The Spread of Yield Management Practices
The Spread of Yield Management Practices
The Spread of Yield Management Practices
Fabiola Sfodera
The Spread
of Yield Management
The Need for Systematic Approaches
With 9 Figures and 13 Tables
A Springer Company
places other than where they will be consumed and the price, in the lack of the
necessary information for formulating a con:ect and precise evaluation, still
represents an important indicator of the quality level that can be expected. Today
such considerations assume greater value, because of the introduction of a single
currency in the European Community where it is now possible, in this way, to
compare the price of each service with the quantity and quaHty of services offered
and distributed using a single common denominator: the Euro. Expert forecasts of
market trends indicate possible future mutations in the direction of tourist flows,
not just by extra-community nations, but also within the Community itself
Tourism operators will find themselves faced with a much larger reference market
than that present up until January 2002. In this context the quality/price ratio
assumes greater importance in tourism choices than ever before. From a scientific
viewpoint two areas have assumed very great importance in business discipline:
that of differentiation/specialisation and that of client relations management.
Product differentiation and production specialisation will lead to the creation of an
offer that is increasingly centred in one or more highly compatible market
segments and spread over an increasingly vast territory.
The increased competition for each segment will also tend to reduce gross
operating profit, unless the producer manages to communicate (and the user
perceives) the uniqueness of the offer. The yield management technique combined
with communications targeted for each segment will not only allow the coiTCCt
evaluation of the quality-price ratio but also self-selection on the part of the
clientele according to the parameters defined and the segments determined as
targets. The second trend is also closely connected to the strategic management of
customer satisfaction and, therefore, to the survival of the business. It is a question
of activating information tools through which it is possible to enliance the
information available to the tourism business, derived from continuous and
constant contact with its clients, in order to create a product "tailored" to their
requirements and to the desire to satisfy their needs. Such systems in their most
advanced forms become customer relationship management (CRM) tools and an
excellent reference for the application of yield management.
What instead remains unexplored, and which can no longer be ignored, is the role
of the yield management function in business organisation and in the
organisational chart. In fact, in the face of numerous technical and operational
problems yet to be studied, little has been written on the implications in terms of
business organisation and work management. These brief considerations help us to
place the yield management technique within the development and growth policy
of a marketing oriented tourism business, thus rising to the role of a decisionmaking technique rather than a merely managerial or informational one.
From an academic viewpoint the main institutions and university centres of
European tourism have begun in recent years to study its applications, keeping in
teclinique and not merely a technique for the definition of prices and the
optimisation of revenue. The paper ends with the formulation of four different
scenarios of the evolution of yield management and of their applicability.
The second paper, entitled "How to yield value: the Janus perspective" by Brian
Parry and David McCaskey, analyses the implications deriving from the
application of a yield management system in budget hotels, a form of hospitality
that is increasingly widespread in England and in Europe. Taking their cue from
organisational and operational problems encountered in actual practice, the
authors evaluate the advantages of Yield Management, both from an
organisational point of view, expressed in terms of the profit margins that can be
generated, and from a strategic viewpoint, in terms of image management and
price communications with a view to the financial management of the business.
The purpose is to quantify yield management's capacity to influence the
determination and evaluation of commercial policies.
One of the main critical points for success or failure in the activation of a yield
management system is staff motivation, participation and involvement. This is the
topic of the third paper of this section "Human issues and the introduction of a
yield management system. A case study of a 4* Chain Hotel", by Bob Brotherton
and Rebecca Turner. The authors conducted a survey of the staff of the hotel chain
under study after the implementation of a yield management system. This survey
allowed the gathering of important qualitative data which, in part, confirm what
has been examined for some time in literature and, on the other hand, reveal new
important aspects connected to the motivation, participation and involvement of
human resources for the success and functioning of the new system.
In recent years the analysis of the application of YMS to the restaurant sector has
made advances in scientific literature, more because this sector is closely related
to the hotel sector and because its offer fulfils the requirements for the application
of such a system, than for any strong need expressed by the market. Nevertheless,
following the first analyses and applications there is today considerable attention
on the part of sector operators to the implementation of this technique in order to
gather the more important advantages that it is able to offer. The fourth paper
concerns strategic aspects of the application of yield management in particular
with regard to the clients' perception of the variability of price in the case of brand
restaurants. The paper "Yield Management and trust: the effect of variable pricing
on consumer trust in a restaurant brand" by Una McMahon Beattie, Adrian
Palmer, Patrick McCole and Anthony Ingold, explores a further possible limitation
of relationship marketing paradigm and YM systems, namely that individual price
discrimination may be perceived by buyers as undermining trust in a service
provider, and thereby undermining the sustainability of a relationship.
In an analysis of the strategic implications of YM a front-line role is assumed by
the control system that can be activated in the hospitality system. This is the topic
of the fifth paper entitled "Controlling the yield management process in the
hospitality business" by Paolo Desinano, Maria Stella Minuti and Emanuela
Schiaffella. The paper is organised into a section describing the general control
architecture and, after some general considerations about forecasting and room
inventory control, in four subsequent sections that treat specific issues regarding
the phases in which the control process can be articulated. A final section
summarises the topics discussed.
The second part of the book, entitled "Yield management: new applications",
groups four papers on new or innovative applications of yield management. In
particular the novelties reported here are related to the application of yield
management to theme parks and recreational-cultural centres and to restaurants.
The first paper of this section, entitled "Revenue management in visitor
attractions: a case study of the EcoTech Centre, Swaffham, Norfolk" by Julian
Hoseason, analyses the case of the EcoTech Centre starting with marketing,
management, functional and organisational problems to reach the implementation
and application of the YM system. The in-depth study of the problems of Yield
Management application in Italy is the topic of the paper entitled "Revenue
management and food service businesses: the case of Italy" by Emanuela
Schiaffella. "Recent events, challenges and options in revenue management" is the
title of the paper by Paolo Desinano which has the aim of pointing out some
emerging issues that pose new challenges to Y&RM theory and practice.
The application of YM to the restaurant sector, as evidenced in the first section of
the book, is the topic of analysis, verification, testing and application.
Nevertheless there are many aspects which still require analysis, testing and
theorising Some of these are the subject of the paper "Revenue management in the
restaurant sector" by Charlotte R. Rassing, a prelude to a practical, detailed and
precise analysis.
The third section of the volume, entitled "Information instruments for a YMS in
the hospitality industry", is dedicated to an analysis of the characteristics,
problems and implications involved in the definition, creation and use of software
necessary for the application of YM in the hospitality sector. For this reason we
felt it to be useful to include the testimony of two of the main producers of YM
software: Microsoft Fidelio and IDeaS Inc., Integrated Decisions and Systems.
This volume is the work of numerous persons: of the authors and of all those who
contributed to the organisation and reaHsation of the "Fifth International Yield and
Revenue Management Conference" in 2000, entitled "The spread of Yield
Management practices the need for systematic approaches" which was the
inspiration and starting point for this book. Special thanks to Helen Sullivan Sini,
without whose patient revision many inaccuracies would not have been
eliminated, and to Stefano Guamello who handled the layout.
Particular thanks go to CST - Centro Studi sul Turismo di Assisi and to its
direction, for its farsightedness and constant commitment, both economic and of
human resources, in research and innovation in the tourism sector which has made
the realisation and publication of this book possible.
Fabiola Sfodera
Marketing Area
Centro Studi Superiori sul Turismo - CST
Assisi - Perugia - Italy
Table of contents
3.1 Mission
Concluding debate
Literature review
Yield management
5.1 Methodology
Yield management
Data gathering
Revenue management
in the restaurant sector
by Charlotte R. Rassing
Background information
Literature review
Menu analysis
2.1.1 Overview
2.1.2 Applicability requirements
and food service businesses
2.2 Revenue management and Italian food service
businesses: application difficulties
13 0
2.4 Dataflow
13 5
3.1 Interfaces
3.2 Forecasting
3.2.2 Trending
13 8
Group management
1.1 Whatise-yield?
1.2 Whye-yield?
15 0
Hotel management
Decision integration
Some strategic aspects of a YMS
the crystallisation of the current organisation. Often it is not adapted for the
functioning of the yield management system, an added activity in the
the marketing objectives are unclear and segmentation not well defined;
All these causes have something in common: they refer to the difficulty in
conceiving yield management as a management technique which in order to
function needs to be absorbed into the business organisation. It also modifies the
commercialisation processes. In fact, as a technique, merely recognising its
existence and ti*aining staff in the application of the software is not sufficient to
guarantee the success of yield management. These are required and necessary
activities. Nonetheless they do not guarantee that the teclinique becomes an
instrument of successful management.
This paper does not intend to investigate any single cause for failure among those
listed, this has already been done, but rather how yield management is collocated
within the business organisation of a hotel. In particular we wish to analyse:
1. the position of yield management in advanced organisational systems;
2. the new way of planning a product in the experience economy;
In particular we refer to the article of Lieberman W.H, Debunking the Myths of Yield
Management, which points out 10 myths to be discredited. These myths are: myth 1
YM is a computer system; myth 2 YM takes control away from employees; myth 3 YM
works only when demand exceeds supply; myth 4 YM is price discounting; myth 5 YM
is incompatible with good customer service; myth 6 YM is too complex; myth 7 YM
doesn't address "my" problems; myth 8 YM programs automatically increase revenues;
myth 9 hotels using YM don't need to change a thing; myth 10 hotels can't use YM if
competitors don't. The Comell H.RA. Quarterly, February 1993, pages. 34-41
3. the way in which this technique must be modified or adapted to the new
models for the organisation of work in businesses.
In recent years, in fact, in the hospitality sector certain important changes have
occun'ed which represent opportunities for reaching and maintaining competitive
market positions.
The importance of these opportunities varies in relationship to the degree of
competition in the market in which one is operating. These can be summarised in
two trends of innovation. The first is that of the techniques for the management,
running and organisation of hospitality businesses. The second is related to the redefinition and re-engineering of the hospitality product in the experience
These are two aspects which have an effect on the operability of hotel
management, from the moment of its creation to that of daily activity,
conditioning the entire organisation, the application of insti'uments and the
tecliniques of management. It is exactly for this pervasive capacity in the entire
stmcture that it also conditions the applicability of yield management.
In the world hospitality panorama the first applications of more complex
managerial systems based on the principles of the learning organisation^ can
already be found but, on the whole, these are innovations which, still, cannot be
found in the majority of cases.
organisation check: this type of conti'ol selects the set of internal variables
and of the inter-relations among these which are the basis of the strategic
process and which are essential to reach the objective and, therefore, for
carrying out the strategy. This is generally structured as monitoring which
evolves to become a system for monitoring management and the various
parts of the organisation. The organisation check is the most advanced
control of the strategic management system. It verifies the expediency of the
yield management system in the business context but above all how it has
been inserted within the organisation and what flows of relations have been
activated. In other words it verifies the operational conditions of the yield
management model implemented and how it and the persons involved in its
actuation interact with the rest of the organisation.
In the traditional organisational model and in the planning and control system of
strategic management, yield management finds two different collocations in the
business organisational chart, with reference to two different methods for its
application and connotation.
The first, by now practically abandoned, envisions yield management as a line
function of the rooms division, directly conti'olled by the "hotel director", who
interacts with Reception or with the booking office, if this exists. The connotation
and application of yield management in this case are practically null, highly
conditioned by the understanding which individual workers have of this system to
the point of making it lose its identity as a technique to become an operational
instrument. Application carried out using this hypothesis have proven disastrous
and represented the first cases of failure of yield management, due mostly to the
difficulty in understanding how the system flmctions and to its real integration
with the business organisation and to the models for the management and running
of the hotel.
The second is currently the most wide-spread and envisions yield management as
an activity of the staff belonging to the marketing & sales division. In this case
differentiation and brand policy, but also the organisation, which is evolving from
the traditional form to models which tend toward the learning organisation, as the
ultimate expression of an efficient and effective business organisation model.
information and adequate instmments available but, especially, of having a
structure behind one which can place the strategic decision-making
dimension in relation with the organisational one in a dynamic logic.
In relation to these changed conditions of external operabiHty the limits of
strategic management have become insupportable. And this must be sought in:
The connection between the strategic dimension and the organisational one allows
this limit to be overcome and to approach a system of management, planning and
control that is dynamic and competitive, in which workers feel themselves to be an
integral part of the whole, and of which they share values and principles. This
connection is realised, as mentioned above, in dynamic learning.
To obtain this, first off, the meaning itself of work in a hotel must be modified. No
longer a series of tasks defined in a job description in which each division defines
its activity and puts to use its experience but making knowledge explicit which
becomes a dynamic growth element.
Above all it belongs to all, in the logic of group learning which lies at the base of
organisational learning.
A hotel organised in this way will be a hotel in which the staff does not participate
in training courses for individual divisions or because required by the direction but
it will be a hotel in which the initiative and experience of persons can be put to
use, for example through the development of internal projects, and hopefully
become the knowledge and shared "patrimony" of the entire structure. In such a
hotel the turnover will be low because people will feel motivated since they can
combine their own personal growth to that of the sti*ucture in which they work
which will also give them interesting professional opportunity for satisfaction,
growth or specialisation.
Always in such a hotel, yield management is not a term that the majority do not
know about nor a technique that is the sole prerogative of marketing or booking
but rather a process in which knowledge and information flow from the various
divisions and whose actuation improves the satisfaction of the hotel and its
employees and increases knowledge and the ability to satisfy the clients.
The various organisational set ups depend on the configuration of the coordination
mechanisms and on the different roles carried out by the individual parts of the
organisation, all in relation to the external and internal operational situations. In
organisational learning the coordination among the various elements of the
organisation is high and of a relational nature, as is communication which uses
both formal and informal channels, and control takes on the characteristics of
operation and strategic control.
The component parts of the organisation communicate at different levels using
adaptation and the coordination mechanism, enliancing at the same time
innovation and specialisation. This organisational model has been adopted by
some important hotel chains which make coordination, communications and
strategic control the instruments for an innovative and dynamic management of
their hotels.
We can summarise the most important concepts of organisational learning by
pointing out the difference between individual learning, typical of traditional
organisations and organisational learning:
collective experience. Learning that can develop is called organisational and is
greater than the sum of individual learning. The know how, skills and knowledge
have value because they are shared, assimilated and redefined within the
organisation. Knowledge is a good of the organisation that remains with it even
when an individual leaves the firm, since part remains within.
3.2.2 Yield management in organisational learning
In a more evolved organisational context even yield management develops great
potential for success both because it has a more adequate system available for the
organisation of work which is able to create the optimum conditions of
applicability, coherently with the external environment, and because it can
interact, in the logic of processes, with the other functions, transferring concepts,
practices and information which can improve individual performance.
