L7 - Assignment Answer
L7 - Assignment Answer
L7 - Assignment Answer
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Table of Contents
1.1 Company Overview....................................................................................................3
Impact that management and leadership theories selected have on organizational
Report on the usefulness of methods used to plan the development of leadership
skills 16
Web References........................................................................................................................
In an organisation employees can be found with different kind of behaviors and attitudes
where with different thinking patterns. Therefore importance of having a proper Strategic
management and leadership can be considered as highly important other processes in an
organisation. It is important to take into account the environment in which the company
operates. In finding the relationship between strategic management and leadership it is
noticeable that leadership is what links strategic management and our objectives to be
achieved. Identifying how the leadership and strategic management are connected is
important and also the impact of them in making better strategic decisions. At the higher
level management of an organisation they set goals and persuade the other employees on
how to achieve the goals set and ensure they will be with timeline as higher level
managers and therefore it is very much critical for higher level management of the
company to adopt to different situations with different leadership styles which would be
important to deal with different people in the organisation.
Key Words:
Strategic Management, Leadership, behavioral leadership, situational leadership,
Leadership is the main factor that plays a critical role in driving the company to in
achieving different targets and gaining competitive advantages over others. In the present
world leaders are much aware of what is happening in the dynamic environment as they
see things beforehand. It is important to develop skills for leaders to meet with more
challenges and cope with them better while meeting demands in the dynamic business
environment.. Therefore it would be important for them to identify different skills their
employees possess and identify the need to develop them in order to face future
challenges better. In improving them there could be number of ways and identifying the
best of them would be tricky but as those are identified a company will be able to face
challenges easily than ever and compete in global market more efficiently and effectively.
Serve the Rural Community, our Customers and all other stakeholders through our core
business - food with love - and other related businesses, based on our three main
principles of:
In Cargills their values are aligned with the name of their company to give a more
meaningful value creation and to show what they really stand for:
Innovative - Consistently innovative to ensure our core principles resonate in our
Love - Spreading and winning Love through food
Lead - Leading Corporate thinking and strategy
Serve the nation - Ultimately serving Sri Lanka true to our promise of being the
"Pride of the Nation"
The structure of Cargills PLC clearly defines the roles of employees and lines of
authority. By following divisional structure approach Cargills PLC has a flat structure
which enables to have wide span of control. Effective communication and coordination
among the employees is the key for having good Superior subordinate relations. The
mission statements of Cargills PLC constitute the culture of the company. The main aim
of Cargills PLC is to provide product and services at lower cost than any competitor.
Cargills PLC's management structure and culture is modelled by early founders principle
and values. Their focuses on the executives to be in constant touch with the customers
and store operations.
Retail is the backbone of Cargills (Ceylon) PLC groups success. Therefore the retail
sector holds a larger portion of the groups profits. Cargills always had innovative ideas
which make them developed over the years. One of the classic examples is their
diversification strategy which started in 2002 by investing in dairy processing plant and
benefiting dairy farmers in Sri Lanka. When considering the revenues and the profits of
the group, they have also increased simultaneously with the profit increase of the retail
It is important to assess how the leadership is formed in Cargills while identifying how
the strategic management and Leadership are connected to each other. In that impact of
management and different leadership currently at practice in Cargills.
Strategic management and leadership are two terms that are related to each other when it
comes to any organisation and their activities. Firstly it is important to identify these two
terms separately in order to analyse the linkage between them.
Leadership is about, a highly skilled and senior employee or the employer leading
the organisation to achieve the previously set goals and objectives. Even though
there are number of ways to describe this in overall terms its about providing
guidance to a team to achieve an pre-identified target. As per the Association of
Business Executives (2007), Leadership is a process by which individuals are
influenced so that they will be prepared to participate in the achievement of
organizational or group goals.
As per Mintzbergs 10 roles a manager needs to have important 10 skills in doing their
day to day work while taking decisions in terms of the future of a company which can be
categorized into three different sections.
As per Joyce and Woods (2001), "Leadership style is the typical approach of a particular
person used to lead people." For a company it has become critical for employees at every
level including employees/mangers/team leaders to change their leadership styles and the
way of work according to different situations. Therefore it is important to look at different
leadership that currently being adopted by employees at different levels in Cargills.
