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Title Ii Wages Preliminary Matters ARTICLE 97. Definitions. - As Used in This Title

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Wages Basic Wage regular base pay of an employee

Chapter 1 Facilities items of expense necessary for the laborers and his
PRELIMINARY MATTERS familys existence and subsistence

ARTICLE 97. Definitions. As used in this Title: - The cost of facilities furnished by the employer may be deducted
or charged against an employee under the ff conditions:
1. The facilities must be customarily furnished by the trade
(a) Person means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, 2. The provisions of deductible facilities must be voluntarily
business trust, legal representatives, or any organized group of persons. accepted in writing by the employee
3. The facilities must be charged at fair and reasonable value
(b) Employer includes any person acting directly or indirectly in the
interest of an employer in relation to an employee and shall include the Supplements extra remuneration or special privileges or
government and all its branches, subdivisions and instrumentalities, all benefits given to or received by the laborers over and above their
government-owned or controlled corporations and institutions, as well as ordinary earnings or wages.
non-profit private institutions, or organizations.
- Criterion whether a benefit is a supplement or a facility: purpose
- Purpose: primarily for the benefit of the employee, not
(c) Employee includes any individual employed by an employer.
considered as facility
- Ex. Transportation allowance
(d) Agriculture includes farming in all its branches and, among other
things, includes cultivation and tillage of soil, dairying, the production, - Sales Commission forms part of wage/salary where there exists
cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricultural and horticultural e-e relationship
commodities, the raising of livestock or poultry, and any practices
performed by a farmer on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with Bonus an amount granted and paid to an employee for his
such farming operations, but does not include the manufacturing or industry and loyalty which contributed to the success of the
processing of sugar, coconuts, abaca, tobacco, pineapples or other farm employers business and made possible the realization of profits
products. - GR: not a demandable and enforceable obligation
- Exceptions:
(e) Employ includes to suffer or permit to work. 1. If the grant thereof is the result of an agreement
2. If made part of the wages
Bonus is considered part of the wages:
(f) Wage paid to any employee shall mean the remuneration or earnings, a. If it is given in a fixed amount without any
however designated, capable of being expressed in terms of money, condition, regardless of w/n profits are
whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, or commission basis, or realized
other method of calculating the same, which is payable by an employer to b. If it has ripened into practice by virtue of
an employee under a written or unwritten contract of employment for work its long and regular concession
done or to be done, or for services rendered or to be rendered and includes - To be considered a regular practice, the giving of
the fair and reasonable value, as determined by the Secretary of Labor and bonus should have been done consistently, voluntarily
Employment, of board, lodging, or other facilities customarily furnished by and deliberately over a long period of time.
the employer to the employee. Fair and reasonable value shall not include
any profit to the employer, or to any person affiliated with the employer. 13th month pay extra remuneration given to an employee in an
amount equivalent to 1/12 of the basic salary earned by an
Wages remunerations or earnings payable by an employer to employee within a calendar year
an employee for work done or to be done or for services - In its computation, only the basic salary should be
rendered or to be rendered. considered
- It should arise from employer-employee relationship - Granted only to employees who has rendered at least
- Includes the fair and reasonable value of board, lodging, and one month service
other facilities customarily furnished by the employer to the
employee Overload excess of the normal or regular teaching load
- Customarily founded on long-established and constant practice - Extra pay not part of the basic salary, not included in
connoting regularity the computation of the 13th month pay

WAGES SALARY Entitled to 13th month pay:

Both refer to a reward or recompense for services performed 1. Rank-and-file employees who have worked for at least 1
Compensation for manual labor, Denotes a higher grade of month during a calendar yr
skilled or unskilled, paid at stated employment, or a superior grade of 2. Employees who are paid on piece-work basis
times and measured by the day, services and implies a position in 3. Employees who are paid a fixed or guaranteed wage plus
week, month, or season office commission
Indicates considerable pay for lower Suggestive of a higher and more 4. Private school teachers who have worked at least 1 month
and less responsible character of important service within the yr
employment 5. Employees working in two or more private firms whether
Exempt from attachment or Not exempt on full-time or part-time basis

6. Employees who resigned or whose services were 6. Improvements in the standards of living
terminated before the payment of the 13th month pay 7. The prevailing wage levels
8. Faire retur of capital invested and capacity to pay the
Employers exempted from the 13th month pay law: workers
1. The govt and any of its subsidiaries, including GOCCs, 9. Effects on employment generation and family income; and
except those corps operating essentially as private 10. The equitable distribution of income and wealth along the
subsidiaries of the govt imperatives of economic and social development
2. Those already paying their employees a 13th month pay or
more in a calendar yr or its equivalent Prohibitions on minimum wage fixed by law:
3. Employers of household helpers and persons in the 1. It cannot be waived (mandatory)
personal service of another in relation to such workers 2. Not bargainable
4. Those paid purely on commission, boundary or task basis,
and those who are paid fixed amount for performing Sanctions for failure or refusal to comply to pay the prescribed
specific work, except where the workers are paid on a wage increase:
piece-rate basis 1. Criminal liability 25k - 100k; 2-4 yrs
2. Double indemnity double the unpaid benefits owing to
Time of payment of 13th month pay: December 24 of each yr employee
14th month pay gratuitous
Agriculture farming activities in conjunction with farming
operations. It includes:
1. The cultivation or tillage of soil
ARTICLE 98. Application of Title. This Title shall not apply to farm tenancy
2. Dairying
or leasehold, domestic service and persons working in their respective
3. The production, cultivation, growing and harvesting of
homes in needle work or in any cottage industry duly registered in
agricultural and horticultural commodities; and
accordance with law.
4. The raising of livestock or poultry

Exceptions on the application of the Coverage of the Law on The minimum wage rate of agricultural workers is different from
Wages: that of non-agricultural
1. Household or domestic helpers Agricultural employee a person who is employed in an
2. Homeworkers engaged in needlework undertaking principally engaged in the foregoing activities
3. Workers employed in any cottage industry duly registered
in accordance with law, if performed by workers in their
respective homes
4. Workers in any duly registered cooperative when so ARTICLE 100. Prohibition against elimination or diminution of benefits.
recommended by the Bureau of Cooperative Development Nothing in this Book shall be construed to eliminate or in any way diminish
and upon approval of the Secretary of DOLE supplements, or other employee benefits being enjoyed at the time of
5. Farm tenancy or leasehold promulgation of this Code.

