi Isus le-a mai spus: V spun adevrul: printre voi, cei care sta^i aici, sunt
unii care nu vor muri pn nu vor vedea
mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu venind cu putere.

37You could never pay enough to buy back your

life. 38People today are so sinful. They have not
been faithful to God. As you live among them,
dont be ashamed of me and my teaching. If that
happens, I1 will be ashamed of you when I come
with the glory * of my Father and the holy *
1Then Jesus said, Believe me when I say that
some of you people standing here will see
Gods kingdom * come with power before
you die.

Isus cu Moise `i Ilie

(Mt. 17.113; Lc. 9.2836)

Jesus Is Seen With Moses and Elijah

(Mt. 17:113; Lk. 9:2836)

2ase zile mai trziu, Isus i-a luat cu El

pe Petru, pe Iacov `i pe Ioan. El i-a condus
pe un munte nalt, unde au rmas singuri.
Acolo, nf^i`area lui Isus S-a schimbat.
3Hainele I-au devenit strlucitoare `i foarte
albe. Ele erau mai albe dect le-ar fi putut
albi orice nlbitor de pe pmnt. 4Moise `i
Ilie* au aprut naintea lor, vorbind cu Isus.
5Petru a nceput s vorbeasc `i I-a spus
lui Isus: nv^torule, este bine c suntem
aici. Las-ne s facem trei colibe: una
pentru Tine, una pentru Moise `i una pentru
Ilie. 6Petru vorbea astfel pentru c nu `tia
ce s spun, ei to^i fiind cuprin`i de spaim.
7ns iat c a aprut un nor `i i-a acoperit cu umbra lui. Apoi s-a auzit o voce din
nor: Acesta este Fiul Meu iubit. De El s
8Cnd s-au uitat n jurul lor, nu au mai
vzut pe nimeni, dect pe Isus singur.
9Pe cnd coborau de pe munte, Isus le-a
poruncit s nu spun nimnui ceea ce vzuser pn cnd va nvia Fiul omului* dintre
cei mor^i.

2Six days later Jesus took Peter, James, and

John and went up on a high mountain. They were
all alone there. While these followers watched
him, Jesus was changed. 3His clothes became
shining whitewhiter than anyone on earth
could make them. 4Then two men were there
talking with Jesus. They were Elijah * and
5Peter said to Jesus, Teacher, it is good that we
are here. We will put three tents hereone for
you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. 6Peter
did not know what to say, because he and the
other two followers were so afraid.


au pstrat aceste cuvinte n inima

lor, dar s-au ntrebat ce nsemna: va nvia
dintre cei mor^i. 11i L-au ntrebat pe Isus:
De ce spun nv^torii Legii c mai nti
trebuie s vin Ilie?1
12Isus le-a spus: Da, Ilie vine primul,
pentru a pune toate lucrurile n ordine. Dar
de ce spune Scriptura c Fiul omului trebuie
s sufere mult `i va fi dispre^uit? 13Eu v

1 9.11 S vin Ilie Vezi Mal. 4.56.

7Then a cloud came and covered them. A voice

came from the cloud and said, This is my Son,
and I love him. Obey him!

followers looked, but they saw only Jesus

there alone with them.
9As Jesus and the followers were walking back
down the mountain, he gave them these instructions: Dont tell anyone about what you saw on
the mountain. Wait until after the Son of Man*
rises from death. Then you can tell people what
you saw.
10So the followers waited to say anything about
what they saw. But they discussed among themselves what Jesus meant about rising from death.
11They asked him, Why do the teachers of the
law say that Elijah must come2 first?
12Jesus answered, They are right to say that
Elijah must come first. Elijah makes all things the
way they should be. But why do the Scriptures*
say that the Son of Man will suffer much and that
people will think he is worth nothing? 13I tell you
that Elijah has already come. And people did to
1 8:38 I Literally, the Son of Man (Jesus). 2 9:11 Elijah must come

See Mal. 4:56.

MARCU 9.1428


MARK 9:1428

spun: Ilie a venit, iar ei i-au fcut ce au vrut,

a`a cum este scris despre el.

him all the bad things they wanted to do. The

Scriptures said this would happen to him.

Isus vindec un biat bolnav

(Mt. 17.1420; Lc. 9.3743a)

Jesus Frees a Boy From an Evil Spirit

(Mt. 17:1420; Lk. 9:3743a)

14 Cnd au ajuns la ceilal^i ucenici, au

vzut o mare mul^ime n jurul lor `i pe nv^torii Legii certndu-se cu ei. 15Cnd L-au
vzut pe Isus, oamenii au fost foarte surprin`i `i au alergat s-L salute.
16Isus i-a ntrebat: Despre ce v certa^i
cu ei?
1 7 Un om din mul^ime I-a rspuns:
nv^torule, eu l-am adus pe fiul meu la
Tine. El este posedat de un duh care-l
mpiedic s vorbeasc. 18Duhul l atac pe
fiul meu `i l arunc pe jos. Apoi biatul
face spum la gur, scr`ne`te din din^i `i
rmne ^eapn. Eu i-am rugat pe ucenicii
Ti s-i scoat duhul, dar n-au putut.
19Apoi Isus le-a spus: O, genera^ie necredincioas! Ct voi mai fi cu voi? Ct va mai
trebui s v rabd? Aduce^i biatul la Mine!
20i au adus biatul la El. Cnd L-a vzut
pe Isus, duhul i-a provocat biatului convulsii. Acesta a czut pe jos, s-a rostogolit `i a
nceput s fac spum la gur.
21 Isus l-a ntrebat pe tatl lui: De ct
timp este a`a?
Tatl I-a rspuns: Din copilrie. 22De
multe ori duhul a ncercat s-l arunce n foc
sau n ap ca s-l omoare. Dar dac po^i
face ceva, ai mil de noi `i ajut-ne!
23Isus i-a spus: Tu zici: Dac po^i .
Toate lucrurile sunt posibile pentru cei ce
24Imediat tatl biatului a strigat: Cred!
Ajut-mi necredin^a!
25Cnd a vzut Isus c se apropie mul^imea, a certat duhul ru, zicndu-i: Duhule
care l-ai fcut pe acest biat surd `i mut, ^i
poruncesc s ie`i afar din el `i s nu mai
intri niciodat n el!
26Duhul a ^ipat, l-a aruncat pe biat n
ni`te convulsii puternice `i a ie`it din el.
Biatul arta ca un cadavru. Mul^i oameni
au spus: Este mort!, 27ns Isus l-a luat de
mn `i l-a ridicat. Biatul a stat n picioare.
28Dup ce Isus a intrat n cas, ucenicii
L-au luat deoparte `i L-au ntrebat: Noi
de ce nu am putut s scoatem duhul

14Then Jesus, Peter, James, and John went to

the other followers. They saw many people around
them. The teachers of the law were arguing with
the followers. 15When the people saw Jesus, they
were very surprised and ran to welcome him.
16Jesus asked, What are you arguing with the
teachers of the law about?
17A man answered, Teacher, I brought my son
to you. He is controlled by an evil spirit that keeps
him from talking. 18The spirit attacks him and
throws him on the ground. He foams at the mouth,
grinds his teeth, and becomes very stiff. I asked
your followers to force the evil spirit out, but they
could not.
19 Jesus answered, You people today dont
believe! How long must I stay with you? How long
must I be patient with you? Bring the boy to me!
20So the followers brought the boy to Jesus.
When the evil spirit saw Jesus, it attacked the boy.
The boy fell down and rolled on the ground. He
was foaming at the mouth.
21Jesus asked the boys father, How long has
this been happening to him?
The father answered, Since he was very
young. 22The spirit often throws him into a fire or
into water to kill him. If you can do anything,
please have pity on us and help us.
23Jesus said to the father, Why did you say if
you can? All things are possible for the one who
24Immediately the father shouted, I do believe.
Help me to believe more!
25Jesus saw that all the people were running
there to see what was happening. So he spoke to the
evil spirit. He said, You evil spirit that makes this
boy deaf and stops him from talkingI command
you to come out of him and never enter him again!
26The evil spirit screamed. It caused the boy to
fall on the ground again, and then it came out. The
boy looked like he was dead. Many people said,
He is dead! 27But Jesus took hold of his hand
and helped him stand up.
28 Then Jesus went into the house. His followers were alone with him there. They said,
Why werent we able to force that evil spirit

MARCU 9.2942


MARK 9:2942

29 Isus le-a spus: Un duh de acest fel

poate fi scos numai prin rugciune.

29Jesus answered, That kind of spirit can be

forced out only with prayer.1

Isus vorbe`te despre moartea Sa

(Mt. 17.2223; Lc. 9.43b-45)

Jesus Talks About His Death

(Mt. 17:2223; Lk. 9:43b45)

30Isus `i ucenicii Si au plecat de acolo `i

au trecut prin Galileea. El nu dorea s se `tie
unde este. 31Isus i nv^a pe ucenici, spunndu-le: Fiul omului* va fi dat pe mna
oamenilor, care-L vor omor. Dar, a treia zi
dup ce va fi fost omort, va nvia. 32ns
ei nu au n^eles ce le spunea Isus `i le-a fost
team s-L ntrebe ce-a vrut s zic.

30Then Jesus and his followers left there and

went through Galilee. Jesus did not want the people
to know where they were. 31He wanted to teach his
followers alone. He said to them, The Son of
Man* will be put under the control of others, who
will kill him. After three days, he will rise from
death. 32But the followers did not understand what
he meant, and they were afraid to ask him.

Isus spune cine este cel mai important

(Mt. 18.15; Lc. 9.4648)

Who Is the Greatest?

(Mt. 18:15; Lk. 9:4648)

33Apoi au ajuns n Capernaum. Cnd era

cu ucenicii n cas, Isus i-a ntrebat:
Despre ce discuta^i pe drum? 34Dar ei au
tcut, pentru c discutaser despre cine era
cel mai important dintre ei.

33Jesus and his followers went to Capernaum.*

They went into a house, and Jesus said to them, I
heard you arguing on the way here today. What
were you arguing about? 34But the followers did
not answer, because their argument on the road
was about which one of them was the greatest.
3 5 Jesus sat down and called the twelve
apostles* to him. He said, Whoever wants to be
the most important must make others more important than themselves. They must serve everyone
36Then Jesus took a small child and stood the
child in front of the followers. He held the child in
his arms and said, 37Whoever accepts children
like these in my name is accepting me. And
anyone who accepts me is also accepting the one
who sent me.


S-a a`ezat, i-a chemat pe cei doisprezece la El `i le-a spus: Dac vrea cineva s fie cel mai important, trebuie s-i considere pe to^i ceilal^i mai importan^i dect el
`i s fie slujitorul tuturor.
36i lund un copila`, l-a pus n fa^a lor.
Lund copilul n bra^e, Isus le-a spus:
37Oricine prime`te pe vreunul din ace`ti
copila`i n Numele Meu, pe Mine M prime`te. i cine M prime`te pe Mine, nu M
prime`te numai pe Mine, ci `i pe Cel ce M-a
trimis pe Mine.
Oricine nu este mpotriva noastr este cu noi
(Lc. 9.4950)

Whoever Is Not Against Us Is For Us

(Lk. 9:4950)

38Ioan I-a spus: nv^torule, am vzut

pe cineva sco^nd demoni* n Numele Tu.
Dar noi am ncercat s-l oprim, pentru c nu
ne urma.
39ns Isus i-a spus: S nu-l opri^i! Pentru
c dac cineva face minuni n Numele Meu,
atunci el nu va putea spune lucruri rele
despre Mine. 40Cel care nu este mpotriva
noastr este pentru noi. 41Oricine v d o
can cu ap pentru c sunte^i ai lui Cristos*,
v spun adevrul, nu-`i va pierde rsplata.

38 Then John said, Teacher, we saw a man

using your name to force demons * out of
someone. He is not one of us. So we told him to
stop, because he does not belong to our group.
39Jesus said, Dont stop him. Whoever uses
my name to do powerful things will not soon say
bad things about me. 40Whoever is not against us
is with us. 41I can assure you that anyone who
helps you by giving you a drink of water because
you belong to the Christ * will definitely get a

Avertisment cu privire la pcat

(Mt. 18.69; Lc. 17.12)

Jesus Warns About Causes of Sin

(Mt. 18:69; Lk. 17:12)

42Dac cineva l va face s pctuiasc pe

vreunul din ace`ti micu^i care au credin^ n
Mine, ar fi mai bine pentru el s fie aruncat
n mare cu o piatr de moar legat de gt.

42If one of these little children believes in me,

and someone causes that child to sin, it will be
1 9:29 prayer Some Greek copies have prayer and fasting.

MARCU 9.43 10.9


43i dac mna voastr v face s pctui^i,

tia^i-o. Este mai bine s intra^i ciungi n
via^, dect s ave^i dou mini `i s merge^i n iad, n focul care nu se va stinge niciodat. [44]1 45i dac piciorul tu te face s
pctuie`ti, taie-l! Este mai bine pentru tine
s intri n via^ `chiop, dect s ai dou
picioare `i s fii aruncat n iad. [46]2 47i
dac ochiul tu te face s pctuie`ti, scoate-l! Este mai bine pentru tine s intri n
mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu cu un singur ochi,
dect s-i ai pe amndoi `i s fii aruncat n
iad, 48unde viermele lor nu moare `i focul
nu se stinge. 49Pentru c fiecare om va fi
pedepsit3 cu foc.

