Protecting The Homeland: Report of The Defense Science Board 2000 Summer Study Executive Summary

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Protecting the Homeland

Report of the Defense Science Board

2000 Summer Study
Executive Summary
Volume I

February 2001
Office of the Undersecretary of Defense
For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
Washington, D.C. 20301-3140

The DSB is a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to the
Secretary of Defense. Statements, opinions, conclusions and recommendations in this report do
no necessarily represent the official position of the Department of Defense.
This report is unclassified.

ollowing the end of the Cold War, and the subsequent changes in the geopolitical
structure, this nation is faced with a different and unique set of direct threats to the
homeland. The motives and methods of these new adversaries, which include
countries, organizations and individuals, are quite distinct from those posed during the conflict
with the Soviet Union.

There is a new and ominous trend in these threats to the United States homeland. Whereas the
nations historic focus has been on defense of the border, these new threats are not amenable to
such perimeter defenses. They require layered approaches that include both perimeter defenses
and defense against insider threats. The trend toward reliance on the civilian and commercial
infrastructure exacerbates the difficulty of such protection. These emerging threats are bringing
new demands on the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. The Defense
Science Board addresses these demands in the 2000 summer study and will continue to do so in a
series of other topical studies.


Biological II


Threats to

Peer Nuclear
Ballistic Missile
Intell for
Threats to the



The spectrum of potential threats to the homeland includes:

?? The peer nuclear ballistic missile threat, which remains the most visible threat to the
?? A growing limited ballistic threat from several nations with interests inimical to that of
the United States;
?? The availability of a large quantity of reasonably inexpensive cruise missiles to many
nations on the international arms market; and

?? An increasing proclivity of nations and transnational actors to consider use of weapons

with much greater levels of violence weapons of mass destruction such as biological,
chemical, unconventional nuclear and information warfare weaponry.
The Defense Science Board 2000 summer study focused on defense against three weapons of
mass destruction (biological threats, unconventional nuclear threats and information warfare
threats) and on the related intelligence needs for civil support. Other DSB task forces are or will
address chemical warfare threats, peer nuclear ballistic threats, and the unique intelligence needs
associated with the full spectrum of threats to the homeland. In the future, the DSB may study
the limited ballistic missile and cruise missile threats to the homeland.
These DSB studies are intended to identify the technology and operational capability needed to
protect the homeland. They do not address the assignment of roles and missions for employing
said capabilities, whether within the Department of Defense or elsewhere in the US Government.
Such assignments are the focus of considerable and continuing interest of a myriad of other
groups and, irrespective of the assignment, the needed capabilities do not now exist to provide
for adequate security.

The New Problem Set

Dual Use Attributes
Military Specific
Many Potential
Certain Few

Information Age
Cold War
Foreign Battlefield

Significant change in every dimension



The capability base of both the military and the intelligence community must evolve to meet the
new demands imposed by this emerging set of threats. These threats necessitate dramatically
reduced timelines for response than were acceptable for larger-scale conventional combat during
the Cold War. The battlefields of the 21st century now include United States homeland in
addition to foreign soils and encompass both military and civilian targets. Additionally, the
adversary is no longer monolithic and is less predictable. Weapons are now integrated within the

civilian and commercial infrastructures rather than military specific. This dual-use nature of
technology makes capabilities such as early warning, determining what is out there and what can
people do, increasingly difficult.
The listing of facts below gives a sense of the gravity of the hazard posed by emerging
biological, unconventional nuclear and information warfare threats. Often, such threats are
equated in peoples minds with terrorism, and terrorism is viewed more as an irritating,
annoying mosquito bite than as a true threat to the homeland. As these facts indicate, this is not
the case.

