Mock Essay 2010
Mock Essay 2010
Mock Essay 2010
Due Date
Your essay will start right here; there is no separate title page. Use plain white paper, 8.5
x 11 inch, and 12-point font (Times preferred). Make sure the print is black and legible. The
entire essay is double-spaced, including the space between the due date and title, the space
between the title and your first sentence, and the spaces between paragraphs. Set one-inch
margins for top, bottom, left and right on every page. Don't number the first page. On each
subsequent page, including the separate final page for Works Cited, place the page number with
your last name at the top right, in the margin. Staple all pages together at top left (no paper clips
or covers, please). Hit the space bar twice after each period to make your essay easier to read. If
you forget as you are typing, use the “Replace” feature of Word to do so.
Start each new paragraph with a half-inch indentation. When you mention the Title of a
Book or Anthology or a Journal Title, italicize it; however, use quotation marks for the "Title of a
Story, Essay, or Chapter in a Book,” the “Title of a Poem,” or “Title of an Article in a Journal.”
In both cases, capitalize only the key words in the title (as I have done right here) and use regular
font for it. You can abbreviate very long titles after first mentioning the title in full.
When you quote an author's words, make sure you always weave the quotation directly
into a sentence of your own, both stylistically and grammatically. Use regular font and place the
quoted words in double quotation marks, followed immediately by the parenthetical citation and
then whatever punctuation the grammar of your own sentence requires, so that "the quotation
makes sense to your readers" (citation), and sounds seamless when read aloud. Choose all
quotations carefully. Quote only when you need the author’s exact words to make a point;
otherwise, you can summarize or paraphrase. If you paraphrase or summarize an author's ideas,
rather than quoting them, you'll still need the citation immediately after those ideas (right here).
The citation usually contains the author's last name, a space, and the page number -- nothing else,
If you are quoting a well-known saying or conversation that does not require the citation
of a source, "then the punctuation goes inside the quotation." Otherwise, "it goes after the
parenthetical citation" (citation). If you change any part of a quotation -- or add any words to it
-- in order to make it fit the grammar of your own sentence, place "only the part of the word[s]
you have change[d] or [those you've added] in square brackets" (citation). Make sure that any
When using a block (indented) quotation, first lead into it with your own words and then
a colon. Then indent it one inch from the left, but don't indent it on the right. Like the rest of the
Use an indented (block) quotation when quoting more than five lines of prose.
Don't use quotation marks here. As with all quotations, if you leave out any
words from the original text you'll need an ellipsis to indicate this omission. The
the start of a quotation, and use it at the end of a quotation only if it's a block
quotation and you've left out words from the end of the last sentence you quote.
If you use an indented quotation, make sure you discuss it fully, returning to some of its key
words and phrases in order to develop your argument. Use block quotations sparingly.
The last page of your essay will be your Works Cited page (see next page of this mock
essay). This needs to be on a separate page, numbered at top right. Center the title; capitalize
only "W" and "C"; use regular font and font size (no bold or quotation marks), and don't
underline this title. Use one-inch margins all around, and don't indent on the right or left.
Alphabetize your list by last name of author; don't number the list. Start the list of sources at left
margin, one double-space below Works Cited title. Double-space the entire list; including
spaces within and between entries. If an entry takes more than one line, then indent the second
line (and subsequent lines, if any) a half-inch from the left. I’ve provided the most common
basic formats on the next page; the other formats are available in a style handbook or online via
the library.
If you have an Appendix (for illustrations, etc.) it will need a separate page, right before
the Works Cited page, with full bibliographic information for the materials on it.
Works Cited
Last name, First name. Full Book Title. Closest Place of Publication: Short version of
Last name, First name. “Title of Chapter, Story, Poem, or Essay from Book.” Book
Title. Ed. Name(s) of editors of the book, if any. Place: Publisher, Year. Page range of
Last name, First name, and First name Last name. The Title of this Reprinted Book with
two Authors. Original publication date. Place: Publisher, Year of the edition
Artist or Writer’s last name, First name. “Title of Article or Entry You’re Citing.” Name
of Website or Online Publication. Date of source. Web. Date on which you’re citing
these materials.
Video or Film Title. Dir. First and Last Name. Production Studio, Year. DVD.