Preparing For Basel II Modeling Requirements: Part 4: Stress Testing
Preparing For Basel II Modeling Requirements: Part 4: Stress Testing
Preparing For Basel II Modeling Requirements: Part 4: Stress Testing
approach that employs aggregated data to predict the impact of economic and portfolio changes on bank default losses.
2003 by RMA. Jeff Morrison is vice president, Credit MetricsPRISM Team, at SunTrust Banks Inc., Atlanta,
Model Estimation
The estimation of pooled
cross-sectional time series models
is a little more involved than for
PD and LGD models, but it still
involves relating a dependent
variable to a set of explanatory
variables over a historical time
period. The difference is that it
accounts for data across two
dimensionsby cross-section and
time series. In most statistical
software packages like SHAZAM,
LIMDEP, and SAS, the data has
to be arranged a certain way to
estimate the regression. Figure 1
shows the data design in spreadsheet form for a fictitious example
in which the cross-section is MSA.
For example, the cross-section
called MSA #1 could represent the
Atlanta MSA. As can be seen, data
for the first cross-section is listed
first and ordered by date, followed
by the next cross-section, again
ordered by date. The total number
of observations in the data would
Figure 1
MSA #1
MSA #1
MSA #1
MSA #1
MSA #1
MSA #1
MSA #1
MSA #1
MSA #2
MSA #2
MSA #2
MSA #2
MSA #2
MSA #2
MSA #2
MSA #2
Step 3: Look at the correlations between each explanatory variable and the dependent
variable. Explanatory variables
with the higher correlations
are good candidates for the
regression. Check the sign of
the correlation. If the correlation is negative, then there is
an inverse relationship
between the default rate and
your explanatory variable.
Does it make sense? Graph
the trends associated with
each variable over time.
Step 4: Pick the variables to
include in the regression.
Make sure the variables you
put in make business sense.
Be wary of using a stepwise
selection feature as you may
have done in your PD model.
The correlations between the
explanatory variables can be
complex and may interfere
with some automatic routines
designed to reduce the number of variables in the regression. Instead, use the t-tests
produced by the software to
give some guidance as to
which variables should remain
in the model. Generally, a tvalue greater than 2 (in
absolute terms) is an indication that the variable has some
importance. Reestimate the
model with different variables
and time lags until you get a
model with valid t-values and
coefficients with signs that
make sense. If you are trying
to predict the default percentage and get a negative LTV
coefficient, does it make sense
that MSAs with higher LTVs
have a lower percentage
Figure 2
Base Forecast
Stress Forecast