High-Bar Back Squat Alternating Jump Lunge

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Week 1

Week 1, Day 1: Legs and Core Circuit 1

Superset: 1 -High-bar back squat : 4 sets

of 10-12 reps, rest 10 sec.

Alternating jump lunge :4 sets of 10-12

reps, rest 45 sec.

Superset:2 -Bulgarian split squat -4 sets

of 10-12 reps, rest 10 sec.

Leg Press -4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 45

Triset*: 3 Romanian Deadlift -4 sets of
10-12 reps, rest 10 sec.

Seated Leg Curl-4 sets of 10-12 reps,

rest 10 sec.

Standing Calf Raises -4 sets of 10-12

reps, rest 45 sec.

Core circuit 1: Perform 5 rounds 4 Flat

Bench Lying Leg Raise-20 reps or to

Wood chopper 20 reps or to failure

Bicycle crunch 20 reps or to failure

Side plank -1 min. per side or to failure

*If supersets or trisets aren't an

option for any of the pairings due to
equipment availability, perform straight

Week 1, Day 2: Chest, Shoulders, and

Plyo Push-up 4 sets to failure, rest 10
sec. *Perform a quarter rep, followed by
a full rep. That counts as one.

Cardio Circuit 1

Superset: 1 :Incline dumbbell press,

quarter-rep method*-4 sets of 10-12
reps, rest 10 sec.

Flat bench dumbbell fly or pec deck-4
sets of 10-12 reps, 4-sec. negative for
each rep, rest 10 sec.

Dip or machine dip :4 sets of 10-12 reps,

4-sec. negative for each rep, rest 45 sec.

Triset*: 3 -Arnold Press 4 sets of 10-12

reps, rest 10 sec.

Seated Lateral Raise -4 sets of 10-12

reps, 2-sec. hold at top of each rep, rest
10 sec.

Front Dumbbell Raise 4 sets of 10-12

reps, rest 45 sec.

*If supersets or trisets aren't an option

for any of the pairings due to equipment
availability, perform straight sets.
4 Rope Jumping -5 min. as warm-up for
cardio circuit

Cardio circuit 1: Perform 3 rounds 5

-Medicine-ball slam 1 min.

Mountain Climber 1 min.

Bodyweight Squat 1 min.

Shuttle run 1 min.

Spiderman push-up 1 min.

Week 1, Day 3: Back and Core

Circuit 2
Superset: 1
Sumo Deadlift-4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest
10 sec.

Chin-Up -4 sets of 10-12 reps, 4-sec.

negative for each rep, rest 45 sec.

Superset: 2
Behind-the-neck pull-down -4 sets of 1012 reps, rest 10 sec.

Neutral-grip cable row, quarter-rep

method *-4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 45

*Perform a quarter rep, followed by a full

rep. That counts as one.
Bent-over barbell row, underhand grip 4
sets of 10-12 reps, 2-sec. hold at top of
each rep, rest 10 sec.

Triset*:3 Reverse cable fly or dumbbell

rear-delt fly -4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 10

Back extension 4 sets of 10-12 reps, 3-

Core circuit 2: Perform 5 rounds 4 Single-

sec. negative for each rep, rest 45 sec.

leg V-up 20 reps or to failure

*If supersets or trisets aren't an option

for any of the pairings due to equipment
availability, perform straight sets.
Russian Twist 20 reps or to failure

Decline sit-up -20 reps or to failure

Plank 1 min. or to failure

Week 1, Day 4: Arms and Cardio Circuit 2

Superset: 1
Barbell curl, 21 method*-4 sets of 21
reps, rest 10 sec.

Skullcrusher, quarter-rep method4 sets

of 10-12 reps, rest 45 sec.

*Perform 7 reps of the bottom half, 7 of

the top half, and 7 full reps.
Perform a quarter rep, followed by a full
rep. That counts as one.
Superset: 2
Seated Hammer Curl (shown standing)

Close-Grip Bench Press -4 sets of 10-12

reps, 3-sec. negative for each rep, rest

-4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 10 sec.

45 sec.

Giant set*: 3
Incline Dumbbell Curl-4 sets of 10-12
reps, rest 10 sec.

French press, quarter-rep method -4 sets

of 10-12 reps, rest 10 sec.

Reverse-grip Barbell Curl, 21 method -4

sets of 10-12 reps, rest 10 sec.

Triceps rope push-down 4 sets of 10-12

reps, rest 45 sec.

*If supersets or giant sets aren't an

option for any of the pairings due to
equipment availability, perform straight
Cardio circuit 2: Rotate for 15 min.4
Walking 30 sec.

Jogging 1 min.

Sprint or hard run 30 sec.

Week 1, Day 5: Rest

Week 1, Day 6: Legs and Core

Circuit 2
Superset: 1
High-bar back squat -4 sets of 10-12
reps, rest 10 sec.

Alternating jump lunge 4 sets of 10-12

reps, rest 45 sec.

Superset: 2
Bulgarian split squat -4 sets of 10-12
reps, rest 10 sec.

Leg Press 4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 45


Triset*: 3
Romanian Deadlift-4 sets of 10-12 reps,
rest 10 sec.

Seated Leg Curl4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest

10 sec.

Standing Calf Raises 4 sets of 10-12

reps, rest 45 sec.

Core circuit 2: Perform 5 rounds

4 Single-leg V-up -20 reps or to failure

*If supersets or trisets aren't an option

for any of the pairings due to equipment
availability, perform straight sets.

Russian Twist 20 reps or to failure

Decline sit-up 20 reps or to failure

Plank -1 min. or to failure

Week 1, Day 7: Chest, Shoulders, and

Cardio Circuit 2 Superset:1
Incline dumbbell press, quarter-rep
method*-4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 10

Plyo Push-up 4 sets to failure, rest 10


Flat bench dumbbell fly or pec deck-4
sets of 10-12 reps, 4-sec. negative for
each rep, rest 10 sec.

*Perform a quarter rep, followed by a full

rep. That counts as one.
Dip or machine dip -4 sets of 10-12 reps,
4-sec. negative for each rep, rest 45 sec.

Arnold Press-4 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 10

Seated Lateral Raise -4 sets of 10-12

reps, 2-sec. hold at top of each rep, rest
10 sec.

Front Dumbbell Raise -4 sets of 10-12

reps, rest 45 sec.

*If supersets or trisets aren't an option

for any of the pairings due to equipment
availability, perform straight sets.

Cardio circuit 2: Rotate for 15 min. 4

Walking 30 sec.

Sprint or hard run 30 sec.

Jogging 1 min.

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