MARK 9:4310:9

50Sarea este bun. Dar dac sarea `i pierde gustul, cum o ve^i face srat din nou?
S ave^i sare n voi n`iv `i s tri^i n pace
unii cu al^ii.

very bad for that person. It would be better for

them to have a millstone* tied around their neck
and be drowned in the sea. 43If your hand makes
you sin, cut it off. It is better for you to lose part
of your body and have eternal life than to have
two hands and go to hell. There the fire never
stops. [44]1 45If your foot makes you sin, cut it off.
It is better for you to lose part of your body and
have eternal life than to have two feet and be
thrown into hell. [46]2 47If your eye makes you sin,
take it out. It is better for you to have only one
eye and enter Gods kingdom* than to have two
eyes and be thrown into hell. 48The worms that
eat the people in hell never die. The fire there is
never stopped.
49Everyone will be salted with fire.3
50Salt is good. But if it loses its salty taste, you
cant make it good again. So, dont lose that good
quality of salt you have. And live in peace with
each other.

Despre divor^
(Mt. 19.112)

Jesus Teaches About Divorce

(Mt. 19:112)




a plecat de acolo `i S-a dus n

^inutul Iudeii, de partea cealalt a
rului Iordan. Mul^imile au venit din nou la
El `i, a`a cum i era obiceiul, Isus a nceput
s-i nve^e pe oameni.
2Fariseii* au venit la El `i L-au ntrebat:
i permite Legea unui brbat s divor^eze
de so^ia lui? Fariseii I-au pus aceast ntrebare pentru a-L pune la ncercare.
3 Isus le-a rspuns: Ce v-a poruncit
4Ei I-au spus: Moise a dat voie brbatului s scrie o scrisoare de despr^ire `i {prin
aceasta} s divor^eze.4
5Isus le-a spus: Moise v-a dat aceast
porunc din cauza ncp^nrii voastre.
6Dar, de la nceputul lumii, Dumnezeu i-a
creat pe oameni de sex masculin `i de sex
feminin5. 7De aceea, brbatul va lsa pe
tatl su `i pe mama sa `i se va lipi de so^ia
sa. 8i cei doi vor deveni un singur trup.6
A`a c ei nu vor mai fi doi, ci vor fi un singur trup. 9De aceea, nimeni nu trebuie s
despart ceea ce a unit Dumnezeu.
1 9.44 versetul 44 Unele manuscrise grece`ti adaug versetul
44 care este identic cu versetul 48. 2 9.46 versetul 46 Unele

manuscrise grece`ti adaug versetul 46 care este identic cu

versetul 48. 3 9.49 pedepsit lit. srat. 4 10.4 Moise divor^eze. Dt. 24.1, 3. 5 10.6 Citat din Gen. 1.27. 6 10.8 Citat
din Gen. 2.24.


Jesus left there and went into the

area of Judea and across the Jordan River.
Again, many people came to him, and Jesus
taught them as he always did.

2Some Pharisees * came to Jesus and tried to

make him say something wrong. They asked him,
Is it right for a man to divorce his wife?

answered, What did Moses* command

you to do?
4The Pharisees said, Moses allowed a man to
divorce his wife by writing a certificate of
5Jesus said, Moses wrote that command for
you because you refused to accept Gods
teaching. 6But when God made the world, he
made people male and female.5 7That is why a
man will leave his father and mother and be
joined to his wife. 8 And the two people will
become one.6 So they are no longer two, but one.
9God has joined them together, so no one should
separate them.
1 9:44 Some Greek copies add verse 44, which is the same as verse
48. 2 9:46 Some Greek copies add verse 46, which is the same as
verse 48. 3 9:49 Some Greek copies add, and every sacrifice will be
salted with salt. In the Old Testament salt was put on sacrifices. This
verse could mean that Jesus followers will be tested by suffering and
that they must offer themselves to God as sacrifices. 4 10:4 Moses
certificate of divorce See Deut. 24:1. 5 10:6 Quote from
Gen. 1:27; 5:2. 6 10:8 Quote from Gen. 2:24.

MARCU 10.1024


MARK 10:1024

10Cnd au intrat din nou n cas, ucenicii

I-au pus iar`i ntrebri lui Isus cu privire la
divor^. 11Isus le-a spus: Orice brbat care
divor^eaz de so^ia lui `i se cstore`te cu
alt femeie, comite adulter mpotriva so^iei
lui. 12i dac femeia divor^eaz de brbatul
ei `i se cstore`te cu altul, atunci ea comite

10Later, when the followers and Jesus were in

the house, they asked him again about the question of divorce. 11 He said, Any man who
divorces his wife and marries another woman
has sinned against his wife. He is guilty of adultery.* 12And the woman who divorces her husband and marries another man is also guilty of

Isus i prime`te pe copii

(Mt. 19.1315; Lc. 18.1517)

Jesus Welcomes Children

(Mt. 19:1315; Lk. 18:1517)

13 Oamenii


au adus ni`te copii la Isus

pentru ca El s-i pun minile peste ei.
Dar ucenicii i-au certat. 14Cnd a vzut Isus
ce-au fcut, S-a suprat `i le-a spus: Lsa^i
copiii s vin la Mine! Nu-i opri^i, pentru c
mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu apar^ine celor ca
ei. 15V spun adevrul: cine nu va primi
mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu ca un copila` nu va
intra niciodat n ea. 16Isus i-a luat pe copii
n bra^e, i-a pus minile peste ei `i i-a

brought their small children to Jesus, so

that he could lay his hands on them to bless them.
But the followers told the people to stop bringing
their children to him. 14Jesus saw what happened.
He did not like his followers telling the children not
to come. So he said to them, Let the little children
come to me. Dont stop them, because Gods
kingdom* belongs to people who are like these little
children. 15The truth is, you must accept Gods
kingdom like a little child accepts things, or you will
never enter it. 16Then Jesus held the children in his
arms. He laid his hands on them and blessed them.

Un om bogat refuz s-L urmeze pe Isus

(Mt. 19.1630; Lc. 18.1830)

A Rich Man Refuses to Follow Jesus

(Mt. 19:1630; Lk. 18:1830)

17Pe cnd cltorea Isus, un om a venit la

El alergnd. A ngenuncheat naintea Lui `i
L-a ntrebat: Bunule nv^tor, ce ar trebui
s fac pentru ca s mo`tenesc via^a etern?
18 i Isus i-a spus: De ce M nume`ti
bun? Nimeni n afar de Dumnezeu nu este
bun. 19tii poruncile: s nu ucizi, s nu
comi^i adulter, s nu furi, s nu depui mrturie mincinoas, s nu n`eli, s-i respec^i
pe tatl tu `i pe mama ta.1
20Omul I-a spus: nv^torule, am mplinit
toate aceste porunci nc din tinere^ea mea.
21Isus S-a uitat la el cu dragoste `i i-a
spus: ^i lipse`te un singur lucru: du-te `i
vinde tot ce ai. Apoi d totul sracilor `i vei
avea o comoar n ceruri. Dup aceea, vino
`i urmeaz-M!

17Jesus started to leave, but a man ran to him

and bowed down on his knees before Jesus. The
man asked, Good teacher, what must I do to get
the life that never ends?
18Jesus answered, Why do you call me good?
Only God is good. 19And you know his commands: You must not murder anyone, you must
not commit adultery,* you must not steal, you
must not lie, you must not cheat, you must respect
your father and mother .1
20The man said, Teacher, I have obeyed all
these commands since I was a boy.
21Jesus looked at the man in a way that showed
how much he cared for him. He said, There is
still one thing you need to do. Go and sell everything you have. Give the money to those who are
poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then
come and follow me.
22The man was upset when Jesus told him to
give away his money. He didnt want to do this,
because he was very rich. So he went away sad.
23Then Jesus looked at his followers and said to
them, It will be very hard for a rich person to
enter Gods kingdom*!
24 The followers were amazed at what Jesus
said. But he said again, My children, it is very

22 Omul

a fost dezamgit de ceea ce a

auzit `i a plecat trist. El era foarte bogat.

S-a uitat n jur `i le-a spus ucenicilor: Ct de greu este pentru cei boga^i s
intre n mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu!
24Ucenicii au fost uimi^i cnd au auzit
aceste cuvinte. Dar Isus le-a mai spus:
1 10.19 S nu ucizi mama ta. Citat din Ex. 20.1216;

Dt. 5.1620.

1 10:19 Quote from Ex. 20:1216; Deut. 5:1620.

MARCU 10.2537


Copiii Mei, ce greu este s intri n

mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu! 25Este mai u`or
pentru o cmil s treac prin urechea acului, dect s intre un om bogat n mpr^ia
lui Dumnezeu.
26Ei au fost `i mai uimi^i `i au spus unii
ctre al^ii: Atunci cine poate fi mntuit?
27Uitndu-Se la ei, Isus le-a spus: Acest
lucru este imposibil pentru oameni, dar nu
`i pentru Dumnezeu, cci toate lucrurile
sunt posibile pentru Dumnezeu.
28Petru a nceput s spun: Iat, noi am
lsat totul `i Te-am urmat.
29Isus a spus: V spun adevrul: oricine
a lsat cas, fra^i, surori, mam, tat, copii
sau avu^ii pentru Mine `i pentru Vestea
Bun*, 30va primi de o sut de ori mai mult,
n zilele vie^ii lui: case, fra^i, surori, mame,
copii `i avu^ii, dar va fi `i persecutat. Iar n
lumea care va veni va primi `i via^ etern.
31 Dar mul^i care sunt acum primii vor fi
ultimii, iar cei care sunt acum ultimii vor fi

MARK 10:2537

hard to enter Gods kingdom! 25It is easier for a

camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a
rich person to enter Gods kingdom!

followers were even more amazed and

said to each other, Then who can be saved?
27Jesus looked at them and said, That is something people cannot do, but God can. He can do

said to Jesus, We left everything to

follow you!
29Jesus said, I can promise that everyone who
has left their home, brothers, sisters, mother, father,
children, or farm for me and for the Good News*
about me 30will get a hundred times more than they
left. Here in this world they will get more homes,
brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and farms. And
with these things they will have persecutions.* But
in the world that is coming they will also get the
reward of eternal life. 31Many people who have the
highest place now will have the lowest place in the
future. And the people who have the lowest place
now will have the highest place then.

Isus vorbe`te din nou despre moartea Sa

(Mt. 20.1719; Lc. 18.3134)

Jesus Talks Again About His Death

(Mt. 20:1719; Lk. 18:3134)

32Isus `i oamenii care erau cu El `i cu

ucenicii Si mergeau ctre Ierusalim. Isus
mergea naintea lor. Ucenicii erau uimi^i,
iar cei care-L urmau pe Isus erau nspimnta^i. i Isus i-a luat din nou pe cei doisprezece deoparte `i a nceput s le spun ce
urma s I se ntmple: 33Asculta^i! Acum
mergem spre Ierusalim. Acolo Fiul omului*
va fi dat pe mna marilor preo^i `i a nv^torilor Legii. Ei l vor condamna la moarte
`i l vor da pe mna neevreilor. 34Ei `i vor
bate joc de El, l vor scuipa, l vor biciui `i
l vor omor. ns dup trei zile El va

32Jesus and those with him were on their way to

Jerusalem. He was at the front of the group. His
followers were wondering what was happening,
and the people who followed behind them were
feeling afraid. Jesus gathered the twelve apostles*
again and talked with them alone. He told them
what would happen in Jerusalem. 33He said, We
are going to Jerusalem. The Son of Man* will be
handed over to the leading priests and teachers of
the law. They will say that he must die and will
hand him over to the foreigners, 34who will laugh
at him and spit on him. They will beat him with
whips and kill him. But on the third day after his
death, he will rise to life again.

Iacov `i Ioan cer o favoare

(Mt. 20.2028)

James and John Ask for a Favor

(Mt. 20:2028)


`i Ioan, fiii lui Zebedei, au venit

la Isus `i I-au spus: nv^torule, am vrea
s faci ceva pentru noi.
36Isus le-a spus: Ce vre^i s fac?
37i ei I-au rspuns: D-ne voie s stm
cu Tine, n slava Ta, unul la dreapta Ta `i
altul la stnga Ta!


James and John, sons of Zebedee, came

to Jesus and said, Teacher, we want to ask you to
do something for us.
36Jesus asked, What do you want me to do
for you?
37The sons answered, Let us share the great
honor you will have as king. Let one of us sit at
your right side and the other at your left.

MARCU 10.3851


MARK 10:3851

38Isus le-a spus: Nu `ti^i ce-Mi cere^i!

Pute^i voi oare s accepta^i suferin^a prin
care voi trece Eu1 sau pute^i s fi^i boteza^i
cu botezul cu care sunt Eu botezat?2
39Ei I-au rspuns: Putem.
Atunci Isus le-a spus: Voi ve^i suferi la
fel cum voi suferi Eu `i ve^i fi boteza^i cu
botezul cu care sunt botezat Eu, 40dar nu Eu
hotrsc cine va sta la dreapta `i la stnga
Mea. Aceste locuri sunt ale celor pentru
care au fost pregtite.
41Cnd ceilal^i zece au auzit ce se ntmplase, s-au mniat pe Iacov `i pe Ioan. 42Dar
Isus i-a chemat la El `i le-a spus: ti^i c
cei care sunt recunoscu^i drept conductori
ai popoarelor `i domin supu`ii. Mai-marii
popoarelor `i manifest autoritatea asupra
lor. 43Voi s nu face^i la fel, pentru c cine
vrea s fie mare ntre voi trebuie s fie slujitorul tuturor. 44i cine vrea s fie primul
ntre voi trebuie s fie sclavul tuturor. 45i
nsu`i Fiul omului* nu a venit s fie slujit, ci
a venit s slujeasc `i s-i dea via^a pentru
ca mul^i oameni s poat fi mntui^i!

