Spionage Radecraf T: The Intelligence Cycle

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E spi onag e Tr ad ecr af t

Only by understanding the threats and the basics of the tradecraft utilized to facilitate industrial espionage can an organization develop an
effective counterespionage program. A review of espionage tradecraft
will include the intelligence cycle, the categories of intelligence collection, and the methods of collection.
The Intelligence Cycle

There are five-steps in the intelligence process called the Intelligence

Cycle. This process ensures the collection process is done correctly by
use of a system of checks and balances.
Planning and Direction

Planning is the first phase of the process during which the decision is made concerning what intelligence is required, the sources
of the intelligence needed, how it will be collected, and the value of
such information. At this stage, the target company or individual
will be identified. The type of information required from the target
is then decided. The methods of collection will be decided upon
and the techniques of using such collection methods must also be
The budget must also be determined. This will include salary of
agents; cost of collection equipment to be used, travel, possible hotel
cost and other expenses. The funds, if any, used to pay for information
retrieved through espionage must also be considered.

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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program 1
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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In d us t ria l E s pi o n ag e

Figure 2.1 The tools used in industrial espionage tradecraft are not what one would see in the
cinema such as the U.N.C.L E pistol and pen communicator. (Photo by Daniel J. Benny)


The collection phase is the gathering of intelligence information overtly

(openly) and covertly (secretly). Examples of open-source information
include reading foreign newspapers and magazine articles, listening
to foreign radio, and watching overseas television. Other information
sources may be covert (or secret), such as illegal information collected
with listening devices and hidden cameras.

This phase of the intelligence cycle deals with taking all of the information collected and putting it into a usable intelligence report for
the customer. The final product may be a report, photographs, video,
charts, maps and graphs or a voice recording. Whatever the media
chosen, it must be formatted in a form that can be used and based on
what the customer requires.
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

E s pi o n ag e T r a d ec r a f t

Analysis and Production

During this phase, all the collected information is reviewed for

quality and value and is formatted into the final product. This final
written report or collection of photographs/video, charts, maps and
graphs or voice recording, however the intelligence was processed,
is put to use. In some situations, it may be determined at this phase
that addition intelligence is required at which point the collection
cycle begins again.

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In this final phase of the cycle, the final written analysis is provided
to the intelligence customer. The customer may come back with more
questions. Then the whole process starts over again
Categories of Intelligence Collection and Tradecraft

Within the intelligence community there are five categories of intelligence collection. The intelligence categories are identified by the type
of intelligence and how it is collected.

Human Intelligence (HUNINT)

Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Measure and Signatures (MASINT)

Human Intelligence (HUNINT)

Human intelligence is derived from or collected by human sources

such as agents, informants, and human assets. Human intelligence is
the most common method used for industrial espionage. The reason is
that an individual or asset can be recruited from the target company.
This will afford the asset both the access and long period of time
required to collect the targeted protected information.
Methods of Recruitment When a foreign nation, competitor, freelance

espionage operative, or terrorist organization seeks to obtain protected

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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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In d us t ria l E s pi o n ag e

information from an organization, there is, of course, the requirement

of access to the information they are seeking. The goal is to obtain the
information covertly, without the knowledge of the organization they
are stealing it from, by photographing, photocopying, downloading
the protected information from a computer system or transmitting
it electronically while leaving the original source of the information
intact. In this way, the target organization will not realize that information is being stolen thus allowing the perpetrator to continue the
industrial espionage indefinitely and often for many years.
The country, organization, or individual seeking such information
can attempt to infiltrate the target company. Not being an employee
with approved access, it is not be easy to infiltrate the company in
most cases. Human intelligence collection may also include the use
of pretexts to gain information from individuals by phone, e-mail, or
in person. A pretext may also be used to gain access into a targeted
organization. The pretext may be appearing as a customer, a public
utilities inspector, a delivery person, or a building inspector.
Covert entry is possible, but if successful, it only allows one time
access to the protected information. Obtaining employment for the
purpose of espionage will allow long term access. To obtain employment, there must be an opening and the organization agent who will
carry out the espionage must meet the positions requirement, pass
security investigations, and be hired. This is not always achievable and
if the person does obtain the position, it can take considerable time
before he or she has access to the desired information. The agent must
also study and work around the security program that is in place in
order to obtain the required information through espionage.
The most effective method of information collection would be to
recruit an employee, referred to as an asset or mole, who is already
working at the target organization and who has access to the protected information the organization seeks to obtain. The asset will
know the security procedures and physical security systems that
have been established to prevent espionage. With this knowledge,
the asset can easily circumvent the security systems. By recruiting
a current employee, there is the expectation of long term access to
protected information, which could last for decades. Using a current
employee at the target location as an asset is not only of value to the
agent or handler, this method also reduces the risk to the agent or
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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E s pi o n ag e T r a d ec r a f t

