Report On Inter-Sectoral Meeting On Youth's SRHR

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Inter-sectoral meet on youths Sexual and

Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
Lucknow, India | Thursday, 22 December 2016

Youth Champion Initiative (YCI)

Rise Up partnered with the Packard Foundation to launch the Youth
Champions Initiative an exciting initiative to advance innovation and
quality in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights globally.
The Youth Champions Initiative (YCI) invests in visionary young champions who will lead the
sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) movement for the next generation.
For more information, please visit online at:

Citizen News Service (CNS)

CNS documents voices of the key affected populations in struggles for seeking
development justice, with a special focus on health and gender justices, and
syndicates these news feature articles to a range of print, online and social media, under
Creative Commons (CC) attribution license. CNS also provides communication support to likeminded partners who are working dedicatedly towards development justice.
For more information, please visit:

Family Planning Association

of India (FPA India)
FPA India is the founder member of the International Planned
Parenthood Federation, London. Established in 1949, FPA India has been recognized as India's
leading and largest reproductive and sexual health organisation. It provides information on
sexuality education and family life and a wide range of services in sexual and reproductive
health including family planning, bringing health and happiness to millions.
For more information, please visit:

Table of content
Session 1: Importance of youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
(SRHR) to meet 2030 Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs)
Session 2: Progress and challenges in youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
(SRH) related programmes in Uttar Pradesh
Session 3: How has FPA India contributed to youth Sexual and Reproductive
Health in Uttar Pradesh?
Session 4: Brief overview of CNS young correspondents reporting on youth SRHR
issues in the state
Session 5: Panel discussion on achieving SDGs 2030 in terms of youth SRH, and
need for inter-sectoral responses
Participants say
Few learnings
Annexure 1: Agenda
Annexure 2: Participants list
Annexure 3: Press release (English)
Annexure 5: News clippings


The Government of India has committed to achieve 2030 Global Goals for Sustainable
Development (SDGs) which strive to bring health and gender justice for all. But the
implementation remains a big challenge at the state level. So, it is a high time to reflect upon
the importance of integrated approach to realise these transformative goals for development
justice on the ground. Effective inter-sectoral coordination and inclusion of all constituencies,
in programme design and implementation, is vital for overall growth on social, economic and
environmental fronts.
Hence, CNS, along with its partner Family Planning Association of India (FPA India) Lucknow
Branch, with support from Youth Champion Initiative, organized a day long Inter-sectoral
coordination meet on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues in Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh, on Thursday, 22nd December 2016. The meet focussed on discussing the
opportunities and challenges for youth in exercising their autonomy on sexual and reproductive
health (SRH) in Uttar Pradesh, and how a holistic and integrated approach can help improve
health outcomes related to youths SRHR. Around 50 representatives from different government
departments, civil society organisations, and peoples' constituencies (men, women, youth,
PLHIV and media) attended the meet. The meet highlighted the urgency of breaking the silos
and working together to ensure youths accessibility to SRH information, education, services
and commodities. Even though a large proportion of the states population consists of young
people, SRHR of the young people are rarely recognized on the ground. Besides, cultural
silence, social barriers and inaccessibility to health services, not only make the youth
vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases, but also hinder their productive contribution in the
social and economic development process.

Importance of youth SRHR to meet SDGs

Focusing upon youths SRHR as an imperative
need for sustainable development, Rahul
Dwivedi, Campaign Director of Vote For Health
campaign said that effective coordination
across various sectors and constituencies is
critically important for achieving optimal
programme outcomes. The government of
India has promised to achieve the sustainable
development goals (SDGs) by 2030, and health
and gender justice are part of these goals. We
need to unite forces, where ever possible, to
progress towards achieving these goals in a
time-bound manner, and deliver on the
promises made.