38Jesus said, You dont understand what you

are asking. Can you drink from the cup1 that I
must drink from? Can you be baptized with the
same baptism2 that I must go through?
39The sons answered, Yes, we can!
Jesus said to the sons, It is true that you will
drink from the cup that I drink from. And you will
be baptized with the same baptism that I must go
through. 40But it is not for me to say who will sit
at my right or my left. God has prepared those
places for the ones he chooses.
41When the other ten followers heard this, they
were angry with James and John. 42Jesus called all
the followers together. He said, The non-Jewish
people have men they call rulers. You know that
those rulers love to show their power over the
people. And their important leaders love to use all
their authority over the people. 43But it should not
be that way with you. Whoever wants to be your
leader must be your servant. 44Whoever wants to
be first must serve the rest of you like a slave.
45Follow my example: Even the Son of Man* did
not come for people to serve him. He came to serve
others and to give his life to save many people.

Isus vindec un orb

(Mt. 20.2934; Lc. 18.3543)

Jesus Heals a Blind Man

(Mt. 20:2934; Lk. 18:3543)


au ajuns n Ierihon. Cnd Isus a

plecat din Ierihon, mpreun cu ucenicii `i
cu o mul^ime mare, un om orb, pe nume
Bartimeu, fiul lui Timeu, sttea pe marginea
drumului `i cer`ea. 47Cnd a auzit c Isus
din Nazaret trece pe acolo, orbul a nceput
s strige tare: Isuse, Fiul lui David*, ai mil
de mine!
48Atunci mai mul^i oameni l-au certat `i
i-au cerut s tac. Dar el a strigat `i mai
tare: Fiul lui David, ai mil de mine!
49Isus S-a oprit `i a spus: Chema^i-l aici!
A`a c ei l-au chemat pe orb `i i-au spus:
Ai curaj! Ridic-te! Isus te cheam.
50Orbul `i-a aruncat haina, a srit n sus `i
s-a dus la Isus.
51Isus l-a ntrebat: Ce vrei s-^i fac?
Orbul i-a rspuns: nv^torule, vreau s
vd din nou!

1 10.38 suferin^a Eu. lit. s be^i paharul pe care-L voi bea

Eu. 2 10.38 botezul cu care sunt Eu botezat Aici cu semnifi-

ca^ia: botezat sau ngropat n necazuri.


they came to the town of Jericho. When

Jesus left there with his followers, a large crowd
was with them. A blind man named Bartimaeus
(meaning, son of Timaeus) was sitting by the
road. He was always begging for money. 47He
heard that Jesus from Nazareth was walking by.
So he began shouting, Jesus, Son of David, *
please help me!
48Many people criticized the blind man and told
him to be quiet. But he shouted more and more,
Son of David, please help me!
49Jesus stopped and said, Tell him to come
So they called the blind man and said, You
can be happy now. Stand up! Jesus is calling
you. 50The blind man stood quickly. He left his
coat there and went to Jesus.
51Jesus asked the man, What do you want me
to do for you?
He answered, Teacher, I want to see again.
1 10:38 cup A symbol of suffering. Jesus used the idea of drinking from
a cup to mean accepting the suffering he would face in the terrible
events that were soon to come. Also in verse 39. 2 10:38 baptized with
the same baptism Baptism, which usually means to be immersed in
water, has a special meaning herebeing immersed or buried in troubles. Also in verse 39.

MARCU 10.52 11.13


MARK 10:5211:13

52Isus i-a spus: Du-te! Credin^a ta te-a

mntuit. Imediat orbul `i-a recptat vederea `i a mers dup Isus pe drum.

52Jesus said, Go. You are healed because you

believed. Immediately the man was able to see
again. He followed Jesus down the road.

Intrarea lui Isus n Ierusalim

(Mt. 21.111; Lc. 19.2840; Ioan 12.1219)

Jesus Enters Jerusalem Like a King

(Mt. 21:111; Lk. 19:2840; Jn. 12:1219)



1Cnd se apropiau de Ierusalim `i au

ajuns n Betfaghe `i n Betania,
nspre Muntele Mslinilor*, Isus i-a trimis
nainte pe doi dintre ucenicii Si, 2spunndu-le: Duce^i-v n satul din fa^a voastr.
Cnd ve^i ajunge acolo, ve^i gsi un mgru` legat `i pe care nu a mai clrit nimeni.
Dezlega^i-l `i aduce^i-l aici. 3i dac v
ntreab cineva pentru ce l lua^i, s-i spune^i: Domnul are nevoie de el `i l va trimite repede napoi.
4Cei doi au plecat `i au gsit mgru`ul
legat afar, lng o u`. 5Ei l-au dezlegat.
Ni`te oameni care stteau acolo i-au ntrebat: De ce dezlega^i mgru`ul? 6Ucenicii
le-au spus ce le spusese Isus `i oamenii i-au
lsat s-l ia. 7Ei I-au adus mgru`ul lui Isus
`i `i-au pus hainele pe el. Apoi Isus a nclecat pe el. 8Mul^i oameni `i-au aruncat hainele pe drumul pe care trecea Isus, n timp
ce al^ii presrau ramuri pe care le rupseser
din copaci. 9Cei care mergeau cu Isus, `i cei
care erau n fa^a Lui, `i cei care erau n
spate strigau:

Laud1 lui Dumnezeu!

Binecuvntat este Cel ce vine
n Numele Domnului!

1 Jesus and his followers were coming

closer to Jerusalem. They came to the
towns of Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of
Olives.* There Jesus sent two of his followers to
do something. 2He said to them, Go to the town
you can see there. When you enter it, you will
find a young donkey that no one has ever ridden.
Untie it and bring it here to me. 3If anyone asks
you why you are taking the donkey, tell them,
The Master needs it. He will send it back
4The followers went into the town. They found a
young donkey tied in the street near the door of a
house, and they untied it. 5Some people were
standing there and saw this. They asked, What are
you doing? Why are you untying that donkey?
6The followers answered the way Jesus told them,
and the people let them take the donkey.
7The followers brought the donkey to Jesus.
They put their coats on it, and Jesus sat on it.
8Many people spread their coats on the road for
Jesus. Others cut branches in the fields and spread
the branches on the road. 9Some of them were
walking ahead of Jesus. Others were walking
behind him. Everyone shouted,

Praise1 Him!
Welcome! God bless the one who
comes in the name of the Lord!

Psalmul 118.2526

Binecuvntat este mpr^ia care vine,

a tatlui nostru David*!
Laud lui Dumnezeu n ceruri!

Psalm 118:2526
10 God

bless the kingdom of our father David.*

That kingdom is coming!
Praise to God in heaven!

11Apoi Isus a intrat n Ierusalim. S-a dus

la Templu* `i S-a uitat n jurul Su. Pentru
c era deja trziu, S-a dus n Betania cu cei
doisprezece ucenici.

11 Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the

Temple.* He looked at everything in the Temple
area, but it was already late. So he went to
Bethany with the twelve apostles.*

Smochinul blestemat
(Mt. 21.1819)

Jesus Says a Fig Tree Will Die

(Mt. 21:1819)

12A doua zi, pe cnd plecau din Betania,

lui Isus I s-a fcut foame. 13El a vzut n
deprtare un smochin nfrunzit `i S-a dus s
vad dac poate gsi fructe n el. Dar nu a
gsit nimic n afar de frunze, pentru c nu

12The next day, Jesus was leaving Bethany. He

was hungry. 13He saw a fig tree with leaves. So he
went to the tree to see if it had any figs growing
on it. But he found no figs on the tree. There were

1 11.9 Laud lit. Osana, cuvnt evreiesc care nseamn mn-

tuie`te, dar care a ajuns s fie o expresie a laudei.

1 11:9 Praise Literally, Hosanna, a Hebrew word used in praying to

God for help. Here, it was probably a shout of celebration used in

praising God or his Messiah. Also in verse 10.

MARCU 11.1427


MARK 11:1427

era vremea smochinelor. 14Atunci i-a spus

smochinului: Fie ca nimeni s nu mai
mnnce niciodat din fructele tale!
Ucenicii au auzit ce a spus Isus.

only leaves, because it was not the right time for

figs to grow. 14So Jesus said to the tree, People
will never eat fruit from you again. His followers
heard him say this.

Isus intr n Templu

(Mt. 21.1217; Lc. 19.4548; Ioan 2.1322)

Jesus Goes to the Temple

(Mt. 21:1217; Lk. 19:4548; Jn. 2:1322)

15 Apoi

15 Jesus

s-au dus n Ierusalim. Cnd au

intrat n Templu*, Isus a nceput s-i scoat
afar pe cei ce vindeau `i cumprau n
Templu. Isus a rsturnat mesele celor ce
schimbau bani `i scaunele celor ce vindeau
porumbei. 16El nu lsa pe nimeni s poarte
lucruri prin Templu. 17Apoi Isus a nceput
s-i nve^e spunndu-le: Oare nu este scris
n Scriptur *: Casa Mea va fi numit o
cas de rugciune1 pentru toate popoarele?
Voi ns a^i fcut din ea o ascunztoare
pentru ho^i.2
18Preo^ii cei mai impotan^i `i nv^torii
Legii au auzit ce se ntmplase `i au nceput
s se gndeasc cum s-L omoare pe Isus.
Ei se temeau de Isus pentru c ntreaga mul^ime era uimit de nv^tura Lui. 19Cnd s-a
nserat, Isus `i ucenicii au ie`it din cetate.

went to Jerusalem and entered the

Temple* area. He began driving out the people
who were buying and selling things there. He
turned over the tables that belonged to those who
were exchanging different kinds of money. And he
turned over the benches of those who were selling
doves. 16 He refused to allow anyone to carry
things through the Temple area. 17Then Jesus
began teaching the people and said, It is written in
the Scriptures,* My house will be called a house
of prayer for all people.1 But you are changing
Gods house into a hiding place for thieves.2
18When the leading priests and the teachers of
the law heard what Jesus said, they began trying
to find a way to kill him. They were afraid of him
because all the people were amazed at his
teaching. 19That night Jesus and his followers left
the city.

Isus arat puterea credin^ei

(Mt. 21.2022)

Jesus Shows the Power of Faith

(Mt. 21:2022)

20 Diminea^a,

pe cnd mergeau, Isus `i

ucenicii Si au vzut smochinul care se
uscase din rdcini. 21Petru `i-a amintit ce
se ntmplase n urm cu o zi `i I-a spus lui
Isus: nv^torule, uite c smochinul pe
care l-ai blestemat s-a uscat!
2 2 Isus i-a rspuns: Ai credin^ n
Dumnezeu! 23^i spun adevrul: oricui i va
zice acestui munte: Ridic-te `i arunc-te
n mare! `i nu se ndoie`te n inima sa, ci
crede c ce spune se va ntmpla, i se va
face precum a cerut. 24De aceea, v spun c,
orice ve^i cere n rugciune, s crede^i c a^i
`i primit `i acel lucru va fi al vostru. 25i
cnd v ruga^i, dac ave^i ceva mpotriva
cuiva, s ierta^i, pentru ca `i Tatl vostru din
ceruri s v ierte pcatele. [26]3
Conductorii evreilor se ndoiesc
de autoritatea lui Isus
(Mt. 21.2327; Lc. 20.18)
27 Isus

`i ucenicii Si s-au ntors n

Ierusalim. Isus Se plimba prin Templu* cnd
1 11.17 Citat din Is. 56.7. 2 11.17 Citat din Ier. 7.11. 3 11.26

versetul 26 Unele manuscrise adaug versetul 26: Dar dac

voi nu-i ierta^i pe al^ii, nici Tatl vostru din ceruri nu v va ierta
pcatele voastre.


next morning Jesus was walking with his

followers. They saw the fig tree that he spoke to
the day before. The tree was dry and dead, even
the roots. 21Peter remembered the tree and said to
Jesus, Teacher, look! Yesterday, you told that fig
tree to die. Now it is dry and dead!
22Jesus answered, Have faith in God. 23The
truth is, you can say to this mountain, Go, mountain, fall into the sea. And if you have no doubts
in your mind and believe that what you say will
happen, then God will do it for you. 24So I tell
you to ask for what you want in prayer. And if
you believe that you have received those things,
then they will be yours. 25When you are praying,
and you remember that you are angry with
another person about something, then forgive that
person. Forgive them so that your Father in
heaven will also forgive your sins. [26]3
Jewish Leaders Doubt Jesus Authority
(Mt. 21:2327; Lk. 20:18)
27 Jesus

and his followers went again to

Jerusalem. Jesus was walking in the Temple* area.
1 11:17 Quote from Isa. 56:7. 2 11:17 Quote from Jer. 7:11. 3 11:26
Some early Greek copies add verse 26: But if you dont forgive others,
then your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins.

MARCU 11.28 12.10


MARK 11:2812:10

au venit la El conductorii preo^ilor, nv^torii Legii `i btrnii, 28care L-au ntrebat:

Cu ce autoritate faci aceste lucruri? i cine
i-a dat autoritatea s le faci?
29Isus le-a spus: V voi pune o ntrebare. Dac mi ve^i rspunde, v voi spune `i
Eu cu ce autoritate fac aceste lucruri.
30Botezul* lui Ioan* venea de la Dumnezeu
sau de la oameni? Rspunde^i-Mi!
31Ei au discutat ntre ei `i au spus: Dac
vom rspunde: A fost de la Dumnezeu, El
va spune: Atunci de ce nu l-a^i crezut?
32Dar dac vom zice: A fost de la oameni,
poporul se va mnia. Conductorilor le era
fric de mul^ime, pentru c to^i credeau c
Ioan a fost un profet*.
33Atunci I-au rspuns lui Isus: Nu `tim.
A`a c Isus le-a spus: Nici Eu nu v
voi spune cu ce autoritate fac aceste

The leading priests, the teachers of the law, and

the older Jewish leaders came to him. 28They said,
Tell us! What authority do you have to do these
things? Who gave you this authority?
29Jesus answered, I will ask you a question. You
answer my question. Then I will tell you whose
authority I use to do these things. 30Tell me: When
John baptized* people, did his authority come from
God or was it only from other people? Answer me.
31These Jewish leaders talked about Jesus question. They said to each other, If we answer, Johns
baptism was from God, then he will say, Then
why didnt you believe John? 32But we cant say
that Johns baptism was from someone else.
(These leaders were afraid of the people, because
the people believed that John was a prophet.*)
33 So the leaders answered Jesus, We dont
know the answer.
Jesus said, Then I will not tell you what
authority I use to do these things.