Gravity of the Problem

? Biological Threat
? Iraq stockpiled: Botulinum Toxin: 19,000 L (10,000 L weaponized);
Anthrax: 8500 L (6500 weaponized); Aflatoxin: 2200 L (1580 L
? Russian BW program created quantity of anthrax that could kill the
worlds population four times over
? In recent US TOPOFF experiment, BW attack effective against State of
Colorado, with spread nationally and internationally
? Four people can produce anthrax simulant in 3 weeks with a quarter
million dollars
? No excess capacity in civilian healthcare system or pharmaceutical/
vaccine production (operate at ~95% capacity)
? Unconventional Nuclear Threat
? More than 1500 Tons of weapon-grade materials in Russia under loose
? Small (1Kt) weapon fits in a backpack or suitcase; larger weapon (10Kt)
fits in truck roughly same size as Hiroshima
? Information Warfare Threat
? I Love You virus contaminates over 1 Million computers in 5 hours
? Viruses cost $1.5 trillion a year; bill for large US firms will be $266
billion (2.5% of US GDP)
? At least 20 countries are developing tools to attack computer-based
infrastructure: Internet relies on 13 key nodes
? More than 22,000 cyber attacks on DoD systems reported to Joint Task
Force for Computer Network Defense in 1999


The capabilities to address this threat spectrum include five interdependent elements:
1. Early capability assessment;
2. Actions taken to prevent attack of the United States, either through deterrence or through
direct interdiction;
3. Protection of critical assets and infrastructure;
4. Consequence management, should an attack occur; and
5. Attribution of the perpetrators of such an attack and, in certain cases, retaliation.
It is important to note that, if the United States has a good capability for attribution and if such
capability is widely known, it can serve as a deterrent to attack and, in some measure,
compensate for limitations in early capability assessment.

Current Capability










The BW task force found that this nation does not have an effective, early capability to assess the
BW threat, and, as a consequence, cannot prevent such a crisis (i.e., the nation cannot really trust
that 50-100 million Americans will be protected by suits or positive-air-pressure buildings or
masks). The infrastructure does not exist to execute the desired consequence management
measures. The recent set of exercises in the state of Colorado (TOPOFF) highlighted deficiencies
in the national infrastructure. This nations healthcare system now operates at near 95% capacity
and does not have the ability to absorb a mass casualty event. Furthermore, the databases and
associated machinery for attribution are not available today, which is why this task force judges
this capability as inadequate to the job.
The DIO task force also found many deficiencies in the US capability to defend against
information warfare, particularly in early capability assessment and the derived capability of
prevention by deterrence or interdiction. The nations ability to conduct indications and warning,
attribution and response is, at best, dilatory, due to complex technical, policy, legal and
interagency coordination issues.
The US capability to defend against unconventional nuclear attack is more developed than
capabilities against biological and information warfare attacks. There is a significant experience
base and some infrastructure to support early capability assessment and hence, crisis prevention.
However, the ability to protect against an attack is sorely lacking. This point is increasingly
disconcerting given the magnitude and time-scale of devastation associated with a successful
attack. Additionally, improvements are needed with regard to attribution.

There are many factors, some political and some technical, which contributed to the current state
of affairs.

Threat to the Homeland

How We Got Here?

Dissolution of the Soviet Union

U.S. symmetric dominance makes us target for

asymmetric attack

As only superpower, United States is a target


Widespread availability and low cost of biological,

chemical and information warfare technology

Global pool of skilled human resources

Internet as C3

Fragility of complex, interdependent society



As the remaining superpower, the United States has become a target for both countries and
transnational actors. Potential adversaries are more likely to use asymmetric warfare in the future
due to a number of factors, the following of which are by no means an exhaustive list. The
breakup of the Soviet Union has led to equipment, materiel and human resources being on the
market. Use of these resources for non-traditional attack will prove considerably less costly than
mounting a traditional attack. Attribution remains ambiguous in an asymmetric attack, which
contributes to the appeal of asymmetric warfare. Additionally, the threat of an asymmetric attack
poses danger not only in the physical effects of such an attack but in the psychological fear and
damage it could beget as well.
In terms of technology, the biggest driver has been that biological, chemical, and information
technologies are very inexpensive and widely available. The trend is toward lower cost, higher
performance and even wider availability. Further, skilled human resources are becoming
increasingly available and are geographically everywhere. The Internet actually provides a
superb command and control system, which was part of its original intent. The United States has
become a relatively fragile, complex, interdependent society, which can lead to vulnerabilities
that are not fully understood.
While the task force recognizes the broader US federal, state and local government and private
sector aspects of meeting evolving threats to the homeland, the scope of the subject was too large
to include the full range of national and, even, international issues in this effort. Hence the task

