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Ansible Tutorial

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Ansible tutorial

This tutorial presents Ansible step-by-step. You'll need to have a (virtual or physical)
machine to act as an Ansible node. A Vagrant environment is provided for going through
this tutorial.
Ansible is a configuration management software that lets you control and configure
nodes from another machine. What makes it different from other management software
is that Ansible uses (potentially existing) SSH infrastructure, while others (Chef,
Puppet, ...) need a specific PKI infrastructure to be set up.
Ansible also emphasises push mode, where configuration is pushed from a master
machine (a master machine is only a machine where you can SSH to nodes from) to
nodes, while most other CM typically do it the other way around (nodes pull their config
at times from a master machine).
This mode is really interesting since you do not need to have a 'publicly' accessible
'master' to be able to configure remote nodes: it's the nodes that need to be accessible
(we'll see later that 'hidden' nodes can pull their configuration too!), and most of the
time they are.
Prerequisites for Ansible

You need the following python modules on your machine (the machine you run ansible



On Debian/Ubuntu run: sudo apt-get install python-yaml python-jinja2 python-paramiko python-crypto

We're also assuming you have a keypair in your ~/.ssh directory.
Installing Ansible
From source

Ansible devel branch is always usable, so we'll run straight from a git checkout. You
might need to install git for this (sudo apt-get install git on Debian/Ubuntu).
git clone git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
cd ./ansible

At this point, we can load the Ansible environment:

source ./hacking/env-setup

From a deb package

When running from an installed package, this is absolutely not necessary. If you prefer
running from a Debian package Ansible, provides a make target to build it. You need a few
packages to build the deb:
sudo apt-get install make fakeroot cdbs python-support
git clone git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
cd ./ansible
make deb
sudo dpkg -i ../ansible_1.1_all.deb (version may vary)

We'll assume you're using the deb packages in the rest of this tutorial.
Cloning the tutorial
git clone https://github.com/leucos/ansible-tuto.git
cd ansible-tuto

Using Vagrant with the tutorial

It's highly recommended to use Vagrant to follow this tutorial. If you don't have it
already, setting up should be quite easy and is described in step-00/README.md.
If you wish to proceed without Vagrant (not recommended!), go straight to step01/README.md.


command or action: ansible module like just a shell command. Intro in step-02.

task: it's combine an action (a module and its arguments) with a name and optionally
some other keywords (like looping directives).

playbook: an yaml file contains roles executed in sequence, and eventually individual
tasks. Intro in step-04.

role: an organisational unit grouping tasks together in order to install a piece of software.
Intro in step-12.

Just in case you want to skip to a specific step, here is a topic table of contents.

00. Vagrant Setup

01. Basic inventory

02. First modules and facts

03. Groups and variables

04. Playbooks

05. Playbooks, pushing files on nodes

06. Playbooks and failures

07. Playbook conditionals

08. Git module

09. Extending to several hosts

10. Templates

11. Variables again

12. Migrating to roles

13. Using tags

14. Roles dependencies (TBD)

15. Debugging (TBD)

99. The end

00. Vagrant Setup

Installing Vagrant

In order to run Vagrant, you need:

VirtualBox installed

Ruby installed (should be on your system already)

Vagrant 1.1+ installed (see http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/installation/index.html).

This should be all it takes to set up Vagrant.

Now bootstrap your virtual machines with the following command. Note that you do not
need to download any "box" manually. This tutorial already includes a Vagrantfile to get
you up and running, and will get one for you if needed.
vagrant up

and go grab yourself a coffee (note that if you use vagrant-hostmaster, you'll need to
type your password since it needs to sudo as root).
If something goes wrong, refer to Vagrant's Getting Started Guide.
Cautionary tale about NetworkManager

On some systems, NetworkManager will take over vboxnet interfaces and mess everything
up. If you're in this case, you should prevent NetworkManager from trying to
autoconfigure vboxnet interfaces. Just edit/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf (or
whatever the NetworkManager config is on your system) and add in section [keyfile]:

Then destroy Vagrant machines, restart NetworkManager and try again.

Adding your SSH keys on the virtual machines

To follow this tutorial, you'll need to have your keys in VMs root's authorized_keys. While
this is not absolutely necessary (Ansible can use sudo, password authentication, etc...), it
will make things way easier.
Ansible is perfect for this and we will use it for the job. However I won't explain what's
happening for now. Just trust me.
ansible-playbook -c paramiko -i step-00/hosts step-00/setup.yml --ask-pass --become

When asked for password, enter vagrant. If you get "Connections refused" errors, please
check the firewall settings of your machine.
To polish things up, it's better to have an ssh-agent running, and add your keys to it (sshadd).
NOTE: We are assuming that you're using Ansible version v2 on your local machine. If
not you should upgrade ansible to v2 before using this repository
To check your ansible version use the command ansible --version. The output should be
similar to the above:
$ ansible --version

config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

configured module search path = Default w/o overrides

Now head to the first step in step-01.