Dumnezeu `i trimite Fiul

(Mt. 21.3346; Lc. 20.919)

God Sends His Son

(Mt. 21:3346; Lk. 20:919)




a nceput s le vorbeasc n
pilde: Un om a plantat o vie. A
construit un gard n jurul ei, a spat o groap pentru teasc `i a zidit un turn. Apoi a
nchiriat-o unor viticultori `i a plecat ntr-o
cltorie. 2Cnd a venit vremea culesului,
omul `i-a trimis un slujitor s-i aduc ceva
din rodul viei. 3Dar viticultorii l-au prins pe
slujitor, l-au btut `i l-au trimis napoi cu
mna goal. 4Apoi, omul a trimis la ei un alt
slujitor. Viticultorii l-au lovit n cap `i `i-au
btut joc de el. 5El a mai trimis un slujitor.
Viticultorii l-au ucis pe acesta. El a mai trimis `i al^i slujitori. Unii au fost btu^i, iar
al^ii au fost omor^i.
6Acum mai avea un singur om pe care-l
putea trimite: pe fiul su iubit. Pe acesta l-a
trimis ultimul. Omul `i-a spus: Sigur l vor
respecta pe fiul meu!
7Dar viticultorii aceia `i-au spus: Acesta
este mo`tenitorul. Veni^i s-l omorm `i
mo`tenirea va fi a noastr. 8L-au omort `i
l-au aruncat afar din vie.
9Acum, ce va face proprietarul viei? Se
va duce, i va omor pe viticultori `i via o va
da altora. 10 Nu a^i citit Scriptura * care


used stories to teach the people. He

said, A man planted a vineyard.* He put a
wall around the field and dug a hole for a winepress.* Then he built a tower. He leased the land
to some farmers and left for a trip.
2Later, it was time for the grapes to be picked.
So the man sent a servant to the farmers to get his
share of the grapes. 3But the farmers grabbed the
servant and beat him. They sent him away with
nothing. 4Then the man sent another servant to the
farmers. They hit this servant on the head, showing
no respect for him. 5So the man sent another servant. The farmers killed this servant. The man sent
many other servants to the farmers. The farmers
beat some of them and killed the others.
6The man had only one person left to send to
the farmers. It was his son. He loved his son, but
he decided to send him. He said, The farmers
will respect my son.
7But the farmers said to each other, This is
the owners son, and this vineyard will be his. If
we kill him, it will be ours. 8So they took the son,
threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.
9So what will the man who owns the vineyard
do? He will go and kill those farmers. Then he
will lease the land to others. 10Surely you have
read this in the Scriptures*:

MARCU 12.1122


Piatra aruncat de zidari

a ajuns s fie pus n capul unghiului*.
11 Domnul a fcut lucrul acesta
`i este minunat n ochii no`tri?

MARK 12:1122

The stone that the builders refused

to accept became the cornerstone.*
11 The Lord did this, and it is wonderful to us.
Psalm 118:2223

Psalmul 118.2223
12 Conductorii iudeilor au nceput s
caute o cale de a-L aresta pe Isus pentru c
`tiau c aceast pild fusese spus mpotriva
lor. ns ei se temeau de mul^ime, a`a c
L-au lsat s plece.

12When these Jewish leaders heard this story,

they knew it was about them. They wanted to find
a way to arrest Jesus, but they were afraid of the
people. So they left him and went away.

Taxele pentru Cezar

(Mt. 22.1522; Lc. 20.2026)

The Jewish Leaders Try to Trick Jesus

(Mt. 22:1522; Lk. 20:2026)


trziu, conductorii iudeilor au trimis ni`te farisei* `i irodieni* la Isus ca s-L

prind spunnd ceva de care s-L poat
acuza. 14Fariseii `i irodienii au venit la El `i
I-au spus: nv^torule, `tim c e`ti un om
cinstit `i `tim c nu-i pas ce zic al^ii
despre Tine, pentru c nu Te ui^i la cum
arat omul, ci i nve^i pe to^i adevrul
despre calea lui Dumnezeu. Spune-ne: este
bine sau nu s pltim taxele ctre Cezar*?
Ar trebui s le pltim sau nu?
15Dar Isus, vznd ipocrizia lor, i-a ntrebat: De ce M ncerca^i? Da^i-Mi s vd o
moned de argint*. 16Ei I-au dat o moned
`i El i-a ntrebat: Chipul `i inscrip^ia cui
sunt pe ea? Ei I-au rspuns: Ale

13L a t e r ,

the Jewish leaders sent some

Pharisees* and some men from the group called
Herodians* to Jesus. They wanted to catch him
saying something wrong. 14They went to Jesus
and said, Teacher, we know that you are an
honest man. You are not afraid of what others
think about you. All people are the same to you.
And you teach the truth about Gods way. Tell us,
is it right to pay taxes to Caesar*? Should we pay
them or not?

17Atunci Isus le-a spus: Da^i Cezarului

ce este al Cezarului `i lui Dumnezeu ce este
al lui Dumnezeu. Ei au fost uimi^i de ceea
ce spusese Isus.

15But Jesus knew that these men were really

trying to trick him. He said, Why are you trying
to catch me saying something wrong? Bring me a
silver coin.* Let me see it. 16They gave Jesus a
coin and he asked, Whose picture is on the coin?
And whose name is written on it? They answered,
It is Caesars picture and Caesars name.
17 Then Jesus said to them, Give to Caesar
what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what
belongs to God. The men were amazed at what
Jesus said.

Ni`te saduchei ncearc s-L

prind n curs pe Isus
(Mt. 22.2333; Lc. 20.2740)

Some Sadducees Try to Trick Jesus

(Mt. 22:2333; Lk. 20:2740)



au venit la Isus ni`te saduchei*.

Saducheii spun c nu exist nviere. Ei L-au
ntrebat: 19nv^torule, Moise ne-a scris n
Lege c, dac un brbat cstorit moare `i
las o so^ie, fr s aib copii, atunci fratele
su trebuie s se nsoare cu ea `i s aib cu
ea copii1 pentru fratele su. 20Erau cndva
`apte fra^i. Primul s-a cstorit `i a murit
fr s aib copii. 21Al doilea s-a cstorit
cu vduva lui, dup care a murit, dar fr s
aib copii. Cu al treilea s-a ntmplat la fel.
22 Nici unul din cei `apte fra^i nu a avut

some Sadducees* came to Jesus. (Sadducees believe that no one will rise from death.)
They asked him a question: 19Teacher, Moses*
wrote that if a married man dies and had no children, his brother must marry the woman. Then
they will have children for the dead brother. 1
20 There were seven brothers. The first brother
married but died. He had no children. 21So the
second brother married the woman. But he also
died and had no children. The same thing happened with the third brother. 22All seven brothers
married the woman and died. None of the brothers
had any children with her. And she was the last to

1 12.19 Moise copii. Vezi Dt. 25.56.

1 12:19 if dead brother See Deut. 25:5, 6.

MARCU 12.2334


MARK 12:2334

copii cu ea. Ultima a murit femeia. 23La

nviere, so^ia cui va fi ea? Pentru c to^i
`apte au avut-o de so^ie.
24Isus le-a spus: Voi gre`i^i pentru c nu
cunoa`te^i nici Scripturile, nici puterea lui
Dumnezeu. 25Pentru c atunci cnd nvie
din mor^i, oamenii nici nu se mai nsoar,
nici nu se mai mrit. 26Iar cu privire la
nvierea mor^ilor, nu a^i citit n cartea lui
Moise pasajul despre rugul aprins1? Acolo
Dumnezeu i-a spus lui Moise: Eu sunt
Dumnezeul lui Avraam, Dumnezeul lui
Isaac `i Dumnezeul lui Iacov. 2 27 Dac
Dumnezeu spune c este Dumnezeul acestor oameni, nseamn c ei nu sunt mor^i,
pentru c El nu este Dumnezeul celor mor^i,
ci al celor vii. Voi, saducheii, gre`i^i.

die. 23But all seven brothers had married her. So

at the time when people rise from death, whose
wife will she be?
24 Jesus answered, How could you be so
wrong? Its because you dont know what the
Scriptures* say. And you dont know anything
about Gods power. 25When people rise from
death, there will be no marriage. People will not
be married to each other. All people will be like
angels in heaven. 26Surely you have read what
God said about people rising from death. In the
book where Moses wrote about the burning bush,1
it says that God told Moses this: I am the God of
Abraham, * the God of Isaac, * and the God of
Jacob.*2 27So they were not dead, because he is
the God only of living people. You Sadducees are
so wrong!

Care este cea mai important porunc

(Mt. 22.3440; Lc. 10.2528)

Which Command Is the Most Important?

(Mt. 22:3440; Lk. 10:2528)

28Unul din nv^torii Legii a venit la Isus

`i L-a auzit discutnd cu saducheii `i cu
fariseii*. Cnd a vzut ct de bine le rspundea El, L-a ntrebat: Care este cea mai
important porunc?
29Isus i-a rspuns: Cea mai important
porunc este aceasta: Ascult, Israele:
Domnul Dumnezeul nostru este singurul
Domn. 30i trebuie s-L iube`ti pe Domnul,
Dumnezeul tu, din toat inima ta, cu tot
sufletul tu, cu toat mintea ta `i cu toat
puterea ta.3 31A doua porunc este aceasta:
S-^i iube`ti aproapele ca pe tine nsu^i.4
Nu este nici o porunc mai important dect
32 nv^torul Legii I-a spus: Bine ai
spus, nv^torule. Ai dreptate cnd spui c
Dumnezeu este Unul `i c nu exist altul n
afar de El. 33i a-L iubi din toat inima, cu
toat priceperea, cu toat puterea `i a ne
iubi aproapele este mai important dect
toate animalele arse pe altar `i dect toate
jertfele cerute de Lege.
34Cnd a vzut Isus c omul I-a rspuns
cu n^elepciune, i-a spus: Tu nu e`ti departe de mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu. Dup
aceea, nimeni nu a mai ndrznit s-I pun

28One of the teachers of the law came to Jesus.

He heard Jesus arguing with the Sadducees* and
the Pharisees. * He saw that Jesus gave good
answers to their questions. So he asked him,
Which of the commands is most important?
29Jesus answered, The most important command is this: People of Israel,* listen! The Lord
our God is the only Lord. 30Love the Lord your
God with all your heart, all your soul, all your
mind, and all your strength.3 31The second most
important command is this: Love your neighbor4
the same as you love yourself.5 These two commands are the most important.

1 12.26 rugul aprins Vezi Ex. 3.112. 2 12.26

Ex. 3.6. 3 12.30 Citat din Dt. 6.45. 4 12.31

Lv. 9.18.

Citat din
Citat din


man answered, That was a good answer,

Teacher. You are right in saying that God is the
only Lord and that there is no other God. 33And
you must love God with all your heart, all your
mind, and all your strength. And you must love
others the same as you love yourself. These commands are more important than all the animals
and sacrifices we offer to God.
34Jesus saw that the man answered him wisely.
So he said to him, You are close to Gods
kingdom.* And after that time, no one was brave
enough to ask Jesus any more questions.

1 12:26 burning bush See Ex. 3:112. 2 12:26 Quote from Ex. 3:6.
3 12:30 Quote from Deut. 6:45. 4 12:31 your neighbor Or, others.

Jesus teaching in Lk. 10:2537 makes clear that this includes anyone in
need. 5 12:31 Quote from Lev. 19:18.

MARCU 12.35 13.1


Al cui fiu este Cristosul?

(Mt. 22.4146; Lc. 20.4144)
35 n

timp ce i nv^a pe oameni n

Isus a spus: Cum pot zice nv^torii Legii c Cristosul * este Fiul lui
David*? 36David nsu`i, inspirat de Duhul
Sfnt*, a spus:

Domnul Dumnezeu spune Domnului

Stai la dreapta Mea,
pn cnd i-i voi pune la picioare
pe to^ii du`manii Ti. Psalmul 110.1

MARK 12:3513:1

Is the Christ Davids Son or Davids Lord?

(Mt. 22:4146; Lk. 20:4144)

was teaching in the Temple* area. He

asked, Why do the teachers of the law say that
the Christ* is the son of David*? 36With the help
of the Holy Spirit,* David himself says,
The Lord God said to my Lord:
Sit by me at my right side,
and I will put your enemies
under your control.1

Psalm 110:1

37 David

nsu`i l nume`te pe Cristos

Domn. Atunci cum poate fi El Fiul lui
David? O mare mul^ime l asculta cu


Isus i critic pe nv^torii Legii

(Mt. 23.136; Lc. 20.4547)

Jesus Criticizes the Teachers of the Law

(Mt. 23:136; Lk. 20:4547)

38 nv^ndu-i pe oameni, Isus spunea:

Ave^i grij cu nv^torii Legii. Lor le face
plcere s se plimbe n hainele lor lungi, le
place s fie saluta^i cu respect n pie^e, 39s
aib locurile cele mai importante din sinagog* `i locurile cele mai bune de la petreceri.
40i n timp ce se poart ru cu vduvele `i
le fur casele, ncearc s arate bine n ochii
lumii `i spun rugciuni lungi. Ace`ti oameni
vor primi o pedeaps `i mai mare.