Chapter 2 When non-diminution of benefits is not violated:

MINIMUM WAGE RATES 1. The action does not result in the reduction or elimination of
ARTICLE 99. Regional minimum wages. The minimum wage rates for 2. If it deducts the fair and reasonable value of facilities
agricultural and non-agricultural employees and workers in each and every 3. Where an employer reduces the bonuses it used to grant its
region of the country shall be those prescribed by the Regional Tripartite employees
Wages and Productivity Boards. (As amended by Section 3, Republic Act No.
6727, June 9, 1989). The grant of benefits for a long period of time may ripen into a
company practice and create a vested right upon the employees.
To be considered as such, it should have been observed over a
Purpose of the law: assure decent living conditions of the worker long period of time, and must be shown to have been consistent
Basis of minimum wage: not exceeding 8 hrs/day and deliberate.
Methods employed in fixing the minimum wage:
1. Floor-wage method
ARTICLE 101. Payment by results. - (a) The Secretary of Labor and
- Prescribes a determinate amount that would be
Employment shall regulate the payment of wages by results, including
added to the prevailing statutory minimum wage
pakyao, piecework, and other non-time work, in order to ensure the
2. Salary-ceiling method
payment of fair and reasonable wage rates, preferably through time and
- Prescribes a wage adjustment that would apply only
motion studies or in consultation with representatives of workers and
to employees receiving a certain denominated salary
employers organizations.

Minimum wage varies from region to region Categories of workers paid by results:
Factors to be considered in fixing the minimum wage: 1. Those whose time and performance are supervised by the
1. Demand for living wages employer: control is over the manner as to how the work is
2. Wage adjustment vis--vis consumer price index to be performed
3. Cost of living and changes or increase therein 2. Those whose time and performance are unsupervised by
4. The needs of workers and their families the employer: control is over the result of the work
5. The need to induce industries to invest on the countryside

Piece workers connote a laborer or worker with no fixed salary, The payment of wages of employees engaged to perform a task which
wages or remuneration but receiving as compensation from his cannot be completed in two (2) weeks shall be subject to the following
employer depending upon the work done or the result of the said conditions, in the absence of a collective bargaining agreement or
work irrespective of the amount of time employed arbitration award:
The compensation of workers paid by results should not be less
than the statutory minimum wage for an 8-hr work or a (1) That payments are made at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) days, in
proportion thereof for less than 8 hrs work proportion to the amount of work completed;
In the absence of such prescribed wage rates for piece-rate
workers, the ordinary minimum wage rates prescribed by the
RTWPB shall apply. (2) That final settlement is made upon completion of the work.

Chapter 3 Frequency of Payment

PAYMENT OF WAGES GR: wages shall be paid not less than once every 2 weeks or twice
a month at intervals not exceeding 16 days
ARTICLE 102. Forms of payment. No employer shall pay the wages of an Exception: in cases of wages pertaining to task which cannot be
employee by means of promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens, tickets, finished in 2 weeks, payment thereof shall be made at intervals
chits, or any object other than legal tender, even when expressly requested not exceeding 16 days in proportion to the amount of work
by the employee. Payment of wages by check or money order shall be completed. Final settlement shall be made immediately upon
allowed when such manner of payment is customary on the date of completion of work.
effectivity of this Code, or is necessary because of special circumstances as Delayed payment of wages may be excused on account of:
specified in appropriate regulations to be issued by the Secretary of Labor 1. Force majeure events which arise from legitimate or
and Employment or as stipulated in a collective bargaining agreement. illegitimate acts of persons other than the employer, such
as war, robbery, etc
2. Circumstances beyond control fortuitous events
Legal Tender that currency which has been made suitable by law for the
independent of human intervention, such as floods,
purpose of tender of payment of debts.
typhoons, earthquakes, and other natural calamities
- All notes and coins issued by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas are
Payment of wages should be made immediately thereafter
legal tender
No work, no pay
A check, whether a managers or ordinary, is not a legal tender
- Exceptions:
Payment of wages in legal tender, mandatory
Employee illegally:
- Purpose: to prevent the employee from being
a. locked out
shortchanged and to ensure that the compensation
b. Dismissed
given could be used by the employee for any purpose
c. Suspended
that he wants
If an employer pays the wages in a medium other than legal
tender, it will not produce the effect of payment. ARTICLE 104. Place of payment. Payment of wages shall be made at or
- Effect: it will not discharge the employer from liability near the place of undertaking, except as otherwise provided by such
for unpaid wages regulations as the Secretary of Labor and Employment may prescribe under
conditions to ensure greater protection of wages.
When payment of wages by check or money order is allowed:
1. When such manner of payment is customary on the date of Place of payment:
the effectivity of the LC GR: at or near the place of undertaking
2. When so stipulated in a CBA Exceptions:
3. When there is a bank or other facility for encashment 1. Actual or impending emergencies caused by fire, flood, etc
within the radius of 1 km from the workplace, provided: rendering payment thereat impossible
a. that the employer or any of his agent does not receive 2. When the employer provides free transportation back and
any pecuniary benefit directly or indirectly from the forth
arrangement, 3. Under any other analogous circumstances, provided that
b. that the employees are given reasonable time during the time spent by the employees in collecting their wages
banking hours to withdraw their wages from the bank shall be considered as compensable hours of work
during company time,
c. that the employee consents to such an agreement, in Payment in recreational places prohibited
the absence of a collective agreement on the matter Payment through ATM, allowed under certain conditions

ARTICLE 103. Time of payment. Wages shall be paid at least once every ARTICLE 105. Direct payment of wages. Wages shall be paid directly to the
two (2) weeks or twice a month at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) days. workers to whom they are due, except:
If on account of force majeure or circumstances beyond the employers
control, payment of wages on or within the time herein provided cannot be
made, the employer shall pay the wages immediately after such force (a) In cases of force majeure rendering such payment impossible or under
majeure or circumstances have ceased. No employer shall make payment other special circumstances to be determined by the Secretary of Labor and
with less frequency than once a month. Employment in appropriate regulations, in which case, the worker may be
paid through another person under written authority given by the worker
for the purpose; or