force generally limited its focus to DoDs and the Intelligence Communitys capabilities and
responsibilities a large enough set of issues.

DoDs and ICs Historic Contributions


Deterrence or




Threats to Our






Threats to Our
Allies and






Peer Nuclear
Ballistic Missiles
Threat to US






BW, CW, IW &

Nuclear Threats
to US Homeland







As shown above, the contributions of DoD and the Intelligence Community have historically
been substantial in defense of its military forces and against threats to Allies and friends. This is
true, as well, in cases where the threat manifests itself in the form of an attack from outside the
borders of the United States (e.g., deterring attack by nuclear-armed ballistic missiles).
Although acting in a supporting role to other federal, state and local authorities, the Defense
Department and Intelligence Community have significant capabilities to contribute in countering
threats to the US homeland posed by BW, CW, IW and unconventional nuclear warfare (e.g., in
civil support and consequence management).
These task forces do not make any particular recommendations with regard to the roles and
missions of DoD and the Intelligence Community except to comment that they will likely
change given their very strong capabilities. The nations leaders must become the catalysts for
that change. While there is some formality regarding who is in charge (i.e., formally assigned
roles), there seems to be a mismatch between those formally in charge and those that actually
have capability.

What is the right balance of investment for the Department and the Intelligence Community to be
making? The table below provides an indication of todays investment balance (as reflected in
the FY2001 Presidents Budget).
The numbers in this table were derived by applying
commonplace and, in many instances, mandatory private sector accounting principles to allocate
It has been observed, Here is the Defense Science Board again making recommendations to
spend money, and there is just no money. The DSB believes that this situation must be
regarded as something quite different. This is not a case of yet another aircraft to go along with
the many aircraft we now have. These threats are different, and the DSB sees a more
fundamental need for the DoD and the Intelligence Community to restructure their investment

What is the Right Balance?

2001 Budget

? Protecting the homeland against

peer nuclear attack


? Deterring regional conflicts to protect

allies, friends and American interests


? Civil and counter-drug support


? Overseas Contingencies


? Protecting homeland against rogue nation

ballistic missile attack


? Protecting homeland against biological, chemical,

information and unconventional
unconventional nuclear
nuclear attacks
attacks ~$3B
FY 2001 (Sources: Green Book,
Counterterrorism Report to Congress) 8


The task force believes that a greater emphasis should be placed on these emerging threats to the
homeland than is evident in todays budget allocation. The Department and the Intelligence
Community must re-think this investment balance which is always hard in a large bureaucracy.
Countering threats to the homeland is the subject of this series of studies. There was no attempt
to recommend the investment rebalancing associated with pursuit of such ideas. This activity is
left to the Department and its leaders.

Volumes II through IV of this summer study report present a number of recommendations that
can provide a basis for progress in addressing three important threats to the homeland. If
implemented, these recommendations will have a strong and positive impact on our nations
capabilities, as shown below. But they will not draw the nation into a posture that provides the
robust set of capabilities that it demands. Achieving such a posture will require a dedicated and
long-term effort. The DSB intends to continue to look for promising capabilities in redressing
remaining deficiencies.

Achievable from Summer Study









G = Adequate capability
Y = Marginal capability
R = Inadequate capability




As it stands, the recommendations may not make the nation much better off in early capability
assessment and, hence, prevention by deterrence and interdiction in all unconventional
categories. The exception would be unconventional nuclear weapon defense. There is a broad
belief that such a capability would be incredibly powerful.