the asset handler from identification and possible arrest for industrial espionage.
The recruitment of an asset can take time, but if successful, can
result in the collection of an enormous amount of information over
many years. The goal of the recruitment process is to find the right
asset within the targeted company. When selecting an asset, there
are several primary methods of recruitment to secure the assets
Most cases of industrial espionage where human intelligence is utilized involve the assets desire for monetary gain. This need for money
may just be to live a more enjoyable lifestyle. It may be to pay for
expensive habits or addictions such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex,
or just the need to buy things. It may also may be due to health issues
wherein the asset needs money to pay medical bills or routine bills
and credit cards. If may also be due to divorce actions and the need to
make payment to the former spouse and legal fees.
To recruit these employees as assets, the handler will gather intelligence on the various employees of a company to identify those in
need of money due to debt, divorce actions, addictions or medical
issues. This information may be obtained by searching public records
of divorces or bankruptcy filings. Other methods might include frequenting restaurants where employees of the target company gather
and to listen and to get to know individuals. A particular individual
may be targeted based on his or her position in the target company.
Once a possible asset is identified, the handler will befriend the
asset, get to know him or her and at some point will offer to help
resolve the situation by offering extra money for information. Initially,
the information requested may seem innocent such as an employee
directory. The handler will gradually upgrade the information
requested as he or she continues to pay for information.
Should the asset desire to discontinue stealing and providing the
protected information requested, the handler will attempt to blackmail the asset. In most cases, the handler will document the transfer
of protected document and payment with photographs or recordings.
If the asset at some point in time wishes to discontinue the espionage, the handler will then expose this evidence and threaten to tell
the assets employer or even law enforcement about the theft of the
protected or classified company information. In some situations, an
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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individual will approach an intelligence agency, criminal or terrorists

group and offer to conduct espionage for them.
Blackmail can also be used as the initial method to recruit an asset.
The handler will arrange placing the prospective asset in a compromising position and document it. Most often this is a sexual compromise called a honey trap. If the target asset is married then there is
the threat to turn over documentation of the discretion to the spouse.
The sexual activity may also be homosexual or other activity such as
bondage. The evidence of the compromising situation, no matter what
it may be, will then be used as the leverage for blackmail in return for
conducting espionage.
In some cases an individuals ideological or religious views may be
used to turn the individual into an asset for the cause. Such individuals
may even serve as an asset without the payment of funds because it is a
cause or religious view that they support. The cause may be socialism
over capitalism, or it could be an environmental issue. The religious
view is often used when espionage is conducted by Islamic nations or
Islamic terror groups. The religion, if Islam, often encompasses all
aspects of the believers life including political, religious, and personal
lifestyle. Regardless of how assets are recruited once they have stolen
protected information or divulged secret information they are trapped
and cannot walk away.
Once recruited, the assets receive training from their handlers on
the tradecraft of espionage and the various collection methods. The
asset is trained both on how to collect information and also what
information is to be targeted. The most secure methods of obtaining
the target information are also covered in the training.
In addition, the asset is trained on the way to contact the handler in
order to pass on the information. The first step is to inform the handler that information or money needs to be picked up. The most common method is to have prearranged items identified such as a light
pole, mail box, or park bench. If there is to be a pick up or drop off,
place a chalk mark or tape on the item as notification of the exchange
of information or money.
To accomplish the transfer, several methods are commonly utilized. One is the brush pass technique. This requires skill and coordination, but it is an effective method. Two or more agents literally
brush past one another, passing the information or money from hand
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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E s pi o n ag e T r a d ec r a f t

