Council of The European Union Brussels, 9 July 2013 (OR. En) 12101/13
Council of The European Union Brussels, 9 July 2013 (OR. En) 12101/13
Council of The European Union Brussels, 9 July 2013 (OR. En) 12101/13
Interinstitutional File:
2013/0221 (COD)
ENT 218
CODEC 1701
date of receipt:
Brussels, 28.6.2013
COM(2013) 471 final
2013/0221 (COD)
Proposal for a
on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to making available on
the market of pressure equipment
(Text with EEA relevance)
Union (EU) harmonisation legislation ensuring the free movement of products has contributed
considerably to the completion and operation of the Single Market. It is based on a high level
of protection and provides economic operators with the means to demonstrate conformity,
thus ensuring free movement through trust in the products.
Directive 97/23/EC is an example of that Union harmonisation legislation, ensuring the free
movement of pressure equipment. It sets out essential safety requirements that pressure
equipment and assemblies must comply with in order to be made available on the EU market.
Manufacturers must demonstrate that pressure equipment has been designed and
manufactured in compliance with the essential safety requirements and affix the CE marking.
Experience with the implementation of Union harmonisation legislation has shown on a
cross-sector scale - certain weaknesses and inconsistencies in the implementation and
enforcement of this legislation, leading to:
the presence of non-compliant or dangerous products on the market and
consequently a certain lack of trust in CE marking;
competitive disadvantages for economic operators complying with the legislation
as opposed to those circumventing the rules;
unequal treatment in the case of non-compliant products and distortion of
competition amongst economic operators due to different enforcement practices;
differing practices in the designation of conformity assessment bodies by national
problems with the quality of certain notified bodies.
Furthermore the regulatory environment has become more and more complex, as frequently
several pieces of legislation apply simultaneously to one and the same product.
Inconsistencies in these pieces of legislation make it increasingly difficult for economic
operators and authorities to correctly interpret and apply that legislation.
The New Legislative Framework (NLF) Alignment Package of 21 November 2011 consisted of the
following nine legislative proposals : Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the
Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the
market of pyrotechnic articles (COM(2011) 764 final); Proposal for a Directive of the European
Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility (COM(2011) 765 final); Proposal for a Directive of the European
Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to making
available on the market of non-automatic weighing instruments (COM(2011) 766 final); Proposal for a
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the
Member States relating to making available on the market of simple pressure vessels (COM(2011) 768
final); Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of
the laws of the Member States relating to making available on the market of measuring instruments
(COM(2011) 769 final); Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the
harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to making available on the market of lifts and
safety components for lifts (COM(2011) 770 final); Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament
and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making
available on the market and supervisions of explosives for civil uses (COM(2011) 771 final); Proposal
for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the
Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (hereinafter CLP Regulation), implements within the Union
the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) that has
been adopted at the international level, within the structure of the United Nations.
Directive 97/23/EC provides, in Article 9, for a classification of pressure equipment in
categories, according to the ascending level of risk due to pressure. While the classification of
pressure equipment under the Directive is mainly based on the total energetic content
(pressure and volume of the pressure equipment), it is also influenced by the classification
(dangerous or not) of the fluid it contains.
The classification of pressure equipment into categories is directly related to the conformity
assessment procedure applied in order to verify the conformity of the pressure equipment to
the essential requirements of Directive 97/23/EC. In particular, the conformity assessment
procedure to be applied is determined by the category, as defined in Article 9, in which the
equipment is classified.
The classification of the fluids contained in the pressure equipment for the purposes of the
classification of the pressure equipment in view of its conformity assessment, is based on
Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of the laws, regulations
and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of
dangerous substances 4.
According to Article 9 of Directive 97/23/EC, the fluids are divided into two groups. Group
1 comprises the following dangerous fluids 5, as classified on the basis of their intrinsic
properties and the degree and specific nature of the hazards involved in Directive
67/548/EEC: explosive, extremely flammable, highly flammable, flammable, very toxic, toxic
and oxidising. Group 2 comprises all other fluids not referred to in Directive 97/23/EC as
Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres (COM(2011) 772 final); Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the
Council on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to the making available on the
market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (COM(2011)773 final).
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on market surveillance of
products and amending Council Directives 89/686/EEC and 93/15/EEC, and Directives 94/9/EC,
94/25/EC, 95/16/EC, 97/23/EC, 1999/5/EC, 2000/9/EC, 2000/14/EC, 2001/95/EC, 2004/108/EC,
2006/42/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2007/23/EC, 2008/57/EC, 2009/48/EC, 2009/105/EC, 2009/142/EC,
2011/65/EU, Regulation (EU) No 302/2011, Regulation (EC) No 764/2008 and Regulation (EC) No
765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council. COM(2013) 75 final.
OJ 196, 16.8.1967, p.1.
According to Article 9 of Directive 97/23/EC, a dangerous fluid is a substance or preparation covered
by the definitions in Article 2(2) of Council Directive 67/548/EEC.
To take account of the pressure hazards associated with dangerous fluids, the conformity
assessment requirements of Directive 97/23/EC are more stringent for pressure equipment
containing Group 1 fluids than for pressure equipment containing Group 2 fluids.
According to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, Directive 67/548/EEC will be repealed on 1
June 2015 and replaced by the Regulation. That Regulation introduces new hazard classes and
categories only partially corresponding to those used under the current provisions.
The fluid classification criteria of Directive 97/23/EC must therefore be aligned to the
classification criteria of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 until 1 June 2015, while maintaining
the existing levels of protection of the Directive.
The alignment of Directive 97/23/EC to the CLP Regulation requires therefore redefining
what constitutes a dangerous fluid in the terms of the new classification introduced by the
The need to align the fluid classification criteria of Directive 97/23/EC to the CLP Regulation
is therefore a direct consequence of implementing the CLP Regulation in the Union, which
requires all downstream legislation to be aligned to the CLP Regulation at the latest by the
date on which Directive 67/548/EEC will be repealed (1 June 2015).
Although the two classification systems provided by the CLP Regulation and Directive
67/548/EEC are similar, there is no perfect match. Some substances are classified differently
under the CLP Regulation than under Directive 67/548/EEC due to changes in the
classification criteria or cut-off values. A change in the classification of the fluid (substance or
preparation) contained in the pressure equipment may therefore result in a change of the
classification of the pressure equipment itself (categories of pressure equipment).
Directive 97/23/EC provides for four categories of pressure equipment, according to the
ascending pressure related hazard. For each category of pressure equipment, the Directive
provides for a set of conformity assessment procedures. Pressure equipment must be subject
to one of the conformity assessment procedures which may be chosen by the manufacturer
among those laid down for the category in which the pressure equipment is classified. The
manufacturer may also choose to apply one of the procedures which apply to a higher
category, if available.
The change in category under Directive 97/23/EC is having an impact only on the conformity
assessment procedure and not on the design or manufacturing of the pressure equipment itself.
If pressure equipment is classified in a higher category due to the fluid it contains, it may
result in a more demanding and more expensive conformity assessment procedure.
As the current provision 6 related to the classification of pressure equipment based also on the
characteristics of the fluid it contains is considered satisfactory, Directive 97/23/EC should be
aligned to the CLP Regulation while maintaining the current scope in relation to the hazards
due to the fluids. The new classification of the fluids should therefore match as close as
possible the current classification based on Directive 67/548/EEC.
The proposed alignment is therefore a technical alignment primarily designed to minimize the
impact of the changes in the classification system of the fluids introduced by the CLP
Regulation on the classification of the pressure equipment itself.
Consistency with other policies and objectives of the Union
This initiative is in line with the Single Market Act 7, which stressed the need to restore
consumer confidence in the quality of products on the market and the importance of
reinforcing market surveillance.
Furthermore it supports the Commissions policy on Better Regulation and simplification of
the regulatory environment.
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and
Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM(2011) 206 final.
The alignment of Directive 97/23/EC to the CLP Regulation has been discussed with
national experts responsible for the implementation of the Directive, the conformity
assessment bodies forum, the administrative cooperation group as well as in bilateral contacts
with industry associations.
An impact assessment study on the alignment of Directive 97/23/EC to the CLP Regulation
was conducted in 2012.
In the context of this study, a survey was organised amongst key stakeholders. The
Commission organised a workshop on 7 November 2012 in order to collect further
information and to allow direct interaction with stakeholders. The workshop was attended by
representatives of national authorities, user and manufacturer associations, conformity
assessment bodies, standardisers and experts in the field of the CLP Regulation.
Collection and use of expertise - Impact assessment
In addition to the general impact assessment for the New Legislative Framework, an impact
assessment was conducted for the NLF implementation package adopted in November 2011.
That impact assessment covered also the alignment of Directive 97/23/EC to the NLF
Decision and was largely built on the general impact assessment carried out for the New
Legislative Framework. In addition to the expertise collected and analysed in that context,
further consultation of the sector-specific experts and interest groups, as well as horizontal
experts active in the area of technical harmonisation, conformity assessment, accreditation
and market surveillance, has taken place.
Based on the information collected, the Commission carried out an impact assessment which
examined and compared three options.
Option 1 - No changes to the current situation
This option proposes no changes to the current directive and relies exclusively on certain
improvements that can be expected from the NLF Regulation.
Option 2 Alignment to the NLF Decision by non-legislative measures
Option 2 considers the possibility of encouraging a voluntary alignment to the provisions set
out in the NLF Decision by, e.g., presenting them as best practices in guidance documents.
Option 3 Alignment to the NLF Decision by legislative measures
This option consists in integrating the provisions of the NLF Decision into Directive
Option 3 was found to be the preferred option because:
it will improve the competitiveness of companies and conformity assessment
bodies taking their obligations seriously;
it will improve the functioning of the internal market by ensuring equal treatment
of all economic operators, notably importers and distributors, as well as
conformity assessment bodies;
it does not entail significant costs for economic operators and conformity
assessment bodies; for those who are already acting responsibly, no extra costs or
only negligible costs are expected;
it is considered more effective than option 2: due to the lack of enforceability of
option 2 it is questionable that the positive impacts would materialise under that
options 1 and 2 do not provide answers to the problem of inconsistencies in the
regulatory framework and therefore have no positive impact on the simplification
of the regulatory environment.
As outlined above in option 3, the alignment of Directive 97/23/EC to the NLF Decision will
lead to a better implementation of the Directive.
The proposal includes:
The impact of these measures will lead to strengthening the competitiveness of European
enterprises as a result of guaranteeing a level playing field for the economic operators.
A non-alignment to the CLP Regulation would lead to legal uncertainty as from 1 June 2015,
when Directive 67/548/EEC will be repealed, because, as from this date, there would be no
legal basis for the classification of pressure equipment based on the fluid it contains.
The evaluation study of Directive 97/23/EC completed in November 2012, concluded that
there is no urgent need for a full revision of Directive 97/23/EC. Better implementation of the
Directive can be achieved by introducing the NLF provisions and by complementary
measures such as improving the market surveillance. Additional studies should be conducted
before preparing a full revision of the Directive, analysing e.g. issues related to the scope,
technical provisions related to the essential safety requirements, etc It also confirmed that
the current classification mechanism of the pressure equipment provided for by the Directive
and based also on the classification of the fluid is satisfactory.
The proposed alignment options are the result of a technical mapping of the current hazard
classes of dangerous substances and preparations provided for by Directive 97/23/EC and
based on Directive 67/548/EEC to the hazard classes for the classification of substances and
mixtures classified as hazardous in accordance with the CLP Regulation. This technical
mapping results to minimal changes to the existing classification system of pressure
equipment provided for by Directive 97/23/EC.
Similar to the current provisions of Directive 97/23/EC, the proposal should therefore address
the physical and health hazards due to the fluids contained in the pressure equipment, as far as
relevant for the classification of pressure equipment in view of its conformity assessment.
For most pressure equipment there will be no change of the classification of the equipment
due to the alignment to the CLP Regulation.
The best possible mapping between Directive 67/548/EEC and the CLP Regulation should be
envisaged reducing the impact of this change to the minimum. The technical detail of the
alignment and the options chosen on how to modify Article 9(2) of Directive 97/23/EC could
lead to increasing or reducing the number of substances or mixtures included in Group 1 of
Directive 97/23/EC (the group which imposes more demanding requirements with regard to
the conformity assessment procedures).
The impact of the various options has been analysed in an impact assessment study on the
alignment of Directive 97/23/EC to the CLP Regulation, finalised in February 2013.
It results from the analysis that whilst there will be changes in the terminology used to
identify the hazards, only a small number of fluids will be classified in a different group under
Directive 97/23/EC possibly leading to a different classification of the pressure equipment
A possible change in the classification of the fluids under Directive 97/23/EC does not always
necessarily result in a different classification of the pressure equipment itself since such
classification of the equipment depends not only on the nature of the fluid but also on the total
energetic content (based on the pressure and the volume of the equipment).
In particular, the transition from Directive 67/548/EEC to the CLP Regulation for physical
hazards is reasonably smooth as there is a good matching between that Directive and the new
classification under the CLP Regulation. Only for a few substances the classification will
change because the CLP Regulation introduces new cut-off values for the flammability
The transition from Directive 67/548/EEC to the CLP Regulation for the health hazards is
more complex as the boundaries of some categories do not always align with those of
Directive 67/548/EEC, as the CLP Regulation introduces also new hazard classes and
In particular, the hazard classes and categories related to acute toxicity have been analysed
more in detail with regard to their potential safety and economic impact.
With regard to the hazard classes for acute toxicity, the findings can be summarized as
- the inclusion of the fluids that are classified under the hazard classes acute oral toxicity
category 1 and 2 in Group 1 under Directive 97/23/EC will lead to a decrease in the number
of fluids (in the meaning of substances or preparations) in Group 1. This option is supported
by the fact that the oral take-up of substances or mixtures due to failure of pressure equipment
cannot be excluded but the risk is very limited. This option would therefore not cause an
unacceptable safety risk. However, the inclusion of acute oral toxicity category 3 would lead
to a substantial increase in the number of fluids in Group 1, possibly resulting in a higher
category of the equipment which may lead to an increase of the costs of the conformity
assessment, without a substantial gain in the level of safety.
- the inclusion of the fluids that are classified under the hazard classes acute dermal toxicity
category 1 and 2 will lead to a small decrease in the number of fluids (in the meaning of
substances or preparations) in Group 1 under Directive 97/23/EC. This option is supported by
the fact that dermal contact with substances or mixtures due to failure of pressure equipment
cannot be excluded but the risk is rather limited and would not cause an unacceptable safety
risk. However, the inclusion of acute dermal toxicity category 3 would lead to a relatively
small increase in the number of fluids in Group 1, without a substantial gain in the level of
- the inclusion of the fluids that are classified under the hazard classes acute toxicity
inhalation category 3 in addition to category 1 and 2 will lead to an increase of fluids (in the
meaning of substances or preparations) in Group 1 under Directive 97/23/EC which is
justified given the risk that might exist due to small leakages of fluids in the pressure
In summary, for most of the fluids used in pressure equipment, there will be no change in the
classification of the equipment due to the alignment to the CLP Regulation. For a limited
number of fluids, used in a limited number of applications, the alignment to the CLP
Regulation may lead to a different classification of the equipment and may influence the cost
for the conformity assessment process.
The impact assessment study concluded that the impact of the proposed alignment would be
limited and in particular that the overall economic impact will be low considering that the
proposed alignment options are aiming at the best possible mapping between the current
classification (based on Directive 67/548/EEC) and the future one (based on the CLP
Based on the number of substances that would be subject to a different classification and the
proportion of manufacturers that would be affected, the impact assessment study estimates the
overall costs of aligning Directive 97/23/EC to the CLP Regulation to be of the order of 8,5
million euros per year. The cost is due to the changes in the alignment for the health hazard
However, looking at the current compliance costs, and according to the impact assessment
study, the total average cost of the conformity assessment for the pressure equipment covered
by Directive 97/23/EC is estimated at 236,3 million euros per year.
Therefore, the incremental cost due to the alignment of Directive 97/23/EC to the CLP
Regulation is low compared to the total cost for conformity assessment. However, the
implementation of the CLP Regulation in the Union is mandatory and the cost cannot be
On the basis of the above, the Commission concluded that:
There is no alternative course of action because all downstream legislation which is
using classification of chemical substances has to be aligned to the CLP Regulation, which is
the European Union initiative transposing the international Global Harmonised System (GHS)
in the EU. The current legal basis for the classification of substances and preparations,
referred to in Article 9(2.1) of Directive 97/23/EC, namely Directive 67/548/EEC, will be
repealed on 1 June 2015. By that time, Directive 97/23/EC should be modified and refer to the
CLP Regulation for the purpose of the classification of pressure equipment within its scope.
The proposed alignment is therefore a technical alignment which is primarily designed to
minimize the impact of the changes in the classification system of the pressure equipment
itself and to guarantee legal certainty as from 1 June 2015.
The impact assessment study did not identify significant economic or health related
equipment bears the CE marking, the name of the manufacturer and of the importer, if
relevant, and that it is accompanied by the required documentation and instructions.
Importers and distributors must cooperate with market surveillance authorities and take
appropriate actions when they have supplied non-compliant pressure equipment.
Enhanced traceability obligations are introduced for all economic operators. Pressure
equipment has to bear the manufacturers name and address and a number allowing to identify
and link the pressure equipment to its technical documentation. When pressure equipment is
imported the importers name and address must also be on the pressure equipment.
Furthermore every economic operator must be able to identify towards authorities the
economic operator who has supplied him with pressure equipment or to whom he has
supplied pressure equipment.
3.3. Harmonised standards
Compliance with harmonised standards provides for a presumption of conformity with the
essential requirements. Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 25 October 2012 on European Standardisation, amending Council Directives
89/686/EEC and 93/15/EEC and Directives 94/9/EC, 94/25/EC, 95/16/EC, 97/23/EC,
98/34/EC, 2004/22/EC, 2007/23/EC, 2009/23/EC and 2009/105/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Decision 87/95/EEC and Decision No
1673/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 8 sets out a horizontal legal
framework for European standardisation. The Regulation contains inter alia provisions on
standardisation requests from the Commission to the European Standardisation Organisation,
on the procedure for objections to harmonised standards and on stakeholder participation in
the standardisation process. Consequently, it repealed Article 6 of Directive 97/23/EC
covering the same aspects. The provision conferring presumption of conformity to
harmonised standards has been modified to clarify the extent of the presumption of
conformity when standards only partially cover the essential requirements.
3.4. Conformity assessment and CE marking
Directive 97/23/EC has selected the appropriate conformity assessment procedures which
manufacturers have to apply in order to demonstrate that their pressure equipment complies
with the essential safety requirements. The proposal aligns these procedures to their updated
versions set out in the NLF Decision.
General principles of the CE marking are set out in Article 30 of Regulation (EC) No
765/2008, while the detailed provisions on the affixing of the CE marking to pressure
equipment have been inserted in this proposal.
3.5. Conformity assessment bodies
The proposal reinforces the notification criteria for conformity assessment bodies, namely
notified bodies but also recognised third-party organisations and user inspectorates. It clarifies
that subsidiaries or subcontractors must also comply with the notification requirements.
Specific requirements for notifying authorities are introduced and the procedure for
notification of notified bodies and user inspectorates and for designation of recognised third8
rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by the Member States of the
Commission's exercise of implementing powers 10.
Legal basis
The proposal is based on Article 114 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Subsidiarity principle
The internal market is a competence that is shared between the Union and the Member States.
The subsidiarity principle arises in particular with regard to the newly added provisions
aiming at the improvement of effective enforcement of Directive 97/23/EC, namely, the
importer and distributor obligations, the traceability provisions, the provisions on the
assessment and notification of conformity assessment bodies, and the enhanced cooperation
obligations in the context of the revised market surveillance and safeguard procedures.
Experience with the enforcement of the legislation has shown that measures taken at national
level have led to divergent approaches and to a different treatment of economic operators
inside the EU, which undermines the objective of this directive. If actions are taken at national
level to address the problems, this risks creating obstacles to the free movement of goods.
Furthermore action at national level is limited to the territorial competence of a Member State.
In view of the increasing internationalisation of trade, the number of cross-border cases is
constantly rising. Coordinated action at EU level can much better achieve the objectives set,
and will in particular render market surveillance more effective. Hence it is more appropriate
to take action at EU level.
As regards the problem of inconsistencies throughout the directives, this is a problem which
can only be solved by the EU legislator.
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, the modifications to be proposed will not
go beyond what is necessary to achieve the objectives set.
In accordance with the principle of proportionality, the proposed modifications do not go
beyond what is necessary to achieve the objectives set.
The new or modified obligations do not impose unnecessary burdens and costs on industry especially on small and medium sized enterprises - or administrations. Where modifications
have been identified to have negative impacts, the analysis of the impacts of the option serves
to provide the most proportionate response to the problems identified. A number of
modifications concern the improvement of clarity of the existing Directive without
introducing new requirements that entail added cost.
Legislative technique used
Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011
laying down the rules and the general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States
of the Commissions exercise of implementing powers (OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13).
