Seminar 2007 Lewin

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Actuarial History

By Chris Lewin
14 June 2007

In this talk I propose to outline the fascinating story of how the insurance principle
developed from primitive beginnings and the long history of pensions. I shall
describe how compound interest was in use for everyday business transactions
from the Middle Ages onwards. It was not until the 17th century, however, that
publications started to appear on the theory of probability. There was also some
pioneering statistical analysis on the London Bills of Mortality, which showed for
the first time how real data could be obtained and applied to practical uses.
All of these developments came together in 1693, when Edmond Halley
published a crucially important paper, using real life data from Breslaw to
construct a life table and describing for the first time how to use such a table to
work out the purchase price of a life annuity.
Halleys paper had been preceded by one or two pieces of similar work by others,
but his was the influential work which established actuarial science. His paper
was widely read and led, half a century or more later, to the establishment of
pension funds and life assurance companies funded on actuarial principles.
I shall describe how all this came about, taking each of the main strands of
development in turn:
Insurance and pensions
Compound interest
Probability theory
Mortality data.
Finally I shall outline some subsequent developments, including the
establishment of The Equitable Assurance Society in 1762 and the subsequent
formation of the actuarial profession.


Needs individual risk

Marine insurance ancient Greeks
Separation of risk and finance by 1350
Office of Assurances, London, 1575

The basic need for insurance and pensions stems from individual risk and
uncertainty. If you go on a journey or voyage, there is the risk of losing any
goods entrusted to you, or your possessions, or even your life. Your house may
catch fire and leave you and your family without a roof over your heads. If you
are a breadwinner, you run the risk of dying too soon and leaving your
dependants destitute. Alternatively you may live too long after retirement and
fall into poverty when your savings are exhausted.
These risks existed from the earliest times and the traditional method of relieving
poverty was by charity. This was never very satisfactory, however, because it
often provided inadequate relief and it had a stigma. It was natural, therefore, to
look for some means whereby the necessary sums could be provided as of right
at an adequate level, out of funds earmarked for the purpose. Hence insurance
was born.
Originally the finance for a sea voyage was commonly advanced by one or more
wealthy individuals who agreed not to seek repayment if the cargo was lost. If
the ship arrived safely, the money was repaid with a heavy rate of interest, which
covered both the risk premium and the true interest on the loan.

This kind of transaction can be traced back as far as the ancient Greeks. In one
case quoted by Demosthenes (who was born about 384 B.C.), 3000 drachmas
were advanced in respect of a cargo of wine. The rate of interest was to be 22
per cent, which was to be increased to 30 per cent if the return voyage was
delayed until the stormy season.
However, not everyone who was prepared to provide finance would have been
happy to take the risk of loss, even if it was compensated by a high rate of
interest. It is thought that the separation of the protection element from the
financing came during the period 1300-1350 A.D. This probably happened
because an expansion of world trade meant that more finance was needed than
could be provided from traditional sources.
The first genuine insurance policy we know of was dated 1350. A cargo of
wheat from Sicily to Tunis was assured for 300 florins at a premium of 18 per
cent. The insurer, Leonardo Cattaneo, undertook to assume all risks from act of
God, or of man, and from perils of the sea.

It is not clear how long it took to establish an insurance market in London but it
may well have existed by 1500. It seems likely that English merchants at first
arranged any insurance they required through their Italian counterparts in
London, whom they usually met in Lombard Street, and the risks may well have
been borne in Italy. Eventually, however, as English merchants themselves
became wealthy, it was probably found more convenient, as well as more
profitable, to insure the risks at home.
Marine insurance was now well established. In 1559 Sir Nicholas Bacon said,
Doth not the wise merchant, in every adventure of danger, give part to have the
rest assured?
However, when claims arose the insurers did not always pay up, and this gave
rise to numerous disputes. In 1575 the Privy Council acted to establish the
Office of Assurances at the Royal Exchange in London. The slide shows the
Royal Exchange thronged with merchants.
A copy of every policy had to be copied into the policy register held at the Office
of Assurances, by the clerk, Richard Candeler. There was a set of detailed rules
governing claims these rules still survive in the British Library.

