Hitachi Samsung Tutorial V 41 Merged
Hitachi Samsung Tutorial V 41 Merged
Hitachi Samsung Tutorial V 41 Merged
Now read this tutorial, twice. If you dont understand any terms, think twice about
doing this.
This tutorial will explain every step in backing up your original firmware, creating
a working hacked firmware for your Toshiba-Samsung DVD-Drive and flashing it
back to the DVD-Drive. It will also explain how to create successful game backups.
It is really important to keep in mind that the complete process can be risky if
you dont know what you are doing.
Dont ask for illegal files. ANYWHERE. Especially not on public forums.
Read all the forum rules. Do not talk about .ISO images you have
We are not responsible for any misreading or damage done to your
Microsoft Xbox 360 in any way.
Please do not attempt to try this if you dont understand any of the steps
below. Normal to Average PC experience is required in order to
successfully complete the installation.
Do not stick your fingers into live electrical parts. Do not stick any other
parts of your anatomy in either.
Lasers BLIND! Do not look into them if you need to hotswap disks when
using WxRipper (to follow)
Firmware Tasks:
Disassemble Xbox360
Connect Xbox360 Drive to PC
Make floppy/usb/cd boot disk with mktflash on it
Boot PC with bootable disk
Backup Xbox360 Drive firmware
Restart PC and flash hacked firmware
Rebuild Xbox360 (unless you want to make some backups now)
Test Xbox360
Xbox 360 with Samsung Drive ROM v. MS25 (MS28 instructions below)
A floppy disk and floppy drive, USB flash drive and USB-bootable
motherboard, or a blank CD-R.
Onboard SATA
Requires Hex
Abit NF7-S2GN
Asus A8N5X
SIL 3114
VIA VT 8251
Doesnt Work
Promise Fastrack
(unknown info)
Intel ICH6
Doesnt Work
Doesnt Work
Intel ICH5
Intel ICH5R
Intel ICH7
Gigabyte GA81945P-L
Gigabyte GAK8NSC-939
Intel 945PL
nForce 4
SIL 3112
SIL 3132
Doesnt Work
Doesnt Work
Doesnt Work
VIA VT 8237
VIA VT 6410
Asus P4C800edeluxe
82801GB / GR / GH ICH7
Marvell ICH7 needs a different
SIL 3112
SIL 3122
SIL 3115A
SIL 3512
SIL 3114
Adaptec ASH-1205SA (SIL
ALI M5283
Doesnt Work
Doesnt Work
Doesnt Work
Doesnt Work
Doesnt Work
Doesnt Work
ALI M5289
Maxtor SATA (Promise)
RocketRAID 1520
RocketRAID 1640
VIA VT 8237
Doesnt Work
VIA VT 6421L
VIA VT 6237R
VIA VT 6421A
No ?
* Note: When using a hex-edited MTKFlash, you must also download a normal MTKFlash and
use the MTKFlash.typ file from it. Also, your MTKFlash .exe and .typ files must be named exactly
the same. Ex: if you download MTKFlashvia.exe , rename it to MTKFlash.exe
Mtkflash.exe must have the Xbox360 Drive on a SATA channel, not an ide
channel (ie not with SATA-to-IDE converter).
Mtkflash cannot flash via a USB or Firewire connection (DOS doesn't have
Mtkflash has the following support documented inside the compiled executable:
ICH5, ICH6P, ICH6, ICH6M, VIA8237, Si3114, SiS964, SiS180, SiS965, NV
Make sure your SATA ports are set to NATIVE/IDE mode NOT RAID. You set
this in your computers BIOS. When booting your computer, look for text that
says Press key for Setup. Press this key until you get into your BIOS menu.
Configure your SATA ports to use NATIVE , IDE, or SATA mode (not RAID).
You can hexedit Mtkflash to modify support for which channel, etc. the application
scans. This differs by machine/card/controller, so this is obviously only something
more advanced users can do.
WARNING: If you are going to connect your 360 and PC together in *any* way, then
you *must* provide the 360 with a path to true earth ground. This is because the 360 has
a floating ground and horrible things happen if all connected systems do not agree on the
reference voltage. I used a couple of croc clips from the chassis of the 360 to the chassis
of my PC to achieve this.
Something That looks Like This
Name Serial ATA Controller
Status OK
PNP Device ID
I/O Port 0x00006655-0x00006662
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000003
I/O Port 0x00008877-0x00008884
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000003
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x0000000F
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x000000FF
IRQ Channel IRQ 20
Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\driver.sys (5.1.2600.201, 74.63 KB (76,416 bytes),
5/15/2006 7:00 AM)
All of that Should Look Different in Your Info, Next to Name it Should Say Something
About "Serial ATA" if it Doesn't Try Scrolling Down and/or Make Sure Your in the Right
What You Are looking For in This is 8bytes (16 Numbers/Letters) That MTKFlash Can
Identify Your Chipset with, The First 4bytes are Found in The "PNP Device ID" (2
Numbers/Letters = one byte)
PNP Device ID
You need to swap around the bytes to get it in the correct order. The correct order is
digits 34127856. Example: From above, we have 22114433. The correct order after
swap is 11223344
The Next 4Bytes are Found in 2 Different Lines of "I/O Port" Hex Values, You Want to
Identify The 2 Lines That Have a 7Byte Difference, Extract the Last 4 Digits of the First
Section of Numbers/Letters from Them and Swap the 2 Bytes (As You did with The
"PNP Device ID" Line)
I/O Port 0x00006655-0x00006662
I/O Port 0x00008877-0x00008884
This is Only Known to Work if You Use The 2 "I/O Port" lines With a Difference of 7 in
Order (as Shown Above), As They are Values for The Primary Master and Slave SATA
Device. You must do the same byte swap as before. The correct order is digits
34127856. Example: from above, we have 66558877. The correct order after swap is
Put Together The 4bytes of Hex (8 Numbers/Letters) That You Have From The "PNP
Device ID" Line and the 4 You have from The "I/O Port" Lines and You Have The Values
You Need to Insert in to Your MTKFlash.exe File.
