Ajay S: Summary
Ajay S: Summary
Ajay S: Summary
Email : [email protected]
Mobile: +91-9619864880
Experience working with OBIEE 10g/11g, OBIA in development of metadata repository using OBIEE
Administration tool, Intelligent Dashboards, Answers, Delivers, iBots or Agents and Oracle BI
Good at understanding business requirements and translating them into data warehouse dimensional
Excellent problem solving skills with strong technical background having the ability to meet deadlines,
work under pressure and quickly master new technologies and skills.
Created Users, Groups and giving the permissions and verified the permissions of the users in the
OBI domain.
Proficient in Merging/Importing Objects from Different Repositories using OBI Admin Tool.
Experience in Creating Dimensional Hierarchies, Level Based Measures. Time series Functions,
Initialization Blocks and Variables depending upon the need for Business Reports using the OBIEE
Admin tool.
Built Business model and established relationships & Foreign Keys (Physical & Logical) between
Good Knowledge on Data Warehousing concepts like Star Schema, Snowflake schema, Dimensions
tables and Fact tables.
Excellent skills in understanding business needs and converting them into technical solutions.
Experience in end to end implementation of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (OBIA) &
Professional Experience:
Sr.Software Engineer
BI Consultant
Dec-13 May-15
Associate Consultant
Aug-11 Dec-13
Bachelor of Technology in Computer science and engineering from JNT University
Technical Proficiency:
Technical Domain
Reporting Tool
Operating Systems
Work Experience:
Project# 4
OBIA financial Analytics, HRMS, ODI 11g, Web Logic Server
10.3.6, Oracle EBS, Oracle Database 11g, Unix/Windows, Putty, Winscp.
Whitbread PLC is a multinational hotel, coffee shop and restaurant company head quartered in Houghton
Regis, United Kingdom. Its largest division is Premier Inn, which is the largest hotel brand in the UK with
around 650 hotels and over 50,000 rooms. Its Costa Coffee chain has 3,080 shops across 30 countries
as of May 2014 and is the world's second-largest international coffee shop chain. Its other brands include
the restaurant chains Beefeater, Brewers Fayre and Table Table.Whitbread is listed on the London Stock
Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Experience in end to end implementation of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications (OBIA)
Working as ODI developer responsible for creating interfaces and mappings with the target
Working in financial Analytics, HRMS package.
Creating required customized columns in the staging table for mapping.
Setting up product development environment involving Oracle database 11g, Oracle ODI 11g.
Developed interfaces to create ODI components like Topology, Data Models, Data Store,
Interfaces, Projects, Knowledge Modules, and Variables & Packages.
Created new models for the data sources flat files, MS SQL server, Oracle.
Did reverse engineering for the data sources and targets.
Working closely with the Client, Assisted client in design by doing source data analysis, rectifying
the requirement documents, creating source to target mappings.
Built the Physical layer, Business Model and Mapping layer, Presentation layer.
Developing Different Dashboards and reports using OBIEE Answers.
Created the reports in different views like Table, Chart, Filter, Pivot, Title, Legend, column
selector, narrative views.
Involved in creating the Dimensional Hierarchies.
Involved in end to end testing of migration engine.
Project# 3
Arcadia Group Ltd.
OBIEE11., Retail Analytics, Oracle11g, SQL Developer,
Unix/Windows, Putty, Winscp, LDAP Authentication
Arcadia Group Ltd. (formerly Arcadia Group plc and Burton Group plc) is a British multinational retailing
company head quartered in London, United Kingdom. It owns the high street clothing retailers Burton,
Dorothy Perkins, Evans, Miss Selfridge, Topman, Topshop, Wallis and the out of town chain Outfit, which
sells lines from the other group chains. The group has more than 2,500 outlets in the UK, concessions in
UK department stores such as Debenhams, Selfridges and House of Fraser, as well as several hundred
franchises in other countries.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Interacted with the business users in analyzing and preparing the OBIEE data, report
Modified the repository as per the business logic to get BI reports.
Organized and customized the presentation layer in a format that is easy for end user to use as
basis for reporting.
Tested and validated the BI Reports with the Retail application data source.
Customized the BI reports as the user requirement
Created/Modified Metadata repository (.rpd) by using Administration Tool: Physical, Business
Model and Mapping and Presentation Layers.
Created connection pools, imported the physical tables and then creating aliases, defined joins
and implemented authorizations in the physical layer of the repository.
Developed the necessary star schemas in the BMM layer and modified them in order to
accommodate the new business requirements.
Created different Hierarchies, Levels and implemented Business Logic by creating level based
Developed the Facts, Dimensions, necessary hierarchies and complex joins between the logical
tables, adding aggregates in the BMM layer.
Creating Users and Groups and managing the object level and data level security.
Implemented the external table authentication and utilized the external table by implementing
dynamic session variables and Initialization blocks in repository.
Extensively used different performance tuning methods like Caching, Aggregate tables and
creating indexes on tables.
Developed many Ad-hoc and standard Reports / Dashboards with different Analytics Views (DrillDown / Dynamic, Pivot Table, Chart, Column Selector, Tabular with global and local Filters) using
in the OBIEE framework.