(b) Where the worker has died, in which case, the employer may pay the - Not illegal per se. (refer to Arts. 106-107)
wages of the deceased worker to the heirs of the latter without the
necessity of intestate proceedings. The claimants, if they are all of age, shall Requisites of valid contracting/ subcontracting:
execute an affidavit attesting to their relationship to the deceased and the 1. The contractor or subcontractor must have a distinct and
fact that they are his heirs, to the exclusion of all other persons. If any of the independent business and must undertake to perform the
heirs is a minor, the affidavit shall be executed on his behalf by his natural job, work or service on his account, under his own
guardian or next-of-kin. The affidavit shall be presented to the employer responsibility, according to his own manner and method,
who shall make payment through the Secretary of Labor and Employment or free from control and direction of the principal in all
his representative. The representative of the Secretary of Labor and matters connected with the performance of the work,
Employment shall act as referee in dividing the amount paid among the except as to the results thereof; and
heirs. The payment of wages under this Article shall absolve the employer of 2. The contractor or subcontractor must have substantial
any further liability with respect to the amount paid. capital or investment in the form of tools, equipment,
machineries, work premises and other materials which are
necessary in the conduct of the business
GR: Wages should be paid directly to the employee
Substantial capital or investment: Php3M
1. Where the employer is authorized in writing by the
employee to pay his wages to a member of the family Legal effect of legitimate contracting or subcontracting
2. Where payment to another person of any part of the : does not create an e-e relationship between himself
employees wage is authorized by existing law and the employees of the contractor
3. In case of death of employee : The employees of the contractor remain the
4. In case of force majeure contractors employees and his alone.
However, when the contractor fails to pay the wages of his
If a specific job was contracted by a group, payment of wages employees in accordance with the LC, the employer becomes
may be coursed through the leader of the group jointly and severally liable with his contractor for such wages to
the extent of the work performed under the contract
Payment of wages of an employee who has died: to the heirs
who should submit to the employer an affidavit attesting to their The party with whom an independent contractor deals with is
relationship with their deceased and the fact that they are his solidarily liable with the latter for unpaid wages, and only to that
heirs, to the exclusion of all other persons. extent and for that purpose that the latter is considered a direct

ARTICLE 106. Contractor or subcontractor. Whenever an employer enters

into a contract with another person for the performance of the formers When contracting or subcontracting is illegal:
work, the employees of the contractor and of the latters subcontractor, if 1. Labor-only contracting an arrangement whereby the
any, shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Code. contractor who does not have substantial capital or
investment in the form of tools, equipment, machineries,
In the event that the contractor or subcontractor fails to pay the wages of and work premises, merely recruits, supplies or places
his employees in accordance with this Code, the employer shall be jointly workers only, to a principal employer to perform a job,
and severally liable with his contractor or subcontractor to such employees work or activity that is directly related to the main business
to the extent of the work performed under the contract, in the same of the principal employer.
manner and extent that he is liable to employees directly employed by him. Elements:
a. The contractor supplies workers only to a
principal employer
The Secretary of Labor and Employment may, by appropriate regulations, b. The workers perform activities that are directly
restrict or prohibit the contracting-out of labor to protect the rights of related to the main business of the principal
workers established under this Code. In so prohibiting or restricting, he may c. The contractor does not have substantial capital
make appropriate distinctions between labor-only contracting and job or investment to actually perform the job, work
contracting as well as differentiations within these types of contracting and or service under its own account or
determine who among the parties involved shall be considered the responsibility.
employer for purposes of this Code, to prevent any violation or
Legal effect
circumvention of any provision of this Code.
: The law establishes an e-e relationship between the
principal employer and the employees of the
There is labor-only contracting where the person supplying workers to an contractor
employer does not have substantial capital or investment in the form of : The contractor is considered as a mere agent of the
tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, among others, and the principal employer, and therefore, both the principal
workers recruited and placed by such person are performing activities which employer and the contractor are solidarily liable for all
are directly related to the principal business of such employer. In such cases, rightful claims of the employees
the person or intermediary shall be considered merely as an agent of the 2. Contracting out work with a cabo
employer who shall be responsible to the workers in the same manner and Cabo refers to a person or group of persons or to a
extent as if the latter were directly employed by him. labor group which, in the guise of a lab org, supplies
workers to an employer, with or without monetary or
other consideration, whether in the capacity of an
Contracting/subcontracting one whereby an employer engages
agent of the employer or as an ostensible
the services of a contractor to perform a certain work, task or job
independent contractor.
on his account under his own responsibility free from the control
3. Contracting out work through an in-house agency
and direction of his employer in all matters except as to the
result of the work

In-house agency refers to a contractor or - The principal decides the job or service to be
subcontractor engaged in the supply of labor which is contracted out, while the contractor undertakes to
owned, managed or controlled by the principal and perform the job or service, and the workers
which operates solely for the principal. accomplish the job or service
4. Contracting out work that is directly related to the business
or operation of the principal by reason of a strike or Factors determinative of independent contractorship:
lockout, whether actual or imminent
- A criterion for determining w/n there is labor-only 1. Whether the contractor is carrying on an independent
contracting and contemplates employees hired business
through a contractor or intermediary. 2. Nature and extent of work
Illegal only if the job, work, or service contracted is 3. Skill required
directly related to the business of the principal. 4. Term and duration of the relationship
5. Contracting out work when not done in good faith and not 5. Existence of a contract for the performance of a specified
justified by the exigencies of the business and the same piece of work
results in the termination of regular employees, reduction 6. Control and supervision of the work
of work hours, or reduction or splitting of the bargaining 7. Control of the premises
unit 8. The duty to supply the premises, tools, appliances, material
6. Contracting out work being performed by union members and labor; and
when such will interfere with, restrain or coerce employees 9. the mode, manner, and terms of payment
in the exercise of their right to self-organization
Illegal only when such will interfere with, restrain or Control factor in an independent contractorship: confined to the
coerce employees in the exercise of their right to self- results
organization. If an independent contractorship is not established, the
relationship would be regarded as a labor-only arrangement, in
Other prohibited activities: (badfaith) which case, the relationship of e-e will be deemed to exist
1. Requiring him to perform functions, which are currently between the principal and the employees of the contractor
being performed by the regular employees of the principal o Exceptions:
or of the contractor or of the subcontractor 1. Joint venture arrangement
2. Requiring him to sign as a precondition to employment or 2. Contract of agency
continued employment, an antedated resignation letter, a
blank payroll; a waiver of labstand including minimum Job contracting Labor-only contracting
wages and social or welfare benefits, or a quitclaim The contractor provides services The contractor provides man-power
releasing the principal contractor or subcontractor from any only
liability as to payment of future claims No e-e relationship exists between There exists an e-e relationship
3. Requiring him to sign a contract fixing the period of the employees of the contractor and created by law between the
employment to a term shorter than the term of the the principal employer principal employer and the
contract between the principal and the contractor or employees of the labor-only
subcontractor, unless the latter contract is divisible into contractor
phases for which substantially different skills are required The principal employer is considered Employer is considered a direct
and this is made known to the employee at the time of only an indirect employer employer
engagement. The principal employer and the The principal employer and the
contractor are solidarily liable only labor-only contractor are solidarily
for unpaid wages liable for all the rightful claims of
ARTICLE 107. Indirect employer. The provisions of the immediately the contractors employees
preceding article shall likewise apply to any person, partnership, association
or corporation which, not being an employer, contracts with an independent
contractor for the performance of any work, task, job or project. ARTICLE 108. Posting of bond. An employer or indirect employer may
require the contractor or subcontractor to furnish a bond equal to the cost
Independent contractor a person who carries on an of labor under contract, on condition that the bond will answer for the
independent business and undertakes the contract work on his wages due the employees should the contractor or subcontractor, as the
own account, under his own responsibility, according to his own case may be, fail to pay the same.
manner and method, free from the control and direction of his
employer or principal in all matters connected with the Purpose: intended to guarantee the payment of wages due the
performance f the work except as to the result thereof; and has employee should the contractor or subcontractor fail to pay the
substantial capital or investment in the form of tools, equipment, same
machineries, work premises, and other materials which are
necessary in the conduct of the business.
Mere absence of bond is not a controlling factor in determining ARTICLE 109. Solidary liability. The provisions of existing laws to the
whether a person is an independent contractor. contrary notwithstanding, every employer or indirect employer shall be held
Contractors and subcontractors are required to register with the responsible with his contractor or subcontractor for any violation of any
DOLE. Failure to register shall give rise to the presumption that provision of this Code. For purposes of determining the extent of their civil
the contractor is engaged in labor-only contract. liability under this Chapter, they shall be considered as direct employers.