3. Injecting Chipset's Hex Values
The Xtreme v3 release does not include MTKFlash for some reason. It is included in
Xtreme versions 1 and 2, so you can get it from there or download it HERE.
Right-click MTKFlash.exe and select Edit with Hex Editor (if using HHD Free Hex
Editor). Select Edit > Goto and type in B307 and hit enter. In the text display to the
right, you should see names of chipsets such as ICH5, VIA8237, NV NForce3, etc. In the
text area, click on the second dot before your chipset name. A 01 should now be boxed
in the hex area to the left. In the hex area, highlight this, going back 8 bytes (16
Simply edit in your 8-byte value we got earlier, and save the MTKFlash.exe file.
To Conclude the Example's in Step 3 (Don't Edit The Red 00's)
... then make it into a key like this. the tabs need to be about 1cm long.
Do the same for the other side and you'll get two xbox 360 case opening keys that look
like these...
Step 2
Open the front of the console as normal and put a bit of newspaper or something inside
the case to hold the front open a bit, then insert the key, push with a bit of force and you
should hear it click and the case will open....
Thanks to Hydra!
2. Insert the bootable floppy you made, power on the PC, but leave your
Xbox 360 off. Your PC should boot to a command prompt. When it
does, power on your Xbox 360.
3. In the next step, you need to use your Xbox 360s serial number. The
Xs are the 7-digit first part, the Ys are the 5-digit second part.
4. Type SAMREAD XXXXXXX YYYYY , using your serial number. For
example, if my S/N is 5242924 61305, I would type SAMREAD
5242924 61305.
5. Your original firmware will be read and dumped. When you return to
the command prompt, power off the Xbox 360, then restart your PC.
6. Your PC will boot from the floppy again, when it gets to the command
prompt, power on your 360.
7. Type SAMHACK XXXXXXX YYYYY, using the serial number of your
Xbox 360 again.
8. Your drive will be flashed, and when you get back to the command
prompt, power off the Xbox 360, and then power off your PC.
9. Put your Xbox 360 back together and test.
5. When it is done formatting, copy all folders and files from /X360SAM
0.2/Xbox360/ to the USB Flash Drive.
Now that your USB flash drive is prepared, lets get to the fun stuff.
1. At this point, you should have the Xbox 360 disassembled, with a
SATA cable connecting your Samsung drive to your PC. Turn off both
the Xbox 360 and PC.
2. Insert the bootable USB you made, power on the PC, but leave your
Xbox 360 off. Your PC should boot to a command prompt. When it
does, power on your Xbox 360.
3. In the next step, you need to use your Xbox 360s serial number. The
Xs are the 7-digit first part, the Ys are the 5-digit second part.
4. Type SAMREAD XXXXXXX YYYYY , using your serial number. For
example, if my S/N is 5242924 61305, I would type SAMREAD
5242924 61305.
5. Your original firmware will be read and dumped. When you return to
the command prompt, power off the Xbox 360, then restart your PC.
6. Your PC will boot from the USB again, when it gets to the command
prompt, power on your 360.
7. Type SAMHACK XXXXXXX YYYYY, using the serial number of your
Xbox 360 again.
8. Your drive will be flashed, and when you get back to the command
prompt, power off the Xbox 360, and then power off your PC.
9. Put your Xbox 360 back together and test.
Type Yes and hit enter. Also notice at the top of this screen the label your NTFS
hard drive is given. Mine showed up as D. When you get to the flashing A:\
command prompt, type the following:
D:\ [press enter] use the drive letter your hard drive was given
1. In the next step, you need to use your Xbox 360s serial number. The
Xs are the 7-digit first part; the Ys are the 5-digit second part.
2. Type SAMREAD XXXXXXX YYYYY, using your serial number. For
example, if my S/N is 5242924 61305, I would type SAMREAD
5242924 61305.
3. Your original firmware will be read and dumped. When you return to
the command prompt, power off the Xbox 360, then restart your PC.
4. Your PC will boot from the CD again, hit enter again, type yes again,
and type your drive letter to get back to where we started. When it
gets to the correct drive letters command prompt, power on your 360.
5. Type SAMHACK XXXXXXX YYYYY, using the serial number of your
Xbox 360 again.
6. Your drive will be flashed, and when you get back to the command
prompt, power off the Xbox 360, and then power off your PC.
7. Put your Xbox 360 back together and test.
When the dump is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Eject your floppy and restart your computer.
Boot into Windows. Open the floppy from My Computer and select the file
ORIG.BIN. This is your Xbox360 Drives firmware and needs to be kept safe!