38 Jesus continued teaching. He said, Be

careful of the teachers of the law. They like to
walk around wearing clothes that look important.
And they love for people to show respect to them
in the marketplaces. 39They love to have the most
important seats in the synagogues* and the places
of honor at banquets. 40But they cheat widows
and take their homes. Then they try to make themselves look good by saying long prayers. God will
punish them very much.

O vduv srac model de drnicie

(Lc. 21.14)

True Giving
(Lk. 21:14)

41Isus sttea n fa^a cutiei pentru daruri

din fa^a Templului* `i Se uita la oamenii
care puneau bani n cutie. Unii oameni
boga^i puneau mul^i bani. 42A venit `i o
vduv srac. Ea a pus doi bnu^i.
43Isus i-a chemat pe ucenici `i le-a spus:
V spun adevrul: aceast vduv srac a
dat mai mult dect to^i ceilal^i care au pus
ceva n cutie. 44Pentru c to^i ace`tia au dat
din ceea ce aveau n plus. Dar ea, din srcia ei, a dat tot ce a avut. Ea a dat to^i banii
care i mai rmseser s triasc.

41Jesus sat near the Temple * collection box 2

and watched as people put money into it. Many
rich people put in a lot of money. 42Then a poor
widow came and put in two very small copper
coins, worth less than a penny.
43Jesus called his followers to him and said,
This poor widow put in only two small coins.
But the truth is, she gave more than all those rich
people. 44They have plenty, and they gave only
what they did not need. This woman is very poor,
but she gave all she had. It was money she needed
to live on.

Drmarea Templului
(Mt. 24.144; Lc. 21.533)

Jesus Warns About the Future

(Mt. 24:144; Lk. 21:533)




timp ce Isus ie`ea din Templu*,

unul dintre ucenici I-a spus:
nv^torule, iat ce cldiri frumoase `i ce
pietre mari are acest Templu!

himself calls the Christ Lord. So how

can the Christ be Davids son? Many people listened to Jesus and were very pleased.


was leaving the Temple* area. One

of his followers said to him, Teacher,
look how big those stones are! What beautiful

1 12:36 control Literally, feet. 2 12:41 collection box A special box in

the Jewish place for worship where people put their gifts to God.

MARCU 13.216


2Dar Isus i-a rspuns: Vezi tu aceste cldiri mari? Toate vor fi drmate. Nu vor
rmne dou pietre una peste alta.
3 Mai

trziu, Isus sttea pe Muntele

Mslinilor*, cu fa^a ctre Templu mpreun
cu Petru, Iacov, Ioan `i Andrei. Ei L-au
ntrebat: 4Spune-ne: cnd se vor ntmpla
aceste lucruri? i ce semn va arta c a
venit vremea ca ele s se ntmple?
5Atunci Isus a nceput s le spun: Ave^i
grij s nu fi^i n`ela^i de nimeni! 6Vor veni
mul^i n Numele Meu zicnd: Eu sunt
Cristosul*. Ace`tia i vor n`ela pe mul^i.
7Voi ve^i auzi despre rzboaie `i zvonuri
despre rzboaie. S nu v fie fric! Aceste
lucruri trebuie s se ntmple nainte de
venirea sfr`itului. 8Un popor se va lupta cu
alt popor `i o mpr^ie cu o alt mpr^ie.
Vor fi cutremure `i foamete. Dar acestea
sunt doar nceputul sfr`itului.
9Ave^i grij de voi! Oamenii v vor da pe
mna sinedriilor* `i ve^i fi btu^i n sinagogi*. Ve^i sta naintea conductorilor `i
mpra^ilor din cauza Mea. i le ve^i spune
despre Mine. 10Iar nainte ca aceste lucruri
s se ntmple, Vestea Bun* trebuie proclamat tuturor popoarelor. 11Voi ve^i fi aresta^i `i judeca^i. Dar s nu v face^i dinainte
griji cu privire la ceea ce ve^i avea de spus,
ci s spune^i ceea ce v va fi dat atunci.
Cci nu voi ve^i vorbi, ci Duhul Sfnt*.
12Un frate se va ntoarce mpotriva altui
frate `i l va da s fie omort. i un tat va
face la fel fiului su. Copiii se vor ridica
mpotriva prin^ilor `i i vor omor. 13To^i
oamenii v vor ur din cauza Numelui
Meu. Dar oricine va rbda pn la sfr`it
va fi mntuit.
14 Cnd ve^i vedea lucrul dezgusttor
care aduce distrugere1 stnd unde nu trebuie (cine cite`te s n^eleag!), atunci cei ce
sunt n Iudeea s fug n mun^i. 15Cel ce se
afl pe acoperi`ul casei s nu coboare n
cas `i s nu intre s-`i ia ceva din ea. 16Iar
cel ce se gse`te pe cmp s nu se ntoarc

1 13.14 lucrul dezgusttor care aduce distrugere Vezi

Dan. 9.27; 12.11 (comp. cu Dan. 11.31).

MARK 13:216

2Jesus said, Do you see these great buildings?

They will all be destroyed. Every stone will be
thrown down to the ground. Not one stone will be
left on another.
3 Later, Jesus was sitting at a place on the
Mount of Olives. * He was alone with Peter,
James, John, and Andrew. They could all see the
Temple, and they said to Jesus, 4Tell us when
these things will happen. And what will show us it
is time for them to happen?
5 Jesus said to them, Be careful! Dont let
anyone fool you. 6Many people will come and use
my name. They will say, I am the one and will
fool many people. 7You will hear about wars that
are being fought. And you will hear stories about
other wars beginning. But dont be afraid. These
things must happen before the end comes.
8Nations will fight against other nations. Kingdoms will fight against other kingdoms. There will
be times when there is no food for people to eat.
And there will be earthquakes in different places.
These things are only the beginning of troubles,
like the first pains of a woman giving birth.
9You must be careful. People will arrest you
and take you to be judged for being my followers. They will beat you in their synagogues.*
You will be forced to stand before kings and
governors. You will tell them about me. 10Before
the end comes, the Good News* must be told to
all people. 11Even when you are arrested and put
on trial, dont worry about what you will say.
Say whatever God tells you at the time. It will
not really be you speaking. It will be the Holy
12Brothers will turn against their own brothers
and give them to be killed. Fathers will turn
against their own children and give them to be
killed. Children will fight against their own parents
and find ways for their parents to be killed. 13All
people will hate you because you follow me. But
those who remain faithful to the end will be saved.
14You will see the terrible thing that causes
destruction.1 You will see this thing standing in
the place where it should not be. (Reader, I trust
you understand what this means.) Everyone in
Judea at that time should run away to the mountains. 15They should run away without wasting
time to stop for anything. If someone is on the
roof of their house, they must not go down to take
things out of the house. 16If someone is in the
field, they must not go back to get a coat.
1 13:14 the terrible thing destruction See Dan. 9:27; 12:11 (also

Dan. 11:31).

MARCU 13.1734


MARK 13:1734

s-`i ia haina. 17 Va fi foarte ru pentru

femeile care vor fi nsrcinate sau care vor
avea copii de alptat n acele zile.
18Ruga^i-v ca aceste lucruri s nu se ntmple iarna. 19Pentru c necazul din zilele acelea va fi mai mare dect oricare altul care
s-a ntmplat de cnd a creat Dumnezeu
lumea `i pn acum. i nu se va mai ntmpla niciodat ceva att de ru. 20i dac
Domnul nu ar fi scurtat acele zile, nimeni
nu ar supravie^ui. Dar El le-a scurtat de dragul celor pe care El i-a ales. 21i dac atunci
v spune cineva: Uita^i-v, aici este
Cristosul! sau: Este acolo!, s nu-l crede^i. 22Pentru c vor aprea cristo`i `i profe^i fal`i * . Ei vor face semne `i minuni
pentru a-i n`ela, dac se poate, pe cei ale`i.
23 A`a c, ave^i grij! V-am spus despre
toate acestea nainte ca ele s se ntmple.
24Dar n acele zile, dup acel necaz,

17During that time it will be hard for women

who are pregnant or have small babies. 18Pray that
these things will not happen in winter, 19because
those days will be full of trouble. There will be
more trouble than has ever happened since the
beginning, when God made the world. And
nothing that bad will ever happen again. 20But the
Lord has decided to make that terrible time short.
If it were not made short, no one could survive.
But the Lord will make that time short to help the
special people he has chosen.
21 Someone might say to you at that time,
Look, there is the Christ*! Or another person
might say, There he is! But dont believe them.
22False Christs and false prophets* will come and
do miracles and wonders, 1 trying to fool the
people God has chosen, if that is possible. 23So be
careful. Now I have warned you about all this
before it happens.
24During the days following that time of trouble,

soarele se va ntuneca
`i luna nu va mai lumina.
25 Stelele vor cdea din cer,
iar corpurile cere`ti vor fi cltinate.1

The sun will become dark,

and the moon will not give light.
25 The stars will fall from the sky,
and everything in the sky will be changed.2

26 Apoi oamenii l vor vedea pe Fiul

omului* venind pe nori cu mare putere `i
slav. 27i Fiul omului `i va trimite ngerii
`i va aduna poporul ales din toate col^urile
28 Smochinul ne nva^ o lec^ie: cnd
ramurile nverzesc `i se umplu cu frunze,
`ti^i c vara este aproape. 29La fel, cnd ve^i
vedea c se ntmpl aceste lucruri, ve^i `ti
c timpul2 este aproape. 30V spun adevrul: aceast genera^ie va tri s vad aceste
lucruri ntmplndu-se. 31Cerul `i pmntul
vor trece, dar cuvintele Mele nu vor trece

26 Then people will see the Son of Man *

coming in the clouds with great power and glory.*
27He will send his angels all around the earth.
They will gather his chosen people from every
part of the earth.
28The fig tree teaches us a lesson: When the
fig trees branches become green and soft, and
new leaves begin to grow, then you know that
summer is near. 29In the same way, when you see
all these things happening, you will know that the
time3 is near, ready to come. 30I assure you that
all these things will happen while some of the
people of this time are still living. 31The whole
world, earth and sky, will be destroyed, but my
words will last forever.
32No one knows when that day or time will be.
The Son and the angels in heaven dont know
when that day or time will be. Only the Father
knows. 33Be careful! Always be ready. You dont
know when that time will be.
34Its like a man who goes on a trip and leaves
his house in the care of his servants. He gives
each one a special job to do. He tells the servant

32Nimeni nu `tie cnd va fi ziua sau ora

aceea. Nici mcar ngerii sau Fiul, ci numai
Tatl. 33Veghea^i! Fi^i treji! Pentru c nu
`ti^i cnd va veni timpul acela. 34Ziua aceea
se aseamn cu un om care pleac ntr-o
cltorie. El `i las casa pe mna slujitorilor `i atribuie fiecruia anumite ndatoriri.

1 13.2425 Vezi Is. 13:10, 34.4. 2 13.29 timpul vremea cnd

Isus spune c se va ntmpla ceva important; vezi `i Lc. 21.31,

unde Isus spune c s-a mplinit vremea pentru ca mpr^ia lui
Dumnezeu s vin.

1 13:22 miracles and wonders Here, amazing acts done by Satans

power. 2 13:2425 See Isa. 13:10, 34:4. 3 13:29 time The time Jesus
has been talking about when something important will happen. See
Lk. 21:31, where Jesus says that this is the time for Gods kingdom to

MARCU 13.35 14.9


El porunce`te paznicului s vegheze. 35A`a

c, veghea^i `i voi, pentru c nu `ti^i cnd va
veni stpnul casei. Nu `ti^i dac va veni
seara, la miezul nop^ii, cnd va cnta
coco`ul sau diminea^a. 36Dac vine pe nea`teptate, s nu v gseasc dormind. 37Ce v
spun vou, spun tuturor: Veghea^i!
Conductorii evrei plnuiesc
s-L omoare pe Isus
(Mt. 26.15; Lc. 22.12; Ioan 11.4553)



MARK 13:3514:9

guarding the door to always be ready. And this is

what I am now telling you. 35You must always be
ready. You dont know when the owner of the
house will come back. He might come in the
afternoon, or at midnight, or in the early morning,
or when the sun rises. 36If you are always ready,
he will not find you sleeping, even if he comes
back earlier than expected. 37I tell you this, and I
say it to everyone: Be ready!
The Jewish Leaders Plan to Kill Jesus
(Mt. 26:15; Lk. 22:12; Jn. 11:4553)


1 It

erau dou zile pn la Pa`te* `i

pn la Srbtoarea Pinilor
Nedospite*. Conductorii preo^ilor `i nv^torii Legii cutau o ocazie s-L prind pe
Isus n secret `i s-L omoare. 2Ei spuneau:
Nu-L putem aresta pe Isus n timpul srbtorii, pentru c oamenii ar putea provoca

was now only two days before the

Passover* and the Festival of Unleavened
Bread.* The leading priests and teachers of the
law were trying to find a way to arrest Jesus
without the people seeing it. Then they could kill
him. 2They said, But we cannot arrest Jesus
during the festival. We dont want the people to
be angry and cause a riot.

