5em Evs
5em Evs
5em Evs
This Book is written for you. Read all the lessons on your own.
Do the things as told by your teacher.
You have to work together with your friends to understand the
concepts of the lessons. For this, discuss and work in groups.
The lessons contain pictures. Observe them carefully. Read the
questions given below the pictures. Discuss with your friends,
teachers and know the answers.
'Discuss in Groups' is an item that is present in all the lessons.
Wherever you find this, form groups of four or five students,
discuss and find out the answers.
When you find 'Collect', visit the persons and places and collect
the required information. Take the help of your teacher if required.
You find 'Do This' in some lessons. They are experiments. You
should do these. Note down the results. Discuss in the class. Ask
your teacher and clarify your doubts.
You require the maps of Andhra Pradesh and its Distircts and
Mandals. Collect these from your teacher. Use the bigger maps
available at your school.
Answer the questions given under the title 'What have we learnt'
on your own. Do not refer the guides. Show the answers to your
teachers. Do not purchase or use guides. You can never think on
your own when you use the guides.
Read all the sentences under the title 'I Can do this' If you can
do, put a '3' mark. If you cannot do ask your teacher and get it
taught again.
During the class while you are working in groups or participating
in any activity, if you feel you have not understood, ask your
teachers and clarify your doubts.
Prayer of Nature
I salute the chirping birds for their wake up song, crores of trees for giving
life saving gas and making the nature green. I recognize myself as only a part of
nature. I bow and surrender myself to the goddess of nature for guiding the beautiful way of life by the hard work of Ants and on preaching the message of Unity
by the flock crows. Whether it is a squirrel or a cheetah but, every creature has a
right to live. So, I swear that I will not harm their shelter and neither misuse the
natural resources nor pollute the nature by poisonous chemicals and plastics. I
lead my life using my discrimination and try to remove the blind belief. I pledge
my devotion in protecting the nature and saving the Bio-diversity as a student with
a scientific temper.
Dr. Nannuru Upender Reddy, Prof. & Head, Curriculum & Textbook Department, S.C.E.R.T., Hyderabad.
Sri S.Vijaya Kumar, Prof. & Head, Science Department, S.C.E.R.T., Hyderabad.
Sri B.R.Jagadiswar Goud, Principal, D.I.E.T., Adilabad.
Sri K.Chitti Babu, Senior Lecturer, D.I.E.T., Karveti Nagaram, Chittoor.
Sri Suvarna Vinayak
Madhya Pradesh.
Smt. D.Vijaya Lakshmi
Dr. T.V.S.Ramesh
S.C.E.R.T., Hyderabad
S.C.E.R.T., Hyderabad
Printed in India
at the Telangana Govt.Text Book Press,
Mint Compound, Hyderabad,
All children should have an understanding of their society and environment. For this, they have to
critically examine the surroundings. They should be able to understand and question the incidents that
happen in their society. They should be able to mould themselves by understanding their near and
distant surroundings. This would become possible by learning from the environment. Nowadays, the
most important thing is to develop an attitude of protecting and giving equal importance to plants, birds,
animals etc, like human beings. The aim of environmental studies is to achieve these required skills,
abilities and attitudes. The State Council for Educational Research and Training is developing Text
Books on Environmental Studies by the title "We-Our Environment" at Primary level. The Class-III
text book has been implemented from the academic year 2012-13. As an extension to this, the class 4
and 5 text books will come into practice from the academic year 2013-14.
According to the needs of our State, the syllabus and Text Books are prepared by considering the
syllabus and Textual themes of National Council for Educational Research and Training (N.C.E.R.T.).
The new textbooks are prepared according to the academic standards that have to be achieved as
prescribed by the Right to Compulsory and free Education Act, 2009. (R.T.E.-2009). The lessons are
written on themes on basis of life (animals, rivers, food, plants), health and hygienic, atmosphere, safety,
history, physical features and values-rights. Each lesson is written with interesting situations, incidents of
daily life, thought proviking and reflective activities and explorations. Without giving direct information
in the lessons to the children, more importance is given to make children to collect information, do the
things themselves, observe pictures and understand different issues. To extend the knowledge of
certain things, additional information is given under the caption. 'Do you know?' For children's better
learning, individual, group and whole class activities, projects and experiments are incorporated. For
the children, to estimate their learning, exercises are included at the end of each lesson under the
heading 'What have we learnt?' These are given according to the academic standards. The exercise
'I can do this' is given at the end of each lesson for the self-evaluation of the children. All lessons
contain photos and drawn pictures which make children to get the real experiences of the concepts.
Instead of providing direct konwledge to the children, the text book has given emphasis to
construction of knowledge. Keeping in view of this the teachers have to construct knowledge by
conducting activities. The exercises in the text book make the children to interact with the peer group,
society and material. So, conducting exercises is a must. To meet this, teachers have to prepare the
required Teaching - Learning material and strategies. The text book has to be considered as a helping
guide. Teachers have to make the teaching meaningful by adding modern technology to the experiences
of the children and use the local environment as an important resource. Great effort has to be done to
develop processing skills and positive attitude towards the nature among the children.
Congratulations to the Teachers, Lecturers, Subject Experts, Artists, D.T.P. designers and
Members of text book development committee on preparing this text book. Special thanks to the
Subject Experts and Editional Board for their guidance in bringing out the book beautiful and attractive.
We hope that this text book will difinitely inculcate values, scientific temper, reuired attitudes,
awareness towards Biodiversity and interest among the chidlren.
Date : 30-11-2012
Place : Hyderabad
- Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao
Read the expected Academic Standards, Foreword and Index compulsorily before using the
Text Book. 6 periods a week and 220 periods in an year will be allotted to the Teaching of
Environmental studies. There are 15 lessons on the whole. Lessons are framed in such a way
that, they can be taught in 170 periods conveniently. Each lesson requires 11 periods on an
average. Divide the total periods into 8 to 15 periods per lesson.
As activities, project works, collections are part of the lessons, allot more time to these activities
when compared to the explanation of concepts. Giving suggestions to children, involving them in
the group activities, making them to exhibit their preparations, correcting the mistakes should be
done during the class hours. Suggest the children to take up project works, collections and
explorations after the school hours. Children should be given a clear understanding of exercises.
They should be encouraged to write the answers on their own. Do not allow the students to write
the answers copying from the guides.
The lessons commence with thought provoking pictures and situations. Questions are given related
to these. These questions should be asked as a whole class activity. Answers told by the children
should be written on the black board. By observing the previous knowledge and understanding
of these items the key concepts should be introduced. For this, different activities by the titles Individual activities, Whole class activities, Think and Say, Do this and Collect are given. By
conducting these activities to the children simultaneously, the concepts should be made understood.
Make the children to read the lessons. Know the understanding of the children by conducting the
above various activities. The activity 'Think and say' is given below the pictures or in between
the lessons. This should be conducted as a whole class activity. It is a must that the children
should be made to talk. They should be encouraged to freely express their experiences. You may
ask your own questions in addition to the questions given in the text book. The teachers should
sum-up the lesson at the end and make the children to understand the concepts completely.
The activity 'Group Work' is given in between the lessons. Suggestions should be given to the
children before the commencement of activity. Teachers should see that the children discuss the
questions among themselves and write the answers. The required reference books should be
supplied to the children. Make the children to exhibit their answers in groups. Mistakes should be
The activity 'Do this' is included in the lessons. These are experiments. Explain the children
about how to carry out the experiments and what materials are required. After the completion of
experiment ask them to explain how and what did they do. These can be conducted as the
individual or group activities.
The activity 'Collect' is given in the lessons. Children have to go to the society and their surroundings
and collect the information. Teacher has to guide them in what questions to be asked and how to
collect the information. Make them to prepare the required information tables in the class itself.
Ask them to exhibit the information collected in the class during a period. These should be
conducted as group activities. See that two to three children participate together in each group.
'Key words' are given at the end of each lesson. Allot a separate period and know the
understanding of each word by all students. At the end of each lesson Exercises are given under
the title 'What have we learnt?' See that the children do all the competency based activities and
questions on their own. Allot 6 periods for the 6 academic standards at an average of 1 period
for one standard. The exercise 'I can do this' at the end of each lesson is meant for self evaluation.
Try to know whether all the children are able to do each and every item. Go to the next lesson
after 80% of the children are able to do these items.
Sri Suvarna Vinayak
Z.P.H.S., Polkampally,
Addakal Mandal, Mahaboobnagar District.
Dr. T.V.S.Ramesh
Nallagutta, Hyderabad.
Smt. P. Parameshwary
Sri N.C.Jagannath, S.G..T., G.H.S., Kulsumpura, Hyderabad.
Smt. K.Asha, S.G.T., GPS, Shankeswar Bazar, Saidabad-II, Hyderabad.
Smt. V.Neeraja, S.G.T., GPS, CPL, Amberpet, Hyderabad.
Smt. K.Sandhya Devi, S.G.T., GPS, CPL, Amberpet, Hyderabad.
Smt. L.Indira, S.G.T., GPS, CPL, Amberpet, Hyderabad.
Smt. K.Arundhati, S.G.T., GPS, CPL, Amberpet, Hyderabad.
Sri B.Kishore Kumar
H.M., U.P.S., Utkoor, Nidmanur Mandal, Nalgonda District.
Lesson Name
Novembrer 97
Novembrer 112
December 119
December 136
September 75
January 146
January 156
February 164
The children understand the key words, concepts and contents of the lessons. They will be
able to give examples, reasons, classify and describe the contents of the lessons. E.g.: the life of
farmers, bio-eiversity, intensive agriculture, precautions to be taken in growing plants, uses of
plants, energy giving substances, examples for the nutritious food, child rights, saving energy,
classifications of energy resources, life style of people living in river basins, Solar system etc.
The children will be able to: ask the needy questions for collecting information. They will be
able to imagine and hypothesis, experiments. E.g.: They will be able to question the farmers
about crops, question about child rights, question doctors regarding protection of organs, guess
the reasons for diseases, experiments on plants etc.
The children will be able to do the experiments related to food substances, plants etc. They
collect the required material for conducting experiments. They imagine the results before the
commencement of the experiments. They compare their hypotheses after the experimentation.
Analyze the reasons. e.g. observing the moon, comparing etc.
They will be able to explain the process of the experiment. They observe and know about child
Rights, crops, different life styles, historical places and monuments, safety measures at different
places etc. They develop the skills of observation and experimentation.
The children tabulate the collect information. Read out and explain the information written in
the information tables. Analyze the information tables. Make inferences.
The children collect the information on animals, agriculture, crops, intake of nutritious substances,
diseases, forest products, water resources, details of historical monuments, details of electricity
consumption, time of Sun rise, Sun set etc. They participate in the project works.
The children will be able to draw the pictures and explain about the working of human body
systems, production of electricity, time line etc., also, they explain the things by making models.
Point out different states, regions, borders etc; on the map of India, various crops and rivers on
the map of T.S. , the continents, nations and seas on the world map. They learn all the mapping
Children show kindness towards birds and animals. Develop awareness towards environment
and bio-diversity. Understand the preventive measures to protect water, plants and trees. Develop
good habits related to bio-diversity.
Understand and implement the measures to control the pollution. Implement the rules and
The children understand the conservation of natural resources, saving energy, saving electricity,
helping others etc. They exhibit their social awareness by writing slogans, posters and letters
wherever they are needed. They participate in social service activities.
They appreciate the goodness of others.
Name the different animals that might have been tamed by our ancestors.
Why did they do so?
Why didn't they tame the animals like tiger and lion? Guess...
What are the animals tamed by the present day people? Why?
Since generations man has been using
animals to fulfill his needs. The milk of
cow and buffalo is used as food. Similarly, ox and bull are used in agriculture.
We use some other animals also for our
needs. Have you ever seen a camel? They
are found more in Rajasthan. It is a desert
region. It is very difficult to walk across
the sand in desert. The people living in
deserts travel on camels.
Some people from Rajasthan bring
camels to our state and use them as 'fun-ride' for children and earn money for their
Group work
How do you feel when you ride on animals?
Talk about the people who use animals for their livelihood.
Observe the diagram given below. Match the name of the
animals with the work they do.
for our
F o ages
Pr o r
Con or
Goo mer
Free Distribution by T.S. Government
liv Fo
eli r
1.3. Sheep is my wealth
We depend on different animals for our
various needs. Shall we know, what Lingaiah
depends on?
This is Lingaiah. He rears sheep, at the
uplands and hills of Palamuru. He has a flock
of 40 sheep. To graze his flock he walks 30
kms everyday. Both his children study in
government school. He takes the sheep to
the uplands early in the morning and returns
home in the evening when it gets dark. A dog
helps him in his work. He carries his lunch in
a cloth bag and eats in the afternoon, and
feeds the dog also. He protects the lambs by
carrying them on his shoulders. He grazes his sheep not only on the hills but also in
the fields.
In summer, when grass is not available, he migrates to anicut along with the
sheeps for five months. The other people also migrate in groups of 10 members
each. They take a donkey with them to carry their cooking utensils and other
things. They stay wherever they find grass. Usually, the grass is available near the
banks of streams and canals. Some times cheetahs, jackals and hyenas attack the
sheep. Dogs protect them to some extent. There is a fear of snakes during night
Some farmers ask the shepherds to leave their sheep in their fields during the
night. If the flock of sheep stay in the fields during nights, their excreta overtime
will become a fertilizer and is useful for the crops. As the farmers are benefitted
they, in turn give rice and vegetables to the shepherds. In this way, they help each
Lingaiah keeps a pair of leather chappals, a wollen rug, a hand stick and a
wooden water bottle with him. In the past, when he was away from his home and
family members, he was not able to know about their welfare. Once, when he was
away, he could not know about his father's death. But, he bought a mobile phone
recently and he talks to his family members over mobile cell phone every day.
He sells the adult sheep whenever he gets a good offer. He does not sell the
lambs. He clears the debts with the money he gets and saves some money. When
the businessmen purchase the sheep from him they take the sheep away by lorries,
Lingaiah feels bad and cries for them. He consoles himself and continue rearing the
Lingaiah sold 22 of his sheep at Rs.5000/- each. He also got an income Rs.4000/on selling the excreta of the sheep and Rs. 2500/- on selling wool. He spent
Rs.68,000/- on the sheep for medicines, vaccination, fodder and transportation
for the whole year. How much money is left with Lingaiah.
Let us know the income and the expenditure of Lingaiah.
22 sheep x Rs.5000
= 1,10,000
20 lambs x Rs.1500
= 33,000
Expenditure on
Medicines & Vaccinatino
(30 x Rs.100 x 12 months)
= 12,000
= 12,000
Total Income
Interest on capital
Total Expenditure
Balance sheet
Total Income
Total Expenditure =
Group work
Can he meet his basic needs with the amount left? How?
How many hours Lingaiah works in a day?
Do you know any one like Lingaiah? Discuss his life style?
1.4. Problems of sheep rearing
You have read about the shepherd, Lingaiah. Many people live by rearing sheep
like Lingaiah. They face many problems in their lives. Venkataiah and Kishan of
Mahaboobnagar also have taken up sheep rearing as means of livelihood. They
face many problems during famines. Let us know what is pubilshed about them in
news papers!
Droughtdemandsto leave..