The slide shows the top half of an English marine insurance policy of 1580 held in
the library of the Institute of Actuaries. It commences:
Jesus in London the 17th day of October 1580. In the name of God, amen. Be
it known unto all men, by these presents, that Dominicke Butcher, merchant
stranger resident in London, doth make assurance and causeth himself to be
assured, from the port of Weymouth to Roane, upon nine hundred and three
hides, 9797 pounds of lead,
The cargo was to be transported in the Carousse of Weymouth (45 tons) and the
premium charged for the insurance was 3 per cent.

Early life assurance

One year contracts

Usually to cover debts or travel
William Gibbons
Prescribed rules

The earliest life policy known was issued in 1583. It was taken out on the life of
William Gibbons, a citizen of London, for a term of 12 months at a premium of 8
per cent. He died nearly a year after the policy was effected, but the
underwriters refused to pay, on the ground that Gibbons had lived for 12 months,
taking 28 days to the month. However, the Court ruled that the sum assured
must be paid, because it was the established custom to reckon by calendar
The Office of Assurances had some rules for life policies (as well as for marine
insurance). No life policies were to be issued for more than one year at a time
and the maximum sum assured was 1,000. When one person insured his own
life there had to be an insurable interest, for example if he was due to receive a
lump sum provided he survived to a certain day, which would be lost in the event
of his prior death. When insuring someone elses life there also had to be an
insurable interest and you could only insure up to 80 per cent of the sum you
would lose in the event of the death of the person whose life was being insured.


Jehoiachin, King of Judah, 562 BC

Lysias, 400 BC
Alice Buch, 1259
Philip de Harwodelme, 1286
Nicholas Thorne, 1294

The idea of a pension for life is very old indeed, starting with Jehoiachin, King of
Judah in 582 B.C. We read in the Bible (2 Kings 25, 29-30) that he was
released from prison in his 37th year of exile in Babylon, treated kindly, and given
a seat at table and lived as a pensioner of the king for the rest of his life.
Around 400 B.C. Lysias, a Greek orator, protested vigorously when he found that
his State pension was discontinued. He had been granted the pension when he
was younger, possibly because of war injuries. The reasons now given for its
cessation were that he was able-bodied and not classed as disabled, was skilled
in a trade, could mount a horse, and was well-off financially.
In medieval England Alice Buch, the widow of Guy Buch, a kings crossbowman,
was awarded a pension of 12 pence a day to support herself and her children.
This was the same sum as Guy had been receiving daily.

Philip de Harwodelme, rector of Bigby, near Exeter, was by 1286 worn down by
disease and old age, and was awarded a pension of 13 per annum from the
parish tythes.
The monks of St. Augustines Abbey, Canterbury, were very grateful to Nicholas
Thorne, their abbot when he won some benefits for them at Rome. However,
stricken with conscience about the practices he had used there, he retired to an
abbey at Selby, Yorkshire, and lived there as an ordinary monk. When the
monks of St Augustines heard 11 years later that he was experiencing infirmity
and weakness, they awarded him in 1294 a pension of 7 per annum.
Despite the absence of insurance companies it was sometimes possible to buy
yourself a pension in the Middle Ages. You paid a lump sum or granted some
land to a monastery or other religious institution and in return they would let you
live there with board and lodging, and often a small regular cash payment as well.
The income and other benefits were called a corrody and the recipient was a
corrodian. A payment of 50 to 100 might well secure a man and his wife a
good corrody for the rest of their lives (worth perhaps 3 per annum each),
though the purchase prices seem have varied quite a bit. Not enough is known
about how the purchase prices of corrodies were calculated and there may be
scope for further research in this area. In effect a corrody protected its recipients
against inflation and gave them security in their old age.

Pensions after 1500

Monks displaced by Henry VIII

The Chatham Chest
Retirement pensions
Pensions from ones successor, e.g.
Samuel Pepys
Superannuation scheme for naval officers,