Developed reports using Drill across, Drill down using hierarchies like Geography, Position,
product and also the dashboards based on (Groups, Aggregated Navigation, Time series wizard,
Slowly changing dimension, caching strategy).
Involved in unit, integration testing and User Training of the generated reports using Analytics.
Configured iBots using Delivers, Job Manager to deliver Analytics content through mail, phone to
business users based on schedule.
Performed Unit, Integration and Regression testing to validate reports and mappings.
Understanding of Retail application Strong Functional flows knowledge in Retail.
Project# 2
Over Head Doors
OBIA financial Analytics, ODI 11g, Web Logic Server 10.3.6,
Oracle EBS, Oracle Database 11g.
Over Head Doors is currently in the process of migrating their OBIAPPS which consists of
Informatica as ETL and now they planned to migrate to OBIAPPS version which has ODI
replaced with Informatica. As an ETL development team we involved in those changes. The purpose of
the OHD is to generate oracle reports in those for mapping them using Oracle ODI.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Installed, configured and extended financial, procurement and spend, HR analytics.
Interacted with business analysts for better understanding of individual subject areas and
modified specifications to reflect accurate user requirements.
Configured and setup ODI, master repository, work repository, Models, sources and Knowledge
Designed ODI Projects, Packages and Interfaces to extract the data from Oracle EBS R12
database load to Oracle Business Analytics Data Warehouse OBAW .
Creating and customizing ODI interfaces, mapping, joins, filters lookups to implement business
Implemented ODI interfaces and scenarios for extracting and loading data from a variety of data
sources/targets including Essbase, Relational Database Management servers including Oracle
RDBMS, SQL Server, and IBM DB2 and flat files including CSV, Excel, XML file formats .
Worked on Topology Manager module to manage the data describing the information systems
physical and logical architecture.
Responsible for Metadata Administration, managed Data models and reverse engineering.
Used Knowledge modules to achieve client requirements such as connecting to specific
technology, extracting data from it, transforming the data and integrating it.
Part of STEP ERP project by implementing Oracle BI Apps using ODI and OBIEE application
tools .
Designed Schema/Diagrams using Fact, Dimensions, Physical, Logical, Alias and Extension
Maintained security by assigning permissions to reports and dashboards based on users and
Performance tuning in OBIEE repository level and reporting level.
Designed, implemented and tested security privileges on Dashboards and reports.
Created different types of Customized Reports Drilldown, Aggregation for Sales and Product to
meet client requirements.
Customized Dashboard pages like Overview, Budget vs. Actual, Asset usage, Financial Structure,
Liquidity, GL Balance, Cash Flow and Balance Sheet in General Ledger GL .
Implemented Time Comparison and Calculation measures in the business model using Time
series wizard and modeled Slowly Changing Dimension Data.
Project# 1
OBIEE11., OBIA7.9.6.4 financial Analytics, Oracle EBS,
Informatica9.5.1, DAC11g, Oracle11g, SQL Developer, Unix/Windows, Putty, Winscp, LDAP
CRISIL is a global analytical company providing ratings, research, and risk and policy advisory services.
Crisil is India's leading ratings agency. also the foremost provider of high-end research to the world's
largest banks and leading corporations. With sustainable competitive advantage arising from our strong
brand, unmatched credibility, market leadership across businesses, and large customer base, deliver
analysis, opinions, and solutions that make markets function better. defining trait is Crisil ability to convert
data and information into expert judgments and forecasts across a wide range of domains, with deep
expertise and complete objectivity.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Created new requests and opened Analyses for ad hoc reporting to the End users.
Involved in RPD Development, Oracle BI Administration, Oracle BI Answers, Scheduling
Designed Star schema for fact dimensional tables and created alias for the dimension and fact
tables when necessary.
Worked using Catalog Manager to migrate Web Catalog from Instance to Instances.
Worked on the testing and validating the Repository in OBIEE.
Performed the Setup, Installation and configuration of the complete Analytics platform
environment and the required connectivity for seamless integration with the data warehouse.
Analyze Design, and Develop OBIEE Metadata repository RPD that consists of Physical Layer,
Business Mapping and Model Layer and Presentation Layer.
Created Star Schema, Time Series Objects, Hierarchies, Level Based Measures and Security
using External Table Authentication, Session Variables, and Initialization Blocks.
Built reports using Analyses including drilldown objects, union based reports, formatting and
functions within the reports, dashboards, filters, and prompts.
Developed and debugged many intelligence Dashboards using different Analytics Views Pivot
Table, Pie/Bar Chart, and View/Column Selector, Narrative View and Dynamic/Interactive
Dashboards with drill-down capabilities using global and local Filters.
Trouble shooting the issues related to repository models and report development.
Verified and tested ETL mappings using Informatica Power Center Designer.
Developed many complex Full/Incremental Informatica Objects Workflows / Sessions, Mappings/
Mapplets with various transformations.
Imported and Exported Execution Plan in DAC from one Instance to other Instance.
Used DAC client to load the custom mapping to the warehouse.
Understanding of Oracle EBS. Strong Functional flows knowledge in Financials.
Personal profile:
Fathers Name
Date of Birth
Languages Known
: Sadanandam .S
: 31st July 1989
: Male
: English, Hindi &Telugu
: Indian
: Listening songs, Watching Movies, and playing games.