Make a copy of the file. Then make another one on another drive or CD or USB
Stick. Email it to yourself. Then make another somewhere else. You get the drift.
mtkflash r /m /sata orig.bin
If it still isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you have an
incompatible chipset.
When the dump is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Unplug your USB drive and restart your
computer. Boot into Windows. Plug in your USB drive and find orig.bin. This is
your Xbox360 Drives firmware and needs to be kept safe! Make a copy of the
file. Then make another one on another drive. Then make another somewhere
else. Email it to yourself. You get the drift.
If you dont have a floppy drive and your motherboard cant boot from USB or you
dont have a USB flash drive, you can use your normal computer hard drive and
an NTFSDOS bootable CD. Download this ISO and burn using a burning
program capable of burning ISO images. (Nero, IMGBurn, CloneCD, etc.).
Copy MTKFlash (.exe and .typ) to the root of your C: drive on your computer.
Power off both your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC
using a SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off.
Boot your PC with the bootable NTFSDOS CD and let it do its thing. After a
while it will say:
Select from Menu [0123], or press [ENTER Singlestepping (F8) is: OFF
Hit enter and you should see this disclaimer.
Type Yes and hit enter. Also notice at the top of this screen the label your NTFS
hard drive is given. Mine showed up as D. When you get to the flashing A:\
command prompt, power on the Xbox 360. Type the following:
D:\ [press enter] use the drive letter your hard drive was given
Mtkflash r /m orig.bin [press enter]
It should display your SATA chipset. Type in the corresponding number and it
should read and dump the original firmware. If youre not seeing the SATA
chipset, try the following command:
mtkflash r /m /sata orig.bin
If it still isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you have an
incompatible chipset.
When the dump is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Eject your CD and restart your computer.
Boot into Windows. Open the C: drive from My Computer and select the file
ORIG.BIN. This is your Xbox360 Drives firmware and needs to be kept safe!
Make a copy of the file. Then make another one on another drive or CD or USB
Stick. Email it to yourself. Then make another somewhere else. You get the drift.
The last step is writing the firmware to your DVD-Drive. This will be done with
MTKFLASH.EXE again. All you have to do is copy your modified.bin onto the
floppy, USB drive, or C: drive (if using NTFSDOS CD) and you are all set to go.
Power off both your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC
using a SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off. Insert your floppy disk,
bootable USB drive, or NTFSDOS CD and turn on the computer, but leave the
360 powered off.
With floppy or USB, you will boot to a regular A:\ command prompt. With the
NTFSDOS CD, follow the same instructions above to get to the command prompt
where your files are stored. When you get to the command prompt, power on
your Xbox 360 and type the following command:
mtklfash w /m modified.bin
It should display your SATA chipset. Type in the corresponding number and it
should read and dump the original firmware. If youre not seeing the SATA
chipset, try the following command:
mtkflash w /m /sata modified.bin
If it still isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you have an
incompatible chipset.
When the flash is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Put the Xbox 360 back together and test.
difficult, it has been proven time and time again if you do it correctly and follow
Set your PC to boot from the USB stick and start it up.
Depending on your chipset, press the appropriate key:
The first option for each chipset backs up your original firmware and patches the
xtreme firmware with your DVD drive key.
The second option flashes your Samsung with the xtreme hacked firmware.
The third option flashes your Samsung with your original firmware.
Reboot the PC and 360 and you are done!
MS28 Instructions
Newer Xbox 360s are using a Samsung drive with an updated MS28 firmware version.
Reading and flashing this drive is a little tricky, but it can be done using one of two
methods. The first method is the bad flash recovery method, which does not require
opening up your drive and soldering. It is best to try this method first. If you cant get
this to work, then you can try the VCC switch method.
the NTFSDOS boot CD, hit Enter at the Select from Menu , hit Yes at the
NTFSDOS picture, and then move to your NTFS drive.
You should get to a command prompt. At this point, you can finally turn on your
Xbox 360. Type the following command a few seconds after turning on your
Xbox 360.
SAMREAD XXXXXXX YYYYY , using your Xbox 360 serial number
Press Enter
It should display your SATA chipset. DO NOT select the port yet. Leave it at the
If your SATA port isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you
have an incompatible chipset.
While at MTKFlashs port selection menu, power off the Xbox 360. Select the
port that the 360 is connected to, even though the 360 is now off. It will pause
when you select that port. Count to about ten, then turn on the Xbox 360. It
should start reading and dumping automatically. It will go from 0-100% 3-4
times, all on the same line. It looks like it is doing the same thing over and over
again, because it doesnt start a new line, but let it go, it will finish in a little while.
When the dump is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Unplug your floppy/USB/CD and restart your
computer. Boot into Windows. Plug in your floppy/USB (or go to the C: drive)
drive and find orig.bin. This is your Xbox360 Drives firmware and needs to be
kept safe! Make a copy of the file. Then make another one on another drive.
Then make another somewhere else. Email it to yourself. You get the drift.
Writing the Hacked MS28 Firmware Using X360SAM and Bad Flash Method
First things first, make sure your SATA chipset is compatible or you are using the hexedited MTKFlash. ||sTix|| found that he could only get this working if he had a PC
cd/dvd drive hooked up to IDE. I would suggest trying to hook up a MTK-based cd or
dvd drive to IDE. If you do not hook up the pc drive, you will not get the MTKFlash
menu after typing the command.