Rahul Dwivedi (R), Campaign Director

The 2030 agenda represents a unique
opportunity for all of us to accelerate efforts
in the right direction. It is high time to look beyond the 'silos' of health, education, gender
equity and other issues. Sexual and reproductive health is not only a part of overall health and
wellbeing but is also indispensable to achieve SDGs- for example until we eliminate early child
marriage, it will be difficult to achieve hundred percent
literacy, good health and poverty alleviation etc.
The 2030 agenda
represents a unique
opportunity for all of us to
accelerate efforts in the
right direction. It is high
time to look beyond the
'silos' of health, education,
gender equity and other
issues. Sexual and
reproductive health is not
only a part of overall
health and wellbeing but is
also indispensable to
achieve SDGs

SDGs seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve

gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.
The goals are integrated and balance the three dimensions of
SRHR encompass the right of all individuals to make decisions
concerning their sexual activity and reproduction, free from
discrimination, coercion, and violence. Exercising SRHR is
about planning for safer sex, planning for pregnancy, planning
for parenthood, communication in relationships, and fostering
societies that support diverse sexual identities and

Ensuring youth access to SRHR can have a direct bearing on

social and economic development, and help the nation to
make a great leap towards achieving SDGs. When young women
are able to exercise autonomy over their bodies and reproductive health, they are more likely
to delay marriage and pregnancy, and to have fewer children. Consequently, girls are more
likely to enter and stay in education that can have a positive impact on their future earnings
and participation in the labour market.

Progress and challenges in youths SRH related

programmes in Uttar Pradesh
Even though UP state has the largest youth
force in the country, the states health
indicators, particularly those related to
young, are far behind the national average.
Annual Health Survey 2012-2013, indicates
that 32.6% of women between 20-24 years
were married before the legal age of 18
years, and 35.5% men between 25-29 years
were married before the legal age of 21
years. The state represents myriad
challenges related to youth sexual and
reproductive health needs. So, unless all
communities, civil societies and private
organisations work collectively in a
coordinated way it will be hard to bring the
desired change.

Dr Swapna Das (R), GM, NHM

Dr Swapna Das, General Manager, Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (National Adolescent
Health Programme), said - SRH programmes and services have traditionally focussed on married
couples, and overlooked the needs of unmarried adolescents and young people. Young people
must be empowered enough with the knowledge and services to be able to make informed
decisions regarding their reproductive health. They need a safe and supportive environment in
which to get correct information, health services, and counselling. Age, gender norms and
marital status are three important factors that affect the SRH needs of young adults. In the
absence of proper information, adolescents do not know the role and benefits of contraceptives
in managing their SRH needs. Teenage girls become pregnant but have no clue on how to
breastfeed and look after a child. Many girls drop out
of school when they start menstruating for want of
Addressing the needs of
separate toilet facilities for girls in schools, and also
adolescents is a challenge that
because it is a subject of shame, stigma and fear.
goes well beyond the role of
Gender discrimination is deeply rooted in Indian society
health services alone. The legal
and starts with the birth of the girl child. This
discrimination exists in not only poor and less educated
frame-work, social policies, the
households but also in the so called elite families,
safety of communities, and
where people yearn to have a boy child.
opportunities for education are
some of the factors that are key
Keeping all this in mind, the government has started
to adolescents development
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) to address
the health needs of adolescents who face many SRH
related problems, like unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, sexually transmitted diseases,
sexual violence and abuse, and early marriage etc. Anaemia and infant mortality rates are also
high in young mothers. Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics (AFHC) provide all the information,

education and services related to

sexual and reproductive health.
Counsellors at AFHC are trained
to help adolescents without
showing judgmental behaviour.
Peer educators have been
appointed in 25 districts of the
state. There are 4 peer
educators working under each
Accredited Social Health Activist
(ASHA)- 2 for males and 2 for
females. Each peer educator
covers a population of 50
adolescents. These peer educators are trained, so that they can help the adolescents. Under
the Kishori Suraksha Yojana (KSY) for adolescent girls, sanitary napkins are distributed to young
girls for menstrual hygiene management. Separate toilets for boys and girls are also being
constructed in schools under the Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan.
There is still lack of public awareness about AFHCs. Cultural taboos have limited open
discussions on the issues around SRH. It is difficult to have safe channels of information.
There are very few reproductive health clinics/centres from where adolescents can obtain
services. As per NFHS-3 data, 14.3% women between the age of 15-19 years have begun child
bearing in the state. Though, fertility in the 1519 years age group is decreasing, still a
substantial proportion of teenagers are either
pregnant or already mothers.
Until we create awareness in the community, it
is difficult to address all the sexual and
reproductive health needs of adolescents,
especially girls. We have shortage of human
resource in the health sector, but we do have
the will power and focus. Addressing the needs
of adolescents is a challenge that goes well
beyond the role of health services alone. The
legal frame-work, social policies, the safety of
communities, and opportunities for education
are some of the factors that are key to
adolescents development.
To provide comprehensive SRH related information, education and services to youth, including
those from minority communities such as people living with HIV and LGBTs (lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender), everyone (media, NGOs, government, communities) must work together
to create a favourable environment in the society. We need to create the demand for it in
society. Only then will we get it.