The alignment to the NLF Decision and to the CLP Regulation requires a number of
substantive amendments to the provisions of Directive 97/23/EC. To ensure the readability of
the amended text the technique of recasting has been chosen in line with the Inter-institutional
Agreement of 28 November 2001 on a more structured use of the recasting technique for legal
acts 11.
The changes made to the provisions of Directive 97/23/EC concern: the definitions, the
obligations of economic operators, the presumption of conformity provided by harmonised
standards, the declaration of conformity, CE marking, conformity assessment bodies, the
safeguard clause procedure, the conformity assessment procedures and the classification of
the fluids.
The proposal does not change the scope of Directive 97/23/EC and the essential safety
This proposal does not have any implications for the EU budget.
OJ C 77, 28.3.2002, p. 1.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2013/0221 (COD)
Proposal for a
on the approximation harmonisation of the laws of the Member States
concerning relating to making available on the market of pressure equipment
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community on Functioning of the
European Union and in particular Article 100a 114 thereof,
Having regard to the proposals from the European Commission,
After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national Parliaments,
Having regard to the Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee 12,
Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure,
Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 May 1997 on
the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment 13
has been substantially amended several times. Since further amendments are to be
made, it should be recast in the interests of clarity.
Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July
2008 setting out the requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to
the marketing of products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 14 lays down
rules on the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies [provides a framework for
the market surveillance of products and for controls on products from third countries,]
and lays down the general principles of the CE marking.
Whereas equipment subject to a pressure of not more than 0,5 bar does not pose a
significant hazard due to pressure; whereas there should not therefore be any obstacle
to its free movement within the Community; This Directive applies should
apply to equipment subject to a maximum allowable pressure PS exceeding
greater than 0,5 bar. Equipment subject to a pressure of not more than 0,5
bar does not pose a significant risk due to pressure. Therefore, there should not be any
obstacle to its free movement within the Union.
97/23/EC recital 5 (adapted)
This Directive relates also should also apply to assemblies composed of several
pieces of pressure equipment assembled to constitute an integrated and functional
whole. These Those assemblies may range from simple assemblies such as
pressure cookers to complex assemblies such as water tube boilers. If the manufacturer
order to ensure free movement of such equipment to include it in the scope of this
Directive. Consequently it is should be expressly excluded from its scope.
97/23/EC recital 9 (adapted)
OJ No C 136, 4.6.1985, p. 1.
OJ No L 220, 8.8.1987, p. 48. Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ No L 220, 30. 8.
1993, p. 1).
OJ No L 262, 27.9.1976, p. 153. Directive as last amended by the 1994 Act of Accession.
The scope of this Directive must should be based on a general definition of the
term pressure equipment so as to allow for the technical development of products.
97/23/EC recital 14 (adapted)
Compliance with the essential safety requirements is necessary in order to ensure the
safety of pressure equipment. Those requirements have been should
be subdivided into general and specific requirements which must that need
to be met by pressure equipment. In particular the specific requirements are
intended to should take account of particular types of pressure equipment.
Certain types of pressure equipment in categories III and IV must should be
subject to a final assessment comprising final inspection and proof tests.
97/23/EC recital 15 (adapted)
Member States should be in a position to allow the showing at trade fairs of pressure
equipment which is not yet in conformity with the requirements of this Directive.
During demonstrations, appropriate safety measures must should be taken in
accordance with the general safety rules of the Member State concerned to ensure the
safety of persons.
OJ 196, 16.8.1967, p. 1.
OJ L 353, 31.12.2008, p. 1.
All economic operators intervening in the supply and distribution chain should take
appropriate measures to ensure that they only make available on the market pressure
equipment which is in conformity with this Directive. It is necessary to provide for a
clear and proportionate distribution of obligations which correspond to the role of each
economic operator in the supply and distribution chain.
The manufacturer, having detailed knowledge of the design and production process, is
best placed to carry out the complete conformity assessment procedure. Conformity
assessment should therefore remain solely the obligation of the manufacturer.
It is necessary to ensure that pressure equipment from third countries entering the
Union market complies with the requirements of this Directive, and in particular that
appropriate conformity assessment procedures have been carried out by manufacturers
with regard to that pressure equipment. Provision should therefore be made for
importers to make sure that the pressure equipment they place on the market complies
with the requirements of this Directive and that they do not place on the market
pressure equipment which does not comply with such requirements or presents a risk.
Provision should also be made for importers to make sure that the conformity
assessment procedures have been carried out and that marking of pressure equipment
and documentation drawn up by manufacturers are available for inspection by the
national authorities.
The distributor makes pressure equipment available on the market after it has been
placed on the market by the manufacturer or the importer and should act with due care
to ensure that its handling of the pressure equipment does not adversely affect the
compliance of the equipment with the requirements of this Directive.
When placing pressure equipment on the market, every importer should indicate on
the pressure equipment his name and the postal address at which he can be contacted.
Exceptions should be provided for in cases where the size or nature of the pressure
equipment does not allow it. This includes cases where the importer would have to
open the packaging to put his name and address on the equipment.
Any economic operator that either places pressure equipment on the market under its
own name or trademark or modifies pressure equipment in such a way that compliance
with the requirements of this Directive may be affected should be considered to be the
manufacturer and should assume the obligations of the manufacturer.
Distributors and importers, being close to the market place, should be involved in
market surveillance tasks carried out by the competent national authorities, and should
be prepared to participate actively, providing those authorities with all necessary
information relating to the pressure equipment concerned.
Ensuring traceability of pressure equipment throughout the whole supply chain helps
to make market surveillance simpler and more efficient. An efficient traceability
system facilitates market surveillance authorities' task of tracing economic operators
who made non-compliant pressure equipment available on the market.
When keeping the information required under this Directive for the identification of
economic operators, economic operators should not be required to update such
information in respect of other economic operators who have either supplied them
with a pressure equipment or to whom they have supplied a pressure equipment.
This Directive should be limited to the expression of the essential safety requirements.
In order to facilitate conformity assessment with those requirements it is necessary to
provide for presumption of conformity for pressure equipment which is in conformity
with harmonised standards that are adopted in accordance with Regulation (EU) No
1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on
European Standardisation, amending Council Directives 89/686/EEC and 93/15/EEC
and Directives 94/9/EC, 94/25/EC, 95/16/EC, 97/23/EC, 98/34/EC, 2004/22/EC,
2007/23/EC, 2009/23/EC and 2009/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council and repealing Council Decision 87/95/EEC and Decision No 1673/2006/EC
of the European Parliament and of the Council 23 for the purpose of expressing detailed
technical specifications of those requirements, especially with regard to the design,
manufacture and testing of pressure equipment.
Manufacturing of pressure equipment calls for the utilisation of safe materials. In the
absence of harmonised standards, it is useful to define the characteristics of the
materials intended for repeated use should be established. Those characteristics
should be . This definition is established by European approvals for materials, such
approvals being issued by one of the notified bodies specifically designated for that
task. The materials conforming to the European approvals shall be presumed to satisfy
should benefit from presumption of conformity with the essential safety
requirements of this Directive.
97/23/EC recital 19 (adapted)
In view of the nature of the hazards risks involved in the use of pressure
equipment and in order to enable economic operators to demonstrate and the
competent authorities to ensure that pressure equipment made available on the market
conforms to the essential safety requirements, it is necessary to establish provide
for conformity assessment procedures for assessing compliance with the basic
requirements of the Directives. These procedures must should be devised in the
light of the level of danger which is inherent in the pressure equipment. Therefore, for
each category of pressure equipment there must should be an adequate
procedure or a choice between different procedures of equivalent stringency. whereas
the procedures adopted are as required by Council Decision 93/465/EEC of 22 July
1993 concerning the modules for the various phases of the conformity assessment
procedures and the rules for the affixing and use of the CE conformity marking, which
are intended to be used in the technical harmonization Directives 25; Decision No
768/2008/EC establishes modules for conformity assessment procedures, which
include procedures from the least to the most stringent, in proportion to the level of
risk involved and the level of safety required. In order to ensure inter-sectoral
coherence and to avoid ad-hoc variants, conformity assessment procedures should be
chosen from among those modules. The details added to these those
procedures are justified by the nature of the verification required for pressure
97/23/EC recital 20 (adapted)
Under the conditions laid down by this Directive, certain procedures for conformity
assessment may require it should be possible for each item to be inspected and
tested by a notified body or a user inspectorate as part of the final assessment of the
pressure equipment. In other cases provision should be made to ensure that the final
assessment may be monitored by a notified body by means of unexpected visits.
Pressure equipment will should , as a general rule, bear the CE marking. affixed
either by the manufacturer or by his authorized representative established within the
Community; whereas the CE marking means that the pressure equipment complies
with the provisions of this Directive and those of other applicable Community
directives on CE marking; The CE marking, indicating the conformity of pressure
equipment, is the visible consequence of a whole process comprising conformity
assessment in a broad sense. General principles governing the CE marking and its
relationship to other markings are set out in Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. Rules
governing the affixing of the CE marking should be laid down in this Directive.
For pressure equipment defined in this Directive which presents only a minor pressure
hazard risk and for which certification procedures are therefore not justified,
the CE marking will should not be affixed.
The conformity assessment procedures set out in this Directive require the intervention
of conformity assessment bodies, which are notified by the Member States to the
Experience has shown that the criteria set out in Directive 97/23/EC that conformity
assessment bodies have to fulfil to be notified to the Commission are not sufficient to
ensure a uniformly high level of performance of these bodies throughout the Union. It
is, however, essential that all conformity assessment bodies perform their functions to
the same level and under conditions of fair competition. That requires the setting of
obligatory requirements for conformity assessment bodies wishing to be notified in
order to provide conformity assessment services.
If a conformity assessment body demonstrates conformity with the criteria laid down
in harmonised standards, it should be presumed to comply with the corresponding
requirements set out in this Directive.
The system set out in this Directive should be complemented by the accreditation
system provided for in Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. Since accreditation is an
essential means of verifying the competence of conformity assessment bodies, it
should also be used for the purposes of notification.
Since conformity assessment bodies may offer their services throughout the Union, it
is appropriate to give the other Member States and the Commission the opportunity to
raise objections concerning a notified body. It is therefore important to provide for a
period during which any doubts or concerns as to the competence of conformity
assessment bodies can be clarified before they start operating as notified bodies.
Member States should take all appropriate measures to ensure that pressure equipment
may be placed on the market only if, when properly stored and used for their intended
purpose, or under conditions of use which can be reasonably foreseen, they do not
endanger the health and safety of persons. Pressure equipment should be considered as
non-compliant with the essential safety requirements laid down in this Directive only
under conditions of use which can be reasonably foreseen, that is when such use could
result from lawful and readily predictable human behaviour.
97/23/EC recital 23
Whereas it is appropriate that the Member States, as provided for by Article 100a of
the Treaty, may take provisional measures to limit or prohibit the placing on the
market, putting into service and use of pressure equipment in cases where it presents
a particular risk to the safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or
property, provided that the measures are subject to a Community control procedure;
OJ No C 102, 4. 4. 1996, p. 1.
The advisory procedure should be used for the adoption of implementing acts
requesting the notifying Member State to take the necessary corrective measures in
respect of notified bodies that do not meet or no longer meet the requirements for their
The examination procedure should be used for the adoption of implementing acts with
respect to European approvals for materials presenting shortcomings and whose
references were already published in the Official Journal of the European Union,
given that such decisions could have consequences on the presumption of conformity
with the applicable essential requirements.
The Commission, when preparing and drawing-up delegated acts, should ensure a
simultaneous, timely and appropriate transmission of relevant documents to the
European Parliament and to the Council.
It is necessary to provide for transitional arrangements that allow the making available
on the market and the putting into service of pressure equipment which complies with
Directive 97/23/EC.
Member States should lay down rules on penalties applicable to infringements of the
provisions of national law adopted pursuant to this Directive and ensure that they are
implemented. Those penalties must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
Since the objective of this Directive, namely to ensure that pressure equipment on the
market fulfils the requirements providing a high level of protection of health and
safety of users and protection of domestic animals or property while guaranteeing the
functioning of the internal market cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member
States and can therefore, by reason of its scale and effects, be better achieved at Union
level, the Union may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity
as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. In accordance with the
principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Directive does not go
beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective.
The obligation to transpose this Directive into national law should be confined to those
provisions which represent a substantive change as compared with Directive
97/23/EC. The obligation to transpose the provisions which are unchanged arises
under Directive 97/23/EC.
This Directive should be without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States
relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law and application of
Directive 97/23/EC set out in Part B of Annex V,
97/23/EC (adapted)
Article 1
Scope and definitions
1. This Directive applies shall apply to the design, manufacture and conformity
assessment of pressure equipment and assemblies with a maximum allowable pressure PS
greater than 0,5 bar.
32. The following are excluded from the scope of Tthis Directive shall not apply to :
97/23/EC (adapted)
3.1.(a) pipelines comprising piping or a system of piping designed for the conveyance of any
fluid or substance to or from an installation (onshore or offshore) starting from and including
the last isolation device located within the confines of the installation, including all the
annexed equipment designed specifically for pipelines;, Tthis exclusion does shall not
apply to standard pressure equipment such as may be found in pressure reduction stations or
compression stations;
3.2.(b) networks for the supply, distribution and discharge of water and associated equipment
and headraces such as penstocks, pressure tunnels, pressure shafts for hydroelectric
installations and their related specific accessories;
97/23/EC (adapted)
3.3.(c) equipment simple pressure vessels covered by Directive 87/404/EEC
2009/105/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 28 on simple pressure vessels;
3.4.(d) equipment aerosol dispensers covered by Council Directive 75/324/EEC 29 of
20 May 1975 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to aerosol
3.5.(e) equipment intended for the functioning of vehicles defined by the following Directives
and their Annexes:
97/23/EC (adapted)
OJ L 264, 8.10.2009, p. 12 .
OJ L 147, 9.6.1975, p. 40. Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 94/1/EC (OJ No L 23,
28. 1. 1994, p. 28).
OJ L 263, 9.10.2007, p. 1. OJ No L 42, 23. 2. 1970, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Commission
Directive 95/54/EC (OJ No L 266, 8. 11. 1995, p. 1).
OJ L 171, 9.7.2003, p. 1. OJ No L 84, 28. 3. 1974, p. 10. Directive as last amended by the 1994 Act of
OJ L 124, 9.5.2002, p. 1. OJ No L 225, 10. 8. 1992, p. 72. Directive as last amended by the 1994 Act of
OJ L 157, 9.6.2006, p. 24. OJ No L 183, 29. 6. 1989, p. 9. Directive as last amended by Directive
93/68/EEC (OJ No L 220, 30. 8. 1993, p. 1).
3.11.(k) blast furnaces including the furnace cooling system, hot-blast recuperators, dust
extractors and blast-furnace exhaust-gas scrubbers and direct reducing cupolas, including the
OJ L 213, 7.9.1995, p. 1.
OJ L 374, 27.12.2006, p. 10. OJ No L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29. Directive as last amended by Directive
93/68/EEC (OJ No L 220, 30. 8. 1993, p. 1).
OJ L 169, 12.7.1993, p. 1.
OJ L 330, 16.12.2009, p. 10. OJ No L 196, 26.7.1990, p. 15. Directive as last amended by Directive
93/68/EEC (OJ No L 220, 30. 8. 1993, p. 1).
OJ L 100, 19.4.1994, p. 1.
furnace cooling, gas converters and pans for melting, re-melting, de-gassing and casting of
steel and non-ferrous metals;
3.12.(l) enclosures for high-voltage electrical equipment such as switchgear, control gear,
transformers, and rotating machines;
3.13.(m) pressurized pipes for the containment of transmission systems, e.g. for electrical
power and telephone cables;
3.14.(n) ships, rockets, aircraft and mobile off-shore units, as well as equipment specifically
intended for installation on board or the propulsion thereof;
3.15.(o) pressure equipment consisting of a flexible casing, e.g. tyres, air cushions, balls used
for play, inflatable craft, and other similar pressure equipment;
3.16.(p) exhaust and inlet silencers;
3.17.(q) bottles or cans for carbonated drinks for final consumption;
3.18.(r)vessels designed for the transport and distribution of drinks having a PSV of not more
than 500 barL and a maximum allowable pressure not exceeding 7 bar;
97/23/EC (adapted)
3.19.(s) equipment covered by Directive 2008/68/EC and Directive 2010/35/EU and
equipment covered by ADR 39, the RID 40, the International Maritime Dangerous
Goods Code (IMDG) 41 and the Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO
Convention) 42;
3.20.(t) radiators and pipes in warm water heating systems;
3.21.(u) vessels designed to contain liquids with a gas pressure above the liquid of not more
than 0,5 bar.
97/23/EC (adapted)
Article 2
For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions apply :
2.1.(1) Ppressure equipment means vessels, piping, safety accessories and pressure
accessories., including, Wwhere applicable, pressure equipment includes elements
attached to pressurized parts, such as flanges, nozzles, couplings, supports, lifting lugs, etc.;
2.1.1.(2) Vvessel means a housing designed and built to contain fluids under pressure
including its direct attachments up to the coupling point connecting it to other equipment;, Aa
vessel may be composed of more than one chamber.;
2.1.2.(3) Ppiping means piping components intended for the transport of fluids, when
connected together for integration into a pressure system;, Ppiping includes in particular a
pipe or system of pipes, tubing, fittings, expansion joints, hoses, or other pressure-bearing
components as appropriate;, Hheat exchangers consisting of pipes for the purpose of cooling
or heating air shall be considered as piping.;
97/23/EC (adapted)
2.1.3.(4) Ssafety accessories means devices designed to protect pressure equipment against
the allowable limits being exceeded., Such devices include including devices for direct
pressure limitation, such as safety valves, bursting disc safety devices, buckling rods,
controlled safety pressure relief systems (CSPRS), and limiting devices, which either activate
the means for correction or provide for shutdown or shutdown and lockout, such as pressure
switches or temperature switches or fluid level switches and safety related measurement
control and regulation (SRMCR) devices.;
2.1.4.(5) Ppressure accessories means devices with an operational function and having
pressure-bearing housings.;
2.1.5.(6) Aassemblies means several pieces of pressure equipment assembled by a
manufacturer to constitute an integrated and functional whole.;
2.2.(7) Ppressure means pressure relative to atmospheric pressure, i.e. gauge pressure. As a
consequence, vacuum is designated by a negative value.;
2.3.(8) Mmaximum allowable pressure PS means the maximum pressure for which the
equipment is designed, as specified by the manufacturer.,
97/23/EC (adapted)
It is and defined at a location specified by the manufacturer him, being either .
This must be the location of the connection of protective and/or limiting devices, or
the top of equipment or, if not appropriate, any point specified.
2.4.(9) Mmaximum/minimum allowable temperature TS means the maximum/minimum
temperatures for which the equipment is designed, as specified by the manufacturer.;
2.5.(10) Vvolume (V) means the internal volume of a chamber, including the volume of
nozzles to the first connection or weld and excluding the volume of permanent internal parts.;
2.6.(11) Nnominal size (DN) means a numerical designation of size which is common to all
components in a piping system other than components indicated by outside diameters or by
thread size;, Iit is a convenient round number for reference purposes and is only loosely
related to manufacturing dimensions;, Tthe nominal size is designated by DN followed by a
2.7.(12) Ffluids means gases, liquids and vapours in pure phase as well as mixtures thereof.
A fluid may contain a suspension of solids.;
2.8.(13) Ppermanent joints means joints which cannot be disconnected except by destructive
2.9.(14) European approval for materials means a technical document defining the
characteristics of materials intended for repeated use in the manufacture of pressure
equipment which are not covered by any harmonised standard.;
(15) making available on the market means any supply of pressure equipment for
distribution or use on the Union market in the course of a commercial activity, whether in
return for payment or free of charge;
(16) placing on the market means the first making available of pressure equipment on the
Union market;
(17) manufacturer means any natural or legal person who manufactures pressure
equipment or has such equipment designed or manufactured, and markets that product under
his name or trademark;
(18) authorised representative means any natural or legal person established within the
Union who has received a written mandate from a manufacturer to act on his behalf in relation
to specified tasks;
(19) importer means any natural or legal person established within the Union who places
pressure equipment from a third country on the Union market;
(20) distributor means any natural or legal person in the supply chain, other than the
manufacturer or the importer, who makes pressure equipment available on the market;
(21) economic operators means the manufacturer, the authorised representative, the
importer and the distributor;
(22) technical specification means a document that prescribes technical requirements to
be fulfilled by pressure equipment, process or service;
(23) harmonised standard means harmonised standard as defined in Article 2(1)(c) of
Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012;
for sale until they are brought into conformity by the manufacturer or by his
authorized representative established within the Community. During demonstrations,
appropriate safety measures shall be taken in accordance with any requirements laid down by
the competent authority of the Member State concerned in order to ensure the safety of
Article 34
Technical requirements
1. The following pressure equipment referred to in 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 must satisfy
the essential safety requirements set out in Annex I:
1 Corrigendum 97/23/EC
1.1.(a) Vvessels, except those referred to in 1.2 point (b) for:
(ai) gases, liquefied gases, gases dissolved under pressure, vapours and also those
liquids whose vapour pressure at the maximum allowable temperature is
greater than 0,5 bar above normal atmospheric pressure, (1013 mbar) within
the following limits:
(bii) liquids having a vapour pressure at the maximum allowable temperature of not
more than 0,5 bar above normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar) within the
following limits:
for fluids in Group 2 with a pressure PS greater than 10 bar and a product
of PS and V greater than 10000 barL, or with a pressure PS greater than
1000 bar (Annex II, table 4).