Power off your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC using a
SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off. Insert your bootable floppy/USB
/NTFSDOS CD and turn on the computer, booting to a command prompt. If you
boot to Windows, restart your computer and set your BIOS boot priority. If using
the NTFSDOS boot CD, hit Enter at the Select from Menu, hit Yes at the
NTFSDOS picture, and then move to your NTFS drive.
You should get to a command prompt. At this point, you can finally turn on your
Xbox 360. Type the following command a few seconds after turning on your
Xbox 360.
SAMHACK XXXXXXX YYYYY , using your Xbox 360 serial number
Press Enter
It should display your SATA chipset. DO NOT select the port yet. Leave it at the
If your SATA port isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you
have an incompatible chipset.
While at MTKFlashs port selection menu, power off the Xbox 360. Select the
port that the 360 is connected to, even though the 360 is now off. It will pause
when you select that port. Count to about ten, then turn on the Xbox 360. It
should start flashing automatically. It will go from 0-100% 3-4 times, all on the
same line. It looks like it is doing the same thing over and over again, because it
doesnt start a new line, but let it go, it will finish in a little while.
When the flash is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Put your Xbox 360 back together and test.
Reading the Original MS28 Firmware Using Manual Method and Bad Flash
First things first, make sure your SATA chipset is compatible or you are using the hexedited MTKFlash. ||sTix|| found that he could only get this working if he had a PC
cd/dvd drive hooked up to IDE. I would suggest trying to hook up a MTK-based cd or
dvd drive to IDE. If you do not hook up the pc drive, you will not get the MTKFlash
menu after typing the command.
Power off your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC using a
SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off. Insert your bootable floppy/USB
/NTFSDOS CD and turn on the computer, booting to a command prompt. If you
boot to Windows, restart your computer and set your BIOS boot priority. If using
the NTFSDOS boot CD, hit Enter at the Select from Menu , hit Yes at the
NTFSDOS picture, and then move to your NTFS drive.
You should get to a command prompt. At this point, you can finally turn on your
Xbox 360. Type the following command a few seconds after turning on your
Xbox 360.
mtkflash r /m /sata orig.bin
Press Enter
It should display your SATA chipset. DO NOT select the port yet. Leave it at the
If your SATA port isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you
have an incompatible chipset.
While at MTKFlashs port selection menu, power off the Xbox 360. Select the
port that the 360 is connected to, even though the 360 is now off. It will pause
when you select that port. Count to about ten, then turn on the Xbox 360. It
should start reading and dumping automatically. It will go from 0-100% 3-4
times, all on the same line. It looks like it is doing the same thing over and over
again, because it doesnt start a new line, but let it go, it will finish in a little while.
When the dump is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Unplug your floppy/USB/CD and restart your
computer. Boot into Windows. Plug in your floppy/USB (or go to C: drive) and
find orig.bin. This is your Xbox360 Drives firmware and needs to be kept safe!
Make a copy of the file. Then make another one on another drive. Then make
another somewhere else. Email it to yourself. You get the drift.
Injecting DVD Drive Key into Xtreme Firmware
Follow the hex editing instructions above; they are exactly the same with MS28
firmware. Put the modified.bin firmware on your floppy / USB / C: drive.
Writing the Hacked MS28 Firmware Using Manual Method and Bad Flash Method
First things first, make sure your SATA chipset is compatible or you are using the hexedited MTKFlash. ||sTix|| found that he could only get this working if he had a PC
cd/dvd drive hooked up to IDE. I would suggest trying to hook up a MTK-based cd or
dvd drive to IDE. If you do not hook up the pc drive, you will not get the MTKFlash
menu after typing the command.
Power off your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC using a
SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off. Insert your bootable floppy/USB
/NTFSDOS CD and turn on the computer, booting to a command prompt. If you
boot to Windows, restart your computer and set your BIOS boot priority. If using
the NTFSDOS boot CD, hit Enter at the Select from Menu, hit Yes at the
NTFSDOS picture, and then move to your NTFS drive.
You should get to a command prompt. At this point, you can finally turn on your
Xbox 360. Type the following command a few seconds after turning on your
Xbox 360.
mtkflash w /m /sata /modified.bin
Press Enter
It should display your SATA chipset. DO NOT select the port yet. Leave it at the
If your SATA port isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you
have an incompatible chipset.
When the flash is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Put your Xbox 360 back together and test.
Open up your drive and desolder the middle VCC resistor (resistor R408) like in
the following picture:
Wire up a simple SPST toggle/slide switch to the blue and red locations. Set the switch
to Off.
Since you already have the drive apart and now have a switch installed on it, its probably
easier to flash the PCB out of the DVD drive. This is what xboxto did in the following
picture. Just make sure you supply power to the board through the Xbox 360 and make
sure you still have the video cables hooked up to the Xbox 360.
You can use X360SAM or Manual method to read and flash if using the VCC switch
Reading the Orginal Firmware Using X360SAM and VCC Switch
First things first, make sure your SATA chipset is compatible or you are using the hexedited MTKFlash. ||sTix|| found that he could only get this working if he had a PC
cd/dvd drive hooked up to IDE. I would suggest trying to hook up a MTK-based cd or
dvd drive to IDE. If you do not hook up the pc drive, you will not get the MTKFlash
menu after typing the command.