to hand as they go by. This may be done any number of places, but is
accomplished most effectively and securely in very busy areas where
there are large crowds. Variations include standing together on a
busy train or passing documents between restroom stalls in a busy
public washroom.
A dead drop or dead letter box can also be used in an unpopulated area at a pre-planned location. The agent loads the dead drop
by placing the item for later collection by another agent or the asset,
be it information or money. This method alleviates the need for the
two individuals to be in the same place at the same time. Examples
include hiding information or money in a soda can, under a rock or
other item, or in a hollow tree.
The use of a live drop or live letter box is also common. This is similar to the dead drop except that a person is used instead of an object.
For example, the agent brings his suit to the drycleaners, where a person known to the agent works. Inside his jacket will be the letter that
needs to be transferred. To any surveillance watching, the agent is just
dropping off laundry. Later, another agent will come in to retrieve his
suits and will be given the letter by the employee, probably inside one
of the suits.
Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)

Various forms of technical surveillance are employed for industrial

espionage. Use of imaging techniques to collect information through
industrial espionage ranges from mobile phones, cameras, professional
digital cameras, or videos operated by individuals on the ground, in
motor vehicles, or in small aircraft. In many industrial espionage
operations where the information is collected by an agent on the
ground or an asset in a targeted facility, the images may be collected
with a handheld, full-size or miniature digital camera or a disguised
digital camera concealed in a pen or within some other common item
that an individual would normally carry.
The images collected may be existing digital photographs that have
been illegally downloaded from a computer. The illegal image may
be an existing photograph that can be copied on a copy machine,
scanned into a computer, and downloaded or re-photographed with
a camera.
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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In d us t ria l E s pi o n ag e

The most recent technology involves the use of very small unmanned
aerial vehicles or UAVs. These small airborne platforms are used in
the collection of information in remote areas or where there is no
visibility from the ground view or surrounding terrain. Satellites that
can record images from space may be utilized if the industrial espionage is being conducted by foreign nations that have the technology
to use satellite imagery for espionage collection. Imaging techniques
may also be used to obtain information on a targeted item. The video
camera is most often used by organizations that are gathering intelligence on a possible target location for a terrorist attack,
These techniques may also be used to document individuals, the
movement of individuals, or security force operation for a terrorist
attack against an individual or a facility. Imagery of a target facility may
also be acquired to facilitate a clandestine entry into the target property.
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

As discussed under human intelligence, open source intelligence is

the collection of public domain information that is legally available to
anyone. Public information is not always free information. There may
be a fee to access the information. The primary difference between
open source information and trade secrets is that there is a public right
to access of the information in some form.
The gathering of intelligence from sources available to the public such as print material, Internet, video clips, and photographs is
open source collection. This is legal. Much useful intelligence can be
obtained using this method with no risk to the individual collecting
the information whether the asset that was recruited or an intelligence
agent or handler.
Open-source information can also come from governmental organizations, trade and professional organization publications, conferences, information from the target companys own web page and
publications, and trade shows. An example of a federal government
source would be Securities and Exchange Commission filings which
are a requirement of publicly-traded companies. Annual and quarterly
reports can be obtained through this source. Information on stock
holders and income statement can also be accessed.
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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E s pi o n ag e T r a d ec r a f t

All states require that companies doing business within their jurisdiction register, in most case with the secretary of state. Information
on the target corporation, the officers and other vital information can
be obtained. Plans of a target companies including their plans for
expansion can be obtained from a local court house where deeds and
transactions are filed.
Trade and professional organization publications such as Dun &
Bradstreet and Lexis/Nexis databases can also be an open source of
intelligence. Organizations provide intelligence on their company
websites and social links such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. A
target organizations booth at a trade show provides an excellent opportunity to collect information about that company both from handouts
being distributed and by talking with a company representative.
Special methods of open source tradecraft include observing how
many trucks a company is using to move goods and the time of movements. This can give an indication as to the amount of business the
company has. Dumpster diving, or going through an organizations
trash can yield valuable information and is legal in most areas as long
as the trash has been placed at the curb. It would be illegal to access
a companys property to explore and remove their trash in most areas.
Another method is to go to a local eatery where employees of a
nearby company go for breakfast, lunch or to meet after work. By
sitting near the group and listening, much open source information
about the company can be learned from the conversations. It is also
possible to become involved in conversations and gather even more
Posing as a customer of a company is still another excellent method
of obtaining open source information. Company representative are
willing to do what it takes to please customers and will provide the
customer with much information.
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