The sons of Palamuru
I came here due to drought!
reached the hills for cattle
belong to Palamuru. We are sufrearing.
fering a lot from
Grazing will take place for
drought. There is no
six months.
scope for the sheep
Left homes as the drought
to be alive. First I
came here enquired
the situation and
400 sheep. The migrated shepbrought my sheep.
herds graze the sheep during the
I stay here for six
day time and make them take
months. Till then I
rest in five or six groups at a
won't go to my
place during nights. When the
home. If I want to
sunrises they wake up, cook
go home someone
their food and take the sheep
should come as a
Shepherds comming over to Yadagirigutta from Palamur. for grazing wherever they find
grass. As the rearing of sheep is decreased here, substitute for me. Then only, I can go
(T Media, Yadagirigutta)
the other region shepherds are finding suffi- home my woes become doubled when it
rains. We have to wake up all the night
Once again the shepherds of Palamuru cient fodder here to feed their sheep. In the and look after the sheep.
reached our district for shelter and to save
- Venkataiah, shepherd, Palamuru
their sheep as their district is suffering from surroundings of Hyderabad started living by
Threats are more from foxes
acute drought conditions. The shepherds in doing agriculture or taking up real estate busilarge numbers from Kothapet, Narayanapet ness. On knowing this, the shepherds of
No chance of going homes then if it
etc; reached Nalgonda to feed their sheep. Palamuru enquired the pros and cons and rains. Foxes will be
They will live here themselves only for six
watching us always.
months. Their life motto is to protect and
You have to lose
save their sheep though they suffer from rains
your sheep if you
and lightening. They fight with wolves for
are careless even
their sheep. They even sacrifice their lives
for a single second.
and fight fiercely with the foxes every day
Sometimes foxes
to save their sheep. Whenever drought hits ,
and wolves in five
it is quite natural that the sons of Palamuru
or six numbers atreach here.
tack us. Our dogs
The shepherds are very worried about
save us at that
not receiving rains. They say that they graze
times. Our sheep
their sheep here for some time and return to
cannot live without
their villages. They bring donkeys along with
dogs. The farmers of this area also show
the sheep. They bring the cooking utensils,
pity on our sheep. If we make the sheep
food and other products on donkeys and
sleep in their fields, they give us food in
comes here with their families. They even
bring their school going children to look afDonkey carrying the belongings of
- Kishan, Shepherd, Palamuru
ter the sheep. Each herd comprised of least
Group work
1.5. Friends of farmer
Do you know that some small creatures also help farmers a lot? How?
I am an earthworm...
I eat the waste products from fields. Soil become fertile with
my excreta. I loosen the soil so that the roots of the plants get
enough air. By this the plants grow well and the yield of the crop
increases. But we are dying due to the usage of pesticides.
I am a spider...
I use my mouth secretion and make a thread. I knit the web
with this thread. Have you ever seen my web? The insects and
mosquitoes which harm the crops get stuck in my web. I eat them.
Thus, I protect the crops from harmful insects. We are dying due
to the usage of pesticides.
I am an ant...
I walk on the plants in the fields. I eat the smaller insects and
their eggs lying on the plants. In this way, I help the farmers to avoid
the use of pesticides.
I am a snake...
I help the farmers by swallowing the rats that eat the grains and
destroy the fields. Most of you are afraid of me and kill me wherever I am seen. In fact, the snakes like king cobra (Nagu Pamu)
Viper, Sea snake, Russels Viper are poisonous and the other snakes
are not poisonous. We try to protect ourselves from people who try
to harm us. We are friends of farmers.
I am tykrograma...
The scientists from the Institution of crops & Agricultural Research (I.C.A.R.) created me. My life span is only one week. I
destroy the eggs of the enemy insects that infect the crops. Thus, I
help farmers at my level.
Visit an agricultural field. Observe the crops and the creatures living there. Learn how those creatures are useful to
the plants.
Discuss with the farmer and list out the names of the creatures which are helping him.
1.6. The other uses of animals
As you know that we get milk, eggs, meat etc., from animals. We use animals for transport also. Which animals are
useful to us and how? Think of it.
Look at this fan. Do you know as how it is made? The
tribal people make the fans with the fallen feathers of peacock
and sell them in the fairs.
There are some industries. Which make buttons with the
horns of ox. They export these to other countries also. We get
many products from animals. Look at the pictures given be- Fan made with
Peacock feathers
Group work
Are we showing affection and sympathy towards animals in our surroundings?
Think., Are we taking care of animals when they are subjected to pain or are
wounded, hungry, thirsty or suffering from cold, heat and rain? How do we feel
when we are subjected to pain like them? Look at the animals suffering given
Did you see the animals in the pictures? How do you feel? Is it right to do
like this?
Imagine the pain and inconvenience of the animals in the above pictures
and such like that.
How do you take care of your pet animals?
I should jump, play and earn money, though I like it or not, I will be forced to
do circus. Though I am hungry or suffer from pain I have to dance again and
again. You all enjoy seeing me. But no one thinks of me. When I do not feel well
and suffer from fever, they beat and threaten me to dance. Nobody is there to
listen to my woes. I don't have parents like you to protect me and mine is a lonely
life. Infact, where should I be? Who should I live with?
Snake in a basket
I was captured and put into the basket, when I was enjoying
my freedom. I am suffering without food. I don't drink milk, but,
my owner forcibly opens my mouth and pours milk. All this milk
enters my lungs and I feel sick. Kindly help me to come out of this
and give back my life and freedom.
Parrot in a cage
I always hovering over the trees, ponds and in sky.
But I was prisoned in the cage. I want to come out of
this cage. I want to fly freely in the sky. When will I
become free?
People are killing the elephants for their tusks. Tigers and deers get killed for
their hides. They are hunting, capturing and eating many other animals and birds.
Group work
Do you know?
According to the schedule-1 of wild life protection
Act, 1971, hunting and selling wild animals is a crime.
One who commits this crime
will be punished with 3 to 7
years of imprisonment and
a fine of rupees one lakh.
Collect and discuss...
Visit any cow shed or go near cows during holidays. Observe the cows and their calves, spend some time with them
and share your experiences in the classroom. Draw their
pictures, write about them and exhibit on the wall magazine.
Think and say...
1.9 Bio-diversity
Whose earth is this? Is it only for humans beings? This earth is for different
species like trees, animals, birds, fish etc., The nature provides sufficient food and
water to all living things. Animals take their daily food according to their requirement
only. They don't grab and store from nature. But the man rules the world by saying
"everything is mine"! He is using more than his genuine requirements. Modern man
does not care for other species and tries to get every thing for himself. He wants to
enjoy all the natural wealth now itself. This is greed. Gautama Buddha said that
"Wants and greed make our life sorrowful". All living creatures have equal right to
enjoy the natural resources on the earth. Man is the only reason and responsible for
pollution. Due to the mixing of pesticides, waste products and chemicals from
factories with water and rivers many creatures that live in water are dying. Think...
what problems the animals and birds are facing due to the plastics invented by the
modern man. The Cattle are dying by eating the plastic covers thrown by us.
Group work
Bio-diversity - things to be done
base of life
taming the animals
income and
friends of farmers
agricultural research
needs of animals
protection of animals
hunting of animals
wild life act
kind to animals
What have we learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
How can you say that animals also have needs like us?
Visit a nearby agricultural field. List out the insects and animals that harm
or help the farmers in the fields.
Observe the animals in your area which are subjected to violence and
write about them.
5. Communication through mapping skills, drawing pictures and making
Draw your favorite animals and colour them and write few lines about
How do you feel when you watch the animals in the Zoo?
Oxen and bulls work hard the whole year to produce the crops. What
benefits they expect in return? What should we learn from them?
Write and exhibit slogans on love, affection and kindness towards animals and plants.
I can do this
1. I can describe the uses of animals and life style of shepherds.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
What are people in the picture doing? Name the crop shown in the above
State the different stages in growing this crop?
Whose services are needed in cultivation of this crop?
From where, the seedlings were brought? How is it processed for swing?
What is cultivation? What is required for cultivation?
You may be aware that the process of growing crops is called cultivation.
There are different stages involved in clutivation, right from preparation of the land
to the final yielding of crop. We have to till the land, arrange for water sources and
services of differnt people. We also need to use different farm equipments in different stages of clutivation.
Group work
We are getting food because of farmers. All the people living in cities are
dependent on the farmers from villages. Urban people are buying agricultural products from the market, which are produced by farmers. People in urban areas won't
get food items if farmers stop selling their produce. There are many people involved in the production of the food we eat. If you want to know about the hard
work of farmers, visit a nearby farm, observe and get the details.
2.2. Agricultural equipment
Equipment plays on important role in cultivation. Look at the pictures of some
equipments and machinery given below.
Plantation Machine
Harvesting Machine Paddy Cutting Machine
People use plough to till the land. Now, tractors are being used in land tilling.
Nowadays farm machinery is available for land preparation, planting the seed lings,
weeding and harvesting. The use of machinery has helped the farmers in reducing
manual labour and speed up the process of cultivation.
Group work
Name of the
agricultural activity
In the past
In the present
2.3. Seed
Ramulu is a farmer, he went to the
market to buy cotton seeds. He saw
people standing in queue infront of the
shops to buy seeds. He also joined the
queue and bought them. He sowed the
seeds in his land. The crop was good
but the yeild was not good.
Group work
What would be the reason for Ramulu is unable to get the
What is the reason for crowding in the picture? Why it
Why is there a shortage of seeds during crop seasons?
What are the other problems that the farmers face?
What is the source of the seeds in the past?
Where do farmer of your village get seeds from?
Some of the seed companies are deceiving farmers by selling sub standard
seeds which do not germinate or some times won't give proper yeild.
In olden days, farmers used to keep certain portion of their crop to be used as seed. Farmers even
borrowed seeds from their neighbours. Today
people are dependent on market for high yeilding
varieties and have discarded their traditional seed
preservation practices. When all the farmers depend
on the market forces they are unable to get the required quantity of seeds. Sometimes, farmers are
being cheated with substandard seeds which give
low yield.
Do you know?
For centuries we had
5400 rice varities, 740
mangao varities and 3500
varities of brinjal cultivated
in our country. The market
forces have raised the cost
of seeds, as farmers discarded the traditional way of
seed preservation. Now,
most of the traditonal seeds
Think and say...
have disappered.
In our country "the Na What can the farmers do to avoid dependence
tional Bureau of plant Geneton the government or market for seeds?
ics" is collecting and con Name some rice varieties you know?
serving the genes of different plants.
Name the famous mango varieties?
2.4. Sustainable farming / sustainability in Do you know?
The growing of more-
Group work
2.5. A success story of a woman farmer
Do you know about
Gangawar Manemma? She
has been practicing
agriculture a job which
generally men alone do.
Now, read what she has
said about her farming.
Gangawar Manemma
My name is Gangawar
Manemma. I belong to
Gangawar village in Nyalkal
Mandal of Medak district.
We have 3 acres of land. It
is red soil and a barren land.
We could not grow any crop in that land. When it rained we could grow jowar and
millet. My life changed since I joined as a member in Deccan development society
We faced lot of problems in buying seeds, doing cultivation and in selling our
farm products in the market. We could not understand anything in the process. We
always bore the loss by growing one crop or the other. When we joined the society
we could procure the required seeds for our crop. We minimised the expenditure
in cultivation, prepared the manure required for our crops and yeilded good quantity. Now we are following conventional methods in cultivation. With limited water
resources, we could grow redgram, jowar, millets, greengram, horsegram, foxtail
millet, mustard, sorghum, pigeonpea, cowpea, lablab and hibiscus. These crops
do not consume much water. We are preparing bio fertilisers by using cowdung,
neem leaves and neem bask available in our fields. Due to these biofertilisers, we
could reduce diseases and increase the soil fertility. We could produce the food
grains required for our family in addition to preserving the seeds for the next crop.
We are following traditional methods in selection of seeds. We conserve the seeds
by adding ash and neem leaves, so that they can be protected from insects. We are
following mixed crop cultivation so that we can produce more and earn more. We
exchange seeds with one another and treat our land as mother god. We spend most
of our time in our farms rather than at home.
Many people are following traditional way of farming like Manemma by preserving their own seeds. Deccan development society is supporting poor farmers
in practising sustainble cultivation in the sourroundings of Zerheerabad in Medak
district. They could revive a variety of traditional crops by following conventinoal
practices. These practices reflect the biodiversity in this region.
Group work
2.6. Pesticides
Ramulu's daughter, Vasantha is in Class-V. She went to the market along with
her grandmother to buy fruits. Grandmother bought grapes for Vasantha. Vasantha
started eating the grapes as soon as grandmother gave them to her. Grandma warned
Vasantha not to eat any fruit without washing.
Why should we wash fruits? What are the other items we should wash
before we eat. Why?
Use of chemical pesticides may increase crop productions but it harms the
insects which are useful to us and also harmful to human being and other animals.
Group work
Prepare a list of crops that are grown in your village.
What are the food items that your village people get from other
places? Why such items are not available in your
village? Write and give the reasons.
What is the time duration for various crops to grow and yield?
We can see the same crop in different varieties. In Jowar we see yellow and
white variety. Similarly, there are many varities in rice, chilli and redgram. Read the
following table.
Sl.No. Crop
Every crop needs a different environment to grow. The duration also differs
from crop to crop. In some cases it takes two or three months, in others it takes 6
months. Rice, Jowar, groundnut take 4 months. Rice needs more water, where as
jowar and groundnut need less water. Jowar and groundnut are rain fed crops.
Crop period for redgram is 6 months which is also a rainfed crop. What are the
different crops grown in your village. Collect the details and fill the following table.
Sl.No. Name of
the Crop
Crop Period
Required water
Rainfed crops requiring more water
2.8. Places where different crops grow in Andhra Pradesh
You have read about the different crops that are being grown in our state. The
details of the different crops grown in different districts have been given below.
Ranga Reddy
Group work
List out the district wise crops on the basis of the above
stages in cultivation
farm equipment
water source
shortage of seeds
crop production
sustainable agriculture
poultry farm
dairy farm
agricultural practices
What are the modern equipments that are being used in cultivation?
Buy some fruits from the market. Wash the fruits in a bowl and observe
the water. Say what you have observed.
Sow the seeds of jowar, millets, red gram and ground nut in a broken pot
/ flowerpot. Observe the growth of the plants. Find out the height of
each plant and write in your notebook.
4. Information skills, projects
a) Meet the farmer in your locality and collect the following information
and fill the table
Sl.No. of the Growing Fertiliser Pesticide
they use they use
Farm equipment
they use
I can do this
1. I can explain the different stages in cultivation, required form
equipment, pesticides and seeds in cultivation.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
We feel very happy and cheerful when we see plants and trees around us.
Forests render greenery on the earth. Forests should occupy one-third (33%) of
the earth's space. But the area occupied by the forests is decreasing day by day
and it is 21% in our country at present. As the area occupied by the forests is
decreasing, the number of birds and animals are also decreasing. The decrease in
rainfalls lead to the drying up of the ground water. Rivers are becoming dry. The
earth's outer surface is becoming hot due to the rupture of the ozone layer. Ecological balance is disturbed due to environmental pollution, from human actions.
If these conditions continue, it may lead to the extinction of the living organisims
from the earth. In order to over come this situation, we have to protect our environment. We have to safe guard (protect) trees and forest wealth and it is our duty.
We should protect forests and grow trees where ever possible. So, now let's know
how to grow plants, trees and what are the essential conditions for their growth.
3.2. Is light essential for the growth of a plant?
Do like this
Other changes
Group work
Discuss the changes observed and tell the result.
Which plant is healthy? Why? What did you learn from this
Other changes
Group work
Watered plant
2 3 4 5 6
Is it healthy?
Other changes
Group work
From the above experiments, what are the essential conditions
for the growth of a plant?
What are the other aspects (factors) that you have observed in
the above experiments?
Share the observations of the above experiments in your class
room and discuss your results.