O femeie face un lucru deosebit

(Mt. 26.613; Ioan 12.18)

A Woman Does Something Special

(Mt. 26:613; Jn. 12:18)


timp ce se afla n Betania, Isus a mncat n casa lui Simon leprosul. Atunci a
venit o femeie cu un vas de alabastru*. n el
avea un parfum foarte scump fcut numai
din nard*. Ea a spart vasul de alabastru `i a
turnat parfumul pe capul lui Isus.
4Unii s-au indignat `i `i-au spus: De ce
trebuie s se risipeasc atta parfum? 5Acest
parfum s-ar fi putut vinde cu trei sute de
dinari `i banii s-ar fi putut da sracilor. i
au criticat-o aspru.

Isus a spus: Lsa^i-o n pace! De

ce o necji^i? Ea a fcut ceva frumos pentru
Mine. 7Pentru c pe sraci i ve^i avea ntotdeauna cu voi `i i pute^i ajuta oricnd
dori^i. Dar pe Mine nu M ve^i avea ntotdeauna. 8Ea a fcut ce a putut. A turnat parfum pe trupul Meu. i ea a fcut aceasta,
nainte ca Eu s mor, ca s M pregteasc
pentru nmormntare. 9V spun adevrul:
oriunde va fi proclamat Vestea Bun*, n
ntreaga lume, se va spune `i ceea ce a fcut
femeia aceasta, n amintirea ei.


was in Bethany at the house of Simon

the leper.* While he was eating there, a woman
came to him. She had an alabaster* jar filled with
expensive perfume made of pure nard. * She
opened the jar and poured the perfume on Jesus
4Some of the followers there saw this. They
were upset and complained to each other. They
said, Why waste that perfume? 5It was worth a
full years pay.1 It could have been sold and the
money given to those who are poor. And they
told the woman what a bad thing she had done.
6 Jesus said, Leave her alone. Why are you
giving her such trouble? She did a very good
thing for me. 7You will always have the poor with
you,2 and you can help them any time you want.
But you will not always have me. 8This woman
did the only thing she could do for me. She
poured perfume on my body before I die to prepare it for burial. 9The Good News* will be told to
people all over the world. And I can assure you
that everywhere the Good News is told, the story
of what this woman did will also be told, and
people will remember her.

1 14:5 a full years pay Literally, 300 denarii (silver coins). One coin, a
Roman denarius, was the average pay for one days work. 2 14:7 You

will with you See Deut. 15:11.

MARCU 14.1023


Trdarea lui Iuda

(Mt. 26.1416; Lc. 22.36)

MARK 14:1023

Judas Agrees to Help Jesus Enemies

(Mt. 26:1416; Lk. 22:36)

Iuda Iscarioteanul, unul din cei

doisprezece, s-a dus la marii preo^i pentru
a-L da pe Isus pe mna lor. 11Ei au fost
ncnta^i s aud a`a ceva `i i-au promis
ni`te bani. A`a c Iuda a nceput s caute
momentul potrivit pentru a-L trda pe Isus.

Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles, * went to talk to the leading priests about
helping them arrest Jesus. 11They were very happy
about this, and they promised to pay him. So he
waited for the best time to hand Jesus over to

Masa de Pa`te
(Mt. 26.1725; Lc. 22.714, 2123; Ioan 13.2130)

The Passover Meal

(Mt. 26:1725; Lk. 22:714, 2123; Jn. 13:2130)

12 Era


prima zi a Srbtorii Pinilor

Nedospite, ziua n care era omort mielul*
pentru Pa`te*. Ucenicii au venit la Isus `i
I-au spus: Unde vrei s ne ducem s
facem pregtiri, ca s mnnci masa de
13Isus a trimis doi ucenici, spunndu-le:
Duce^i-v n cetate! V ve^i ntlni cu un
om care duce un vas cu ap. Urma^i-l!
14 Spune^i stpnului casei n care intr:
nv^torul zice: Unde este camera n care
pot s iau masa de Pa`te cu ucenicii Mei?
15El v va arta o camer mare de la etaj,
aranjat `i pregtit. Face^i pregtirile
pentru noi acolo.
16Ucenicii au plecat `i, cnd au ajuns n
cetate, au gsit totul a`a cum le spusese
Isus. Ei au pregtit masa de Pa`te.
17Cnd s-a nserat, a venit Isus cu cei doisprezece. 18n timp ce mncau la mas, Isus
a spus: V spun adevrul: unul dintre voi
M va trda. M va trda cel ce mnnc la
mas cu Mine!
19Ei s-au ntristat `i fiecare L-a ntrebat:
Nu cumva eu sunt acela?
20Isus le-a rspuns: Este unul din cei
doisprezece. Este cel care `i nmoaie pinea n castron mpreun cu Mine. 21Fiul
omului* va muri a`a cum s-a scris despre
El. Dar vai de cel care l va trda! Ar fi
fost mai bine pentru acel om s nu se fi

was now the first day of the Festival of

Unleavened Bread * the day the lambs were
killed for the Passover.* Jesus followers came to
him and said, We will go and prepare everything
for you to eat the Passover meal. Where do you
want us to have the meal?
13Jesus sent two of his followers into the city.
He said to them, Go into the city. You will see a
man carrying a jar of water. He will come to you.
Follow him. 14He will go into a house. Tell the
owner of the house, The Teacher asks that you
show us the room where he and his followers can
eat the Passover meal. 15The owner will show
you a large room upstairs that is ready for us. Prepare the meal for us there.
16So the followers left and went into the city.
Everything happened the way Jesus said. So the
followers prepared the Passover meal.
17In the evening, Jesus went to that house with
the twelve apostles.* 18While they were all at the
table eating, he said, Believe me when I say that
one of you will turn against meone of you
eating with me now.
19 The followers were very sad to hear this.
Each one said to Jesus, Surely I am not the one!
20Jesus answered, The man who is against me
is one of you twelve. He is the one who dips his
bread into the same bowl with me. 21The Son of
Man* will suffer what the Scriptures* say will
happen to him. But it will be very bad for the one
who gives the Son of Man over to be killed. It
would be better for him if he were never born.

Cina Domnului
(Mt. 26.2630; Lc. 22.1520; 1 Cor. 11.2325)

The Lords Supper

(Mt. 26:2630; Lk. 22:1520; 1 Cor. 11:2325)


timp ce mncau, Isus a luat pine, I-a

mul^umit lui Dumnezeu, a frnt-o `i le-a
dat-o ucenicilor, spunnd: Lua^i, acesta
este trupul Meu!
23Apoi Isus a luat un pahar `i I-a mul^umit lui Dumnezeu. El le-a dat paharul `i ei
au but din el.

22 While

they were eating, Jesus took some

bread and thanked God for it. He broke off some
pieces, gave them to his followers and said, Take
and eat this bread. It is my body.
23Then he took a cup of wine, thanked God for
it, and gave it to them. They all drank from the

MARCU 14.2438


MARK 14:2438

24 El le-a spus: Acesta este sngele

Meu, sngele legmntului cel nou, care se
vars pentru mul^i. 25V spun adevrul: nu
voi mai bea din rodul vi^ei pn n ziua n
care l voi bea nou n mpr^ia lui
26Ucenicii au cntat un cntec de laud.
Apoi s-au dus pe Muntele Mslinilor*.

cup. 24Then he said, This wine is my blood,

which will be poured out for many to begin the
new agreement* from God to his people. 25I want
you to know, I will not drink this wine again until
that day when I drink it in Gods kingdom* and
the wine is new.
26They all sang a song and then went out to the
Mount of Olives.*

Ucenicii l vor prsi pe Isus

(Mt. 26.3135; Lc. 22.3134; Ioan 13.3638)

Jesus Says His Followers Will Leave Him

(Mt. 26:3135; Lk. 22:3134; Jn. 13:3638)


le-a spus: Voi to^i v ve^i pierde

credin^a. Pentru c este scris:
Voi bate pstorul,
iar oile se vor mpr`tia.

Zaharia 13.7

28 Dar


Jesus told the followers, You will all

lose your faith. The Scriptures* say,
I will kill the shepherd,
and the sheep will run away.

Zechariah 13:7


dup ce voi nvia, M voi duce n

Galileea. Voi ajunge acolo naintea voastr.
29ns Petru I-a spus: Chiar dac to^i `i
vor pierde credin^a, eu nu mi-o voi pierde.
30Atunci Isus i-a spus: ^i spun adevrul:
chiar n aceast noapte, nainte de a cnta
coco`ul de dou ori, vei nega de trei ori faptul c M cuno`ti.
31 Dar Petru a spus din nou, cu `i mai
mult insisten^: Chiar dac va trebui s
mor cu Tine, niciodat nu voi nega faptul c
Te cunosc. i ceilal^i ucenici au spus la fel.

after I am killed, I will rise from death. Then I

will go to Galilee. I will be there before you come.
29Peter said, All the other followers may lose
their faith. But my faith will never be shaken.
30Jesus answered, The truth is that tonight you
will say you dont know me. You will say it three
times before the rooster crows twice.

Isus Se roag singur

(Mt. 26.3646; Lc. 22.3946)

Jesus Prays Alone

(Mt. 26:3646; Lk. 22:3946)



Peter strongly protested, I will never say

I dont know you! I will even die with you! And
all the other followers said the same thing.


Isus `i ucenicii au ajuns la un loc

numit Ghetsimani. Isus le-a spus ucenicilor:
Sta^i aici ct M rog. 33i i-a luat cu El pe
Petru, pe Iacov `i pe Ioan. El a nceput s Se
team `i s Se tulbure. 34 El le-a spus:
Sufletul Meu este cuprins de o ntristare de
moarte. Sta^i aici `i veghea^i.
35Isus S-a dus pu^in mai departe, a czut
cu fa^a la pmnt `i S-a rugat ca, dac se
poate, s nu treac prin acest ceas al suferin^ei. 36El a spus: Ava1, Tat, Tu po^i face
absolut orice. Ia paharul2 acesta de la Mine!
Dar s nu se fac voia Mea, ci voia Ta!
37 Apoi Isus S-a ntors `i i-a gsit dormind. i i-a spus lui Petru: Simone, dormi?
Nu ai putut veghea nici mcar un ceas?
38 Veghea^i `i ruga^i-v s ave^i putere
mpotriva ispitei! Duhul este plin de voin^,
dar trupul este slab.

and his followers went to a place named

Gethsemane. He said to them, Sit here while I
pray. 33But he told Peter, James, and John to
come with him. He began to be very distressed
and troubled, 34and he said to them, My heart is
so heavy with grief, I feel like I am dying. Wait
here and stay awake.
35Jesus went on a little farther away from them,
fell to the ground, and prayed. He asked that, if
possible, he would not have this time of suffering.
36He said, Abba,1 Father! You can do all things.
Dont make me drink from this cup.2 But do what
you want, not what I want.
37Then he went back to his followers and found
them sleeping. He said to Peter, Simon, why are
you sleeping? Could you not stay awake with me
for one hour? 38Stay awake and pray for strength
against temptation. Your spirit wants to do what is
right, but your body is weak.

1 14.36 Ava nume pe care-l foloseau copiii pentru a-`i chema

tatl. 2 14.36 paharul paharul suferin^ei; Isus Se refer la toate

1 14:36 Abba An Aramaic word that was used by Jewish children as a

name for their fathers. 2 14:36 cup A symbol of suffering. Jesus used
the idea of drinking from a cup to mean accepting the suffering he would
face in the terrible events that were soon to come.

lucrurile groaznice care urmau s I se ntmple.

MARCU 14.3954


39Isus S-a dus din nou `i S-a rugat, spunnd acela`i lucru. 40Cnd S-a ntors, i-a
gsit din nou dormind, pentru c erau obosi^i. i ei nu au `tiut ce s-I spun.

MARK 14:3954

ce S-a rugat a treia oar, Isus S-a

ntors la ucenici `i le-a spus: nc dormi^i
`i v odihni^i? Destul! A venit ceasul cnd
Fiul omului* este dat pe mna pcto`ilor.
42Scula^i-v! S mergem! Iat, vine omul
care M-a trdat.

39Again Jesus went away and prayed the same

thing. 40Then he went back to the followers and
again found them sleeping. They could not stay
awake. They did not know what they should say
to him.
41After Jesus prayed a third time, he went back
to his followers. He said to them, You are still
sleeping and resting? Thats enough! The time has
come for the Son of Man* to be handed over to
sinful people. 42 Stand up! We must go. Here
comes the man who is giving me to those people.

Prinderea lui Isus

(Mt. 26.4756; Lc. 22.4753; Ioan 18.312)

Jesus Is Arrested
(Mt. 26:4756; Lk. 22:4753; Jn. 18:312)

43Imediat dup aceea, n timp ce Isus nc

mai vorbea, a aprut Iuda, unul dintre cei doisprezece. El era nso^it de mai mul^i oameni
narma^i cu sbii `i ciomege, trimi`i de marii
preo^i, de nv^torii Legii `i de btrni.
44Trdtorul stabilise cu ei un semn: Cel
pe care-L voi sruta, Acela este Isus.
Aresta^i-L `i pzi^i-L cnd a^i pus mna pe
El! 45Cum a ajuns acolo, Iuda s-a dus la
Isus `i I-a spus: nv^torule! Apoi L-a
srutat. 46Oamenii au pus mna pe Isus `i
L-au arestat. 47Unul din cei care erau aproape `i-a scos sabia `i l-a lovit pe slujitorul
marelui preot, tindu-i urechea.
48Apoi Isus le-a spus: A^i venit s M
prinde^i cu sbii `i ciomege, de parc a` fi un
ho^. 49Am fost n fiecare zi cu voi, nv^ndu-i pe oameni n Templu* `i nu M-a^i arestat. Dar trebuia s se ntmple a`a, pentru ca
s se mplineasc Scriptura*. 50To^i ucenicii
L-au prsit pe Isus `i au fugit.
51Un tnr l urma pe Isus. El nu purta
dect o hain de in. Au ncercat s-l aresteze `i pe el, 52dar el `i-a lsat haina de in `i a
fugit dezbrcat.