The monks displaced by Henry VIII in the Reformation of the 1530s were typically awarded
pensions for life of 6 per annum, though abbots and abbesses could be awarded much more
perhaps up to 100 per annum.
In 1590 the Chatham Chest was established to provide pensions to wounded seamen of the Royal
Navy. This was probably the first funded occupational pension fund in the world.
By the 17th century retirement pensions were becoming quite common, for example from local
authorities to their former officials.
Civil servants sometimes had to pay pensions to their predecessors. Samuel Pepys, for
example, became Clerk of the Acts of the Navy Board in 1660, after the Restoration of Charles II.
Unfortunately, however, the post was then claimed by Frank Barlow, who had held it before the
Civil War. Pepys had to buy him off with a pension of 100 per year, which was a significant sum
out of Pepyss salary of 350 per annum.
The system of paying ones predecessor was unfair, because some predecessors lived longer
than others, so the introduction of a State-financed superannuation scheme for retired naval
officers in 1672 was very significant. This is believed to be the first occupational pension scheme
in the world to provide lifetime pensions on retirement due to old age. There was no fixed
retirement age. The pension, which was 100 per cent of salary and allowances, became
payable to any officer who became unfit for performing his duties because of age, provided he had
completed at least 15 years service..


This is the actual Chatham Chest, which was in use at Chatham in the 17th
century and still survives at Chatham, where it is on display. Money was paid
into the Chest and the benefits were paid out of it. Contributions of sixpence per
month were deducted from seamens wages of 10s.0d per month, i.e. 5%
(though the sixpence did not increase when wages were increased, and this was
one of the flaws in the financing of the Chest). Pensions were payable on a
fixed scale according to the degree of the injury for example, 6.13s.4d per
annum for the loss of a limb or 12 per annum for total blindness. In addition
each claimant received a lump sum (called smart money) equal to one years
pension. The pensions were payable for life but were reviewed subsequently
and could be reduced or terminated if the pensioner was found to have
recovered sufficiently to be capable of employment.
At first the finances of the Chest were fairly healthy (despite some problems in
ensuring that the deducted contributions actually reached Chatham) and
accumulating moneys were invested in property. However, the naval wars of the
1650s produced many claimants and when the wars ceased and the size of the
navy was reduced, the contributions dwindled but the pensions did not. From
about 1670 onwards the State took over the payment of pensions on a pay as
you go basis. The Chest continued for many years, eventually being merged
into Greenwich Hospital in 1814.


This is the kind of battle which gave rise to claimants on the Chatham Chest.
After they were injured they had to attend at Chatham, where their wounds were
assessed and the pension was awarded.


Compound interest

Usury and chevisance

Religious arguments
Trenchant, 1558
Stevin, 1585
The 1571 Act
Richard Witt, 1613

Jews were allowed to practise money-lending at high rates of interest (sometimes

as much as 86 per cent per annum) until they were expelled from England in
1290. Thereafter usury was generally forbidden, for religious reasons, so many
loans were dressed up as the sale and repurchase of goods to escape detection.
This was known as chevisance and also became prohibited.
Compound interest was in use in Italy in medieval times. In the 16th century two
Continental mathematicians published elementary compound interest tables
Jean Trenchant and Simon Stevin.
It was not until 1571 that an English Act of Parliament finally established that
money-lending was permissible, provided that the rate of interest charged did not
exceed 10 per cent per annum.
The first English book devoted to compound interest was published in 1613 by
Richard Witt, a London mathematical practitioner. Even though all his payments
were certainties, he thought like a modern actuary and his book is a notable


This is the title page of Jean Trenchants book, first published at Lyons in 1558.
It included a chapter on simple and compound interest. Only a few tables were
given. One showed the accumulation over a number of periods of an initial
investment, calculated at 4 per cent per period, and another showed the total
accumulated result of investing a series of payments.


This is Richard Witts pre-Fire London, showing some of the prominent landmarks
in the heart of the City, with the river Thames in the foreground. The spire of the
Royal Exchange can be seen at the back, to the left of centre.


The title page of Richard Witts book. The care he took over it is apparent from
the fact that he actually attended while it was being printed and corrected
mistakes himself.
In his preface Witt commented that many businessmen thought that they could
get by without a knowledge of arithmetic, but then they often made losses it is
as true that the blind drink many a fly.