1.2.(b) Ffired or otherwise heated pressure equipment with the risk of overheating intended
for generation of steam or super-heated water at temperatures higher than
1 110 C having a volume greater than 2 L, and all pressure cookers (Annex II, table 5).
1.3.(c) Ppiping intended for:
(ai) gases, liquefied gases, gases dissolved under pressure, vapours and those
liquids whose vapour pressure at the maximum allowable temperature is
greater than 0,5 bar above normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar) within the
following limits:
for fluids in Group 1 with a DN greater than 25 (Annex II, table 6),;
(bii) liquids having a vapour pressure at the maximum allowable temperature of not
more than 0,5 bar above normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar), within the
following limits:
for fluids in Group 2 with a PS greater than 10 bar, a DN greater than 200
and a product of PS and DN greater than 5000 bar (Annex II, table 9).
97/23/EC (adapted)
1.4.(d) Ssafety and pressure accessories intended for equipment covered by 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) including where such equipment is incorporated into an
2. The following assemblies defined in Article 1, section 2.1.5, which include at least
one item of pressure equipment covered by section paragraph 1 of this Article and which are
listed in 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of this Article must satisfy the essential safety requirements
set out in Annex I.
1 Corrigendum 97/23/EC
2.1.(a) Aassemblies intended for generating steam or superheated water at a temperature
higher than 1 110 C comprising at least one item of fired or otherwise heated pressure
equipment presenting a risk of overheating.
2.2.(b) Aassemblies other than those referred to in 2.1 point (a), if the manufacturer intends
them to be placed made available on the market and put into service as assemblies.
97/23/EC (adapted)
By way of derogation from the first subparagraph introductory paragraph to this
section, assemblies intended for generating warm water at temperatures not greater than
110 C which are manually fed with solid fuels and have a PSV greater than 50 barL must
comply with the essential safety requirements referred to in points 2.10, 2.11, 3.4, 5
(a) and 5 (d) of Annex I.
3. Pressure equipment and/or assemblies below or equal to the limits set out in
sections 1.1, 1.2 points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 and in paragraph 2 and 1.3 and section 2
respectively must shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the sound
engineering practice of a Member State in order to ensure safe use. Pressure equipment and/or
assemblies must be accompanied by adequate instructions for use and must bear markings to
permit identification of the manufacturer or of his authorized representative established within
the Community. Such equipment and/or assemblies must shall not bear the CE
marking referred to in Article 1518.
Article 45
Free movement
1.1. Member States shall not, on grounds of the hazards risks due to pressure,
prohibit, restrict or impede the placing making available on the market or the
putting into service under the conditions specified by the manufacturer of pressure equipment
or assemblies referred to in Article 1 which comply with this Directive and bear the CE
marking indicating that they have undergone conformity assessment in accordance with
Article 10.
Member States shall not, on grounds of the hazards risks due to pressure,
prohibit, restrict or impede the placing making available on the market or the
putting into service of pressure equipment or assemblies which comply with Article 34(3).
2. Member States may require, to the extent that it is needed for safe and correct use of
pressure equipment and assemblies, the information referred to in Annex I sections points 3.3
and 3.4 of Annex I to be provided in the official language(s) of the Community Union
which may be determined in accordance with the Treaty by the Member State in which the
equipment or assembly reaches the final user.
14.2.3. When a Member State has designated a user inspectorate in accordance with the
criteria requirements set out in this Article 25 , it may not, on grounds of the
hazards risks due to pressure, prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market or
putting into service under the conditions provided for in this Article 16, of pressure equipment
or assemblies the conformity of which has been assessed by a user inspectorate designated by
another Member State in accordance with the criteria requirements set out in this
Article 25 .
Article 6 [Article R2 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Obligations of manufacturers
When placing their pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and (2) on the
market, manufacturers shall ensure that they have been designed and manufactured in
accordance with the essential safety requirements set out in Annex I.
When placing their pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(3) on the market,
manufacturers shall ensure that they have been designed and manufactured in accordance with
the sound engineering practice of a Member State.
For pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and (2), manufacturers shall draw
up the technical documentation referred to in Annex II and carry out the conformity
assessment procedure referred to in Article 14 or have it carried out.
Where compliance of pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and (2), with the
applicable requirements has been demonstrated by the procedure referred to in the first
subparagraph, manufacturers shall draw up an EU declaration of conformity and affix the CE
Manufacturers shall keep the technical documentation and the EU declaration of
conformity for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market.
Manufacturers shall ensure that procedures are in place for series production to remain
in conformity. Changes in pressure equipment design or characteristics and changes in the
harmonised standards or in other technical specifications by reference to which conformity of
pressure equipment is declared shall be adequately taken into account.
When deemed appropriate with regard to the risks presented by pressure equipment,
manufacturers shall, to protect the health and safety of consumers and other users, carry out
sample testing of pressure equipment made available on the market, investigate, and, if
necessary, keep a register of complaints of non-conforming pressure equipment and recalls of
such equipment, and shall keep distributors informed of any such monitoring.
Manufacturers shall ensure that their pressure equipment bear a type, batch or serial
number or other element allowing their identification, or, where the size or nature of the
equipment does not allow it, that the required information is provided on the packaging or in a
document accompanying the equipment.
Manufacturers shall indicate their name, registered trade name or registered trade
mark, the postal address, and, if available, the website address at which they can be contacted
on the pressure equipment or, where that is not possible, on their packaging or in a document
accompanying the equipment. The address must indicate a single point at which the
manufacturer can be contacted.
Manufacturers shall ensure that the pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and
(2), is accompanied by instructions and safety information in accordance with points 3.3 and
3.4 of Annex I, in a language which can be easily understood by consumers and other users,
as determined by the Member State concerned. Such instructions and safety information shall
be clear, understandable and intelligible.
Manufacturers shall ensure that the pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(3), is
accompanied by instructions and safety information in accordance with Article 4(3), in a
language which can be easily understood by consumers and other users, as determined by the
Member State concerned. Such instructions and safety information shall be clear,
understandable and intelligible.
Manufacturers who consider or have reason to believe that the pressure equipment
which they have placed on the market is not in conformity with this Directive shall
immediately take the necessary corrective measures necessary to bring that pressure
equipment into conformity, to withdraw it or recall it, if appropriate. Furthermore, where the
pressure equipment presents a risk, manufacturers shall immediately inform the competent
national authorities of the Member States in which they made the pressure equipment
available on the market to that effect, giving details, in particular, of the noncompliance and
of any corrective measures taken.
Manufacturers shall, further to a reasoned request from a competent national authority,
provide it with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate the
conformity of the pressure equipment with this Directive, in a language which can be easily
understood by that authority. That information and documentation may be provided in paper
or electronic form. They shall cooperate with that authority, at its request, on any action taken
to eliminate the risks posed by the pressure equipment which they have placed on the market.
Article 7 [Article R3 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Authorised representatives
The obligations laid down in Article 6(1) and the drawing up of technical documentation shall
not form part of the authorised representative's mandate.
An authorised representative shall perform the tasks specified in the mandate received
from the manufacturer. The mandate shall allow the authorised representative to do at least
the following:
Before placing on the market pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and (2),
importers shall ensure that the appropriate conformity assessment procedure in accordance
with Article 14 has been carried out by the manufacturer. They shall ensure that the
manufacturer has drawn up the technical documentation, that the pressure equipment bears the
CE marking and is accompanied by instructions and safety information in accordance with
points 3.3 and 3.4 of Annex I, and that the manufacturer has complied with the requirements
set out in Article 6(5) and (6).
Before placing on the market pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(3), importers shall
ensure that the manufacturer has drawn up the technical documentation and that the pressure
equipment is accompanied by adequate instructions for use and that the manufacturer has
complied with the requirements set out in Article 6(5) and (6).
Where an importer considers or has reason to believe that pressure equipment is not in
conformity with the essential safety requirements set out in Annex I, he shall not place the
pressure equipment on the market until it has been brought into conformity. Furthermore,
where the pressure equipment presents a risk, the importer shall inform the manufacturer and
the market surveillance authorities to that effect.
Importers shall indicate their name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and
the postal address at which they can be contacted on the pressure equipment or, where that is
not possible, on its packaging or in a document accompanying the equipment. The contact
details shall be in a language easily understood by users and market surveillance authorities.
Importers shall ensure that pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and (2) is
accompanied by instructions and safety information in accordance with points 3.3 and 3.4 of
Annex I, in a language which can be easily understood by consumers and other users, as
determined by the Member State concerned.
Importers shall ensure that the pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(3) is accompanied
by instructions and safety information in a language which can be easily understood by
consumers and other users, as determined by the Member State concerned.
Importers shall ensure that, while pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and
(2) is under their responsibility, storage or transport conditions do not jeopardise its
compliance with the requirements set out in Annex I.
When deemed appropriate with regard to the risks presented by pressure equipment,
importers shall, to protect the health and safety of consumers and other users, upon a duly
justified request of the competent authorities, carry out sample testing of pressure equipment
made available on the market, investigate, and, if necessary, keep a register of complaints,
non-conforming pressure equipment and recalls of such equipment, and shall keep distributors
informed of any such monitoring.
Importers who consider or have reason to believe that pressure equipment which they
have placed on the market is not in conformity with this Directive shall immediately take the
corrective measures necessary to bring that pressure equipment into conformity, to withdraw
it or recall it, if appropriate. Furthermore, where the pressure equipment presents a risk,
importers shall immediately inform the competent national authorities of the Member States
in which they made the pressure equipment available on the market to that effect, giving
details, in particular, of the noncompliance and of any corrective measures taken.
Importers shall, for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed on the
market, keep a copy of the EU declaration of conformity at the disposal of the market
surveillance authorities and ensure that the technical documentation can be made available to
those authorities, upon request.
Importers shall, further to a reasoned request from a competent national authority,
provide it with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate the
conformity of pressure equipment in a language which can be easily understood by that
authority. That information and documentation may be provided in paper or electronic form.
They shall cooperate with that authority, at its request, on any action taken to eliminate the
risks posed by pressure equipment which they have placed on the market.
Article 9 [Article R5 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Obligations of distributors
When making pressure equipment available on the market distributors shall act with
due care in relation to the requirements of this Directive.
Before making pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and (2) available on the
market distributors shall verify that the pressure equipment bears the CE marking, that it is
accompanied by the required documents and by instructions and safety information in
accordance with points 3.3 and 3.4 of Annex I, in a language which can be easily understood
by consumers and other users in the Member State in which the pressure equipment is to be
made available on the market, and that the manufacturer and the importer have complied with
the requirements set out in Article 6(5) and (6) and Article 8(3).
Where a distributor considers or has reason to believe that pressure equipment is not in
conformity with the essential safety requirements set out in Annex I, he shall not make the
pressure equipment available on the market until it has been brought into conformity.
Furthermore, where the pressure equipment presents a risk, the distributor shall inform the
manufacturer or the importer to that effect as well as the market surveillance authorities.
Before making pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(3) available on the market
distributors shall verify that the pressure equipment is accompanied by adequate instructions
for use, in a language which can be easily understood by consumers and other users in the
Member State in which the pressure equipment is to be made available on the market, and that
the manufacturer and the importer have complied with the requirements set out in Article 6(5)
and (6) and Article 8(3).
Distributors shall ensure that, while pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and
(2) is under their responsibility, storage or transport conditions do not jeopardise their/its
compliance with the essential safety requirements set out in Annex I.
Distributors who consider or have reason to believe that pressure equipment which
they have made available on the market is not in conformity with this Directive shall make
sure that the corrective measures necessary to bring that equipment into conformity, to
withdraw it or recall it, if appropriate, are taken. Furthermore, where the pressure equipment
presents a risk, distributors shall immediately inform the competent national authorities of the
Member States in which they made the equipment available to that effect, giving details, in
particular, of the non-compliance and of any corrective measures taken.
Distributors shall, further to a reasoned request from a competent national authority,
provide it with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate the
conformity of pressure equipment. That information and documentation may be provided in
paper or electronic form. They shall cooperate with that authority, at its request, on any action
taken to eliminate the risks posed by the pressure equipment which they have made available
on the market.
Article 10 [Article R6 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Cases in which obligations of manufacturers apply to importers and distributors
An importer or distributor shall be considered a manufacturer for the purposes of this
Directive and he shall be subject to the obligations of the manufacturer under Article 6, where
he places pressure equipment on the market under his name or trademark or modifies pressure
equipment already placed on the market in such a way that compliance with the requirements
of this Directive may be affected.
Article 11 [Article R7 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Identification of economic operators
Economic operators shall, on request, identify the following to the market surveillance
authorities, for 10 years:
(a) any economic operator who has supplied them with pressure equipment;
(b) any economic operator to whom they have supplied pressure equipment.
Economic operators shall be able to present the information referred to in the first paragraph
for a period of 10 years after they have been supplied with the pressure equipment and for a
period of 10 years after they have supplied the pressure equipment.
Article 512 [Article R8 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Presumption of conformity
1. Pressure equipment referred to in Article 4(1) and (2) which are in conformity with
harmonised standards or parts thereof the references of which have been published in the
Official Journal of the European Union shall be presumed to be in conformity with the
essential safety requirements covered by those standards or parts thereof, referred to in Annex
97/23/EC (adapted)
1.2. Member States shall regard pressure equipment and assemblies bearing the CE marking
provided for in Article 1518 and the EC EU declaration of conformity provided for in
Annex VII Article 17 as conforming to all the provisions of this Directive, including the
conformity assessment provided for in Article 10.
2. Pressure equipment and assemblies which conform to the national standards transposing
the harmonized standards the reference numbers of which have been published in the Official
Journal of the European Communities shall be presumed to conform to the essential
requirements referred to in Article 3. Member States shall publish the reference numbers of
the national standards referred to above.
3. Member States shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to enable both sides of
industry to have an input at national level in the process of preparing and monitoring the
harmonized standards.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.3. The materials used for the manufacture of pressure equipment conforming which are
in conformity with European approvals for materials, the references of which have been
published in the Official Journal of the European Communities Union in accordance with
Article 15(4), shall be presumed to conform to be in conformity with the
applicable essential safety requirements of set out in Annex I.
Article 913
Classification of pressure equipment
1. Pressure equipment referred to in Article 34(1) shall be classified by category in
accordance with Annex II, according to ascending level of hazard risk .
For the purposes of such classification fluids shall be divided into the following two
groups: in accordance with 2.1 and 2.2.
Group 1 comprises dangerous fluids. A dangerous fluid is a substance or preparation
covered by the definitions in Article 2 (2) of Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967
on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the
classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances 43.
Group 1 comprises fluids defined as:
extremely flammable,
highly flammable,
very toxic,
(a) group 1 that comprises fluids consisting of substances and mixtures, as defined in points
(7) and (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, that are classified as hazardous in
accordance with the following physical or health hazard classes laid down in Parts 2 and 3 of
Annex I to that Regulation:
unstable explosives or explosives of Divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5;
OJ No 196, 16. 8. 1967, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Commission Directive 94/69/EC (OJ No L
381, 31. 12. 1994, p. 1).
substances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gases,
category 1, 2 and 3;
1.3.2. The conformity assessment procedures to be applied for the various categories are as
follows the following :
category I:
Module A
category II:
Module A12
Module D1
Module E1
category III:
97/23/EC (adapted)
Module B1 (design type) + D
Module B1 (design type) + F
Module B (combination of production type and design type) + E
Module B (combination of production type and design type) + C12
Module H
category IV:
97/23/EC (adapted)
Module B (combination of production type and design type) + D
Module B (combination of production type and design type) + F
97/23/EC (adapted)
Module G
Module H1
is classified. The manufacturer may also choose to apply one of the procedures which apply to
a higher category, if available.
1.5.4. In the framework of quality assurance procedures for pressure equipment in
categories III and IV referred to in Article 34(1)(a)(i), section 1.1 (a), section1 first indent of
Article 4(1)(ba)(ii) and 3 Article 4(1)(b) section 1.2, the notified body shall, when performing
unexpected visits, take a sample of equipment from the manufacturing or storage premises in
order to perform, or have performed, the final assessment as referred to in Annex I, section
point 3.2.2. To this end, the manufacturer shall inform the notified body of the intended
schedule of production. The notified body shall carry out at least two visits during the first
year of manufacturing. The frequency of subsequent visits shall be determined by the notified
body on the basis of the criteria set out in section point 4.4 of the relevant modules.
1.6.5. In the case of one-off production of vessels and pressure equipment in
Category III referred to in Article 34(1)(b), section 1.2 under the module H procedure, the
notified body shall perform or have performed the final assessment, as referred to in Annex I,
section point 3.2.2 of Annex I, for each unit. To this end, the manufacturer shall communicate
the intended schedule of production to the notified body.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2.6. Assemblies referred to in Article 34(2) shall be subjected to a global conformity
assessment procedure comprising the following assessments :
97/23/EC (adapted)
the assessment of each item of pressure equipment making up the assembly
and referred to in Article 34(1) which has not been previously subjected to a conformity
assessment procedure and to a separate CE marking; the assessment procedure shall be
determined by the category of each item of equipment;
the assessment of the integration of the various components of the assembly as
referred to in sections points 2.3, 2.8 and 2.9 of Annex I which shall be determined by the
highest category applicable to the equipment concerned other than that applicable to any
safety accessories;
the assessment of the protection of an assembly against exceeding the permissible
operating limits as referred to in sections points 2.10 and 3.2.3 of Annex I shall be conducted
in the light of the highest category applicable to the items of equipment to be protected.
3.7. By way of derogation from paragraphs 1 and 2, the competent authorities may, where
justified, allow the placing making available on the market and putting into service in
the territory of the Member State concerned of individual pressure equipment items and
assemblies referred to in Article 12(2), in respect of which the procedures referred to in
paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article have not been applied and the use of which is in the
interests of experimentation.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4. Records and correspondence relating to conformity assessment shall be drawn up in the
official language(s) of the Community Union which may be determined in accordance
with the Treaty by the Member State where the body responsible for carrying out these
procedures is established, or in a language accepted by that body.
97/23/EC (adapted)
Article 1115
European approval for materials
1. European approval for materials, as defined in Article 1, section 2.9, shall be issued at the
request of one or more manufacturers of materials or equipment, by one of the notified bodies
referred to in Article 1220 specifically designated for that task. The notified body shall
determine and perform, or arrange for the performance of, the appropriate inspections and
tests to certify the conformity of the types of material with the corresponding requirements of
this Directive;. iIn the case of materials recognizsed as being safe to use before 29 November
1999, the notified body shall take account of the existing data when certifying such
97/23/EC (adapted)
2. Before issuing a European approval for materials, the notified body shall inform
notify the Member States and the Commission by sending them the appropriate
information. Within three months, a Member State or the Commission may refer the matter to
the Standing Committee set up by Article 5 of Directive 83/189/EEC, provide
comments giving its reasons. In that case, the Committee shall issue an opinion as a matter
of urgency.
The notified body shall may issue the European approval for materials taking into
account, where appropriate, the opinion of the Committee and the comments submitted.
97/23/EC (adapted)
3. A copy of the European approval for pressure equipment materials shall be sent to the
Member States, the notified bodies and the Commission.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4. When the European approval for materials satisfies the requirements which it covers
and which are set out in Annex I, tThe Commission shall publish the references of that
approval. and The Commission shall keep up to date a list of such
European approvals for materials in the Official Journal of the European Communities
Union .
97/23/EC (adapted)
1 Corrigendum, OJ L 265,
27.9.1997, p. 110
5. The notified body which issued the European approval for pressure equipment materials
shall withdraw that approval if it finds that it should not have been 1 issued or if the type
of materials is covered by a harmonised standard. It shall immediately inform the other
Member States, the notified bodies and the Commission of any withdrawal of an approval.
When a Member State or the Commission considers that a European approval for
materials whose references have been published in the Official Journal of the European
Union, does not entirely satisfy the essential safety requirements which it covers and which
are set out in Annex I, the Commission shall decide by implementing acts whether to
withdraw the references of that European approval for materials from the Official Journal of
the European Union.
The implementing acts referred to in the first subparagraph shall be adopted in accordance
with the examination procedure referred to in Article 39(3).
97/23/EC (adapted)
Article 1416
User inspectorates
1. By way of derogation from the provisions relating to the tasks carried out by the notified
bodies, Member States may authorize in on their territory the placing making
available on the market, and the putting into service by users, of pressure equipment or
assemblies referred to in Article 1 of which conformity with the essential safety
requirements has been assessed by a user inspectorate designated in accordance with the
criteria referred to in paragraph 87.