In its study of defenses against BW, unconventional nuclear and information warfare threats, the
summer study found several important integrating themes associated with emerging threats to the
homeland (as shown in the table below). Even though these are new and unconventional threats,
the nation does not have to discard all of its experience, thinking and posture associated with
defense some of the same thinking applies.

Integrating Themes
? Unconventional threats can act in concert (e.g., IW and BW)
? Attribution can be a deterrent
? Perpetrators can be virtually invisible based on their scale,
dual use tools, etc.
? Defense against attacks will require close cooperation
between the public and private sectors and among countries
? Such cooperation is controversial today
? The threat is evolving very rapidly; we must evolve even
? Government roles and Government capabilities are not
? Need national consensus that strenuous efforts are necessary
to prepare for or defend against such attacks
? Time to reprioritize investment


The task forces see unconventional threats acting in concert, not separately. For example, a
coordinated IW and BW attack would have a much more devastating impact than either attack
conducted alone.
Secondly, the task forces place very high value on attribution as a deterrent. Today, US
capabilities for attribution are poor and a perpetrator could operate with anonymity, should
he/she choose to do so. With effective (or perceived effective) attribution, such perpetrators
would be forced to think twice before attacking the US homeland.
Because of the dual-use nature of the technology and the difficulty of detection, which makes
intelligence such a critical issue, the DSB does not see the DoD and the Intelligence Community
being effective at early capability assessment of unconventional threats.
Cooperation between the public and private sectors, as well as within and between countries,
remains an imperative for successful defense of the US homeland and its allies. The road to
partnership is not yet paved, though necessary for the progress that the DSB is advocating.
Continued effort and collaboration will be required to achieve this goal.
Worth noting is the fact that the threat is evolving rapidly. The nations organizational
infrastructure is not adequately prepared to keep pace with this evolution and the task forces fear

that America will remain one step behind in its endeavor to keep pace with the techniques
employed by her adversaries.
The major recommendations of the DSB 2000 summer study are listed below.

Summary of Some Major

Unconventional Nuclear
? Deploy sensor networks to protect US forces
? Engage the National Labs in intelligence
? Enhance nuclear forensics to provide timely attribution
? Better secure nuclear materials in Russia
? Properly implement the Global Information Grid
? Recruit and retain, and vet IT professionals; sensitize and train users
? Imbed defensive information operations into mission activities;
measure readiness; expand red teaming
? Develop and field the infrastructure to rapidly detect and identify a
bioagent attack
? Promulgate early warning and assure response through a Joint
Biodefense Organization



Unconventional Nuclear Threat

The task force on the Unconventional Nuclear Threat focused on two main issues:
(1) Determine the adequacy of DoDs current ability to support detection, identification,
response, and prevention of unconventional nuclear attacks,
(2) Determine appropriate role(s) and needed capabilities (with a specific emphasis on technical
capabilities) for the DoD in support of homeland defense against unconventional nuclear
In response to point (1), the task force found that there is a substantial existing base of
capabilities, processes, experienced people, and roles/responsibilities framework within the DoD
and DOE for the unconventional nuclear threat (these were primarily within the NEST (Nuclear
Emergency Search Team) activities.
However, these capabilities and activities, and the
underlying strategy, are not as effective as they should be for the emerging nuclear threat.
In response to point (2) we found that the most credible unconventional nuclear threat to the
homeland is an attack executed or supported by another country, as opposed to a terrorist threat.
Further, that a primary target for such a threat would be our militarys war-fighting infrastructure
(military bases, main staging areas, strategic sealift and airlift ports, storage areas for overseas
pre-positioned equipment and supplies, etc). Additional attractive targets would be civilian