From the above experiments, we have learnt that water, sunlight and fertile soil
are essential for the growth of a plant. You have learnt about the conditions essential for the growth of a plant. Now let's know about the places where we can grow
3.5.1. Which plants are to be planted and where?
Plant trees like lemon, mango, guava, cheeku, banana, drumstick, curry
leaf, banana, coconut, peepal, neem, temple tree, jasmine, nerium,
nandivardanam and fruit bearing trees in the backyard of the house.
Plant trees like neem, banyan and derris on the either side of the roads.
Plant trees which are always green and give shade, like neem and kenuga
in the school premises.
Give shade.
Give flowers and fruits.
Do you know?
Mango, tamarind, banyan and citrus trees grow very big.
Can we grow them in pots? Such big trees which are grown in
pots are called Bonsai Trees. This is Japan's traditional art.
3.5.2. Precautions to be taken while planting a tree
Dug a pit, and the soil taken out from the pit should be divided into two
a) Fertile soil is present on the outer surface of the pit. Take out this
soil and make a heap on the right side of the pit. Mix organic
manure or neem powder to this soil. Fill the pit with this soil first
when you plant a tree.
b) Put the remaining half of the soil on the left side of the pit. The soil
deep inside the pit is not so fertile. After planting a tree, put this soil
on the outer surface.
Plant the trees in places which are well exposed to sunlight. The plant
does not grow well if planted in shade.
Immediately after planting a tree, press the soil with the feet so that the
roots do not come into contact with the air. Insert a stick into the soil so
as to provide support to the plant.
Pour only sufficient water to the plant. More watering immediately after
planting may lead to the death of the plant.
We have learnt about the precautions to be taken while planting the trees.
What protective measures are to be taken to see that the plants grow well.
To protect plants from animals, Fix sticks dipped in tar on all sides of the
plant and wrap either old cement bags or fertilizer bags around them. This is
because the animals come near the plant only when they see the green leaves.
When the pests infect the plants, soak neem powder for five days in water
and sprinkle water on the tree and the remaining powder on the visible side
of the plant. This gives protection against the pests and the plant grows well.
Do this if it is not possible to water the plants daily. Take a two-litred water
bottle and make a hole on its lid. Insert a wick or a cotton clothe into this
hole such that only one drop of water falls from it. Cut the bottom of this
bottle and fill it with water. Tie this bottle to the stick giving support to the
plant. By adopting this method, we need not water the plant for a week.
them on the precautions to be taken while
planting the trees and their protection Environmental pledge
(safety measures). They are successfully
organizing the programme by planting
For the last two years, the Council
for Green Revolution has been conducting 'Forest Motivating Movement'
(Programme) as a part of plantation of
one crore plants. Students and teachers
from Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda,
Warangal and Ranga Reddy districts are
carrying forward the movement. Medak
district has started this movement in
2012-13. Two lakhs students have planted
ten lakhs plants in one day. Students are
made to take a pledge on environmental
Greenery - Greenwood
Gaddampally, ZPHS was an
ideal example for greenery and
won the Green School award recently. This school is located at
Mahaboobnagar district. The
school Head Master, teachers and
students together tried and made
it a green school.
The Council for Green Revolution has extended their co-operation by supplying them with
400 types of plants. Half of them
were planted in the school and the
rest in their houses.
Thus, to make the environment green in the school not only the Council for
Green Revolution, but also the organisations like Vandemataram Foundation,
forest department, National Green Core etc., are also putting their best efforts. If
you want to plant trees in your school or in your village, consult Council for Green
Do you know?
Council for Green Revolution presents
'Love for the Forests' award and medal to
the students who participate in 'Forest Motivating Movement' for planting, growing and protecting the plants given to them
and also help in protecting the environment.
Group work
In the olden days, there used to be an open place Do you know?
(backyard) in every house. They used to grow the
U.N.O. has decleared
necessary vegetables and leafy vegetables. Gradu- Neem Tree as the Tree of
ally joint families and the number of big houses dethe Century.
creased resulting in the formation of small families
and small houses. As the land rates are increasing
considerably, houses are constructed in small area.
So, it is not possible to cultivate vegetables. Every
body is depending on the market for procuring vegetables, and refrigeration to store them and for transportation to cities. Such vegetables are not tasty and Neem is the medicine for
thousands of diseases.
cause diseases (show their effect on our health) too.
"Don't spend thousands
We can cultivate healthy vegetables on the teron diseases... It's benefirace of our house. We can grow vegetables that are
cial to plant neem."
good for our health in our house itself without using
chemical fertilisers and insecticides.
growing plants
sun light
fertile soil
chemical fertilizers
place to plant
protecting the plants
environmental pledge
organic manure
2. Questioning and hypothesis
a) What questions would you ask to know about the factors essential for the
plants to germinate and grow?
b) What questions do you ask if you want to grow vegetables in your school
or at home?
3. Experiments - field observations
Observe and Say:
a) Visit a nearby garden / nursery / park. Record the names of the plants
which you have seen
Flowering plants Fruit bearing plants Ornamental plants
b) Plant two plants and observe their growth and record the changes in
them. What are your feeling?
4. Information skills, projects
Details about the plants being planted in Gopalapuram during 2008 to 2012 are
given in the following table. Observe them and answer the questions given below:
Trees planted
In Schools
Plants alive
In Forest
In Forest
a) Plant a tree and take care of it, record your observations daily.
Date on which the seed was sown
Date on which the seed sprouted
15th Day
30th Day
I can do this
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes /No
4.1. Varieties of food items
Group work
Are the food habits of Aruna good for healthy life? Why?
Our health depends upon the type of food we eat. Everyday, we should eat all
types of food items. We should eat the food which helps us to grow, gives energy,
and health and which helps to develop immunity against diseases. Do you know
what are present in the food items we eat?
Group work
Which food items are prepared from the grains given above?
Potato, sugar,
jaggery sweet potato, varieties of
fruits also contain
nutrients that give
us energy . Butter,
ghee and oils contain more amount
of fats. Fats also
give us energy. Fats
are stored in our
body and make us fat. The energy stored in the form of fats gives us extra energy
when needed by the body.
4.3. Food substances useful for growth - pulses, milk, eggs - (growth
Bengal gram, green gram, black gram, chick pea, peas etc are pulses. Along
with this milk, eggs, meat also help in physical growth. These are called as growth
Bengal gram
Green gram
Red gram
Black gram
Chick pea
Group work
Always some cells die and are replaced by new cells in our body. When we get
injured new cells are formed to heal the wound. Nutrients called 'Proteins" are
essential to heal the wound. These proteins are found in pulses (dals). Apart from
proteins, pulses also contain starch, vitamins and mineral salts in minute quantities.
In food like fish, eggs, meat and milk abundant protiens are available. Milk contains calcium which helps in the growth and strengthening of bones. Hence, we
should see that the food that we take includes pulses, milk and eggs.
Leafy Vegetables
Think and say...
Which fruits and vegetables did you eat since last week?
Which raw vegetables do you eat?
Write the names of the fruits which you did not eat so far?
Write and say the reasons as to why you do not eat fruits daily?
Write the names of the fruits and vegetables available in your area that
you need not buy from outside?
Which food substances give resistance against diseases?
Kailash appears to
be older than his age.
It is very difficult for her to get
nutritious food.
Why do Rashmi and Kailash look like that? What food should they eat if
they want to become healthy?
4.5.2. Suitable nutritious food
We have come to know about Rashmi and Kailash. Kailash does not like the
food cooked at home. On the other hand, it is difficult for Rashmi to get food.
More than half of the children in India do not get the required good and nutritious
food, necessary for their proper growth. Think, why their condition is like that?
These children are weak and very often fell ill. Every child has a right to get the
proper nutritious food. For this purpose, the government is implementing, 'Midday-meals' program in all government schools and made arrangements to provide
nutritious food to all the school going children. Every child must eat mid-day meals
in the school. Government has given the 'Menu' which contains the food items
supplied to children daily. They should follow the menu. Parents and teachers
should see that the lunch is provided as per the menu.
Are you getting all types of food, with minerals in your school?
Group work
Write about the food items you had last week in your house
in the table given below.
to maintain
good health
We feel hungry everyday. That
Eat Sparingly
means our body is reminding us that
we need to take food. Our body
Eat Inoderately
needs carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and mineral salts. We need food
Eat Liberally
material (items) that contains all the
nutrients. Such food or diet is called
a balanced diet. Any one type of
Eat Adequatly
food does not provide all the reFood Pyramid
quired nutrients. For this purpose,
we should eat the food that contains
various types of cereals, millets,
pulses, vegetables and fruits everyday. The food that is eaten gets digested. The
useful part of the digested food reaches the blood. This digested food reaches all
parts of our body through the blood. Hence, the body gets energy. This helps in
body building (growth of the body) and also in maintaing good health. We become
healthy by the food we eat. That is why we should eat the food that contains all the
necessary nutrients.
Do you know?
A medium
sized tomato
contains 1.08
protiens, 1.5
gms. of fibre.
Minerals like
potassium, phosphorus, magnesium,
sodium etc. are available abunduntly.
Along with these, Vitamin A, Vitamin
B2, B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and other
Vitamins are also present in plenty. It
gives 22 calaries energy.
Some children throw away vegetable pieces and curry leaves from the curry
served to them in the mid-day-meals. Most of the children prefer to eat their food
with pickles brought from home. These children are thin and weak. Such children
fall ill very often. They do not grow properly and remain short and weak.
Help to
e en
Our health
of health
Resistance power
Group work
Write the names of the junk food available in the shop and
eaten by you.
Which items do you like to buy and eat? Why do you like
For how many days can these items be stored?
Which items you do not know from the picture given
Machines are used to prepare the items given in the above picture. In order to
store them (preserve them) for a longer duration, chemicals are used. They add
salt, chilli powder and sugar to make them tasty. To make them attractive they add
artificial colours. They lose then natural nutrients by doing so. These are wrapped
and packed in colourful packages. Many people like them as they are tasty, attractive and supplied in beautiful packets. We do not get the required nutrients by
eating such junk foods. Generally, junk foods fried foods are contain only calories
(carbohydrates) rather salt and oil they cause harm to our body. So, it is better to
avoid them than to become fat by eating such foods. This problem is faced by
people all over the world.
nutrituous food
junk foods
carbohydrate or
traditional food
children's right
fat (obesity)
mid-day meals
junk foods
4. Information skills, projects
Ask 5 of your friends about the food they eat, what nutrients does it
contain. Put a tick 3 below
Name of
S.No. your friend
Fats Vitamins
5. Communication through mapping skills, drawing pictures and making
a) Draw the food items from which we get proteins, carbohydrates and
mineral salts.
b) Draw a food pyramid
6. Appreciation, values and creating awareness towards bio-diversity
a) Neelima went to the bakery with her uncle. He asked her to buy any one
of burger, pizza and curry puff. But, Neelima said that they are not good
for health and she does not want them. Write a few lines appreciating
b) Why should we preserve / protect all types of cereals and millets.
I can do this
1. I can explain the necessity of nutritious food. I can say
what nutrients present in different food substances.
2. I can define nutritious food and give examples for nutritious
food items.
Yes / No
Yes / No
4. I can give a talk on the food items taken by my friends and the
nutritive substances present in them and I can also write and
explain these facts in a tabular form.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Their function
Group work
Write the names of the organs that help in performing different activities.
Organs that help
Sense Organs
To See
5.3. The Eyes
Can you reach your school closing your eyes?
Think. Can you do your routine work without seeing?
You can't. why?
Do this
The doctor who treats the disorders and diseases of the eyes is known as
ophthamologist or eye specialist.
Group Work
What do you do when a foreign body / particle enters your eyes?
We must not look directly at the eclipses. Why? Know the reason
from your teacher.
Say and write how you can help the people without sight?
Foods that help us keep our eyes healthy.
5.4. Ears
If some one whisphers, we listen carefully keeping our hands at the back of
our ear! Why?
Do this
Activity - 1
Get blind folded. Ask your friend to make some sounds with different things.
Identify those different sounds and also the direction from where the sound is
Activity - 2
Close one of your ears and make some sound with your mouth and observe.
How is it heard. Now, close both the ears with cotton and make the sound aloud.
Listen to the same sound without closing the ears. Did you find any difference?
Activity - 3
Ask one of your friends to make a sound by scratching the pencil at the
corner of the bench and listen to the sound from the corner keeping your ear on
the bench. Let the sound be made again. Now listen to the same sound standing at
the edge of the bench. What difference did you note? In which situation more
sound is heard.
Activity - 4
Prepare a phone using empty match boxes and twine and try to talk with your
friends using it.
Do this
Distance the
Name of
the student sound is audible
Compare the audible range of your self and your classmates. If you notice a wide / large difference, do not forget to consult a doctor.
If a man can not hear from his birth, he cannot speak also. As they are not able
to hear the other person talking, they do not know what and how to speak. Hence
they do not speak.
People like this, use sign language i.e., through symbols and gestures message
is conveyed. Have you ever watched news for the hearnig impaired on Doordarshan.
If not, watch and talk about it.
We feel some sounds to be pleasant compared to the other sounds we hear
while some sounds are harsh. Pleasant music, melodious songs
make us feel happy. Listen to the soft and melodious songs for a
span of 15 minutes. How do you feel? Harsh sounds that exceed
the audible range cause sound pollution.
Group work
What are the other causes of sound pollution? Think and
list them.
What measures can you take up to reduce the sound pollution. Discuss with your friends.
We are able to hear the pleasant sounds that make us feel happy with the help
of our ears only. As ears are very delicate organs, we must take special care to
protect them.
During festivals and functions, arranging loud speakers with high volume cause
sound pollution to others. Blowing vehicles horn loudly and repeatedly causes
inconvenience to others. Talking to others on cellphones for long hours is to be
avoided. Using cell phones extensively is dangerous. Speaking on cell phones
continously damages the sensitive organs of the head. If sweating is seen beside
the ear it is very dangerous.
Precautions to be taken to protect our ears:
Take proper care to prevent water entering into ears, clean your ears with
a clean cotton cloth.
If there is pain in your ears or for other ear problems you must consult a
doctor immediately.
The doctor who treats the problems of ears, nose and throat is called as an
ENT doctor or ENT Specialist
5.5. Nose
As you all know eyes help us to see, ears help us
to hear. In the same way, nose helps us to smell! We
can identify many things through smell.
Do this
Blind fold your friend with a hand kerchief
and ask him to identify the different items by
sense of smell. Take different items near to
the nose and ask him to identify.
Coriander leaves, curry leaves, onion, garlic cloves, cardamom etc. have good
odour. We know their taste through smell only. Close your nose and keep them
into your mouth one by one. Do you know the taste of these items? Is nose used to
smell things? Do you know what is the other use of nose? Close your nose for few
minutes. Say what happened? We cannot live for a long time if don't breath air. We
breathe in and breathe out air through our nose. This is called Respiration. Breathing in air through nostrils into our lungs is known as "Inhalation", breathing out air
is called "Exhalation".
When we catch cold we can not identify the different smells. Why?
How sense of smell is useful to us? Why do we catch cold?
What precautions do you take to prevent the cold from spreading one
person to another?
Group work
Have you ever seen dogs sniffing? What are the other animals which smell, discuss. How is the dogs sense of smell
useful to us?
Butterflies sit on flowers, doesn't this? Imagine and say on
what basis does it move from flower to flower. Colour or
What are the precautions to be taken to protect our nose?
We must always keep our nose clean. Do not insert slate pencils, pencils,
pieces of chalk, sticks, fingers into your nostrils. Consult a doctor if small pebbles
or things enter your nostrils and if breathing is difficult or painful.
5.6. Tongue
Can you hold your tongue and speak? Try
and see. As you all know tongue helps us to
speak, to swallow food and to know the taste
of food! There are taste buds on our tongue
and they help us to know the tastes of the food
we eat.