97/23/EC (adapted)
3.2. Pressure equipment and assemblies the conformity of which has been assessed by a user
inspectorate shall not bear the CE marking.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.3. The pressure equipment and assemblies referred to in paragraph 1 may be used only in
establishments operated by the group of which the inspectorate is part. The group shall apply
a common safety policy as regards the technical specifications for the design, manufacture,
inspection, maintenance and use of pressure equipment and assemblies.
97/23/EC (adapted)
54. The user inspectorates shall act exclusively for the group of which they are part.
65. The conformity assessment procedures applicable by user inspectorates shall be modules
A12, C12, F and G, as described set out in Annex III.
97/23/EC (adapted)
76. Member States shall inform notify the other Member States and the Commission
which user inspectorates they have authorised, the tasks for which they have been designated
and, for each inspectorate, a list of the establishments satisfying the provisions of paragraph
87. In designating the user inspectorates, the Member States shall apply the criteria listed
requirements set out in Annex V Article 25 and ensure that the group of which the
inspectorate is part applies the criteria referred to in the second sentence of paragraph 43.
9. A Member State that has authorized a user inspectorate shall withdraw that authorization if
it finds that the user inspectorate no longer meets the criteria referred to in paragraph 8. It
shall inform the other Member States and the Commission thereof.
10. The effects of this Article shall be monitored by the Commission and evaluated three
years after the date specified in Article 20 (3). To this end, Member States shall forward to the
Commission any useful information on the implementation of this Article. If necessary the
evaluation shall be accompanied by a proposal for amendment of the Directive.
Article 17 [Article R10 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
EU declaration of conformity
1. The EU declaration of conformity shall state that the fulfilment of essential safety
requirements set out in Annex I has been demonstrated.
2. The EU declaration of conformity shall have the model structure set out in Annex III and
shall contain the elements specified in the relevant conformity assessment procedures set out
in Annex II and shall be continuously updated. It shall be translated into the language or
languages required by the Member State in whose market the pressure equipment is placed or
made available on the market.
3. Where pressure equipment is subject to more than one Union act requiring an EU
declaration of conformity, a single EU declaration of conformity shall be drawn up in respect
of all such Union acts. That declaration shall contain the identification of the acts concerned
including the publication references.
4. Where the pressure equipment or assembly is subject to other Directives covering other
aspects which provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the
pressure equipment or assembly in question is also presumed to conform to the provisions of
those other Directives.
However, should one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer, during a
transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate
conformity only with the Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, the particulars
of the said Directives, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities,
must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the Directives and
accompanying the pressure equipment or assembly.
5. The affixing of markings on pressure equipment or assemblies which are likely to mislead
third parties as to the meaning or form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other
marking may be affixed to pressure equipment or assemblies provided that the visibility and
legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.
3. The CE marking shall be affixed before the item of pressure equipment or the assembly is
placed on the market.
4. The CE marking shall be followed by the identification number of the notified body, where
that body is involved in the production control phase.
The identification number of the notified body shall be affixed by the body itself or, under its
instructions, by the manufacturer or his authorised representative.
5. The CE marking and, where applicable, the identification number referred to in paragraph 4
may be followed by any other mark indicating a special risk or use.
Article 12
Notified bodies
Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the bodies
which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 10 and Article 11,
together with the specific tasks which those bodies have been appointed to carry out and the
identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of
the notified bodies, with their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been
notified. The Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.
Member States shall apply the criteria set out in Annex IV for the designation of
bodies. Bodies meeting the criteria laid down in the relevant harmonized standards shall be
presumed to fulfil the corresponding criteria in Annex IV.
A Member State which has notified a body must withdraw such notification if it finds
that the body no longer meets the criteria referred to in paragraph 2.
It shall forthwith inform the other Member States and the Commission of any such
withdrawal of a notification.
Article 13
Recognized third-party organizations
1. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the third-party
organizations which they have recognized for the purposes of the tasks referred to in Annex I,
sections 3.2.2 and 3.1.3.
The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of
the recognized organizations with the tasks for which they have been recognized. The
Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.
2. Member States shall apply the criteria set out in Annex IV for the recognition of
organizations. Organizations meeting the criteria laid down in the relevant harmonized
standards shall be presumed to fulfil the corresponding criteria in Annex IV.
3. A Member State which has recognized an organization must withdraw such recognition if it
finds that the organization no longer meets the criteria referred to in paragraph 2.
It shall forthwith inform the other Member States and the Commission of any such
withdrawal of a recognition.
Article 20 [Article R13 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the notified
bodies and the user inspectorates authorised to carry out third-party conformity assessment
tasks in accordance with Article 15, Article 16 or Annex III and of the third-party
organisations they have recognised, for the purposes of the tasks referred to in points 3.1.2
and 3.1.3 of Annex I.
A notifying authority shall have a sufficient number of competent personnel at its
disposal for the proper performance of its tasks.
inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgement or the results of
their conformity assessment activities, especially as regards persons or groups of persons with
an interest in the results of those activities.
A conformity assessment body shall be capable of carrying out all the conformity
assessment tasks assigned to it by Article 15, Annex III or points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I
and in relation to which it has been notified, whether those tasks are carried out by the
conformity assessment body itself or on its behalf and under its responsibility.
At all times and for each conformity assessment procedure and each kind or category of
pressure equipment in relation to which it has been notified, a conformity assessment body
shall have at its disposal the necessary:
procedures for the performance of activities which take due account of the size
of an undertaking, the sector in which it operates, its structure, the degree of
complexity of the product technology in question and the mass or serial nature
of the production process.
It shall have the means necessary to perform the technical and administrative tasks connected
with the conformity assessment activities in an appropriate manner and shall have access to
all necessary equipment or facilities.
The personnel responsible for carrying out conformity assessment activities shall have
the following:
sound technical and vocational training covering all the conformity assessment
activities in relation to which the conformity assessment body has been
The impartiality of the conformity assessment bodies, their top level management and
of the assessment personnel shall be guaranteed.
The remuneration of the top level management and assessment personnel of a conformity
assessment body shall not depend on the number of assessments carried out or on the results
of those assessments.
Conformity assessment bodies shall take out liability insurance unless liability is
assumed by the State in accordance with national law, or the Member State itself is directly
responsible for the conformity assessment.
The personnel of a conformity assessment body shall observe professional secrecy
with regard to all information obtained in carrying out their tasks under Article 15, Annex III
or under points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I or any provision of national law giving effect to
them, except in relation to the competent authorities of the Member State in which its
activities are carried out. Proprietary rights shall be protected.
Conformity assessment bodies shall participate in, or ensure that their assessment
personnel are informed of, the relevant standardisation activities and the activities of the
notified body coordination group established under the relevant Union harmonisation
legislation and shall apply as general guidance the administrative decisions and documents
produced as a result of the work of that group.
Article 25
Requirements relating to user inspectorates
For the purposes of notification, a user inspectorate shall meet the requirements laid
down in paragraphs 2 to 11.
A user inspectorate shall be established under national law and have legal personality.
A user inspectorate shall be organisationally identifiable and have reporting methods
within the group of which it is part which ensure and demonstrate its impartiality.
A user inspectorate, its top level management and the personnel responsible for
carrying out the conformity assessment tasks shall not be the designer, manufacturer, supplier,
installer, purchaser, owner, user or maintainer of the pressure equipment which they assess,
nor the authorised representative of any of those parties. This shall not preclude the use of
assessed pressure equipment that is necessary for the operations of the user inspectorate or the
use of such equipment for personal purposes.
A user inspectorate, its top level management and the personnel responsible for carrying out
the conformity assessment tasks shall not be directly involved in the design, manufacture or
construction, the marketing, installation, use or maintenance of that pressure equipment, or
represent the parties engaged in those activities. They shall not engage in any activity that
may conflict with their independence of judgement or integrity in relation to conformity
assessment activities for which they are notified. This shall in particular apply to consultancy
User inspectorates and their personnel shall carry out the conformity assessment
activities with the highest degree of professional integrity and the requisite technical
competence in the specific field and shall be free from all pressures and inducements,
particularly financial, which might influence their judgement or the results of their conformity
assessment activities, especially as regards persons or groups of persons with an interest in the
results of those activities.
A user inspectorate shall be capable of carrying out all the conformity assessment
tasks assigned to it by Article 16 and in relation to which it has been notified, whether those
tasks are carried out by the user inspectorate itself or on its behalf and under its responsibility.
At all times and for each conformity assessment procedure and each kind or category of
pressure equipment in relation to which it has been notified, the user inspectorate shall have at
its disposal the necessary:
procedures for the performance of activities which take due account of the size
of an undertaking, the sector in which it operates, its structure, the degree of
complexity of the product technology in question and the mass or serial nature
of the production process.
It shall have the means necessary to perform the technical and administrative tasks connected
with the conformity assessment activities in an appropriate manner and shall have access to
all necessary equipment or facilities.
The personnel responsible for carrying out conformity assessment activities shall have
the following:
sound technical and vocational training covering all the conformity assessment
activities in relation to which the conformity assessment body has been
The impartiality of the user inspectorates, their top level management and of the
assessment personnel shall be guaranteed. User inspectorates must not engage in any
activities that might conflict with its independence of judgement and integrity in relation to its
inspection activities.
The remuneration of the top level management and assessment personnel of a user
inspectorate shall not depend on the number of assessments carried out or on the results of
those assessments.
User inspectorates shall take out liability insurance unless liability is assumed by the
group of which they are part.
The personnel of user inspectorates shall observe professional secrecy with regard to
all information obtained in carrying out their tasks under Article 16 or any provision of
national law giving effect to them, except in relation to the competent authorities of the
Member State in which its activities are carried out. Proprietary rights shall be protected.
User inspectorates shall participate in, or ensure that their assessment personnel are
informed of, the relevant standardisation activities and the activities of the notified body
coordination group established under the relevant Union harmonisation legislation and apply
as general guidance the administrative decisions and documents produced as a result of the
work of that group.
Article 26 [Article R18 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Presumption of conformity
Where a conformity assessment body demonstrates its conformity with the criteria laid down
in the relevant harmonised standards or parts thereof the references of which have been
published in the Official Journal of the European Union it shall be presumed to comply with
the requirements set out in Articles 24 or 25 in so far as the applicable harmonised standards
cover those requirements.
Article 27 [Article R20 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Subsidiaries of and subcontracting by notified bodies and recognised third-party
Where a notified body or a recognised third-party organisation subcontracts specific
tasks connected with conformity assessment or has recourse to a subsidiary, it shall ensure
that the subcontractor or the subsidiary meets the requirements set out in Article 24 and shall
inform the notifying authority accordingly.
Notified bodies and recognised third-party organisations shall take full responsibility
for the tasks performed by subcontractors or subsidiaries wherever these are established.
Activities may be subcontracted or carried out by a subsidiary only with the agreement
of the client.
Notified bodies and recognised third-party organisations shall keep at the disposal of
the notifying authority the relevant documents concerning the assessment of the qualifications
of the subcontractor or the subsidiary and the work carried out by them under Article 15,
Annex III or points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I.
It shall assign a single such number even where the body is notified under several Union acts.
The Commission shall make publicly available the list of the notified bodies under this
Directive, including the identification numbers that have been allocated to them and the
activities for which they have been notified.
The Commission shall ensure that that list is kept up to date.
Article 31
Lists of recognised third-party organisations and user inspectorates
The Commission shall make publicly available the list of the recognised third-party
organisations and of the user inspectorates under this Directive and the tasks for which they
have been recognised.
The Commission shall ensure that that list is kept up to date.
Article 32 [Article R25 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Changes to notifications
Where a notifying authority has ascertained or has been informed that a notified body
or a recognised third-party organisation no longer meets the requirements laid down in Article
24 or that it is failing to fulfil its obligations, the notifying authority shall, as appropriate,
restrict, suspend or withdraw the notification, depending on the seriousness of the failure to
meet those requirements or fulfil those obligations. It shall immediately inform the
Commission and the other Member States accordingly.
Where a notifying authority has ascertained or has been informed that a user inspectorate no
longer meets the requirements laid down in Article 25, or that it is failing to fulfil its
obligations, the notifying authority shall as appropriate, restrict, suspend or withdraw the
notification, depending on the seriousness of the failure to meet those requirements or fulfil
those obligations. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States
In the event of restriction, suspension or withdrawal of notification, or where the
notified body, the recognised third-party organisation or the user inspectorate has ceased its
activity, the notifying Member State shall take appropriate steps to ensure that the files of that
body are either processed by another notified body, recognised third-party organisation or
user inspectorate, or kept available for the responsible notifying and market surveillance
authorities at their request.
Where, in the course of the monitoring of conformity following the issue of a
certificate, a conformity assessment body finds that pressure equipment no longer complies, it
shall require the manufacturer to take appropriate corrective measures and shall suspend or
withdraw the certificate if necessary.
Where corrective measures are not taken or do not have the required effect, the
conformity assessment body shall restrict, suspend or withdraw any certificates, as
Article 35
Appeal against decisions of notified bodies, recognised third party organisations and
user inspectorates
Member States shall ensure that an appeal procedure against decisions of notified bodies,
recognised third-party organisations or user inspectorates is available.
Article 36 [Article R28 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Information obligation on notified bodies, recognised third party organisations and user
Notified bodies, recognised third-party organisations and user inspectorates shall
inform the notifying authority of the following:
any request for information which they have received from market surveillance
authorities regarding conformity assessment activities;
Notified bodies, recognised third-party organisations and user inspectorates shall
provide the other bodies notified under this Directive carrying out similar conformity
assessment activities covering the same pressure equipment with relevant information on
issues relating to negative and, on request, positive conformity assessment results.
Article 37 [Article R29 of Decision No 768/2008/EC]
Exchange of experience
The Commission shall provide for the organisation of exchange of experience between the
Member States' national authorities responsible for notification policy.
shortcomings in the European approval of pressure equipment materials as referred to
in Article 11.
2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned without delay.
Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is justified, it shall
immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the other Member
Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is unjustified, it
shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the manufacturer,
or his authorized representative established within the Community. Where the decision
referred to in paragraph 1 is based on a shortcoming in the standards or in European approvals
for materials and where the Member State at the origin of the decision maintains its position
the Commission shall immediately inform the Committee referred to in Article 6 in order to
initiate the procedure referred to in the first paragraph of Article 6.
3. Where pressure equipment or an assembly which does not comply bears the CE marking,
the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against the person(s) having affixed
the CE marking and shall so inform the Commission and the other Member Sates.
4. The Commission shall ensure that the Member Sates are kept informed of the progress and
outcome of this procedure.
Article 16
Unduly affixed CE marking
Without prejudice to Article 8:
where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the
manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, shall be
obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking
and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;
should non-conformity persist, the Member State must take all appropriate measures
to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the product in question or to ensure that it is
withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 8.
Article 17
Member States shall take appropriate measures in order to encourage the authorities
responsible for implementing this Directive to cooperate with each other and provide each
other and the Commission with information in order to assist the functioning of this Directive.
Article 18
Decisions entailing refusal or restriction
Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which restricts the placing on the market and
the putting into service or requires the withdrawal from the market of pressure equipment or
assemblies shall state the exact grounds on which it is based. Such decision shall be notified
forthwith to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies
available to him under the laws in force in the Member State concerned and of the time limits
to which such remedies are subject.
97/23/EC (adapted)
Article 7 39
Committee on Pressure Equipment procedure
1882/2003 Art. 1 and Annex
I.13 (adapted)
21. The Commission shall be assisted by a standing committee (hereinafter referred to as the
Committee) the Committee on Pressure Equipment established by Directive
97/23/EC . That committee shall be a committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU)
No 182/2011.
The Committee shall draw up its rules of procedure.
3 2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 4, Articles 3 and 7 of Decision
1999/468/EC 44 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply, having regard to the
provisions of Article 8 thereof.
3. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall
Where the opinion of the committee is to be obtained by written procedure, that procedure
shall be terminated without result when, within the time-limit for delivery of the opinion, the
chair of the committee so decides or a simple majority of committee members so request.
4. The Committee may furthermore examine any other matter relating to the implementation
and practical application of this Directive and raised by its chairman either on his own
initiative or at the request of a Member State.
Council Decision 1999/468/EC of 28 June 1999 laying down the procedures for the exercise of
implementing powers conferred on the Commission (OJ L 184, 17.7.1999, p. 23).
Article 40
Amendments of Annexes
The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 41
concerning the reclassification of pressure equipment when it has any of the following
1. The Commission may take any appropriate measure to implement the following provisions:
Where a Member State considers that, for very serious safety reasons,
97/23/EC (adapted)
it shall submit a duly substantiated request to the Commission and ask it to take the necessary
measures. Those measures shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in
paragraph 3 .
Article 41
Exercise of the delegation
The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the
conditions laid down in this Article.
The delegation of power referred to in Article 40 shall be conferred for an
indeterminate period of time from 1 June 2015.
The delegation of powers referred to in Article 40 may be revoked at any time by the
European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the
delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect the day following the
publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date
specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force.
As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to
the European Parliament and to the Council.
A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 40 shall enter into force only if no
objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or the Council within a
period of two months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or
if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both
informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by two
months at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council.
Article 42
Member States shall lay down rules on penalties applicable to infringements by economic
operators of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive and shall take all
measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. Such rules may include criminal
penalties for serious infringements.
The penalties referred to in the first subparagraph must be effective, proportionate and
97/23/EC (adapted)
Article 43
Transitional provisions
31. Member States must permit shall not impede the placing on the market putting
into service of pressure equipment and assemblies which comply with the regulations in
force in their territory at the date of application of this Directive 97/23/EC and were placed
on the market until 29 May 2002, and permit such equipment and assemblies to be put into
service beyond that date.
Member States shall not impede the making available on the market and/or the putting
into service of pressure equipment covered by Directive 97/23/EC which are in conformity
with that Directive and which were placed on the market before 1 June 2015.
Certificates issued under Directive 97/23/EC shall be valid under this Directive.
97/23/EC (adapted)
Article 2044
Transposition and transitional provisions
1. Before 29 May 1999 Member States shall adopt and publish by 1 March 2015 at the
latest, the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this
Directive Articles 2(15) to (31), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19(3) to (5), 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43 and Annexes III and IV .
They shall forthwith inform communicate to the Commission thereof the text of
those measures .
Member States They shall apply such those measures provisions as from 29
November 1999 1 June 2015 .
When Member States adopt these those measures referred to in the first subparagraph,
they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on
the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid
down by Member States. They shall also include a statement that references in existing
laws, regulations and administrative provisions to Directive 97/23/EC shall be construed as
references to this Directive. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made
and how that statement is to be formulated.
2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main
provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.
Article 19 45
Article 22 of Directive 76/767/EEC shall cease to apply as from 29 November 1999 in respect
of pressure equipment and assemblies covered by this Directive.
Directive 97/23/EC, as amended by the acts listed in Annex V, Part A, is repealed with effect
from 1 June 2015, without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the
time-limits for transposition into national law and application of that Directive, set out in Part
B of Annex V.
References to the repealed Directive shall be construed as references to this Directive and
shall be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex VI.
Article 46
Entry into force
This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in
the Official Journal of the European Union.
Articles 1, 2(1) to (14), 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19(1) and (2), 39, 40 and 41 and Annexes I and
II shall apply from 1 June 2015.
Article 47
Addressees of the Directive
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels,
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. The obligations arising from the essential safety requirements listed in this Annex
for pressure equipment also apply to assemblies where the corresponding hazard risk
2. The essential safety requirements laid down in the this Directive are
compulsory. The obligations laid down following from in these those essential
safety requirements apply only if the corresponding hazard risk exists for the
pressure equipment in question when it is used under conditions which are reasonably
foreseeable by the manufacturer.
3. The manufacturer is under an obligation to analyse the hazards risks in order to
identify those which apply to his equipment on account of pressure; he must shall then
design and construct it taking account of his analysis.
4. The essential safety requirements are to be interpreted and applied in such a way as
to take account of the state of the art and current practice at the time of design and
manufacture as well as of technical and economic considerations which are consistent with a
high degree of health and safety protection.
1.1. Pressure equipment must shall be designed, manufactured and checked, and if
applicable equipped and installed, in such a way as to ensure its safety when put into service
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, or in reasonably foreseeable conditions.
1.2. In choosing the most appropriate solutions, the manufacturer must shall apply the
principles set out below in the following order:
1.3. Where the potential for misuse is known or can be clearly foreseen, the pressure
equipment must shall be designed to prevent danger from such misuse or, if that is not
possible, adequate warning given that the pressure equipment must shall not be used in
that way.
2.1. General
The pressure equipment must shall be properly designed taking all relevant factors
into account in order to ensure that the equipment will be safe throughout its intended life.
The design must shall incorporate appropriate safety coefficients using comprehensive
methods which are known to incorporate adequate safety margins against all relevant failure
modes in a consistent manner.
2.2. Design for adequate strength
2.2.1. The pressure equipment must shall be designed for loadings appropriate to its
intended use and other reasonably foreseeable operating conditions. In particular, the
following factors must shall be taken into account:
internal/external pressure,;
reaction forces and moments which result from the supports, attachments, piping,
Various loadings which can occur at the same time must shall be considered, taking
into account the probability of their simultaneous occurrence.