This is one of the tables in Richard Witts book and shows the accumulation of 1
for a number of years at the maximum legal rate of interest of 10 per cent per


One of the many illustrative problems given in Witts book: One oweth 900 to
be paid all at the end of 2 years: he agreeth with his creditor to pay it in 5 years,
viz. every year a like sum. They demand what each of these 5 payments shall
be, reckoning 10 per cent per annum interest, and interest upon interest. The
solution is obtained by first working out the present value of 900 to be paid in 2
years time and dividing the result by the present value of a series of payments of
1 per annum for 5 years, to give the solution of 196.4s.3d. The method
adopted shows a knowledge of a fundamental actuarial concept, the equation of


Witts examples
The study of compound interest
Downward trend in interest rates 10%
(1571), 8% (1625), 6% (1651), 5% (1714)
Henry Phillippes, 1654 and later

Many of the examples in Richard Witts book dealt with alterations to leases and
the resulting sums which the parties should pay.
There followed a succession of books by other authors on compound interest,
mostly of inferior quality.
The downward trend in interest rates meant that fresh tables had to be produced
each time a new maximum rate was fixed by law.
Henry Phillippes was the first writer (1654) to discuss which rate of interest
should be used for transactions of various types. Valuing land should be done
by capitalising the annual income at a low rate of interest because it was a safe
investment. Leases, on the other hand, should be valued at a higher rate and he
suggested the use of the current maximum legal rate of interest on loans. He
commented that the cost of leases for lives should be increased now that interest
rates have come down, and proposed that the lump sum should be the amount
which would be paid for a lease of 12 years (for one life), 23 years (for two lives),
33 years (for three years) and so on.


Probability theory
Cardan (1501-76) discusses dice games
Thomas Gataker removes religious
barriers, 1619
Fermat-Pascal private correspondence,
Christian Huygens publishes first theory,

Turning now to probability theory, Cardan wrote in the 16th century about the
probabilities involved in dice games he was an inveterate gambler but his
work remained unpublished for many years and had no effect on the
development of the subject.
Thomas Gataker wrote a book in 1619 which removed some religious barriers to
the study of probability (see next slide).
The two mathematicians Fermat and Pascal corresponded about some
probability problems in 1654, but their work did not see the light of day at that
time, and it was Christian Huygens who was the first writer to have his work on
probability published, in 1657. His third proposition was of fundamental
importance: to have p chances of winning a and q chances of winning b, the
chances being equal, is worth( pa+qb) divided by (p+q).


One of the reasons why probability theory was not developed earlier was almost
certainly the widespread religious conviction, based on the Bible, that every event
occurred as a result of Gods providence. It would have been regarded as
blasphemous to develop a theory about the probability of occurrence. Moreover,
the study of how often particular outcomes occurred in the past might well not be
a reliable guide to Gods decisions in future. However, Thomas Gataker, a
clergyman of the Church of England, wrote a book on lots (above) in 1619, in
which he propounded the important doctrine that it was only on exceptional
occasions that Gods providence manifested itself, and that most events were
natural occurrences which were not influenced by God at all. He also
controversially argued that games of chance were permissible, provided they
were played for recreation and not for profit. This book made an impact at the
time and can be seen as paving the way for the objective study of chance events.


Insurance in 17th century

Marine insurance
Ryley and Mabbs fire insurance scheme
Great Fire of London 1666
Nicholas Barbons Fire Office, 1667?
Life assurance banned in Europe
One year contracts only in England

We saw earlier how marine insurance became established in England, and it was
commonplace in the 17th century to insure ships and cargoes at the Royal
At the start of the century fire insurance did not yet exist, however. In 1638 a
proposed fire insurance scheme was put forward by William Ryley, a civil servant,
and Edward Mabb, gentleman, but it did not get off the ground. They proposed
a night-time fire watch and a fire brigade, with reserves of water to be set up in
convenient places. If their scheme had been adopted, the history of London
might have been very different.
However, the scheme was not adopted, and most of London was destroyed in
the Great Fire of 1666. This disaster stimulated the formation of fire insurance
companies, starting with Nicholas Barbons Fire Office. There was a very
interesting debate about the amount of capital that this office would need to keep
in reserve, given that the future claims experience might be very variable from
one year to another.
Life assurance was still available at the Royal Exchange in one-year contracts,
unlike the rest of Europe where it was banned for fear that it would give rise to


Mortality data
James Howell uses Bills of Mortality 1645
Poul Klingenbergs tontine life-table 1653
John Graunt analyses London Bills of
Mortality 1662
John Hudde analyses Amsterdam annuity
cohort 1671
Sir Richard Corbet analyses Shrewsbury
mortality, 1683