Therefore we could see that a good leadership with effective management is important in
going for success to any organisation and assessing the impact is important as well.
In this section is intended to identify the concepts, approaches and different theories
related to strategic management and leadership how in Cargills these are formed.
organizational strategy
In an organisation employees can be found with different kind of behaviors and attitudes
where with different thinking patterns. This is due to they are being from different
cultures and they see things differently to one another and because of this, they will tend
to carry out works differently to one another (Johnson and Hackman, 2003). Therefore it
will be important to manage them according to the way they behave and also it will be
important to take a look at how different leadership theories will be applicable to the
organisation under different situations. Theories on this will be categorized based on the
type of leaders and who are the followers and also based on the type of the situation.
Behavioral theories: As per this theory actions will be given more attention than
words come out. A leader will be considered as a real leader just on the qualities
he or she has but also based on the ability to guide, teach and observe others to get
the best out of them (Miner, 2005). In this theory it suggests that leaders behavior
separate him or her from the rest of the team and based on that others will be able
to understand what are intentions of the leader. In Cargills as for an example a
situation where when a person is appointed with a task usually the manager will
not try to guide the person to do it but will keep on monitoring him/her and make
sure the person will notify his monitoring so the work will be done (Brindley,
Situational and contingency theories: As per this a leader will take necessary
actions based on the situation and they will change the way they take decisions
based on the situation. As for an example they will change from one leadership
style to another in a quick time such as in urgent situations they will use autocratic
leadership style and try to take the decision quickly which will be based on his/her
experience and where the situation requires the ideas from others leader will
change to a more of a democratic style. As this relates to the situations
contingence this is also known as contingency theories (Bennis, 1989).
From the above analysis, it is understood that the ability of Cargills to adopt different
styles in leadership in accordance with the situation. In creating a proper leadership
strategy that drives the organisation to their targets, it is important to have the followings
in it.
In order to reach targets over the long term, in a company leaders or managers need to
build a strong culture among the workers. In that all the employees should have a role to
play and this will be helpful taking the company forward (Foster, 2002). In this leadership
strategy, in creating a culture it is important give prominence on the team work,
coordination at all levels, necessary support from the higher level management of the
company, etc. As the time goes this strategy should focus on strong and positive mission
and vision of the company as the employees will have a better idea on what the company
is intended to achieve and their part of it in doing this, and other objectives of the
company in the long term (Greene, 2005).
Influencing nature:
Leadership strategy should be able motivate the workforce where they should be able to
reduce the gap between personal goals and the companys goals, so the motivation will be
high to get to overall goals. Also this will help the company to have lesser turn over,
highly efficient work rate, and also a productive time at the work (Morris, 1999).
In setting the right strategy it is also important for the company to incorporate
transformation strategies where leaders can motivate their employees with examples
In setting the right leadership strategy it is important to consider the use of contingency
approaches where it will help to go above everything stated if the environment become
volatile and unstable to go ahead when nothing can be predicated well and in this use of
contingency approaches will be really important. In most of the companies what really
plays important part in almost all the situations is that contingency theory when facing
challenges from outside the environment as well from the internal environment it is
important for leaders to use this approach where as it suggests since there is no rule to
follow leaders will need to come up with others things mentioned in creating a strong
leadership culture (Tittemore, 2003).
future development
A leader can be identified as the person who take the lead of a group of individuals in
order to get to their targets in the most effective way while motivating them really well,
which in organisational terms can be considered as a crucial role. As leaders need to see
the future and improve their leadership skills it has become critical to identify and review
the current requirements to leadership where there are few methods available for a
company like Cargills to do it (Martindale, 2011).
Blake and Moultons managerial grid: This method is considered as one of the
best method to review skills in leadership and identify where companys current
skills lie around. In this it will identify five different types of leadership styles and
according to that it could suggest what leaders will require at the present to take
the company forward (Foster, 2002).
The concept behind this method is to use an appraisal system and a feedback method,
which will help to assess the level of each and every individual working in the
organisation that includes subordinates and peers, customers and if possible external
customers as well. Feedback gain from this will help leaders to overcome weaknesses and
improve strengths.
Mc. Gregorys Theory X and Theory Y: Theory X is mostly task oriented while
theory Y is relationship oriented. And based on the type identified management
can plan for future improvements (Miner, 2005).