2.2.2. Design for adequate strength must shall be based on either of the
following :
design by formula,;
design by analysis,;
(b) Resistance
97/23/EC (adapted)
Appropriate design calculations must shall be used to establish the resistance of the
pressure equipment concerned.
In particular:
the calculation pressures must shall not be less than the maximum allowable
pressures and take into account static head and dynamic fluid pressures and the
decomposition of unstable fluids. Where a vessel is separated into individual
pressure-containing chambers, the partition wall must shall be designed on
the basis of the highest possible chamber pressure relative to the lowest pressure
possible in the adjoining chamber,
the calculation temperatures must shall allow for appropriate safety margins,
the design must shall take appropriate account of all possible combinations of
temperature and pressure which might arise under reasonably foreseeable operating
conditions for the equipment,
the maximum stresses and peak stress concentrations must shall be kept
within safe limits,
the calculation for pressure containment must shall utilizse the values
appropriate to the properties of the material, based on documented data, having
regard to the provisions set out in section point 4 together with appropriate safety
factors. Material characteristics to be considered, where applicable, include:
tensile strength,;
fatigue data,;
fracture toughness,.
97/23/EC (adapted)
the design must shall take appropriate account of all reasonably foreseeable
degradation mechanisms (e.g. corrosion, creep, fatigue) commensurate with the
intended use of the equipment. Attention must shall be drawn, in the
instructions referred to in section point 3.4, to particular features of the design which
are relevant to the life of the equipment, for example:
where the risk of creep or fatigue exists, appropriate tests determined on the basis of
the service conditions laid down for the equipment, for instance hold time at specified
temperatures, number of cycles at specified stress-levels, etc.;
where necessary, additional tests concerning other factors referred to in 2.2.1 such as
corrosion, external damage, etc.
2.3. Provisions to ensure safe handling and operation
The method of operation specified for pressure equipment must shall be such as to
preclude any reasonably foreseeable risk in operation of the equipment. Particular attention
must shall be paid, where appropriate, to:
In particular, pressure equipment fitted with an access door must shall be equipped
with an automatic or manual device enabling the user easily to ascertain that the opening will
not present any hazard risk . Furthermore, where the opening can be operated quickly,
the pressure equipment must shall be fitted with a device to prevent it being opened
whenever the pressure or temperature of the fluid presents a hazard risk .
2.4. Means of examination
Pressure equipment must shall be designed and constructed so that all
necessary examinations to ensure safety can be carried out;
Means of determining the internal condition of the equipment must shall be
available, where it is necessary to ensure the continued safety of the equipment, such as
access openings allowing physical access to the inside of the pressure equipment so that
appropriate examinations can be carried out safely and ergonomically;
Other means of ensuring the safe condition of the pressure equipment may be applied
in any of the following situations :
where it is too small for physical internal access, or;
where opening the pressure equipment would adversely affect the inside, or;
where the substance contained has been shown not to be harmful to the material
from which the pressure equipment is made and no other internal degradation
mechanisms are reasonably foreseeable.
2.5. Means of draining and venting
97/23/EC (adapted)
Adequate means must shall be provided for the draining and venting of pressure
equipment where necessary:
to avoid harmful effects such as water hammer, vacuum collapse, corrosion and
uncontrolled chemical reactions. All stages of operation and testing, particularly
pressure testing, must shall be considered,;
draw attention, in the instructions referred to in point 3.4, to measures necessary for
continued safe use.
2.8. Assemblies
97/23/EC (adapted)
Assemblies must shall be so designed that:
the components to be assembled together are suitable and reliable for their duty,;
all the components are properly integrated and assembled in an appropriate manner.
on filling:
overfilling or overpressurization having regard in particular to the filling ratio and
to vapour pressure at the reference temperature,;
instability of the pressure equipment;
where appropriate, adequate monitoring devices such as indicators and/or alarms
which enable adequate action to be taken either automatically or manually to keep the
pressure equipment within the allowable limits.
be so designed and constructed as to be reliable and suitable for their intended duty
and take into account the maintenance and testing requirements of the devices, where
comply with appropriate design principles in order to obtain suitable and reliable
protection. These principles include, in particular, fail-safe modes, redundancy,
diversity and self-diagnosis.
a notified body,;
To carry out these approvals the third party must perform examinations and tests as set out in
the appropriate harmonised standards or equivalent examinations and tests or must
shall have them performed.
3.1.3. Non-destructive tests
For pressure equipment, non-destructive tests of permanent joints must shall be carried
out by suitable qualified personnel. For pressure equipment in categories III and IV, the
personnel must shall be approved by a third-party organizsation recognized by a
Member State pursuant to Article 1320.
3.1.4. Heat treatment
Where there is a risk that the manufacturing process will change the material properties to an
extent which would impair the safety of the pressure equipment, suitable heat treatment must
shall be applied at the appropriate stage of manufacture.
3.1.5. Traceability
Suitable procedures must shall be established and maintained for identifying the
material making up the components of the equipment which contribute to pressure resistance
by suitable means from receipt, through production, up to the final test of the manufactured
pressure equipment.
the name and address or other means of identification of the manufacturer and,
where appropriate, of his authorized representative established within the
Community the importer ,;
depending on the type of pressure equipment, further information necessary for safe
installation, operation or use and, where applicable, maintenance and periodic inspection such
intended use,;
where necessary, warnings fixed to the pressure equipment drawing attention to
misuse which experience has shown might occur.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The CE marking and the required information must shall be given on the pressure
equipment or on a dataplate firmly attached to it, with the following exceptions:
where the pressure equipment is too small, e.g. accessories, the information referred
to in point (b) may be given on a label attached to that pressure equipment;
labelling or other adequate means may be used for the mass to be filled and the
warnings referred to in point (c), provided it remains legible for the appropriate
period of time.
Instructions must shall cover information affixed to the pressure equipment in
accordance with 3.3, with the exception of serial identification, and must shall be
accompanied, where appropriate, by the technical documents, drawings and diagrams
schemes necessary for a full understanding of these instructions;
If appropriate, these instructions must shall also refer to hazards risks
arising from misuse in accordance with 1.3 and particular features of the design in accordance
with 2.2.3.
Materials used for the manufacture of pressure equipment must shall be suitable for
such application during the scheduled lifetime unless replacement is foreseen.
Welding consumables and other joining materials need fulfil only the relevant requirements of
4.1, 4.2 (a) and the first paragraph of 4.3, in an appropriate way, both individually and in a
joined structure.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.1. Materials for pressurizsed parts must shall :
have appropriate properties for all operating conditions which are reasonably
foreseeable and for all test conditions, and in particular they should be sufficiently ductile and
tough. Where appropriate, the characteristics of the materials must shall comply with
the requirements of 7.5. Moreover, due care should be exercised in particular in selecting
materials in order to prevent brittle-type fracture where necessary; where for specific reasons
brittle material has to be used appropriate measures must shall be taken;
be sufficiently chemically resistant to the fluid contained in the pressure equipment;
the chemical and physical properties necessary for operational safety must shall not be
significantly affected within the scheduled lifetime of the equipment;
be selected in order to avoid significant undesirable effects when the various materials
are put together.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.2. The pressure equipment manufacturer shall :
The pressure equipment manufacturer must define in an appropriate manner the values
necessary for the design calculations referred to in 2.2.3 and the essential characteristics of the
materials and their treatment referred to in 4.1;
the manufacturer must provide in his technical documentation elements relating to
compliance with the materials specifications of the Directive in one of the following forms:
for pressure equipment in categories III and IV, a specific assessment of the
particular material appraisal as referred to in the third indent of (b) must shall
be performed by the notified body in charge of conformity assessment procedures for the
pressure equipment.
4.3. The equipment manufacturer must shall take appropriate measures to ensure that
the material used conforms with the required specification. In particular, documentation
prepared by the material manufacturer affirming compliance with a specification must
shall be obtained for all materials.
For the main pressure-bearing parts of equipment in categories II, III and IV, this must
shall take the form of a certificate of specific product control.
Where a material manufacturer has an appropriate quality-assurance system, certified by a
competent body established within the Community Union and having undergone a
specific assessment for materials, certificates issued by the manufacturer are presumed to
certify conformity with the relevant requirements of this section point.
In addition to the applicable requirements of sections points 1 to 4, the following
requirements apply to the pressure equipment covered by sections points 5 and 6.
This pressure equipment includes:
97/23/EC (adapted)
steam and hot-water generators as referred to in Article 34(b), section 1.2, such as
fired steam and hot-water boilers, superheaters and reheaters, waste-heat boilers,
waste incineration boilers, electrode or immersion-type electrically heated boilers,
pressure cookers, together with their accessories and where applicable their systems
for treatment of feedwater and for fuel supply,; and
process-heating equipment for other than steam and hot water generation falling
under Article 34(a), section 1.1, such as heaters for chemical and other similar
processes and pressurizsed food-processing equipment.
steps are taken to avoid a dangerous accumulation of ignitable mixtures of
combustible substances and air, or flame blowback.
97/23/EC (adapted)
Design and construction must shall ensure:
that the risk of overstressing from inadmissible free movement or excessive forces
being produced, e.g. on flanges, connections, bellows or hoses, is adequately controlled by
means such as support, constraint, anchoring, alignment and pre-tension;
that where there is a possibility of condensation occurring inside pipes for gaseous
fluids, means are provided for drainage and removal of deposits from low areas to avoid
damage from water hammer or corrosion;
that due consideration is given to the potential damage from turbulence and formation
of vortices; the relevant parts of 2.7 are applicable;
that due consideration is given to the risk of fatigue due to vibrations in pipes;
that, where fluids of Group 1 are contained in the piping, appropriate means are
provided to isolate take-off pipes the size of which represents a significant risk;
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that the risk of inadvertent discharge is minimized; the take-off points must
shall be clearly marked on the permanent side, indicating the fluid contained;
that the position and route of underground piping is at least recorded in the technical
documentation to facilitate safe maintenance, inspection or repair.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The following provisions apply as a general rule. However, where they are not applied,
including in cases where materials are not specifically referred to and no harmonised
standards are applied, the manufacturer must shall demonstrate that appropriate
measures have been taken to achieve an equivalent overall level of safety.
This section is an integral part of Annex I. The provisions laid down in this section
supplement the essential safety requirements of sections points 1 to 6 for the pressure
equipment to which they apply.
7.1. Allowable stresses
7.1.1. Symbols
Re/t, yield limit, indicates the value at the calculation temperature of:
the upper flow limit for a material presenting upper and lower flow limits,;
in the case of ferritic steel including normalized (normalized rolled) steel and
excluding fine-grained steel and specially heat-treated steel, /3 of Re/t and 5/12 of
or, alternatively, and if its elongation after rupture exceeds 35 %, 5/6 of Re/t and
/3 of Rm/t;
in the case of non-alloy or low-alloy cast steel, 10/19 of Re/t and 1/3 of Rm/20;
in the case of aluminium alloys excluding precipitation hardening alloys 2/3 of Re/t
and 5/12 of Rm/20.
for equipment subject to destructive and non-destructive tests which confirm that the
whole series of joints show no significant defects: 1,;
for equipment not subject to non-destructive testing other than visual inspection: 0,7.
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If necessary, the type of stress and the mechanical and technological properties of the joint
must shall also be taken into account.
7.3. Pressure limiting devices, particularly for pressure vessels
The momentary pressure surge referred to in 2.11.2 must shall be kept to 10 % of the
maximum allowable pressure.
7.4. Hydrostatic test pressure
For pressure vessels, the hydrostatic test pressure referred to in 3.2.2 must shall be no
less than either of the following :
that corresponding to the maximum loading to which the pressure equipment may be
subject in service taking into account its maximum allowable pressure and its
maximum allowable temperature, multiplied by the coefficient 1,25,; or
the maximum allowable pressure multiplied by the coefficient 1,43, whichever is the
1. The references in the tables to categories of modules are the following:
97/23/EC (adapted)
Module A
Modules B (combination of
production type and design type) +
D, B (combination of production
type and design type) + F, G, H1
2. The safety accessories defined in Article 12(4), Section 2.1.3, and referred to in Article
34(1)(d), Section 1.4, are classified in category IV. However, by way of exception, safety
accessories manufactured for specific equipment may be classified in the same category as the
equipment they protect.
3. The pressure accessories defined in Article 12(5), Section 2.1.4, and referred to in Article
34(1)(d), Section 1.4, are classified on the basis of:
and tThe appropriate table for vessels or piping is to be used to determine the conformity
assessment category.
Where both the volume and the nominal size are considered appropriate in the second indent
of the first subparagraph , the pressure accessory must shall be classified in the
highest category.
4. The demarcation lines in the following conformity assessment tables indicate the upper
limit for each category.
97/23/EC (adapted)
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5
Pressure equipment referred to in Article 34(1)(b), Section 1.2
Table 6
Piping referred to in Article 34(1)(c)(i), Section 1.3 (a), first indent
Exceptionally, piping intended for unstable gases and falling within categories I or II on the
basis of Table 6 must shall be classified in category III.
Table 7
Table 8
Piping referred to in Article 34(1)(c)(ii), Section 1.3 (b), first indent
Table 9
The obligations arising from the provisions on pressure equipment in this Annex also apply to
1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer or his authorized
representative established within the Community who carries out the obligations laid down in
section 2 ensures and declares that pressure equipment satisfies the requirements of the
Directive which apply to it.
The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, must
affix the CE marking to each item of pressure equipment and draw up a written declaration of
Internal production control is the conformity assessment procedure whereby the
manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2, 3 and 4, and ensures and declares
on his sole responsibility that the pressure equipment concerned satisfy the requirements of
this Directive.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2. Technical documentation
The manufacturer must draw up shall establish the technical documentation. described
in section 3 and either the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the
Community must keep it at the disposal of the relevant national authorities for inspection
purposes for a period of ten years after the last of the pressure equipment has been
Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative is established within the
Community, the obligation to keep the technical documentation available is the responsibility
of the person who places the pressure equipment on the Community market.
97/23/EC (adapted)
3. The technical documentation must enable shall make it possible to an assessment to
be made of the conformity of the pressure equipment with to the relevant
requirements , and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of the risk(s).
The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and cover, of
the Directive which apply to it. It must, as far as is relevant for such the assessment,
cover the design, manufacture and operation of the pressure equipment. The technical
documentation shall, wherever applicable, and contain at least the following
elements :
test reports.
4. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, must
keep a copy of the declaration of conformity with the technical documentation.
97/23/EC (adapted)
53. Manufacturing
The manufacturer must shall take all measures necessary to ensure so that the
manufacturing process and its monitoring ensure compliance of requires the
manufactured pressure equipment to comply with the technical documentation referred to in
section point 2 and with the requirements of the this Directive which apply to it.
4. CE marking and EU declaration of conformity
The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community,
must shall affix the CE marking to each item individual of pressure equipment
and draw up a written declaration of conformity that satisfies the applicable requirements
of this Directive .
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for the
pressure equipment model and keep it together with the technical documentation at the
disposal of the national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed
on the market. The EU declaration of conformity shall identify the pressure equipment for
which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in point 4 may be fulfilled by his authorised
representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are specified in
the mandate.
establish that the manufacturer actually performs final assessment in accordance with
section 3.2 of Annex I,
Should one or more of the items of pressure equipment not conform, the notified body must
take appropriate measures.
On the responsibility of the notified body, the manufacturer must affix the former's
identification number on each item of pressure equipment.
Internal production control plus final assessment performed by the manufacturer and
monitored by means of unexpected visits by a notified body chosen by the manufacturer is the
conformity assessment procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down
in points 2, 3, 4, and 5, and ensures and declares on his sole responsibility that the pressure
equipment concerned satisfy the requirements of this Directive.
Technical documentation
The manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation. The documentation shall make
it possible to assess the conformity of the pressure equipment with the relevant requirements,
and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of the risk(s). The technical
documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and cover, as far as relevant for the
assessment, the design, manufacture and operation of the pressure equipment. The technical
documentation shall contain, wherever applicable, at least the following elements:
a general description of the pressure equipment;
conceptual design and manufacturing drawings and schemes of components,
sub-assemblies, circuits, etc.;
descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of those drawings
and schemes and the operation of the pressure equipment;
a list of the harmonised standards the references of which have been published in
the Official Journal of the European Union, applied in full or in part, and
descriptions of the solutions adopted to meet the essential safety requirements of
this Directive where those harmonised standards have not been applied. In the
event of partly applied harmonised standards, the technical documentation shall
specify the parts which have been applied;
results of design calculations made, examinations carried out, etc., and
test reports.
The manufacturer shall take all measures necessary so that the manufacturing process and its
monitoring ensure compliance of the manufactured pressure equipment with the technical
documentation referred to in point 2 and with the requirements of this Directive that apply to
The manufacturer shall perform a final assessment of the pressure equipment, monitored by
means of unexpected visits by a notified body chosen by the manufacturer.
The notified body shall carry out product checks or have them carried out at random intervals
determined by the body, in order to verify the quality of the internal checks of the pressure
equipment, taking into account inter alia the technological complexity of the pressure
equipment and the quantity of production.
During its unexpected visits, the notified body shall:
establish that the manufacturer actually performs final assessment in accordance
with point 3.2 of Annex I.
take samples of pressure equipment at the manufacturing or storage premises in
order to conduct checks. The notified body assesses the number of items of
equipment to sample and whether it is necessary to perform, or have performed,
all or part of the final assessment of the pressure equipment samples.
The acceptance sampling procedure to be applied is intended to determine whether the
manufacturing process of the pressure equipment performs within acceptable limits, with a
view to ensuring conformity of the pressure equipment.
Should one or more of the items of pressure equipment or assembly not conform, the notified
body shall take appropriate measures.
The manufacturer shall, under the responsibility of the notified body, affix the notified body's
identification number during the manufacturing process.
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking to each individual pressure equipment
that satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for the
pressure equipment model and keep it together with the technical documentation at the
disposal of the national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed
on the market. The EU declaration of conformity shall identify the pressure equipment for
which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in point 5 may be fulfilled by his authorised
representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are specified in
the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
3.1. EU-type examination combination of production type and design type
1. This module describes the part of the procedure by which a notified body ascertains and
attests that a representative example of the production in question meets the provisions of the
Directive which apply to it.
2. The application for EC type-examination must be lodged by the manufacturer or by his
authorized representative established within the Community with a single notified body of his
EU-type examination - combination of production type and design type is the part of a
conformity assessment procedure in which a notified body examines the technical design of
the pressure equipment and verifies and attests that the technical design of the pressure
equipment meets the requirements of this Directive.
EU-type examination - combination of production type and design type shall consist
of an assessment of the adequacy of the technical design of the pressure equipment through
examination of the technical documentation and supporting evidence referred to in point 3,
plus examination of specimens, representative of the production envisaged, of one or more
critical parts of the pressure equipment.
The manufacturer shall lodge an application for EU-type examination with a single
notified body of his choice.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The application must shall include:
the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the
authorized representative, his name and address as well,;
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
The applicant must place at the disposal of the notified body a representative example of the
production envisaged, hereinafter called type. The notified body may request further
examples should the test programme so require.
A type may cover several versions of pressure equipment provided that the differences
between the versions do not affect the level of safety.
97/23/EC (adapted)
test reports,;
The specimen may cover several versions of the pressure equipment provided that the
differences between the versions do not affect the level of safety.
The notified body may request further specimens if needed for carrying out the test
the supporting evidence for the adequacy of the technical design solution. This
supporting evidence shall mention any documents that have been used, in particular
where the relevant harmonised standards have not been applied in full. The
supporting evidence shall include, where necessary, the results of tests carried out by
the appropriate laboratory of the manufacturer applying other relevant technical
specifications, or by another testing laboratory on his behalf and under his
97/23/EC (adapted)
examine the technical documentation with respect to the design and the
manufacturing procedures,
assess the materials used where these are not in conformity with the relevant
harmonised standards or with a European approval for pressure equipment materials,
and check the certificate issued by the material manufacturer in accordance with
section point 4.3 of Annex I,;
approve the procedures for the permanent joining of pressure equipment parts, or
check that they have been previously approved in accordance with section point 3.1.2
of Annex I,;
verify that the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of pressure equipment
parts and the non-destructive tests are qualified or approved in accordance with
sections points 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 of Annex I.
4.2. perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests to establish
whether the solutions adopted by the manufacturer meet the essential requirements of the
Directive where the standards referred to in Article 5 have not been applied.
4.2. verify that the specimen(s) have been manufactured in conformity with the technical
documentation and identify the elements which have been designed in accordance with the
applicable provisions of the relevant harmonised standards as well as the elements which have
been designed using other relevant technical specifications without applying the relevant
provisions of those standards.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.3. perform or have performed the carry out appropriate examinations and necessary
tests to establish whether, to check where whether when the manufacturer has
chosen to apply the solutions in the relevant harmonised standards, these have
actually been applied correctly .
carry out appropriate examinations to check whether, where the solutions in the
relevant harmonised standards have not been applied, the solutions adopted by the
manufacturer applying other relevant technical specifications meet the corresponding essential
safety requirements of this Directive.
agree with the manufacturer on a location where the examinations and tests will be
carried out.
