Hydraulic Ram Pump v1 1
Hydraulic Ram Pump v1 1
Hydraulic Ram Pump v1 1
A man named John Whitehurst first created the Hydraulic Ram Pump in 1772. That
means that this ingenious little pump is over 240 years old at the time of this writing.
Several design improvements have been made over the years but the basic concept has
stayed the same.
The hydraulic ram pump works because of a pressure wave that builds up and then
passes. Two moving parts called one-way valves or check valves create this pressure
wave. Water moves through a pipe known as a drive pipe to the pump system and flows
out of the first check valve until the pressure reaches a value that causes the check valve
to slam close. A burst of water is sent back up the pipe creating the pressure wave. When
the valve closes a small percentage of water is forced into the second check valve. A
pressure tank located behind the second check valve forces the water out a pipe known as
the delivery pipe. This pipe is what carries water to the desired destination.
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The pressure wave that is needed to get the system working correctly will not work well
if the drive pipe is less than 15 feet. The pressure wave is sent back up the pipe and then
out the end, thus the system does not work well or at all. This means that the drive pipe
must be longer than 15 feet.
Depending on the distance that the water needs to travel to achieve the desired drop (feet
of head) it might be necessary to add what is called a standpipe. Basically the standpipe
brings the water source closer to the pump. Because there will be a shockwave in the
system that travels up the drive pipe, the drive pipe cannot be more than approximately
100 feet long. If the drive pipe is longer than that, the shockwave will be reduced because
of the pressure of the water in the pipe and the distance that the wave has to travel. If the
feet of head that you need cannot be achieved in the 100 feet of drive pipe then place a
standpipe at the 100 foot mark from the pump system. Make sure that the pipe stands to a
height of one foot above the height of the source intake. Adding this pipe at the end of the
suggested drive pipe range will let the shockwave travel up the standpipe and not be
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dissipated out the length of the drive pipe. If the shockwave were allowed to continue up
the pipe it would take so long to return to the pump system that it would not be an
effective pump. If you have the required amount of feet of head to reach the pumping
destination within 100 feet of drive pipe then you will not need a standpipe.
When installing a StandPipe you will need to use a pipe size ratio for best results. This
ratio is a 3, 2, 1 ratio. The supply line that comes from the water source will need to be
the largest pipe. For instance a 3 pipe. Next you will need a StandPipe that is smaller
than the supply line in the example 2. And lastly the drive pipe should be the smallest
pipe 1 in size. What this dose is allow the water to be supplied without any loss to the
pump. The water in the StandPipe will be acting as the source and will have the pressure
wave acting on it.
Pressure tank:
The size of the pressure tank is important in the operation of the pump. If you have a tank
that is to small then the pressure that is built up will not be great enough to achieve the
output that is expected. In this build for a 1-1/4 system you will need to use at least a 3
pvc pipe for the tank. This tank needs to be at least 3 feet tall so that you will have the
needed air volume. You can use a 4 pvc pipe for the pressure tank and you can reduce
the height of the pipe to 2 feet tall.
Snifter Valve/Bike Tube:
The Pressure tank builds pressure but also has a tendency to fill with water if the pump
runs to long without the delivery pipe open. When the tank fills with water the system
loses some or all its ability to pump water. Two things can be done to prevent water from
flooding the tank. 1. The first is that a small hole can be drilled in the lower section of the
tank connectors. The bushing is a good place for this. This small hole is called a Snifter
valve. On every cycle of the pump a small stream of water is shot out of the snifter valve
and a small portion of air is taken in. This small gulp of air floats to the top of the
pressure tank and keeps the tank from filling with water. 2. The second option that can be
done to keep the tank from filling with water is place a bike inner tube in the tank and fill
the tube partially with air. This will make sure that there is always some air in the tank
that can be pressurized. I recommend using one of these methods to keep the tank free
from water so that you can run the pump continuously.
