Power Theft Identification Using GSM Technology

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International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 5, MAY 2016


Monisha.N1,Monica.R2,Sathishkumar .V.S3
Asst/prof, Department of ECE Nandha Engineering College, Erode-52
Asst/prof, Department of ECE Nandha Engineering College, Erode-52
Asst/prof, Department of ECE Nandha Engineering College, Erode-52
Abstract: Electricity is being stolen by bypassing the poles. This project aims at designing a simple electronic device to
send a message whenever there is a power theft activity is identified. AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) is to increase the
accuracy reading and theft control system for customers and government. The AMR system consists of a current
transformer to identify the reading, and then the calculated reading sends to the PIC microcontroller for authentication.
Then the low-power GSM connected to individual energy meters to send the reading to the customer and government for
60 days once. Then the energy theft controlled by IR sensor, magnetic reed switch and some other technique with high
Keywords: UART, GSM technology, RTS, CTS, magnetic read switch

Electricity theft is a social evil, so it has to be completely
eliminated. Different types of power theft are power

tapping, meter fraud, direct hooking from line,

bypassing the energy meter. Different modes of theft
are direct tapping from line, by keeping a strong magnet in
front of the disc in the energy meter, connecting the load
directly to the power line, bypassing the energy meter,
injection foreign element into the energy meter. Power
consumption and losses have to be closely monitored so
that the generated power is utilized in a most efficient
manner. This system prevents the illegal usage of
electricity. At this point of technological development the
problem of illegal usage of electricity can be solved
electronically without any human control .The
implementation of this system will save large amount of
electricity. Here this system utilizes the technique named
GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) is an
open, digital cellular technology used for transmitting voice
and data services because the problems associated with the
wired techniques such as installation problem, complexity
and cost also matters in the case of long haul. The other
wireless techniques such as Bluetooth, infrared etc. are
having the limitations of range and also of the efficiency.
The GSM module is used to send a sums when electricity
theft or any line problem is generated in a transmission line.
The microcontroller detects any power theft or fault in
transmission line and give the command to GSM module to
send a respective massage The GSM Modem consumes a
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lot of current during transmission, make sure your power

supply can handle large currents without giving substantial
voltage drops at the output If the GSM Modem is unable to
connect to the network, try coming to a place with clear.
Fig. shows how to interface the GSM with microcontroller.
The GSM module is communicate the microcontroller with
mobile phones through UART. To communicate over
UART or USART, we just need three basic signals which
are namely, RXD (receive), TXD (transmit), GND
(common ground). GSM modem interfacing with
microcontroller for SMS control of industrial equipments.
The sending SMS through GSM modem when interfaced
with microcontroller or PC is much simpler as compared
with sending SMS through UART. Text message may be
sent through the modem by interfacing only three signals of
the serial interface of modem with microcontroller i.e., TX,
Rd. and GND. In this scheme RTS and CTS signals of
serial port interface of GSM Modem are connected with
each other. The transmit signal of serial port of
microcontroller is connected with transmit signal (TX) of
the serial interface of GSM Modem while receive signal of
microcontroller serial port is connected with receive signal
(Rd.) of serial interface of GSM Modem. The SMS
messages in text mode can contain max. 140 characters. We
now want to display a text in mobile from 8051 Primer
Board by using GSM module through UART. In 8051
Primer Board contains two serial interfaces that are UART0
& UART1. Here we are using UART0. The GSM modem
is being interfaced with the microcontroller 8051 Primer
Board for SMS communication. The SMS can be sending


International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 5, MAY 2016

and receiving for the data sharing and situation information

and control.


This system would provide a simple way to detect

an electrical power theft without any human interface. It
will indicate exact zone and distribution line on which
unauthorized tapping is done in real time. It will determine
transmission line faults and it helps to maximize revenue
generation by the power utility companies. Its cost is less as
compared to other project.