The organisation context for the application of yield management in this case
requires that the parts of the organisation start up a synergic process for the
acquisition of information and knowledge, and then interpret and distribute these,
in a coordinated manner within the structure in order to retain and memorise
whatever can determine an increase in competency. In other words this means that
in this context Reception, Booking, Accounts but also Breakfast, the Bar and all
the other services available in the hotel will acquire the information and
knowledge necessary to give life to a yield management system, besides
Marketing which will be concerned both with internal infomiation and with the
external market information. This information and knowledge will then be
inteipreted and distributed within the hotel: to Reception, for example, so that they
can communicate correctly with the clients; to Booking so that they can determine
with a brief conversation the characteristics of the potential client; or whether the
person is a habitual client, and therefore define the class to which s/he belongs and
the price to propose; to Accounts so that they can process bills, combining client
identification codes or the segments to which they belong in order to know the
average expenditure of each type of clientele; Food & Beverage, Breakfast, the
Bar and all the other services can have useful information on the behaviour of the
clientele, on their needs and their purchase and consumption methods to, in turn,
apply yield management.
This useful information is maintained and memorised within the structure and
equipment of the divisions or offices which can draw benefit from it in more
efficiently carrying out its own activity. Yield management becomes an
instrument for the growth of the organisation, in which the persons and the
activities directly or indirectly involved are informed and contribute to giving life
to the process necessary for its functioning. It is no longer a software, a sales
teclinique or another invention of Marketing and of Management to maximise
profits but it now becomes a management technique.
it encourages creativity and initiative. The learning process itself is the object
of a learning process. The possibility of improving one's own work and the
ways in which it is conducted is an important lever of manoeuvre with
employees who qualify their jobs on the basis of the personal satisfaction,
not just economic, that they draw from it. For this reason empowerment,
delegation and decentralisation are fundamental conditions for the existence
and success of an organisation able to learn. They must be placed in the field
at the right moment and managed as a motivational lever able to reduce the
high turnover that characterises hotels.
enthusiasm, a desire to grow and improve. Employees are ready to become
the protagonists of their own work and not just persons carrying out orders
and this especially for the more strictly operative activities. A valuable
connection is established between the learning process and the innovation
process. Those who enter a learning organisation find themselves in an
environment intent on growth, on experimentation and innovation in which it
is only natural to reduce or lower one's defences against change and in which
each person's contribution to the organisation and to the collective learning
becomes part of the organisation itself and stays there even after that person
has decided to change jobs. It is the most important solution to the problem
of loss of skill and know how deriving from the high turnover which afflicts
hotels and which is also one of the principal causes for the lack of success of
yield management system applications.
These conditions and characteristics are also the conditions for the success of a
yield management system.
the most extreme scenario is one which leads to the non applicability of yield
management when this is in conflict with the philosophy, the concept of
hospitality and the very essence of the hotel. In a learning organisation each
action, behaviour and activity is realised coherently with the essence of the
hotel itself which defines its principles, business culture and values. Should
price discrimination be in conflict with the essence of the hospitality and
welcoming of the hotel, yield management becomes inapplicable. The
organisational learning behaviours generated would push work organisation
in a direction that is incoherent with the philosophy of the hotel.
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David McCaskey
Centre for Management Studies
Colchester Institute
Essex, CO 15 6JQ
United Kingdom
A prescient comment from the floor at the 4^^^ Annual International Yield and
Revenue Management Conference posed the question what does one do when
everyone is utilising Yield Management [YM\1 This paper takes up that challenge
and integrates the operational implications of YM into the strategic perspectives of
hospitality organisations. Recognising that one needs to seek out a suitable
framework for analysis (Bettis & Prahalad)(Phillips, 1998), this paper takes a
systems approach (Johns & Jones, 1999a&b) (Forrester, 1995), addressing
thi'ough-lifecycle issues (Langston, 1999) (Parry, 1999a). Recognising that any
'Hospitality system' is governed by feedback loops (Senge, 1990) - this paper
addresses a simple acid test for the effectiveness of YM, namely its ability to
influence and determine commercial valuations (Marshall & Williamson, 1994)
(Heer & Koller, 2000) (Hsu & O'Halloran, 1997).
Put another way, this papers seeks to address the most effective blend of:
1. Operational FM issues: e.g. the sustainable profit levels that a company can
2. Strategic FM issues: e.g. the image perceptions driving the 'exit multiple' of
those profits; which underpins the company's financial engineering.
Given the comments above, the definition of YM adopted by this paper will be:
"A management technique by which an organisation's decision-making process
actively utilises information affecting the factors driving the demand patterns for,
and supply costs of, the central product [e.g. accommodation] - in order to
optimise the return from total sales (in the short, medium and long term)" (Parry,
Yielding Value
Yield Management
Yield Management
Market Environment
airlines achieve a similar demand mix to lodges - 60 per cent Leisure to 40 per
cent Business. Mason (1999) found a number of contemporary studies that
suggested that pressure is being brought to bear on business travellers to reduce
travel expenditure; he cites lATA (1997), Bender and Stephenson (1998) and
Mason (1998).
A similarly explosive growth in lodge provision in the USA, between the mid1960s and the late 1970s, left many of their unfocused mid-market hotels in
disarray. In the air, deregulation spawned the growth of low-cost airlines which
helped to rapidly bring about the demise of Pan Am and TWA. This process is now
in full spate in the UK and Europe and is having a radical dampening effect on
prices and subsequent yields in both industries {Airbus Industrie, 2000).
There is great potential for the leisure industry. It is already one of the largest
sectors of the economy, and is one of the very few large sectors to have
strong growth. Growth will come from an increase in discretionary income,
in particular from the wealthy grey market.
What people do with their free time is becoming more important to their
identity than what they do for a living. There are early indications that this
will mean that leisure expenditure will become more resilient during any
future down turns in the economy.
being a major player in the hospitality industry. It had commissioned this report to
help it understand how the industry works and this had much altered the banks'
perception of the industry in particular of its associated risks.
The main finding was:
"...that economic downturns affect the industry no more severely than business in
general. They may even have less severe effects at times. So we need to have a
less negative reaction to such downturns."
Slattery (1996), in describing the future as "a golden age for hotels'\ predicted
this uncoupling of the economy from hotel demand. He also projected the deseasonalisation of demand patterns with thi'ough-year demand being generated, by
the expanding grey market - which, increasingly, had the time, money and
inclination for hotel stays. This segment would also eliminate the predictable
weekend troughs and dead Sunday nights, as they indulged in three-day weekends.
It would seem that some of those demand factors which have invoked much YM
application are becoming less prevalent and, whilst it's not entirely good bye to
weekend troughs, seasonal highs and lows, all tied to the helter-skelter of the UK
economy, their impact is diminishing rapidly.
to make short term profits in Travel Inn. As you may know, we had a single
national price and applied it every night of the week - not a pricmg policy
typical of the hotel industry. The outcome is that Travel Inn has grown to be
the UK's largest branded hotel network with almost 250 hotels and 12,500
rooms, Occupancy is running at 86% across the brand - a record for the UK
and our returns continue to rise - it's a win win for our customers and
7. Their leadership is earned not given. Leadership brands permeate the whole
organisation, they are not just its label. They provide a living template of how
to act, what to do for the best and how to move into the future. For Whitbread,
David Thomas concluded: "My message is a simple one. Our customers are
well informed and have plenty of choice. They shop around for good value. If
we provide it they'll reward us - and in turn this enables us to reward our
shareholders who include most of our staff. Whitbread is well spoken of by
hotel users in general and is well respected in the industry.
The intention here is not to infer that price does not matter but that it is often not
the deciding influence; in many cases the confident expectation of a wellestablished brand will override.
To show that price matters, one only has to witness the furore of activity under the
bamier of 'Rip Off Britain' which has successfully targeted, retail banking, supermarketing and motorcar distribution, as having unfair pricing policies.
It has to be stated that there are aspects of pricing in our industry - such as:
inflated rack-rates; bait and switch advertising; single room supplements; kickbacks to agents / intermediaries and to their staffs; etc. - which are entirely
questionable and, given the current consumer rights-driven agenda, will,
inevitably, be exposed in the media.
To avoid censure, test the validity of your pricing against the following criteria:
consolidations down the road, but for now we feel at ease with the current
dynamics and how our skill set will enable us to succeed" (Jeffer et al., 2000).
The price paid for the ''goodwiir of this company demonstrates that more is
required of effective YM than just effective forecasting and operational skills.
Companies will need to blend their strategic Mission (Katzenbach & Smith, 1994)
with their funding philosophy (Clayton et al, 1999) (Wagle, 1998) and their
ability to create value, in the eyes of the market (Economist, 2000).
3.1 Mission
In order to ensure that operational YM advantages are translated, effectively, into
bottom-line profits, it is vital that the company's Mission, Objectives, Strategy and
Tactics are streamlined.
The Ashridge mission model (Stacey, 1993) helps to highlight areas of tension and
potential improvement. KM must not fall prey to over-simplified Missions (Bartlett
& Ghoshal, 1994) or mixed-messages (Bucklin et al, 1997) within the
organisation [and its supply chain (Heape, 1994)]
"The competitive
position and
puRposE <
. .. "^ . -^
believes in
"The policies and behaviour patterns
that underpin the distinctive
competence and the value system"
of those profits come from just four, booming, cities [London, Paris, New York
and Chicago] (Economist, 2000). Hence, by not balancing operational YM activity
with strategic YM components [e.g. investor loyalty, risk philosophy, brand equity
and share values], Bass seems to be working hard to hold back its full potential.
4 Concluding debate
In his critique of three articles (Johns & James, 1999a&b) (Johns & James, 2000),
on the application of systems to the hospitality, Kirk (2000) argues that when we
"Catering systems or in this instance of Yield Management Systems or Property
Management Systems the approach has been one of simplifying problems in a
reductionist way. Treating all problems as if they were ones of cause and effect
thus describing the outcomes we may have a system but it is not generated using a
general or soft systems methodology".
The new methodology calls for this deductive methodology to be subsumed by an
inductive approach. This allows a break away from models of causality and should
result in the use of systems concepts as a means of understanding complex issues.
This paper is an attempt to codify the components that will enable a complex,
holistic, framework to be developed - drawing on systems theory (Forrester,
1995) outlined in earlier work (Parry & Norman, 1996).
Whilst focusing on YM, this acknowledges work by others - e.g. Philips (1998),
Kaplan & Norton (1993) 2in& Arthur Andersen (2000).
The simplistic valuation matrix in Appendix A can be used to illustrate key issues
raised and to focus delegates' debate: operational YM decisions should be profitfocused and, so, strengthen the profit-stream during the important first five years.
If the YM techniques are focused only on the short-term, though, these profit
levels will not be sustained throughout the asset's life;
It is for these reasons that future research will tend to apply soft systems
methodology to Yield Management issues. Checkland and Scholes (1999) indicate
"The concept itself starts with the basic thinking that a system may have
properties which refer to the whole and are meaningless in terms of the parts
which make up the whole. These are the so-called emergent properties, i.e. the
sum is more (or less) than the sum of the parts."
The concept of emergence implies a view of reality as existing as layers in a
hierarchy; to which are added the concepts of Survival, Communication and
Control - thus, creating a complex adaptive system (Beinhocker, 1997).
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Heape R., Outward Bound, Tourism Society Journal, Vol.83, 1994, pp.4-5., in Law, E.,
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Henley Centre For Forecasting, Leisure in the New Millennium Report, Cranfield, 2000,
Barclays Bank / JHIC / Henley Centre for forecasting.
HIO, Three Years and $5 Billion, Hotels Investment Outlook, 18^^ June, 1998, pp. 18-26.
Hsu W. & O'Halloran, The Hong Kong Hilton: the case of the disappearing hotel, Cornell
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1 Introduction
Many commentators on Yield Management (YM), for example, Rowe, (1989);
Brotherton and Mooney, (1992); Harris, (1995); Yeoman and Watson, (1997);
Donaghy et al, (1997); Lee-Ross and Johns, (1997), have stressed the importance
of considering the 'people element' in hotels seeking to adopt a YM system and its
associated business philosophy. In spite of this hotel companies invariably either
ignore, or relegate to a subsidiary consideration, the fundamental human issues
such a change inevitably generates.
The inti'oduction of a Computerised Yield Management System (CYMS) involves
far more than those logistical and teclmical changes to existing systems required
as an integral element of this process. Such a change not only alters the nature of
the capacity management infrastructure within the hotel, it also impacts on the
work roles, mindsets and behaviour of reservations staff, their relationships with
customers, and how they perceive the operation of a YM-driven environment.
It is these issues this paper focuses on. The research work undeipinning the paper
is based on a case study approach focusing on the people issues associated with
the introduction/implementation of a CYMS system in the case study hotel. A
series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with some of the key
persomiel, at senior/line management and employee levels, involved in this
process. The results obtained from this yielded some rich qualitative data
indicating that there are a number of strategic and operational issues associated
with the effective, or otherwise, introduction and implementation of such a
change. Many of these are referred to widely in the associated YM literature but
do not as yet appear to be reflected in management practice. The paper concludes
by proposing a series of practical recommendations for practitioners.
Reservations Manager.
Line Management
Head Receptionist;
Reception Manager.
Front-Line Employees
Reservations Co-ordinator;
Section B - Education;
Section C - Training;
The taped interviews were transcribed into Microsoft Word '97. Once transcribed,
the interview responses were compared to identify the emergence of patterns.
3 Literature review
It is widely recognised that American Airlines successfully developed YM in the
late 1970's (Kimes, 1989; Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 1998). Tluough the
1980's and 1990's YM has also been applied to other types of service companies
such as car rental, freight transport and hotels (Kimes, 1997), ciaiises (Hoseason,
1999) and holidays (Edgar, 1997). The application of YM also exits on golf
courses, amusement parks, tourist attractions and theatres etc., but is not
extensively exploited (Anderson, 1995; Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 1998).
However, the development of CYMS within hotels has been a slow process
(Rowe, 1989; Bradley and Ingold, 1993; Donaghy et al, 1997). Although
tecliiiological developments have increased YM applications into hotels (Jauncey
et al, 1995) the expense of investing in technology often means that CYMS mainly
prevail within large hotel corporations. However, according to Anderson (1995),
small and medium-sized enteiprises do adopt "manual" approaches to YM, which
are equally successful. To date a considerable amount of Uterature has been
pubHshed on YM in the hotel industry. The early (1980's) articles tend to be of a
descriptive/explanatory nature and were largely concerned with defining the YM
concept and identifying the operational motives for its implementation. A number
of empirical studies have been conducted on YM adoption in hotels. These have
ranged from individual hotel case studies (Peters and Reilly, 1997; Huyton and
Peters, 1997; and Jauncey et al, 1999) to research embracing several hotel contexts
at once (Bradley and Ingold, 1993; Jarvis et al, 1998).
More recently specific YM issues have been researched. For example Luciani,
(1999), Lee-Ross and Johns (1997), Edgar (1998) and Noone and Andrews (1999)
have all examined the application of YM to small and medium sized companies.
Tlie literature has also tended to increasingly focus on the significance of the
'people element' during YM implementation processes (Jones and Hamilton,
1992; Donaghy et al, 1995; Yeoman and Watson, 1997; Hansen and Eringa, 1998;
Farrell and Whelan-Ryan, 1999).