01. Basic inventory


Before continuing, you need an inventory file. The default place for such a file
is /etc/ansible/hosts. However, you can configure ansible to look somewhere else, use an
environment variable (ANSIBLE_HOSTS), or use the -i flag in ansible commands an provide
the inventory path.
We've created an inventory file for you in the directory that looks like this:
host0.example.org ansible_host= ansible_user=root
host1.example.org ansible_host= ansible_user=root
host2.example.org ansible_host= ansible_user=root

is a special variable that sets the IP ansible will use when trying to connect to
this host. It's not necessary here if you use the vagrant-hostmaster gem. Also, you'll
have to change the IPs if you have set up your own virtual machines with different

is another special variable that tells ansible to connect as this user when
using ssh. By default ansible would use your current username, or use another default
provided in ~/.ansible.cfg (remote_user).


Now that ansible is installed, let's check everything works properly.

ansible -m ping all -i step-01/hosts

What ansible will try to do here is just executing the ping module (more on modules later)
on each host.
The output should look like this:
host0.example.org | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
host1.example.org | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

host2.example.org | success >> {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

Good! All 3 hosts are alive and kicking, and ansible can talk to them.
Now head to next step in directory step-02.

02. First modules and facts

Talking with nodes

Now we're good to go. Let's play with the command we saw in the previous
chapter: ansible. This command is the first one of three that ansible provides which
interact with nodes.

Doing something useful

In the previous command, -m ping means "use module ping". This module is one of many
available with ansible. pingmodule is really simple, it doesn't need any arguments.
Modules that take arguments pass them via -a switch. Let's see a few other modules.

Shell module
This module lets you execute a shell command on the remote host:
ansible -i step-02/hosts -m shell -a 'uname -a' host0.example.org

Output should look like:

host0.example.org | success | rc=0 >>
Linux host0.example.org 3.2.0-23-generic-pae #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 22:19:09 UTC 2012 i686 i686
i386 GNU/Linux


Copy module
No surprise, with this module you can copy a file from the controlling machine to the
node. Lets say we want to copy our /etc/motd to /tmp of our target node:
ansible -i step-02/hosts -m copy -a 'src=/etc/motd dest=/tmp/' host0.example.org

Output should look similar to:

host0.example.org | success >> {

"changed": true,
"dest": "/tmp/motd",
"group": "root",
"md5sum": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"mode": "0644",
"owner": "root",
"size": 0,
"src": "/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-1362910475.9-246937081757218/motd",
"state": "file"

Ansible (more accurately copy module executed on the node) replied back a bunch of
useful information in JSON format. We'll see how that can be used later.
We'll see other useful modules below. Ansible has a huge module list that covers almost
anything you can do on a system. If you can't find the right module, writing one is pretty
easy (it doesn't even have to be Python, it just needs to speak JSON).

Many hosts, same command

Ok, the above stuff is fun, but we have many nodes to manage. Let's try that on other
hosts too.
Lets say we want to get some facts about the node, and, for instance, know which
Ubuntu version we have deployed on nodes, it's pretty easy:
ansible -i step-02/hosts -m shell -a 'grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release' all
all is a shortcut meaning 'all hosts found in inventory file'. It would
host1.example.org | success | rc=0 >>


host2.example.org | success | rc=0 >>

host0.example.org | success | rc=0 >>

Many more facts

That was easy. However, It would quickly become cumbersome if we wanted more
information (ip addresses, RAM size, etc...). The solution comes from another really
handy module (weirdly) called setup: it specializes in node's facts gathering.
Try it out:
ansible -i step-02/hosts -m setup host0.example.org

replies with lots of information:

"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [
"ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [],
"ansible_architecture": "x86_64",

"ansible_bios_date": "01/01/2007",
"ansible_bios_version": "Bochs"
---snip--"ansible_virtualization_role": "guest",
"ansible_virtualization_type": "kvm"

"changed": false,
"verbose_override": true

It's been truncated for brevity, but you can find many interesting bits in the returned
data. You may also filter returned keys, in case you're looking for something specific.
For instance, let's say you want to know how much memory you have on all your hosts,
easy with ansible -i step-02/hosts -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_memtotal_mb' all:
host2.example.org | success >> {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_memtotal_mb": 187
"changed": false,
"verbose_override": true
host1.example.org | success >> {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_memtotal_mb": 187
"changed": false,
"verbose_override": true
host0.example.org | success >> {
"ansible_facts": {
"ansible_memtotal_mb": 187
"changed": false,
"verbose_override": true

Notice that hosts replied in different order compared to the previous output. This is
because ansible parallelizes communications with hosts!
BTW, when using the setup module, you can use * in the filter= expression. It will act like
a shell glob.

Selecting hosts
We saw that all means 'all hosts', but ansible provides a lot of other ways to select hosts:



would run on host0.example.org and

would run on all hosts starting with 'host' and ending with
'.example.org' (just like a shell glob too)

There are other ways that involve groups, we'll see that in step-03.

03. Groups and variables

Grouping hosts
Hosts in inventory can be grouped arbitrarily. For instance, you could have a debian group,
a web-servers group, a production group, etc...