In the paper, they said that wireless electricity theft

detection system using Zigbee technology present an
efficient and less costly way to adulterate the wireless
technique used in this research paper. This wireless system
is used to overcome the theft of electricity via bypassing the
energy meter and hence it also controls the revenue losses
and utility of the electricity authorized agency. In this
paper, they provide insight into the illegal use or abstraction
of electricity in the Netherlands. The importance and the
economic aspects of theft detection are presented and the
current practices and experiences are discussed. This paper
also proposes a novel methodology for automated detection
of illegal utilization of electricity in the future distribution
networks equipped with smart metering infrastructure. The
necessary data requirements for smart meters and
distribution substations are network. In the paper, they
described that Electrical power theft detection system is
used to detect an unauthorized tapping on distribution lines.
Implementation area of this system is a distribution network
of electrical power supply system.
Existing System is notable to identify the exact
location of tapping. This system actually finds out on which
electrical line there is a tapping. This is a real time system.
Wireless data transmission and receiving technique is used.
This will protect distribution network from power theft
done by tapping. In the recent past, several techniques were
proposed for detecting the location of direct tapping on a
feeder and identifying illegal consumers. On a parallel
track, some non-technical measures, such as inspection of
customers with suspicious load profiles and campaigning
against illegal consumption, were also implemented to
control electricity theft. Some of the techniques (proposed
worldwide) are described in this section.

placed on the phase wire for measuring incoming &

outgoing current. By processing these two incoming &
outgoing current we can detect the unauthorized tapping.
Those current ratings are detect by the system and that
system microcontroller based contacted by the GSM
technology that is send the SMS through the center
observer system so they will easily find the exact location
power theft .


Three wires 1 phase supply,1 neutral &1 street light are

connected between the two poles .They are two C.T are

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Whenever input power is passing from supplier to the
receiver, at that time if the total amount of power is not
received by the receiver then there is possibility of theft of
Spent = Consumed + Loss ..No Theft
Spent Consumed + Loss Theft Occurred
Spent = Power measured by pole side energy meter
Consumed = Power measured by load side energy meter.


The successful development of the prototype

hardware has been done and correctly tested for the purpose
it is being implemented. When there is fault like broken
cable or grounding the system informs the COC about that
fault, same as in the case of illegal tapping this module
sends intimation COC about the theft with proper location
and amount of energy is stolen in terms of units.


The successful development of the wireless

automatic theft monitoring system described in this Article
is based on the high performance, extremely low power
consumption, high level of integration, and low price of
GSM technology. The technology has strong market
competitiveness. GSM wireless theft monitoring system


International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 5, MAY 2016

can use long-range wireless communication and computer

network technologies
to send SMS. Wireless
communication links can be quickly built, engineering
period significantly shortened, and it has better scalability
compared to a wired system. If a fault occurs, simply
checking wireless data module can quickly find it out and
restore the system in normal operation. This paper is aimed
at reducing the heavy power and revenue losses that occur
due to power theft by the customers. By this design it can
be concluded that power theft can be effectively curbed by
detecting where the power theft occurs and informing the
authorities. Also an automatic circuit breaker may be
integrated to the unit so as to remotely cut off the power
supply to the house or consumer who tries to indulge in
power theft. The ability of the proposed system to inform or
send data digitally to a remote station using wireless radio
link adds a large amount of possibilities to the way the
power supply is controlled by the electricity board. The
system design mainly concentrates on single phase electric
distribution system, especially. The proposed system
provides the solution for some of the main problems faced
by the existing Indian grid system, such as wastage of
energy, power theft, and transmission line fault. The
progress in technology about electrical distribution network
is a non-stop process. New things and new technology are
being invented. The proposed system found to be little bit
complex as far as distribution network is concerned, but its
an automated system of theft detection. It saves time as
well as help to maximize profit margin for utility company
working in electrical distribution network. Utility company
can keep a constant eye on its customer.

[6] Electricity Theft Prediction on Low Voltage

Distribution System Using Autoregressive Technique A.I.
Abdulla teef, M.J.E. Salami, M.A. Muse, A.M. Albino, and
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[7] Electrical Power Theft Detection and Wireless Meter
Reading presented by SagerPatel, GoalPawaskar,
Kirtikumar Patel

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[3] Wireless Electricity Theft Detection System Using Zig
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[4] Theft detection and smart metering practices and
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[5] Electricity Theft Localization Based On Smart
Metering Frank VAN DEN BERGHTU/e NL

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