Signals intelligence is information derived from the interception of

signals from communications, electronics, and telemetry. It is the
interception of communication. This includes the use of technology to
intercept oral communication, telephone communication, and e-mail
communication between individuals and organizations.
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013


In d us t ria l E s pi o n ag e

SIGINT consists of:

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Communications Intelligence (COMINT)technical and

intelligence information derived from intercept of foreign
Electronic Intelligence (ELINT)information collected
from systems such as radars and other weapons systems.
Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence (FISINT)
signals detected from weapons under testing and development.
Methods of monitoring oral communication between individuals can be accomplished with the use of a parabolic microphone,
microwave interception, and hard-wired or wireless microphones
and transmitters. The transmitters may be FM or a spread spectrum broadband radio signal. This type of monitoring can even
be accomplished with a modified mobile phone left in a targeted
room. If the mobile phone is discovered, one might assume it was
just left in the location by accident and not for the purpose of
industrial espionage.
Such listening and transmission devices can be concealed in most
any object. This is especially true if device is battery operated. If the
device is hard-wired, then it will be hidden where there is access to an
electric source such as a light switch or wall outlets.
The monitoring of telephone communication is a common source of
information. This can be accomplished using a series wiretap that monitors one side of the phone conversation or a parallel wiretap that monitors both sides of the phone conversation. Such surveillance equipment
can be positioned at numerous places along the telephone line.
The surveillance of e-mail transmission can be accomplished by use
of a key logger that allows access to the target computer or by the use
of spyware that allows remote access to the target computer. These and
other methods will be discussed further in the text under cyber security.
Measure and Signatures (MASINT)

Measure and signatures intelligence is derived from acoustic and radiation sources. Examples of this type intelligence include information
related to nuclear and sound activity from which vital information can
be gained.
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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E s pi o n ag e T r a d ec r a f t


There are several important distinctions between MASINT and the

other categories of intelligence that have been discussed. MASINT is
a relatively new technology and has very diverse options for use. Many
MASINT-based systems are used in a variety of roles for intelligence
collection just as varied as intruder detection systems or strategic missile launch warning systems are used. MASINT-based systems for
the most part are used by government military or intelligence services
for the collection of protected information, battle information, or for
state security matters, and counterespionage activities. An organization being targeted with MASINT, in most cases, is facing a serious
and qualified espionage threat as the adversary is most likely a foreign
government intelligence service seeking highly protected and classified information.
The following are included in measures and signatures collection:

Radar Intelligence (RADINT)

Acoustic Intelligence (ACOUSTINT)
Nuclear Intelligence (NUCINT)
Radio Frequency/Electromagnetic Pulse Intelligence (RF/
Electro-optical Intelligence (ELECTRO-OPTINT)
Laser Intelligence (LASINT)
Materials Intelligence
Unintentional Radiation Intelligence (RINT)
Chemical and Biological Intelligence (CBINT)
Directed Energy Weapons Intelligence (DEWINT)
Effluent/Debris Collection
Spectroscopic Intelligence
Infrared Intelligence (IRINT)

Deception and Pretext Tradecraft

In the world of industrial espionage, deception is used to obtain protected information. Most often the deception is in the form of a pretext. A pretext as it relates to industrial espionage involves assuming
an identity or appearance other than ones own in order to cloak the
persons real intentions which are the solicitations of protected information. Some forms of pretexts are legal as long as one is not using
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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In d us t ria l E s pi o n ag e