Large cities used to publish weekly Bills of Mortality which warned people when to leave the city
because the plague was increasing.
In 1645 James Howell published a letter which suggested that the population of Amsterdam was
much less than the population of London, because the numbers of deaths shown in the weekly
Bills of Mortality were much less. This may be the first use of the Bills for a demographic
Paul Klingenberg published a life table in 1653 to illustrate the progress of a tontine which was
being launched, but the table is thought to be purely illustrative and not based on real life data.
John Graunt analysed the London Bills of Mortality for many years past and published the results
in 1662. He was able to draw many interesting conclusions from the data, though it was a
handicap that the Bills did not record ages at death. He produced a very inaccurate life table,
which was largely a mathematical conception and based to only a very limited extent on the data.
In the Netherlands John Hudde analysed the experience of a cohort of people of known ages who
had bought annuities from the City of Amsterdam between 1586 and 1590.
In England Sir Richard Corbet analysed the mortality by age in his home parish in Shrewsbury,
but his results remained unpublished.


This is part of a weekly Bill of Mortality for London, from which it will be seen that
no less than 5533 deaths from plague are recorded in just this one week.


These is a contemporary representation of some of the scenes in London during

the Great Plague of 1665


The slide reproduces John Graunts famous life table of 1662, showing the
numbers of people surviving to various ages out of every hundred conceived.
Although the number surviving to age 6 is based to some extent on the data he
analysed, each of the figures for the other ages is about five-eighths of the
previous figure. This is equivalent to an annual mortality rate of 4.6 per cent,
independent of age.
Perhaps Graunts biggest achievement was to draw attention to the regularity of
the patterns of life and death. Among other things he estimated the size of
Londons population (121 parishes) at 384,000 in 1661, which is thought
nowadays to be reasonably close to the truth.
Graunts book was widely circulated in England and on the Continent, running
into several editions.


The time was now ripe for the creation and dissemination of actuarial science.
The four main preconditions were in place: a well-established framework of
pensions, insurance and leases; a good knowledge of compound interest; the
beginnings of probability theory; and a realisation that real-life mortality data
could be found and analysed.
The slide shows the names of some of the people who helped to prepare the
way. Richard Witt had thoroughly studied compound interest. Thomas Gataker
had removed the religious obstacles to the study of probability. Nearly 40 years
later Christian Huygens published the first work on probability theory. John
Graunt showed how the Bills of Mortality could be used for statistical purposes
and produced a life table. John Hudde and Jan de Witt, working in the
Netherlands, made the first analysis of mortality data by age and used the results
to value life annuities, but their work was not widely published. Sir William Petty,
who may well have helped Graunt, published several booklets of a demographic
nature. In 1683 Sir Richard Corbet did some pioneering (but unpublished)
mortality analysis by age in Shrewsbury. As we shall see, the decisive
breakthrough was made when Caspar Neumann in Breslau collected some
mortality data there which he sent to Edmond Halley in London for analysis.


The Dutch Prime Minister, Jan de Witt, produced some pioneering calculations in
1671 to work out the price which should be paid for Dutch government annuities.
This work was probably based partly on the mortality investigations which had
been carried out by John Hudde at about that time. However, de Witts treatise,
though it was of of excellent quality and can be regarded as the first flowering of
actuarial science, remained in obscurity and did not influence the mainstream
development of the subject.


Creation of actuarial science

Caspar Neumanns Breslau data, 1687-92
Edmond Halleys life table, 1693
Halley evaluates life annuities, including
those on two lives

The creation of actuarial science, as far as the wider world was concerned, dates
to 1693, when Edmond Halley, the famous mathematician, published a paper on
the subject in the Royal Societys Philosophical Transactions. The trigger for
Halleys work was supplied by Caspar Neumann, who collected some data from
the Bills of Mortality for Breslaw, a town far from the sea and devoted to linen
manufacture, and sent it to the Royal Society in London.
Considering that Halleys main expertise was in quite a different field
astronomy- it is remarkable that he was able to produce such an excellent paper,
which laid the foundation for actuarial science.