logistics and infrastructures (e.g. energy, transportation) that are essential to effective military
operations. Protection of these war-fighting assets and capabilities falls clearly within the
responsibility of the DoD. Thus, the task force recommendations regarding DoDs role is to
focus on protection and deterrence for unconventional nuclear attacks against these key military
and national targets.
The task force makes six specific recommendations, all of which are within current program
structures, are within the authority of current agencies, and are reasonable in cost. The principal
recommendation is the deployment of protection systems built from existing technology to key
military targets. Such systems would also provide a capability to deploy to a wider variety of
targets upon warning. Other recommendations are made that would lower the threat by (a)
limiting the availability of nuclear materials, (b) strengthening deterrence by improving our
ability to attribute an attack by upgrading our nuclear forensics capability, and (c) improve the
processing of intelligence collection to increase the sensitivity of detection of unconventional
nuclear threat indicators. We also recommend strengthening the existing R&D program to better
address the issues of cost, ease of deployment, and effectiveness of detection. Their final
recommendation is to perform thorough systems analyses of the unconventional nuclear threat to
better characterize the variety of threats and most effective responses.
These recommendations, taken together, form the basis of a more coherent strategy. When
executed, they provide the basis for extending protection to a broader range of homeland targets
and unconventional threats such as terrorists.
Information Warfare Threat
In its 1996 report, the Defense Science Board recommended that the Pentagon invest an
additional $3 billion to strengthen defenses of its information networks. The Department
accepted a number of the suggestions made by this task force, but technology has continued to
evolve. With the Department's embrace of Web-based technologies, defensive information
operations are even more vital now than it was four years ago.
Under Joint Vision 2020, future warfighting plans will be increasingly reliant on high-speed,
interconnected information networks to carry out battles, transmit plans, identify targets and even
conduct computer teleconferences among far-flung officers. This construct for the military is
built on an ability to detect and track the enemy, move that information across continents, fuse it
and analyze it, then decide and take action, often under very tight time constraints, sometimes
within minutes.
The Defense Department's networks both non-classified and classified ones, as well as its tactical
systems are, in part, on commercially available telecommunication assets. Rather than laying
cable and launching communications satellites itself, the Defense Department leases the vast
majority of those services from private industry, which for economic reasons tend to use the
most cost-effective option rather than the most secure. If there is a weakness in any part of the
network, the effect could be anything from a minor annoyance to the disruption of a military
operation at a critical juncture.


Together with DoD-unique software and systems, the commercial infrastructure forms the
underpinning of the "Global Information Grid," or GIG, the interconnected network of sensors
and information systems that will allow Joint Vision 2020 to be realized. The GIG is being
developed from legacy and new systems, growing in capability with every "node" a system
engineer connects to it - and is becoming increasingly vulnerable as well. Each component's
vulnerability to information operations exposes everyone else on the grid to the same intruders.
The task force emphasizes that the GIG is a weapon system and must be treated as such. The
nation is in an arms race with regard to superiority of such capabilities. Experience suggests that
as US defensive capabilities increase, so will the adversary's offense.
The task force concluded the Pentagon cannot tell whether these information systems are
hardened and ready for battle; struggles with the relationship between military defensive
information warfare operations and law enforcement operations, and has an insufficient
capability to restore the system's integrity if it is successfully attacked. Too much money and
time is being spent on the lower level threats to the nations networks (e.g., hackers), and not
enough on figuring out how to protect information systems from state and terrorist warriors who
understand how to exploit compromised data. Moreover, there is a serious shortage of
information-technology professionals on the Pentagon's payroll, and the deficit is expected to
The task force makes a variety of suggestions, the most important being that the DoD implement
a consistent security "architecture" for every node on the network that forms the GIG. The
Pentagons entire public Web sites should be moved off the Internet into a more controlled
environment, with encryption and digital identity "keys" widely used. The system should be
watched over by a host of different intrusion-detection systems. The task force recommends
investment in the constant improvement in the security of the GIG, as well as continued research
and development on key problem areas such as reconstitution. The task force suggestion
creation of a new DepSecDef-led Board to oversee implementation of the GIG and this new
security architecture.
To detect potential weaknesses, the task force then recommends that DoD create a permanent
opposition force to continuously test its own systems. Further, to help DoD achieve a better
capability to recover from a successful information attack, the task force suggest investment in
the various computer emergency response teams that have proliferated throughout the Pentagon,
standardizing their work, improving their cooperation and creating more of them.
To combat the "insider threat" posed by those with root access to networks, the task force
recommends conducting background checks on system administrators. It also recommends
beefing up security training for the everyday user of Defense Department networks.
The panelists would also make military commanders responsible for the military readiness of
their information systems, and would direct them to pinpoint and redress their vulnerabilities.
The task force also notes difficulties in sharing data between the national security community
and the National Infrastructure Protection Center, a division of the FBI created two years ago to