Power off your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC using a
SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off. Insert your bootable floppy/USB
/NTFSDOS CD and turn on the computer, booting to a command prompt. If you
boot to Windows, restart your computer and set your BIOS boot priority. If using
the NTFSDOS boot CD, hit Enter at the Select from Menu , hit Yes at the
NTFSDOS picture, and then move to your NTFS drive.
You should get to a command prompt. At this point, you can finally turn on your
Xbox 360 but leave the switch off. Type the following command a few seconds
after turning on your Xbox 360. Just type the command, dont hit enter!
SAMREAD XXXXXXX YYYYY, using your Xbox 360 serial number
Flick your VCC switch to on and then you can hit enter for the SAMREAD
It should display your SATA chipset. Select your chipset and it should read and
dump your firmware.
If your SATA port isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you
have an incompatible chipset.
When the dump is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Unplug your floppy/USB/CD and restart your
computer. Boot into Windows. Plug in your floppy/USB (or go to the C: drive)
drive and find orig.bin. This is your Xbox360 Drives firmware and needs to be
kept safe! Make a copy of the file. Then make another one on another drive.
Then make another somewhere else. Email it to yourself. You get the drift.
Writing the Hacked Firmware Using X360SAM and VCC Switch
First things first, make sure your SATA chipset is compatible or you are using the hexedited MTKFlash. ||sTix|| found that he could only get this working if he had a PC
cd/dvd drive hooked up to IDE. I would suggest trying to hook up a MTK-based cd or
dvd drive to IDE. If you do not hook up the pc drive, you will not get the MTKFlash
menu after typing the command.
Power off your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC using a
SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off. Insert your bootable floppy/USB
/NTFSDOS CD and turn on the computer, booting to a command prompt. If you
boot to Windows, restart your computer and set your BIOS boot priority. If using
the NTFSDOS boot CD, hit Enter at the Select from Menu , hit Yes at the
NTFSDOS picture, and then move to your NTFS drive.
You should get to a command prompt. At this point, you can finally turn on your
Xbox 360 but leave the switch off. Type the following command a few seconds
after turning on your Xbox 360. Just type the command, dont hit enter!
SAMHACK XXXXXXX YYYYY, using your Xbox 360 serial number
Flick your VCC switch to on and then you can hit enter for the SAMHACK
It should display your SATA chipset. Select your chipset and it should read and
dump your firmware.
If your SATA port isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you
have an incompatible chipset.
When the flash is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Put your Xbox 360 back together and test.
Reading the Original Firmware Using Manual Method and VCC Switch
First things first, make sure your SATA chipset is compatible or you are using the hexedited MTKFlash. ||sTix|| found that he could only get this working if he had a PC
cd/dvd drive hooked up to IDE. I would suggest trying to hook up a MTK-based cd or
dvd drive to IDE. If you do not hook up the pc drive, you will not get the MTKFlash
menu after typing the command.
Power off your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC using a
SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off. Insert your bootable floppy/USB
/NTFSDOS CD and turn on the computer, booting to a command prompt. If you
boot to Windows, restart your computer and set your BIOS boot priority. If using
the NTFSDOS boot CD, hit Enter at the Select from Menu , hit Yes at the
NTFSDOS picture, and then move to your NTFS drive.
You should get to a command prompt. At this point, you can finally turn on your
Xbox 360 but leave the switch off. Type the following command a few seconds
after turning on your Xbox 360. Just type the command, dont hit enter!
mtkflash r /m orig.bin
Flick your VCC switch to on and then you can hit enter for the MTKFlash
It should display your SATA chipset. Select your chipset and it should read and
dump your firmware.
If your SATA port isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you
have an incompatible chipset.
When the dump is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Unplug your floppy/USB/CD and restart your
computer. Boot into Windows. Plug in your floppy/USB (or go to the C: drive)
drive and find orig.bin. This is your Xbox360 Drives firmware and needs to be
kept safe! Make a copy of the file. Then make another one on another drive.
Then make another somewhere else. Email it to yourself. You get the drift.
Injecting DVD Drive Key into Xtreme Firmware
Follow the hex editing instructions above; they are exactly the same with MS28
firmware. Put the modified.bin firmware on your floppy / USB / C: drive.
Writing the Modified Firmware Using Manual Method and VCC Switch
First things first, make sure your SATA chipset is compatible or you are using the hexedited MTKFlash. ||sTix|| found that he could only get this working if he had a PC
cd/dvd drive hooked up to IDE. I would suggest trying to hook up a MTK-based cd or
dvd drive to IDE. If you do not hook up the pc drive, you will not get the MTKFlash
menu after typing the command.
Power off your Xbox 360 and PC. Connect the Samsung drive to the PC using a
SATA cable, but leave the 360 powered off. Insert your bootable floppy/USB
/NTFSDOS CD and turn on the computer, booting to a command prompt. If you
boot to Windows, restart your computer and set your BIOS boot priority. If using
the NTFSDOS boot CD, hit Enter at the Select from Menu, hit Yes at the
NTFSDOS picture, and then move to your NTFS drive.
You should get to a command prompt. At this point, you can finally turn on your
Xbox 360 but leave the switch off. Type the following command a few seconds
after turning on your Xbox 360. Just type the command, dont hit enter!
mtkflash w /m modified.bin
Flick your VCC switch to on and then you can hit enter for the MTKFlash
It should display your SATA chipset. Select your chipset and it should read and
dump your firmware.