This can even be expressed shorter:


If you wish to use child groups, just define a [groupname:children] and add child groups in it.
For instance, let's say we have various flavors of linux running, we could organize our
inventory like this:

Grouping of course, leverages configuration mutualization.

Setting variables
You can assign variables to hosts in several places: inventory file, host vars files, group
vars files, etc...
I usually set most of my variables in group/host vars files (more on that later). However, I
often use some variables directly in the inventory file, such as ansible_host which sets the
IP address for the host. Ansible by default resolves hosts' name when it attempts to
connect via SSH. But when you're bootstrapping a host, it might not have its definitive ip
address yet. ansible_host comes in handy here.
When using ansible-playbook command (not the regular ansible command), variables can
also be set with --extra-vars(or -e) command line switch. ansible-playbook command will be
covered in the next step.
ansible_port, as you can guess, has the same function regarding the ssh port ansible will
try to connect at.
host0.example.org ansible_host= ansible_port=2222

Ansible will look for additional variables definitions in group and host variable files. These
files will be searched in directories group_vars and host_vars, below the directory where the
main inventory file is located.

The files will be searched by name. For instance, using the previously mentioned
inventory file, host0.example.org variables will be searched in those files:




It doesn't matter if those files do not exist, but if they do, ansible will use them.
Now that we know the basics of modules, inventories and variables, let's explore the real
power of Ansible with playbooks.
Head to step-04.

04. Playbooks
Ansible playbooks

Playbook concept is very simple: it's just a series of ansible commands (tasks), like the
ones we used with the ansible CLI tool. These tasks are targeted at a specific set of
The necessary files for this step should have appeared magically and you don't even
have to type them.
Apache example (a.k.a. Ansible's "Hello World!")

We assume we have the following inventory file (let's name it hosts):


and all hosts are debian-like.

Note: remember you can (and in our exercise we do) use ansible_host to set the real IP of
the host. You can also change the inventory and use a real hostname. In any case, use a
non-critical machine to play with! In the real hosts file, we also have ansible_user=root to
cope with potential different ansible default configurations.
Lets build a playbook that will install apache on machines in the web group.
- hosts: web
- name: Installs apache web server
apt: pkg=apache2 state=installed update_cache=true

We just need to say what we want to do using the right ansible modules. Here, we're
using the apt module that can install debian packages. We also ask this module to
update the package cache.
We also added a name for this task. While this is not necessary, it's very informative
when the playbook runs, so it's highly recommended.
All in all, this was quite easy!
You can run the playbook (lets call it apache.yml):
ansible-playbook -i step-04/hosts -l host1.example.org step-04/apache.yml

Here, step-04/hosts is the inventory file, -l limits the run only

to host1.example.org and apache.yml is our playbook.
When you run the above command, you should see something like:
PLAY [web] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Installs apache web server] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=2




Note: You might see a cow passing by if you have cowsay installed. You can get rid of it
with export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS="1" if you don't like it.
Let's analyse the output one line at a time.
PLAY [web] *********************

Ansible tells us it's running the play on hosts web. A play is a suite of ansible instructions
related to a host. If we'd have another -host: blah line in our playbook, it would show up
too (but after the first play has completed).
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]

Remember when we used the setup module? Before each play, ansible runs it on
necessary hosts to gather facts. If this is not required because you don't need any info
from the host, you can just add gather_facts: no below the host entry (same level as tasks:).
TASK: [Installs apache web server] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]

Next, the real stuff: our (first and only) task is run, and because it says changed, we know
that it changed something on host1.example.org.
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=2




Finally, ansible outputs a recap of what happened: two tasks have been run and one of
them changed something on the host (our apache task, setup module doesn't change
Now let's try to run it again and see what happens:
$ ansible-playbook -i step-04/hosts -l host1.example.org step-04/apache.yml
PLAY [web] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Installs apache web server] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=2




Now changed is '0'. This is absolutely normal and is one of the core feature of ansible:
the playbook will act only if there is something to do. It's called idempotency, and means
that you can run your playbook as many times as you want, you will always end up in the
same state (well, unless you do crazy things with the shell module of course, but this is
beyond ansible's control).
Refining things

Sure our playbook can install apache server, but it could be a bit more complete. It could
add a virtualhost, ensure apache is restarted. It could even deploy our web site from a
git repository. Lets "make it so"
Head to next step in step-05.

05. Playbooks, pushing files on nodes

Refining apache setup

We've installed apache, now lets set up our virtualhost.