This old print of Breslaw suggests that it was a typical market town. Caspar
Neumann was the 44-year old pastor of the imposing church of St. Mary
Magdalen, the foremost Protestant church of the region, where he preached in a
simple and natural style. He had a lively interest in scientific matters, including
meteorology, astronomy and botany. He decided to collect birth and death
statistics from the church registers. The Royal Society heard about this and
asked him to send his figures over to London. Neumann responded by sending
tables for 1687-91 from four parishes only (and excluding Catholics), though
Halley wrongly assumed that they related to the whole town. For the whole 5year period there were 6,193 births and 5,869 deaths, and the deaths were
subdivided by age.


Edmond Halley (above) was aged 36 at this time and editor of the Philosophical
Transactions. His paper started by reviewing the work of Graunt and Petty and
criticised the validity of the deductions they had made, because their data did not
take age into account.


Halley produced his famous life table (above) from Neumanns data, and used it to estimate the
total number of people in Breslau as 34,000, with a subdivision into 13 age groups. (This
estimate was much too small because the data did not relate to the whole town).
He had no actual census of the population of Breslaw, so he was obliged to assume that there
was a stationary population. In fact the population of the town may well have been distorted by a
plague epidemic in 1633, when about 30% of the towns population died. If, as is likely, these
people were mainly replaced by an influx of young adults from the surrounding countryside, this
would have resulted in the town having a population bulge of people born around 1605-15, which
may have meant that Halleys life table overstated the number of people normally surviving into
old age.
Having produced his life table, Halley used it in the same way as an actuary would do today, to
estimate the present value of a payment in a future year which depended upon survival to that
year. Thus for an annuitant aged 27, the value of the payment in one years time would be
evaluated, as if it were a certainty, from a compound interest table, and the result was then
multiplied by 546/553 to reflect the chance of surviving to receive it. A similar process would be
followed for the payment in two years time, multiplying the value from the compound interest table
by 539/553, and so on. Summing these results for all future payments of a life annuity would give
the price which should be paid for the annuity at the outset.
Based on his results, Halley pointed out that the British Government was selling life annuities
much too cheaply at only 7 years purchase, whereas the true value for a young life was over 13
years purchase. The Government ignored his advice, however.
Not content with this, Halley went on to consider the value of an annuity dependent on the
continuation of two lives.


Application of actuarial science

Progress slow
Bubble insurances, 1710-20
Techiques developed by Abraham de
Moivre and Thomas Simpson
Applications to leases on lives John
Richards, 1730

Although Halley had shown the way, in a paper which was widely circulated, the commercial world
was very slow to take advantage of actuarial science and the money-making opportunities it
offered. A large number of insurance companies were formed in the first 20 years of the 18th
century, in the period leading up to the South Sea Bubble, but they were nearly all unsound
financially and died away. One notable exception was the Amicable Society, formed by John
Hartley, a London bookseller, in 1706, which offered long-term life assurance to the public. Part
of the aggregate premium income was used to meet death claims in the early years and the
remainder was set aside to build up a fund. Hartley does not seem to have used Halleys work in
any way, and claims proved heavier than expected as the members aged, but the Society had a
long and honourable life, being finally absorbed into the Norwich Union in 1866.
The mathematicians Abraham de Moivre and Thomas Simpson developed techniques based on
Halleys approach. One of their main aims was to cut down on the amount of labour involved in
the calculations, and de Moivre developed an ingenious approximation which achieved this
without too much loss of accuracy. His method assumed that the numbers of those living,
according to the life table, decreased in arithmetical progression with increasing age.
Perhaps the earliest practical application of Halleys method was in the valuation of leases based
on lives. John Richards of Exeter published a useful book in 1730, to help stewards and tenants
to value their interests in leases and estates, where these depended on the survival of named


This is the title page of de Moivres book. Among other problems the book
described a method for valuing reversions, where a benefit was receivable after
someones death.


Some pioneering tables by John Richards (above) showed the value of annuities
on three lives, ceasing on first death. If the three lives were aged 32, 42 and 52,
for example, and money earned 5 per cent per annum, the cost of purchase
would be 5.70.
Richards also used his tables to find the value of a lease which terminated on the
last survivor of two or three lives, using a result derived by de Moivre, namely
that the value of a last survivor annuity on two lives of given ages is obtained by
adding the single-life annuity values for each life and then deducting the value of
an annuity during their joint continuance. A slightly more complex variant of the
same technique is used if there are three lives.
Richards discussed the risks facing the purchaser of an estate and said that the
method he had used to allow for such risks was to allow the purchaser a greater
rate of interest on the money laid out.