If your SATA port isnt showing up, you didnt hexedit mtkflash correctly or you
have an incompatible chipset.
When the flash is done, it will tell you to restart your pc. Disconnect the SATA
cable and power off the Xbox 360. Put your Xbox 360 back together and test.
Run DVDinfoPro
Enter the following four custom cdb commands:
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 01 C0
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 03 C0
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 05 C0
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 07 C0
Then save hexadecimal display as bin file as SS.bin
FF 08 01 01
If you receive a sense error, just ignore it. It means the drive is already unlocked.
Sometimes the drive will unlock after extracting the ss. Open ISOBuster as
Run Isobuster
Right click on DVD and select Extract From-To
Click Length and enter number of LBAs as follows:
Xbox 1 Original Number of LBA to read 3431264 decimal
Xbox 360 Original Number of LBA to read 3567872 decimal
Select User Data (2048 bytes/block)
Click Start Extraction
Enter filename as game.iso and click Save
Upon read error dialogue box choose fill with blank zeros for sector and select
use this selection for all errors
Copy game.iso, ss.bin, PFI.bin and DMI.bin to the relevant isobuilder directory
(Depending on Xbox 360 or Xbox 1 game)
Run build360.bat (Xbox 360 game) or build.bat (xbox 1 game).
These batch files now expect PFI and DMI bin files
Ensure your burner will set the booktype of DVD+R DL to DVDRom
Burn with CloneCd and choose the image.dvd file
Security Sectors (SS) from the disc. After that we create the .iso image and inject
the SSs into it.
You will need DVDInfoPro CloneCD and WxRipper.
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 01 C0
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 03 C0
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 05 C0
AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 07 C0
Put those commands in, in order. After each string, click the "Send" button. Once
you have sent all four commands, look for a button in the top right. It will say
"Save As Hexadecimal BIN File". Save your file as SS.BIN.
4. Now put in the command displayed on the image below and press
Unlike the image below, select User Data (2048 bytes/block for
MOST sectors)
At the Length (LBA) for Xbox 360 games enter 3567872, for Xbox 1
games enter 3431264, when finished press Start Extraction.
Save your file as GAME.ISO
When you receive a read error dialogue box, choose fill with blank
Zeros for sector and select use this selection for all errors.
Stick in your large DVD. Let it get recognised then press The Stop button on
wxRipper. If you use a USB DVD drive you may need to wait 2 minutes foir it to
spin down by itself as the Stop button does not work on USB. Remove the disk
without using eject and replace it with your Xbox360 game disk.
Press the Play button then the Find Magic Number button. You can now press
the Start Dump green button.
Save the image with whatever name you like.
If you get errors in wxRipper, your DVD drive doesn't like the bad sectors between
LBA19408 & LBA20479. LBA20480 isn't a bad sector, but your drive has a problem
aligning the lens on LBA20480...
To fix :
1 - Click on 'Find magic number', the action list is generated
2 - Save the action list to a layout file (File->Save layout file...)
3 - Edit the layout file with notepad, you should have these 3 first lines :
if you want to make an ISO with the XDVDFS session starting at LBA129824, like a raw
dump, replace these 3 lines with these ones :
Then File-> Load Layout File and dump as normal.
Regarding the layout file:
- Usually the first 3 lines are like this:
- People say to change them to this (bold represents the changes):
D19408 <- D = Dummy instead of C (Copy)
D1072 <- Same as original
D109344 <- D= Dummy instead of C (Copy)
In this case, all you're doing is 'faking' the first three lines. I figured out that 9 out of 10
problems occur at the 3rd line, so that's really the only one you need to Dummy.
- Most of the time this will work (bold represents the only change):
C19408 <- Same as original
D1072 <- Same as original
D109344 <- D = Dummy instead of C (Copy)
This way you get more of the original information. I'm not sure if this matters, but I say
more is better when it comes to duplicating a game.
If you want to go even further:
- Since I noticed most people (myself included) occasionally get a CRC error at 91136,
escpeically on games like Tomb Raider and Hitman, I use this layout (replace first 3 lines
with these 4):
C19408 <- Same as orignal
D1072 <- Same as orignal
C91135 <- Original used to be C109344, which I split into 2 parts, stopping at 1
byte before my CRC error @ 91136
D18209 <- Dummy the remainder of the part that gives the error. 18209 (this line)
+ 91135 (previous line) = 109344 (original number)
Thanks to PSoff!
Select the .iso file you just made in the top box.
Choose which method you ripped your backup; isobuster (also known as xtreme
style) or wxRipper. If you downloaded an iso and you dont know how it was
made, tough. You are a bad, bad person.
Now press Xbox360 if you are backing up an Xbox360 game (duh).
Select Xbox360 layer break file.
Press Merge and create layer break file
Press donation if you think HellDoc deserves it!