Refining the playbook

We need just one virtualhost on our server, but we want to replace the default one with
something more specific. So we'll have to remove the current (presumably default)
virtualhost, send our virtualhost, activate it and restart apache.
Let's create a directory called files, and add our virtualhost configuration for
host1.example.org, which we'll call awesome-app:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/awesome-app
Options -Indexes
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
TransferLog /var/log/apache2/access.log

Now, a quick update to our apache playbook and we're set:

- hosts: web
- name: Installs apache web server
apt: pkg=apache2 state=installed update_cache=true
- name: Push default virtual host configuration
copy: src=files/awesome-app dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/awesome-app mode=0640
- name: Disable the default virtualhost
file: dest=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default state=absent
- restart apache
- name: Disable the default ssl virtualhost
file: dest=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl state=absent
- restart apache
- name: Activates our virtualhost
file: src=/etc/apache2/sites-available/awesome-app dest=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/awesome-app
- restart apache
- name: restart apache
service: name=apache2 state=restarted

Here we go:
$ ansible-playbook -i step-05/hosts -l host1.example.org step-05/apache.yml
PLAY [web] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Installs apache web server] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]

TASK: [Push default virtual host configuration] *********************

changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Disable the default virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Disable the default ssl virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Activates our virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
NOTIFIED: [restart apache] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=7




Pretty cool! Well, thinking about it, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Shouldn't we
check that the config is ok before restarting apache? This way we won't end up
interrupting the service if our configuration file is incorrect.
Lets do that in step-06.

06. Playbooks and failures

Restarting when config is correct

We've installed apache, pushed our virtualhost and restarted the server. But what if we
wanted the playbook to restart the server only if the config is correct? Let's do that.
Bailing out when things go wrong

Ansible has a nifty feature: it will stop all processing if something goes wrong. We'll take
advantage of this feature to stop our playbook if the config file is not valid.
Let's change our awesome-app virtual host configuration file and break it:
<VirtualHost *:80>
RocumentDoot /var/www/awesome-app
Options -Indexes
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
TransferLog /var/log/apache2/access.log

As said, when a task fails, processing stops. So we'll ensure that the configuration is valid
before restarting the server. We also start by adding our virtualhost before removing the

default virtualhost, so a subsequent restart (possibly done directly on the server) won't
break apache.
Note that we should have done this in the first place. Since we ran our playbook already,
the default virtualhost is already deactivated. Nevermind: this playbook might be used
on other innocent hosts, so let's protect them.
- hosts: web
- name: Installs apache web server
apt: pkg=apache2 state=installed update_cache=true
- name: Push future default virtual host configuration
copy: src=files/awesome-app dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/ mode=0640
- name: Activates our virtualhost
command: a2ensite awesome-app
- name: Check that our config is valid
command: apache2ctl configtest
- name: Deactivates the default virtualhost
command: a2dissite default
- name: Deactivates the default ssl virtualhost
command: a2dissite default-ssl
- restart apache
- name: restart apache
service: name=apache2 state=restarted

Here we go:
$ ansible-playbook -i step-06/hosts -l host1.example.org step-06/apache.yml
PLAY [web] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Installs apache web server] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Push future default virtual host configuration] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Activates our virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Check that our config is valid] *********************
failed: [host1.example.org] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["apache2ctl", "configtest"], "delta":
"0:00:00.045046", "end": "2013-03-08 16:09:32.002063", "rc": 1, "start": "2013-03-08 16:09:31.957017"}
stderr: Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/awesome-app:
Invalid command 'RocumentDoot', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server
stdout: Action 'configtest' failed.

The Apache error log may have more information.

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=4




As you can see since apache2ctl returns with an exit code of 1 when it fails, ansible is
aware of it and stops processing. Great!
Mmmh, not so great in fact... Our virtual host has been added anyway. Any subsequent
apache restart will complain about our config and bail out. So we need a way to catch
failures and revert back.
Let's do that in step-07.

07. Playbook conditionals

Using conditionals

We've installed apache, pushed our virtualhost and restarted the server. But we want to
revert things to a stable state if something goes wrong.
Reverting when things go wrong

A word of warning: there's no magic here. The previous error was not ansible's fault. It's
not a backup system, and it can't rollback all things. It's your job to make sure your
playbooks are safe. Ansible just doesn't know how to revert the effects of a2ensite
But if we care to do it, it's well within our reach.
As said, when a task fails, processing stops... unless we accept failure (and we should).
This is what we'll do: continue processing if there is a failure but only to revert what
we've done.
- hosts: web
- name: Installs apache web server
apt: pkg=apache2 state=installed update_cache=true
- name: Push future default virtual host configuration
copy: src=files/awesome-app dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/ mode=0640
- name: Activates our virtualhost
command: a2ensite awesome-app
- name: Check that our config is valid
command: apache2ctl configtest

register: result
ignore_errors: True
- name: Rolling back - Restoring old default virtualhost
command: a2ensite default
when: result|failed
- name: Rolling back - Removing our virtualhost
command: a2dissite awesome-app
when: result|failed
- name: Rolling back - Ending playbook
fail: msg="Configuration file is not valid. Please check that before re-running the playbook."
when: result|failed
- name: Deactivates the default virtualhost
command: a2dissite default
- name: Deactivates the default ssl virtualhost
command: a2dissite default-ssl
- restart apache
- name: restart apache
service: name=apache2 state=restarted

The register keyword records output from the apache2ctl configtest command (exit status,
stdout, stderr, ...), and when: result|failed checks if the registered variable (result) contains a
failed status.
Here we go:
$ ansible-playbook -i step-07/hosts -l host1.example.org step-07/apache.yml
PLAY [web] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Installs apache web server] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Push future default virtual host configuration] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Activates our virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Check that our config is valid] *********************
failed: [host1.example.org] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["apache2ctl", "configtest"], "delta":
"0:00:00.051874", "end": "2013-03-10 10:50:17.714105", "rc": 1, "start": "2013-03-10 10:50:17.662231"}
stderr: Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/awesome-app:
Invalid command 'RocumentDoot', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server
stdout: Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.