How has FPA India contributed to youth SRH in

Uttar Pradesh?
Mr Kamal Rizavi, Branch Manager of Lucknow Branch of FPA
India (which currently has 40 branches and 38 clinics across 18
states of India) was the key resource person for this session.
He showed a small video film showcasing contribution of FPA
Indias Lucknow branch to youth s sexual and reproductive
health in UP.
He shared that the strategic plan of FPA India is based upon
the five As: Access, Advocacy, HIV/AIDS, Adolescent Health
and Abortion. FPA India has two branches in UP--in Lucknow
and Agra. The Lucknow branch worked as a state secretariat
for the Advocating Reproductive Choices (ARC) project till 2013
and led the project with networking partner NGOs in 10
districts of UP.
A Global Comprehensive Abortion Care Initiative Project has also
been running since 2008 in Lucknow and Agra, to increase access to Mr Kamal Rizavi, Branch
comprehensive abortion care as an integral component of SRH. The Manager FPA India
state clinic is equipped to provide facilities for safe abortion, female
and male
reproductive tract infections (RTIs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) services, mother
and child health services, gynaecological services, infertility services, gender violence related
services, laboratory services, HIV related services, and services for men.
FPA India Lucknow branch conducts outreach sessions on Comprehensive Sexuality Education
(CSE) in schools (as well as out of schools) for girls in rural and urban areas. It has adolescent
friendly clinics, which provide youth friendly SRH services and information with privacy and
confidentiality at convenient hours.
It has also created a Youth Forum-a group of likeminded people aged 16 to 24 years. Youth
Forum plays a critical role in promoting youth friendly centres. It meets once in two months to
strategize on how to reach out to more youth in the state. The two UP branches of FPA India
also conduct camps on SRH services for key populations, in partnership with PLHIV networks
and migrant workers NGOs.

CNS young correspondents reporting on youth SRHR

issues in the state: Brief overview
Rahul Dwivedi of CNS presented a best practice
example at this session. He said that youth
voices need to be recognised more in SRHR
context, and meaningfully engaged in framing
SRHR policies and programmes, and in service
delivery at all levels. CNS and partners, with
support from YCI, mobilized a group of young
correspondents in UP for reporting on youthspecific issues. The group was given hands on
training to write news articles and use social
media tools. The youth correspondents
produced more than 55 news articles, including
videos, on youth SRHR issues, such as access to quality SRHR services, sex education, menstrual
hygiene, STIs, early child marriage, family planning and SRHR related SDGs. The team also
produced a document based on their field assessment from three districts- Barabanki, Basti and
Lucknow. Some salient points of the document are:
1) Many educationists endorsed the need of imparting culture and age sensitive sex
education to adolescents in schools and colleges. The government should proactively
consider including this in the schools curriculum.
2) Sanitary napkins are being distributed free of cost to girls studying in class 6 to 12 in
government schools of UP under the Kishori Suraksha Yojana (KSY), for achieving 100%
menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls. This laudable scheme is currently operative
in government schools only. It should be extended to private schools also, as many girls
in classes 11 and 12 study in private schools.
3) There is a lack of knowledge about the benefits of KSY among girls, teachers and schools
principals; frontline health workers (ANM, ASHA, AWW) are not involved optimally in the
programme; and Panchayati Raj Department does not seem to have taken cognizance of
the importance of KSY at district level.
4) Another good scheme of the UP government is the setting up of small units for
manufacturing low cost sanitary pads in the districts. This has not only promoted
menstrual hygiene (thereby improving general health of girls/ women) but also provided
employment to rural women. But production has stopped since last few months due to
non-supply of raw material. The government needs to increase inter-departmental
coordination for smooth and proper functioning of these units. It would also be a good
idea to link this scheme with the free distribution scheme of sanitary napkins. Sanitary
napkins manufactured in these units could be used for free distributions to girl students.
5) To make HIV prevention services easily available for high risk groups such as transgender
populations, the timings of integrated counselling and testing centres (ICTC) should be
fixed as per their convenience. Counselling should be an important component of SRH
services for this population. Proper counselling will not only give them correct
information about HIV prevention but also address their self-stigma and discrimination
so that they can avail the services when needed without any hindrance.