Trilateral relationship exists in legitimate labor contracting Purpose: intended to facilitate, if not guarantee, payment of
workers wages, including the statutory minimum wage

Extent of liability of indirect employer: payment of wages The following monetary claims of workers falling within the ambit
The solidarity liability of an indirect employer is limited only to of special preferred credits are to be paid only after the taxes on
the extent of the work performed under the contract the specific property involved have been paid:
An indirect employer cannot be held liable for: a. Claims for laborers wages, on good
1. Backwages manufactured or the work done
2. Separation pay b. Claims of laborers, masons and other workmen,
3. Damages arising from the acts or omissions of his architects, engineers and contractors, engaged
independent contractor in the construction, reconstruction or repair of
buildings, canals or other works, upon said
The imposition of solidary liability does not preclude an indirect buildings, canals or other works
employer from seeking reimbursement from the contractor for
whatever amount he pays to the contractors employees. Mortgage is a special preferred credit

ARTICLE 110. Worker preference in case of bankruptcy. In the event of ARTICLE 111. Attorneys fees. (a) In cases of unlawful withholding of
bankruptcy or liquidation of an employers business, his workers shall enjoy wages, the culpable party may be assessed attorneys fees equivalent to ten
first preference as regards their wages and other monetary claims, any percent of the amount of wages recovered.
provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding. Such unpaid wages and
monetary claims shall be paid in full before claims of the government and (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to demand or accept, in
other creditors may be paid. (As amended by Section 1, Republic Act No. any judicial or administrative proceedings for the recovery of
6715, March 21, 1989). wages, attorneys fees which exceed ten percent of the amount of
wages recovered.
Applies only in case of bankruptcy or judicial liquidation of the
employer Attorneys fees may be awarded:
Before the workers preference may be invoked, there must first 1. In cases of unlawful withholding of wages
be a declaration of bankruptcy or judicial liquidation of the 2. In cases where the employee was forced to litigate with
employers business third persons or incur expenses to protect his rights and
Rationale: premised upon the very nature of a preferential right interest
of credit
Article 110 can only be invoked upon the institution of insolvency Maximum amount of AFs: 10% of the amount of wages
or judicial liquidation proceedings. It does not apply to recovered. 10% may be reduced if it is found to be utterly
rehabilitation proceedings because a company under excessive and unreasonable or when the questions involved are
rehabilitation continues to operate, hence, its assets are not up neither novel nor difficult
for distribution to creditors AFs need not necessarily be borne by the losing party. It may be
3 general categories: ordered deducted from the total amount due the winning party.
1. Special preferred credits (Articles 2241 and 2242 of the CC) Only lawyers are entitled to AFs.
- Constitute liens or encumbrances on the specific - Exception: a lawyer member of the PAO
property to which they relate
- Must first be discharged out of the proceeds of the Chapter 4
property to which they relate, before ordinary PROHIBITIONS REGARDING WAGES
preferred creditors may claim to any part of such
a. Claims for laborers wages, on the goods ARTICLE 112. Non-interference in disposal of wages. No employer shall
manufactured or the work done limit or otherwise interfere with the freedom of any employee to dispose of
b. Claims of laborers, masons, mechanics and other his wages. He shall not in any manner force, compel, or oblige his employees
workmen, as well as architects, engineers and to purchase merchandise, commodities or other property from any other
contractors, engaged in the construction, person, or otherwise make use of any store or services of such employer or
reconstruction or repair of buildings, canals or any other person.
other works, upon said buildings, canals, or
other works. This article stresses the right of an employee to freely dispose of
2. Ordinary preferred credits (Article 2244) his wages.
- Create no liens on specific property
- They simply create rights in favor of certain creditors
to have cash and other assets of the insolvent applied ARTICLE 113. Wage deduction. No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf
in a certain consequence or order of priority of any person, shall make any deduction from the wages of his employees,
3. Common credits (Article 2245) except:
- Enjoy no preference
(a) In cases where the worker is insured with his consent by the employer,
Article 110 does not constitute a lien on the property of the and the deduction is to recompense the employer for the amount paid by
insolvent debtor in favor of workers. It is just a preference of him as premium on the insurance;
credit in their favor a preference in application.
Preference of credits applies only to claims which do not attach
(b) For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker or his union to
to specific properties, while a lien attaches to a particular
check-off has been recognized by the employer or authorized in writing by
the individual worker concerned; and