Do this
Blind fold your friend. Give him a little salt, sugar, bitter
gourd, lime juice and other different food items seperatley.
Ask him to taste each one and identify them.
You also identify in the same manner.
Our mouth waters, on seeing or smelling some food items.
Write a list of such food items.
Stand in front of a mirror and stretch out your tongue, draw
the diagram of your tongue. Compare the figure drawn with
your friend's diagram.
Observe the tongue of your friend with a magnifying glass.
Note your observations.
Group work
We should keep our mouth clean. We should rinse our mouth with water before and after eating. If we do not rinse, germs may attack and cavities develop in
our teeth and thus teeth may decay and fall and results in bad breath. Hence, we
should brush our teeth and also clean the tongue daily in the morning. We should
also clean our tongue and brush our teeth before going to bed at night.
5.7. Teeth
We identify the different tastes with our tongue. Do we take the help of tongue
alone while taking in the food? There are teeth also along with the tongue! We chew
food with the help of teeth when we eat. What happens when we chew the food!
Think. We know the taste of food. When we chew the food with our teeth, it mixes
with the saliva in our mouth and thus the taste is known. Poeple who lose their
teeth, cannot chew the food. Hence they do not know the complete taste of food.
Therefore, we must take care of our teeth.
Do this
Take a piece of any fruit and keep it on your tongue and tell
the taste.
Now take another piece of the same fruit and chew it well,
now tell how does it taste?
When food is chewed, it breaks into small pieces and combines or mixes
throughly with saliva and thus gives us the taste. Hence we should take proper care
to protect our teeth as they help in chewing and tasting the food. Do you know
how many teeth we have? Are all the teeth similar?
Do this
Observe your teeth in a mirror or the teeth of your friend. Are all the teeth
same? Say.
There are four different types of teeth, for biting, tearing, chewing and grinding
the chewed food.
Observe the picture given below:
Type of Teeth
of Teeth
Molars (3)
(Grinding teeth)
Premolars (2)
(Chewing teeth)
Incisors (4)
(Biting teeth)
Canines (1)
(Tearing teeth)
Group work
Observe the teeth in your friends mouth and say.
How many teeth are there in your friends mouth?
How many types of teeth you found?
How many teeth of each type are present.
How many teeth of each type are present in your mouth?
Type of teeth
Upper Jaw
Lower Jaw
Cleanliness of teeth:
Group work
Why do teeth become yellow?
Observe the teeth of your friends. Whose teeth colour has
changed to yellow or black.
Whose tooth has cavities?
In whose tooth food particles are stuck?
Whose teeth have plaque deposits.
Whose teeth are healthy and shiny?
Why should we brush our teeth every morning and night?
Identify & appreciate your classmate for healthy & shiny teeth.
After eating bits of food particles remain struck between the teeth and they
cause tooth decay. If they remain on the tooth, harmful bacteria grow and produce
harmful acids. As a result of this cavities are formed. The colour of the teeth
changes to yellow and black. The gums swell and bleed resulting in tooth ache.
Hence, we should brush our teeth properly twice a day.
Brush twice a day, that is every morning and every night, before going to
After brushing the teeth, rub the teeth and the gums with your finger and
also rinse your mouth with water. This helps in keeping the teeth strong.
Rinse your mouth with water after eating or drinking. This helps in washing
away the bits of food particles stuck on and between the teeth. Rinse twice
or thrice in a day.
(Uttareni), Derris indica
(Kanuga), Neem and Acacia
(Babool) are used to brush the
teeth or use tooth paste /
powder and tooth brush for
Brush the teeth from all sides that is up, down, inside, outside, leftside, and
rightside, each and every tooth must be brushed properly and in circular
motion. If the teeth are not properly brushed plaque deposits on the teeth
and results in tooth decay. This causes tooth ache. In this case the dentist
pulls out the decayed tooth. New tooth do not grow in its place. If we do
not have teeth we can not eat solid foods.
Do not use brick or coal powder, which are coarse and damage the gum's &
teeth. If we use them, the outer cover / layer of tooth enamel is damaged. If we eat
too many sweets or too cold food items then also the enamel gets damaged. If the
enamel is damaged, then we feel pain when we eat cold food or drink water.
The doctor who treats the diseases of teeth is called a "Dentist"
5.8. Skin
All the parts of our body are covered by the skin. Do you know what is the use
of skin? Skin protects all parts of our body. It is the sense organ for touch. We can
feel heat, hardness, softness, coldness etc., through skin.
Do this
Ask your friend to close his eyes. Touch his / her different
parts with a pencil like the lips, the forehead, the palm and
ask him or her to say which part is more sensitive.
Is the thickness of the skin same throughout our body?
Which parts have thick skin and where is it thin?
Observe and identify the different parts where the skin is
more thick and thin. Write them in order from more thickness to less thinkness. Forehead, sole, palm, eye lids, chin,
waist etc.
We shake hands when we meet our friends. At home and school or while
travelling we hold many things. Due to this micro organisms enter our palms. We
should wash our hands properly with soap before eating, lest the dust and microbes enter our body through food. This causes ill health and diseases. Do not
touch, eat food without washing the hands with soap at school and at home. Wash
your hands after toilet.
Even after having bath in the morning, the skin becomes oily and sticky
by evening. Why? Hence have bath after coming from school and after
Have a bath twice a day every morning and evening with soap and water.
While taking bath, rub the skin throughly. This helps in remove the dead
cells and makes the skin shiny.
Apply vaseline or moisturiser on your body during winter. Cover your body
fully with worm clothes.
During summer, wear loose cotton clothes and drink plenty of water.
Drinking lot of water helps in replenshing water last through sweat. Sweating
releases the wastes and it is sent out through skin freely. Skin also becomes
The doctor who treats the diseases related to skin is called a
"Dermatologist" (Skin specialist)
Group Work
Do you know?
Discuss and write about
Skin is the largest organ in the
the skin diseases.
human body. It covers an area of
What do you do to keep 1 1/2 Sq.metres and weighs 4 kilograms. If skin is not kept clean,
your skin clean?
skin diseases may occur. Most
Discuss, what we should of the skin diseases are contado if the skin is injured.
Skin is affected first by the changes in the surroundings. If we protect our skin,
the skin protects us. Skin protects the internal organs from outside
the environment. Skin senses the heat, cold and pain.
Due to the ridges and grooves present in the skin of the palm, finger prints are
formed. Take your finger prints and that of your friends on a white paper and
observe them. Are they similar? No two persons will have the same finger prints in
this world. Hand also has lines on the palm.
Eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are the five sense organs of our body and
you have learnt about their importance and cure.
There are some children in our school whose sense organs do not function.
Isn't it! They too have the right to get education. Everyone must learn to help each
other. Discuss and say what facilities must be provided in our schools for the
children with special needs. We organise health check ups in our schools. Every
one must have check up on that day. They will refer to super speciality or multi
speciality hospitals, if needed. Govt. is providing the aids for the hearing impaired
and sight impaired children free of cost. If these children are present in our school
we should do the needful to help them.
protection of eyes
sense of touch
sense organs
sounds / noises
audible range
external organs
sound pollution
between organs
taste buds
What have we learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
a) What are the organs that are seen outside the body and those inside the
body (Internal organs)?
b) We say that eyes are the most important organs of our body? Why?
c) Write the names of the organs used to perform the following activities.
Throwing a ball Smelling the flowers Stitching a button listening music
with needle
Why do we call eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin as the sense organs.
What are the uses of the teeth? What precautions are to be taken to
protect our teeth?
2. Questioning and hypothesis
a) What questions would you ask a doctor to know about the protection of
eyes, nose and ears?
b) Balaji's eye sight has decreased? Why does the eye sight decreases?
3. Experiments - field observations
a) Close your eyes. Identify and write about the different things by touching them with your hand.
b) Close your eyes. Name the different vegetables, leafy vegetables and
pulses by using the sense of smell or touch. Try this and see.
c) Visit a place where meat is sold near by, and observe the inernal organs
of the animals.
4. Information skills, projects
Meet the ANM / health workers and find out the details of the people in
the village who are infected with diseases related to eyes, ears, skin and
tongue know the reasons and write.
Observe the ears of ten children of your class / school students. Are the
ears of the same shape? Are there any differences. Tabulate and say.
How should we behave with the people with special needs? What kind
of help should be given to them.
I can do this
1. I can expalin the sense organs of our body and the precautions
to be taken to protect them.
Yes / No
Yes / No
3. I can say what are the things that can be identified by the sense
of smell and touch.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
6. I can explain about the types of teeth and the care to be taken.
Yes / No
We have learnt about the external organs of the body in the earlier lesson.
Many organs are present inside our body. Let us name the different organ systems
and learn about their functions.
Certain observations:
1. Why should we breathe - why oxygen is required?
2. How & why blood runs all over body?
3. What makes our body to be erect and stiff.
4. What happens to the food we eat? How we get energy to do work?
5. We get diseases if wastes are not removed from our body. How wastes
are removed from our body?
Close your nose for few seconds and see Which part of your body will
what happens.
move when you "inhale" or
We need air to live. As you know we breathe
in and breathe out air through our nose. Do you know, where the inhaled air enters
our body?
Lungs in our body absorbs the oxygen from the air which we breathe in. Nose,
wind pipe and lungs are the important organs of the respiratory system. The air we
breathe in enters into the wind pipe. The wind pipe divides itself into two, and
opens into the lungs. The walls of the nostrils are wet and have tiny hair which
stops the dust and dirt particles from entering into our body.
Do This
Using a measuring tape, measure the
circumference of the chest of your class- Nose
mates both when they breathe in and breathe
out. Note the details in a tabular form.
Wind Place your hand on your chest and count
how many times you inhale and exhale air
in one minute.
Compare the observations with your
Observe the lungs of a goat or sheep in a
butcher's shop and write down your
Respiratory System - Lungs
The air we breathe in enters into the two spongy saclike structures called lungs
in our chest region. The lungs are made up of many tiny structures (pluera). The
structures help in the exchange of oxygen and carbondioxide. On these walls of
the pleura there are many minute blood capillaries. These help in absorbing the
oxygen from the air we breathe in and supply it to all the parts of the body through
blood. In the same way, they send out the carbondioxide and water vapour. The
doctor who treats the diseases of the lungs is called a "Pulmonologist".
Group work
We should cover our nose with a hand kerchief when exposed
to dust, dirt and smoke. Why?
What should we do to get fresh air & more breaths?
What should we do to inhale more air per minute? / What should
we do to increase the rate of respiration?
In 'Yoga' and meditation concentration is on the breathing. This help us to
remain healthy.
Group work
Place one of your ears
on the chest of your
friend and listen to the
sound carefully. Where
does this sound come
from? Discuss with your
friends. Name that organ.
Heart-Ciculatory System
Heart supplies blood to all
parts of the body. Blood transports the oxygen and a variety of
materials obtained from the food
which we eat to each and every
part of the body. The food we eat
is digested in the stomach and then
sent into the blood and through
blood vessels it is sent to different parts of the body and thus
helps to give us energy to perform
our activities. Blood helps us to
regulate the body temperature and
to fight against the disease causing germs. Blood is a fluid tissue
made of plasma, which is in liquid form. It contains three types
of blood cells. They are Red
blood corpuscles (RBC), white
blood Corpuscles (WBC), and
Blood platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen to all the cells of our body.
White blood cells fight against the disease causing germs. Blood platelets help
in coagulation of blood. The doctor who treats the diseases of the heart is called a
"Cardiologist" or "Heart specialist".
Do you Know?
The size of one's heart is the same as one's own first. Heart is situated in
the chest region, 2/3rds two-third is on the left side of chest and 1/3rd one-third
is on the right side. Heart pumps the blood to different parts of the body.
Heart is a pumping organ.
Blood must be supplied to all parts of the body properly, then only we will be
healthy. We should eat healthy food to have sufficient blood in our body. Peanut
bar / ground nut bar, gingelly bar (Til), eggs, milk, leafy vegetables etc. must be
taken to increase the quantity of blood in our body.
6.3. Skeletal system
Press your body with your hand at different places. Which places feel hard? Why?
Group work
Observe some x-ray
photographs and identify which part do they
belong to. Draw the
How do bones help us?
There are many types of bones in our
sketelal system. There are 206 bones in our
body. Some bones are small, some are big,
some are wide, some are sharp, some are
curved with different shapes and sizes at different parts of the body. Skeleton gives shape
and support to our body. It protects the important organs of the body. The bony, frame
work in the head is called the "Skull". This
protects the brain. Back bone is made up of
small bones from neck to waist. This helps the body to stand erect. It is also called
the "Spinal Cord". Calcium helps in keeping the bones strong. We can have strong
bones & muscles if we play, walk, run etc. Milk and milk products and leafy
vegetables are rich in calcium. We should maintain correct erect posture while
sitting and walking. The doctor who treats diseases of the bones is called a
"Orthopedition". The bones give shape to the body. We get vitamin 'D' when we
are exposed to sunlight. Vitamin 'D' helps bones and skin to be healthy.
Move the head, hands, legs, knees, elbows in different directions. Are we
able to move all the parts in the same way? Why? Think. Discuss with
your friends.
Which parts move in one direction only? Try and see.
Joints help in moving and bending the bones. Identify the places where
joints are located. Imagine and say, how the body, would be with out
bones & without joints.
If the bones grow, we grow in height. For strong bones we should take milk,
eggs and leafy vegetables. Working, playing and staying out in the sunlight is good
for healthy and for strong bones.
6.4. Digestive system
Where does the food chewed and swallowed in mouth enter?
You might have observed that our stomach seems to become bulged when we
drink water or eat food. In the picture given below, the path of the chewed food is
shown. Food changes into liquid form i.e., Chyme and passes through the different parts a shown in the picture.
The food we eat changes its
form in our mouth. The food supplied to different parts of the body
is not in the same form in which we
eat. It changes into different forms.
The solid and liquid foods change
into simple substances and finally
gets absorbed into the blood. This
process of changing starts from the
mouth. The absorbed food is
utilised by the body and the remaining waste materials are sent out of
the body in the form feaces and
Window of the stomach
(Dr.Beamont's Experiment):
In 1822 Dr.Beamont had to treat
a soldier named Martin who was
injured by a bullet in the stomach.
Martin was 18 years old at that time.
Martin was healthy before the injury Dr.Beamont dressed the wound and treated him. The wound healed after one
and half years. But there was a large hole. The aperture was covered by a loose
layer of skin. We could look into the stomach by pressing this layer. The doctor
not only used to look into the stomach through this hole but also used to take out
the fluid from the stomach with the help of a tube. With this, the doctor got an
opportunity for his experiments. Dr.Beamont experimented on Martin's stomach
about Nine years!
Scientists did not know how food get digested? How do the disgestive juices
in the stomach help in digestion, or how the food is converted to chyme? No one
knew if there were any other organs.
Dr.Beamont took out a small quantity of fluid from the stomach and put it into
a glass jar, to find out if the food kept in a glass jar get digested itself or does this
fluid bring any change in the food? He wanted to test this. For this he performed an
experiment. He took a small amount of digestive juice from the stomach with the
help of a tube and placed twenty pieces of fish in a glass jar filled with 10ml. of
disgestive juice at 8.30 am in the morning. He kept the glass jar at the same temperature that is maintained by the stomach i.e. at about 300C. Then he examined the
pieces of fish at 2.0' clock in the afternoon. They had dissolved.
Dr.Beamont did this experiment with different food items. He used the same
food given to Martin and kept it into the glass jar filled with digestive juice. He gave
Martin food at the same time and put the food into the glass jar kept out side the
body. He compared the time taken by the food to digest. He tabulated his observations.
