Francis Runner Analysis Using FEM PDF
Francis Runner Analysis Using FEM PDF
Francis Runner Analysis Using FEM PDF
In recent years, many large hydraulic turbines used in
China have experienced cracks in the runner blade,
which constitute a threat to safe operation of the hydraulic turbine units. Traditionally, stability evaluations
of hydraulic turbines have primarily depended on vibration and water pressure pulsation. However, the
present stress problems in the hydraulic turbines have
revealed that these two factors are not sufficient for
analyzing the fatigue and crack probabilities in the
runners. Many studies have demonstrated that runner
fatigue cracks result from static and dynamic stresses
on the runner starting from micro cracks that grow due
to the stresses[1,2].
Recently, many researchers have engaged in improving calculation and measurement methods for the
static and dynamic stresses in runner blades caused by
Received: 2006-09-01; revised: 2006-11-13
hydraulic forces. The static stresses in the Francis turbine runner at various operating points were calculated
using the sequential fluid-structure interaction (FSI)
analysis method[3]. The dynamic stress variations during load changes were also calculated using the sequential FSI analysis method[4]. However, these two
analyses did not account for runner pressure pulsations
caused by the spiral case, stay vane, guide vane, and
draft tube. Most recently, the dynamic stress characteristics on the runner blades in a large hydraulic turbine
have been measured at various operating points[5].
In this paper, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
simulation of the whole flow passage of the Francis
turbine was performed to obtain more accurate predictions of the pressure distributions and pressure pulsations on the runner blade. Then the FSI method was
used to calculate the stresses in the Francis turbine
runner to analyze the static stress characteristics in the
Francis turbine runner at various operating points.
Next, a full analysis was made to examine the dynamic
stresses at the most dangerous operating point of high
Computational Method
[(V 1 V 2 )2 (V 2 V 3 )2 (V 3 V 1 )2 6(W xy2 W yz2 W zx2 )]
Table 1
Number of elements
Spiral case
fluid domain
80 000
There are two strategies for the solution of the fluidstructure interaction. One is the fully coupled method,
in which the fluid and structure are solved within the
same code and same grid. However, the calculation
based on the fully coupled fluid-structure interaction is
CPU-expensive due to the intensive iterations between
the fluid and structure system, especially for the large
Francis turbine runner. The other is sequential coupled
fluid-structure interaction, which assumes that the influence of the runner deformation on the flow field is
negligible in the calculations. That is to say, there is no
feedback of the runner blade motion on the flow. This
hypothesis is reasonable since self-excited oscillations
are beyond the scope of the present paper.
Stress analysis
XIAO Ruofu ( )et alDynamic Stresses in a Francis Turbine Runner Based on Fluid-Structure
The computational mesh for the flow field simulation is shown in Fig. 1. The fluid domain for the
Francis turbine included the spiral case, the stay vane,
the guide vane, the runner vane, and the draft tube. The
total pressure and the velocity direction at the spiral
case inlet were used as the inlet conditions. The outlet
of the draft tube average static pressure was assumed
to be zero. Analysis of the flow in the whole flow passage made the internal flow field calculations more
accurate, providing a more accurate surface pressure
load prediction on the blade for the stress analysis.
Fig. 1 Computational mesh for the flow field calculation for the Francis turbine
Leading edge
Runner crown
Leading edge
Runner band
Fig. 2
Operating Points
To get a full understanding of the Francis turbine internal flow and runner stress characteristics, 11 operating points including the highest head 79 m, the rated
head 68 m, and the lowest head 51 m were chosen for
the simulations. These operation points are shown in
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3
Node 2983
Fig. 4
Node 323
XIAO Ruofu ( )et alDynamic Stresses in a Francis Turbine Runner Based on Fluid-Structure
(a) t =10.6 s
(b) t =11.1 s
Fig. 7
Fig. 6
(c) t =11.6 s
(e) t =12.1 s
(f) t =12.6 s
The fluid-structure interaction was analyzed to accurately calculate the flow field and static and dynamic
stresses in a Francis turbine runner vane. The results
show that:
(1) The flow field simulation needs to include the