(c) In cases where the employer is authorized by law or regulations issued by When an employer can require deposits for loss or damage:
the Secretary of Labor and Employment. 1. When the employer is engaged in such trades, occupations
or business where the practice of making deductions or
requiring deposits is a recognized one; or
Purpose: to protect the employee from unwarranted practices
2. When necessary or desirable as determined by the
that diminish his compensation without his knowledge and
Secretary of Labor in appropriate rules and regulations
Lawful deductions:
1. Insurance premiums ARTICLE 115. Limitations. No deduction from the deposits of an employee
2. Unions dues for the actual amount of the loss or damage shall be made unless the
3. Agency fees (written authorization, not required) employee has been heard thereon, and his responsibility has been clearly
4. Special assessments or extraordinary fees levied by a CB shown.
agent against its members
5. Fair and reasonable value of facilities (there must be
Conditions for effecting deductions from deposits:
voluntary acceptance by the employee)
1. That the employee concerned is clearly shown to be
6. Obligations of an employee with a third person (there must
responsible for the loss
be written authorization)
2. That the employee is given reasonable opportunity to show
7. Cost of lost or damaged tools, materials or equipment
cause why deduction should not be made
supplied by the employer to the employee in trades,
3. That the amount of such deductions is fair and reasonable
occupation or business where the practice of making
and shall not exceed the actual loss or damage; and
deductions is recognized
4. The deduction from the wages of the employee does not
8. Due and demandable debt of an employee to his employer
exceed 20% of the employees wages in a week.
9. Deductions made in compliance with writs of execution or
attachment against the employee for debts incurred for
food, shelter, clothing, and medical attendance ARTICLE 116. Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited. - It shall be
10. Income tax unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to withhold any amount from
11. Employees share in the premium contributions to the SSS the wages of a worker or induce him to give up any part of his wages by
12. Employees share in the premium contributions to the force, stealth, intimidation, threat or by any other means whatsoever
National Health Insurance Program; and without the workers consent.
13. Employees share in the premium contributions to the
Home Development Mutual Fund Acts prohibited:
14. Deductions for absence or tardiness (no work, no pay) 1. Withholding any amount from the wages of a worker
15. Deductions for cost of uniforms (if requested or with the 2. Inducing an employee to give up any part of his wages by
consent of the employees. Otherwise, not deductible) force, stealth, intimidation, threat or by any other means
without the workers consent
If the employer does not comply with its obligation to check-off
union dues and agency fees, it cannot be held liable for the union Lawful withholding:
dues and agency fees that it failed to deduct from the salaries of 1. To set-off an employees due and demandable debt to the
the employees. employer; or
The employers failure to make requisite deductions may 2. To comply with writs of execution or attachment against
constitute a violation of contractual commitment for which it the employee for debts incurred for food, shelter, clothing
may incur liability for ULP. and medical attendance
The authorization to check-off union dues is co-terminus with the
union affiliation or membership of the employees
The employees acceptance of benefits resulting from the CBA ARTICLE 117. Deduction to ensure employment. It shall be unlawful to
justifies the deduction of agency fees from his salary. make any deduction from the wages of any employee for the benefit of the
3 requisites for a valid check-off of special assessments or other employer or his representative or intermediary as consideration of a
extraordinary expenses: promise of employment or retention in employment.
1. Written resolution by a majority of all the members at a
general membership meeting duly called for the purpose Scope of prohibition deduction from wages of an employee
2. Minutes of the meeting duly recorded by the secretary of from the benefit of the employer or his representative as
the union and attested to by the union president, with a list consideration of:
of all members present, the votes cast, and the purpose of 1. Promise of employment
the special assessment; and 2. Retention of employment
3. Individual written check-off authorization by the employees
concerned ARTICLE 118. Retaliatory measures. It shall be unlawful for an employer to
- Strict compliance is required refuse to pay or reduce the wages and benefits, discharge or in any manner
discriminate against any employee who has filed any complaint or instituted
ARTICLE 114. Deposits for loss or damage. No employer shall require his any proceeding under this Title or has testified or is about to testify in such
worker to make deposits from which deductions shall be made for the proceedings.
reimbursement of loss of or damage to tools, materials, or equipment
supplied by the employer, except when the employer is engaged in such Significance: freedom accorded to an employee to assert his
trades, occupations or business where the practice of making deductions or rights under Title II, Book 3 of the LC, without fear of retaliation.
requiring deposits is a recognized one, or is necessary or desirable as
determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment in appropriate rules
and regulations.

ARTICLE 119. False reporting. It shall be unlawful for any person to make (d) To review regional wage levels set by the Regional Tripartite Wages and
any statement, report, or record filed or kept pursuant to the provisions of Productivity Boards to determine if these are in accordance with prescribed
this Code knowing such statement, report or record to be false in any guidelines and national development plans;
material respect.
(e) To undertake studies, researches and surveys necessary for the
Records required of an employer to keep: attainment of its functions and objectives, and to collect and compile data
1. Payrolls and periodically disseminate information on wages and productivity and
2. Time records of employees other related information, including, but not limited to, employment, cost-
3. Time records of executives of-living, labor costs, investments and returns;
4. Records of workers paid by results
(f) To review plans and programs of the Regional Tripartite Wages and
All employment records of employees shall be kept and Productivity Boards to determine whether these are consistent with national
maintained in or about the premises of the workplace, i.e., the development plans;
branch office or establishment, where the employees concerned
are regularly assigned.
(g) To exercise technical and administrative supervision over the Regional
Chapter 5 Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards;
(h) To call, from time to time, a national tripartite conference of
ARTICLE 120. Creation of National Wages and Productivity Commission. - representatives of government, workers and employers for the
There is hereby created a National Wages and Productivity Commission, consideration of measures to promote wage rationalization and
hereinafter referred to as the Commission, which shall be attached to the productivity; and
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for policy and program
coordination. (As amended by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989). (i) To exercise such powers and functions as may be necessary to implement
this Act.
NWPC the advisory body to the President of the Philippines and
Congress on matters relating to wages, income, and productivity. The Commission shall be composed of the Secretary of Labor and
- It exercises the a technical and administrative Employment as ex-officio chairman, the Director-General of the National
supervision over the RTWPB Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) as ex-officio vice-chairman,
Composition: and two (2) members each from workers and employers sectors who shall
1. Ex-officio chairman Secretary of DOLE be appointed by the President of the Philippines upon recommendation of
2. Ex-officio Vice Chairman Director-General of the NWPC the Secretary of Labor and Employment to be made on the basis of the list
3. Members: of nominees submitted by the workers and employers sectors, respectively,
i. Executive Director of the NWPC and who shall serve for a term of five (5) years. The Executive Director of the
ii. 2 members from the workers sector; and Commission shall also be a member of the Commission.
iii. 2 member from the employers sector
The Commission shall be assisted by a Secretariat to be headed by an
The members representing the labor and management shall be
Executive Director and two (2) Deputy Directors, who shall be appointed by
appointed by the President of the Philippines upon
the President of the Philippines, upon the recommendation of the Secretary
recommendation of the Secretary of DOLE, on the basis of the list
of Labor and Employment.
of nominees submitted by the workers and employers sectors,
for a term of 5 yrs, and shall have the same rank, emoluments,
allowances, and other benefits as those prescribed by law for The Executive Director shall have the same rank, salary, benefits and other
labor and management representatives in the Employees emoluments as that of a Department Assistant Secretary, while the Deputy
Compensation Commission. Directors shall have the same rank, salary, benefits and other emoluments
as that of a Bureau Director. The members of the Commission representing
labor and management shall have the same rank, emoluments, allowances
ARTICLE 121. Powers and functions of the Commission. The Commission
and other benefits as those prescribed by law for labor and management
shall have the following powers and functions:
representatives in the Employees Compensation Commission. (As amended
by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989).
(a) To act as the national consultative and advisory body to the President of
the Philippines and Congress on matters relating to wages, incomes and
The NWPC has the power to prescribe rules and guidelines for
the determination of appropriate minimum wage and
productivity measures at regional, provincial or industry levels. It
(b) To formulate policies and guidelines on wages, incomes and productivity is also empowered to formulate policies and guidelines on wages,
improvement at the enterprise, industry and national levels; incomes and productivity improvement at the enterprise,
industry and national levels.
(c) To prescribe rules and guidelines for the determination of appropriate
minimum wage and productivity measures at the regional, provincial, or ARTICLE 122. Creation of Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity
industry levels; Boards. - There is hereby created Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity
Boards, hereinafter referred to as Regional Boards, in all regions, including
autonomous regions as may be established by law. The Commission shall
determine the offices/headquarters of the respective Regional Boards.