Thats it. You can now burn your game! But before you do, read about
Booktype / Bitsetting:
From Xtreme's readme:
Run build360.bat (Xbox 360 game) or build.bat (xbox 1 game)
Ensure your burner will set the booktype of DVD+R DL to DVDRom
Burn with CloneCd and choose the image.dvd file
When the booktype field (bitsetting) is changed to DVD-ROM then DVD players are
fooled and will think the user has put in a DVD-ROM disc instead of a DVD+R disc and
will read it accordingly. This results in an increased chance that the player is able to read
the disc and thats why the ability to change the booktype field (bitsetting) is essential to
a lot of users. Certainly owners of a DVD player that requires this field to be set to DVDROM, in order to work properly, will prefer a DVD recorder that supports setting the
booktype field. - Quote from
REMEMBER you must have a bitsetting capable DVD+R DL drive. If you do not you
may be able to upgrade its firmware (wow a legit firmware flash!) See here for a LOT of
drive firmwares:
To set the booktype in DVDInfoPro:
Start DVDInfoPro
Click on the +RW icon on the top row
Select DVD-ROM
Press button marked "Change +RDL Mode"
Press Close
Select the correct drive you wish to burn with and press Next
OK, now it will start flashing or sits waiting at "Port: d800, Master/Slave: a0"
If it is waiting for more than a few seconds hit escape twice to stop the attempt and power
off the drive again and keep trying the last part again. It will work after a few attempts.
This is what I have figured out so far and why this works.
MTKFLASH is looking for a response code 70 from the drive to start flashing.
Whilst the hitachi drives have a distinct recovery mode the samsungs show a code 70
JUST after power on.
I'm assuming this is a small recovery window that we can use.
The MTKFLASH software doesn't really care what device is on the SATA bus at the
beginning, as long as it can detect something. Hence is people put a hot swap drive or
hard drive on the sata bus, the software says "Ahh, SATA 1 has a device on there" and
gives to the option to flash that port.
Only when you press 1 on the keyboard to start flashing does it try to detect what KIND
of device it is and waits for the required 70 code to start flashing.
So in summary ..
Get MTKFLASH working so it detects a device on your Sata bus (Either the DVD drive
or a hard drive)
Then start the flashing procedure JUST AFTER the dvd is given power, after a couple of
attempts it should catch the Code 70 and start flashing.
Hope this helps.
Thanks to:
Kev/SeventhSon, Commodore4Eva,,,
Probutus, Bluecop, MacDennis, TheSpecialist, Gael360 & JSR, Helldoc and everyone
else who did the hard work. The boys did good. Thanks to kev for the $50 for putting his name in a flash font.
Now read this tutorial, twice. If you dont understand any terms, think twice about
doing this.
This tutorial will explain every step in backing up your original firmware, creating
a working hacked firmware for your Hitachi v47 DVD-Drive and flashing it back to
the DVD-Drive. It will also explain how to burn successful game back-ups.
It is really important to keep in mind that the complete process can be risky if
you dont know what you are doing.
Dont ask for illegal files. ANYWHERE. Especially not on public forums.
Read all the forum rules. Do not talk about .ISO images you have
We are not responsible for any misreading or damage done to your
Microsoft Xbox 360 in any way.
Please do not attempt to try this if you dont understand any of the steps
below. Normal to Average PC experience is required in order to
successfully complete the installation.
Do not stick your fingers into live electrical parts. Do not stick any other
parts of your anatomy in either.
Lasers BLIND! Do not look into them if you need to hotswap disks when
using WxRipper (to follow)
Firmware Tasks:
Disassemble Xbox360
Connect Xbox360 Drive to PC
Boot to Windows
Backup Xbox360 Drive firmware
Backup Xbox360 Drive firmware to 2 other places for safety
Flash Xbox360 Drive with hacked firmware
Rebuild Xbox360 (unless you want to make some backups now)
Test Xbox360
Game Backup Tasks:
Disassemble Xbox360
Connect Xbox360 Drive to PC
Boot to Windows
Patch your orig,bin with f900 fw
FIrmcrypt the patched fw
Flash the appropriate sectors with flashsec_47
Extract Security Sectors
Make Image with wxRipper
Combine SS and game image with SS Merger 1.x
Burn image
Flash Xbox360 Drive with v47 hacked firmware to play games
Rebuild Xbox360
Test backups
WARNING: If you are going to connect your 360 and PC together in *any* way, then
you *must* provide the 360 with a path to true earth ground. This is because the 360 has
a floating ground and horrible things happen if all connected systems do not agree on the
reference voltage. I used a couple of croc clips from the chassis of the 360 to the chassis
of my PC to achieve this.
A PC with a suitable SATA chipset. (Pretty much anything will work, once
you get into ModeB and have the right drivers, as long as your drive is
recognized by Windows)
HP 5100MT
Yes but reported not working by
some people ?
Make sure your SATA ports are set to NATIVE/IDE mode NOT RAID
WARNING: If you are going to connect your 360 and PC together in *any* way, then
you *must* provide the 360 with a path to true earth ground. This is because the 360 has
a floating ground and horrible things happen if all connected systems do not agree on the
reference voltage. I used a couple of croc clips from the chassis of the 360 to the chassis
of my PC to achieve this.
... then make it into a key like this. the tabs need to be about 1cm long.
Do the same for the other side and you'll get two xbox 360 case opening keys that look
like these...
Step 2
Open the front of the console as normal and put a bit of newspaper or something inside
the case to hold the front open a bit, then insert the key, push with a bit of force and you
should hear it click and the case will open....
Thanks to Hydra!
100% ALWAYS WORKS. Dont use anything else once your drive is flashed with this
Slax CD :
100% (if your SATA chipset is compatible) 0% (If chipset isnt compatible)
Crossed Wires or 1k Resistor Method:
100% ALWAYS WORKS. If it doesnt for you, you are doing it wrong. Some risk.