TASK: [Rolling back - Restoring old default virtualhost] *********************

changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Removing our virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Ending playbook] *********************
failed: [host1.example.org] => {"failed": true}
msg: Configuration file is not valid. Please check that before re-running the playbook.
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=7




Seemed to work as expected. Let's try to restart apache to see if it really worked:
$ ansible -i step-07/hosts -m service -a 'name=apache2 state=restarted' host1.example.org
host1.example.org | success >> {
"changed": true,
"name": "apache2",
"state": "started"

Ok, now our apache is safe from misconfiguration here.

While this sounds like a lot of work, it isn't. Remember you can use variables almost
everywhere, so it's easy to make this a general playbook for apache, and use it
everywhere to deploy your virtualhosts. Write it once, use it everywhere. We'll do that in
step 9 but for now, let's deploy our web site using git in step-08.

08. Git module

Deploying our website from git

We've installed apache, pushed our virtualhost and restarted the server safely. Now we'll
use the git module to deploy our application.
The git module

Well, this is a kind of break. Nothing necessarily new here. The git module is just another
module. But we'll try it out just for fun. And we'll be familiar with it when it comes
to ansible-pull later on.
Our virtualhost is set, but we need a few changes to finish our deployment. First, we're
deploying a PHP application. So we need to install the libapache2-mod-php5 package.
Second, we have to install git since the git module (used to clone our application's git
repository) uses it.

We could do it like this:

- name: Installs apache web server
apt: pkg=apache2 state=installed update_cache=true
- name: Installs php5 module
apt: pkg=libapache2-mod-php5 state=installed
- name: Installs git
apt: pkg=git state=installed

but Ansible provides a more readable way to write this. Ansible can loop over a series of
items, and use each item in an action like this:
- hosts: web
- name: Updates apt cache
apt: update_cache=true
- name: Installs necessary packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- apache2
- libapache2-mod-php5
- git
- name: Push future default virtual host configuration
copy: src=files/awesome-app dest=/etc/apache2/sites-available/ mode=0640
- name: Activates our virtualhost
command: a2ensite awesome-app
- name: Check that our config is valid
command: apache2ctl configtest
register: result
ignore_errors: True
- name: Rolling back - Restoring old default virtualhost
command: a2ensite default
when: result|failed
- name: Rolling back - Removing out virtualhost
command: a2dissite awesome-app
when: result|failed
- name: Rolling back - Ending playbook
fail: msg="Configuration file is not valid. Please check that before re-running the playbook."
when: result|failed
- name: Deploy our awesome application
git: repo=https://github.com/leucos/ansible-tuto-demosite.git dest=/var/www/awesome-app
tags: deploy
- name: Deactivates the default virtualhost
command: a2dissite default
- name: Deactivates the default ssl virtualhost
command: a2dissite default-ssl

- restart apache
- name: restart apache
service: name=apache2 state=restarted

Here we go:
$ ansible-playbook -i step-08/hosts -l host1.example.org step-08/apache.yml
PLAY [web] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Updates apt cache] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Installs necessary packages] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org] => (item=apache2,libapache2-mod-php5,git)
TASK: [Push future default virtual host configuration] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Activates our virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Check that our config is valid] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Restoring old default virtualhost] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Removing out virtualhost] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Ending playbook] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Deploy our awesome application] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Deactivates the default virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Deactivates the default ssl virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
NOTIFIED: [restart apache] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=10 changed=8



You can now browse to, and it should display a kitten, and the
server hostname.

Note the tags: deploy line allows you to execute just a part of the playbook. Let's say you
push a new version for your site. You want to speed up and execute only the part that
takes care of deployment. Tags allows you to do it. Of course, "deploy" is just a string, it
doesn't have any specific meaning and can be anything. Let's see how to use it:
$ ansible-playbook -i step-08/hosts -l host1.example.org step-08/apache.yml -t deploy
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
PLAY [web] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Deploy our awesome application] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=2




Ok, let's deploy another web server in step-09.

09. Extending to several hosts

Adding another Webserver

We have one web server. Now we want two.