Panel discussion:
Where are we in achieving SDGs 2030 in terms of youth
SRH and need for inter-sectoral responses?
Chair and Moderator:

Professor (Dr) Rama Kant, WHO Director-Generals Awardee

2005, National President of Association of Surgeons of India 2012; President of Lucknow College
of Surgeons; Former Chief Medical Superintendent and former Head of Department of Surgery,
KGMU; Principal of GCRG Institute of Medical Sciences.

Panel members:

Dr Anil Mishra, GM, Training, National Health Mission (NHM), UP Government

Dr Aruna Narain, Senior Adviser, RMNCH+A, State Innovations in Family Planning
Services Project Agency (SIFPSA), UP Government
Dr P K Khattri, Head of Department of Psychology, National PG College
Dr Savita Chauhan, Deputy General Manager, Information Education and
Communication (IEC), SIFPSA, UP Government
Mr Shri Krishna, General Secretory, UPNP plus
Garima, Youth Representative from FPA India
Dr O P Verma, Joint Director, Health and Family Welfare, UP Government


Professor (Dr) Rama Kant said: We must

remember that a disease anywhere in this world
is a disease everywhere, and gender inequality
anywhere in this world is an inequality
everywhere. Gender equality should not only be
talked about, but also implemented at ground
level. Working together with each other
efficiently with a shared purpose and towards a
common goal is where the challenge is. No one
can do it alone. One government department
cannot ensure health justice alone. For example,
unless poverty eradication programmes function
Prof (Dr) Rama Kant
well how will we reduce risk factors which poor
face to prevent diseases? Or if employment schemes fail then how will people be able to
maintain and sustain healthy lifestyles and healthy habits? Unless education, law and justice,
health and other departments do not work in tandem overall outcomes will not be what we
desire. With this intent, this meet is bringing together people from different sectors both
government and non-government to be on the same table and discuss and think together on
how we can achieve reproductive and health rights for young people.
Dr Anil Mishra, GM, Training, NHM, UP Government said: National Health Mission works on many
initiatives for adolescents. We have all the facilities and clinics but we still fail to convey the
right message, advise and information to the target
population. I think we need to emphasis on healthy
social values as well. Shame, silence, and stigma are
inextricably associated with sexual and reproductive
health needs. Besides, gender disparity is still very
prevalent in the society at large. Unless we address
these inequalities, myths, and misconceptions in both
rural and urban areas, it will be difficult to ensure
equitable health access to all, including for SRH
information, education and services.
We need to take into consideration social traditions
and customs as well, to tell clearly the pros and cons
of having sex at young age. Sexual needs of young girls
Dr Anil Mishra (R), GM, NHM
and boys are different, like changes in puberty,
physical development, behaviour, menstrual hygiene etc. We need to prepare them
accordingly. We need to be more open in discussions and tell them clearly what changes will
happen, and what practices do they need to adopt to maintain hygiene and health.
Along with inter sectoral coordination, we must develop comprehensive guidelines to provide
sexual and reproductive health related information, education, services and commodities to
the young people in the safest possible way. We should try to develop an environment where
any one can access reproductive health related information and services without any hesitation,
discrimination and stigma, while maintaining confidentiality. We must have a clear vision to
bring this type of change in the society to achieve the goals we all have agreed upon.