43While Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of

the twelve apostles,* came there. He had a big
crowd of people with him, all carrying swords and
clubs. They had been sent from the leading priests,
the teachers of the law, and the older Jewish leaders.
44Judas1 planned to do something to show them
which one was Jesus. He said, The one I kiss will
be Jesus. Arrest him and guard him while you
lead him away. 45So Judas went over to Jesus
and said, Teacher! Then he kissed him. 46The
men grabbed Jesus and arrested him. 47One of the
followers standing near Jesus grabbed his sword,
pulled it out, and swung it at the servant of the
high priest* and cut off his ear.
48Then Jesus said, You came to get me with
swords and clubs like I am a criminal. 49Every
day I was with you teaching in the Temple* area.
You did not arrest me there. But all these things
have happened to show the full meaning of what
the Scriptures* said. 50Then all of Jesus followers left him and ran away.
51One of those following Jesus was a young
man wearing only a linen cloth. When the people
tried to grab him, 52he left the cloth in their hands
and ran away naked.

Isus naintea conductorilor evrei

(Mt. 26.5768; Lc. 22.5455, 6371;
Ioan 18.1314, 1924)

Jesus Before the Jewish Leaders

(Mt. 26:5768; Lk. 22:5455, 6371;
Jn. 18:1314, 1924)


53 L-au

dus pe Isus naintea marelui

To^i marii preo^i, btrnii `i nv^torii Legii au venit `i ei. 54Petru L-a urmat pe
Isus pn n curtea marelui preot. Petru a
intrat n curte `i sttea acolo cu slujitorii `i
se nclzea la foc.

53 Those

who arrested Jesus led him to the

house of the high priest.* All the leading priests,
the older Jewish leaders, and the teachers of the
law were gathered there. 54Peter followed Jesus
but stayed back at a distance. He followed him to
the yard of the high priests house. He went into
the yard and sat there with the guards, warming
himself by their fire.
1 14:44 Judas Literally, the one who betrayed him.

MARCU 14.5570


55 Conductorii preo^ilor `i ntregul

Sinedriu* cutau dovezi mpotriva lui Isus
pentru a-L omor. Dar nu au putut gsi nici
una. 56Pentru c mul^i au depus mrturii
false mpotriva Lui, dar aceste mrturii nu
se potriveau.
57Apoi unii s-au ridicat `i au depus mrturie mpotriva lui Isus, min^ind. Ei ziceau:
58L-am auzit spunnd: Voi drma acest
Templu fcut de minile oamenilor `i n trei
zile voi construi altul, care nu va fi fcut de
mini omene`ti. 59Dar ei nu se n^elegeau
nici mcar asupra acestei mrturii.
60Apoi marele preot s-a ridicat n fa^a lor
`i L-a ntrebat pe Isus: Nu rspunzi nimic?
Ce ai de spus acestor oameni care Te
acuz? 61Dar Isus tcea.

MARK 14:5570

55The leading priests and the whole high council

tried to find something that Jesus had done wrong
so they could kill him. But the council could find
no proof that would allow them to kill Jesus.
56Many people came and told lies against Jesus, but
they all said different things. None of them agreed.
57Then some others stood and told more lies
against Jesus. They said, 58We heard this man1
say, I will destroy this Temple* built by human
hands. And three days later, I will build another
Temple not made by human hands. 59But also
what these people said did not agree.

i ei au hotrt cu to^ii c Isus este vinovat

`i merit s moar. 65Atunci unii au nceput
s-L scuipe, s-I acopere fa^a, s-L loveasc
`i s-I spun: Vorbe`te! Spune cine Te-a
lovit! Iar slujitorii L-au luat `i L-au btut.

the high priest stood before everyone

and said to Jesus, These people said things
against you. Do you have something to say about
their charges? Are they telling the truth? 61But
Jesus said nothing to answer him.
The high priest asked Jesus another question:
Are you the Christ,* the Son of the blessed God?
62Jesus answered, Yes, I am the Son of God.
And in the future you will see the Son of Man*
sitting at the right side of God All-Powerful. And
you will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds
of heaven.
63When the high priest heard this, he tore his
clothes in anger. He said, We dont need any
more witnesses! 64You all heard these insults to
God. What do you think?
Everyone agreed that Jesus was guilty and must
be killed. 65Some of the people there spit at him.
They covered his eyes and hit him with their fists.
They said, Be a prophet2 and tell us who hit you!
Then the guards led Jesus away and beat him.

Petru se teme s spun c-L

cunoa`te pe Isus
(Mt. 26.6975; Lc. 22.5662; Ioan 18.1518, 2527)

Peter Is Afraid to Say He Knows Jesus

(Mt. 26:6975; Lk. 22:5662; Jn. 18:1518, 2527)

Marele preot L-a ntrebat: E`ti Tu

Cristosul*, Fiul Dumnezeului binecuvntat?
62Isus a rspuns: Sunt. i l ve^i vedea
pe Fiul omului * stnd la dreapta Celui
Puternic `i venind pe norii cerului.
63Marele preot `i-a rupt hainele `i a spus:
Ce nevoie mai avem de martori? 64 A^i
auzit blasfemia! Ce crede^i?

66Petru era tot n curte, cnd a venit o

slujitoare a marelui preot. 67Cnd l-a vzut
pe Petru nclzindu-se, s-a uitat cu aten^ie
la el `i i-a spus: i tu erai cu acel
Nazarinean, Isus.
68 Dar Petru nu a recunoscut `i a spus:
Nu `tiu ce vorbe`ti `i nu n^eleg ce spui!
Apoi a ie`it de acolo `i coco`ul a cntat1.

l-a vzut slujitoarea, a nceput s le

spun celor care stteau acolo: Acesta este
unul dintre ei! 70Dar Petru a negat din nou.
1 14.68 `i coco`ul a cntat Numai unele manuscrise adaug

aceste cuvinte.

66While Peter was still in the yard, a servant

girl of the high priest* came there. 67She saw him
warming himself at the fire. She looked closely at
him and said, You were with Jesus, that man
from Nazareth.
68But Peter said this was not true. That makes
no sense, he said. I dont know what you are
talking about! Then he left and went to the
entrance of the yard.3
69The servant girl saw Peter there. Again the
girl said to the people who were standing there,
This man is one of those people who followed
Jesus. 70Again Peter said it was not true.
1 14:58 this man Jesus. His enemies avoided saying his name. 2 14:65
prophet A prophet often knows things that are hidden to other people.
3 14:68 Many Greek copies add and the rooster crowed.

MARCU 14.71 15.14


MARK 14:7115:14

Petru s-a jurat: Nu-L cunosc pe

acest om despre care vorbi^i!
72i chiar atunci coco`ul a cntat a doua
oar, iar Petru `i-a amintit cuvintele lui Isus:
nainte de a cnta coco`ul de dou ori, vei
nega de trei ori faptul c M cuno`ti. Petru
s-a ntristat `i a nceput s plng.

A short time later, some people were standing

near Peter. The people said, We know you are
one of those who followed Jesus. You are also
from Galilee.
71Then Peter began to curse. He said, I swear to
God I dont know this man you are talking about!
72As soon as Peter said this, the rooster crowed
the second time. Then he remembered what Jesus
had told him: Before the rooster crows twice,
you will say three times that you dont know me.
Then Peter began to cry.

Guvernatorul Pilat l ancheteaz pe Isus

(Mt. 27.12, 1114; Lc. 23.15; Ioan 18.2838)

Governor Pilate Questions Jesus

(Mt. 27:12, 1114; Lk. 23:15; Jn. 18:2838)



Pu^in mai trziu, cei care stteau acolo

i-au spus lui Petru: Cu siguran^ c `i tu
e`ti unul dintre ei, pentru c e`ti galileean.
71 i


marii preo^i, cu btrnii, cu nv^torii Legii `i cu ntregul

Sinedriu*, au pus la cale un plan. Ei L-au
legat pe Isus, L-au dus `i L-au dat predat lui
2Iar Pilat L-a ntrebat: E`ti Tu mpratul
Isus i-a rspuns: Este a`a cum spui.
3 Marii preo^i L-au acuzat de multe
lucruri. 4Pilat L-a ntrebat din nou: Nu
rspunzi? Nu vezi de cte lucruri Te
5Dar Isus nu rspundea. Pilat era uimit.

Pilat ncearc, fr succes,

s-L elibereze pe Isus
(Mt. 27.1531; Lc. 23.1325; Ioan 18.3919.16)
6De Pa`te*, Pilat avea obiceiul s elibereze un prizonier pe care-l vroiau oamenii. 7n
acele zile era n nchisoare un brbat, pe
nume Baraba, mpreun cu ni`te rscula^i.
Ace`tia provocaser o revolt `i erau vinova^i de crim. 8Iudeii au venit la Pilat `i l-au
rugat s fac ce fcea de obicei.
9Pilat i-a ntrebat: Vre^i s-I dau drumul
mpratului iudeilor? 10Pilat a spus aceasta
pentru c `tia c marii preo^i l dduser pe
Isus n minile sale din invidie. 11ns marii
preo^i au agitat mul^imea pentru ca Pilat s-l
elibereze pe Baraba n locul lui Isus.
12Dar Pilat i-a ntrebat din nou: Ce vre^i
s fac cu Cel pe care-L numi^i mpratul
13Ei au strigat din nou: Rstigne`te-L!
14Dar Pilat le-a spus: De ce? Cu ce a
ns ei au nceput s strige `i mai tare:

1Very early in the morning, the leading

priests, the older Jewish leaders, the
teachers of the law, and the whole high council
decided what to do with Jesus. They tied him, led
him away, and turned him over to governor
2Pilate asked Jesus, Are you the king of the
Jesus answered, Yes, that is right.
3 The leading priests accused Jesus of many
things. 4So Pilate asked Jesus another question. He
said, You can see that these people are accusing
you of many things. Why dont you answer?
5But Jesus still did not answer, and this really
surprised Pilate.

Pilate Tries but Fails to Free Jesus

(Mt. 27:1531; Lk. 23:1325; Jn. 18:3919:16)
6Every year at the Passover* time the governor
would free one prisonerwhichever one the
people wanted. 7There was a man in prison at that
time named Barabbas. He and the rebels with him
had been put in prison for committing murder
during a riot.
8The people came to Pilate and asked him to
free a prisoner as he always did. 9Pilate asked
them, Do you want me to free the king of the
Jews? 10Pilate knew that the leading priests had
given Jesus to him because they were jealous of
him. 11 But the leading priests persuaded the
people to ask Pilate to free Barabbas, not Jesus.
12 Pilate asked the people again, So what
should I do with this man you call the king of the
13The people shouted, Kill him on a cross!
14Pilate asked, Why? What wrong has he done?

But the people shouted louder and louder, Kill

him on a cross!

MARCU 15.1532


MARK 15:1532

15Pilat a dorit s fac pe plac mul^imii,

a`a c i-a dat drumul lui Baraba, iar pe Isus,
dup ce a pus s fie biciuit, L-a dat s fie
16 Solda^ii L-au dus pe Isus n palatul
guvernatorului, n pretoriu `i au chemat
ntreaga companie de solda^i. 17 Ei L-au
mbrcat cu o mantie ro`ie. Au fcut o coroan din spini `i I-au pus-o pe cap. 18Apoi au
nceput s-L salute, zicnd: Salutare,
mpratul iudeilor! 19Solda^ii L-au lovit n
cap cu un b^ `i L-au scuipat. Apoi au czut
n genunchi `i au nceput s I se nchine.
20Dup ce `i-au btut joc de El, I-au dat jos
mantia ro`ie `i I-au pus hainele Lui. Apoi
L-au scos afar ca s-L rstigneasc.

15Pilate wanted to please the people, so he freed

Barabbas for them. And he told the soldiers to
beat Jesus with whips. Then he gave Jesus to the
soldiers to be killed on a cross.
16Pilates soldiers took Jesus into the governors
palace (called the Praetorium). They called all the
other soldiers together. 17They put a purple robe on
Jesus, made a crown from thorny branches, and put
it on his head. 18Then they began shouting, Welcome, king of the Jews! 19They kept on beating
his head with a stick and spitting on him. Then
they bowed down on their knees and pretended to
honor him as a king. 20After they finished making
fun of him, they took off the purple robe and put
his own clothes on him again. Then they led him
out of the palace to be killed on a cross.

Isus este rstignit

(Mt. 27.3244; Lc. 23.2643; Ioan 19.1727)

Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross

(Mt. 27:3244; Lk. 23:2639; Jn. 19:1719)

21 Pe

drum s-au ntlnit cu Simon din

Cirena care se ntorcea de la cmp. El era
tatl lui Alexandru `i al lui Ruf. Solda^ii
l-au obligat s care crucea lui Isus. 22Ei
L-au adus la un loc numit Golgota, care
nseamn Locul craniului. 23I-au dat vin
cu smirn1, dar El nu a but. 24i L-au rstignit. Ei au mpr^it hainele Lui `i au tras la
sor^i ca s vad ce va lua fiecare.
25Era nou diminea^a cnd L-au rstignit. 26Au scris pe cruce acuza^ia care I se
adusese. Pe inscrip^ie se putea citi: MPRATUL IUDEILOR . 27Au mai rstignit doi
tlhari cu El: unul la stnga `i unul la
dreapta Lui. [28]2 29Oamenii care treceau pe
acolo l insultau. Ei ddeau din cap `i
ziceau: Tu ai spus c po^i s drmi
Templul* `i s-l reconstruie`ti n trei zile.
30D-Te jos de pe cruce `i salveaz-Te!
31La fel `i bteau joc de Isus marii preo^i
`i nv^torii Legii. Ei `i spuneau unii
altora: Pe al^ii i-a salvat, dar pe Sine
nsu`i nu Se poate salva! 32S Se dea jos
de pe cruce acest Mesia, mpratul iudeilor, pentru ca s vedem `i s credem
n El.