The Regional Boards shall have the following powers and functions in their Minimum wage fixing is a function of the RTWPB
respective territorial jurisdictions: RTWPB has no power to promulgate rules and guidelines for the
determination of appropriate minimum wage and productivity
(a) To develop plans, programs and projects relative to wages, incomes and measures.
productivity improvement for their respective regions;
ARTICLE 123. Wage Order. Whenever conditions in the region so warrant,
(b) To determine and fix minimum wage rates applicable in their regions, the Regional Board shall investigate and study all pertinent facts; and based
provinces or industries therein and to issue the corresponding wage orders, on the standards and criteria herein prescribed, shall proceed to determine
subject to guidelines issued by the Commission; whether a Wage Order should be issued. Any such Wage Order shall take
effect after fifteen(15) days from its complete publication in at least one (1)
newspaper of general circulation in the region.
(c) To undertake studies, researches, and surveys necessary for the
attainment of their functions, objectives and programs, and to collect and
compile data on wages, incomes, productivity and other related information In the performance of its wage-determining functions, the Regional Board
and periodically disseminate the same; shall conduct public hearings/consultations, giving notices to employees and
employers groups, provincial, city and municipal officials and other
interested parties.
(d) To coordinate with the other Regional Boards as may be necessary to
attain the policy and intention of this Code;
Any party aggrieved by the Wage Order issued by the Regional Board may
appeal such order to the Commission within ten (10) calendar days from the
(e) To receive, process and act on applications for exemption from publication of such order. It shall be mandatory for the Commission to
prescribed wage rates as may be provided by law or any Wage Order; and decide such appeal within sixty (60) calendar days from the filing thereof.

(f) To exercise such other powers and functions as may be necessary to carry The filing of the appeal does not stay the order unless the person appealing
out their mandate under this Code. such order shall file with the Commission, an undertaking with a surety or
sureties satisfactory to the Commission for the payment to the employees
Implementation of the plans, programs, and projects of the Regional Boards affected by the order of the corresponding increase, in the event such order
referred to in the second paragraph, letter (a) of this Article, shall be is affirmed. (As amended by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989).
through the respective regional offices of the Department of Labor and
Employment within their territorial jurisdiction; Provided, however, That the A wage order takes effect after 15 days from its complete
Regional Boards shall have technical supervision over the regional office of publication in at least 1 newspaper of general circulation in the
the Department of Labor and Employment with respect to the region
implementation of said plans, programs and projects. Any party aggrieved by the Wage Order may appeal such order to
the NWPC within 10 calendar days from publication of such
Each Regional Board shall be composed of the Regional Director of the order.
Department of Labor and Employment as chairman, the Regional Directors
of the National Economic and Development Authority and the Department ARTICLE 124. Standards/Criteria for minimum wage fixing. The regional
of Trade and Industry as vice-chairmen and two (2) members each from minimum wages to be established by the Regional Board shall be as nearly
workers and employers sectors who shall be appointed by the President of adequate as is economically feasible to maintain the minimum standards of
the Philippines, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Labor and living necessary for the health, efficiency and general well-being of the
Employment, to be made on the basis of the list of nominees submitted by employees within the framework of the national economic and social
the workers and employers sectors, respectively, and who shall serve for a development program. In the determination of such regional minimum
term of five (5) years. wages, the Regional Board shall, among other relevant factors, consider the
Each Regional Board to be headed by its chairman shall be assisted by a
Secretariat. (a) The demand for living wages;
(As amended by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989).

(b) Wage adjustment visvis the consumer price index;

RTWPB composition:
a. Chairman regional director of the DOLE
b. Vice-chairman regional director of the NEDA (c) The cost of living and changes or increases therein;
- Regional director of DTI
c. Members 2 from the workers sector (d) The needs of workers and their families;
- 2 from the employers sector
(e) The need to induce industries to invest in the countryside;
Representatives of the workers and employers sector shall be
appointed by the President of the Philippines upon
recommendation of the Secretary of DOLE, and shall serve a term (f) Improvements in standards of living;
of 5 yrs
The RTWPB exercises technical supervision over the regional (g) The prevailing wage levels;
office of the DOLE with respect to the implementation of plans,
programs and projects relative to wages, incomes and
productivity improvement for their respective regions. (h) Fair return of the capital invested and capacity to pay of employers;
10 | v m b t