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A couple notes before we start building the pump:
- You have to have a water supply for this pump to work. Obviously without water
there is no need to have a water pump.
- For the pump to work, water must drop from some height into the system. This
water drop is known as feet of head. For instance if water falls 2 feet than the
feet of head would be 2 feet. Without this drop the pump will not work.
- This pump works with a pressure wave. If the Drive Pipe (pipe that brings water
into the system) is to long it will cut down the pressure wave and the pump will
not work correctly. If the Drive Pipe is to short the pump will not work correctly
either. There are workarounds for both of these problems discussed later. To
ensure that the pump works as desired make sure that the Drive pipe is at least 15
long and not more than 100 long.
- You can build this pump with several dimensions of components but it is
important that the Drive pipe and the first check valve have the same dimensions.
For example in the component list below the drive pipe and the two check valves
are 1-1/4 diameter.
- Starting the pump will be discussed in detail later but it is important to have a
backpressure on the Delivery pipe to allow the pump to operate at its full
potential. Without this backpressure the pump will stop pumping. To create this
backpressure simply run the Delivery pipe uphill 15 or more above the pump.
The Cost of the pump will depend on a couple of things. The length of pipe that is needed
for both the drive pipe and delivery pipe will affect the cost. Your local plumping store
should sell 1-1/4 flex tube for $1 a foot. For the delivery pipe a garden hose can be used
with a cost of $40 for a 100foot section. For the pump parts, your total will be between
$140 and $200 depending on what parts you need and where you purchase your parts.
Some large stores such as Lowes and Home Depot may not have the check valves that
you need. Try your local plumbing store or shop at http://hdsupplysolutions.com for these
parts. Ace Hardware will run about $40 more for the pump than your local plumbing
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Parts list:
This project does not require many parts and even fewer tools to complete. You can get
these parts at your local plumping or hardware store. Parts labeled (6) are for installing a
pressure gauge and they are not needed for basic operation. The option a. in part labeled
(13) can be hard to find. If this happens look for option b. This involves more parts but
gets the job done.
Tools Needed:
2 Pipe Wrenches
Screw Driver- flat head
-The Ram Pump:
(See figure for visual)
(1) 1-1/4" ball valve (With threads)
(2) 1-1/4" metal or PVC tee (With threads) (buy two of these)
(3) 1-1/4" PVC union (With threads)
(4) 1-1/4" brass swing check valves (With threads) (buy two of these)
(5) 3/4" ball valve (With threads)
(6) 3/4" Metal or PVC tee (With threads) and pressure gauge Both Optional
(7) 3/4" PVC union (With threads)
(8) 1-1/4" x 3/4" bushing (With threads)
(9) 3/4" x 2" nipple (Buy three of these)
(10) 1-1/4 x 3 nipple (Buy six of these)
(11) 3" x 36" PVC pipe
(12) 3" PVC glue cap
(13) Get a. or b. but not both:
a. 1-1/4" to 3 bushing threaded on the 1-1/4 end and glue end on the other.
b. Or a 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 threaded metal bushing and a 1-1/2 to 2 bushing
threaded on one end and glue end on the other. One 2 to 3 bushing or reducer.
Then a 3 coupling
(14) PVC Cement and Primer
(15) White pipe tape / teflon tape. (Buy 3 rolls of this)
--You may add a pressure gauge if you would like to find out what pressure you have at
the pressure tank. Just add a 3/4 tee after the pressure tank and place the gauge here.
- Drive Pipe:
(16) 1-1/4 Pipe of required length Flex, PVC, Steel
(17) Rubber pipe connector 2 to 1-1/4
(18) Screen or hardware cloth (To prevent debris from entering the pipe)
Delivery Pipe:
(19) 3/4 Pipe of required length to reach destination Flex, PVC, Steel, Garden Hose
(If you are using a garden hose you need to get an adapter to go from the threaded
pipe nipple to garden hose thread. If you will be using flex pipe you will need a
rubber pipe connector that will attach to the 3/4 union.)