Updating the inventory

Since we have big expectations, we'll add another web server and a load balancer we'll
configure in the next step. But let's complete the inventory now.
host1.example.org ansible_host= ansible_user=root
host2.example.org ansible_host= ansible_user=root
host0.example.org ansible_host= ansible_user=root

Remember we're specifying ansible_host here because the host has a different IP than
expected (or can't be resolved). You could add these hosts in your /etc/hosts and not have
to worry, or use real host names (which is what you would do in a classic situation).
Building another web server

We didn't do all this work for nothing. Deploying another web server is dead simple:
$ ansible-playbook -i step-09/hosts step-09/apache.yml
PLAY [web] *********************

GATHERING FACTS *********************

ok: [host2.example.org]
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Updates apt cache] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
ok: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Installs necessary packages] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org] => (item=apache2,libapache2-mod-php5,git)
changed: [host2.example.org] => (item=apache2,libapache2-mod-php5,git)
TASK: [Push future default virtual host configuration] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
changed: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Activates our virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host2.example.org]
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Check that our config is valid] *********************
changed: [host2.example.org]
changed: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Restoring old default virtualhost] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
skipping: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Removing out virtualhost] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
skipping: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Ending playbook] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
skipping: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Deploy our awesome application] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
changed: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Deactivates the default virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
changed: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Deactivates the default ssl virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host2.example.org]
changed: [host1.example.org]
NOTIFIED: [restart apache] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
changed: [host2.example.org]
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=10 changed=5
: ok=10 changed=8



All we had to do was remove -l host1.example.org from our command line. Remember -l is a
switch that limits the playbook run on specific hosts. Now that we don't limit anymore, it
will run on all hosts where the playbook is intended to run on (i.e. web).

If we had other servers in group web but wanted to limit the playbook to a subset, we
could have used, for instance: -l firsthost:secondhost:....
Now that we have this nice farm of web servers, let's turn it into a cluster by putting a
load balancer in front of them in step-10.

10. Templates

We'll use the haproxy as loadbalancer. Of course, install is just like we did for apache. But
now configuration is a bit more tricky since we need to list all web servers in haproxy's
configuration. How can we do that?
HAProxy configuration template

Ansible uses Jinja2, a templating engine for Python. When you write Jinja2 templates, you
can use any variable defined by Ansible.
For instance, if you want to output the inventory_name of the host the template is
currently built for, you just can write {{ inventory_hostname }} in the Jinja template.
Or if you need the IP of the first ethernet interface (which ansible knows thanks to
the setup module), you just write: {{ ansible_eth1['ipv4']['address'] }} in your template.
Jinja2 templates also support conditionals, for-loops, etc...
Let's make a templates/ directory and create a Jinja template inside. We'll call
it haproxy.cfg.j2. We use the .j2 extension by convention, to make it obvious that this is a
Jinja2 template, but this is not necessary.
maxconn 256
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms
timeout server 50000ms
listen cluster
bind {{ ansible_eth1['ipv4']['address'] }}:80
mode http
stats enable
balance roundrobin
{% for backend in groups['web'] %}
server {{ hostvars[backend]['ansible_hostname'] }} {{ hostvars[backend]['ansible_eth1']['ipv4']
['address'] }} check port 80

{% endfor %}
option httpchk HEAD /index.php HTTP/1.0

We have many new things going on here.

First, {{ ansible_eth1['ipv4']['address'] }} will be replaced by the IP of the load balancer on
Then, we have a loop. This loop is used to build the backend servers list. It will loop over
every host listed in the [web] group (and put this host in the backend variable). For each of
the hosts it will render a line using host's facts. All hosts' facts are exposed in
the hostvars variable, so it's easy to access another host variables (like its hostname or in
this case IP).
We could have written the host list by hand, since we have only 2 of them. But we're
hoping that the server will be very successful, and that we'll need a hundred of them.
Thus, adding servers to the configuration or swapping some out boils down to adding or
removing hosts from the [web] group.
HAProxy playbook

We've done the most difficult part of the job. Writing a playbook to install and configure
HAproxy is a breeze:
- hosts: haproxy
- name: Installs haproxy load balancer
apt: pkg=haproxy state=installed update_cache=yes
- name: Pushes configuration
template: src=templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg mode=0640 owner=root
- restart haproxy
- name: Sets default starting flag to 1
lineinfile: dest=/etc/default/haproxy regexp="^ENABLED" line="ENABLED=1"
- restart haproxy
- name: restart haproxy
service: name=haproxy state=restarted

Looks familiar, isn't it? The only new module here is template, which has the same
arguments as copy. We also restrict this playbook to the group haproxy.
And now... let's try this out. Since our inventory contains only hosts necessary for the
cluster, we don't need to limit the host list and can even run both playbooks. Well, to tell
the truth, we must run both of them at the same time, since the haproxy playbook
requires facts from the two webservers. In step-11 we'll show how to avoid this.

$ ansible-playbook -i step-10/hosts step-10/apache.yml step-10/haproxy.yml

PLAY [web] *********************
GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
ok: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Updates apt cache] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org]
ok: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Installs necessary packages] *********************
ok: [host1.example.org] => (item=apache2,libapache2-mod-php5,git)
ok: [host2.example.org] => (item=apache2,libapache2-mod-php5,git)
TASK: [Push future default virtual host configuration] *********************
ok: [host2.example.org]
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Activates our virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
changed: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Check that our config is valid] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
changed: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Restoring old default virtualhost] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
skipping: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Removing out virtualhost] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
skipping: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Rolling back - Ending playbook] *********************
skipping: [host1.example.org]
skipping: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Deploy our awesome application] *********************
ok: [host2.example.org]
ok: [host1.example.org]
TASK: [Deactivates the default virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host1.example.org]
changed: [host2.example.org]
TASK: [Deactivates the default ssl virtualhost] *********************
changed: [host2.example.org]
changed: [host1.example.org]
NOTIFIED: [restart apache] *********************
changed: [host2.example.org]
changed: [host1.example.org]
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=10 changed=5
: ok=10 changed=5