Let us observe a part of Dr.Beamont Observations given below:
Food Item
Unboiled milk
Boiled milk
2 hrs. 15 min.
2 hrs.
4 hrs. 45 min.
4 hrs. 15 min.
Boiled eggs
3 hrs. 30 min.
8 hrs.
3 hrs.
2 hrs.
76 hrs. 30 min.
4 hrs. 15 min.
Unboiled egg
1 hr. 30 min.
4 hrs.
What happens when we eat a tomato?
6.5. Excretory system
In our body many life processes go on continuously.
Through these processes many
wastes / harmful substances are
The unwanted wastes
formed in this way from different processes are sent out as
they are formed.
Group work
6.6. Nervous system
Group work
Healthy habits:
Milk, eggs, fruits are important for the growth and health of the body.
Take local and seasonal fruits and vegetables for good health.
Do not buy and eat food sold on the road side, chances of getting
diseases increase with such food.
Do not take soft drinks (beverages), instead, drink coconut water, fruit
organ systems of the
circultory system
red blood corpuscles
white blood corpuscles
blood platelets
respiratory system
blood vessels
respiratory organs
wind pipe
skeletal system
digestive system
process of digestion
excretory system
nervous system
life processes
What have we learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
a) What are the different organ systems of our body?
b) What are the organs of the digestive system?
c) What are the uses / functions of blood in our body?
d) What function does the lungs perform?
e) Write the stages in the process of digestion.
f) What are the organs of the excretory system? What is their use and
2. Questioning and hypothesis
a) Raheem is suffering from stomach ache. What could be the reason?
What questions the doctor may ask Raheem when consulted?
Observe the patients of the heart desease, digestive problems and nervous disorders. What questions would you ask to know about the disease - discuss in the class?
Visit a doctor or health volunteer near by. Find out the rate of heart beat
for the different age groups of people. Tabulate the information.
Old people
Whose heart beat rate is more? Whose heart beat rate is less? Find out the
5. Communication through mapping skills, drawing pictures and making
Heart which is in the size of one's own fist, pumps blood to different
parts of the body, day and night. How do you appreciate the function of
the heart?
I can do this
1. I can explain the different organ systems of our body.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
5. I can explain the good healthy habits and also follow them.
Yes / No
Every forest is a beautiful place on this earth. It is the habitat for different
animals and plants. To know more about forests, let us talk to the people of the
7.2. Life style of the tribes
How beautiful the photo is! The girl standing at the left corner is none other
than me. That photo was taken last month when I went to Bhadrachalam in
Khammam District to participate in the state level science fair. The women dancing
in the photo are the tribals residing at Adilabad District. Their dance is called
"Gussadi". It is the special dance of Adilabad tribes.
On that day, Cultural programmes were arranged in the evening. The tribal
people gave their traditional dance performance wearing their traditional costumes.
Everyone enjoyed it. As I was tired due to a long journey I retired early and went to
my room for rest. Two more girls, 'Barjutayi' from Adilabad and 'Chomcharu'
from Mahaboobnagar shared the room with me. During the introduction, I felt that
their names were a little weird. I shared my feelings with them. Then Barjutayi told
me that she came from Adilabad and belongs to a tribe called 'Gond' She also said
that not only their names but also their habits, clothing, customs, language and
other life styles were different from the other people. I was surprised to know all
this. So, I asked her for more information.
Barjutayi said that the Gonds
are the tribals who live in the hilly
Gondu Village
region. They construct small huts
and live deep in groups in the forests. They construct walls with
stones and cover the surfaces with
smooth mud.
They place bamboo sticks
and forest grass on the roof.
Though it is a hut, still seperate
rooms are provided for cooking,
puja and for the ladies.
The women draw and paint beautiful pictures
on the walls and the floor with the colours prepared
from different plants.
They decorate the pujaroom with special interest. They consider their house as most sacred.
Hence, they consider entering the house with
footware as a sin. They serve the guests fruits and
tabacco cigars and thus show their hospitality.
The Gonds collect the fruits, honey, tamarind
etc; from the forest and live on them. Some Gonds
are engaged in agriculture. After the harvest they celebrate a special festival and offer their first crop to
their village diety 'AKIPEN' and only then use it.
on the
walls of
Group work
Gondu Men & Women
"Yes", replied Barjutayi. A Nagoba fair is very a important fair of the Gondus. Nagoba temple is located at
Kesapur village of Indravelli Mandal in Adilabad district.
Five days fair is held every year and Gonds from other
states also participate in this.
The important aspect of this fair is the
Gond's traditional dance. Gonds decorated
with peacock feathers perform the special
dance called Gussadi. A large number of
people other than Gonds come to watch the
I was excited to know about these amazing things and thought as if I enter in to a new
world. Would the life style of all the people living in forests
be the same?
Chenchu's food is quiet different from our food. She gave a lot of additional,
interesting information. They depend mainly on forest for their food. That is why,
they worship the forest as 'Adavi Thalli'. They collect different fruits like pomegranate, mango, roe apple (Neredu) etc., different roots and Tamarind from forests
and eat them as food. Chenchus are experts in collecting honey. Parents and elders
hunt the forest pigs, deers etc., with the help of small arrows and knives and share
the meat with all. But, they never hunt small animals like rabbits and sparrows.
The food items collected from forests is sold at the weekly fair and the required grains like Jowar etc., are purchased. Some people, especially the pregnant
women eat tamarind along with the ash of the tamarind seed as food. It is their
belief that this gives more strength. Chenchus are not interested in money, savings
and other things. They depend on the forest every day for their life.
Chenchu Village
7.5. Bonda tribes - life style
During my conversation with the girls, I said that most of the tribes belonging
to Gonds and Chenchus live in forests. The old man who was sitting a little distance away from us heard our conversation and said that not only these people, but
also many different tribes live in Araku area, among them the main tribe is 'Bonds',
a tribe which lives away from the outside world and are quite unaware of money.
Barjutayi and Chomcharu also were also surprised along with
me. People living without money and knowledge about the outside world? We three asked in chorous to tell more about them.
Bonds tribals live in the dense forests and hills of Aruku valley
in Odissa. They are also known as Bondo and Poroju. The language spoken by them is also unique. It is called 'Remo'.
They don't like to mingle with the people from town & plain
area. That is why, they rarely come out of the forest.
Do you know?
In our country the population of Bonda tribe is only
Bonda Women
The grand father continued telling other interesting things.
The Bonda tribals attend the weekly fair and exchange the forest produces
collected by them to others and take the required materials from them in exchange.
This system is called 'BINIMAY PRODHA' or Barter System.
Their way of dressing is also unique. They cover their bodies with a cloth
made up of jute.
Bonda women have great skills in making this cloth. First they soak the jute
plants in the water of streams and lakes nearby for 2 to 3 days. Then they weed out
thread from them and dry them for three days under the sun. They collect different
colours from the forest and mix these with the thread and make the clothes on
loom. (Maggamu). They stich tiny and beautiful mirrors to these clothes.
Group work
What differences have you noticed in the dress and ornaments of women at your place and the Bonda Women?
I still had not come out of my astonishment. It was difficult to believe that there are
still people living away from the outside world
who do not use money to lead their lives!, even
in the 21st century.
As it had become dark we all retired to
our rooms. I prepared a flow chart on how the
Bonda's made their clothes. It is given below.
Collection of jute plants
Soaking it in water
Painting colours
Do you know?
ited? Write the differences between Bonda's fair and your fair.
Do you know?
Group Work
Have you ever seen the forest? Share your feelings with your
You know about the uses of forests. What would happen if
forests were not there?
Does your district have a forest? Where?
Which districts of our state have forests? Identify them in A.P.
What should be done to protect the forests from depletion?
Which different tribes are there in the forests of your district?
There are forests in the districts of Mahaboonagar, Adilabad, Karimnagar,
Warangal, Khammam of Telangana and East Godavari, West Godavari,
Visakhapatnam, Vijayanagaram, Srikakulam, Krunool, Prakasham of A.P. Earlier
the forests were dense and wide, but now their area is decreasing. Different types
of tribes live in the forests of our State. The tribes Gonds, Kolami, Pradhan and
Thoti live in Adilabad. The tribes Savara, Konda, Adivasi, Oriya, Kuvi, Gadaba
live in the forests of Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram and Visakhapatnam of A.P. The
tribals belonging to koya live in Khammam of Telangana, West and East Godavari
districts of A.P. Konda Redlu and Koya live in Khammam district of Telangana.
The Banjara tribe live in Warangal and in other districts. Many changes have occurred
in the life styles of the tribals when compared to the past.
Tribal people are developing progressively with education. The tribal villages
are in dense forests but the transport facilities have not yet fully developed. When
What are the difficulties faced by the tribals with the lack of transport
Do you know?
Do you know?
Carbon-dioxide levels
have increased in the atmosphere due to the destruction of trees. Due to this,
the earth gets heated. This
is called 'Glogal Warming'.
This results in less rain fall.
compared to people of other regions the tribal people are still
quite backward.
What should we do to conserve the forests.
Look at the picture. Tell what
the chilren are doing?
Why are the children planting the saplings?
science exhibition
tribal people
life style
forest products
village god
I promote rainfall
I protect from
soil erosion
I give fertility to
the land
No need to have
an A.C. or a
cooler if the
house has a tree
in its front yard
What have we learnt?
plant them in the available space and protect them. For every tree that you cut,
plant another two.
1. Conceptual understanding
We need money to buy things. How can we sell and buy things without
using money? Guess and write.
Grandfather living in a tribal area visited Pramod's residence. To know
more about the people of that area, what questions do you ask Pramod's
Tribal people make colours with the leaves and seeds available in their
surroundings. You also prepare and write down the colours you made
with leaves, flowers and seeds available in your area.
Tribals make their houses look beautiful with mud and rangoli. What do
you use at your home? What materials do you use for rangoli? Observe
and write.
You have seen the pictures drawn on the walls of the Gonds houses. Do
the houses in your village also have similar pictures? observe, write and
draw the pictures and rangoli in your village.
Count the number of trees in your village / ward and different types of
plants and trees. Prepare a table and compare with village particulars as
how many trees used.
(Take the help of your teaher in preparing the required table.)
5. Communication through mapping skills, drawing pictures and making
a) Collect the map of Telangana and mark the forests and the districts
where tribal people live on the map.
b) You have seen the pictures of the tribal people in the lesson. They prepare different decorative items with poosalu (plastic beads) and wear
them. Can you make a garland with the available poosalu and threads?
6. Appreciation, values and creating awareness towards bio-diversity
I can do this
1. I can describe the life style of tribal people.
Yes / No
2. I can ask questions to know the life style of the tribal people.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
5. I can point out the forests areas in the A.P. map. tribal people
live in.
Yes / No
What do you see in the picture? What are the people in the picture
8.2. The Godavari, a river
You might have seen many rivers and enjoyed taking bath in the river water.
Moreover, if it is summer, one never wants to come out of the water.
Is there any river nearby your place? Which river? There are many questions
which you can answer? Where does a river begin from? Where does it flow along
and finally where does it end? Where does the water come from? Does it remain
there always or will it dry?
Does the river flow throughout the year? Do the rivers merge ultimately with
any other river? Will it have the same depth throughout? What is the life style of the
people living on the banks of the river. What is the relation they share with the
river? Oops! Never ending questions! But they do generate curiosity and you wish
to know more about the rivers.
Let us find out the source of the river Godavari and about the people living on
its banks.
Karnaraka Sta
Ranga Reddy
The river Godavari, originates its
The Godavari at
journey from the hills of Brahmagiri of
the Western Ghats at Triambakeshwar,
in the district of Nasik in Maharashtra.
It enters our state at Basar in Adilabad
district. To reach our state it travels
1465 kms. In our Telangana state it
flows through the districts of Adilabad,
Karimnagar, Warangal, Khamman and
in A.P. East Godavari and West
Godavari. Its flow, separates the districts of Adilabad and Karimnagar and
Also East and West Godavari of A.P. This river divides into three parts and finally
meets the Bay of Bengal at Antarvedi, in East Godavari and Yanam. Look at the
maps of India and Telangana in the Atlas and answer the questions given below.
Group work
8.3. Fishermen
Many people make a living by catching fish in the Godavari. They use boats
and catch a variety of fishes, crabs, lobsters employing nets. Fishing needs skill
and hard work. They use different kinds of boats for fishing.
Traditional Boat
Motor Boat
Group work
Did you ever see any fisherman? What do they use to catch
What difficulties do the fishermen face, under the conditions given below?
Do you know?
Its scientific name is Hilsa ilisha. Its a salt water fish. For breeding, it migrates to fresh water. In the months of august-september, the water in the river
Godavari turns red due to floods. During this
time, these fish travel 1200 km in the ocean and
enter the Godavari districts to lay eggs. Again,
in the next two months, the young ones swim
back to the ocean. Thus, when they swim to
the river, they are caught in the nets. They have
a huge demand in the market, the big fish is
sold for upto two thousand rupees. The researches prove that these fish are
rich in omega 2 fatty acids and are good for health.
Godavari River between
Papi Kondalu
Devadula Ethipothala
Group work
Do you know?
The expanded area of the Godavari river and its irrigated area is 3,12,812
sq.km. This is 1/10th of the Indian sub continent land. This area is more than that
of the countries like England and Ireland put together.
Temple in
civilization, in the world, started near the rivers. The archeological excavations have
revealed many buildings constructed along the rivers.
Basara Temple
Why are the villages and cities emerged along the rivers?
Is there any development along the river land where Pushkar Mela is
organised once in every 12 years?
Explain the relation between the rivers and culture of the people?
8.7. Industries - pollution
Many industries depend on the waters of
the Godavari. We are able to produce 2,600
megawatts of electricity through the Thermal
Power station at Ramagudam. Paper mills are
located at Bhadrachalam, Thermal power station is located at Kothagudem and natural gas
power centre is at Vijjeshwaram. Nanded and
Aurangabad have also developed industrially.
But, the wastes from the industries and the
power stations are released into the river. This
is causing damage to the water and to the living organisms and polluting the river water.
The sewage water from villages and cities on the banks of the river Godavari is discharged into the river. This results in the pollution of the river and the water becomes unsuitable for drinking. The people who visit the rivers also cause the water
pollution by throwing plastic bottles and covers in to the river. This leads to the
excess growth of the water plant called Eichhornia which reduces the dissolved
oxygen leading to the death of the water organisms, animals and plants.
Discuss the causes of water pollution. What are its consequences? How
do we prevent it?
western ghats
ethipothaala programme
paper industry
drought, floods
spriritual centre
acquatic life
Visit a river or a canal or a lake near your place. Observe the various
activities being polluting the water. Explain the ill effects of those activities.
Visit any industrial area or a temple near the rivers Krishna or Godavari
and get information. Write about it and display with figures.
5. Communication through mapping skills, drawing pictures and making
Observe the
map given here.
Write the name of
the districts which
are to the south of
the river Godavari.
Collect the lyrics / song related either to the Godavari or any other river.
and sing it.
Write slogans on controlling the river pollution.
Write a letter to your friend appreciating the impact of the rivers.
I can do this
1. I can explain the impact the rivers on civilization, agriculture etc.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
9.1. Blowing of wind
We have air all around us. It blows in our houses, open grounds, fields and
every where. But we cannot see air. Wind does many wonders. It brings rain, cold
weather and warmth.
Observe the figures given below and identify in which direction
the wind is blowing.
Group work
In the same way draw more figures and ask your friend to
identify the direction of the wind blowing.
Due to gravitational force, rotation and revolution of the earth, the wind always
blows from one place towards another. The intensity of the wind varies from place
to place. Air has pressure, weight and it occupies space (volume). These are the
properties of air.