false identification, wearing uniforms or representing himself or herself as a law enforcement officer or a public utility employee. Even if
the pretext is not illegal, depending on the how the pretext was used,
civil action could result for the invasion of privacy or other damages
that may have occurred.
There are many pretexts that can be used to solicit information. The
primary premise of a pretext is to hide ones real identity or motives.
This is often accomplished by utilizing false credentials and dressing
to the part that may include the wearing of uniforms based on the
nature of the pretext. Some pretext attacks require no false credential
or special dress or uniforms at all.
With the capability of computer publishing and copying, the creation of totally fictitious identifications or the fraudulent reproduction
of real identifications is quite easy. Digital photography photos and
logos can be inserted on the false identification. The fictitious identifications that are created could be those of a public office holder, a law
enforcement officer, private investigator, utility worker, news reporter
or delivery worker. The identification might be a fraudulent reproduction of a companys real identification that the perpetrator wants to
Dressing for the part includes a fraudulent uniform of a police officer or a delivery worker from a nationally known company. Often it
includes a jacket, sweatshirt or other garment with a fraudulent logo
imprinted on the garment to provide the illusion that the person represents a legitimate company.
The ploys are limited only by the imagination when it comes to the
use of deception and pretexts in facilitation of industrial espionage.
Examples include seeking employment, writing a college paper, seeking
a news story, delivery, or trying to locate a friend or business associate.
Before an individual uses a pretext for industrial espionage, he or
she will conduct a background inquiry on the target or target location. If the target is a person, as much information as possible will be
obtained in advance such as address, work location, vehicle driven,
family members, travel routine, and routine stops during travel.
If the target is a location, the hours of operations will be identified,
along with employee and visitor traffic patterns. The physical security
such as security cameras, intrusion detections system and access control will be determined. The number and type security force will also
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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E s pi o n ag e T r a d ec r a f t


be identified as well as the movements, shifts, and schedules of the

security force members.
In some situations, the actual pretext attack may commence with a
telephone call to the target or target company to obtain information
that can be used in person at the target location. The phone call may
also be used to lay the ground work for the actual visit to the target
location that would make that conclusion of the pretext successful.
An example of a case of industrial espionage in which there was
the use of pretext involved three individuals associated with a private investigation firm in Florida The three private investigators were
found to have been using false identities to obtain the home records
of board members, employees, and journalists. The employees of the
private investigative firm were found guilty and have been sentenced
in connection with a Hewlett-Packard spying scandal.
The private investigative firm was hired on behalf of HewlettPackards CEO to probe boardroom leaks to journalists in 2005. The
three private investigators used pretexting. Using false identifications
and by posing as account holders or employees of various phone companies, they were able to fraudulently obtain personal information on
the target group which included board members, employees, and journalists. The information that the three private investigators obtained
using a pretext included phone numbers, dates of birth, social security numbers, call logs, various billing records, and detailed subscriber
information. The private investigators also obtained confidential
information belonging to Hewlett-Packard board members, employees and their families. They also obtained confidential information on
reports for Cnet, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the
journalists families.
The investigative firm stated they used such pretext methods for
years and grossed up to $30,000 just on that practice alone. Pretexting
and the sale of phone records obtained using the technique led to a
national controversy and congressional hearings on the subject. The
Federal Communications Commission conducted its own investigation of the incident.
As stated previously. some forms of pretexting are legal; the pretext
methods these investigators used were not. Their actions were also
unethical and were not actions in which a professional private investigator or private investigative or security should participate.
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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013


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Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (2000). Corporate Espionage. Austin,
TX: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Central Intelligence Agency (2012) Factbook. Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office.
Defense Security Service (2013) Retrieved from http://www.dss.mil/
Heims, P. (1982). Countering Industrial Espionage. Surrey, UK: 20th Century
Security Education.
Johnson, W.M. (2007). Business Espionage. Shoreline, WA: Questor Group
Martin, S. (2005) Business Intelligence and Corporate Espionage. Boston, MA:
The National Counterintelligence Center (2011). Annual Report to Congress
on Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage. Washington,
DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Office of National Intelligence (2013). Retrieved from http://www.intelligence.gov/about-the-intelligence-community.
Richelson, J. T. (1999) The US Intelligence Community. Boulder, CO: Westview
Heims, P. (1982). Countering Industrial Espionage. Surrey, UK: 20th Century
Security Education.
Winker, I. (1997) Corporate Espionage. New York, NY: Prima Publishing.

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Industrial Espionage: Developing a Counterespionage Program
by Daniel J . Benny
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6814-3 CRC Press 2013

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