Many writers primarily regard YM as a technique to enhance profit, yield, revenue
or return (Orkin, 1988; Dun and Brooks, 1990; Brotherton and Mooney, 1992;
Bradley and Ingold, 1993; Mac Vicar and Rodger, 1996; Fitzsimmons and
Fitzsimmons, 1998). CYMS are also considered alternatives to ti'aditional
forecasting tecliniques, where accurate forecasting is maintained by manipulating
historical, current and future data (Brotherton and Mooney, 1992; Lieberman,
1993; Mac Vicar and Rodger, 1996; Lee-Ross and Jolins, 1997). However, others
suggest that such 'automated' decision-making processes should not be entirely
relied on and final decisions must remain a human responsibility (Hott et al, 1989;
Gamble, 1991; Jones and Hamilton, 1992; Donaghy et al 1995; Yeoman and
Watson, 1997; Davidson and de Marco, 1999).
To enliance awareness of YM within hotels, skills must be developed to practice
such techniques proficiently. All staff (management and employees) must be
involved in training sessions, especially those dealing with sales and inquiries, to
develop an understanding of its effects on their job roles and the establishment
(Donaghy et al, 1995; Donaghy and McMahon-Beattie, 1998; Farrell and WhelanRyan, 1998; Hansen and Eringa, 1998). According to Davidson and de Marco
(1999), communication and commitment must be established prior to training and
education programmes commencing.
Fan:ell and Whelan-Ryan (1998) suggest that successful education and training
programmes will be acquired by those who employ external consultants to
implement the YMS. Subsequently, training should be an on-going process for all
personnel, using both internal (in-house, organisation-specific) and external (YM
consultants) training processes (Farrell and Whelan-Ryan, 1998). Successful YMI
depends on a highly trained and motivated team, confirming that full attention
must be geared towards the people element (Donaghy and McMahon-Beattie,
1998; Okumus and Hemmington, 1998). This increased emphasis on the 'human
element' during YMI is featured strongly in more recent literature that, in tiun,
directly relates to the development of a 'yield culture'. Jones and Hamilton
(1992:95) conclude that management lack effort in developing a yield culture, but
also state that:
"Because YM is complex and because it depends significantly in information
teclinology, involving people is difficuh".
According to Jones and Hamilton (1992), the first stage in implementing a YM
culture is ensuring everybody within the organisation understands the
phenomenon. Brotherton and Mooney (1992) support this view, implying that
hoteliers must concentrate primarily on people and that organisational and
software programmes are less important. The planning stage in developing such
cultural changes is also heavily emphasised within the literature. Organisations
should develop dynamic and responsive organisational cultures with support from
head office and unit managers, to enhance employee morale and motivation
(Brotherton and Mooney, 1992; Donaghy et al, 1995; Farrell and Whelan-Ryan,
Internal restructuring may also need to take place when adopting cultural changes
(Brotherton and Mooney, 1992; Donaghy et al, 1997; Farrell and Whelan-Ryan,
1998; Davidson and de Marco, 1999). This may involve moving offices;
organising open plan offices; reformation of policies and procedures and structural
changes to the organisation chart, to create flatter, leaner organisations. Successful
YMI requires organisational change, communication, co-ordination and cooperation from all levels, whether at an individual, organisational or coiporate
level, which needs to be carefully planned and appropriately resourced (Kimes,
1989; Jauncey et al, 1995; Donaghy et al, 1997).
However, Mac Vicar and Rodger (1996) and Davidson and de Marco, (1999),
claim staff and guests are rarely consulted during YMI's. Initiatives often fail due
to a lack of cominitment, which is essential for the development and control of
CYMS (Kimes, 1989; Farrell and Whelan-Ryan 1998; Hansen and Eringa, 1998).
Some writers claim that CYMS de-skill employees because the decision-making
process is removed (Kimes, 1989; Brotherton and Mooney, 1992; Bradley and
Ingold, 1993; Hansen and Eringa, 1998). Others hold opposing views, stating that
teclinology increases skills within organisations (MacVicar and Rodger, 1996).
However, a clear relation does exist within the literature, outlining the significance
of fundamental, but sometimes small changes that organisations must consider
during YMI. From the 'people' perspective these include:
Although some writers have evaluated and established idealistic approaches for
YMI in hotels (Farrell and Whelan -Ryan, 1998; Hansen and Eringa, 1998), and
while theories differ, the importance of the 'people element' when implementing
any organisational change is fundamentally stressed by many commentators
(Rowe, 1989; Brotherton and Mooney, 1992; Harris, 1995; Yeoman and Watson,
1997; Donaghy et al, 1997; Lee-Ross and Johns, 1997; Okumus and Hemmington,
1998). Despite this, the literature generally agrees that the human element is not
addressed satisfactorily within many YMI processes (Kimes, 1994; Donaghy et al,
1995; Jauncey et al, 1995; Mac Vicar and Rodger, 1996; McCaskey, 1998).
operated by this company. Following this the hotel has become increasingly profit
oriented, with more emphasis on cutting costs and meeting budgets. The use of
teclinology has also increased with the introduction of an enlianced key interface
system, a close circuit television security system, pay TV and play station
handsets within the bedrooms being some recent developments. More recently
implementation of the Optims Yield Management System has taken place.
In September 1998 it was announced that an agreement had been signed with
TIMS to implement the Optims Yield Management System into the company's 4*
hotel brand world-wide (TIMS, 1998b). The hotel's system was installed in
January 1999 in two phases, each with a duration of one week. Phase one,
included training, site preparations and the input of history, budgets, room and
yield classes into the system (see Table 1).
Table 1: Optims Phase One Installation Agenda. Source: TIMS (1998a)
Site Preparation, Installation of
programmes & interface.
Review of implementation.
Construction of room classes
Systems Manager
Revenue Manager
Optims personnel
Optims personnel
History/Budget Input
Optims Training
Revenue Manager
General & Revenue
Manager, Director of
Six months later, TIMS retumed from France to conduct phase two of the YMI.
During this time the system collected data, and TIMS supplied support and
assistance through the Optims helpdesk. Phase two included training, the
verification of data, forecasts, rate controls, deal quotations and demand analysis
(see Table 2).
Data verification
Forecast calibration
Forecast calibration
Forecast verification
Optims personnel
Optims personnel
Revenue & Reservations
Revenue Manager,
Reservations Manager &
Sales Manager.
Forecast verification,
demand analysis
Deal quotations.
Forecast verification,
demand analysis
As above
Within both installation agendas only senior managers were involved, and
supervisors or employees are only mentioned once in the Phase One training
Although the YMI was in-depth, and could therefore justify the exclusion of a
wide range of personnel, there was very little communication, tuition or training
regarding the YM system during this time, or once the system was installed. There
was no indication within Optim's installation agendas of strategic issues regarding
the 'people element' to indicate how employees and customers should be
informed of the change. However, in a report on the installation process TIMS
explicitly state that staff feedback meetings should be held 'to communicate
operational details of strategic planning and success of previous actions' and that
'incentive schemes should be offered regularly to operational, front office and
sales staff (TIMS, 1998a).
This leads to a consideration of the interview data. The tables that follow contain
the interview responses coded according to the following key:
1. Deputy General Manager:
2. Reservations Manager:
4. Head Receptionist:
5. Reception Manager:
6. Reservations Co-ordinator:
7. Receptionist:
Although the respondents generally felt that the initial YMI process was very good
(see Table 3) one of the key issues associated with a YM operation is clarity of
roles and responsibilities.
Table 3: What are your feelings about the YM installation process received from TIMS?
Yes, installation was fine; the training was very detailed and very hard
for everyone in the hotel. It was very long and I actually didn't attend
all the sessions.
Yes, I thought they were very good, they brought a lot of people
over from France. It wasn't rushed. The support they gave was
very good.
In this respect, it was wonying to find that the interview respondents did not
appear to have a unanimous view on the person with overall responsibility for
managing the YM system in the hotel (Table 4).
Perhaps this was a function of the degree of involvement the respondents had in
the YMI process (see Table 5). Clarity of responsibility is also invariably
associated with communication issues.
Table 5: What involvement did you have in the YM system implementation process?
I was trained on it and I try to pass the information I gained onto the
sales office.
I've had quite a bit of involvement, not as much as should take place
in my role but that was due to lack of staff in my department.
A lot.
None at all.
As Table 6 shows there would appear to be some dissonance between the higher
levels of respondent and those lower down in the hierarchy, with the Head
Receptionist and Reception Manager indicating something very different to their
superiors! Not only would there appear to be some difference of opinion between
the higher level managers and others on this issue of communication.
Table 6: How is YM communicated through management?
It's not.
Table 7 also indicates the management team have not established a systematic
formal meeting mechanism to discuss YM issues.
Table 7: How often do departmental heads meet to discuss YM?
We don't.
The literature suggests that for a YMI to be successflil the organisation should
take appropriate steps to manage the change process that this inevitably generates
and to establish a 'yield culture' amongst employees.
This requires that the managers and staff directly involved with the operation of
the YM system, and others who will be indirectly affected by it, are made fully
aware of what it means to be operating in a yield-driven environment.
There is some evidence to suggest that this did take place (see Table 8) but it was
largely restricted to senior management and those managers and employees
directly involved in the operation of the YM system.
However, the responses in Table 9 indicate that this process has not been as
successful as the management might have hoped.
Table 8: How were staff made aware of the new YM policies and procedures?
Res M.
One would also have expected the awareness building exercise to be followed up
by extensive training, particularly amongst those managers and staff who are
directly responsible for the day-to-day operation of the new YMS. Unfortunately
this does not seem to have happened. Tables 10 and 11 show a considerable
difference between the views of the Deputy General Manager and the other
respondents. They also highlight the limited range of staff who have been
involved in the YM training process.
Res M.
Not many, staff generally have had initial training on v^hat YM does.
All of the reservations staff have been on it, The Reception Manager
has, I have, and the Reception staff have.
Only the initial training, briefly explaining w^hat the system is for. I
haven't been trained to use the system. When it first came into the
hotel we were trained on what it's going to do, and how you use it.
But I've had no training on how to use the system specifically.
Nothing except for that bit I had at the beginning. I've hardly
had any training, and I'd be scared to touch the system in case it
Table 11: How have the employees been trained to use the YM system?
Res M.
All staff went to the training, the Rooms Division Manager, the Head
Receptionist, the Reception Manger and the Reservations Manager
are fully trained on it and can train people on it. So new members of
staff that start have a basic understanding of it, but to be fair they
don't need to use it at the moment.
Through TIMS, the Rooms Division Manager and myself.
They haven't, they're not using it yet, there's only tlii'ee people,
myself, the Reservations Manager and the Reception Manager that
are using it.
They haven't.
Given the above it is perhaps not surprising that most of the respondents, with the
exception of the DGM and Res.M., feel that the training provided has not
developed a widespread understanding of the YM concept amongst the staff (see
Table 12). In addition to the awareness, communication and training issues
referred to above the literature also suggests that the embedding, and ultimate
success, of a YM system can be facilitated by the provision of appropriate
incentives to staff. Incentives can help to inculcate a more positive response to the
new YM environment, though incentives alone are unlikely to be a sufficient
motivator for staff to fully engage with this change in orientation.
Table 12: Has the training developed an understanding of the YM concept amongst staff?
No, we have 220 staff here. If you mentioned it to 200 people they
would probably ask what YM is. I would hope that most of the
UBM's would understand what YM is.
Res M.
I understand what the system says from looking at the screen, but I
couldn't use it.
Not as much as I should really, it's still a mystery; I'm not really
sure what it's all about.
The evidence on this aspect is a little contradictory (see Table 13) but tends to
suggest that, at the very least, any positive effects derived from the incentives
provided by the hotel are likely to be minimal.
Though the management appear to have a view that incentives are offered, and
that these are associated with encouraging staff to use YM practices - at least
indirectly if not directly - the staff have a different perception (see Table 13).
To summarise it is clear that the interview data reveals the YMI process in this
hotel has not focused strongly on the human aspects of the process. It has tended
to concentrate on the integration of the technical and business aspects of the YM
system and relegate the human/system interface to a secondary consideration. This
may have some longer term consequences.
Table 13: What incentives have been offered to encourage staff to use YM practices?
Res M.
Though the relative importance of these may vary from context to context and the
specifics of the YM system being introduced they are, individually and
collectively, likely to be strong influences on both the efficacy of the YMI process
and the efficiency and effectiveness of the YM system over time. In essence they
are all inextricably linked with the planning of such a change from its conception
to final operation. The empirical evidence derived from the case study
demonstrates that a number, if not all, of these issues could have been planned for
and managed more effectively. In turn, this lends further support to the
contentions of many commentators that the primary focus of attention in most
YMI processes tends to be that of ensuring that the technical aspects of the YM
system are successfully installed and integrated with the hotel's business history
and objectives. Conversely, the inculcation of a YM philosophy amongst the staff
who are expected to operate the system receives far less attention.
While it would be patently foolish to suggest that organisations should reduce the
amount of attention, time and resources they devote to the former, greater
attention paid to the latter may be expected to yield additional benefits. This
partial, very rationalistic, approach to planning the introduction, installation and
implementation of a YM system may result in a reasonably satisfactory outcome
vis-a-vis the benefits derived from the system, as it has in the case study hotel. On
the other hand, the question remains: how much more successful, in both the
implementation and operational phases, would this have been if the planning
conducted for it had contained a greater emphasis on the organisational and
human/system interface issues such a change inevitably embodied? The practical
recommendations arising from this research are therefore clear. Firstly, 'plan, plan
and plan' before the initiation of the YMI appears to be a suitable mantra.
Secondly, ensure that the plan/s address the organisational and human issues
associated with the change.
Thirdly, educate and train the staff in order to develop a culture that is receptive,
and willing, to embrace the new philosophy and practices before they are installed.
Fourthly, initiate the required structural changes and re-negotiate work
role/responsibilities prior to implementation. Fifthly, provide suitable incentives to
further motivate staff and secure their commitment when the system is up and
mnning. Finally, set up effective communication structures and procedures that
actively encourage staff to engage with, and conti'ibute to, the operation of the YM
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Peters S. & Riley J., Yield Management Transition: A Case Example, International Journal
of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.9, No.2/3, 1997, pp. 89-91.
Rowe M., Yield Management: Technology Has Opened Up Exciting New Possibilities for a
Time-honoured Practice, Lodging Hospitality February, 1989, pp. 65-66.
TIMS, TIMS Revenue Optimisation Systems, Installation Agendas, September 1998a.
TIMS, IMS Revenue Optimisation Systems - press release. Forte announces the rollout of
Optims Yield Management System for the Meridien Brand, September, 1998b.
Yeoman I. & Watson S., Yield Management: A Human Activity System, International
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.9, No.2, 1997, pp. 80-83.
Yin R. K., Case Study Research -Design and Methods, (2"^^ Edition), Sage, 1994.