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2. Gather the white pipe tape (teflon tape) and all the pipe nipples. That should be six
1-1/4 and three 3/4 pipe nipples. Place at least four winds of the white tape on the
threads of each nipple. This will allow connections to be secure and water tight.
3. Now take a 1-1/4 pipe nipple with white tape on it and screw it into the 1-1/4 ball
valve. To make this connection secure you can use two pipe wrenches but dont over
tighten because the threads on the PVC can strip.
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4. The other end of the pipe nipple will now be connected to the end of the 1-1/4 Union.
The functional purpose of a union is to separate so when you are installing it make sure
that both parts of the union are connected together to prevent pieces from getting out of
5. After the union place a 1-1/4 pipe nipple into the other end of the union.
6. Now place the 1-1/4 threaded tee on the other end of the pipe nipple. Tighten this
down so that it is secure but make sure that the 90 degree angle is facing up. This will be
important later.
7. On the two remaining sections of the tee, screw 1-1/4 pipe nipples securely.
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8. Up from the top of the tee, screw a 1-1/4 check valve. The direction of the water flow
will need to be facing down on the check valve. There is often an arrow on the check
valve that will indicate the flow direction. This arrow needs to face down. As long as the
whole system is facing upright, it does not mater what angle the check valve is facing as
you tighten the threads.
9. Place the second check valve on the other end of the tee. The direction of the water
flow needs to be going out of the system. Make sure that the arrow points away from the
first valve. Because gravity pulls the valve flap down it is important that the angle of the
valve be upright so that the valve can remain closed naturally. What does this mean? The
hinge that the valve swings on needs to be at the top of the component.
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11. The next component is another 1-1/4 threaded tee. Make sure that this tee has the 90
degree angle facing upward.
12. From the 90 degree bend of the tee, place another 1-1/4 pipe nipple.
13a. If you are able to find a 1-1/4 to 3 bushing then screw the 1-1/4 to 3 bushing
onto the 1-1/4 pipe nipple. Make sure that this is tight and secure because this will be the
base of the pressure tank. If you are unable to find this part, see 13b.
13b. Because the 1-1/4 to 3 bushing is sometimes difficult to find it might be necessary
to find an alternative to this part. In this build I have used a 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 metal
bushing that connects to a PVC 1-1/2 threaded to 1-1/2 PVC Glue end. This simply
adds the needed pipe step-up to allow for a 1-1/2 to 3 bushing or reducer. This is the
most complicated section of the build and there are several modifications that can be
made to get the pressure tank connected. It is also acceptable to use a 4 pressure tank if
that makes it easier to find a single bushing to make the 1-1/4 to 4 bushing.
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14. Use the pipe primer to coat all connections of PVC pipe. Including both ends of the
3 pipe, end cap, coupling, 1-1/2 to 3 bushing, and 1-1/2 glue bushing. These pipe
sections will be glued together.
15. Use PVC cement to glue together the 3 pipe to the coupling. Then glue together the
coupling to the 1-1/2 to 3 bushing. Now glue the 1-1/2 threaded to 1-1/2 glue end
into the 1-1/2 to 3 bushing. Then glue the end cap to the 3 PVC pipe on the other end.
16. Set the pressure tank aside. The tank is large and cumbersome so it will be installed
once the rest of the pump is assembled.
17. Screw the 1-1/4 to 3/4 bushing to the other end of the threaded tee.
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19. From the 3/4 pipe nipple connect the 3/4 ball valve. When tightening, try to keep
the cutoff handle upright to make it easy to use when needed.
20. Place another 3/4 pipe nipple onto the 3/4 ball valve.
21. Make sure that the 3/4 union is connected together. Screw it onto the 3/4 pipe
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23. If you are using a garden hose as the delivery pipe, you will need a garden hose
thread connector placed on the end of the last 3/4 pipe nipple.