Speaking on the availability of modern

family planning services to improve SRH
of the youth, Dr Aruna Narain, Senior
Advisor, RMNCH+A, UP government said:
Young people, including those who are
unmarried, must be made aware about
the benefits of contraceptives use, so
that they can protect their sexual and
reproductive health. SIFPSA is running a
special school based programme for
adolescents, named Meri Sehat, Mera
Nirnay (My Health, My Choice) in all 75
districts of UP. In the first phase of the
project, 10 schools (classes 7 -12) in
each district are being reached out to
Dr Aruna Narain (C), Senior Advisor, RMNCH+A
conduct workshops covering various
topics such as bodily changes, problems related to menstrual hygiene, SRH, early marriage,
child bearing etc.
Adolescents are being provided knowledge and information they need the most. Accessibility
to commodities and services is also being ensured through ASHAs, Auxiliaries Nurse Midwife
(ANMs), teachers and counsellors. The aim is to cover 75000 girls in 75 districts and then
increase the number four times. In 25 districts, there are peer educators- one in each class
from 9 to 12. They need to be given special training to be able to address the SRH needs of
their class students and also ensure availability of commodities and family planning methods.
We should empower the youth enough so that they take right decisions and show responsible
with their sexual behaviour.
Sharing his thoughts on the importance
of imparting sex education to youth,
DR PK Khattri, Head of Psychology
Deaprtment , National P G College, said:
Young people must be given age
sensitive and culturally appropriate sex
education, and it should be part of the
educational curriculum. This is very
important for the physical, mental and
social development of a child. In the
absence of accurate knowledge on
sexual and reproductive health, the
young tend to seek information from
unreliable sources. They may thus
become victims of improper sex life,
broken relationships and depression.
Dr P K Khattri (R), National PG College
Proper sex education at school can protect them from all these ills.
Dr Savita Chauhan, GM, Information, Education and Communication informed that SIFPSA runs
many programmes for youth, through which family planning services can be obtained free of
cost. We must ensure women participation and treat men and women with equality.


A youth volunteer Garima, from FPA India, said: It is of

utmost importance that young people are made aware
about their sexual and reproductive health and rights,
particularly female adolescents. If girls are not
educated and empowered enough to take informed
decisions by themselves, it becomes difficult for them
to lead a healthy and productive life.
Dr O P Verma, Joint Director, Health and Family Welfare
Department said: Inter sectoral coordination for
improving the responses and outcomes on youths sexual
and reproductive health is a must. The Health and Family Welfare
Department of UP Government is working hard on this issue, in collaboration with health
agencies such as SIFSPA and NHM. We must involve sectors other than health for improved
outcomes on what we do.
Karyakram works at grassroots
level to address the problems and
reproductive health. One ASHA,
along with two peer educators, is
deployed per 1000 population.
They are trained as counsellors
for providing evidence based
information to youth on the
ground. Sanitary napkins are
being distributed to school going
adolescent girls for menstrual
hygiene management under Kishori Dr O P Verma (L), Joint Director, H & F W
Suraksha Yojana. So, there are plenty of programmes. We must work together to address the
problems of young people related to their reproductive health.
Expressing his views on the SRH needs of people living with HIV Shri Krishna, General Secretary
of UPNP Plus said: The main problem in our society is that we refuse to accept the problems
that confront us. We have created a temple (in Khajuraho) on sex but we fear to talk about it
in the society. India has the second largest population of HIV infected individuals globally,
which is estimated at 2.1 million. Around 80 thousand adults above 15 years of age acquire HIV
infection every year in the country. As per New HIV Estimation Report 2015, women account
for 40.5% of total HIV infections, making the epidemic become feminized.


Participants say
Priti Gupta from SIFPSA, said that addressing the attitude of
adolescents toward sexual and reproductive health alone
will not work. We should address the attitude of parents as
well. The national educational body NCERT made a
revolutionary change in 2003 by including sex education in
academic curriculum. But parents opposed it so strongly that
the subject was withdrawn. When we try to work with
adolescents alone, the bridge between the parents and
adolescents cracks. So, we should fill this gap by involving
Communication projects of SIFPSA include behaviour change
programmes. The focus is to empower adolescents to take
their own decisions pertaining to their health, so that they
Priti Gupta, SIFPSA
can say no and take a call about the right age of marriage.
Behavioural changes take a long time to happen. We must do field research by involving
community, NGOs, marketing executives etc, to identify structural barriers, and find solutions
to overcome them, for the programmes to be successful.
Sangeeta, a youth member of SAHAYOG expressed her
views that we must also focus on the needs of youth
from minority communities such as LGBT and PLHIV,
while addressing the SRHR of young. Uttar Pradesh has
a large youth force, so youth policy must emphasise
upon comprehensive sexuality education for the young.
We need to talk about this with public representatives,
especially during elections. Young people should be
involved at all levels. We do talk about community
based monitoring, but it does not get implemented in
NHM. Boys too should be sensitized about menstruation
and they should become the part of the programme. There should be equal participation of
men in all family planning related programmes. We need to work more at policy level as well.
For example, the abortion policy is quite complex for an unmarried girl or woman- she is asked
to bring her parents along if she seeks abortion services. Similarly, very often women working
in the unorganised sector do not get maternity leave.
Dr Aruna Narain said that government is making all out efforts to make reproductive health
commodities (emergency pills, condoms) available to all in need of them. She also clarified
that parents consent is not mandatory for seeking abortion, but someone must accompany the
woman, as this is necessary for any surgical procedure as per the law.