PLAY [haproxy] *********************

GATHERING FACTS *********************
ok: [host0.example.org]
TASK: [Installs haproxy load balancer] *********************
changed: [host0.example.org]
TASK: [Pushes configuration] *********************
changed: [host0.example.org]
TASK: [Sets default starting flag to 1] *********************
changed: [host0.example.org]
NOTIFIED: [restart haproxy] *********************
changed: [host0.example.org]
PLAY RECAP *********************
: ok=5




Looks good. Now head to and see the result. Your cluster is
you can even peek at HAProxy's statistics at
Now on to the next chapter about "Variables again", in step-11.

11. Variables again

Variables again

So we've setup our loadbalancer, and it works quite well. We grabbed variables from
facts and used them to build the configuration. But Ansible also supports other kinds of
variables. We already saw ansible_host in inventory, but now we'll use variables defined
in host_vars and group_vars files.
Fine tuning our HAProxy configuration

HAProxy usually checks if the backends are alive. When a backend seems dead, it is
removed from the backend pool and HAproxy doesn't send requests to it anymore.
Backends can also have different weights (between 0 and 256). The higher the weight,
the higher number of connections the backend will receive compared to other backends.
It's useful to spread traffic more appropriately if nodes are not equally powerful.
We'll use variables to configure all these parameters.
Group vars

The check interval will be set in a group_vars file for haproxy. This will ensure all
haproxies will inherit from it.
We just need to create the file group_vars/haproxy below the inventory directory. The file
has to be named after the group you want to define the variables for. If we wanted to
define variables for the web group, the file would be named group_vars/web.
haproxy_check_interval: 3000
haproxy_stats_socket: /tmp/sock

The name is arbitrary. Meaningful names are recommended of course, but there is no
required syntax. You could even use complex variables (a.k.a. Python dict) like this:
check_interval: 3000
stats_socket: /tmp/sock

This is just a matter of taste. Complex vars can help group stuff logically. They can also,
under some circumstances, merge subsequently defined keys (note however that this is
not the default ansible behaviour). For now we'll just use simple variables.
Hosts vars

Hosts vars follow exactly the same rules, but live in files under host_vars directory.
Let's define weights for our backends in host_vars/host1.example.com:
haproxy_backend_weight: 100

and host_vars/host2.example.com:
haproxy_backend_weight: 150

If we'd define haproxy_backend_weight in group_vars/web, it would be used as a 'default':

variables defined in host_vars files overrides varibles defined in group_vars.
Updating the template

The template must be updated to use these variables.

maxconn 256
{% if haproxy_stats_socket %}
stats socket {{ haproxy_stats_socket }}
{% endif %}
mode http
timeout connect 5000ms
timeout client 50000ms

timeout server 50000ms

listen cluster
bind {{ ansible_eth1['ipv4']['address'] }}:80
mode http
stats enable
balance roundrobin
{% for backend in groups['web'] %}
server {{ hostvars[backend]['ansible_hostname'] }} {{ hostvars[backend]['ansible_eth1']['ipv4']
['address'] }} check inter {{ haproxy_check_interval }} weight {{ hostvars[backend]
['haproxy_backend_weight'] }} port 80
{% endfor %}
option httpchk HEAD /index.php HTTP/1.0

Note that we also introduced an {% if ... block. This block enclosed will only be rendered if
the test is true. So if we definehaproxy_stats_socket somewhere for our loadbalancer (we
might even use the --extra-vars="haproxy_stats_sockets=/tmp/sock" at the command line), the
enclosed line will appear in the generated configuration file (note that the suggested
setup is highly insecure!).
Let's go:
ansible-playbook -i step-11/hosts step-11/haproxy.yml

Note that, while we could, it's not necessary to run the apache playbook since nothing
changed, but we had to cheat a bit for that. Here is the updated haproxy playbook :
- hosts: web
- hosts: haproxy
- name: Installs haproxy load balancer
apt: pkg=haproxy state=installed update_cache=yes
- name: Pushes configuration
template: src=templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg mode=0640 owner=root
- restart haproxy
- name: Sets default starting flag to 1
lineinfile: dest=/etc/default/haproxy regexp="^ENABLED" line="ENABLED=1"
- restart haproxy
- name: restart haproxy
service: name=haproxy state=restarted

See? We added an empty play for web hosts at the top. It does nothing. But it's here
because it will trigger facts gathering on hosts in group web. This is required because the
haproxy playbook needs to pick facts from hosts in this group. If we don't do this, ansible
will complain saying that ansible_eth1 key doesn't exist.
Now on to the next chapter about "Migrating to Roles!", in step-12.

12. Migrating to roles

Migrating to roles!