Adrian Palmer
Professor of Services Marketing
Gloucestershire Business School
Pallas, PO Box 220
The Park Campus
Gloucestershire, UK, GL50 2QF
United Kingdom
Patrick McCole
School of Business / Department of Marketing
University of Otago
P.O. Box 56
New Zealand
Anthony Ingold
Chandelle Consultancy
43 Carlyle Road
Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 9BH
United Kingdom
Contents: 1 Introduction, 2 Reasons underlying variable pricing. 3 Individual
pricing and relationship marketing. 4 Yield management. 5 Hypothesis of the
research. 5.1 Methodology. 6 Conclusions and management implications.
customer and demand characteristics (Kimes, 2000). Indeed, Donaghy at al (1998)
have outHned a 'Yield Segmentation Process' for managers operating YM systems
and state that it adds value to the customer since it affords the provision of a
product or service that more accurately meets the needs of more clearly defined
groups of guests.
There is now considerable evidence of companies who adjust prices according to
the unique circumstances of individual buyers. National newspapers for example,
typically charge low annual subscriptions to encourage uptake among potential
customers, but reduce their discounts as customers show increasing levels of
loyalty. Travel related companies have become sophisticated in finely adjusting
their prices according to their availability of capacity and the travel motivations of
the buyer. However, variable pricing of this nature would appear to undermine a
centi'al thesis of the relationship marketing argument, that trust is an essential
antecedent of successful long-term buyer-seller relationships (Ganesan 1994;
Morgan and Hunt 1994).
It has been noted that trust is a particularly important factor early in a relationship
and an essential precondition for the relationship to move to more committed
stages of development (Dwyer, Schurr, and Oh 1987; Grayson and Ambler 1999).
YM is essentially a form of price discrimination. Kimes (1994) raised the issue of
customer perception of price variability stating that 'customers must view [new]
procedures and policies as fair'. Therefore, the challenge for the manager
operating a YM system is to maintain the trust of his/her customers.
It is a hypothesis of this research that trust may be undermined where a buyer of
consumer goods or services perceives that the price that they are being offered for
a specified product is less equitable than a siinilar bundle of benefits offered to
another buyer, or offered to that customer on a different occasion.
The effect of price discrimination on buyer-seller relationships within YM systems
has yet to be explored in research. Similarly, relationship marketing has been
presented as an emerging paradigm during the 1990s, but its underlying axioms
have been increasingly challenged (Saren and Tzokas 1998). This paper explores a
further possible limitation of relationship marketing paradigm and YM systems,
namely that individual price discrimination may be perceived by buyers as
undermining trust in a service provider, and thereby undermining the
sustainability of a relationship.
its products will only achieve maximum possible profits tlirough this pricing
method where consumers' evaluation of the product offer is homogenous and there
is no consumer surplus. Schematically, companies seek to move from the position
in Figure la to that in Figure lb ^.
Fig la: Non price discrimination
Fig la
Fig lb
Similarly, Lichtenstein, Burton and O'Hara (1989) examined how consumers'
attributions regarding a retailer's motives for discounting a product influenced
their attitudes toward the deal. They found, for example, that consumers had more
negative attitudes toward the deal when they attiibuted it to the retailer's desire to
unload a difficult-to-sell offering.
Customer perception is therefore important, especially in relation to the use of IT,
since there is a greater opportunity to offer price differentials to consumers on a
one-to-one basis. Trust and mistrust are at bi-polar opposites (Pearce, 1974), and
consumers' who perceive that suppliers' are untrustworthy through various pricing
differentials consider them to be practising malfeasance, and not having their best
interests at heart. Therefore, consumers' risk that the price they pay at a particular
moment in time is the best price that they will get. Tmst and risk are often used
interchangeably in the marketing literature.
Williamsom (1993) states that trust in fact is redundant and it can be misleading to
use the term trust to describe commercial exchange for which cost-effective
safeguards have been devised in support for more efficient exchange. Calculative
trust therefore is a contradiction in terms, with a suggestion that consumers
conform to theories of economics, with price and not tmst, as the focal point for
commercial transactions.
Two recent marketing phenomena, assisted by developments in IT, have been
particularly important contributors to the development of individual pricing: YM
and relationship marketing.
Yield management
5.1 Methodology
The hypothesis is to be tested using a quasi-experimental framework in which a
sample of consumers received a series of communications from two organisations
for a similar product (a dining club). The two organisations' offers differ only in
respect of the method of pricing employed. A longitudinal survey will be
conducted in which the series of messages will be communicated to potential and
actual customers of the product, differentiated only by price and conditions of
availability. Trust by respondents in each product will be measured at the
conclusion of the research. The product will be "new" to respondents, so it was
assumed that trust at the outset was equal for the two products.
Trust is the dependent variable of this research. Butler (1991) developed a
conditions of trust inventory, and these scales were used to measure the conditions
of tiiist in a specific person. For the present study, these scales will be adapted to
examine the effects of price discrimination on trust in buyer seller relationships.
Butler's scales have been developed from the work of Jennings (1971) and
Gabarro (1978) and have been tested for validation and standardisation in many
studies. Butler identified 10 conditions of trust 1) availability 2) competence 3)
consistency 4) discreteness 5) fairness 6) integrity 7) loyalty 8) openness 9)
proinise fulfilment, and 10) receptivity. He also developed an eleventh scale
'overall trust', which tests the relationships between the conditions and overall
trust in an individual. Butler's scales will be adapted for this study on the basis of
the inputs of focus groups. Basic demographic and behavioural variables will also
be recorded and analysed. The research will focus on two dining clubs, which
offer a similar product in a selection of known restaurants. The dining clubs will
be positioned as offering a discount to the normal prices charged by the sample of
restaurants. The mean discount will be pitched at 10% below normal prices.
However, the dining clubs will differ in their variation of prices around this mean.
The sample of consumers will be contacted as follows:
Dining Club A: weekly newsletter by e-mail reminding customers of restaurants.
The same discounted prices will be offered at all times.
Dining Club B: weekly newsletter by e-mail giving special offers for the sample
of restaurants. Some deep discounts will be offered. At other times the price will
be higher than what would have been obtainable by dealing directly with the
Dining Club C: as dining club A, but communication was by printed flyer
Dining club D: as dining club B, but communication was by printed flyer.
Each dining club will be given a distinctive name to improve memorability. Six
iterations will follow over a period of 6 weeks. Respondents will have personal
knowledge of the restaurants involved. The limitations of this approach are
recognised. The research cannot develop trust on the basis of tangible property
qualities since there were no actual interaction with the service on which trust
could be based. However, the research design will allow trust to focus on
messages and how these are manipulated. By assumption, all of the dining clubs
will be equal in their ability to deliver what is promised.
Anderson E., Lodish L.M. & Weitz B.A., Resource Allocation Behaviour in Conventional
Channels, Journal of Marketing Research, 24 (February), 1987, pp 85-97.
Butler J.K., Toward Understanding and Measuring Conditions of Trust: Evolution of a
Conditions of Trust Inventojy, Journal of Management, 17 (3), 1991, pp 643-663
Crosby L.A., Evans K.R., & Cowles D., Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An
Interpersonal Influence Perspective, Journal of Marketing, 54 (July), 1990, pp.68-81
Donaghy K. McMahon U & McDowell, D., Yield Management: An Overview, International
Journal of Hospitality Management, 14 (2), 1995, pp 139-150
Donaghy K., McMahon-Beattie U., Yeoman,!. & Ingold A., The Realism of Yield
Management, Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 4, 1998, pp 187-195
Dwyer F. Robert, Paul H. Schurr & Sejo Oh, Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships,
Journal of Marketing, 51 (April), 1987, pp 11-27.
Fisk R.P., S.W. Brown & M.J. Bitner, Tracking the Evolution of the Services Marketing
Literature, Journal of Retailing, 69 (1), 1993, pp 61-103
Ganesan & Shankar (), Determinants of Long-Term Orientation in Buyer-Seller
Relationships, Journal of Marketing, 58 (April), 1994, pp 1-19.
Granovetter M., Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Emdeddedness,
American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 91, 1985, pp. 481-510
Grayson, Kent and Tim Ambler, The dark side of long-term relationships in marketing
services. Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (1 ), 1999, p 132
Gummesson E., Implementation Requires a Relationship Marketing Paradigm, Academy of
Marketing Science, 26(3), 1998, pp. 242-249
Kahneman D., Knetsch J. & Thaler R., Fairness as a Constraint on Profit Seeking:
Entitlements in the Market, The American Economic Review, 76 (September), 1986, pp
Kalapurakal R., Dickson P. & Urbany. J., Perceived Price Fairness and Dual Entitlement,
1991, pp. 788-793 in Rebecca Holman and Michael Solomon (eds.), Advances in
Consumer Research, 18. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research
Kimes S., Yield Management: An Overview, in Yeoman, I and Ingold, A. (Eds) Yield
Management, Strategies for the Service Industries, London, Cassell, 1997, pp 3-11.
Kimes S, A Strategic approach to Yield Management, in Ingold, A., McMahon-Beattie, U.,
and Yeoman, I. (Eds) Yield Management, Strategies for the Service Industries, 2"^
edition, London, Continuum, Forthcoming, 2000.
Kotler P., Makens J. & Bowens J., Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, New Jersey:
Prentice-Hall, 1996.
Lichtenstein D., Burton S. &. O'Hara. B.S., Marketplace Attributions and Consumer
Evaluations of Discount Claims, Psychology and Marketing, 6 (Fall), 1989, pp. 163180.
1 Introduction
This paper focuses on the control activities entailed within a Yield Management
(YM) system for the hospitality business. The teclmical literature on this issue is
rather rare despite the fact that this topic is very critical in the evaluation of the
business effectiveness of the whole YM process.
Our intention in this inti*oduction is to define the meanings of "YM system" and of
"control" to avoid possible misunderstandings. Our framework is based on the
following assumptions:
1. We agree with the YM system definition contained in EC report (European
Commission, 1997). Precisely, we think that an authentic YM system
conresponds to those classified as "very high" in the report cited above.
2. The generic conceptual framework of a YM system is organised into five main
function components: market segmentation, pricing, forecasting, inventory
management and reservation.
3. The general criterion for managing the YM system is the concept of bid-price.
4. The control regards a single-unit firm. We have not considered the case of
multiple-unit firms such as hotel chains, consortia, et cetera.
5. The control illustrated considers neither organisational nor marketing aspects
and is limited to investigating the effectiveness of the demand forecasting
In this paper our intention is to organise the many suggestions that have emerged
from studies and common practice in regard to the control issues of YMS into a
systematic framework.
In a YM oriented approach, systematic control is fundamental for (Educational
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1990; Orkin E. B., 1988):
1. judging the effectiveness of forecasts;
2. measuring the adequacy of YM systems and procedures;
3. monitoring denials/regrets and confirmations for measuring the economic
It is also important for assessing the performance of individuals and departments
in their efforts to achieve yield objectives ^ (for example, it may be important to
measure daily average revenue associated with a particular booking agent, in
relation to daily revenue potentially obtainable by the agent; and for observing the
impact of YM oriented strategies and tactics, leading to optimisation of their
application (Orkin, 1988).
The paper is organised into a section describing the general control architecture
and, after some general considerations about forecasting and room inventory
conti'ol, in four subsequent sections that treat specific issues regarding the phases
in which the control process can be articulated. A final section summarises the
topics discussed.
From this control phase, information reports are periodically and regularly issued.
They contain records of the actual values of different parameters regarding
reservation and sales patterns.
The second key component of the control process is a checking system that
compares the data tracked with parameters set by the yield manager. The output of
this comparison are two types of reports: warning reports and fatal reports, the
former evidence slight anomalies while the latter report critical situations for the
YMS. We called this activity of notification "signalling". These reports feed
control activity in the strict sense. Tracking, checking and signalling can be
performed by software while the yield analyst performs the control.
Figure 1: This figure illustrates the overall control process.
the first one can be seen as an ex ante problem regarding the measures a model
must adopt for a high level of accuracy. The second one can be seen as an ex post
problem and regards the evaluation of forecast accuracy by comparing the forecast
values with the actual values, that is, the real forecasting control process.
With regard to the ex ante issue, there are several factors, which can determine the
accuracy of the forecasts (Cross, 1997; Curry, 1994; Granger, 1989):
the forecasts must be carried out for different customer segments as booking
patterns, perception of the product and willingness to pay vary from segment
to segment;
the data set used for the forecast model must be the largest and most accurate
possible: if the input data used as explanatory variables are inaccurate then the
forecast will be inaccurate too and generally more data means more accurate
When full price demand is denied for at least one discount customer, it is spill.
(Wheatherford, 1991).
See on this argument (Bastiani, 1999).
arrival date;
day of week;
A good illustration of Optims software reports is in (Pizzolante, 1999).
rooms available;
actual level of acceptable reservations for each rate class (if nesting stmcture is
rate percentage (found dividing actual average daily revenue by the rack rate);
group net revenue (that is, actual group revenues minus displaced revenues);
yield percentage, obtained dividing revenue realised for the specified day by
potential revenue for that day;
aiTival date;
day of week;
The selection of an appropriate eiTor measure is, however, an important task since
the eiTor measure should reflect the estimated damage caused by the forecast
error, i.e. the cost of error (Schwartz, 1999). For example, the squared error
measures assume that as the forecast error increases, the resulting damage to the
hotel increases exponentially. This is not the case of ratio (percentage) based error
^ A list of the most common measures of accuracy with a detailed report of their use in
the literature and the justifications adduced to their choice is given in (Witt and Witt,
measures which are less affected by extreme eiTors and, being independent of
scale, are good relative measures when comparing different techniques.
Unfortunately there is little empirical evidence of the actual cost of error functions
in the hotel industry. It has been said that the cost of an over-forecast error can be
approximated by the hotel production cost function which is more often linear
than exponential, while the cost of an under-forecast eiTor is more difficult to
generalise (Schwartz, 1999).
On the contrary, studies conducted in the airline sector (CuiTy, 1994) reveal that
over-forecasting is more harmful than under-forecasting because it has a greater
impact on revenue. The same considerations made for this sector seem applicable
to hotels as over-forecasting could save too many rooms and the hotel is more
likely to remain with some empty rooms, thus losing the entire amount of the rate,
while under-forecasting leads to a full hotel but with too many discount clients
(not enough rooms saved for the late-booking, high value client). The loss in this
situation is the difference between full and discounted rates.
As we have seen it is quite probable that the cost of the forecast error is
asymmetrical; that is, the cost of an over-forecast error might be larger (or
smaller) than the cost of an under-forecast error. This asymmetry should be
properly addressed by the error measure and (Schwartz, 1999) suggests a cost of
error function when over-forecast and under-forecast costs are different.
As we have seen, since the actual cost of error is not known for a certainty, it is
not possible to indicate a single error measure that is likely to be more appropriate.