Few learnings
Convergence across different government ministries, departments, policies and programmes
have happened in past years, but a lot more needs to be done specifically on youth and SRHR.
We need to engage different government sectors, as well as other non-governmental sectors,
especially youth constituencies, to identify possible policy and programmatic linkages in statecontext.
Comprehensive guidelines identifying challenges and providing workable solutions on how to
provide evidence based, age sensitive and culturally appropriate SRH information, education
and services to young people, including those from minority groups such as transgender and
PLHIV, need to be developed in consultation with all relevant government departments (health,
education, Panchayati Raj, etc) and representatives from different constituencies (youth, men,
women, PLHIV, transgenders, etc) at district/state level in rural and urban areas. Also a
consultative process must identify opportunities for synergies across existing programmes and
schemes to enhance programme outcomes.
Adolescent Friendly Health Clinic (AFHC) is a good step for ensuring youth access to quality
SRH services. The programme needs to be scaled up rapidly as there are many districts in UP
which do not have any AFHS clinic. Of the total 444 existing clinics in the state only 225 clinics
are submitting their monthly report to Health and Family Welfare Department. Besides, low
level of awareness in targeted populations about the existence of AFHCs reflects upon the
urgency to have greater level of outreach and IEC activities by the counsellors in adjoining areas
of the clinics.
More young people-both female and male- from all sections of society should to be part of
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram to maintain gender parity within the programme.
Distribution of sanitary napkins under the Kishori Suraksha Yojana is a welcome initiative to
prevent girls from not attending school due to menstrual hygiene related problems. But
government departments other than that of Health (such as Education and Panchayati Raj) need
to take cognizance of this programme and work in tandem. Functional toilets along with proper
management of disposal facilities should be in place in all schools to ensure greater benefit of
this initiative in target population.
SRH rights of young transgender are neglected. There should be separate sections/wards
within existing health facilities for them to access services in an enabling environment at all
Social research and monitoring is a must for any programme to achieve the expected


Onsite registration

Resource person
Geeta Shukla, CNS

Welcome and introduction

Importance of youth SRHR to meet 2030
Progress and challenges in SRH related
youth programmes of Uttar Pradesh state
How other sectors (such as ICDS,
education, Panchayati Raj) can contribute
and what more can be done to improve
youth SRHR related outcomes?
How has FPA India contributed to youth
Sexual and Reproductive Health in Uttar
Brief overview of CNS young
correspondents reporting on youth SRHR
issues in the state
Panel discussion (followed by Q&A
session): Where are we in achieving SDGs
2030 in terms of youth SRH?

Shobha Shukla, Managing Editor, CNS

Rahul Dwivedi, Campaign Director, CNS
Dr Swapna Das, GM, Adolescent and health, NHM
Dr Hari Om Dixit, GM, NHM

Kamal Rizavi, Branch Manager, FPA India, Uttar

Awantika Chaturvedi, CNS Youth Correspondent
Chair and Moderator:
Professor (Dr) Rama Kant, WHO Director-Generals
Awardee 2005, National President of Association of
Surgeons of India 2012; President of Lucknow College
of Surgeons; Former Chief Medical Superintendent
and former Head of Department of Surgery, KGMU
Panel members:
1- Dr Anil Mishra, GM, Training, National Health
2- Dr Aruna Narain, Senior Adviser, RMNCH+A, SIFPSA
3- Dr P K Khattri, Head of Psychology Department,
National PG College
4- Dr Savita Chauhan, DGM, IEC, SIFPSA
5- Sanjay Singh, State Consultant, Swachchh Bharat
Abhiyan, Panchayati Raj department
6- Ms Renu Mishra, Executive Director, Association
For Advocacy and Legal Initiatives
7- Mr. Shri Krishna, General Secretory, UPNP plus
8- Garima, Youth Rep. from FPA India
9- Gaurav Saigal, Hindustan Times
10- Dr O P Verma, JD, Health & Family Welfare