Now that our playbook is done, let's refactor everything! We'll replace our plays with
roles. Roles are just a new way of organizing files but bring interesting features. I won't
go into great lengths here, since they're listed in Ansible's documentation, but my
favorite is probably roles dependencies: role B can depend on another role A. Thus, when
applying role B, role A will automatically be applied too. We'll see this in the next
chapter, but for now, let's refactor our playbook to use roles.
Roles structures

Roles add a bit of "magic" to Ansible: they assume a specific file organization. While
there is a suggested layout regarding roles, you can organize things the way you want
using includes. However, role's conventions help building modular playbooks, and
housekeeping will be much simpler. Rubyists would call this "convention over
The file layout for roles looks like this:
| |
| |_main.yml
| |_...
| |
| |_file1
| |_...
| |
| |_main.yml
| |_some_other_file.yml
| |_ ...
| |
| |_main.yml
| |_some_other_file.yml
| |_ ...
| |
| |_main.yml
| |_some_other_file.yml
| |_ ...

| |
| |_template1.j2
| |_...
|_ ...

Quite simple. The files named main.yml are not mandatory. However, when they exist,
roles will add them to the play automatically. You can use this file to include other tasks,
handlers, ... in the play. We'll see that in a minute.
Note that there is also a vars and a meta directory. vars is used when you want to put a
bunch of variables regarding the roles. However, I don't like setting vars in roles (or
plays) directly. I think variables belong to configuration, while plays are the structure. In
other words, I see plays and roles as a factory, and data as inputs to this factory. So I
really prefer to have "data" (e.g. variables) outside roles and play. This way, I can share
my roles more easily, without worrying about exposing too much about my servers. But
that's just a personal preference. Ansible just lets you do it the way you want.
But you have some vars that you hardly want to change. For instance, if you have a role
for nginx that pulls the .deb package from a PPA, you might want to add the PPA address
in vars/main.yml. It is something that you can configure, but that will be mostly static 99%
of the time. Using vars will let you pull out this information out of your role, making it
more generic. But really, this is a matter of taste.
However, for real vars (e.g. things you would like to use in a configuration file generated
by a template), you can set defaults for roles, and this is a recommended practice. Using
sane defaults ensures your role always work. For instance, you could set the number of
pre-forked servers for your apache server. The best place to put the defaults is... you
guessed it, the defaultsdirectory.
The meta directory is where you can add dependencies, and it's really a neat feature.
We'll see that later.
Note that roles sit in the roles directory, which is also cool since it will reduce top level
ansible playbook clutter. But you can configure Ansible to use an alternate directory to
store role (see roles_path variable in ansible.cfg). This way you can setup a 'central place '
for all your roles, and use them in all your playbooks.
Creating the Apache role

Ok, now that we know the required layout, we can create our apache role from our
apache playbook.

The steps required are really simple:

create the roles directory and apache role layout

extract the apache handler into roles/apache/handlers/main.yml

move the apache configuration file awesome-app into roles/apache/files/

create a role playbook

Creating the role layout

This is what has been done to convert step-11 apache files into a role:
mkdir -p step-12/roles/apache/{tasks,handlers,files}

Now we need to copy the tasks from apache.yml to main.yml, so this file looks like this:
- name: Updates apt cache
apt: update_cache=true
- name: Installs necessary packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
- apache2
- libapache2-mod-php5
- git
- name: Deactivates the default ssl virtualhost
command: a2dissite default-ssl
- restart apache

The file is not fully reproduced, but it is exactly the content

of apache.yml between tasks: and handlers:.
Note that we also have to remove references to files/ and templates/ directories in tasks.
Since we're using the roles structure, Ansible will look for them in the right directories.
Extracting the handler

We can extract the handlers part and create step-12/roles/apache/handlers/main.yml:

- name: restart apache
service: name=apache2 state=restarted

Moving the configuration file

As simple as:

cp step-11/files/awesome-app step-12/roles/apache/files/

At this point, the apache role is fully working, but we need a way to invoke it.
Create a role playbook

Let's create a top level playbook that we'll use to map hosts and host groups to roles.
We'll call it site.yml, since our goal is to have our site-wide configuration in it. While we're
at it, we'll include haproxy in it too:
- hosts: web
- { role: apache }
- hosts: haproxy
- { role: haproxy }

That wasn't too hard.

Now let's create the haproxy role:
mkdir -p step-12/roles/haproxy/{tasks,handlers,templates}
cp step-11/templates/haproxy.cfg.j2 step-12/roles/haproxy/templates/

then extract the handler, and remove reference to templates/.

We can try out our new playbook with:
ansible-playbook -i step-12/hosts step-12/site.yml

If eveything goes well, we should end up with a happy "PLAY RECAP" like this one:

: ok=5 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0

: ok=10 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0
: ok=10 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0

You may have noticed that running all roles in site.yml can take a long time. What if you
only wanted to push changes to web? This is also easy, with the limit flag:
ansible-playbook -i step-12/hosts -l web step-12/site.yml

This concludes our migration to roles. It was quite easy, and adds a bunch of features to
our playbook that we'll use in a future step.
In step-13, we will see how we can use tags to select which parts of our playbook we
want to run.

13. Using tags

14. Roles dependencies (TBD)

15. Debugging (TBD)
99. The end

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