In practice, because there is no evidence of a quadratic loss function, preference in
many cases goes to MAD and MAPE, also because they facilitate comparison
between different forecasting models. This is not a secondary reason as there are
many methods applicable for forecasting hotel reservations and often the choice of
the most appropriate model can be difficult.
cumulative forecast errors by the moving MADs. Tracking signal values generally
near zero show a good performance of the forecast model in time, while values far
from zero, positive or negative, are signals of poor forecast accuracy deriving
from forecasts lower (under-forecast) or higher (over-forecast) than the actual
The graph of the tracking signal values over time (i.e. days) offers the best way to
analyse the trend of the forecast error as time goes by. As long as the analysis of
the graph reveals a tracking signal trend within an acceptable range, forecasts can
be considered under control and therefore accurate.
Naturally these range values cannot be defined universally but vary according to
specific characteristics of the hotel (Bolt, 1988). A hotel that registers high
demand fluctuations from period to period must expect a higher error margin and
therefore define a higher tolerance range compared to a hotel that operates in a
more stable environment. However an empirical rule has been defined (Kimes,
1998) which indicates that a range lower than 3a can be considered acceptable.
If the ti'acking signal values escape the range of values considered acceptable and
if this situation goes on, it is necessary to make some adjustments to the forecast
In fact, the control process should not be restricted to an evaluation of the forecast
performance compared to actual values, but should help in identifying the reasons
for high deviations between forecasted and actual values and consequently point
out possible remedies (Bolt, 1988). For example, high tracking signal values,
consistently positive or negative, might result from new demand trends: a resort
has become a less popular destination or, on the conti'ary, it attracts more tourists
as a result of some event (for example the opening of a new congress centre in the
area). In such cases the forecast analyst must consider these new factors,
reassessing, i.e. increasing or reducing, the forecasts. Only one or few anomalous
values of the tracking signal (very high or low) can instead result from isolated
factors, which perhaps are not going to happen again (for example a major sport or
cultural event). In this case the anomalous registered value must be realigned
because it can invahdate future forecasts (Granger, 1989).
When there are no evident explanations for large differences between forecasted
and actual values, the adopted forecasting technique may no longer be adequate
and it could be necessary to evaluate alternative forecasting methods.
Bastiani S., La clientela organizzata in albergo: analisi e gestione nell'ambito di uno Yield
Management System, tesi di laurea, Economia del Turismo, Universita di Perugia, 1999.
Pizzolante G., Le Meridien & Forte - Una catena che applica uno yield management
system, tesi di diploma, Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici, Universita di Perugia,
Bolt G.J., Market and Sales Forecasting, Franklin Watts, New York, 1988.
Cross R.G., Revenue management: hard-core tactics for market domination, Brodway
Books, New York, 1997.
Curry R.E., Forecasting For Revenue Management, Scorecard - Technical brief. Third
Quarter, 1994.
Desinano P., Minuti M.S., Schiaffella E. & Sfodera F., Issues regarding yield management
application in the hospitality industry. New directions for research. Proceedings of the
4^*^ Annual International Yield Management Conference, Colchester (UK), 1999.
Berretta M., Desinano P., Minuti M. S., Schiaffella E. & Sfodera F., Yield Management Uno strumento innovativo per la gestione dei ricavi nelle imprese turistiche, Economia
& Management, n. 2, Marzo, 2000, p. 73-90.
Donaghy K., McMahon Beattie U. & McDowell D., Implementing yield management:
lessons from the hotel sector. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management, 9/2, 1997, p. 50-54.
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Management per le piccole e medie imprese ricettive, software ipertestuale per le Unita
Formative Capitalizzabili '98-'99, 1998.
Daudel S. & Vialle G., Le yield management, InterEditions, Paris, 1989.
Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, Yield Management Video Program Companion Materials, Michigan, 1990.
European Commission, Yield Management in small and medium-sized enterprises in the
tourism industry - General report, Luxembourg, 1997.
Granger C.W.J., Forecasting in Business and Economics, Academic Press, San Diego
(CA), 1989.
Kimes S.E., The basic of Yield Management, The Cornell H.R.A. Quarterly, November,
Vol.30. No.3, 1989, p. 14-19.
Kimes S.E., Seminar in Yield management, CST, Assisi, May 18-20, 1998.
Orkin E.B., Boosting Your Bottom Line with Yield Management, The Cornell H.R.A.
quarterly, February, 1988,.p 52-56
Orkin E.B., Forecasting: Cristall Ball or CRT? The Bottomline, June-July, 1989, p. 2029.Schwartz Z., Monitoring the accuracy of multiple occupancy forecasts, FIU
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Schwartz Z. & Hiemstra S., Improving the Accuracy of Hotel Reservation Forecasting:
Curve Similarity Approach, Journal of Travel Research, Summer, 1997, p. 3-14.
Talluri K. & Van Ryzin G., An analysis of bid price controls for network revenue
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Wheatherford L. R., Perishable Asset Revenue Management in General Business
Situations, Ph.D. Dissertation, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration,
University of Virginia, 1991.
Witt S.F. & Witt C.A., Modeling and Forecasting Demand in Tourism, Academic Press,
London, 1992.
Yeoman I. & Ingold A., Yield Management. Strategies for the Service Industries, Cassell,
London, 1997.
Part II
Yield management: new applications
Visitor attractions form an integral part of the total tourism product for both the
domestic and incoming visitors to a region. Attractions cover a broad spectrum of
activities based upon the natural or man-made environment ranging from heritage
sites thi'ough to purpose built centres usually devoted to leisure and recreational
activities (Getz, 1993; Swarbrooke, 1999; Hall and Page, 1999).
The attractions sector is complex in definition and provides different levels of
engagement with the visitor when the 'encounter' takes place (Crouch, 1999).
While visitors enjoy this variety, attractions offer an intangible experience
(Yeoman and Leask, 1999) which makes visitor management and marketing
complex (Prentice et al, 1998J since seasonality and a spatial element enters into
the pricing strategy.
In the mid 1990s Norfolk was experiencing a decline in its agricultural base and
indicators suggested alternative strategies needed implementation to avoid
unemployment and social blight in the community of Swaffham. Regional funding
from the European Union enabled an imaginative proposal for the development of
a sustainable attraction to act as a growth-pole for inward investment.
The EcoTech Centre was to be an experimental showcase in design and
construction techniques with the emphasis upon environmental management and
education. As an attraction, the EcoTech Centre would need to reach a critical
mass of around 50,000 visitors per annum to be viable. The centre would be
competing against the region's existing atti*actions, the coast and an area of
wetland known as the 'Norfolk Broads'. Yield Management (YM) is widely
regarded as a technique for balancing demand and supply tlirough rigorous
management of revenue (Cross, 1998; Edgar, 1998; Fan:ell and Whelan-Ryan;
1998; Daudel and Vialle, 1994). The success of YM is dependent upon a balanced
relationship between inventory or capacity management and pricing strategies
(Kimes, 1997; Cross, 1998). To optimize revenue, YM uses mathematical
algorithms (Belobaba and Wilson, 1997) to improve profitability. Reduction in
seasonal fluctuations in demand produces greater financial stability and in the
attractions sector may assist in the conservation of sites where carrying capacities
have been reached. YM has been widely adopted by most service industries,
especially in airlines (Larsen, 1988; Ingold and Huyton, 1997), hospitality (Orkin,
1988; Donaghy et al; 1995) tour operations (Hoseason and Jolins, 1998; Laws,
1997) and in the cruise industry (Dickinson and Vladimir, 1997; Cross, 1998) and
is now widely accepted as part of strategic management.
As the implementation of YM matures across the travel and tourism industry, the
attractions sector has yet to extensively adopt YM as a management teclinique that
produces lower financial performance in comparison to other sectors. Research by
Yeoman and Leask (1999) into heritage visitor attractions indicated the highly
seasonal nature of the market necessitated in revenue management techniques
being applied to main season activities with more specialist activities being
introduced during low or out of season periods for maximization in revenue.
However, major capital projects funded by the UK's National Lottery, may have
caused distortion to the attractions sector at local, regional and national level
where sudden increases in market capacity cannot be met by corresponding
increases in visitor activity.
Over 1.2 billion has been awarded to over 180 major projects with an additional
2.8 billion being awarded through European funded grants for projects (Anon,
2000). Key projects like the Royal Armouries in Leeds, or, the Earth Centre have
failed to live up to projections not only visitor numbers, but also in revenue
management where over-estimates and losses threaten their future (McClarence,
2000). For the EcoTech Centre, its future success may not simply lie in
developing a highly imiovative attraction, but consider micro-market behaviour in
relation to the capacity of the 'ideal market' or catchment area.
The EcoTech Centre has been built on a brown-field site on the edge of
Swaffliam, a market town in the centre of Norfolk. Sited on a former derelict
firework factory, the project aimed at cleaning up a polluted site for the benefit of
the community. The original proposal envisaged an experimental building in
design and constiiiction techniques attracting 50,000 visitors pa and provides an
interactive learning centre based on environmental education. By targeting the
enliancement of leisure and tourism facilities, it was hoped to attract high inward
investment to a showcase project.
Regeneration would provide a high profile attraction in order to bolster the
regional tourism and leisure product base. An experimental building would
provide an opportunity to be innovative in not only design, but also constmction
tecliniques where fusion between designers and the construction industry could
present alternatives to current building practices where visitors and the community
would be engaged with the project.
The 'environmentally friendly' experimental building was designed to embrace
energy efficiency, ecological waste treatment and provide a centre for
environmental education with facilities in skills training for the local community.
Management and marketing of a multi-faceted project requires great
understanding of site development and management where market segment
behaviour and pricing strategies for the management of revenue are effectively
The EcoTech Centre would form part of an economic growth pole (Higgins, 1983)
where a group of 'propulsive enterprises' would produce spread effects within the
region. d'Hauteserre (1997) highHghted the positive economic impacts this
teclinique brought to the Marne Valley since the establishment of Disneyland,
The EcoTech Centre was planned by the partnership between Breckland District
Council and the EcoTech Centre Trustees to be a high profile EU funded capital
project to optimize benefits to the community. Offering an eco - based experience
would attract additional investment into the region and alter the publics'
perceptions of the attractions sector profile.
Provision of a sustainable resource was seen as critical to the project. As part of
the site development programme, a wind turbine with viewing platform was built
by Ecotricity and opened to visitors in May 1999. Instantly, this massive structure
provided a focal point and Unique Selling Point (USP) for the site since there were
no similar attractions in the UK. The decision to construct a viewing platform had
been based upon visitor experiences of a similar attraction in Europe.
The opening of the wind turbine has pushed visitor numbers up to 28,500 and
revised targets have been reduced to 32,000 which reflects current performance
more accurately.
Future plans include the development of an experimental eco-house, organic
garden and using COPIS funding, build an interactive walk-through compositor to
enliance the attractions coverage of future techniques in sustainability of
resources. As EcoTech matures as an attraction and the novelty factor diminishes
the need for revenue management will increase. The reliance upon re-designing of
interpretation and programmes of exhibitions will form only part of the revenue
management strategy where the shift towards more specialist and communitybased micro-markets will need to be addressed.
importance of a growing secondary role in providing a meeting place where the
emphasis is on hospitality or retail provision rather than a repeat visit to the core
area of the attraction whether it is an ecclesiastical site, museum, zoo or a themed
5 Yield management
As the implementation of Yield Management (YM) nears maturity as a
management tool, published research now covers airhnes (Larsen, 1988; Smith,
Leikuhler and Dan:ow, 1992; Daudel and Vialle 1994; Belobaba and Wilson,
1997; Ingold and Huyton, 1997), hotels (Orkin, 1988; Donaghy, McMahon and
McDowell, 1995, tour operations (Hoseason and Johns, 1998; Laws, 1997), cruise
and car rental operations.
These studies range from technology impact and implementation studies to
marketing, human resource management, revenue and inventory management.
Few studies have been made on built visitor attractions whether they are heritage
based or theme parks.
Built visitor atti'actions industry shares a number of common characteristics with
other travel and tourism sectors. Both heritage and puipose built visitor attraction
sites have capacity relatively constrained either tlirough the canying capacity of
the site or tlirough other factors, for example, planning permission or car parking
facilities. Demand is both seasonal and highly segmented (Cross, 1998; Wanliill,
1998; Yeoman and Leask, 1999). Supply may also be consti-ained through
seasonality or, in the case of heritage visitor atti*actions, through conservation
Subsequently, the different nature in managing organisations where they straddle
the public/ private and charity divide, requires fundamentally different strategies
for managing revenue even though they may emulate revenue techniques from the
private sector. While public sector organisations have to give greater consideration
to social cost, the use of revenue maximization techniques may have impact upon
funding through central and local government budgetary control. However, shifts
in government funding has placed greater dependence on public sector
organisations to re-evaluate revenue management and become more empowered
and independent in control, making the implementation of YM techniques even
more appropriate in their strategies for revenue management.
Kimes (1989, 1997) identifies five necessary conditions for effective YM. These
1. fixed capacity;
2. high fixed costs;
3. low variable cost;
4. time - varied demand;
5. similarity of inventory.
Kimes (1989, 1997) augments these conditions with five "necessary ingredients"
for the successfully implementation of YM:
1. market segmentation;
2. historical demand and booking patterns;
3. pricing knowledge;
4. overbooking policy;
5. information systems.
Research by Yeoman and Leask (1999) into heritage visitor attractions in
Scotland, indicated that visitor attractions match to a greater or lesser extent the
core necessary conditions and ingredients in order to implement revenue
maximizing techniques. Unlike the accommodation sector visitor attractions are
dedicated more specifically to a particular tourist market (Bull, 1995).
Clearly, this indicates a more customized approach to implementation where
careful consideration to the site and local conditions must be made. Cross (1998)
suggested where markets are mature, over-supplied and showing signs of
congestion, organisations need to re-focus on micro-markets for the benefits of
effective revenue management to take place and it is here that visitor attractions
now need to concenti'ate.
Schwartz (1998) suggests that the perishability of the product and the customer's
willingness to pay are in fact the key elements in YM. The necessary conditions
and ingredients identified by Kimes and Cross are often overstated and may be
conti'ibuting factors and embody misconceptions and misunderstandings of price
demand elasticity and consumer behaviour.
Substantial research by numerous authors (notably Lieberman, 1993; Farrell and
Whelan-Ryan, 1998; Edgar, 1998) indicates that different sectors of the travel and
tourism industry apply YM tecliniques differently (Smith et al, 1992). Both Orkin
(1988) and Lieberman (1993) recognised YM can be effectively implemented
without sophisticated computer or management systems.
The Millennium Commission has reported a 4 billion-programme covering over
180 capital projects to celebrate the millennium. In the visitor attractions market,
impact studies tended to focus on individual projects at the time of funding bids
being made rather than a more holistic approach.
While these projects have upgraded and enabled greater diversity in choice, this
type of product development may impact upon pricing strategies (Middleton,
1996; Edgar, 1997; Poon, 1993) in order for new sites to reach critical mass in
visitor numbers. Established visitor attractions may have to alter pricing strategies
to counter any destabilization and lowering of yield.