9.2. Atmosphere
Earth is covered with a blanket of air. This is called atmosphere. With the help
of information on temperature, clouds and humidity, atmospheric conditions can
be determined. You can listen to the news to know about the weather. Does weather
have stability? Is it the same every day? Can you recall how was the weather one
week before? Was it hot or cold? Was it a windy? Or it cloudy? We observe the
weather daily.
Some symbols are given below to understand the atmospheric or weather
It rains
Weather is cold
1 week
Saturday Sunday
Think and say
Have you seen the weather report table given? How is the weather according to you?
How many days was it cloudy and how many days was it cold in the last
Which direction does the wind blow most of the time in a week?
Is the weather cool on a cloudy day?
On which day of the present month there was a rainfall and what type of
rainfall was it?
Can we say that it will definetely rain on a cloudy day?
According to the report what could be the season.
Do this
Atmospheric table
Divide the class into four groups. Ask the first group to note down the details
of the first week, second group of the second week and so on. Note them down in
a chart and display.
Week/ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Group work
Answer the following using the atmospheric table prepared
by you
How many days are cloudy in the month?
How many days the wind blew strongly and in which
How many days were sunny or cool in the month?
How many days had rainfall? What was the type of rainfall?
According to the details observed what could be the
season? Guess?
Is your guess correct?
9.3. Seasons
According to the climate, a year is divided into three seasons. They are called
winter season, summer season and rainy season. Now, let us know about the
9.3.1. Observe the picture and say
Group work
Animals also feel cold in winter? What will they do to protect themselves from cold? What will you do for them?
Winter season
Weather will be cool in the winter season. We find the coconut oil to be frozen,
sun rise is delayed and it sun sets sooner in this season. We like to sit in the sun
during this season. Everyone wears colourful, sweaters, rugs and shawls. People
return home as the sunsets. We find comfort in the sun. Butterflies sit on flowers.
Nightingale's sing in winter season. Mango trees start blooming. We find fragrance
of flowers all round. Yellow flowers of mustard bloom. Nature looks beautiful with
all these things.
9.3.2. Observe the picture and say
Summer season
Hot breeze blows. Crops are ready for harvesting. It is the harvesting season
for wheat and also the season for mangoes. Mangoes are delicious fruits. Gradually the weather becomes hotter. Severe hot breezes makes the environment uncomfortable weather is more hot in April, may and june months. We like to swim or
stay in the shade. We like to drink cold water and wear light cotton clothes. If we
go out in sun there is always a danger of sun stroke / fever etc. Still children love
the summer season. Do you know why?
9.3.3. Observe the picture and say
How is weather in the rainy season? Which month does the rainy season
Rainy season
Dense clouds, rains, thunder, lightining, rain water, paper boats, umbrella's,
eatherworms and raincoats are the characterestics of the rainy season. The sky
becomes cloudy. There is thunder and lightening before the rainfall starts. It is a
joy to play, in rains. Ditches get filled with water, children play with paper boats,
peacocks dance, frogs crock, wells, lakes, rivers, canals get filled with water and
grass grows. Rainy season extends from july to august. Then the rains stops,
gradually the temperature decreases and winter season begins. When rains are
plenty, crops grow in plenty and everyone is happy.
Group work
You have learnt about the three seasons, How is the weather
in each season?
What are the vegetables and fruits available in the respective seasons?
9.4. Layers of the atmosphere
The air around us is called atmosphere. Air consists of many gases, dust
particles, water vapour etc. Weather is predicted with information based on clouds,
himidity, dryness, cold, heat, rainfall etc.
The layers of air around the earth
is called atmosphere. Earth's atmoThermosphere
sphere is classified into 5 layers based
on the differences in temperature. They Mesosphere
are (1) Troposphere, (2) Stratosphere
(3) Mesophere, (4) Thermosphere and
(5) Exosphere
The layer nearest to the earth's surface is Troposphere. We live in troposphere and we breathe in the air of that
layer. All aspects of atmosphere are present in this layer. As you go upwards the
temperature in the layer decreases.
Weather is never stable. It goes on changing throughout the day. Some times
sky is cloudy, water vapour is high in the air, cool breezes blow and some times air
is dry and hot breezes blow. On some days, it rains and on some other days it is
Atmosphere gets heated due to solar energy. But all parts on the earth surface
do not receive the same amount of solar energy. Tropical regions receive more
sunlight than the polar regions. Differences in temperature causes wind flows and
changes in atmosphere.
Sun rays, wind, seas, rivers, trees, earth surface, the terrain, altitude etc., are
the causes for change in the atmosphere.
Have you ever witnessed the sun rise and sunset? How did you feel?
Write your experiences.
Do this
9.5. Wind game
Satish came into the room making funny sounds. All the students surrounded
him on hearing the sounds. Satish told them that he was making the sound with the
help of a paper. You can also do so.
9.5.1. Can air make sound?
Do this
Take a thick paper. Fold it to half and again into half. Now
you get three layers. This is paper whistle. Put this between your
lips and blow air into it. Do you hear any sound? Think, from
where does the sound come from?
Who made the loudest sound and for a long time in your class?
Can you make whistles with coconut leaves? Display them in your classrooms?
Do this
Tup... Tup!?
What will you do with the wrapper after eating biscuits?
Take one such wrapper. See whether it is empty. Make it wrinkle
free by pressing it against a table.
Blow air fully into the cover and tie its mouth tightly with a thread. Hold it in
your hand and ask your friend to brust it by clapping.
9.6. Musical instruments that work with the help of air
Observe the following pictures and say their names.
Do this
Take an empty glass and a coconut shell. Cover the open
ends of both with a polythene cover and tie with a thread or
rubber band. These are your drums. Now, hit the drums with a
broom sticks. Observe the variations in sound.
Does the thickness of the paper has any relation with the sound
Mouth organ and Shenai are played by blowing air into them. Variations in
blowing emits different sound. Coconut shell and the glass is empty inside. Hence,
they make sound when beaten with sticks. So, air makes sound and occupies
9.7. Air pressure
A moving fish
Do this
Do this
Take a piece of newspaper. Draw a line in your classroom.
Stand on the line and throw the paper. Measure the distance of
the paper from the line. Write down in the table. Now make a
paper ball of that loosely, and throw. Note down the distance.
Now make a ball tightly and throw and note down the distance.
Thrown Object
Distance (cm/m)
What could be the reason for the paper falling at a shorter distance.
What could be the reason for tightly bound paper falling at a greater
distance when thrown?
The paper has air around it. So, it cound not travel a long distance. It fell
nearer. Air did not let the paper travel longer distance. When the paper is bound
loose, there is air in the folds of the paper which made the ball reach less distance.
When the ball is bound tightly it was able to push the air and reach longer distance.
9.8. Parachute
Do this
Take a polythene cover. Cut it into a square.
On four corners tie rope individually. And then
tie the four threads collectively to a small stone
as shown in the figure. Throw the cover high
into the air. Observe the stone falling along with
the cover.'
What happens when the threads are not of the same size.
When does the cover open while throwing up or while falling down.
Group work
Close your mouth and nose for some time, and see what happens?
How long can you stay like this? Why not for a long time.
Take a balloon and blow air in to it? Where does that air come from?
Birds, animals, human beings etc., need air to live. Air is the elixir of life. Do
you know what are the other uses of air? Do you know what is filled in the tyres of
cars and buses?
Group work
When we sweep the floor at home, when the roads are swept, when the vehicles move, the dust particles rise and mix up with air. Smoke from kitchens,
factory chimneys and burning wood pollute the air. Health is affected when we
breathe the polluted air. Some people smoke beedi, cigarette and release smoke
into the air. By breathing this kind of air also we become ill and get diseases. Not
only people who smoke but also people who breathe in that smoke get diseases of
lungs, T.B., cancer etc. That is why, we should take precautions to prevent air
pollution, which is our reponsibility. For this we have to plant trees. We should
strictly punish the industries which emit dangerous smoke.
wind flowing
atmospheric table
winter season
summer season
rainy season
clothes according to
the seasons
air makes sound
air has weight
air occupies space
pressure / force of
of air
air pollution
pure air
wind electricity
In which season does the environment look green and beautiful? Why?
Dip an empty bottle into the water? What will happen? why it happens?
4. Information skills, projects
Collect information about the things which work with air. Write their
names and write how they are related with air in two sentences.
There are many industries around Sultanpur which are emitting (giving
out) harmful smoke. By breathing the smoke people are becoming sick.
Write a letter about this to the pollution control board.
To have fresh air each one should plant a tree. Prepare a poster to denote the necessity of planting trees and display.
I can do this
1. I can explain clearly the meaning of the terms atmosphere,
seasons, air etc.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
5. I can make a poster wilh a message to plant trees to get fresh air. Yes / No
6. I can explain the properties of air.
Yes / No
It was the month of June that day, the weather was sultry. Nithya and Radhika
went to the terrace to sleep. They started talking to each other and looked at the
magnificient night sky. ''Oh! How beautiful the sky is!'' said Nithya.
Group work
Do you know?
Sun is a star. It is nearer to the earth when compared to all the other starts
in the sky, hence it appears bigger. It constantly emits light and heat. Sun
appears like a burning ball of fire. Sun is the only star in the solar system.
Sun's rays travel in all directions. It is the main source of energy for all the
planets in the solar system. Some portion of this energy in the form of light
and heat reaches the earth's surface. Earth and other seven plancts revolve
round the sun, in elliptical orbits.
Group work
The objects that revolve around the sun are called planets. Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus are planets. Including the earth
these eight planets always revolve around the sun. The sun and the planets put
together form the solar system. "Pluto" which is seen in the picture was also considered a planet previously. But now it is not considered as a planet. Previously,
there were nine planets, but now there are only eight of them. Each and every plant
revolves around the sun in a perticular orbit.
Do this
Write the word 'The sun' on one card and write the names
of the eight planets on eight other cards.
Place the cards on the table with the names facing down,
and ask your friends to pick up one card each.
Read the names and arrange the cards that contain the names
of sun and planets according to their order.
Do you know?
Never look at
the sun directly. It
will harm your eyes
Earth is almost spherical in shape though its shape is not like a perfect sphere.
It rotates about an imaginary straight line passing through the north and south
poles, once in 24 hours, causing day and nights. It is day time on the side of the
earth which faces sun and the opposite side has night.
The movement of earth around is called "Rotation". Earth not only rotates
around itself but also, revolves round the sun. This is called "Revolution".
Earth takes 24 hours for one rotation. This 24 hours is called a day. The 24
hours in a day is divided roughly into 12 hours of day time and 12 hours of night
The Globe in your school is also in the shape of a sphere and like the earth.
Do this
With the help of your teacher, demonstrate how day and night
is caused using a Globe and a candle. Day is caused in the side A,
which is facing the candle and for the B which is on the opposite
side it is night. Torch light can also be used instead of a candle.
Earth rotates from west to east that is why the sun rises in the east and sets in
the west. This can also be shown with the help of the Globe and the torch light.
Focus the torch light on the rotating Globe for this activity.
Group work
With the help of your teacher, demostrate, the sun rise and
sun set using a globe.
light of the sun falling on its surface. When the moon is orbiting its illuminated half
is towards the sun. Only on full moon day we can see the whole of moon, on other
days only a part of it is vissable. Moon takes 28 days to orbit the earth taking
different shapes. Like earth, moon and other planets also rotates around themselves. Moon revolves around Earth and Earth revolves around the sun.
Do This
Observe the moon for one month and record your observations
earth's rotation
solar system
What have we learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
Take a bucket of water and stir it in a circular motion using your hand
and observe how the water is moving.
Observe the moon for a month every day and record your observations.
Collect information regarding the time of sunrise and sunset for a week,
and discuss the information gathered with your classmates.
Collect information on minimum and maximum temperatures for a week
and discuss the information collected.
Observe the sky for one week. Note down the number of days on which
moon is seen in the sky and the duration for which it is visible?
5. Communication through mapping skills, drawing pictures and making
Draw the different shapes of the moon that you see in the sky for 15
I can do this
1. I can explain about atmosphere?
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
What do we see in the picture? What are the people in the picture doing.
Where are the children sitting in the first picture? What could happen if they sit
like that?
Where are the children sitting in the second picture? What accident is likely to
happen to them?
Where are the children playing in the third picture? What could happen to them?
What do you understand from the above pictures? What should be done?
Sometimes, accidents may happen because of the things we do. Sitting on the
railings, playing on the roads or on bunds of tanks, getting down from a moving
bus, travelling more than the capacity of a vehicle etc are the causes of accidents.
The measures taken to avoid accidents are called 'Safety Measures' safety measures are essential daily rather than on occasions like playing or travelling.
We should take precautionary measures in all the places like factories, jataras,
cinemahalls, offices, in a journey as well as at home. Offices have arrangements to
prevent fire accidents. More safety measures should be taken up where there is risk
of accidents.
We should follow safety measures at home also. Very small children, usually
put whatever things they see, in their mouth. Parents should take care that dangerous things are not within the reach of small children. Children get injured if they
play with knives, screwdrivers, nails, pins, alpins etc. Similarly children are prone
to fire and water accidents. Electrical appliances and gas cylinders are dangerous
both to elders as well as children and should be handled carefully. Recently we
watched on news that children were killed because of falling into sumps / tanks.
What are the other ways in which the accidents may happen? Think of them and
decide what safety measures are to be taken up?
Group work
Some time ago there was a fire accident in a school in Tamilnadu. Many children were injured. Some children died in this accident. The Tamilnadu government
then thought of several precautions be taken in schools to prevent fire accidents or
any other accidens. 1) Children should go in groups to school or they should be
accompanied by the elders. 2) They should not take to or go with strangers. 3) Sometimes people who kidnap children give drugged biscuits or chocolates to the children. They should not take any food item from the strangers. 4) Children should
never be left alone. 5) They should always have details of the house address,
phone number etc. 6) In case the children are alone, they should inform the parents, teachers or persons known to them. 7) If they do not have phone numbers
they should take the help of the policeman or can ask the nearby shopkeeper to
inform their parents.
In cities, children
meet with accidents
while crossing the
road. See the adjacent picture. Think
what will happen. We
should not cross the
roads at such places.
We must cross the
road only at Zebra
crossing and where
there are traffic signals. While going in
city buses we should get in or get down only when the bus stops completely.
11.3. Preventions of Accidents
Observe the pictures and say
Travelling on a bus
Road accident
Group work
You have seen the pictures. What type of accidents occur in the first
five pictures. Why? What type of safety measures must be followed.
Why do fire accidents occur? What care can be taken to prevent
Why do road accidents occur? What care can be taken to prevent
We should take measures to prevent
fire accidents. Electrical appliances, blasting of gas cylinders cause fire accidents.
Throwing burning cigarette or matchstick
near petrol / diesel bunks, in grass lands or
in forests cause fire accidents. We whould
not use lift during a fire accident. Fire engine controls the fire during the accident.
A pipe must be fixed and closed after
a borwell is dug. A danger sign must be
kept. There is a danger of children and elders falling into the open manholes. There
are people who get lost after falling into the manholes, because, they could not see
the open man holes when the roads were flooded with water in rainy season. You
should inform the Municipal Corporation Personnel if you find open manholes in
the city. Sufficient care must be taken while travelling in autos, buses trains etc. you
should neither travel more than the capacity nor sit on the top of the vehicles.
Cellphones must not be used while driving. Road rules must be followed. People
riding motorcycles must wear helmets. People travelling in cars must wear seat
belt. As overspeeding is one of the reasons for accidents we should drive with in
the speed limit. We should not drive fast to over take the vehicles.