24. Connect the 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 bushing to the 1-1/4 pipe nipple that is coming out of
the second threaded tee.
26. The basic parts of the pump are now assembled. If you are going to use a flex tube
then you will need to use a rubber connector that will connect to the end of the union. If
you are using a garden hose then use the connector in step 23.
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pressure behind them is decreased or forced open by the pressure wave. Also the
shockwave that is created will hammer the system and cause it to move back and forth.
By securing the pump in place the shockwave will not be reduced by a moving pump.
There are several ways to install the drive pipe. Flex pipe is easy to use for waterways
that have lots of bends and obstacles. Every curve and bend in the Drive Pipe will cause
friction and will slow the water inside and this will reduce the efficiency of the pump.
Using a Drive pipe that is rigid, such as PVC or Steel, will allow for better flow and
higher efficiency. If you are using Flex pipe place the water entry point of the pipe out of
the water and make sure that it is not submerged while installing the rest of the pipe.
(When the pipe is empty it is easier to move.) As you install the pipe cover it with rock or
heavy objects to keep it from flowing away with the moving water. Use the 2 to 1-1/4
rubber connector to connect the Drive pipe to the 1-1/4 ball valve. Once the Drive pipe
is connected to the Ram Pump securely, place a screen or Hardware cloth on the water
entry end of the pipe, and secure it so that it will not wash off. You can do this with rocks
or zip ties. Place the pipe in the water and make sure that it is fully submerged and
The Delivery pipe can be flex pipe or garden hose. If you are using a garden hose, use a
connector that allows 3/4 threads to garden hose from the end of the pump. If you are
using a 3/4 flex pipe as the Delivery Pipe than use a 3/4 to 3/4 rubber connector. Place
the Delivery Pipe up hill at least 15 to maintain backpressure. Without setting the
delivery pipe to 15 or more the pressure in the tank will be dissipated and the pump will
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Operation Results:
Here are some results from the operation of the pump built in this How To
Fill 1 Gallon
5 Head
Delivery Height
10 Feet
20 Feet
20 Seconds
80 Seconds
To arrive at these results a 1 Gallon container was used to collect water as it fell from the
delivery pipe. As the water filled the container a timer was set. The drive pipe that
supplies water to the pump system has a total of 5 feet of head. You can see from the
results that the pump can supply a reasonable amount of water to both 10 and 20 heights
and can do so in a short amount of time. As the height increases the volume of water flow
decreases. The main determining factor on the height the water can reach is the feet of
head that enters the pump. The build in this how to has a feet of head value of 5 so it
will stop pumping at approximately 35 in the air. This means that the pump has a 1/7
ratio of pumping potential. For every foot of head there is a 7 foot lift. The Hydraulic
Ram Pump has a greater potential for water lift than 35 but for this build 35 feet is
sufficient. To see more results of the pump: http://www.landtohouse.com/rampump
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The first ball valve can be used to control the amount of water that enters the pump. The
drive pipe and the check valves are a set size and cannot be changed, so by changing the
amount of water that is allowed in by moving the ball valve you can fine-tune the
operation of the pump. Also if the pump is not starting you can use the ball valves to
adjust the amount of water that enters the system to match the size of the check valves.
A backpressure is needed on the system to keep the flow of water moving out the
delivery pipe. This backpressure is built by the height and distance of the delivery pipe.
By using a pipe that is at least 15 feet above the pump a sufficient backpressure is built to
keep the system pumping.
I am learning something new about the Ram Pump everyday.
Build one for yourself and go have fun!
Seth Johnson
I am an Engineer from East Tennessee State University. I also have an associates
in electronics from Mayland Community Collage. I have always enjoyed working with
my hands. Tinkering with electronics, Testing alternative sources of energy, Making fun
videos, and building water pumps are just a couple things that occupy my time. If you
would like to learn more about me please check out my blog on Land to House:
Thank you for using the Land To House - Hydraulic Ram Pump How To
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