Activity Simulation - Greenhouse Effect

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Maha Abdel Karim

Investigating the Greenhouse Effect

Investigate how atmospheric changes affect global temperature
Examine how clouds contribute to the greenhouse effect.
Predict how changing greenhouse gas levels affect global temperature.
You are a citizen concerned about the greenhouse effect and decide to do some
research about the issue. You come across a great website that has a simulation on
just this topic. Once you have run some simulations and made some observations you
become more than concerned, you are downright outraged! The next step is to write a
letter to the editor detailing your concern and using what you have learned as
evidence in support of your position.

Go to


Open up The Greenhouse Effect and explore all of its features.


Write down your observations of what happens during the three featured
time periods: Today, 1750 and Ice Age.
Today: temperature around 16C, 388 CO2 ppm, more modern houses and
buildings, satellites, more infrared is reflected rather than absorbed, more infrared
1750: 15C, 280 CO2 ppm, more infrared is being absorbed, farm houses, rural
Ice Age: -1C, 180 CO2 ppm, less gasses, no development and no buildings


Change the number of clouds for each time period and write down your
More clouds, more gasses and heat trapped within Earth, light keeps reflecting off
the ground and clouds so temperature rises.


Scientists predict CO2 levels to increase to 490 1260 ppm by the end of
the century. Run a simulation that will help you predict how this change will affect
temperature. What do you find?
Significant increase temperature as more CO2 means more greenhouse gasses.
More heat is trapped and continue to be reflected off the surface as well as
atmosphere now, resulting in global warming. More infrared produced as well.

Write a letter to the editor detailing your findings (1 page).
Dear editor,

My name is Maha Abdel Karim and I have just used your simulator to simulate various
scenarios. After observation, I see that our world is in danger and I am very
concerned. Emissions and pollution is increasing as technology develops which is a
major concern as greenhouse gasses are being released., The world is going to reach
a point very soon where it will no longer be capable to withstand the amount of
greenhouse gasses. In less than 200 years after the bloom of technology, the Earth
has seen significant temperature increases that has caused the absorption of infrared
rays that hold heat. All the energy is being reflected off every surface because of the
new clouds and barriers that are forming. Co2 Emissions are predicted to double
which disastrous for the Ozone layer. This simulation should education more people
to show the impact on the Earth from the greenhouse gasses and what it means to us.
This is a serious matter and It needs to be solved soon.
Maha Abdel Karim

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