Group wrok
Safe drinking water, parking place, hygienic food materials, health camp,
toilets, fire engines, police help centre and arrangements to avoid drowning, barricades and announcements.
Do you know?
Fire extinguisher in Cinema Halls?
As a part of preventive measure to avoid fire
accidents in cinemahalls, offices and multistored
buildings, fire extinguishers are fixed. Some are
trained in using them.
There is a lot of importance of water and water resources in our life. We need
to go near water resources very often. It is dangerous to get into the water without
knowing how to swim. We should not get into the water without the knowledge of
swimming. Even if we know swimming, we should not try to swim or cross rivers,
lakes and seas without knowing their depth. Villages have big wells, where people
bathe. It is dangerous for non
swimmers to bathe in these
wells. In some places rivers and
canals are crossed with the help
of boats. Accidents may happen
if more people get to the boat
we must learn swimming to save
our lives. Proper care must be
taken at the time of picnics and
attending Pushkaras.
11.6. Earthquake
Observe the picture and say
When the earth shakes violently we call it as earthquake. The tremors or vibrations of the earth are noted on a Richtor scale. If the intensity of these vibrations
cross seven points, earthquakes occur. The most servere earthquakes in India
occured, in Lathur district of Maharashtra in 1993 and in Bhuj near kutch in Gujarat
in 2001. Thousands were killed and many more lost their shelters due to these
earthquakes. There was property loss. Government undertook many activities to
help the victims of earthquake. People of the country extended their cooperation
through donations.
Do not move here and there, sit near the objects that do not move easily
keeping four head between your hands.
11.7. Floods
Observe the picture and say
Sometimes, due to sudden and heavy rains water accumulates in rivers and
canals and they overflow. At times seas also overflow. Houses, roads, trees and
pillars drown or get carried away. Such a situation is called flood. People become
shelterless because of floods. Things in the houses get drowned in water. There
will be no water to drink or food to eat. Small children, old people and animals
drown in water. Contagious diseases like cholora, malaria etc. spread. Neither
clothes are available nor any shelter for protection. Severe losses were incurred
due to the floods in our state in Diviseema in 1977, Mahabubnagar and Kurnool in
Things to be done at the time of Floods
Keep track of government warnings through radio and T.V.
If you have to walk in the flood, do so by checking the way with the help
of a long stick.
Switch of all electricity supply.
Go to the camps arranged by the government as a part of precautionary
measure. Important things like clothes, bedsheets must be taken along.
Keep the things in the house in attics or high and dry places.
Be careful while drinking water and eating food. Drink only chlorinated
Do not neglect the warnings from the government.
Group work
Have you ever done first aid? When and Where, What did
you do?
What first aid is usually given to the injuries in school or at
Have you seen a first aid box? Where? What does it contain?
First aid box
Do you know?
The first hour after the accident is known as the golden
hour because life can be saved
by giving proper treatment in
the first hour.
Do you know?
Think and say
1. Flash flood of half a feet depth What should you do in case of Sprains?
can make a person fall.
What should you do in case of fractures?
2. 1 feet deep flood can make the What should you do in case of burns?
What should you do in case of poisonvehicles like car fall.
3. Flasht flood of 2 feet depth can What should you do in case of heart attack?
carry cars away.
In case of sprains
Do not rub the ointment on the sprain. Let the sprained part rest. Apply ice
wrapped in a thick cloth or polythene cover. Tie a crape bandage available in
medical shops. Untie only at bed time. Keep the sprained part up.
In case of burns
Keep the burnt part under cold running water for 15-20 minutes. If the burns
are too severe, only then ointment must be applied. Remember never pinch the
blisters, never tie a bandage, never rub, never apply ice. Do not run in case of fire
accidents, but stop, drop and roll.
In case of poisoning
Give lots of water to the person to decrease the intensity / severity of the
poison before taking the person to the hospital. If the person either vomits or
become unconscious, it indicates a medical emergency and doctor's help is be
needed immediately.
In case of unconsiciousness
The unconscious person should be made to lie down on a side, lift the head
while taking to the hospital. You should not take him / her lying down on his / her
back as there is the risk of the tongue blocking the respiration.
In case of fracture
See that the fractured part is not moved while taking the patient to the hospital.
Group work
In case of nausea (vomiting)
When we stand in assembly for a long time without eating properly there are
chances of us becoming unconscious due to exhaustion. In such a case instead
of slapping him if you keep his legs up and bend his head sideways there is a
possibilty of that person gaining consciousness. Usually a person becomes unconscious because of less blood supply to the brain. By keeping the legs in a
position higher than the head, the brain receives blood and the person may become normal.
Group work
11.9. Who helps?
We should dail 108 in case of fire
accident, road accident and natural calamities. This is a free service. If you
dail 108, they will inforn fire engines,
ambulance or police as per the need.
They help immediately, so everyone
should take safety measures within
one's reach to prevent accidents and
ill health. Give first aid when necessary. Use the facilities provided by
government. Learn about first aid and use this knowledge as the situation demands. The members of St.John's Ambulance are creating an awareness on firstaid among school children. If they are consulted, they will give a presentation on
first-aid at the Schools.
We should not neglect the road accidents. Many people do not care for the
wounded people. This is highly objectionable and unpardonable crime. We or our
friends and relatives also may meet with accidents. What would happen if no one
cares? Think...
Even crows also gather around their fellow crow when something untoward
happens. We should be better than crows. We should take the wounded person to
hospital by keeping a side all our work. Thus we become life savers. Their family
will be grateful to you.
Key words
safety measures
natural calamities
water accidents
fire accidents
road accidents
first aid
108 vehicle
104 vehicle
sun stroke
What we have learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
Ramesh's grandfather was bitten by a snake. His father took him to the
people who recite mantras? What will you do? Why?
What questions will you ask to know more about 108 services?
What questions will you ask the electrician to know more about the care
to be taken to avoid electric shock.
What are the contents of a first aid box? Guess and Confirm with a
Keep some slates one above the other. Construct a house on it with
small card board pieces. Pull out a slate. Observe what happens and
Visit an office, cinema hall or industry nearby. Observe the safety measures taken. Write about them.
Collect the details of the recent flood / cyclone / road accident / fire
accident from the news papers. Make an album and display. Discuss the
reasons and preventions in groups.
Accidents in a
Collect the names of the officers and their cell numbers concerning
emergeney services i.e., 108, 104, fire engine, hospital, ambulance, electricity office, police station etc.
What is the need of first aid? What can you do if you learn it?
I can do this
1. I can talk about safety measures. I can explain where and how to Yes / No
take safety measures.
2. I can observe and record the details of a accident.
Yes / No
3. I can collect the details from health workers. I can collect the
emergency services phone numbers.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Do you know any of the above forts and where are they? Do you have any
such forts in your district?
How do you feel, when you see the above pictures? Did you ever visit any
such place?
What information do we get either on seeing them or studying about them?
Identify the above forts / sites on the map of our State.
12.2. Wanaparthi fort
The house we live in, clothes we wear, food we eat, traditions we follow,
etc., reflect our culture. The facilities we are enjoying now were not there in the
past. Similarly there will be many changes occurring in the time to come.
Find out from your elders the story behind the name of
your village.
for protection from enemies and as a symbol of their victories. They stand as
evidence to the history of hundreds of years. Shall we know about the kings who
ruled us and the buildings they built?
Built by
Kamineni dynasty
Recharla PadmaNayaka
Khammam Qila
Kakatiya Kings
Medak Qila
Sir Viquar-Ul-Umra
The founder of Vanaparti estate was Janu Veera Krishna Reddy. He lived in
Patapalli in 1510 A.D. Later he built a fort in Sugur near patapalli and shifted his
residence to Sugur. It was named as sugur estate from then onwards. The sugur
estate was a subordinate kingdom under Golkonda Sultans. In those days Golkonda
was ruled by sultan Quli Qutub Shah. Estate rulers were called as Reddy Rajulu
(Reddy Kings).
Peddajanam peta
Why did the Kings in the past change the capital from one place to another?
Calculate how long it had been since the construction of the fort?
Out of fifteen generations that ruled Vanaparti estate from 1510 A.D. to 1948
A.D. there were seventeen kings and six queens, The Kings of this estate worked
hard for the development of agriculture. They constructed 7 huge tanks in the
villages that fall under the range of the estate. They provided irrigation facilities to
thousands of acres. The drinking water needs were served by the tanks.
Do you know?
After India became independent, Sardar Vallabah Bhai Patel merged all the
estates in the Indian Union. Small Estates in our state were also merged.
Nizams estate was the last in the country to merge in the Indian Union.
Sankara Sea
Ranga Sea
Veera Sea
Mahabhupal Sea
Krishna Sea
Gopala Sea
Rama Sea
Sri Rangapuram
Think and say
Do you know?
12.4. Arts
Reddy Kings had a good taste in arts. Many colourful designs are found on
the walls and the roofs of the buildings constructed by them. Even today, those
designs are in tact. They brought men and material from Germany to make those
designs. It reflects the artistic grandeur of those days. They encouraged music,
dance and handicrafts.
Youve seen the roofs, Havent you? What are the differences between
these roofs and roofs of our houses?
Look at the picture above. How is its construction?
What are the things used most in their construction?
Why would have they used those things?
12.5. Temples
List out the donts when we go to places of visit, ancient / old monuments
What is the greatness of those ancient monuments?
Do this
When compared with the temples of past what are the differences in the
temples of today?
Some ancient temples are in dilapidated condition, why are they so?
How can we save them?
12.7 Administration
They used to measure the lands and then tax was imposed accordingly.
They divided the estate into three parts. They are: 1) Sugur region 2) Vanaparti
region 3) Keshampeta region. They possessed powerful army. Southern borders
of Nizams kingdom were protected by this army.
Do you know?
sugar sikkas
Latha visited the Golconda Fort with her uncle. What questions she
might ask to know about the fort?
Visit any building or an ancient temple nearby, observe and write a note
on it.
5. Communication through mapping skills, drawing pictures and making
a) Draw the design of any roof.
b) Point our Mahabubnagar and Wanaparti in Telangana map
c) Make a model of any fort with clay.
d) You had a look at the forts in the beginning of the lesson. Identify in
Telangana map the districts, in which these forts are.
6. Appreciation, values and creating awareness towards bio-diversity
a) What are the important aspects of the Wanaparti Fort.
b) The construction of the fort involved the labour of many people. Write a
note appreciating their hard work.
c) Is it necessary to protect the historical buildings? Give reasons.
d) State, what precautions you take when you would visit the historical
e) How can we protect these places?
f) Name the materials used in buildings the forts. Where do they get these
I can do this
1. I can explain the importance of the ancient buildings and forts.
2. I can ask questions to know more about the ancient buildings.
3. I can tabulate the information about these buildings, after
seeking it.
4. I can mark the places of these historical sites on the T.S. map.
5. I can prepare sketch of these places and can prepare their
models too.
6. I can explain the necessity of protecting the historical buildings.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
13.1. Observe the picture and say
Some vehicles need fuels like petrol and diesel to run. Vehicles like bullock
carts and rikshaws do not need fuel. We pull them with energy obtained from
eating food. Vehicles and machines work with the help of fuels like petrol, diesel
and also with electricity and gas. The food we take gives us energy. Fuels provide
energy to vehicles or machines. Energy is needed for men and machines work and
vehicles to move.
13.2. What do these need?
Group work
13.3. Energy resources
Energy is obtained from different sources like sun, wind, water, petrol, diesel,
kerosene, gas and coal etc. Among these petrol, diesel, kerosene, gas, coal, water
etc., get depleted when used in thoroghly. Resources like sun wind will never get
exhausted. The world needs energy for many things. It is needed for any work and
for survival. Mankinds need for energy has increased because of the increase in the
13.3.1. Non - renewable resources.
Energy that comes from burning fossil fuels is called fuel energy. Coal, kerosene, gas, petrol, diesel etc are fuels. The energy obtained by burning these fuels is
used to generate electricity and in transportation, operating the various machines in
industries and cooking food in the houses etc. These fuels are extracted from the
earth. Trees and animals which were burried for lakhs of years inside the earth
ultimately were transformed into fules. We are using these fuels, petrol, coal and
natural gas. In huge quantities and in couple of hundred years they will get exhausted
Group work
13.3.2. Renewable energy resources
Sunlight water and wind never get exhausted. These are called renewable
resources. Let us know more about them.
Do you know
How do street lights light
up with solar energy? When
sunrays fall on the solar cells
they and produce (current)
electricity. We use the electricSolar street light
ity in the battery when needed.
Electricity produced during
day time is stored in chargin the batteries. Which is use to light up the streets at
Following are the appliances that work with the help of solar energy.
Solar heater
Solar car
Group work
In our country, Gujarat uses solar energy to the maximum extent. Schools and
government offices in this state use electric appliances that use solar energy. Radio, television and computer etc., can be operated using solar energy.
The large fans move when wind blows. When these fans move, electricity is
generated due to the energy of the wind. These wind mills are arranged where the
wind blows fairly well like on hills or on sea shores. Wind has the capacity to push
things. Wind energy is used to rotate the fans, to pull out from water wells and to
run vehicles and to make the boats move on surface of water.
13.6. Water energy
Think and say
Water which is stored at a height and allowed to fall down. This water energy
can be used in producing electricity. Electricity is generated in the hydro electric
projects by the rotation of turbines by making water to fall on them. Observe the
picture of Nagarjuna sagar project given below.
Nagarjunasagar Dam
Where are the Hydro electric power stations located in our state?
What are the differences between hydro electricity and thermal electricity. Which electricity is used more?
13.7. Energy resources in future
Petrol and coal reserves are diminishing continuously, so we should learn to
depend upon the energy resources that do not diminish even after use. Effective
methods to use solar energy hydroenergy, wind energy must be found out by
experimenting. You should try them in future.
Observe the following table.
Petrol, diesel, kerosene, coal are the Solar energy, wind energy,
hydroenergy are the examples
Cost High
Cost less
Non Pollutants
Which resources should be used more from the above table? Why?
How to save fuels?
Walk short distances on foot. Thus, we can save fuel and enhance our health.
Travel in public transport systems like RTC buses and trains as far as
possible. Do not use car for short distances. This causes traffic and
pollution on roads.
Do not use electric lamps as far as possible in the daytime. Open windows and doors to keep the house well lit and ventilated.
Switch off the current while going out of the house and at nights while
sleeping. Do not keep the lights on in bathrooms and toilets when not
required. Do not use geysers, electric cookers microwave ovens, electric iron boxes, washing machines, grinders etc except in case of emergency.
We should use natural air for cooling our bodies. Use fans only when
needed. Air Conditioners will not be necessary if you grow plants and
trees around the house and in your surroundings.
Use bicycles instead of cars, motorcycles and scooters. This is the practice in many European countries.
natural gas
renewable energy
solar energy
hydro energy
fuel energy
wind electricity
hydro electricity
energy resources
wind energy
What have we learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
Power cuts are more now a days. Meet the electricity officer of your
area. Ask him about the reasons for powercut.
How many units are spent in a month? Observe and write how many
units of electricity is consumed in your house. How much money is paid
in a month towards electricity bill?
Visit four of your friend's houses. How much money is paid in a month
towards electricity bill. How many units are consumed. What are the
reasons? Collect the details and write down in the table.
Name of
the friend
Electricity bill
Make a table of appliances in your house or village that work with different energy resources.
Draw the picture of any one electric appliance used in your house. Write
about it.
Wood is also a fuel. Wood is mostly used for cooking purposes. What
can be used as an alternative? In case you must use wood what would
you do?
Which is the best among wind energy, hydro energy, fuel energy, solar
energy? Why? Which among the above should be saved? What can we
Display slogans to make everyone aware that water and eletricity must
be saved.