Capacity management should therefore be given far higher visibility and inclusion
in revenue management processes than Schwartz (1998) credits.
6 Data gathering
The methodology incorporated extensive literature searches within the field of
YM. As the implementation and research into YM matures the experience and
widening of studies enables researchers to draw upon a more extensive pool of
knowledge for evaluation.
The research methodology for this investigation reviewed major annual surveys by
the English Tourism Council (ETC) and the East of England Tourist Board
(EETB) together with other trade publications in order to obtain contemporary
In order to obtain empirical data, a semi-structured interview took place with
Anne Bloomfield, manager of the EcoTech Centre in order to obtain qualitative
data. Questions were designed to reveal not only historic experience of visitor and
revenue management, but also to evaluate future development plans in relation to
site capacity and segmentation processes.
In addition, responses were being evaluated in relation to the results of two
surveys that had recently been undertaken. One survey had been carried out on
behalf of the EcoTech Centre and the other on behalf of the members of the
Norfolk Tourist Attractions Association (NTAA). Generally, the questionnaires
were designed to look at visitor perceptions of the attractions and included
standard questions to establish visitor profiles.
The semi-structured interview was designed to cover questions based upon
Cross's (1997) core concepts of revenue management in order to establish the
EcoTech's management experiences or strategies towards:
pricing strategies;
ti'ends in micro-markets;
Both questionnaires had been carried out over May to June 2000. The EcoTech
Centre included on-site sampHng where the focus was on usage and perceptions of
faciHties on site as well as off-site surveys in adjacent market towns that focussed
on awareness. The NTAA survey was intended to establish reasons behind poor
attendance by local visitors and to analyze spatial trends within the region by
using a number of market towns spread out over the region, but always located
near a major attraction.
for the region. Even a poor range in stock for the shop received comment. It was
anticipated that a major revenue centre would have a poor performance even
though gross profit margins are typically between 40 - 60%. There was a
reluctance to commit 20,000 towards stock too early in the 'proving' stages.
Operationally, the centre suffered from similar tourist behaviour patterns
experienced by other attractions within the area. Themed attractions and heritage
properties see falls in attendance when hot weather conditions existed and
compete head-on with the beach or zoos. The EcoTech Centre was perceived to be
an indoor attraction best suited to colder weather which has brought to the front
the need for continued site development to counteract this factor. The centre's
design incorporated a passive solar collection system. On hot days visitors and
staff found the experimental building too efficient in heat retention and this has
caused modification work to be carried out to improve temperature.
With Ecotricity's agreement to build a wind-turbine with a viewing platform, it
provided the EcoTech Centre with an additional showcase exhibit and provided a
much-needed value-added element to the visit. Due for completion in May 1999,
delays in construction and granting of Health & Safety Executive approval forced
re-evaluation of visitor targets and the management of revenue as the turbine
finally opened during the month of August.
Between April and October 28,500 visitors were atti*acted to EcoTech, a reduction
of 36% from estimates made in the feasibility study. Despite delays and coping
with a 'learning curve', the number of visitors was comparable to other visitor
centi*es within Norfolk.
For 2000, pricing strategies (see Appendix 1) were altered and the principles of
revenue management (Cross, 1997) were applied even though they were not
directly recognised as such. The wind turbine was priced separately with main
entrance prices significantly reduced in order to focus on revenue generation from
family or single adults with children. Research indicated the over 55's with
grandchildren too formed a significant segment of visitors. Their usage of the site
would differ from other visitors and the pricing strategy ensured this group's were
being met. With a full programme of activities and exhibitions planned for the
year, the wind-turbine now provided the USP.
New marketing and pricing strategies could now provide a more dynamic
management plan with the shift in focus to micro market segments. With a
broadened base, the attraction could now effectively use pricing strategies based
upon clear segmentation processes to allow sufficient price discrimination to
improve revenue.
A bold decision was made to close the centre on Saturdays
period. Market day in Swaffham and 'change-over day' for
homes and boats on the Norfolk Broads produced very low
conjunction with new pricing sti'ategies, a more defined
towards a more formalized programme of educational visits for staff and school
children was put together with a target of 6,000 visitors.
The impact of the new strategy saw a significant shift in relationships within
revenue centres. Figure 2 shows there is a clear indication that the new pricing
sti'ategy saw a significant improvement to secondary spend which almost doubled
the on-site spend. By implementing micro marketing and pricing strategies, the
enlianced on-site spend will begin to compensate for lower visitor numbers
tlirough improvement in visitor spend and value.
Consideration must be given to a number of consti*aints that impact upon the
EcoTech Centre and similar attractions in Norfolk. Empirical evidence suggests a
number of factors need to be included within the revenue management system.
These being:
1. Timing/ planning visits.
2. The size of the ideal market and its capacity.
3. Seasonality.
Day-trippers do not pre-plan trips in the same way as other tourists use cognitive
decision making models (Chen, 1997). The research from different locations
indicated that between 20-30% decided to visit an attraction on the 'spur of the
moment' and between 16% and 35% on the day of visit. Between 15% and 21%
would make a decision two days prior to the visit and between 8% and 25% would
plan a visit up to a week before.
Less than 23% would make any trip plans more than a week ahead. While weather
is a significant element in the planning process, responses across all segments
indicated the decision making process was subject to an emotional response within
the decision group. No amount of advertising or promotions can fully exploit
variance and change influences within these groups.
The second constraint is the concept of the 'ideal market' and tlii*eshold population
sizes needed to support services (Christaller, 1966). Norfolk has a population of
772,000 and a density of 144 people per sq. Km where 80% of land use is
agricultui'e. In economic location modelling there is insufficient local population
to support any of the major attractions within the county and therefore relies
heavily upon the 3.2 million visitors to compensate and enable attractions reach
tlii^eshold figures. While many major Lottery projects have been located within
major urban areas within the UK, any expansion in capacity or shortfall in visitor
numbers leaves all attractions exposed. Clearly, the future development plans for
the EcoTech Centre will broaden its base as an atti-action, but as the capacity
increases within the visitor attractions market, the exposure to lower performance
or constrained opportunity for revenue management, still remains. Empirical
evidence also indicates, visitor attractions may be an anomaly within gravity
models (Ullman, 1956). Gravity modelling assumes larger the function of place or
level in service, human behaviour would follow Newtonian Laws.
Research indicates that local residents under 15 miles from an attraction may not
visit an attraction due to a combination of experiential or poor perception of the
attraction or by what constitutes a 'day out'. Between 20% and 42% had not
visited an attraction adjacent to where they resided and yet between 50% - 70%
would travel over 20 miles to an atti*action. Fewer than 15% would travel less than
15 miles to an attraction and this creates a 'doughnut' effect around an atti'action.
Clearly, visitors do not see a local attraction as a 'day out' and this has major
implications in marketing and in revenue management. To regain local resident/
visitor confidence in the attraction, highly targeted marketing campaigns with
additional concessions will be needed to improve revenue performance from this
segment. Capacity management has been identified by Kimes (1989, 1998) and
Cross (1997, 1998) as an essential element in YM to be effective. Should there be
capacity increases within the region's visitor attractions, then revenue must be
expected to fall, unless the volume of visitors into the region has increased, as
tluesholds may not have been reached.
The third constraint is seasonality (Cross, 1998; Wanliill, 1998; Yeoman and
Leask, 1999). EETB figures show 34%) of visitors to Norfolk arrive in the period
July to September. An additional 26% visit between April to June. However, the
statistics do not show the peak in activity spans only a 6 - 8 week period across
July and August where operational efficiency is at its peak. Yeoman and Leask
(1999) suggested seasonality increased the need for revenue maximizing
techniques to be implemented to offset low season performance. For the EcoTech
Centi'e, educational visits and specialist activities, particularly during half term
and holidays must be given higher profile than in the past if revenue enhanced
tecliniques are to be used to improve overall performance.
terms of the changes in capacity through Lottery funded projects. One of the
greatest impacts upon Norfolk attractions in 2001 will be the re-opening of a hightech interactive display at the Castle Museum, Norwich. Competition amongst the
educational sector will be particularly sharp. As the EcoTech Centi'e matures as a
visitor attraction, the plans to build an experimental house together with the
interactive walk-through-composting exhibit will become critical to the long-term
success of the centre. The behaviour of the micro-market segments is the essence
of successful revenue management implementation. Without a continued
programme of innovative exhibitions and site development, the EcoTech Centre
will fail one of its original objectives i.e. experimentation and innovation.
Figure 1: Correlation between number visitors and shop revenue
Sales Admissions -v- Shop Revenue (%)
EcoTech Discovery Admission Prices 2000. (Centre only). Source: The EcoTech
% Change
2 Adults + 2 Children
2 Adults + 3 Children
2 Adults + 1 Child
1 Adult + 2 Children
1 Adult + 3 Children
2 Grandparents + 2 Children
2 Grandparents + 3 Children
Family Tickets
Note: Access to Wind Turbine an additional 1.90 per adult and 1.30 per child
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1 Background information
The beginning of 2000 a new tourism research centre in Denmark was founded
Centre without walls (Center uden mure} The centre is a consortium of Roskilde
University, Copenhagen, Business School (institute for management, politics and
philosophy) and the Research Centre of Bomholm. The research program that has
to take place during the next tliree years is partly founded by the Danish Social
Science Research Council. As part of this program a Ph.D. study at the Research
Centi'e of Bomliolm has been offered under the title Revenue Management in the
Restaurant Sector. The Ph.D. student will be registered in Bournemouth
University, UK, but the daily work will take place at the Research centre of
Bornliolm, Denmark.
The objectives of the Ph.D. project is (1) to extend the theory of revenue
management into the area of food and beverage operations, so as to product new
processes in pricing, menu analysis and budgeting, and (2) to work with
HORESTA (the Danish Hotels, Restaurant and Tourist Businesses Association)
and selected restaurants in Bomholm to develop applications which have
immediate practical returns to the sector.
The first part of the paper will take a closer look at what literature already exists
about revenue management and what has to be done to apply the theory to the
restaurant sector. In the second part of the paper the empirical research to be
undertaken will be briefly presented both the ideas and the expected output. It is
important to point out that the Ph. D project is still at its very beginning. Therefore
most of this paper will deal with already existing research and ideas to research in
the future.
Within the food and beverages industry revenue management is defined by Farell,
K. and Whelan-lyan, F. (1998) as "the allocation of fixed capacity to various
segmented markets in such a way as to meet customer requirements and to provide
maximum returns on available capacity by the application of discriminatory
Revenue management includes all kinds of price discrimination that can be used to
maximise the revenue when the capacity is fixed (HOREST A, 1999} The theory
was developed, coined for and refined by the airline industry following airline
deregulation in the 1970s. Today the technique is widely accepted and extensively
used tliroughout the world, mainly among large hotels (Baum, T and Mudambi,
R., 1998, p. 68) but also among large cruise liners, tour operators, and car rental
companies. As far as the author knows, and according to experts within the field
of revenue management, the theory has not yet been applied to the restaurant
Some authors (Kimes, S.E., et al, 1998; Kimes, S.E., 1999) are occupied with the
theoretical aspects of revenue management in relation to the restaurant sector,
however as van Westering, J. stated in 1994 (p 140) still seems to be true "the
theory is far in advance of the practical application of YM".
The research into food and beverages has tended to tackle singular problems rather
than taking a holistic review (van Westering, J., 1994} Historically there has been
much focus on optimising the average meal rate or the number of visitors in the
restaurant. When the focus is on the number of customers this tends to encourage
the sale of discounted meals (two courses for the price of one, two meals for the
price of the most expensive, etc.).
Even though this could be a profitable strategy it sets focus on volume rather than
value. To focus on the average check also leaves out important information. High
paying customers could be lingering over their meal and occupying the table for a
long period of time leaving other customers waiting. The objective of revenue
management in the restaurant sector is to go beyond ti'aditional thinking and make
a composite measure of average meal rate and number of visitors. The idea is to
shift from product-orientation to demand-orientation
Literature review
many small transactions during one day and has many employees who handle
cash. In both hotels and restaurants the demand pattern consists of customers who
make reservations and customers who walk in. However, the distiibution between
the two groups of customers is very different. Restaurants typically experience a
smaller proportion of advance reservations than hotels.
In restaurants opposite hotels some regular periods of the day will obviously be
busier than others. Especially during lunch and dinnertime there can be pressure
on the capacity measured by seating, kitchen capacity, menu items, and/or staff
(Kimes, S.E. et al, 1998).
When a customer enters a restaurant the tangible product is the meal but the
customer also buys an experience consisting of many components: reception, table
assignment, table location, ordering acceptance, food delivery etc. - a complex
mixture of service, atmosphere and mood. All this makes pricing for restaurants
very complex.
The hotel room is a perishable product and a parallel can be drawn to a seat in a
restaurant. A seat that goes unfilled is gone forever but it is not as simple as that.
The food can be stored for some period of time and directing the customers'
attention towards specific menus can reduce losses.
Revenue management primary focus is often regarded as maximisation of sales
revenue but can be seen as a concept of further extension in terms of the
development of an optimum business mix to maintain profitable product-market
aligmiient (Edgar, D.A., 1997). The goal of implementing revenue management in
the restaurant sector is to maximise revenue per available seat-hour (Rev P. ASH)
by manipulating price and meal duration (Kimes, SE. 1999) It has been defined as
selling the right seat to the right customer at the right price and for the right
is important to keep in mind that each restaurant is unique when it comes to
pricing. Depending of the history of the restaurant as well as the number of years
in business and the supplier arrangements, the restaurants can have very different
expenses to start off with. The costs of providing a product or service must be
incoiporated into the price charged. When it comes to pricing different items on a
menu qualitative aspects also have to be taken into consideration. At the end of the
day the restaurateur has to be able to offer a product with an acceptable gross
profit margin at an acceptable price for the customer
The restaurant's price level tells the consumers something about the product
offered: the quality. By manipulating price in combination with product quality
and promotional messages, the product can be differentiated or standardised
(Pricing and yield management, 1998, p. 3) A price is a complex phenomenon The
price has to reflect both the food costs (cost of raw material) and preparation At
the same time it can reflect the atmosphere, different kinds of entertainment,
specific service, product presentation etc. If the customers feel they achieve an
additional value they will be willing to pay more. If the product cannot satisfy the
consumers' needs and expectations, the customers are not going to return. The
essential part of pricing is meeting the restaurant's need for profit making and
combine that need with customers' need for value for money. Customer attitudes
will dictate what is acceptable (Miller, JE., 1992, p. 105}
To succeed in adapting the concepts of revenue management the individual
restaurant must have a clear understanding of the menu sales mix and the
contribution margin of each menu item. Costs include all overhead, labour, food,
and beverage cost The highest contribution margin may not come from the
highest-priced menu items (the valuable customer is not always the profitable
customer) and the waiters need to know where to focus the attention of today's
customers in the ordering process. The place to focus may very well change
during the day and the week. The essence of revenue management is not new to
the restaurant sector. Many businesses are using sub-components from the theory:
offering a specific lunch menu that costs less than the same menu in the evening,
charging different prices on weekdays compared with weekends ( depending on
the target group} offering specific menus if the customers order in advance in
connection with their booking - menus that are not available otherwise, etc. What
is new to the restaurants is the systematic approach towards pricing and menu
planning that the adoption of revenue management will result in.