1 15.23 smirn smirna amestecat cu vin era folosit pentru calmarea durerilor. 2 15.28 versetul 28 Unele manuscrise adaug

versetul 28: i s-a mplinit Scriptura care zice: A fost pus n

rnd cu cei nelegiui^i.


was a man from Cyrene named Simon

walking into the city from the fields. He was the
father of Alexander and Rufus. The soldiers
forced him to carry Jesus cross. 22They led Jesus
to the place called Golgotha. (Golgotha means
The Place of the Skull.) 23There they gave him
some wine mixed with myrrh,* but he refused to
drink it. 24The soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross.
Then they divided his clothes among themselves,
throwing dice to see who would get what.
25It was nine oclock in the morning when they
nailed Jesus to the cross. 26There was a sign with
the charge against him written on it. It said, THE
KING OF THE JEWS. 27They also put two criminals
on crosses beside Jesusone on the right and the
other on the left. [28]1
29 People walked by and said bad things to
Jesus. They shook their heads and said, You said
you could destroy the Temple* and build it again
in three days. 30So save yourself! Come down
from that cross!
31The leading priests and the teachers of the
law were also there. They made fun of Jesus the
same as the other people did. They said to each
other, He saved others, but he cant save himself!
32If he is really the Christ,* the king of Israel,* he
should come down from the cross now. When we
see this, then we will believe in him. The criminals on the crosses beside Jesus also said bad
things to him.

1 15:28 Some Greek copies add verse 28: And this showed the full
meaning of the Scripture that says, They put him with criminals.

MARCU 15.3346


Isus moare
(Mt. 27.4556; Lc. 23.4449; Ioan 19.2830)

amiaz s-a fcut ntuneric, pn la

ora trei. 34La ora trei, Isus a strigat: Eloi,
Eloi, lama sabactani?, care nseamn:
Dumnezeul Meu, Dumnezeul Meu, pentru
ce M-ai prsit?1
35Cnd au auzit unii din cei ce stteau
acolo aceste cuvinte, au spus: Asculta^i! l
cheam pe Ilie!2
36Cineva a alergat `i a mbibat un burete
n o^et. A pus apoi buretele pe un b^ `i i-a
dat lui Isus s bea, spunnd: Sta^i s vedem
dac va veni Ilie s-L dea jos.

a scos un ultim strigt `i a murit.

Templului* s-a rupt n dou,
de sus pn jos. 39Un centurion* sttea n
fa^a lui Isus. El L-a auzit cum a strigat `i a
vzut cum a murit. Atunci a spus: Acest
Om a fost ntr-adevr Fiul lui Dumnezeu!

40 Ni`te femei priveau de la distan^.

Printre ele erau Maria Magdalena, Maria,
mama lui Iacov cel tnr `i a lui Iose `i
Salome. 41 Acestea erau femeile care l
urmaser pe Isus n Galileea `i l ajutaser.
Mai erau acolo multe alte femei care veniser cu Isus la Ierusalim.

Isus este nmormntat

(Mt. 27.5761; Lc. 23.5056; Ioan 19.3842)

MARK 15:3346

Jesus Dies
(Mt. 27:4556; Lk. 23:4449; Jn. 19:2830)

noon the whole country became dark. This

darkness continued until three oclock. 34At three
oclock Jesus cried with a loud voice, Eloi, Eloi,
lama sabachthani. This means My God, my
God, why have you left me alone?1
35Some of the people standing there heard this.
They said, Listen! He is calling Elijah.2

man there ran and got a sponge. He filled

the sponge with vinegar and tied it to a stick.
Then he used the stick to give the sponge to Jesus
to drink from it. The man said, We should wait
now and see if Elijah will come to take him down
from the cross.
37Then Jesus cried with a loud voice and died.
38When Jesus died, the curtain* in the Temple*
was torn into two pieces. The tear started at the top
and tore all the way to the bottom. 39The army
officer* who was standing there in front of the cross
saw what happened when Jesus died. The officer
said, This man really was the Son of God!
40Some women were standing away from the
cross, watching. Among these women were Mary
from the town of Magdala, Salome, and Mary the
mother of James and Joses. (James was her
youngest son.) 41These were the women who had
followed Jesus in Galilee and cared for him.
Many other women who had come with Jesus to
Jerusalem were also there.
Jesus Is Buried
(Mt. 27:5761; Lk. 23:5056; Jn. 19:3842)

ziua Pregtirii (ziua dinaintea saba`i se apropia seara. 43Atunci a venit

Iosif din Arimateea, care era un membru
respectat al Sinedriului* `i care a`tepta s
vin mpr^ia lui Dumnezeu. El s-a dus cu
ndrzneal la Pilat* `i i-a cerut trupul lui
Isus. 44Pilat s-a mirat cnd a auzit c Isus a
murit att de repede. El l-a chemat pe centurion* `i l-a ntrebat dac Isus murise deja.
45Cnd a auzit ce i-a spus centurionul, i-a
dat lui Iosif trupul lui Isus. 46Iosif a cumprat ni`te pnz de in. L-a dat jos pe Isus de
pe cruce, L-a nf`urat n in `i L-a pus
ntr-un mormnt fcut n stnc. Au pus o
piatr mare la intrarea mormntului.

day was called Preparation day. (That

means the day before the Sabbath* day.) It was
becoming dark. 43A man named Joseph from Arimathea was brave enough to go to Pilate and ask
for Jesus body. Joseph was an important member
of the high council. He was one of the people who
wanted Gods kingdom* to come.
44Pilate was surprised to hear that Jesus was
already dead. So he called for the army officer* in
charge and asked him if Jesus was already dead.
45When Pilate heard it from the officer, he told
Joseph he could have the body.
46Joseph bought some linen cloth. He took the
body from the cross, wrapped it in the linen, and
put the body in a tomb* that was dug in a wall of
rock. Then he closed the tomb by rolling a large

1 15.34 Citat din Ps. 22.1. 2 15.35 l cheam pe Ilie Unii au

confundat cuvntul Eli, care nseamn Dumnezeul Meu,
cu Ilie.

1 15:34 Quote from Ps. 22:1. 2 15:35 He is calling Elijah The word for
My God (Eli in Hebrew or Eloi in Aramaic) sounded to the people like
the name of Elijah, a famous man who spoke for God about 850 B.C.


MARCU 15.47 16.12


MARK 15:4716:12

47 Maria

Magdalena `i Maria, mama lui

Iose, se uitau `i au vzut unde L-au pus.

stone to cover the entrance. 47Mary from Magdala

and Mary the mother of Joses saw the place where
Jesus was put.

Vestea c Isus a nviat din mor^i

(Mt. 28.18; Lc. 24.112; Ioan 20.110)

News That Jesus Has Risen From Death

(Mt. 28:18; Lk. 24:112; Jn. 20:110)



1 n prima zi dup sabat * , Maria

Magdalena, Maria, mama lui Iacov
`i Salome au cumprat balsamuri, ca s se
duc `i s ung trupul lui Isus. 2Ele s-au dus
la mormnt foarte devreme n acea zi, prima
zi a sptmnii, chiar dup rsritul soarelui. 3Femeile `i ziceau una alteia: Cine va
da la o parte pentru noi piatra de la intrarea
4 Apoi, s-au uitat `i au vzut c piatra
fusese dat la o parte, de`i era foarte mare.
5 Cnd au intrat n mormnt, au vzut un
tnr stnd n partea dreapt. El era mbrcat cu haine albe. Femeile s-au speriat.

1 The

8 Ele au ie`it `i au plecat fugind de la

mormnt pentru c erau nspimntate `i
uimite. i nu au spus nimnui nimic pentru
c le era fric.1

next day after the Sabbath * day,

Mary from Magdala, Salome, and Mary
the mother of James bought some sweet-smelling
spices to put on Jesus body. 2Very early on that
day, the first day of the week, the women were
going to the tomb.* It was very early after sunrise.
3The women said to each other, There is a large
stone covering the entrance of the tomb. Who will
move the stone for us?
4Then the women looked and saw that the stone
was moved. The stone was very large, but it was
moved away from the entrance. 5 The women
walked into the tomb and saw a young man there
wearing a white robe. He was sitting on the right
side of the tomb. The women were afraid.
6But the man said, Dont be afraid. You are
looking for Jesus from Nazareth, the one who was
killed on a cross. He has risen from death! He is
not here. Look, here is the place they put him
when he was dead. 7Now go and tell his followers.
And be sure to tell Peter. Tell them, Jesus is going
into Galilee and will be there before you come.
You will see him there, as he told you before.
8The women were very afraid and confused.
They left the tomb and ran away. They did not
tell about what happened, because they were

C^iva ucenici l vd pe Isus

(Mt. 28.910; Ioan 20.1118; Lc. 24.1335)

Some Followers See Jesus

(Mt. 28:910; Jn. 20:1118; Lk. 24:1335)

6El le-a spus: Nu v teme^i! Voi l cuta^i pe Isus din Nazaret care a fost rstignit.
El a nviat. Nu este aici. Uita^i-v la locul
unde a fost a`ezat. 7Dar duce^i-v `i spune^i
ucenicilor Lui `i lui Petru c Isus merge naintea voastr n Galileea. Voi l ve^i vedea
acolo, a`a cum v-a spus.


ce a nviat, n diminea^a primei

zile a sptmnii, Isus i S-a artat Mariei
Magdalena, cea din care scosese `apte
duhuri rele. 10Maria s-a dus la ucenicii Lui
`i le-a spus c L-a vzut pe Isus. Ucenicii
erau tri`ti `i plngeau. 11Cnd au auzit c
Isus era viu `i c Maria l vzuse, nu au
12Apoi Isus li S-a artat, sub o alt nf^i`are, altor doi ucenici care se duceau la ^ar.

1 16.8 versetul 8 Unele manuscrise grece`ti vechi ncheie aici

aceast carte.


rose from death early on the first day of

the week. He showed himself first to Mary from
Magdala. One time in the past, Jesus had forced
seven demons* out of Mary. 10After Mary saw
Jesus, she went and told his followers. They were
very sad and were crying. 11But Mary told them
that Jesus was alive. She said that she had seen
Jesus, but they did not believe her.
12Later, Jesus showed himself to two followers
while they were walking in the country. But Jesus
did not look the same as before he was killed.

1 16:8 Some of the oldest Greek copies end the book here. A few later
copies have this shorter ending: But they soon gave all the instructions
to Peter and those with him. After that, Jesus himself sent them out from
east to west with the holy message that will never changethat people
can be saved forever.

MARCU 16.1320


MARK 16:1320

13Cei doi s-au ntors `i le-au spus `i celorlal^i, dar nu i-au crezut nici pe ei.

13 These

Isus le vorbe`te ucenicilor Si

(Mt. 28.1620; Lc. 24.3649; Ioan 20.1923;
F.A. 1.68)

Jesus Talks to His Followers

(Mt. 28:1620; Lk. 24:3649; Jn. 20:1923;
Acts 1:68)


followers went back to the other followers and told them what happened. Again, the
followers did not believe them.


trziu, Isus a aprut n fa^a celor

unsprezece n timp ce ei mncau. El i-a certat pentru lipsa lor de credin^ `i pentru
min^ile lor nchise, pentru c ei nu i crezuser pe cei care l vzuser dup ce nviase.
15 Isus le-a spus: Duce^i-v n toat
lumea `i spune^i Vestea Bun* fiecrui om.
16Oricine crede `i va fi botezat* va fi mntuit. Dar cine nu crede va fi condamnat. 17Iar
cei ce cred vor putea face aceste minuni: n
Numele Meu vor scoate duhuri rele `i vor
vorbi n limbi. 18Ei vor lua `erpi n mn `i,
cnd vor bea otrav, nu vor p^i nimic. `i
vor pune minile peste oameni bolnavi `i ei
se vor face bine.

Jesus showed himself to the eleven followers while they were eating. He criticized them
because they had so little faith. They were stubborn and refused to believe the people who said
Jesus had risen from death.
15He said to them, Go everywhere in the world.
Tell the Good News * to everyone. 16Whoever
believes and is baptized* will be saved. But those
who do not believe will be judged guilty. 17And the
people who believe will be able to do these things
as proof: They will use my name to force demons*
out of people. They will speak in languages they
never learned. 18If they pick up snakes or drink any
poison, they will not be hurt. They will lay their
hands on sick people, and they will get well.

nl^area la cer
(Lc. 24.5053; F.A. 1.911)

Jesus Goes Back to Heaven

(Lk. 24:5053; Acts 1:911)

19Dup ce le-a vorbit, Domnul Isus a fost

nl^at la ceruri. El S-a a`ezat la dreapta lui
Dumnezeu. 20Ucenicii s-au dus `i au predicat
peste tot. i Domnul a lucrat cu ei, confirmnd Cuvntul prin semnele care l-au nso^it.

19After the Lord Jesus said these things to his

followers, he was carried up into heaven. There,
Jesus sat at the right side of God. 20The followers
went everywhere in the world telling people the
Good News, * and the Lord helped them. By
giving them power to do miracles * the Lord
proved that their message was true.

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