Based on the type identified necessary actions needs to be taken and prepare plans for the
development of future situations requiring leadership.
Leadership can be considered as the most important aspect in taking the company to
achieve targets set and in gaining a competitive advantage over the other companies. In
todays world managers and leasers are aware about the current dynamic environment as
with the past experience they can sense before something happens (Jenkins, 2011). In
order to achieve competitive advantage over the competitors in the same marker and to be
more competitive nowadays companies tend look for new strategic options such as
mergers, take overs and many other different options which would help them to gain a
power which competitors are lacking in. Apart from that in situations such as new
technologies coming in, new laws are being implied, as a company like Cargills
competing in the all over the Sri Lanka level it is important to have few different
alternative plans to face each and every scenario that backed up by a better leadership.
Therefore it is important for them to plan for these different situation beforehand to face
them better and turn out these situations to opportunities.
(Mullins, 2005).
Recession: A recession is a possible scenario on any given day for a company
when past is considered and with the a highly dynamic economic environments
financial difficulties can be foreseen. In these situations it will be important to get
ready face such situation and this is where strong leadership is required with
Leadership succession planning is practiced in most of the organisation with the intention
of aligning their companies strategies along with leadership of the company.
Formal learning For a company like Cargills when it comes new supermarkets,
products, new services, etc. offering it will need to train their workforce to work
with new ways of work and identify how to carry out their work. One way in
doing this is through a formal training or class room teaching (Jenkins, 2001).
On the job training This is a quite popular method among companies like
Cargills where it is considered as one of the most effective method as well.
Companies in this method send employees to the working area in order to train
them rather than giving a training where in this method not only a handful of
training will be given but cost will be saved on extra training sessions.
Organizational Learning This is a learning method in different organisations
where mostly appreciated by employees in the companies and quite often seen as
an important way to provide learning. In order to challenge other companies and
compete well companies have empower their workers and leaders to a greater
level as human asset is seen as the most important one in any organisation (Foster,
Therefore it is important to develop leadership skills and through the methods mentioned
it is possible to go ahead for leadership development.
leadership skills
As it is understood developing different skills in leaders to face new challenges and deal
with those in a better while taking the team and organisation forward in the current
Formal methods - Formal method are seen as a productive way to develop skills and
gain a better knowledge where an understanding can be gained on where employees
need development in their skills set and will depend on different development
Self-learning one of the best method for anyone to learn and develop their skills
where in this it is important to get the full use of this method and importance of this
method is employees will not need go after higher level employees in order to
The above mentioned methods are important ways for Cargills management team in
developing leadership skills of their employees.
Cargills as a multinational corporation, have been able to work through different cultures,
countries and work with different people along the time. As a place where people visit
quite often compared to some other companies people might see Cargills in a different
way and it is very much crucial for them to see this and understand how people look at
them. As they operate in number of countries the situation can get complexed with
different cultures and perspectives involved. Because of that it will be very much crucial
for employees in their company to know the requirement for employees in order to work
these people and become better leaders in order to face upcoming challenges in a better
way. In improving their skills there can be different ways and selecting the best of them
will be very much crucial for them and if they can get this right Cargills will be able to go
ahead achieve beyond the targets they have set and easily compete with other players in
the market in a more effective way.
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Bennis, W. (1989), On becoming a Leader, Addison Wesley Publishing.
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Foster, D.E. (2002), "A Method of Comparing Follower Satisfaction with the
Communication Teacher.
Greene, Stellman (2005), Applied Software Project Management, OReilly Inc.
Hackman, M. & Johnson, C. (2009), Leadership: A communication perspective. Long
Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.
Heller, Hindle (2008), Essential Managers Manual, London: A Penguin Company
Hersey, Paul; Blanchard, Ken; Johnson, D. (2008), Management of Organizational
Behavior: Leading Human Resources (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Jenkins, Hamman (2001), GCSE Business Studies, Italy: Hodder and Stoughton
Johnson, C. E.; Hackman, M. Z. (2003), Leadership, a communication perspective (4 ed.).
Waveland Press. p. 38.
Joyce, P. and Woods A., (2001), Strategic Management: A fresh approach to developing
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Strategic Communication Management.
Marcous, Surridge and Gillespie (2008), Business Studies for A Level, Third edition,
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Web References