6 Menu analysis
Revenue management focuses the management decision-process on the
maximisation of profits from sale of the core product: the menu item. The main
product in a restaurant is seen to be food and the menu is thus the principal means
of selling (Cattet, A. and Smith, C, 1994). The customers have to rely totally on
the menu for all communications about the products, as they cannot examine the
products beforehand. The choice of menu item (the intangible item) has to be
based on the tangible clues that surround it. Customers can reduce the risk of
miss-purchase by examining the clues given on the restaurant's food and the
services before entering the place. If the menu is well made it will lead customers
to buy the items with the highest gross profit margin - the dishes the restaurant
wishes to sell.
The social and demographic profile of a restaurant's customers must have a major
impact on the menu. Different food products, cooking styles and ingredients are
continuing to appear and influence the menu content and have to be directed
towards the target group of customers. The menu is the ultimate profit centre of
the restaurant and must always be the focal point. How well the customer can see,
read and understand the menu item description will affect how well the dish will
sell. Restaurants have to structure their menu formats around the needs of their
customers as well as the limitations of the kitchen (Cattet, A and Smith, C , 1994).
The menu functions as the communication tool between the restaurateur and the
agree to participate, a selection process has to take place. This process has not yet
been decided but the idea is to choose different types of service restaurants.
Thereby the results can be widened and made usable and useful to more
restaurants. Both quantitative numbers (accounts) and qualitative statements
(personal interviews) will be used to go further into the procedure of pricing and
menu plaiming in the restaurants.
In mathematical modelling terms, the iterative process of pricing and budgeting, is
one of solving a set of simultaneous equations subject to certain constraints, both
qualitative, in terms of providing a cuisine that is consistent with the meal
experience that is being offered, and quantitative, in terms of the pattern and
volume of demand. It should be possible to model these processes so as to provide
a mathematical tool to assist in setting menu prices and sales volumes that are
consistent with overall food and beverage budget targets. Such a tool will be
developed as software and made available to restaurant operations. The data from
the restaurants will be used in the construction phase and testing of the model.
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Donaghy K., McMahon-Beattie U., Yeoman I. & Ingold A., The Realism of Yield
Management, Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1998, pp.
Edgar D.A., Economic Aspects, in Yield Management Strategies for the Service Industries,
ed. Yeoman, I. and Ingold, A., Cassell, London, 1997, pp. 12 - 28.
European Commission, Yield Management in small and medium-sized enterprises in the
tourism industry, Executive summary, Directorate-General XXII, 1997.
Farrell K. & Whelan-Ryan F., Yield Management - a Model for Implementing, Progress in
Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1998, pp. 267 - 277.
Hanks R.D., Cross R.G. & Noland R.P., Discounting in the Hotel Industry. A New
Approach, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 1,
1992, pp. 15-23.
Hiemstra S.J., Economic Pricing Strategies for Hotels, in Economic and Management
Methods for Tourism and Hospitality Research, ed. Baum, T. and Mudambi, R., Wiley,
England, 1998, pp. 215 - 231.
Horesta, Notes from Yield Management course, 19th-20th of April and 3rd-4th May 1999,
in Danish, 1999
Kimes S.E., Yield Management: An Overview, in Yield Management Strategies for the
Service Industries, ed. by Coman, I. and Ingold, A., Cassell, London, 1997, pp. 3 - 11.
To the restaurants
[ name and contact person ]
My name is Charlotte Rassing. I am employed as a Ph.D. researcher at the
Research Centre of Bomholm. During the next tliree years I will be working on a
project about pricing and menu planning in the restaurant sector. The idea is to
establish a program that can assist the restaurants when it comes to pricing and
menu planning and thereby help to remarkably increase the earnings of the
The theory I am working with is called Revenue Management. One of the basic
elements in the theory is price differentiation, which is used by most of the
restaurants already. Many restaurants offer specific lunch courses at favourable
prices, packaged meals (soup-roast-ice cream) at special prices, etc.
The restaurants have for a long period of time been focusing on increasing the
number of customers or average rate per meal The intention of Revenue
Management is to a larger degree to focus on earnings.
My project is still in the first phase. Therefore I need your help to identify the
restaurant sectors present pricing methods. In connection to that I very much hope
that your are able to spare five minutes to fill in the enclosed questionnaire and
possibly give your permission for further co-operation The idea with the further
co-operation is to work with your specific restaurant and how your revenue can be
increased. The granting will of course be free of charge
All data will be treated with confidentiality.
Thank you very much for your help.
Yours faithfully
Charlotte Rassing
Please enclose a copy of your menu.
When you price an item on your menu, which of the following factors do you take
into consideration?
Contents: 1 The food service sector in Italy. 1.1 The food service supply and
demand in Italy: a reference summary. 1.1.1 Sector data: the food service supply.
1.1.2 The food service demand. 2 Revenue management and food service
businesses. 2.1 Applicability of revenue management. 2.1.1 Overview. 2.1.2
Applicability requirements and food service businesses. 2.2 Revenue management
and Italian food service businesses: application difficulties. 2.2.1 Structural limits.
2.2.2 Managerial limitations.
Absolute value
To this type of food service, so-called commercial, one must add industrial food
service, composed of collective, military, scholastic, hospital, religious and
community food service, which is characterised , in line with the rest of Europe,
by a polarisation among a few large companies and a myriad of minor operators'^.
As has been mentioned before, the Italian food service business is on the average
small scale, with about 79 seats in interior spaces and, where available, 50 seats
outside ^. Only 34,5% of all structures have a personal computer; 26,2% of these
are connected to Internet and 16,7% use this connection for business purposes^.
1.1.2 The food service demand
As far as the demand is concerned, in the last decade, food consumption outside of
Maria Del Duca, Integrazione produttiva e specializzazione di mercato: miove
tecnologie e processi interni di lavoro nel comparto ristorativi (Production integration
and market specialisation: new technology and internal work processes for the food
service sector), in Stefano Poeta (ed.), L'analisi deifabbisognifonnativi eprofessionali
del settore turismo (Analysis of the professional training needs of the tourism industry),
FrancoAngeli s.r.l. Milan, Italy, 2000.
Elaborazioni FIFE, Convention Mixer, Montecarlo 27 September 2002 (
With a world food service value estimated at 1.300 billion euros, the European area is
worth about 22%, or 280 billion euros. In the context of the European turnover, the top
ten companies, with Autogrill, - the only Italian group - ranking tenth, register sales
amounting to 33,8 billion euros, that is 12% of organised European food service.
Autogrill, the leading Italian company, registered 1,1 billion euros in sales in the
European market. It is interesting to observe that, in almost all sectors, the market
leader is British (with Compact Group for catering, Scottish and Newcastle for
cafeterias, etc.). These observations have been drawn from the trade magazine
Ristorazione collettiva, April 2003
Elaborazioni FIFE, Convention Mixer, Montecarlo 27 September 2002 (
Elaborazioni FIFE, idem
the home, in Italy, has been in continual expansion: in 1992, 25,7% of food
spending regarded food consumed outside the home, compared to 31,2% in 2002
the role of the evening meal is growing in an identical way: compared to a destructured lunch consumed outside the home (both for economic reasons and
because of the pace of work), the evening meal becomes the complete meal;
the classical combination of the Italian meal is changing (first course, second
course, vegetable, dessert) with the development of the buffet-style food
service offer;
less elaborate and more digestible foods and cooking methods are preferred;
In this context, although traditional Italian food service is still prevalent, the
cun'ent and future trend is that of heading towards new, different and innovative
(demand)^. There have been, and still are, numerous attempts, not always
successful, to apply at least the principles at the basis of revenue management
systems to small and medium size hospitality businesses: in the European market,
the prevalence of the SMEs obstructs the spread of such systems both for
objective reasons (size barriers) and for reasons tied to the entrepreneurial culture
(managerial baniers) ^^.
Despite this, studies and research progress at a rapid pace: in the last five-year
period, besides developments in the "traditional" themes such as, for example,
forecasting models and models for managing the capacity to supply a service,
researchers have gone in depth into the application of systems of revenue
management in food service businesses, thanks to the contributions of the
American school^ \ which has stimulated studies and research applied to a sector
considered, in the past, "uninteresting" and lacking organisational models and
models of advanced management processes.
2.1.2 Applicability requirements and food service businesses
Food service businesses have all the requirements for the application of revenue
management systems:
/. Fixed supply capacity
Since the objective of revenue management is the efficient allocation of
capacity, the systems cannot be applied where capacity is able to adjust rapidly
to the demand, using the example of stock. When the supply capacity is
variable, and not very expensive, it is possible to increase or decrease it to
meet the variations in the demand. The rigidity of production capacity
represents a critical factor for a business, not only in managing the high points
of variable demand, but also the moments of low demand, especially where
general fixed costs have considerable impact.
2. Perishable products and/or services with the passage of time
Food service is perishable with the passage of time: an empty table generates a
loss of revenue which can never be recuperated.
The closer one gets to the moment of the presumed sale, the less value an
unsold table has: once the variable cost is covered, any revenue is better than
none. The cmcial point of revenue management is to avoid selling at reduced
prices, when it is possible to sell at higher prices; in the same way, a service
must not remain unsold because of prices that are too high for the clientele that
requests it.
3. Variable demand
Restaurateurs undergo demand oscillations on various levels: seasonal
variations are affected by the habits and consumption behaviours of the
demand; weekly variations are created by different types of demand that use
the service; daily variations depend on any events and manifestations located
near the structure. Revenue management attempts to ''flatten" the demand
peaks, by manoeuvring prices and the strategic alternatives of marketing.
4. Demand which can be segmented
The demand must be able to be segmented in a clear and precise manner, so
that it is possible to develop a differentiated pricing strategy, in order to
separate clients willing, and able, to pay higher prices, from those who will
change their habits to obtain lower prices. It is important that the segments,
and therefore the prices, be completely independent, in order to avoid a
dilution of prices caused by the passage of clients from one segment to
5. Stochastic demand
Revenue management deals with dynamic variables and uncertain variables:
there is uncertainty about the number of reservations requested by each market
segment and about the reservation dates; the dynamism is inlierent in the fact
that there is an evolution of the reservations over time, decreasing or
increasing, according to the type of clients, and in function of this the
allocations of tables left are reviewed daily.
6. Product that can be sold in advance
Food service can be sold in advance and, other important factor, market
segments demonstrated different behaviour characteristics in making
7. Price-sensitive demand
Market segments, according to revenue management logic, must have a
different price sensitivity; in other words, one must be able to influence the
demand with pricing manoeuvres which, from time to time, the system sets
moving to meet market conditions.
8. Low marginal sales costs and high fixed production costs
If there is availability, the sale of a supplementary table entails sustaining low
costs, mostly tied to variable costs. Inversely, if there is no availability, there
are high production costs which impede the satisfaction of a supplementary
service request, because of the fixed capacity, at least in the short term, of the
food service business.
of the process consumes data and produces information. The availability of
detailed data on the demand, addressing the company in digital format, that is,
such to permit its computerised elaboration is an essential requirement in
implementing a yield management system. The companies which adopted
information systems earliest are those which potentially can realistically
implement an authentic yield management system ..." *^ It is totally evident that
without adequate computerisation the gathering and elaboration of data is not
possible for:
demand segmentation
demand forecasting
During the four years since the Assisi Conference on Yield and Revenue
Management (Y&RM) many events have changed the vision and perceptions on
this topic. The crisis of the web economy, well analysed by Porter (2001), is only
one of the events that have characterised this period (I do not want to discuss the
September 11 tragedy and its heavy consequences for the tourist industry).
The aim of this brief paper is to point out some emerging issues that pose new
challenges to Y&RM theory and practice.
A first important issue is the growing consolidation of the scientific debate on the
topic. Two fundamental tools have been very useful in that structuring. The first is
the publication of the "Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management" starting in
the Spring of 2002. The second important event is the new edition of Ingold and
Yeoman's seminal book with McMahon as co-editor (Ingold, McMahon-Beattie
and Yeoman, 2000). It is very important that the Y&RM scholar and practitioner
community have access to specific tools to better perform their work.
On the side of new challenges there are, among others, at least two interesting and
problematical topics related to Y&RM: the adoption of e-CRM systems and a
demand driven supply approach.
In this paper a paragraph is dedicated to each of the issues cited. A final paragraph
draws some brief conclusions.
In the last three decades the Y&RM community has been part of the larger OR
(Operations Research) community. Most important papers were published in
journals such as Interfaces, Management Science and so on. These journals deal
with sti'ictly teclinical topics but Y&RM is a complex topic that cannot be reduced
to mathematical programming or statistics. In fact, a Y&RM system
implementation implies consequences at various organisational levels from human
resources (i.e. personnel training) to marketing management (i.e. price and fare
fairness and/or customer loyalty) and so on. Up to now this broader approach
found expression in special interest groups related to specific sectors (i.e.
AGIFORS of lATA and similar).
In this context the "Journal of Revenue and Pricing Managemenf fills a gap.
Hemy Stewart Publications in London began publishing the Journal in the Spring
of 2002. The journal's organisation, using tliree regional editors, offers a large
geographical coverage. Furthermore the special space dedicated to practical papers
permits a interesting comparison with real business experience and non academic
authors. This innovative format allows a fmitful deployment of Y&RM studies,
approaches and techniques.
In 1987 Yeoman and Ingold edited an important book on Y&RM that covered the
most important related topics. The book received wide acceptance and tluee years
later the two editors, with the important addition of Una McMahon, published the
second edition of the work. The new book contains twenty-one papers as opposed
to the fourteen papers of the first edition. Also the authors increased from twenty
to twenty-nine and the pages from 248 to 346. These figures reveal that RM
philosophy is extending its influence towards new and wider horizons. In
particular the application domain has been extended to include cruise, restaurant
and football businesses.
Relationship marketing is the basis for developing durable and attractive relations
with one's own customers. In (McCaskey, 1998) and (Noone and Griffin, 1998) a
possible conflict was pointed out between Y&RM and the relationship marketing
approach. This question was also mentioned in (Desinano et al., 1999). The issue
is important because it affects two technical aspects where revenues can be
maximised: the time horizon (how many nights?) and inventory capacity (how
many rooms?).
A new issue called "customer relationship management" (CRM) can be added to
these aspects. Since the 1990's CRM has become a central theme in management
studies and practices. The CRM approach requires a more complex evaluation of
the customer's value and makes feasibility studies on Y&RM adoption more
difficult. Will CRM cause the death of classical Y&RM, or is it the next
evolutionary step of Y&RM?