100% but you need a 360 Samsung drive or SATA DVD-ROM
Xecuter Connectivity Kit:
100% but expensive ;-)
Note: you cannot use ANY other Slax iso. This one is specially adapted.
and Memdump: and click on or find it in
c4es firmware release.
Once you have flashed your Hitachi with this firmware you can get into modeb by
turning on the 360 with the drive tray OPEN. To flash the first time, you still need to use
one of the methods below
Slax Method:
Connect the Xbox360 Drive up to your PC as above to a suitable SATA port. Set your
bios to boot from CD first and boot the Slax CD. When it boots you will see a lot of text.
If you look close you will see it say the drive is in modeb (with thanks to Kev). When
you get to the login: prompt reset your PC (with the reset button) but leave the
Xbox360 on!
Remove the CD and boot into Windows. If it sticks at booting into windowspress eject
on the Hitachi drive tray!
Crossed Wires/ 1k Resistor Method to get to modeB:
FOR SAFETY: Use a 1k Resistor
(brown black red gold bands) instead of or
connected to the piece of wire. They are easy to find and will prevent you bricking your
360. (thanks Seventhson)
Stick 2 pieces of thin wire in the back of the white connector without cutting or opening
anything, in the pin 9 and GND (0) position. These wires jam in next to the black ones
that are in the same hole. It is easier to lift the small white tab and pull out the existing
wire, then hold the new wire against that one and slide the connector back in.
The little green light in the centre (not the ring of light) will flash fast and you will hear
Turn on your pc and windows will recognize it. If XP freezes at boot, eject the 360 drive
and it should carry on booting. To get out of Modeb, just restart the 360.
What you can do simply is lift the tab of white plastic and slide the connectors for 0 and 9
out of the block. Then put your two wires alongside them and slide them back in. This
takes less than a minute. Solder a 1 switch from Halfords on and off you go...
HotSwap Method:
This is possible if you have a SATA dvd-drive/IDE dvd-drive with a SATA adaptor or a
360 with a Samsung drive and one with a Hitachi drive. Boot into Windows and after
your SATA drive (dvd-rom or Samsung dvd-rom drive) is detected (ie has a drive letter)
just swap the SATA cable to your Hitachi DVD-ROM. When you use memdump,
remember that the drive letter will still show as the old drive, in My Computer it would
still show as whatever drive you used to HotSwap. Dont let it confuse you!
C:>flash21.bat g 1571
This will create a BACKUP directory "X21-1571.OPA" and the program will store
FIVE firmware files:
---- key.bin ---- DRIVE KEY /// DRIVE KEY
---- was.bin ---- Your drive before FLASH
---- gdrXX.bin ---- The untouch original fw
---- XX_21.bin ---- The patched Xtreme21 fw
---- now.bin ---- Your drive after FLASH!
XX in the above names will be the version of your Hitachi
Program will not flash anything unless a BACKUP is correctly made and stored!
Flashing the Stealth Firmware for v46, v32, v36, and v40
Hitachi Drives
Open a command prompt and move to the Tools directory. Notice you will be flashing
the suffix -e firmware. Type the following command:
46flash <your_drive_letter> stealth-e.bin 90005000 1000
Ex: 46flash H stealth-e.bin 90005000 1000
Do not advance further until the above command executes without error. If it
errors, keep retrying until it does not!
Next, type the command:
46flash <your_drive_letter> stealth-e.bin 90033000 1000
Ex: 46flash H stealth-e.bin 90033000 1000
Once again, dont exit until that command executes without error. If it errors, keep
retrying until it does not!
Your drive should now be flashed with the stealth firmware.
Drive is now in Mode B.
Turn on your PC and wait for Windows to boot.
Insert original game disk into Hitachi drive and wait for windows to detect disk
In the right folder run getss.exe <Hitachi drive letter> ss.bin from a dos prompt
specifying drive letter:
C:>getss.exe g ss.bin
* Run build360.bat (Xbox 360 game) or build.bat (xbox 1 game)
* Ensure your burner will set the booktype of DVD+R DL to DVDRom
* Burn with CloneCd and choose the image.dvd file
Booktype / Bitsetting:
From Xtreme's readme:
Run build360.bat (Xbox 360 game) or build.bat (xbox 1 game)
Ensure your burner will set the booktype of DVD+R DL to DVDRom
Burn with CloneCd and choose the image.dvd file
When the booktype field (bitsetting) is changed to DVD-ROM then DVD players are
fooled and will think the user has put in a DVD-ROM disc instead of a DVD+R disc and
will read it accordingly. This results in an increased chance that the player is able to read
the disc and thats why the ability to change the booktype field (bitsetting) is essential to
a lot of users. Certainly owners of a DVD player that requires this field to be set to DVDROM, in order to work properly, will prefer a DVD recorder that supports setting the
booktype field. - Quote from
REMEMBER you must have a bitsetting capable DVD+R DL drive. If you do not you
may be able to upgrade its firmware (wow a legit firmware flash!) See here for a LOT of
drive firmwares:
Select the correct drive you wish to burn with and press Next
Thanks to:
Kev/SeventhSon, Commodore4Eva,,,
Probutus, Geremia, Bluecop, MacDennis, TheSpecialist, Gael360 & JSR, Helldoc,
garyOPA and everyone else who did the hard work. The boys did good.