4.4. agree with the applicant the location where the examinations and necessary tests are to be
carried out.
5. Where the type satisfies the provisions of the Directive which apply to it, the notified body
must issue an EC type-examination certificate to the applicant. The certificate, which should
be valid for ten years and be renewable, must contain the name and address of the
manufacturer, the conclusions of the examination and the necessary data for identification of
the approved type.
A list of the relevant parts of the technical documentation must be annexed to the certificate
and a copy kept by the notified body.
If the notified body refuses to issue an EC type-examination certificate to the manufacturer or
to his authorized representative established within the Community, that body must provide
detailed reasons for such refusal. Provision must be made for an appeals procedure.
6. The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation
concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved pressure
equipment; these are subject to additional approval where they may affect conformity with the
essential requirements or the prescribed conditions for use of the pressure equipment. This
additional approval must be given in the form of an addition to the original EC typeexamination certificate.
7. Each notified body must communicate to the Member States the relevant information
concerning EC type-examination certificates which it has withdrawn, and, on request, those it
has issued.
Each notified body must also communicate to the other notified bodies the relevant
information concerning the EC type-examination certificates it has withdrawn or refused.
8. The other notified bodies may receive copies of the EC type-examination certificates and/or
their additions. The annexes to the certificates must be held at the disposal of the other
notified bodies.
9. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, must
keep with the technical documentation copies of EC type-examination certificates and their
additions for a period of ten years after the last of the pressure equipment has been
Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative is established within the
Community, the obligation to keep the technical documentation available is the responsibility
of the person who places the product on the Community market.
The notified body shall draw up an evaluation report that records the activities
undertaken in accordance with point 4 and their outcomes. Without prejudice to its
obligations vis--vis the notifying authority, the notified body shall release the content of that
report, in full or in part, only with the agreement of the manufacturer.
Where the type meets the requirements of this Directive, the notified body shall issue
an EU-type examination certificate combination of production type and design type to the
manufacturer. The certificate, which should be valid for 10 years and be renewable, shall
contain the name and address of the manufacturer, the conclusions of the examination, the
conditions (if any) for its validity and the necessary data for identification of the approved
A list of the relevant parts of the technical documentation shall be annexed to the certificate
and a copy kept by the notified body.
The certificate and its annexes shall contain all relevant information to allow the conformity
of manufactured pressure equipment with the examined type to be evaluated and to allow for
in-service control.
Where the type does not satisfy the applicable requirements of this Directive, the notified
body shall refuse to issue an EU-type examination certificate combination of production
type and design type and shall inform the applicant accordingly, giving detailed reasons for its
refusal. Provision shall be made for an appeals procedure.
The notified body shall keep itself apprised of any changes in the generally
acknowledged state of the art which indicate that the approved type may no longer comply
with the applicable requirements of this Directive, and shall determine whether such changes
require further investigation. If so, the notified body shall inform the manufacturer
The manufacturer shall inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation
relating to the EU-type examination certificate production type of all modifications to the
approved type that may affect the conformity of the pressure equipment with the essential
safety requirements of this Directive or the conditions for validity of the certificate. Such
modifications shall require additional approval in the form of an addition to the original EUtype examination certificate production type.
Each notified body shall inform its notifying authority concerning the EU-type
examination certificates combination of production type and design type and/or any
additions thereto which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall, periodically or upon request,
make available to its notifying authorities the list of certificates and/or any additions thereto
refused, suspended or otherwise restricted.
Each notified body shall inform the other notified bodies concerning the EU-type examination
certificates combination of production type and design type and/or any additions thereto
which it has refused, withdrawn, suspended or otherwise restricted, and, upon request,
concerning the certificates and/or additions thereto which it has issued.
The Commission, the Member States and the other notified bodies may, on request, obtain a
copy of the EU-type examination certificates combination of production type and design
type and/or additions thereto. On request, the Commission and the Member States may obtain
a copy of the technical documentation and the results of the examinations carried out by the
notified body. The notified body shall keep a copy of the EU-type examination certificate
combination of production type and design type, its annexes and additions, as well as the
technical file including the documentation submitted by the manufacturer, until the expiry of
the validity of the certificate.
The manufacturer shall keep a copy of the EU-type examination certificate
combination of production type and design type, its annexes and additions together with the
technical documentation at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years after the
pressure equipment has been placed on the market.
The manufacturer's authorised representative may lodge the application referred to in
point 3 and fulfil the obligations set out in points 7 and 9, provided that they are specified in
the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes the part of the procedure whereby a notified body ascertains and
attests that the design of an item of pressure equipment meets the provisions of the Directive
which apply to it.
EU-type examination design type is the part of a conformity assessment procedure
in which a notified body examines the technical design of the pressure equipment and verifies
and attests that the technical design of the pressure equipment meets the requirements of this
The EU-type examination design type shall consist of an assessment of the adequacy
of the technical design of the pressure equipment through examination of the technical
documentation and supporting evidence referred to in point 3, without examination of a
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. The experimental design method provided for in section point 2.2.4 of Annex I may
shall not be used in the context of this module.
23. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community,
must shall lodge an application for EC design EU-type examination design type with a single notified body of his choice .
The application must shall include:
the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the
authorized representative, his name and address as well,;
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
The application may cover several versions of the pressure equipment provided that the
differences between the versions do not affect the level of safety.
97/23/EC (adapted)
the necessary supporting evidence for the adequacy of the technical design
solution,. This supporting evidence shall mention any documents that have been
used, in particular where the relevant harmonised standards referred to in
Article 5 have not been applied in full;. the This supporting evidence must
shall include , where necessary, the results of tests carried out by the
appropriate laboratory of the manufacturer or by another testing laboratory on
his behalf and under his responsibility ,.
The application may cover several versions of the pressure equipment provided that the
differences between the versions do not affect the level of safety.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4. The notified body must shall :
4.1. examine the technical documentation and identify the components which have been
designed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the standards referred to in Article 5,
as well as those which have been designed without applying the relevant provisions of those
standards. and supporting evidence to assess the adequacy of the technical design of the
assess the materials where these are not in conformity with the relevant harmonised
standards or with a European approval for pressure equipment materials,;
approve the procedures for the permanent joining of pressure equipment parts, or
check that they have been previously approved in accordance with section point 3.1.2
of Annex I,.
verify that the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of pressure equipment
parts and the non-destructive tests are qualified or approved in accordance with
sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I.
97/23/EC (adapted)
7. Each notified body must communicate to the Member States the relevant information
concerning EC design-examination certificates which it has withdrawn, and, on request, those
it has issued.
Each notified body must also communicate to the other notified bodies the relevant
information concerning the EC design-examination certificates it has withdrawn or refused.
8. The other notified bodies may on request obtain the relevant information concerning:
9. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, must
keep with the technical documentation referred to in section 3 copies of EC designexamination certificates and their additions for a period of ten years after the last of the
pressure equipment has been manufactured.
Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative is established within the
Community, the obligation to keep the technical documentation available is the responsibility
of the person who places the product on the Community market.
The notified body shall draw up an evaluation report that records the activities
undertaken in accordance with point 4 and their outcomes. Without prejudice to its
obligations vis--vis the notifying authorities, the notified body shall release the content of
that report, in full or in part, only with the agreement of the manufacturer.
Where the design meets the requirements of this Directive, the notified body shall
issue an EU-type examination certificate - design type to the manufacturer. The certificate,
which should be valid for 10 years and be renewable, shall contain the name and address of
the manufacturer, the conclusions of the examination, the conditions (if any) for its validity
and the necessary data for identification of the approved design.
A list of the relevant parts of the technical documentation shall be annexed to the certificate
and a copy kept by the notified body.
The certificate and its annexes shall contain all relevant information to allow the conformity
of manufactured pressure equipment with the examined design to be evaluated and to allow
for in-service control.
Where the design does not satisfy the applicable requirements of this Directive, the notified
body shall refuse to issue an EU-type examination certificate - design type and shall inform
the applicant accordingly, giving detailed reasons for its refusal.
The notified body shall keep itself apprised of any changes in the generally
acknowledged state of the art which indicate that the approved design may no longer comply
with the applicable requirements of this Directive, and shall determine whether such changes
require further investigation. If so, the notified body shall inform the manufacturer
The manufacturer shall inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation
relating to the EU-type examination certificate - design type of all modifications to the
approved design that may affect the conformity of the pressure equipment with the essential
safety requirements of this Directive or the conditions for validity of the certificate. Such
modifications shall require additional approval in the form of an addition to the original
EU-type examination certificate - design type.
Each notified body shall inform its notifying authorities concerning the EU-type
examination certificates - design type and/or any additions thereto which it has issued or
withdrawn, and shall, periodically or upon request, make available to its notifying authorities
the list of certificates and/or any additions thereto refused, suspended or otherwise restricted.
Each notified body shall inform the other notified bodies concerning the EU-type examination
certificates - design type and/or any additions thereto which it has refused, withdrawn,
suspended or otherwise restricted, and, upon request, concerning the certificates and/or
additions thereto which it has issued.
The Commission, the Member States and the other notified bodies may, on request, obtain a
copy of the EU-type examination certificates - design type and/or additions thereto. On
request, the Commission and the Member States may obtain a copy of the technical
documentation and the results of the examinations carried out by the notified body. The
notified body shall keep a copy of the EU-type examination certificate - design type, its
annexes and additions, as well as the technical file including the documentation submitted by
the manufacturer, until the expiry of the validity of the certificate.
The manufacturer shall keep a copy of the EU-type examination certificate - design
type, its annexes and additions together with the technical documentation at the disposal of
the national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed on the
The manufacturer's authorised representative may lodge the application referred to in
point 3 and fulfil the obligations set out in points 7 and 9, provided that they are specified in
the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes that part of the procedure whereby the manufacturer, or his
authorized representative established within the Community, ensures and declares that
pressure equipment is in conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination
certificate and satisfies the requirements of the Directive which apply to it. The manufacturer,
or his authorized representative established within the Community, must affix the CE marking
to each item of pressure equipment and draw up a written declaration of conformity.
Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure
equipment checks at random intervals is the part of a conformity assessment procedure
whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2, 3 and 4, and ensures
and declares on his sole responsibility that the pressure equipment concerned are in
conformity with the type described in the EU-type examination certificate and satisfy the
requirements of this Directive that apply to it.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2. Manufacturing
The manufacturer must shall take all measures necessary to ensure so that the
manufacturing process and its monitoring ensure conformity of requires the
manufactured pressure equipment to comply with the type as described in the EC type EU-type examination certificate and with the requirements of the this Directive
which that apply to it them .
3. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, must
keep a copy of the declaration of conformity for a period of ten years after the last of the
pressure equipment has been manufactured.
Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorized representative is established within the
Community, the obligation to keep the technical documentation available is the responsibility
of the person who places the pressure equipment on the Community market.
4. Final assessment must be subject to monitoring in the form of unexpected visits by a
notified body chosen by the manufacturer.
During such visits, the notified body must:
establish that the manufacturer actually performs final assessment in accordance with
section 3.2 of Annex I,
Should one or more of the items of pressure equipment not conform, the notified body must
take appropriate measures.
On the responsibility of the notified body, the manufacturer must affix the former's
identification number on each item of pressure equipment.
A notified body, chosen by the manufacturer, shall carry out checks or have them carried out
at random intervals determined by the body, in order to verify the quality of the final
assessment and of the internal checks on the pressure equipment, taking into account inter alia
the technological complexity of the pressure equipment and the quantity of production.
The notified body shall establish that the manufacturer actually performs final assessment in
accordance with point 3.2 of Annex I.
An adequate sample of the final pressure equipment, taken on site by the notified body before
the placing on the market, shall be examined and appropriate tests as identified by the relevant
parts of the harmonised standards, and/or equivalent tests applying other technical
specifications, shall be carried out to check the conformity of the pressure equipment with the
relevant requirements of this Directive.
The notified body shall assess the number of items of equipment to sample and whether it is
necessary to perform, or have performed, all or part of final assessment on the pressure
equipment samples.
Where a sample does not conform to the acceptable quality level, the body shall take
appropriate measures.
The acceptance sampling procedure to be applied is intended to determine whether the
manufacturing process of the pressure equipment performs within acceptable limits, with a
view to ensuring conformity of the pressure equipment.
Where the tests are carried out by a notified body, the manufacturer shall, under the
responsibility of the notified body, affix the notified body's identification number during the
manufacturing process.
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking to each individual pressure equipment or
assembly that is in conformity with the type described in the EU-type examination certificate
and satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for a pressure
equipment model and keep it at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years after the
pressure equipment has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity shall
identify the pressure equipment model for which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in point 4 may be fulfilled by his authorised
representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are specified in
the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the
obligations of section 2 ensures and declares that the pressure equipment concerned is in
conformity with the type described in the EC type-examination certificate or EC designexamination certificate and satisfies the requirements of the Directive which apply to it. The
manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, must affix
the CE marking to each item of pressure equipment and draw up a written declaration of
conformity. The CE marking must be accompanied by the identification number of the
notified body responsible for surveillance as specified in section 4.
Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process is that part of
a conformity assessment procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid
down in points 2 and 5, and ensures and declares on his sole responsibility that the pressure
equipment or assembly concerned is in conformity with the type described in the EU-type
examination certificate and satisfies the requirements of this Directive that apply to it.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2. Manufacturing
The manufacturer must shall operate an approved quality system for production, final
product inspection and testing of the pressure equipment concerned as
specified in section point 3 and shall be subject to surveillance as specified in section
point 4.
3. Quality system
3.1. The manufacturer must shall lodge an application for assessment of his quality
system with a the notified body of his choice for the pressure equipment
concerned .
The application must shall include:
the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the
authorised representative, his name and address as well;
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the technical documentation for of the approved type and a copy of the EC
type- EU-type examination certificate or EC design-examination certificate.
3.2. The quality system must shall ensure that compliance of the pressure
equipment is in conformity with the type described in the EC type- EU-type
examination certificate or EC design-examination certificate and and comply with the
requirements of the this Directive which that apply to it.
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer must shall
be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions. This quality system documentation must shall permit a consistent
interpretation of the quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.
It must shall contain, in particular, contain an adequate description of:
the quality objectives and the organizational structure, responsibilities and powers of
the management with regard to the quality of the pressure equipment,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the examinations and tests that will be carried out before, during and after
manufacture, and the frequency with which they will be carried out,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports
concerning the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, particularly
those of the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts and the
non-destructive tests in accordance with sections points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I,
etc. and
the means of monitoring the achievement of the required quality and the effective
operation of the quality system.
97/23/EC (adapted)
3.3. The notified body must shall assess the quality system to determine whether it
satisfies the requirements referred to in 3.2.
It shall presume conformity with those requirements in respect of the elements of the quality
system that comply with the corresponding specifications of the national standard that
implements the relevant harmonised standard.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The elements of the quality system which conform to the relevant harmonized standard are
presumed to comply with the corresponding requirements referred to in 3.2.
In addition to experience in quality management systems, Tthe auditing team must
shall have at least one member with experience of assessing evaluation in the
relevant pressure equipment field and pressure equipment technology
concerned , and knowledge of the applicable requirements of this Directive . The
assessment procedure must audit shall include an inspection visit to the manufacturer's
The auditing team shall review the technical documentation referred to in point 3.1, fifth
indent, to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the relevant requirements of this
Directive and to carry out the necessary examinations with a view to ensuring compliance of
the product with those requirements.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The decision must shall be notified to the manufacturer. The notification must
shall contain the conclusions of the examination audit and the reasoned
assessment decision. Provision must be made for an appeals procedure.
3.4. The manufacturer must shall undertake to fulfil the obligations arising out of the
quality system as approved and to ensure maintain it so that it remains satisfactory
adequate and efficient.
3.5. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community,
must inform shall keep the notified body that has approved the quality system
informed of any intended adjustment change to the quality system.
The notified body must shall assess evaluate the proposed changes and decide
whether the amended modified quality system will still continue to satisfy the
requirements referred to in point 3.2 or whether a reassessment is required necessary .
It must shall notify its decision to the manufacturer of its decision . The
notification must shall contain the conclusions of the examination and the reasoned
assessment decision.
4. Surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body
4.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils the
obligations arising out of the approved quality system.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.2. The manufacturer must shall, for assessment purposes, allow the notified body
access for inspection purposes to the locations of manufacture, inspection, testing and storage
sites and shall provide it with all necessary information, in particular:
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data,
qualification reports concerning the qualifications of the personnel concerned,
4.3. The notified body must shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the
manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer with an
audit report. The frequency of periodic audits must shall be such that a full
reassessment is carried out every three years.
4.4. In addition the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer. The need for
such additional visits, and the frequency thereof, will be determined on the basis of a visit
control system operated by the notified body. In particular, the following factors must
shall be considered in the visit control system:
During such visits the notified body may, if necessary, carry out product tests or have
them carried out tests in order to verify that the quality system is functioning
correctly. The notified body must shall provide the manufacturer with a visit report
and, if a test has taken place tests have been carried out , with a test report.
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the
notified body referred to in point 3.1, the latter's identification number to each individual
pressure equipment that is in conformity with the type described in the EU-type examination
certificate and satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for each
pressure equipment model and keep it at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years
after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity
shall identify the pressure equipment model for which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
97/23/EC (adapted)
56. The manufacturer must shall , for a period of ending ten 10 years after the
last of the pressure equipment has been manufactured placed on the market , hold
keep at the disposal of the national authorities:
the decisions and reports from of the notified body which are referred to in
the last paragraph of points 3.3, the last paragraph of 3.45, and in 4.3 and 4.4.
67. Each notified body must communicate shall inform to the Member States the
relevant information concerning its notifying authorities of the quality system approvals
which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall , periodically or , on
upon request, those it has issued make available to its notifying authorities the list
of quality system approvals refused, suspended or otherwise restricted .
Each notified body must shall also communicate to inform the other notified
bodies the relevant information concerning of the quality system approvals
which it has refused, suspended, withdrawn or refused otherwise restricted,
and, upon request, of quality system approvals which it has issued .
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in points 3.1, 3.5, 5 and 6 may be fulfilled by his
authorised representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are
specified in the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the
obligations of section 3 ensures and declares that the items of pressure equipment concerned
satisfy the requirements of the Directive which apply to them. The manufacturer, or his
authorized representative established within the Community, must affix the CE marking to
each item of pressure equipment and draw up a written declaration of conformity. The CE
marking must be accompanied by the identification number of the notified body responsible
for surveillance as specified in section 5.
Quality assurance of the production process is the conformity assessment procedure
whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2, 4 and 7, and ensures
and declares on his sole responsibility that the pressure equipment concerned satisfy the
requirements of this Directive that apply to it.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2. The manufacturer must draw up the tTechnical documentation described below.
The manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation. The technical
documentation must shall enable make it possible to assess an assessment to be
made of the conformity of the pressure equipment with the relevant requirements of
the Directive which apply to it and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of the
risk(s) . It must, The technical documentation shall specify the applicable
requirements and cover, as far as is relevant for such the assessment, cover
the design, manufacture and operation of the pressure equipment product. The technical
test reports.
The manufacturer shall keep the technical documentation at the disposal of the
relevant national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed on the
97/23/EC (adapted)
34. Manufacturing
The manufacturer must shall operate an approved quality system for production, final
product inspection and testing of the pressure equipment concerned as
specified in section 4 point 5, and shall be subject to surveillance as specified in
section 5 point 6.
45. Quality system
45.1. The manufacturer must shall lodge an application for assessment of his quality
system with a the notified body of his choice for the pressure equipment
concerned .
The application must shall include:
the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the
authorised representative, his name and address as well;
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body;
97/23/EC (adapted)
45.2. The quality system must shall ensure compliance of the pressure equipment with
the requirements of the this Directive which that apply to it.
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer must shall
be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions. This quality system documentation must shall permit a consistent
interpretation of the quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.
It must shall, in particular, contain in particular an adequate description of:
the quality objectives and the organizational structure, responsibilities and powers of
the management with regard to the quality of the pressure equipment,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the examinations and tests that will be carried out before, during and after
manufacture, and the frequency with which they will be carried out,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports
concerning the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, particularly
those of the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts in accordance with
section point 3.1.2 of Annex I, etc.;
the means of monitoring the achievement of the required product quality and
the effective operation of the quality system.
45.3. The notified body must shall assess the quality system to determine whether it
satisfies the requirements referred to in 45.2. The elements of the quality system which
conform to the relevant harmonised standard are presumed to comply with the corresponding
requirements referred to in 45.2.
In addition to experience in quality management systems, Tthe auditing team must
shall have at least one member with experience of assessing evaluation in the
pressure equipment technology concerned , and the knowledge of the applicable
requirements of this Directive . The assessment procedure audit must shall
include an inspection assessment visit to the manufacturer's premises.