Probability theory continued to be developed during the 18th century. This Latin
manuscript by Thomas Bayes, probably dating from 1747-49, includes some of
his work on probability as shown above. The result for which he is mainly
remembered Bayess Theorem is not included here and was published after
his death by Richard Price, who is credited nowadays with being the first to
attempt a general Bayesian account of inductive reasoning.


The mathematics of insurance

Corbyn Morris looks at ruin, 1747
If risk is 33% and insurance is spread over
12 voyages:
more than 8 succeed - 39% chance
exactly 8 succeed 24%
less than 8 succeed - 37%
Probability of losing all is 2 in a million,
compared with 33% if no spread

An important advance was made in the theory of insurance in 1747 by Corbyn

Morris, who demonstrated mathematically that the insurers probability of ruin
decreases as he spreads his available wealth between a larger number of risks.
He postulated a number of similar voyages, in each of which there was a onethird risk of loss, and calculated the possible outcomes. If the insurer spread his
risks over twelve voyages rather than one, the risk of making some loss was only
marginally increased, from 33% to 37%, but the probability of losing everything
was reduced from 33% to only 2 in a million.


The Equitable

James Dodsons first lecture 1756

Foundation of the Society 1762
Richard Price acts as consultant
William Morgan becomes actuary 1775
First actuarial valuation 1776
Distribution of surplus
Mortality investigations

James Dodson, the Master of the Royal Mathematical School (which taught mathematics and
navigation for the Royal Navy) wrote his First Lecture on Insurances in 1756. He started by
constructing a life table based on the London Bills of Mortality from 1728 (when age at death first
started to be recorded) to 1750. He then looked at how a life assurance company based on
scientific principles would operate. He explored the worst case facing such a company,
assuming that it experienced deaths in the early years as heavy as the actual experience of 1741,
a year of high mortality. In the light of this he suggested that a large sum should be borrowed at
the outset as a contingency reserve.
Dodson advertised a meeting of those who would be interested in forming such a company, but he
died in 1757 before the project came to fruition. Eventually The Equitable was formed in 1762.
From about 1770 onwards Richard Price, a non-conformist minister, acted as a consultant to the
Society. He was an expert in actuarial matters, on which he wrote extensively. In 1774 he wrote
a paper for the Directors, which still survives among the Equitables archives, setting out his
recommendations on a method for ascertaining the true financial state of the Society. The first
actuarial valuation was carried out in 1776 under his guidance.
Prices nephew, William Morgan, was appointed as actuary to the Society in 1775 and he
remained in that post for more than fifty years. The Societys periodic valuations revealed
surpluses, because the premiums turned out to be higher than proved necessary for the
professional classes who insured with the Society, and various methods were used for distributing
surplus funds to policyholders, including a reversionary bonus system. The Society analysed its
own mortality experience from time to time, to check that the premiums it was charging were


Dodsons First Lecture on Insurances (above) commences: Before the method

of calculating the value of the premium which ought to be paid for the insurance
of life can be explained it will be necessary to consider the construction and use
of the Bills of Mortality. That London was clear of the Plague in the preceding
century seems to be the reason why the keeping an account of the number of
persons dying annually was first instituted, for from the year 1602 when the first
Bill of Mortality was made [this is incorrect there were earlier Bills] to the year
1663 both inclusive there is no other distinction made among the persons whose
death was registered than whether they died of the Plague or some other
disease. Tis so long since this metropolis has had that misfortune that many
readers may think this hardly credible, but it is melancholy truth This is a
very important document in actuarial history, and it still exists only in manuscript


The first table of premium rates used by The Equitable. The cost of a life policy
varied according to the age of the life to be assured, and once fixed it would not
be varied as the person grew older.