I can do this
1. I can explain the activities to save fuel.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
14.1. India
Himalaya Mountain
Bay of Bengal
1 cm = 200 kms
Hindu Ocean
Children! Have you heard the above song? What does the song tell you about?
Yes, this tells us about our country, that is, India. We all are Indians. You have read
about our state in the 4th class. You know the details of our state's map, districts,
mandals and their borders etc., Now, let us know more about our country!
Group Work
Look at the map of India given in the previous page.
Locate our state. Colour it in green.
Colour the states which are adjacent to our state with blue colour.
Which states are adjacent to the Bay of Bengal.
Which states are adjacent to the Arabian Sea?
Write the borders (Frontiers) of India.
How many states are there in
There are 29 states
and 7 union territories in Do you know?
India. New Delhi is the capital of India. India
Russia, Canada, China,
occupies 7th place in the world on the basis of
area. There are Vindhya and Satpura mountains United States of America,
in the central part of India. The land to the north Brazil, Australia are greater in
of Vindhya mountains is called north India and area compared to India.
the land to the south is called south India.
India is one of the oldest country in the world. Our country has thousands of
years of historical heritage. Our country is treasure of knowledge by virtue of
Vedas, Upanishads and Ithihasas. The religions Buddhism, Jainism that preach
Santhi-the-peace was established on our mother land.
Aryabhatta, Varahamihira, charaka, susrutha, pathanjali etc., were the greatest
rushies (scientists) created voluminus knowledge in the fields of mathematics,
medicine, astronamy and yoga. Our India has different religions, languages (1652
languages are recoginised by our constitution) landforms, culture and tredition.
Because of this unity in diversity India the 'sub continent' become role model for
the world.
Do This
You know the six regions of India. Colour the regions in the
map of India gives below.
Eastern India - Blue; Western India - Yellow;
Northern India - Pink; Southern India - Green;
North-Eastern States - Red; Central India - Violet.
What is there on the four sides of our country? Point out
on the map.
India Map
14.3. Continents - occeans
World Map
There are many countries in the world. The surface of earth is made up of
extended land and water. For our convinience, we have divided the whole world
into continents and oceans. Look at the world map given below:
Think and say
Which oceans are located beside India? Which countries and continents
are adjacent to the Pacific ocean?
Observe the World map and write down the names of the oceans.
The equator passes through which countries? Name some of them.
The whole world is divided into seven continents. They are : Asia, Europe,
Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. Asia is the largest
of all continents. The smallest continent is Australia.
All the continents have mountains. There are plateaus and plains at some places.
Some mountains have a great height (Eg: Himalayas of India, Andes mountains of
South America) the others are with less in height (Eg: Alps mountains of Europe).
Usually, the upper part of the mountains would be very cool and with more slopes.
That is why the population will be very less there. Plateaus will be shorter than
mountains almost with flat surfaces and sloping edges. The population in plateaus
is more than that of the mountain regions. Plains are flat. Population will be more in
plains. As the atmosphere on the mountains is cool, fog forms easily.
Group Work
14.4. Water region
Large salty water regions on the earth are called oceans and the smaller ones
are called seas. These will be in different shapes and sizes. All oceans are joined
with one another around the continents. There are four oceans. They are Pacific
Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean. Pacific is the largest and
Arctic is the smallest Oceans. The lands surrounded by water on all four sides are
Group Work
Do you know?
When we go upwards from the sea level, for every ascent of 1000
mtrs. temperature reduces by 40 centigrade.
called Islands. Eg: Green Land, Great Britain. The land surrounded by water on
three sides and land on one side is called a Peninsula. Example: India.
Water occupies more area than land on earth.
Nearly, 75% of the surface of the Earth is covered
by water. Most of the underground water is formed
due to this water regions.
The water in the Oceans evaporates due to
the heat of the sun. This water vapour goes up
and form as clouds. When the temperature
reduces, the clouds get cooled and it rains. This continuous process is called
'Water cycle'. In this process, water becomes water vapour and the water vapour
changes back into water.
Do you know?
The surface of the oceans sinks at some places. Due to this, deep pits form.
These pits are the deepest parts in the oceans. Some of these are deeper than
10,000 mtrs. Some pits are so deep that the
Himalayas also will submerge in them. High mountains are also present in the oceans. The mountain
ranges are extended in the waters of the pacific,
Indian and Atlantic oceans. The total length of these
mountain ranges is about 65,000 kms, and they form
the longest mountain ranges on the earth. The crests
of some of these mountains extend above the water
level of the seas and form Islands.
The ocean water is a mixture of various salts. Sodium chloride (Common salt)
is a major component of the ocean waters. The ocean water contains 96 percent
water and 4 percent of salts and other unsoluble solids. Ocean water is denser than
pure water.
nation, world
north India
central India
south India
west India
east India
water part
land part
What have we learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
a) Define the borders of India?
b) Write the names of all the continents and the oceans.
c) Differentiate between an Island and a Peninsula. Give examples.
d) Which continents are adjoining to the Atlantic Ocean?
e) Name all the South Indian states.
2. Questioning and hypothesis
Look at the World map or India map and frame 5 questions.
Experiments - field observations
Observe and write a note about the different cultures and traditions followed in your village.
Information skills, projects
I can do this
1. I can explain the important geographical features of our country. Yes / No
2. I can collect and tabulate the information of states and their
Yes / No
3. I can draw and explain the essential features of the water cycle.
Yes / No
Yes / No
15.2. Preamble of the Indian Constitution
Our Constitution starts with a Preamble. This is an introduction or a foreword
to the constitution and gives information about the objectives of our nation.
Group work
Sovereign means we can take our own decisions regarding our country. No
other country will be allowed to get involved in the decisions making process of
our country. But we maintain good relations with other countries for trading, education etc., and make agreements.
Socialist means involving all the people of the country in production and
wealth creation processes and enjoying the wealth equally. Everyone should share
the wealth. Everyone should have equal opportunities to get sufficient food, live a
healthy life, go to school, not get discriminated and receive all the facilities. We all
should work for this equality and help others. We should always think that our
welfare lies in welfare of others.
Everyone should
be able to go to
Let us share our
belongings with others
Everyone should
be given sufficient food
should live
have safe
Doctors should be
available to all
Secular means all religions are looked upon as equal. Equal respect will be
given to all religions and beliefs. Government does not give prominence to any
single religion. Every citizen will be given freedom to practice the religion he/she
likes. Governments will not be formed on the basis of religion.
In India, 80% of the population is Hindus. Muslims are 13% and Christians
2%. The remaining are Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains etc; The religions like Sikhism,
Buddhism and Jainism were born in India. Buddhism spread to other countries.
Democratic Republic Country means the representatives elected by the
people rule the country. There are no kings or queens. the representatives elected
by the people run the government. The government formed of the people, by the
people and for the people is called a democratic form of government. For this the
people cast their vote and elect the leaders.
We should elect the people who work for us and who are good and selfless.
These elected people should run the government according to the rules written in
the constitution and protect the commoners. They should always think about the
welfare of everyone. They should meet the masses and try to know their condition.
They should feel that helping people is their most important job.
Group work
Do you know?
The leaders we elect make the laws. These laws will be made in the Parliament. Parliament has two houses namely, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha. People
elect 543 members to the Lok Sabha by casting votes for them. Two members
will be nominated without elections. 233 members will be elected for Rajya Sabha.
12 members will be nominated without elections for Rajya Sabha. The total
number of members in Parliament is 790.
Our state has Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council. 119 members
will be elected to Legislative Assembly by casting votes. These members are
called the 'Member of Legislative Assembly' (M.L.A.). 40 members will be elected
to the Legislative Council. These members are called 'Member of Legislative
Council' (M.L.C.).
In our country the people who cross the age of 18 years will get the right to
vote. He / she can cast his / her vote as per his wish for a candidate contesting in
the elections.
People below the age of 18 years will not be given the right to vote. Why?
Who is your M.L.A.? Has he ever visited your school or village? Why?
15.3.3. Equal justice - social, economical, political justice
Everyone is equal in terms of receiving education, implementation of laws,
honour, dignity, opportunities, enjoying rights, receiving benefits, health facilities
There should be no descrimination on the basis of gender, religions, castes,
etc. All should be respected and treated as equals. Everyone should get equal
opportunities of education and employment.
15.3.4. Equality
15.3.5. Freedom of thoughts, freedom of expressions, freedom of faith, freedom of practice and freedom for worship
Constitution provides many freedoms to us. They are : freedom of speech,
freedom of writing, freedom of visiting places any where in India without
fear, freedom of residing at a place without fear, freedom of choosing friends,
freedom of practicing the religion we like etc. We can study the course
we like. The constitution has given freedom to us untill no harm is
done to others.
Group work
How do you utilise the freedom of speech?
How should we use the right to freedom without causing harm to others.
Do you think that you have freedom? What are the different freedoms
you enjoy? What are the different freedoms you have lost?
Do you ask questions freely in your class and school?
Right to
Right to live
without fear
Right to
Right to
express the
Right to live
15.3.6. Developing self respect, national integration and universal brotherhood
According to our constitution, everyone should receive equal respect. Many
people live in our society. Are we giving equal respet to all or are some given more
respect than others? Some people are never given any at respect, think...
Do This
Look at the following table. Particulars of some the people
of the society are given below. Fill in the particulars reagarding
the extent to which they are given respect put a (3) mark.
People of the
House maids
Illiterate persons
Senior Citizens
Rich People
Very Less
You have marked for different people. Your friends might also have marked.
Who is respected the most? Who is respected the least? What did you understand from this?
We all should live as members of a single family with affection, like brothers
and sisters. Everyone should be responsible for each other and cooperate with
each other. Everyone should strive together for the developement of our country,
irrespective of religion, language, culture etc. Our country should be strengthened
and its unity in diversity should be respected any understood.
Brotherhood means living like brothers and sisters. All Indians should lead
their lives as brothers and sisters of a family with affection towards each other.
They should help each other and live together. Though languages, religions and
food habits are different, still all should live together as Indians.
15.4. Rights and duties
The Indian constitution has given us some rights and duties. The various rights
given are : Right to work, Right to freedom of speech, Right to freedom of Religion, Right against exploitation, Right to vote, Right to Education, Right to establish societies. Similarly, the constitution has given certain duties also.
Fundamental duties
a) Respecting the constitution, national flag and national anthem.
b) Cherishing the noble ideals of the freedom struggle.
c) Defending the country and rendering national service when called for.
d) Upholding and protecting the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
e) Promoting harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all
the people of India and renouncing any practice derogatory to the dignity of women.
f) Preserving the rich heritage of the nation's composite culture.
g) Protecting and improving the natural environment including forests, lakes,
rivers and wild life and having compassion for living creatures.
h) Developing scientific aptitude, humanity and spirit of inquiry for
i) Safeguarding public property and abjuring violence.
Group work
Which rights are you enjoying? Which rights you have been
What should we do to practice the fundamental duties?
What is discrimination?
Some people are subjected to discrimination which means not everyone can
enjoy all the rights. Not receiving equal respect, denial of freedom, non-recognition, prohibition from educational opportunities etc, comes under discrimination.
But, this should not happen. Everyone should be able to enjoy the rights and
everyone should develop as far as possible.
Republican Country
contituent assembly
freedom, equality
preamble / foreword
What have we learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
a) What is meant by constitution? Who has framed it?
b) Write any 4 aspects of the Preamble.
c) Write the reasons for why the people need liberty?
d) What are your rights and duties?
2. Questioning and hypothesis
The constitution has provided freedom and equality to us. Visit and
observe your village and find out whether anybody from your village is
not receiving the freedom and equality granted to us by the constitution.
4. Information skills, projects
I can do this
1. I can explain important points of our constitution.
2. I can give the reasons for non achievement of equal justice to all.
3. I can frame questions on the basis of the Preamble of
our constitution.
4. I can write a letter appreciating the contributions of the architects
of our constitution.
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Children! now you know when you feel happy. Well! you also feel unhappy,
now and then. Try to remember on what occasions, which persons, things and
places make you unhappy.
Situations that make you unhappy
What are the incidents that make
you unhappy
Do you know?
Helen Keller was born in America. When she was 19 months old, she had
viral fever and lost both her vision and speech. She lost her hearing ability also.
But her parents did not loose hope. Neither did they ridicule the girl and nor her
disabilities. They tried to make her happy. Helen Keller learnt the Braille script at
the age of 8 years. She learnt to speak under the supervision of her teacher,
'Saraputter'. She learnt lanugage by keeping her fingers on the lips and throat of
the speakers. She started giving speeches about the 'people with special needs'
from the age of 33 years. Inspired by her determination, many Indian parents of
children with disabilities, shifted them back to their homes and started paying
personal attention. Helen Keller inspired many people in various ways.
The children who are happy and healthy will grow up as good citizens and
strive for the development and pride of India.
Now, let us know the different rights you have.
Right to Survival
Right to Protection
Right to Development
Right to Participation
Look at the pictures on Child Rights
Right to survivel
Right to participate in
cultural programmes
Right to relaxation
Right to play
Right to freedom of
Right to appreciation
Right to freedom of
Right to freedom
of Religion
Group work
Which of the above mentioned Child Rights you enjoy?
What are the rights you want to enjoy now, which are not already
provided to you?
What do you do to ensure that all the Children enjoy their rights?
You want to enjoy Rights. In your opinion, how and who should
help you to get these rights.
Who are street children? Why do they become street children?
What should we do to them?
Children's rights should be protected every where. At home, school, society
and wherever they participate, their rights should be understood and protected.
Elders should know the child rights and act accordingly.
Do This
16.6.2. Child rights protection club
Child Rights protection clubs should be started in each and every school.
Children should become the members of this club. This ward help in the protection of child rights. They should meet every month and review the proceedings.
The important activities of this club are to ensure that Child Rights are not violated
and to fulfil the needs of the children.
Always be happy. Play games. Ask and find out about things without
fear. Remember asking questions is your birthrihgt and manking has progressed only by asking questions. Participate in every thing. Follow your likes. Honour the rights of
other children. Act freely.
16.6.3. Special help centre for children - child line
To Whom?
The centre is for child labourers, street children, children subjected to discrimination, children habituated to drugs, victims of child marriages, H.I.V. /
Aids infected children.
How does it function?
The children or the persons who want to help the children can dial the tolfree
number 1098. Then the information will be passed to the officials on child line.
They respond immediately and take proper action for the children. They unite
the children with their parents when it is needed; otherwise, send the children to
children's rehabiliatation centres and provide free accommodation and education.
child rights
Right to developement
Right to survival
Right to participation
Right to protection
healthy atmosphere
child parliament
Centre for protection of
child rights
Child rights protection
What we have learnt?
1. Conceptual understanding
a) What are the Rights of the children?
b) What is right to participation? Where should the children participate?
c) Why are the children loosing their Rights?
2. Questioning and hypothesis
Observe the children of your village and write down the Rights they are
4. Information skills, projects
Collect the following particulars from your class. How many children
are healthy? How many children play games every day? How many children take Mid-day-meals? How many children ask questions freely? How
many children are called by their names?
5. Communication through mapping skills, drawing pictures and making
By drawing pictures show how the children look like when they play and
sing happily.
6. Appreciation, values and creating awareness towards bio-diversity
a) Some children go to work without attending school. These children lose
their childhood. They don't enjoy their Rights. What do you do to Readmit them into the school?
b) Write some slogans on Child Rights keeping in view what parents and
teachers should do. Exhibit them in the classroom.
c) Join as a member of Child Rights protection club in your school. Inform
your problems to your Headmaster.
I can do this
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No