The auditing team shall review the technical documentation referred to in point 2 in order to
verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the relevant requirements of this Directive and to
carry out the necessary examinations with a view to ensuring compliance of the pressure
equipment with those requirements.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The decision must shall be notified to the manufacturer. The notification must
shall contain the conclusions of the examination audit and the reasoned
assessment decision. Provision must be made for an appeals procedure.
45.4. The manufacturer must shall undertake to fulfil the obligations arising out of the
quality system as approved and to ensure maintain it so that it remains satisfactory
adequate and efficient.
5.5. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community,
must inform shall keep the notified body that has approved the quality system
informed of any intended adjustment change to the quality system.
The notified body must assess shall evaluate the any proposed changes and
decide whether the amended modified quality system will still continue to
satisfy the requirements referred to in point 45.2 or whether a reassessment is required
necessary .
If must shall notify its decision to the manufacturer of its decision . The
notification must shall contain the conclusions of the examination and the reasoned
assessment decision.
56. Surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body
56.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils the
obligations arising out of the approved quality system.
97/23/EC (adapted)
56.2. The manufacturer must shall, for assessment purposes, allow the notified body
access for inspection purposes to the locations of manufacture, inspection, testing and storage
sites and shall provide it with all necessary information, in particular:
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports
concerning the qualifications reports of the personnel concerned, etc.
56.3. The notified body must shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the
manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer with an
audit report. The frequency of periodic audits must shall be such that a full
reassessment is carried out every three years.
56.4. In addition the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer. The need
for such additional visits, and the frequency thereof, will be determined on the basis of a visit
control system operated by the notified body. In particular, the following factors must
shall be considered in the visit control system:
97/23/EC (adapted)
During such visits the notified body may, if necessary, carry out or have carried out
product tests , or have them carried out, in order to verify that the quality
system is functioning correctly. The notified body must shall provide the manufacturer
with a visit report and, if a test has taken place tests have been carried out , with a test
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the
notified body referred to in point 5.1, the latter's identification number to each individual
pressure equipment that satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for each
pressure equipment model and keep it at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years
after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity
shall identify the product model for which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
97/23/EC (adapted)
68. The manufacturer must shall , for a period of ending ten 10 years after the
last of the pressure equipment has been manufactured placed on the market , hold
keep at the disposal of the national authorities:
the decisions and reports from of the notified body which are referred to in
the last paragraph of points 4.3, the last paragraph of 4.45.5, and in 56.3 and 56.4.
79. Each notified body must communicate shall inform to the Member States the
relevant information concerning its notifying authorities of the quality system approvals
which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall periodically , or on
upon request, those it has issued make available to its notifying authorities the list
of quality system approvals refused, suspended or otherwise restricted .
Each notified body must also communicate shall inform to the other notified bodies
the relevant information concerning the of quality system approvals which it
has refused, suspended, or withdrawn or refused , and upon request, of quality
system approvals which it has issued .
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in points 3, 5.1, 5.5, 7 and 8 may be fulfilled by his
authorised representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are
specified in the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the
obligations of section 2 ensures and declares that the pressure equipment is in conformity with
the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and satisfies the requirements of
the Directive which apply to it. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established
within the Community, must affix the CE marking to each product and draw up a written
declaration of conformity. The CE marking must be accompanied by the identification
number of the notified body responsible for surveillance as specified in section 4.
Conformity to type based on pressure equipment quality assurance is that part of a
conformity assessment procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down
in points 2 and 5, and ensures and declares on his sole responsibility that the pressure
equipment concerned is in conformity with the type described in the EU-type examination
certificate and satisfies the requirements of this Directive that apply to it.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2. Manufacturing
The manufacturer must shall operate an approved quality system for the final pressure
equipment product inspection and testing of the pressure equipment concerned
as specified in section point 3 and shall be subject to surveillance as specified in
section point 4.
3. Quality system
3.1. The manufacturer must shall lodge an application for assessment of his quality
system for the pressure equipment with a the notified body of his choice , for the
pressure equipment concerned .
The application must shall include:
the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the
authorised representative, his name and address as well;
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the technical documentation for of the approved type and a copy of the EC
type- EU-type examination certificate.
3.2. Under the quality system, each item of pressure equipment must be examined and
appropriate tests as set out in the relevant standard(s) referred to in Article 5, or equivalent
tests, particularly final assessment as referred to in section 3.2 of Annex I, must be carried out
in order to ensure its conformity with the requirements of the Directive which apply to it.
The quality system shall ensure compliance of the products with the type described in the
EU-type examination certificate and with the applicable requirements of this Directive.
97/23/EC (adapted)
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer must shall
be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions. This quality system documentation must shall permit a consistent
interpretation of the quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.
It must shall, in particular, contain in particular an adequate description of:
the quality objectives and the organizsational structure, responsibilities and powers
of the management with regard to the product quality of the pressure
the examinations and tests to that will be carried out after manufacture ,;
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports
concerning the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, particularly
those of the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts and the nondestructive tests in accordance with sections points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I.;
3.3. The notified body must shall assess the quality system to determine whether it
satisfies the requirements referred to in 3.2. The elements of the quality system which
conform to the relevant harmonized standard are presumed to comply with the corresponding
requirements referred to in 3.2. It shall presume conformity with those requirements in
respect of the elements of the quality system that comply with the corresponding
specifications of the national standard that implements the relevant harmonised standard
and/or technical specification.
In addition to experience in quality management systems, Tthe auditing team must
shall have at least one member with experience of assessing evaluation in the
relevant the pressure equipment field and pressure equipment technology
concerned and knowledge of the applicable requirements of this Directive . The
assessment procedure must audit shall include an inspection assessment visit to
the manufacturer's premises.
The auditing team shall review the technical documentation referred to in point 3.1, fifth
indent, in order to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the relevant requirements of
this Directive and to carry out the necessary examinations with a view to ensuring compliance
of the pressure equipment with those requirements.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The decision must shall be notified to the manufacturer. The notification must
shall contain the conclusions of the examination audit and the reasoned
assessment decision.
3.4. The manufacturer must shall undertake to discharge fulfil the obligations
arising from out of the quality system as approved and to ensure maintain it so
that it remains satisfactory adequate and efficient.
3.5. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community,
must inform shall keep the notified body which that has approved the quality
system informed of any intended adjustment change to the quality system.
The notified body must assess shall evaluate any the proposed changes and decide
whether the modified quality system will still continue to satisfy the requirements
referred to in point 3.2 or whether a reassessment is required necessary .
It must shall notify its decision to the manufacturer of its decision . The
notification must shall contain the conclusions of the examination and the reasoned
assessment decision.
4. Surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body
4.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils the
obligations arising out of the approved quality system.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.2. The manufacturer must shall, for assessment purposes, allow the notified body
access for inspection purposes to the locations of to the manufacture, inspection,
testing and storage sites and shall provide it with all necessary information, in
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports
concerning the qualifications of the personnel concerned, etc.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.3. The notified body must shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the
manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer with an
audit report. The frequency of periodic audits must be such that a full reassessment is carried
out every three years.
4.4. In addition the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The need for such additional visits, and the frequency thereof, will be determined on the basis
of a visit control system operated by the notified body. In particular, the following factors
must shall be considered in the visit control system:
During such visits, the notified body may, if necessary, carry out or have carried out
product tests , or have them carried out, in order to verify that the quality
system is functioning correctly. The notified body must shall provide the manufacturer
with a visit report and, if a test has taken place tests have been carried out , with a test
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the
notified body referred to in point 3.1, the latter's identification number to each individual
pressure equipment that is in conformity with the type described in the EU-type examination
certificate and satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for each
pressure equipment model and keep it at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years
after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity
shall identify the product model for which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
97/23/EC (adapted)
56. The manufacturer must shall , for a period of ending ten 10 years after the
last of the pressure equipment has been manufactured placed on the market , hold
keep at the disposal of the national authorities:
the decisions and reports from the notified body which are referred to in the last
paragraph of points 3.3, the last paragraph of 3.45, and in 4.3 and 4.4.
67. Each notified body must shall communicate to the Member States the relevant
information concerning the inform its notifying authorities of quality system approvals
which it has issued or withdrawn and shall , periodically or , on
upon request, those it has issued make available to its notifying authorities the list
of quality system approvals refused, suspended or otherwise restricted .
Each notified body must shall also communicate to inform the other notified
bodies the relevant information concerning the of quality system approvals
which it has refused, suspended or withdrawn , and, upon request, of quality
system approvals which it has issued or refused.
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in points 3.1, 3.5, 5 and 6 may be fulfilled by his
authorised representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are
specified in the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the
obligations of section 3 ensures and declares that the pressure equipment satisfies the
requirements of the Directive which apply to it. The manufacturer, or his authorized
representative established within the Community, must affix the CE marking to each item of
pressure equipment and draw up a written declaration of conformity. The CE marking must
be accompanied by the identification number of the notified body responsible for surveillance
as specified in section 5.
Quality assurance of final pressure equipment inspection and testing is the conformity
assessment procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2,
4 and 7, and ensures and declares on his sole responsibility that the pressure equipment
concerned satisfy the requirements of this Directive that apply to it.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2. The manufacturer must draw up the tTechnical documentation described below.
The manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation. The technical
documentation must enable shall make it possible to an assessment to be made of the
conformity of the pressure equipment with the relevant requirements , and shall
include an adequate analysis and assessment of the risk(s) of the Directive which apply to
it. It must The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and
cover , as far as is relevant for such the assessment, cover the design, manufacture
and operation of the pressure equipment. and The technical documentation shall, wherever
applicable, contain at least the following elements :
test reports.
The manufacturer shall keep the technical documentation at the disposal of the
relevant national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed on the
97/23/EC (adapted)
34. Manufacturing
The manufacturer must shall operate an approved quality system for the final pressure
equipment product inspection and testing of the pressure equipment as
specified in section point 45 and shall be subject to surveillance as specified in section
point 56.
45. Quality system
45.1. The manufacturer must shall lodge an application for assessment of his quality
system with a the notified body of his choice , for the pressure equipment
concerned .
The application must shall include:
the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the
authorised representative, his name and address as well;
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body;
97/23/EC (adapted)
45.2. The quality system shall ensure compliance of the pressure equipment with the
requirements of this Directive that apply to it.
Under the quality system, each item of pressure equipment must shall be examined
and appropriate tests as set out in the relevant standard(s) referred to in Article 512, or
equivalent tests, and particularly final assessment as referred to in section point 3.2 of Annex
I, must shall be carried out in order to ensure its conformity with the requirements of
the this Directive which apply to it.
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer must shall
be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions. This quality system documentation must shall permit a consistent
interpretation of the quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.
It must shall, in particular, contain in particular an adequate description of:
the quality objectives and the organizsational structure, responsibilities and powers
of the management with regard to the quality of the pressure equipment ,;
the procedures used for the permanent joining of parts as approved in accordance
with section point 3.1.2 of Annex I,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the examinations and tests to that will be carried out after manufacture,;
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports
concerning the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, particularly
those of the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts in accordance with
section point 3.1.2 of Annex I.;
45.3. The notified body must shall assess the quality system to determine whether it
satisfies the requirements referred to in 45.2.
It shall presume conformity with those requirements in respect of Tthe elements of the
quality system which conform to the relevant harmonized standard are presumed to
that comply with the corresponding requirements referred to in 4.2 specifications
of the national standard that implements the relevant harmonised standard and/or technical
specification .
In addition to experience in quality management systems, Tthe auditing team must
shall have at least one member with experience of assessing evaluation in the
relevant the pressure equipment field and pressure equipment technology
concerned , and knowledge of the applicable requirements of this Directive . The
assessment procedure must audit shall include an inspection assessment visit to
the manufacturer's premises.
The auditing team shall review the technical documentation referred to in point 2 in order to
verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the relevant requirements of this Directive and to
carry out the necessary examinations with a view to ensuring compliance of the pressure
equipment with those requirements.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The decision must shall be notified to the manufacturer. The notification must
shall contain the conclusions of the examination audit and the reasoned
assessment decision. Provision must be made for an appeals procedure.
45.4. The manufacturer must shall undertake to discharge fulfil the obligations
arising from out of the quality system as approved and to ensure maintain it so
that it remains satisfactory adequate and efficient.
5.5. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community,
must inform shall keep the notified body which that has approved the quality
system informed of any intended adjustment change to the quality system.
The notified body must assess the shall evaluate any proposed changes and decide
whether the modified quality system will still continue to satisfy the requirements
referred to in point 45.2 or whether a reassessment is required.
It must shall notify the manufacturer of its decision to the manufacturer. The
notification must shall contain the conclusions of the examination and the reasoned
assessment decision.
56. Surveillance under the responsibility of the notified body
56.1. The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils the
obligations arising out of the approved quality system.
97/23/EC (adapted)
56.2. The manufacturer must shall, for assessment purposes, allow the notified body
access for inspection purposes to the locations of manufacture, inspection, testing and
storage sites and shall provide it with all necessary information, in particular:
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data,
qualification reports concerning the qualifications of on the personnel
concerned, etc.
56.3. The notified body must shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the
manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer with an
audit report. The frequency of periodic audits must shall be such that a full
reassessment is carried out every three years.
56.4. In addition the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer. The need
for such additional visits, and the frequency thereof, will be determined on the basis of a visit
control system operated by the notified body. In particular, the following factors must
shall be considered in the visit control system:
During such visits the notified body may, if necessary, carry out or have carried out
product tests, or have them carried out, in order to verify that the quality
system is functioning correctly. The notified body must shall provide the manufacturer
with a visit report and, if a test has taken place tests have been carried out , with a test
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the
notified body referred to in point 5.1, the latter's identification number to each individual
pressure equipment that satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for each
pressure equipment model and keep it at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years
after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity
shall identify the pressure equipment model for which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
97/23/EC (adapted)
68. The manufacturer must shall , for a period of ending ten 10 years after the
last of the pressure equipment has been manufactured placed on the market , keep at the
disposal of the national authorities:
the adjustments change referred to in the second paragraph of point 4.4 5.5,
as approved;
the decisions and reports from of the notified body which are referred to in
the last paragraph of 45.3, the last paragraph of 4.45.5, and in 56.3 and 56.4.
79. Each notified body must communicate shall inform to the Member States the
relevant information concerning the its notifying authorities of quality system approvals
which it has issued or withdrawn and shall periodically or , on
upon request, those is has issued make available to its notifying authorities the list
of quality system approvals refused, suspended or otherwise restricted .
Each notified body must also communicate shall inform the other notified bodies the
relevant information concerning the of quality system approvals which it has
refused, suspended or withdrawn , and, upon request, of quality system approvals
which it has issued or refused.
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in points 3, 5.1, 5.5, 7 and 8 may be fulfilled by his
authorised representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are
specified in the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes the Conformity to type based on pressure equipment verification
is the part of a conformity assessment procedure whereby a the manufacturer, or
his authorized representative established within the Community, fulfils the obligations laid
down in points 2 and 5, and ensures and declares on his sole responsibility that the
pressure equipment concerned, which has been subject to the provisions of section
point 3, is in conformity with the type described: in the EC type- EU-type examination
certificate, or
and satisfies the requirements of the this Directive which apply to it.
2. Manufacturing
The manufacturer must shall take all measures necessary to ensure so that the
manufacturing process and its monitoring ensure conformity of the manufactured products
requires the pressure equipment to comply with the approved type described in the
EC type- EU-type examination certificate, or
and with the requirements of the this Directive which apply to it them .
The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, must
affix the CE marking to all pressure equipment and draw up a declaration of conformity.
3. Verification
The A notified body chosen by the manufacturer must perform shall carry
out the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the pressure
equipment with the relevant approved type described in the EU-type examination
certificate and with the appropriate requirements of the this Directive by examining
and testing every product in accordance with section 4.
The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community, must
keep a copy of the declaration of conformity for a period of ten years after the last of the
pressure equipment has been manufactured.
The examinations and tests to check the conformity of the pressure equipment with the
appropriate requirements shall be carried out by examination and testing of every product as
specified in point 4.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4. Verification of conformity by examination and testing of each item of every
pressure equipment
4.1. Each item of All pressure equipment must shall be individually examined
and must undergo appropriate examinations and tests as set out in the relevant
harmonised standard(s) referred to in Article 5 or equivalent examinations and tests
shall be carried out in order to verify that it conforms to the conformity with the
approved type and described in the EU-type examination certificate and with the
appropriate the requirements of the this Directive which apply to it. In the
absence of such a harmonised standard, the notified body concerned shall decide on the
appropriate tests to be carried out.
In particular, the notified body must shall :
verify that the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts and the nondestructive tests are qualified or approved in accordance with sections points 3.1.2
and 3.1.3 of Annex I,;
verify the certificate issued by the materials manufacturer in accordance with section
point 4.3 of Annex I,;
carry out or have carried out the final inspection and proof test referred to in section
point 3.2 of Annex I and examine the safety devices, if applicable.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.2. The notified body must shall issue a certificate of conformity in respect of the
examinations and tests carried out, and shall affix its identification number or have
it affixed under its responsibility to each item of approved pressure equipment
and draw up a written certificate of conformity relating to the tests carried out.
The manufacturer shall keep the certificates of conformity available for inspection by the
national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market.
4.3. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community,
must ensure that the certificates of conformity issued by the notified body can be made
available on request.
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the
notified body referred to in point 3, the latter's identification number to each individual
pressure equipment that is in conformity with the approved type described in the EU-type
examination certificate and satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for each
pressure equipment model and keep it at the disposal of the national authorities, for 10 years
after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity
shall identify the pressure equipment model for which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
If the notified body referred to in point 3 agrees and under its responsibility, the manufacturer
may also affix the notified body's identification number to the pressure equipment.
If the notified body agrees and under its responsibility, the manufacturer may affix the
notified body's identification number to the pressure equipment during the manufacturing
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations may be fulfilled by his authorised representative, on his behalf
and under his responsibility, provided that they are specified in the mandate. An authorised
representative may not fulfil the manufacturer's obligations set out in points 2.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer ensures and declares that
pressure equipment which has been issued with the certificate referred to in section 4.1
satisfies the requirements of the Directive which apply to it. The manufacturer must affix the
CE marking to the pressure equipment and draw up a declaration of conformity.
Conformity based on unit verification is the conformity assessment procedure
whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2, 3 and 5, and ensures
and declares on his sole responsibility that the pressure equipment concerned, which has been
subject to the provisions of point 4, is in conformity with the requirements of this Directive
that apply to it.
2. The manufacturer must apply to a notified body of his choice for unit verification.
The application must contain:
the name and address of the manufacturer and the location of the pressure equipment,
a written declaration to the effect that a similar application has not been lodged with
another notified body,
technical documentation.
97/23/EC (adapted)
97/23/EC (adapted)
test reports,;
appropriate details relating to the approval of the manufacturing and test procedures
and of the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned in accordance with
sections points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I.
The manufacturer shall keep the technical documentation at the disposal of the relevant
national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market.
The manufacturer shall take all measures necessary so that the manufacturing process and its
monitoring ensure conformity of the manufactured pressure equipment with the applicable
requirements of this Directive.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4. Verification
The A notified body chosen by the manufacturer must shall carry out
appropriate examinations examine the design and construction of each item of pressure
equipment and during manufacture perform appropriate and tests, as set out in the
relevant harmonised standard(s) referred to in Article 5 of the Directive, and/or
equivalent examinations and tests, to ensure its check the conformity of the
pressure equipment with the applicable requirements of the this Directive
which apply to it., or have them carried out. In the absence of such a harmonised standard
the notified body concerned shall decide on the appropriate tests to be carried out applying
other technical specifications.
In particular the notified body must shall :
examine the technical documentation with respect to the design and the
manufacturing procedures,;
assess the materials used where these are not in conformity with the relevant
harmonised standards or with a European approval for pressure equipment materials,
and check the certificate issued by the material manufacturer in accordance with
section point 4.3 of Annex I,;
approve the procedures for the permanent joining of parts or check that they have
been previously approved in accordance with section point 3.1.2 of Annex I,;
verify the qualifications or approvals required under sections points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3
of Annex I,;
carry out the final inspection referred to in section point 3.2.1 of Annex I, perform or
have performed the proof test referred to in section point 3.2.2 of Annex I, and
examine the safety devices, if applicable.
97/23/EC (adapted)
4.1. The notified body must shall issue a certificate of conformity in respect of the
examinations and tests carried out and shall affix its identification number to
the approved pressure equipment, or have it affixed to the pressure equipment and draw
up a certificate of conformity for the tests carried out under its responsibility . This
The certificate must be kept for a period of manufacturer shall keep the certificates
of conformity at the disposal of the national authorities for ten 10 years after the
pressure equipment has been placed on the market .
4.2. The manufacturer, or his authorized representative established within the Community,
must ensure that the declaration of conformity and certificate of conformity issued by the
notified body can be made available on request.