(i) Effects on employment generation and family income; and Wage distortion
- A situation where an increase in the prescribed wage rates
(j) The equitable distribution of income and wealth along the imperatives of results in the elimination or severe contraction of intentional
economic and social development. quantitative differences in wage or salary rates between and
among employee groups in an establishment as to effectively
obliterate the distinctions embodied in such wage structure
The wages prescribed in accordance with the provisions of this Title shall be based on skills, length of service, or other logical bases of
the standard prevailing minimum wages in every region. These wages shall differentiation
include wages varying with industries, provinces or localities if in the - For wage distortion to exist, severe contraction is enough
judgment of the Regional Board, conditions make such local differentiation - It presupposes an increase in the compensation of the lower
proper and necessary to effectuate the purpose of this Title. ranks in an office hierarchy without a corresponding raise for
higher-tiered employees in the same region of the country,
Any person, company, corporation, partnership or any other entity engaged resulting in the elimination or the severe contradiction of the
in business shall file and register annually with the appropriate Regional distinction between the two groups.
Board, Commission and the National Statistics Office, an itemized listing of
their labor component, specifying the names of their workers and Elements:
employees below the managerial level, including learners, apprentices and a. An existing hierarchy of positions with corresponding salary
disabled/handicapped workers who were hired under the terms prescribed rates
in the employment contracts, and their corresponding salaries and wages. b. A significant change in the salary rate of a lower pay class
without a concomitant increase in the salary rate of a
higher one
Where the application of any prescribed wage increase by virtue of a law or c. The elimination or severe contraction of the distinction
wage order issued by any Regional Board results in distortions of the wage between the two levels; and
structure within an establishment, the employer and the union shall d. The existence of the distortion in the same region of the
negotiate to correct the distortions. Any dispute arising from wage country
distortions shall be resolved through the grievance procedure under their
collective bargaining agreement and, if it remains unresolved, through Procedure for correction of Wage Distortion:
voluntary arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, such a. In Unionized Establishments:
dispute shall be decided by the voluntary arbitrators within ten (10) 1. The employer and the union shall negotiate to correct
calendar days from the time said dispute was referred to voluntary the distortions
arbitration. 2. If the negotiations fail, the matter shall be brought to
the grievance machinery under their CBA
In cases where there are no collective agreements or recognized labor 3. If the grievance machinery fails to settle the dispute,
unions, the employers and workers shall endeavor to correct such the matter shall be threshed out through voluntary
distortions. Any dispute arising therefrom shall be settled through the arbitration
National Conciliation and Mediation Board and, if it remains unresolved
after ten (10) calendar days of conciliation, shall be referred to the b. In Non-Unionized Establishment:
appropriate branch of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC). It 1. The employers and the workers shall negotiate to
shall be mandatory for the NLRC to conduct continuous hearings and decide correct such distortions
the dispute within twenty (20) calendar days from the time said dispute is 2. If negotiations fail, the matter shall be brought to the
submitted for compulsory arbitration. NCMB for conciliation
3. If condition fails, the dispute shall be referred to the
appropriate branch of the NLRC for compulsory
The pendency of a dispute arising from a wage distortion shall not in any
way delay the applicability of any increase in prescribed wage rates pursuant
to the provisions of law or wage order.
Employers are obliged to file and register annually with the
appropriate RTWPB, NWPC and the NSO an itemized listing of
As used herein, a wage distortion shall mean a situation where an increase their workers and employees below the managerial level,
in prescribed wage rates results in the elimination or severe contraction of including learners, apprentices, and disabled/handicapped
intentional quantitative differences in wage or salary rates between and workers and their corresponding salaries and wages.
among employee groups in an establishment as to effectively obliterate the
distinctions embodied in such wage structure based on skills, length of ARTICLE 125. Freedom to bargain. No wage order shall be construed to
service, or other logical bases of differentiation. prevent workers in particular firms or enterprises or industries from
bargaining for higher wages with their respective employers.
All workers paid by result, including those who are paid on piecework, takay, (As amended by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989).
pakyaw or task basis, shall receive not less than the prescribed wage rates
per eight (8) hours of work a day, or a proportion thereof for working less As a matter of policy, the State promotes collective bargaining as
than eight (8) hours. the primary mode of settling wages and other terms and
conditions of employment.

All recognized learnership and apprenticeship agreements shall be

considered automatically modified insofar as their wage clauses are ARTICLE 126. Prohibition against injunction. No preliminary or permanent
concerned to reflect the prescribed wage rates. (As amended by Republic injunction or temporary restraining order may be issued by any court,
Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989). tribunal or other entity against any proceedings before the Commission or
the Regional Boards. (As amended by Republic Act No. 6727, June 9, 1989).
11 | v m b t