collect information on attacks and viruses, warn the private sector and help the federal
government respond. The National Infrastructure Protection Center's practice of restricting
information-sharing on incidents and investigations is inimical to DOD's interests and appears to
have no basis in law.
If an agreement cannot be reached for better sharing between the Pentagon and the Justice
Department, the task force recommends that DoD develop its own investigation-and-warning
process and work out ways to share its data with other government agencies and the private
Biological Warfare Threat
The task force on Defense against Biological Warfare concluded that the United States is illprepared prepared for a BW attack, asserting that 100 to 1,000 cases of one of these diseases in a
single city would tax the nations health care system. The task force paints a grim picture of the
effectiveness of biological warfare. For example, an attack on a city with 100 kilograms of
bioagent would kill one to three million people, twice the number of fatalities that would result
from a one megaton nuclear weapon. Moreover, because of the commercial nature of the
ingredients needed to manufacture viruses and pathogens, biological weapons are harder for
governments and monitoring regimes to track and control than nuclear weapons development.
This task force recommends that the Defense Department develop a database of biological
weapons, a computer chip to automatically diagnose the diseases in patients, and a computer
network that will rapidly warn health care centers about man-made outbreaks.
?? The first step recommended is for the Defense Department to create a "Bio-Print"
database that would create "signatures" of the up to 50 bioagents that cause human
disease. Acquiring threatening bioagents should be given urgent priority and would
not only yield medicines and vaccines against them but also help track leakage of the
diseases into "states of concern" like Iraq and terrorist groups. At the same time, it
would profile the signatures of organisms used in the private sector for legitimate
?? The next step would be to create the diagnostic "Zebra Chip" - a reference that
compares discerning a zebra from a pack of horses to discerning a bioagent from a
multitude of natural human infections. The miniaturized zebra computer chip would
provide immediate diagnoses of diseases documented in the Bio-Print database,
flagging manmade or unusual diseases to health care workers even before there are
symptoms. It would be non-intrusive and disposable, working with a sample collected
from a patient during a routine clinical screening. The chips would be introduced in
the DOD health care system which serves 4.4 million people, and eventually
transferred to the civilian health care system.
?? If the "front line" zebra chip detected bioagents, the Defense Department would then
deploy more sophisticated forensic zebra chips designed to probe for the specific
agent in question.

?? Once a biological agent has been confirmed, the information would be broadcast on
the Biological Warning and Communication System (BWACS), which would warn
all DOD health care organizations, military bases, the Reserves and the Center for
Disease Control and other civilian health organizations.
At the same time, the task force is recommending that the Pentagon invest heavily in research
and development for bioagent drugs and vaccines, and work with the Food and Drug
Administration to accelerate the review process. It also recommends the Pentagon fund a $50
million to $100 million manufacturing facility for vaccines or after-exposure drugs in order to
speed production.
To provide oversight for all of this development, the task force then recommends the
establishment of a new organization that it calls the Joint BioDefense Organization (JBDO). The
JBDO would direct the military response to a bioagent outbreak and would coordinate efforts
with the civilian sector and media, and would report directly to the president and the defense
secretary through the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The task force estimates that the
above recommendations would require the investment of $3.2B over the FY2002 Future Years
Defense Program.


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