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the
notified body referred to in point 4, the latter's identification number to each pressure
equipment that satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity and keep it at
the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been
placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity shall identify the pressure equipment
for which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in points 2 and 5 may be fulfilled by his authorised
representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are specified in
the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the
obligations of section 2 ensures and declares that the pressure equipment in question satisfies
the requirements of the Directive which apply to it. The manufacturer, or his authorized
representative established within the Community, must affix the CE marking to each item of
pressure equipment and draw up a written declaration of conformity. The CE marking must
be accompanied by the identification number of the notified body responsible for surveillance
as specified in section 4.
Conformity based on full quality assurance is the conformity assessment procedure
whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2 and 5, and ensures and
declares on his sole responsibility that the pressure equipment concerned satisfies the
requirements of this Directive that apply to it.
97/23/EC (adapted)
2. Manufacturing
The manufacturer must implement shall operate an approved quality system for
design, manufacture, final product inspection and testing of the pressure
equipment as specified in section point 3 and shall be subject to surveillance as
specified in section point 4.
3. Quality system
3.1. The manufacturer must shall lodge an application for assessment of his quality
system with a the notified body of his choice, for the pressure equipment
concerned .
the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the
authorised representative, his name and address as well;
the technical documentation for one model of each type of pressure equipment
intended to be manufactured. The technical documentation shall, wherever
applicable, contain at least the following elements:
a list of the harmonised standards the references of which have been published
in the Official Journal of the European Union, applied in full or in part, and
descriptions of the solutions adopted to meet the essential safety requirements
of this Directive where those harmonised standards have not been applied. In
the event of partly applied harmonised standards, the technical documentation
shall specify the parts which have been applied;
test reports;
97/23/EC (adapted)
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body.
97/23/EC (adapted)
3.2. The quality system must shall ensure compliance of the pressure equipment with
the requirements of the this Directive which that apply to it.
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer must shall
be documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions. This That quality system documentation must shall permit a
consistent interpretation of the procedural and quality measures such as programmes, plans,
manuals and records.
It must shall contain , in particular, contain an adequate description of:
the quality objectives and the organizsational structure, responsibilities and powers
of the management with regard to the quality of the design and to product quality,;
the technical design specifications, including standards, that will be applied and,
where the relevant harmonised standards referred to in Article 5 are
will not be applied in full, the means that will be used to ensure that
the essential requirements of the this Directive which that apply to the
pressure equipment will be met,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the design control and design verification techniques, processes and systematic
measures actions that will be used when designing the pressure equipment,
pertaining to the product type covered, particularly with regard to materials in
accordance with section point 4 of Annex I,;
the examinations and tests to be carried out before, during, and after manufacture,
and the frequency with which they will be carried out,;
97/23/EC (adapted)
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports
concerning the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, particularly
those of the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts and the nondestructive tests in accordance with sections points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I,
the means of monitoring the achievement of the required design and pressure
equipment design and quality and the effective operation of the quality system.
3.3. The notified body must shall assess the quality system to determine whether it
satisfies the requirements referred to in point 3.2. The elements of the quality system which
conform to the relevant harmonized standard are presumed to comply with the corresponding
requirements referred to in 3.2. It shall presume conformity with those requirements in
respect of the elements of the quality system that comply with the corresponding
specifications of the national standard that implements the relevant harmonised standard
and/or technical specification.
the quality records provided for in by the design part of the quality system,
such as results of analyses, calculations, tests, etc.,;
the quality records provided for in by the manufacturing part of the quality
system, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification
reports concerning the qualifications of on the personnel concerned, etc.
4.3. The notified body must shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the
manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and shall provide the
manufacturer with an audit report. The frequency of periodic audits must shall be such
that a full reassessment is carried out every three years.
4.4. In addition, the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer.
The need for such additional visits, and the frequency thereof, will be determined on the basis
of a visit control system operated by the notified body. In particular, the following factors
must shall be considered in the visit control system:
During such visits, the notified body may, if necessary, carry out or have carried out
product tests , or have them carried out, in order to verify that the quality
system is check the proper functioning correctly of the quality system . The
notified body It must shall provide the manufacturer with a visit report and, if a
test has taken place tests have been carried out , with a test report.
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the
notified body referred to in point 3.1, the latter's identification number to each individual
pressure equipment that satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for each
pressure equipment model and keep it at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years
after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity
shall identify the pressure equipment model for which it has been drawn up.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
97/23/EC (adapted)
56. The manufacturer must shall , for a period of ending ten 10 years after the
last of the pressure equipment has been manufactured placed on the market , keep at the
disposal of the national authorities:
the decisions and reports from of the notified body which are referred to in
the last subparagraph of point 3.3, the last subparagraph of 3.4, and in 4.3 and 4.4.
67. Each notified body must communicate to the Member States shall inform its notifying
authorities of the relevant information concerning the quality system approvals which it
has issued or withdrawn, and shall, periodically or , on upon request,
those it has issued make available to its notifying authorities the list of quality system
approvals refused, suspended or otherwise restricted .
Each notified body must also communicate to shall inform the other notified bodies
the relevant information concerning the of quality system approvals which it
has refused, suspended or withdrawn, or refused and, upon request, of quality
system approvals which it has issued .
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's obligations set out in points 3.1, 3.5, 5 and 6 may be fulfilled by his
authorised representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are
specified in the mandate.
97/23/EC (adapted)
1. In addition to the requirements of module H, the following apply:
the manufacturer must lodge an application for examination of the design with the
notified body;
the application must enable the design, manufacture and operation of the pressure
equipment to be understood, and enable conformity with the relevant requirements of the
Directive to be assessed.
It must include:
the necessary supporting evidence for their adequacy, in particular where the
standards referred to in Article 5 have not been applied in full. This supporting
evidence must include the results of tests carried out by the appropriate
laboratory of the manufacturer or on his behalf;
the notified body must examine the application and where the design meets the
provisions of the Directive which apply to it issue an EC design-examination certificate to the
applicant. The certificate must contain the conclusions of the examination, the conditions for
its validity, the necessary data for identification of the approved design and, if relevant, a
description of the functioning of the pressure equipment or accessories;
the applicant must inform the notified body that has issued the EC design-examination
certificate of all modifications to the approved design. Modifications to the approved design
must receive additional approval from the notified body that issued the EC designexamination certificate where they may affect conformity with the essential requirements of
the Directive or the prescribed conditions for use of the pressure equipment. This additional
approval must be given in the form of an addition to the original EC design-examination
each notified body must also communicate to the other notified bodies the relevant
information concerning the EC design-examination certificates it has withdrawn or refused.
2. Final assessment as referred to in section 3.2 of Annex I is subject to increased surveillance
in the form of unexpected visits by the notified body. In the course of such visits, the notified
body must conduct examinations on the pressure equipment.
Conformity based on full quality assurance plus design examination and special
surveillance of the final assessment is the conformity assessment procedure whereby the
manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2 and 6, and ensures and declares on
his sole responsibility that the pressure equipment concerned satisfy the requirements of the
Directive that apply to it.
The manufacturer shall operate an approved quality system for design, manufacture and final
product inspection and testing of the products concerned as specified in point 3 and shall be
subject to surveillance as specified in point 5. The adequacy of the technical design of the
pressure equipment shall have been examined in accordance with point 4.
Quality system
The manufacturer shall lodge an application for assessment of his quality system with
the notified body of his choice, for the pressure equipment concerned.
The application shall include:
the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the
authorised representative, his name and address as well;
the technical documentation for one model of each type of pressure equipment
intended to be manufactured. The technical documentation shall, wherever
applicable, contain at least the following elements:
test reports;
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body.
The quality system shall ensure compliance of the pressure equipment with the
requirements of this Directive that apply to it.
All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer shall be
documented in a systematic and orderly manner in the form of written policies, procedures
and instructions. This quality system documentation shall permit a consistent interpretation of
the quality programmes, plans, manuals and records.
It shall, in particular, contain an adequate description of:
the quality objectives and the organisational structure, responsibilities and powers of
the management with regard to design and product quality;
the technical design specifications, including standards, that will be applied and,
where relevant harmonised standards will not be applied in full, the means that will
be used to ensure that the essential safety requirements of the Directive that apply to
the pressure equipment will be met;
the design control and design verification techniques, processes and systematic
actions that will be used when designing the pressure equipment pertaining to the
pressure equipment type covered, particularly with regard to materials in accordance
with point 4 of Annex I;
the examinations and tests that will be carried out before, during and after
manufacture, and the frequency with which they will be carried out;
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports
concerning the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, particularly
those of the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts and the nondestructive tests in accordance with points 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I,, etc.;
the means of monitoring the achievement of the required design and pressure
equipment quality and the effective operation of the quality system.
The notified body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it satisfies the
requirements referred to in point 3.2.
It shall presume conformity with those requirements in respect of the elements of the quality
system that comply with the corresponding specifications of the national standard that
implements the relevant harmonised standard and/or technical specifications. In addition to
experience in quality management systems, the auditing team shall have at least one member
experienced as an assessor in the relevant pressure equipment field and pressure equipment
technology concerned, and knowledge of the applicable requirements of this Directive. The
audit shall include an assessment visit to the manufacturer's premises.
The auditing team shall review the technical documentation referred to in point 3.1, second
indent, to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the applicable requirements of this
Directive and to carry out the necessary examinations with a view to ensuring compliance of
the pressure equipment with those requirements.
The manufacturer or his authorised representative shall be notified of the decision.
The notification shall contain the conclusions of the audit and the reasoned assessment
The manufacturer shall undertake to fulfil the obligations arising out of the quality
system as approved and to maintain it so that it remains adequate and efficient.
The manufacturer shall keep the notified body that has approved the quality system
informed of any intended change to the quality system.
The notified body shall evaluate any proposed changes and decide whether the modified
quality system will continue to satisfy the requirements referred to in point 3.2 or whether a
re-assessment is necessary.
It shall notify the manufacturer of its decision. The notification shall contain the conclusions
of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.
Each notified body shall inform its notifying authorities of quality system approvals
issued or withdrawn, and shall, periodically or upon request, make available to its notifying
authorities the list of quality system approvals refused, suspended or otherwise restricted.
Each notified body shall inform the other notified bodies of quality system approvals which it
has refused, suspended or withdrawn, and, upon request, of quality system approvals which it
has issued.
Design examination
The manufacturer shall lodge an application for examination of the design of each
item of pressure equipment not covered by a previous design examination with the notified
body referred to in point 3.1.
The application shall make it possible to understand the design, manufacture and
operation of the pressure equipment, and to assess the conformity with the requirements of
this Directive that apply to it. It shall include:
a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any other
notified body;
the technical documentation. The documentation shall make it possible to assess the
conformity of the pressure equipment with the relevant requirements, and shall
include an adequate analysis and assessment of the risk(s). The technical
documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and cover, as far as relevant
for the assessment, the design and operation of the pressure equipment. The technical
documentation shall, wherever applicable, contain at least the following elements:
test reports;
the supporting evidence for the adequacy of the technical design. This supporting
evidence shall mention any documents that have been used, in particular where the
relevant harmonised standards have not been applied in full, and shall include, where
necessary, the results of tests carried out by the appropriate laboratory of the
manufacturer or by another testing laboratory on his behalf and under his
The notified body shall examine the application, and where the design meets the
requirements of this Directive that apply to the pressure equipment it shall issue an EU design
examination certificate to the manufacturer. The certificate shall give the name and address of
the manufacturer, the conclusions of the examination, the conditions (if any) for its validity
and the data necessary for identification of the approved design. The certificate may have one
or more annexes attached.
The certificate and its annexes shall contain all relevant information to allow the conformity
of manufactured products with the examined design to be evaluated, and to allow for inservice control, where applicable.
Where the design does not satisfy the applicable requirements of this Directive, the notified
body shall refuse to issue a design examination certificate and shall inform the applicant
accordingly, giving detailed reasons for its refusal.
The notified body shall keep itself apprised of any changes in the generally
acknowledged state of the art which indicate that the approved design may no longer comply
with the applicable requirements of this Directive, and shall determine whether such changes
require further investigation. If so, the notified body shall inform the manufacturer
The manufacturer shall keep the notified body that has issued the EU design examination
certificate informed of any modification to the approved design that may affect the conformity
with the essential safety requirements of this Directive or the conditions for validity of the
certificate. Such modifications shall require additional approval - from the notified body that
issued the EU design examination certificate - in the form of an addition to the original EU
design examination certificate.
Each notified body shall inform its notifying authorities of the EU design examination
certificates and/or any additions thereto which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall,
periodically or upon request, make available to its notifying authorities the list of certificates
and/or any additions thereto refused, suspended or otherwise restricted.
Each notified body shall inform the other notified bodies of the EU design examination
certificates and/or any additions thereto which it has refused, withdrawn, suspended or
otherwise restricted, and, upon request, of the certificates and/or additions thereto which it has
The Commission, the Member States and the other notified bodies may, on request, obtain a
copy of the EU design examination certificates and/or additions thereto. On request, the
Commission and the Member States may obtain a copy of the technical documentation and of
the results of the examinations carried out by the notified body.
The notified body shall keep a copy of the EU design examination certificate, its annexes and
additions, as well as the technical file including the documentation submitted by the
manufacturer until the expiry of the validity of the certificate.
The manufacturer shall keep a copy of the EU design examination certificate, its
annexes and additions together with the technical documentation at the disposal of the
national authorities for 10 years after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market.
The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the manufacturer duly fulfils the
obligations arising out of the approved quality system.
The manufacturer shall, for assessment purposes, allow the notified body access to the
design, manufacture, inspection, testing and storage sites, and shall provide it with all
necessary information, in particular:
the quality records as provided for by the design part of the quality system, such as
results of analyses, calculations, tests, etc.;
the quality records as provided for by the manufacturing part of the quality system,
such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, qualification reports on the
personnel concerned, etc.
The notified body shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the manufacturer
maintains and applies the quality system and shall provide the manufacturer with an audit
report. The frequency of periodic audits shall be such that a full reassessment is carried out
every three years.
In addition, the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the manufacturer.
The need for such additional visits, and the frequency thereof, will be determined on the basis
of a visit control system operated by the notified body. In particular, the following factors
must be considered in the visit control system:
During such visits, the notified body may, if necessary, carry out product tests, or have them
carried out, in order to check the proper functioning of the quality system. It shall provide the
manufacturer with a visit report and, if tests have been carried out, with a test report.
The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the
notified body referred to in point 3.1, the latter's identification number to each individual
pressure equipment that satisfies the applicable requirements of this Directive.
The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for each
pressure equipment model and keep it at the disposal of the national authorities for 10 years
after the pressure equipment has been placed on the market. The EU declaration of conformity
shall identify the pressure equipment model for which it has been drawn up and shall mention
the number of the design examination certificate.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities
upon request.
The manufacturer shall, for a period ending 10 years after the pressure equipment has
been placed on the market, keep at the disposal of the national authorities:
the decisions and reports of the notified body referred to in points 3.5, 5.3 and 5.4.
Authorised representative
The manufacturer's authorised representative may lodge the application referred to in points
4.1 and 4.2 and fulfil the obligations set out in points 3.1, 3.5, 4.4, 4.6, 6 and 7, on his behalf
and under his responsibility, provided that they are specified in the mandate.
1. The body, its director and the personnel responsible for carrying out the assessment and
verification operations may not be the designer, manufacturer, supplier, installer or user of the
pressure equipment or assemblies which that body inspects, nor the authorized representative
of any of those parties. They may not become directly involved in the design, construction,
marketing or maintenance of the pressure equipment or assemblies, nor represent the parties
engaged in these activities. This does not preclude the possibility of exchanges of technical
information between the manufacturer of pressure equipment or assemblies and the notified
2. The body and its personnel must carry out the assessments and verifications with the
highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free from all
pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgment or the
results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the
results of verifications.
3. The body must have at its disposal the necessary personnel and possess the necessary
facilities to enable it to perform properly the technical and administrative tasks connected
with the inspection and surveillance operations, it must also have access to the equipment
required to perform special verifications.
4. The personnel responsible for inspection must have:
satisfactory knowledge of the requirements of the inspections they carry out and
adequate experience of such operations,
the ability required to draw up the certificates, records and reports to demonstrate
that the inspections have been carried out.
5. The impartiality of the inspection personnel must be guaranteed. Their remuneration must
not depend on the number of inspections carried out, nor on the results of such inspections.
6. The body must take out liability insurance unless its liability is assumed by the State in
accordance with national law, or the Member State itself is directly responsible for the
7. The personnel of the body must observe professional secrecy with regard to all information
gained in carrying out their tasks (except vis--vis the competent administrative authorities of
the State in which their activities are carried out) under the Directive or any provision of
national law giving effect to it.
1. The user inspectorate must be organizationally identifiable and have reporting methods
within the group of which it is part which ensure and demonstrate its impartiality. It must not
be responsible for the design, manufacture, supply, installation, operation or maintenance of
the pressure equipment or assemblies, and must not engage in any activities that might
conflict with its independence of judgment and integrity in relation to its inspection activities.
2. The user inspectorate and its personnel must carry out the assessments and verifications
with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free
from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their
judgment or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an
interest in the results of verifications.
3. The user inspectorate must have at its disposal the necessary personnel and possess the
necessary facilities to enable it to perform properly the technical and administrative tasks
connected with the inspection and surveillance operations; it must also have access to the
equipment required to perform special verifications.
4. The personnel responsible for inspection must have:
satisfactory knowledge of the requirements of the inspections they carry out and
adequate experience of such operations,
the ability required to draw up the certificates, records and reports to demonstrate
that the inspections have been carried out.
5. The impartiality of inspection personnel must be guaranteed. Their remuneration must not
depend on the number of inspections carried out, nor on the results of such inspections.
6. The user inspectorate must have adequate liability insurance unless liability is assumed by
the group of which it is part.
7. The personnel of the user inspectorate must observe professional secrecy with regard to all
information gained in carrying out their tasks (except vis--vis the competent administrative
authorities of the State in which their activities are carried out) under the Directive or any
provision of national law giving effect to it.
The CE marking consists of the initials CE taking the following form:
If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged the proportions given in the above graduated
drawing must be respected.
The various components of the CE marking must have substantially the same vertical
dimension, which may not be less than 5 mm.
97/23/EC (adapted)
The EC EU declaration of conformity must shall contain the following
1. No (unique identification of the pressure equipment):
2. Pressure equipment/pressure equipment model (product, batch, type or serial number):
97/23/EC (adapted)
nName and address of the manufacturer and, where applicable, or of his
authorizsed representative established within the Community,:
3. This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
4. Object of the declaration (identification of pressure equipment allowing traceability. It may,
where necessary for the identification of the pressure equipment, include an image:
97/23/EC (adapted)
5. The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union
harmonisation legislation: . (reference to the other Union Directives applied):
6. References to the relevant harmonised standards used or references to the specifications in
relation to which conformity is declared:
where appropriate, name and address of the notified body monitoring the
manufacturer's quality assurance system,
8. Additional information:
Signed for and on behalf of: .
(place and date of issue):
(name, function) (signature):
Repealed Directive with its successive amendments
(referred to in Article 50)
Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of (OJ L 181, 9.7.1997, p.1)
the Council
Regulation (EC) No 1882/2003 of the European
Parliament and of the Council
Time-limits for transposition into national law and application
(referred to in Article 15)
Date of application
29 November 1999 45
In accordance with Article 20(3) of Directive 97/23/EC, Member States shall permit the putting into
service of pressure equipment and assemblies which comply with the regulations in force in their
territory at the date of application of the Directive beyond that date.
Directive 97/23/EC
This Directive
Article 1(1)
Article 1(1)
Article 1(2)
Article 1(3)
Article 1(2)
Article 2
Article 3
Article 3
Article 4
Article 4
Article 5
Article 6
Article 7
Article 8
Article 9
Article 10
Article 11
Article 5(1)
Article 12(2)
Article 5(2)
Article 5(3)
Article 12(1)
Article 7(1)
Article 40
Article 7(2)
Article 39(1)
Article 39(2)
Article 7(3)
Article 39(3)
Article 7(4)
Article 39(4)
Article 8
Article 9(1)
Article 9(3)
Article 13(2)
Article 10
Article 14
Article 11(1)
Article 15(1)
Article 11(2)
Article 15(2)
Article 11(3)
Article 15(3)
Article 11(4)
Article 12(3)
Article 15(4)
Article 11(5)
Article 15(5)
Article 15(6)
Article 12
Article 13
Article 14(1)
Article 16(1)
Article 14(2)
Article 5(3)
Article 17
Article 18
Article 15(1)
Article 15(2)
Article 19(1)
Article 15(3)
Article 19(2)
Article 20
Article 21
Article 22
Article 23
Article 24
Article 25
Article 26
Article 27
Article 28
Article 29
Article 30
Article 31
Article 32
Article 33
Article 34
Article 35
Article 36
Article 37
Article 38
Article 16
Article 17
Article 18
Article 41
Article 42
Article 19
Article 20(3)
Article 43(1)
Article 44
Article 45
Article 46
Article 21
Article 47
Annex I
Annex I
Annex II
Annex II
Annex IV
Annex V
Annex VI
Annex VII
Annex IV
Annex V
Annex VI