Felicitation of CNS young correspondents

Vote of thanks


List of participants
Kamal Rizavi
Eshita Soni
Mitashri Ghosh
Priti Gupta
Kaushal Singh
Vivek Shukla
Raaj Kumar
Sharad Kumar
Dr P K Khattri
Manoj Kumar
Prashant Mishra
Dr Anil Saxena
Dr Swapna Das
Sehba Hussain
Dr Anand
Sumit Gupta
Abhinav Pandey
Dr Anil Mishra
Indrajeet Singh
Prof (Dr) Rama
Amrit Lal Dixit

FPA India
FPA India
FPA India
FPHI India
Sarita Pravah
DSMNRU, Social
Work Department
National PG
Youth volunteer

[email protected]

Mobile number

[email protected]
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Srijan Foundation
National Health
BETI Foundation

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IISD, Barabanki
GM, Training,
RKSK Consultant,
GCRG Institute of
Medical Sciences
A.C.S.S Hardoi

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Dr Aruna Narain
Sarita Chauhan
Maya Upreti
Ritesh Kumar
Vinod Prajapati
Feroz Alam
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Arjun Sahu
Susheel Sahai
Ikhtiyarul Haq
S K Shukla
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Dr O P Verma
Rahul Dwivedi
Ritesh Arya
Geeta Shukla

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English press release

To improve coordination and responses on youths Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
(SRHR), a state level inter-sectoral coordination meet is convened today under the auspices of
Citizen News Service (CNS) in collaboration with Youth Champion Initiative (YCI) and FPA India.
Around 50 representatives from government agencies (National Heath Mission, SIFPSA, Health
& Family Welfare, Education) and other sectors such as (Youth, Women, PLHIV, Medical
Professionals, NGOs, and Media), met to discuss integrated responses for ensuring sexual and
reproductive health and rights for the young people.
WHO Director-Generals Awardee and 2012 National President of Association of Surgeons of
India Professor (Dr) Rama Kant moderated the panel discussion. Dr Swapna Das, General
Manager (Adolescent and Health) at NHM UP Government, Dr Anil Mishra, General Manager
(Training) NHM; Dr Aruna Narain, Senior Advisor, RMNCH+A, State Innovations in Family Planning
Services Project (SIFPSA); Dr Savita Chauhan, Deputy General Manager, Information Education
and Communication (IEC), SIFPSA; Dr O P Verma, Joint Director, Health and Family Welfare;
Dr PK Khattri, Head of Department of Psychology, National PG College; Kamal Rizavi, Branch
Manager of FPA India in Lucknow; and Shri Krishna, General Secretory, UPNP+ (UP Network of
People Living with HIV) were among the key panellists.
At times, inter-sectoral coordination becomes critically important and definitive for achieving
optimal programme outcomes in time-bound manner. Government of India has promised with
other governments to achieve Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs by 2030 and health and
gender justice are part of these targets. We need to unite forces where possible to progress
towards these goals in a time-bound manner so that we are able to deliver on these promises
emphasised Professor (Dr) Rama Kant at the meet.
Providing access to health, including sexual and reproductive health information, education,
commodities and services; connecting all young people to livelihood and employment
programmes; upholding the rights of young people, specifically girls and marginalized groups,
to grow up healthy and safe; and encouraging young people to participate fully in development
plans are some of the key anticipated outcomes for sustainable development which government
has already promised but progress needs to be scaled up optimally.
Sexual and reproductive health and rights are integrally related to human rights and well-being,
which are key to social and economic development. The meet highlighted upon the urgency of
breaking the silo of health, and discussed the way forward for ensuring youths accessibility to
SRH information, education, services and commodities.


News clippings




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