Here is an extract from Richard Prices important report to the Directors of The
Equitable in 1774 about how to establish the Societys financial state. The
Society for Equitable Assurances therefore, supposing it only kept up to its
present number without increasing or decreasing, and supposing also, that it
does no other business than assure sums of money on the whole duration of
single lives above 20 years of age, has before it a period of at least 60 years, in
which the claims upon it will go on increasing It becomes the Society,
therefore, to be very cautious
This plea for caution was often echoed by William Morgan, the Societys actuary,
during the next half a century, when he faced repeated calls for the distribution of
surplus assets to policyholders.
In 1776 each of the Societys 922 policies was valued during a four month period.
The 89 deaths which had occurred during the previous ten years was slightly less
than expected under Halleys life table (99) and much less than under Dodsons
and Simpsons tables (136 and 139 respectively). The premiums had, of course,
been based on Dodsons table.


In this extract from the account book of The Equitable, we see some entries for
the quarterly salaries paid to the Societys first actuaries. William Morgan, at this
stage only the assistant actuary, was paid a salary of 100 per annum, while
John Pocock, the actuary (who died in 1775) was paid 150 per annum.


One of Richard Prices many achievements was the production of the

Northampton life table (above), which was used for many years by The Equitable
and other early life assurance offices, to calculate their premium rates. Price
analysed the christenings and burials in the parish of All Saints in that town from
1735 to 1780 and made some adjustments (later thought to be unsound) to
achieve consistency with other data.


Some later actuarial landmarks

John Finlaisons mortality investigation
Joint Offices mortality tables 1843
Formation of Institute 1848
Manly and Thomas on pension fund
valuations 1901
Redington on immunisation 1952

The 19th century saw an immense growth in life assurance and the twentieth century a
proliferation and growth of pension schemes, based on the solid actuarial foundations which had
been established earlier. There were many technical improvements during this period, and only
some of them can be touched on here.
John Finlaison can be regarded as the first Government Actuary (though that was not his official
title). In 1829 he conducted a comprehensive investigation into the mortality experiences of
various groups of lives. Like Halley over a century before, he concluded that the British
Government was still selling life annuities too cheaply.
Benjamin Gompertz attempted in 1825 to fit a simple mathematical curve to observed mortality
experiences in order to find a law of mortality. Although obsolete, his method is still
occasionally used as an approximation for some practical purposes. Interest has continued and
in 1953 M.E. Ogborn submitted a paper for discussion at a meeting of the Institute of Actuaries,
wholly devoted to the question of whether there is a mathematical formula which will express the
way in which mortality changes age by age.
In 1843 the various life offices which were now in existence published the results of a
collaborative mortality investigation in which they pooled their policy data. The success of this
venture was probably one of the factors which led to the formation of the Institute of Actuaries in
1848, with John Finlaison as the First President.


Later in the 19th century various technical improvements were introduced in the
methods used to graduate mortality tables, so that the crude rates produced from
the data were adjusted so as to run smoothly from age to age. W.S.B.
Woolhouse was the first to explain graduation using differences, in 1866.
In 1901 two actuaries (H.W. Manly and E.C. Thomas) wrote the first
comprehensive paper on the valuation of staff pension funds, in which they
produced a multiple decrement table. Whereas an ordinary life table had only
one cause of decrement (death), the new table allowed also for withdrawals and
In 1952 Frank Redington produced his classic paper on immunisation theory,
which discussed the matching of the durations of the assets with the durations of
the liabilities, so as to reduce the possibility of a loss arising from a change in
interest rates.
Immense changes have come from the introduction of modern electronic
computing later in the twentieth century, which have enabled much more complex
financial products to be introduced and much more complex modelling carried
out. Various difficulties have arisen in recent years, partly as a result of all this
complexity. However, the basic human needs for which insurance and pensions
were introduced remain unchanged, as has the need for proper unbiased
scientific advice on the terms on which financial products should be offered. The
actuarial profession is responding to the new challenges and, in looking forward,
is also conscious of the lessons which can be learnt from the past.


Looking back will help us to look



Lewin, C.G. Pensions and Insurance before 1800 a social history, Tuckwell
Press, 2003. (This contains numerous other references).
Haberman, S. and Sibbett, T.A. History of Actuarial Science, 10 volumes,
William Pickering, London, 1905.
Hald, Anders. A History of Probability and Statistics and their Applications
before 1750, Wiley, 1990.
Ogborn, M.E. Equitable Assurances, Allen and Unwin, 1962.
Raynes, Harold E. A History of British Insurance, Pitman, second edition, 1964.


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