Reason: to enable the NWPC and the RTWPB to discharge their (d) It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to obstruct, impede, delay or
functions smoothly, particularly in wage fixing which deserves otherwise render ineffective the orders of the Secretary of Labor and
preferential consideration. Employment or his duly authorized representatives issued pursuant to the
authority granted under this Article, and no inferior court or entity shall
issue temporary or permanent injunction or restraining order or otherwise
ARTICLE 127. Non-diminution of benefits. No wage order issued by any
assume jurisdiction over any case involving the enforcement orders issued in
regional board shall provide for wage rates lower than the statutory
accordance with this Article.
minimum wage rates prescribed by Congress. (As amended by Republic Act
No. 6727, June 9, 1989).
(e) Any government employee found guilty of violation of, or abuse of
authority, under this Article shall, after appropriate administrative
The power of the RTWPB to determine and fix minimum wage is
investigation, be subject to summary dismissal from the service.
a mere delegated power, and therefore, it should be exercised
within the limits of its authority.
It cannot set a wage rate lower than that prescribed by Congress (f) The Secretary of Labor and Employment may, by appropriate regulations,
It can, however, order that the minimum wages fixed by it be require employers to keep and maintain such employment records as may
extended not only to minimum wage earners but also to those be necessary in aid of his visitorial and enforcement powers under this Code.
who are already receiving more than the minimum up to a
certain denominated ceiling. Powers of the Secretary of Labor and Employment:
1. Visitorial Power
Chapter 6 2. Enforcement Power
ADMINITRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 3. Power to order suspension or stoppage of operations for
failure to comply with health and safety standards.
ARTICLE 128. Visitorial and enforcement power. - (a) The Secretary of Labor
and Employment or his duly authorized representatives, including labor The Visitorial Power:
regulation officers, shall have access to employers records and premises at a. Inspect the records and premises of an employer
any time of the day or night whenever work is being undertaken therein, b. Copy pertinent records or documents
and the right to copy therefrom, to question any employee and investigate c. Question any employee; and
any fact, condition or matter which may be necessary to determine d. Investigate any fact, condition or matter for the purpose of
violations or which may aid in the enforcement of this Code and of any labor determining whether an employer is complying with labor
law, wage order or rules and regulations issued pursuant there to. standards
- The visitorial power can be exercised at any time of the day or
night, whether work is being undertaken therein.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 129 and 217 of this Code to
- It can be done on a routine bases, i.e., routine inspection or upon
the contrary, and in cases where the relationship of employer-employee still
request of an employee, i.e., complaint inspection
exists, the Secretary of Labor and Employment or his duly authorized
representatives shall have the power to issue compliance orders to give
The Enforcement Power
effect to the labor standards provisions of this Code and other labor
- To issue compliance orders on the basis of findings of Labor
legislation based on the findings of labor employment and enforcement
Standards and Welfare Officers (LSWO) made in the course of
officers or industrial safety engineers made in the course of inspection. The
inspection, that violation of labor standards has been committed.
Secretary or his duly authorized representatives shall issue writs of
- Writs of execution may be issued to enforce their orders
execution to the appropriate authority for the enforcement of their orders,
- Intended to provide the workers to immediate access to their
except in cases where the employer contests the findings of the labor
rights and benefits without being inconvenienced by arbitration
employment and enforcement officer and raises issues supported by
or litigation processes that prove to be not only nerve-wracking
documentary proofs which were not considered in the course of inspection.
but financially burdensome in the long run.
(As amended by Republic Act No. 7730, June 2, 1994).
The visitorial and enforcement powers given to the Secretary of
An order issued by the duly authorized representative of the Secretary of DOLE or his duly authorized representatives is relevant to and
Labor and Employment under this Article may be appealed to the latter. In exercisable over establishments, not over individual employees
case said order involves a monetary award, an appeal by the employer may because what is sought to be achieved by its exercise is the
be perfected only upon the posting of a cash or surety bond issued by a observance of, and/or compliance by, such establishment with
reputable bonding company duly accredited by the Secretary of Labor and labor standards laws and regulations.
Employment in the amount equivalent to the monetary award in the order In case of an award rendered in the exercise of visitorial and
appealed from. (As amended by Republic Act No. 7730, June 2, 1994). enforcement powers, the entire employees who are still working
with said establishments should benefit therefrom even if they
(c) The Secretary of Labor and Employment may likewise order stoppage of did not sign the complaint or request for inspection.
work or suspension of operations of any unit or department of an
establishment when non-compliance with the law or implementing rules Remedies:
and regulations poses grave and imminent danger to the health and safety 1. Motion for reconsideration , to be filed within 7 calendar days
of workers in the workplace. Within twenty-four hours, a hearing shall be from receipt of the order
conducted to determine whether an order for the stop page of work or 2. Appeal to the Secretary of DOLE, to be filed within 10 calendar
suspension of operations shall be lifted or not. In case the violation is days from receipt of the order
attributable to the fault of the employer, he shall pay the employees - A motion for reconsideration filed beyond the 7-day
concerned their salaries or wages during the period of such stoppage of reglementary period shall be treated as an appeal if filed within
work or suspension of operation. the 10-day period for appeal, but subject to the requirements for
the perfection of an appeal.
12 | v m b t

Article 129 confers upon the Regional Director of the DOLE the
Limitations on the exercise of enforcement power: authority to hear and decide claims for unpaid wages and other
1. Contest the findings of the LSWO monetary claims and benefits filed by an employee or person
2. Raise issues supported by documentary proofs which were employed in domestic or household service, whose employment
not considered in the course of inspection has been terminated and who does not seek reinstatement
Visitorial and Enforcement powers are not restricted by the
amount involved. Requisites:
1. The claim is purely for recovery of unpaid wages and other
Power to order suspension or stoppage of operations monetary claims and benefits
- Exercised where the condition obtaining in the workplace pose 2. The claim is filed by an employee, househelper or person
grave and imminent danger to the health and safety of workers employed on domestic or household service
in the workplace 3. The employee, househelper or person employed in
- In imminent danger cases, the employer may make the necessary domestic or household service has already been separated
rectification at the plant-level within 24 hours from the date of from service and does not seek reinstatement anymore
inspection 4. The aggregate money claims of each claimant does not
- In non-imminent danger cases, the LSWO shall determine the exceed 5k
reasonable period of compliance depending on the gravity of the - If the following requisites are not complied with, the case will fall
hazards. within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Arbitration Branch of the
- Within 24 hrs from the issuance of the order, a hearing shall be NLRC.
conducted with the assistance of the LSWO concerned to
determine whether the order shall be lifter or not. Remedy:
- The proceedings shall be terminated within 72 hours and a copy - Appeal to the NLRC within 5 calendar days from receipt of the
of the order of resolution shall be immediately furnished the decision
Secretary of DOLE
- If the stoppage or suspension is attributable to the fault of the Adjudicatory Power Enforcement Power
employer, the employees are entitled to their salaries or wages Basis Complaint filed by the Inspection result
during the period of such suspension of operations. employee
Subject matter Pure money claims Extends to violations of
ARTICLE 129. Recovery of wages, simple money claims and other benefits. occupational health and
Upon complaint of any interested party, the Regional Director of the safety standards
Department of Labor and Employment or any of the duly authorized hearing Workers involved Only to employees who Only to employees who
officers of the Department is empowered, through summary proceeding and have already been are still in service
after due notice, to hear and decide any matter involving the recovery of separated from service
wages and other monetary claims and benefits, including legal interest, and do not seek
owing to an employee or person employed in domestic or household service reinstatement
or househelper under this Code, arising from employer-employee relations: Amount involved Not exceeding 5k Not limited by amount
Provided, That such complaint does not include a claim for reinstatement: involved
Provided further, That the aggregate money claims of each employee or Appellate body NLRC Secretary of DOLE
househelper does not exceed Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00). The Regional Period to appeal Within 5 calendar days Within 10 calendar days
Director or hearing officer shall decide or resolve the complaint within thirty from receipt from receipt
(30) calendar days from the date of the filing of the same. Any sum thus
recovered on behalf of any employee or househelper pursuant to this Article
shall be held in a special deposit account by, and shall be paid on order of,
the Secretary of Labor and Employment or the Regional Director directly to
the employee or househelper concerned. Any such sum not paid to the
employee or househelper because he cannot be located after diligent and
reasonable effort to locate him within a period of three (3) years, shall be
held as a special fund of the Department of Labor and Employment to be
used exclusively for the amelioration and benefit of workers.

Any decision or resolution of the Regional Director or hearing officer

pursuant to this provision may be appealed on the same grounds provided
in Article 223 of this Code, within five (5) calendar days from receipt of a
copy of said decision or resolution, to the National Labor Relations
Commission which shall resolve the appeal within ten (10) calendar days
from the submission of the last pleading required or allowed under its rules.

The Secretary of Labor and Employment or his duly authorized

representative may supervise the payment of unpaid wages and other
monetary claims and benefits, including legal interest, found owing to any
employee or househelper under this Code. (As amended by Section 2,
Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989).

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