Furthermore an important organisational issue emerges: can an organisation
trained for YM sustain a CRM policy? Is the Y&RM-oriented business culture
compatible with a CRM-oriented one?
If one-to-one marketing kills segmentation (Rayport and Jaworsky, 2001) one of
the classical foundations of Y&RM disappears. These questions may seem
extreme, nevertheless this is a time of profound changes. Our theory must be
corroborated and well founded.
the supply is activated and controlled "on demand", i.e. upon the customers'
In effect "zero inventory" is equivalent to the "fixed capacity" assumption of
Y&RM. But that is not the only assumption that new manufacturing organisations
share with the Y&RM approach. With the end of mass production (Pine, 1993)
manufacturing firms are also compelled to tackle a highly segmented and time
varied demand to the limit of 1:1 relations (Peppers and Rogers, 1990). In this
situation the ability to perform reliable forecasting of customer behaviour becomes
a key competency of the firm. To be able to analyse historical demand and
recognise patterns has become a fundamental skill for the leading enteiprises of
many industries not just service ones. Y&RM techniques can extend their
application domain beyond traditional boundaries (Secomandi et al., 2002).
These brief considerations show that new trends are emerging which can
profoundly modify deep-rooted ways of buying, producing, selling and
distributing. The traditional theories must also be reviewed and reformulated.
The pioneer period of yield management developed from the 1970s to 1990s. I call
this period YM 1.0. In this period Yield management grew from its first empirical
and practical applications to more recent and sophisticated techniques to finally
become a systematic and rigorous discipline in management studies. A specific
segment of software systems was developed and many tools are available for the
companies that intend to embrace this approach. The Y&RM scholar and
practitioner community is well established and equipped with its own specific
tools such as journals, books, courses, conferences etc.
Recent business developments delineate new scenarios, at first glance not
completely compatible with classic Y&RM assumpfions. While the e-CRM
approach would suggest a new look at the concept of "fairness" (Kimes, 1994).
"Demand driven production" in manufacturing seeks to extend the traditional
domain of Y&RM applications. Perhaps we need a YM 2.0 version that extends
beyond traditional appHcation domains. The Y&RM practitioner and scholar
community is asked to take up the challenge toward new and exciting applications
in ever changing business scenarios.
Desinano P., M.S. Minuti, E. Schiaffella, F. Sfodera, Issues regarding yield management
applications in the hospitality industry. New directions for research. Proceedings of the 4^'^
Annual International Yield Management Conference, Clacton Campus, Colchester (UK),
Ingold A., U. McMahon-Beattie, I Yeoman (eds), Yield Management. Strategies for the
Service Industries. T^ edition, Continuum, London, 2000.
Kimes S.E., The Basics of Yield Management, The Cornell H.R.A. Quarterly, November,
Vol. 30, No. 3, 14-19, 1989.
Kimes S.E., Perceived Fairness of Yield Management, The Cornell H.R.A. Quarterly,
February, Vol. 35, No. 1, 1994, pp. 22-29.
McCaskey D., Yield management vs relationship marketing. Proceedings of the 3'^^ Annual
International Yield Management Conference, University of Ulster, Portrush (UK), 1998.
Noone B., P. Griffin, Managing the long-term profit yield from market segments in a hotel
environment: a case study on the implementation of customer profitability analysis,
Proceedings of the 3'*^ Annual International Yield Management Conference, University of
Ulster, Portrush (UK), 1998.
Peppers D., M. Rogers, The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer at a
Time, Currency Doubleday, New York, 1993.
Pine II, B., Mass Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition, Harvard
Business School Press, Boston, 1993.
Poirer C , Advanced Supply Chain Management, Barrett-Koelher Publishers, S. Francisco,
Porter M.E., Strategy and the Internet, Harvard Business Review, March, 2001, pp. 63-78.
Rayport J.F., B.J. Jaworsky, e-Commerce, Mc-Graw-Hill, New York, 2001.
Schwartz Z., The Confusing Side of Yield Management: Myths, Errors, and
Misconceptions, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, vol. 22, No. 4, 1998, pp. 41330.
Secomandi N., K. Abbott, T. Atan, E.A. Boyd, From Revenue Management Concepts to
Software Systems, Interfaces, vol. 32, No. 2, March-April, 2002, pp. 1-11.
Yeoman I, A. Ingold (eds), Yield Management. Strategies for the Service Industries,
Cassell, London, 1997.
Part III
Information instruments for a YMS in the
hospitality industry
properties worldwide, our initial TopLine yield management system has become
our legacy. In 1995, we successfully deployed a new paradigm reservation system
for Outrigger Hotels. TopLine PROPHET, a Windows-based, fully automated
hotel yield management system was initially launched in 1996. As a successor to
the popular TopLine system, TopLine PROPHET has already been chosen by over
300 hotels including though not limited to the following:
Starwood Hotels and Resorts.
Swissotel at worldwide locations.
Sunburst Hotels (Choice Hotels).
Boca Raton Resort & Club.
La Quinta Resort & Spa.
Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
Caesar's World.
Gmpo Posadas Hotels throughout Mexico.
Greenalls Hotels & Leisure Limited.
Cok Hotels, Amsterdam.
Colonial Williamsburg.
MGM Grand.
OPUS 2 is exceptionally sound financially and operationally with steady growth
in employees, clients and sales. We undertake consulting and development
projects in a disciplined manner and take pride in our innovative software
applications with clean, easy-to-use interfaces that have become our hallmark and
the basis for a high level of customer satisfaction.
OPUS 2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of MICROS Systems, Inc. of Beltsville,
TopLine PROPHET (TLP) was released in 1996. It is a comprehensive Yield
Management package. Since its introduction, over 300 hotels have selected TLP.
TopLine PROPHET provides:
1. Maximization of transient revenue through sophisticated forecasting and
2. Maximization of group revenue via detailed analysis of group business
provided via a real-time interface to your sales and catering system or via our
own group booking module.
3. Incentive systems to influence sales managers and reservation agents to
produce the most revenue for your hotels.
Other features include:
TLP provides tools for all market segments: leisure, conventions, meetings,
contract accounts and others. Profit contiibutions from all revenue streams are
considered, as is displacement of short lead-time business when making longer
lead-time decisions.
128MB RAM and a 1GB hard drive. The database server can be a similar PC with
dual 4GB hard drives or any reasonably powerful Unix machine. The database
system used is Oracle. TCP/IP is required as a communications protocol. Only a
licensed copy of the database engine software is required in addition to the
operating system and the application.
render some of the data irrelevant. During the initiaUzation process, we can choose
to import reservation records from a certain period of time, thus avoiding periods
of data that do not accurately reflect the current market conditions for this hotel. In
the case of a new hotel, where historical data is not available the required data is
entered manually. With the assistance of an OPUS 2 Consultant, market
conditions will be reviewed with the hotel's management team in order to
determine basic data for the property. The understanding is that although this data
is the initial "seed" used by TopLine PROPHET for forecasting, the system will
iiTimediately begin to adjust as real transactions are accepted from the PMS/CRS
and actual history is created. See Section 3.2 for a discussion of Bayesian learning
New hotels with or without heavy seasonality go tluough the same initialization
process. During our discussions, seasonality is addressed so that a set of data will
be developed for each season. See Section 3.2. A for a discussion of History Sets.
When historical data is imported from the PMS/CRS and it does not coincide with
management's opinions, the following will be reviewed: Step one is to understand
why management disagrees with this historical data.
The data could be coiTect, but management's perceptions may in fact be incorrect.
If after further investigation it is determined that although the historical data is
correct it does not reflect future trends, management can make manual overrides
to the historical "seed". Thus, there is a high degree of flexibility allowed when
configuring TopLine PROPHET.
During the initialization and configuration of TopLine PROPHET we can load
some data from the PMS/CRS as listed in Section 2.4, Data Flow. There is also
some data that must be configured directly into TopLine PROPHET. This data
includes, but is not limited to:
market segments;
account information;
room types;
indifference rate;
group Potential;
oversell allowances;
upgrade Levels;
~ rate gaps;
report Parameters.
Figure 1
Jy P!5^i2?P J: j"^^^
??,LPf "i'^^Jl^^^
2.4 Dataflow
On a nightly basis, TopLine PROPHET reforecasts and re-optimises as far into the
future as the long-term planning horizon. In addition, the application re-optimises
the near-term, on a more frequent basis. For these reasons, we recommend nightly
updates of all data from the CRS combined with hourly updates of reservations
data. TLP supports user requests for data updates as well as the manual initiation
of the optimization process for future dates if a significant event warrants this
action. Currently, we do not update based upon a certain amount of activity
though a future release will support event-driven updates. TopLine PROPHET
also has these data types available, inventory, both physical and off-market, and
by room type. Inventory and Group Bookings are passed nightly. Reservation
ti*ansactions can be passed as frequently as hourly.
The data is stored in tables in the RMS database. Additional data types available
are Stay Pattern Rate Hurdles and Inventory Controls. Data required by the
PMS/CRS that has changed as a result of recalculation by TopLine PROPHET is
passed to the PMS/CRS immediately.
3.1 Interfaces
TopLine PROPHET currently interfaces to the following vendors:
Additional interfaces are currently being developed with the following vendors:
OPUS 2 has had discussions with additional PMS and CRS vendors. As those
agreements are finalized the interfaces will be developed.
3.2 Forecasting
TopLine PROPHET uses a Bayesian statistical model for forecasting all the
variables of interest (e.g., transient booking pace). The Bayesian model has
numerous advantages over traditional "frequentist" statistical techniques such as
time series analysis. The Bayesian school of statistics is based on a different view
of what it means to learn from data.
In the more traditional frequentist approaches probability is a property of the event
itself and is used to explain the phenomenon. The Bayesian model uses probability
as a measure of uncertainty about the phenomenon. As actual data on the variables
is accumulated, the distributions are updated in a manner that adapts based on the
degree and consistency of deviation from the prior distributions. In this way, no
arbitrary weights or smoothing need be applied to the data.
Another advantage of the Bayesian model is the ability to combine subjective
estimates with objective information to generate a prior distiibution that then gets
modified by actual history to produce a new posterior distribution. Estimates or
actual data that were once reasonable but are unsupported by more recent data are
automatically modelled as less likely to occur in the future. This allows TopLine
PROPHET to be successfully installed in a hotel with no available history or one
that is experiencing rapid market change and still receive immediate benefit.
All distributions in TopLine PROPHET are of unconsti'ained behavior. When
actual observed data is constrained or censored by a rate hurdle or inventory
restriction, data augmentation algorithms are used to calculate the effect of the
missing data on the distributions.
This approach is far more accurate than using "regret" and "denial" from a subset
of reservation distribution channels.
3.2.1 History sets
TopLine PROPHET uses History Sets to associate past and future days in a
and more recent days to be untagged. All outlier tags can be overridden by the
User entered forecast overrides are shown graphically in comparison to the system
forecast. In addition, the Overrides report shows all overrides, their values, and the
current system value. TopLine PROPHET continues to update its forecast but does
not override the user-entered change. An Audit report shows all changes and the
user who made them.
3.2,5 Special events/demand changes
Patterns of behaviour that are extraordinary and will never happen again such as
huiTicanes, disasters, and renovations are demand periods that are designated as
'outliers' in TopLine PROPHET. These dates are not included in the historical
data that is used for forecast puiposes therefore the database will not be infected
with information that has no bearing on future dates. TopLine PROPHET
automatically detects 'outliers', or they can be manually entered and overridden
by the user.
If a change in demand patterns such as a sudden economic surge causing business
to trend upward would indicate that a new history set should be created to reflect
the increase in demand, or if the change has been consistent over the last few
weeks, then this data can be used to create a new history set that will be used from
this point forward. A new history set would thus be created using this recent data
and would involve minimal intervention from the user.
4 Group management
TopLine PROPHET fully yield manages both group and transient segments. In
order to fully determine the appropriate rate hurdles for each arrival date and
length of stay of the transient guest, it is assumed that the entire demand "picture"
is taken into consideration. Thus the groups play an important role in this process.
Group business can be entered directly into TopLine PROPHET or via an
interface to the Sales and Catering system (see section 1.7 Interfaces). Either
method will provide the Sales Manager with a comprehensive analysis of the
group's profitability to the hotel.
The group is assigned a Booking Point value, which measures the profitability of
the group in relation to the market position of the hotel during the requested dates.
It will also measure the impact this group will have on any lost transient revenue.
In order to do this, TopLine PROPHET considers all revenue sources for the
group (Rooms, F&B, function room rental, etc) as well as costs (Incremental
costs, commissions, rebates, comp rooms, etc).
This data is compared against the Lose It rate for the time period as well as the
transient revenue displacement in order to obtain a Booking Point value. TopLine
PROPHET will also advise the Sales Manager of any alternative arrival dates that
may be more profitable for the hotel.
In regards to transient optimization, all near term days and their stay patterns are
optimized on an hourly basis. All future stay patterns are optimized on a nightly
basis. These are configured for each property individually. Likewise, the user can
manually initiate the optimization of future dates if a significant event warrants
such an action. A future version of TopLine PROPHET will allow for the
automatic initiation of the transient optimization based on a major change in
demand. The transient rate hurdle values and stay pattern controls that are
generated due to the optimization process can all be modified by the user if need
Raw data is collected from the PMS/CRS (property
management system or central reservation system)
history file and snapshots of current databases are
taken. No other system comes close to e-yield in
historical data capture or usage.
Data Analysis,
Verification and
e-yield Decision
e-yield Decision
e-yield GUI
Group Evaluation
Demand Change
Hotel Management
IDeaS Yield
1.2 W h y e-yieldTM?
The Full Precision Forecast is a revolutionary statistical approach to forecasting
Executive Management
Yield Manager /
Reservations Manager
Affected Role
System Administrator
1. Monitoring takes place via "remote computing." IDeaL/CARE staff accesses
the hotel's e-yield System daily to insure that it is up and running, interacting
with the PMS/CRS (property management system or central reservation
system) and responding correctly to the market.
2. Support processes are invoked if an anomaly is discovered during monitoring
or if a question or problem is submitted. Issues are logged into TROI (a
database for ti*acking issues) and the appropriate experts are assigned. The
owner of the issue follows it through to resolution and logs the results. Internal
reports are generated to insure 100% resolution and that responsiveness
requirements were met. You may be surprised to know that 9 out of 10 support
calls actually originate from the IDeaL/CARE staff.
3. Partnering and Re-configuration is necessary when market conditions or
business strategies change, or when major enliancements to e-yield are
introduced. In these situations, hotel yield managers and IDeaS yield
professionals partner to mutually understand the yield revenue situation and
how to best manage it. Often times, these interactions will be initiated by
IDeaS personnel as a result of "flags" generated by the system. With solution
in hand, the yield professional involves the necessary IDeaS experts to reconfigure and, if necessary, recalibrate the system.
IDeaL/CARE removes the element of chance from the yield management process.
It insures the system is up and functioning properly, that issues are promptly
resolved and that the system is properly configured given the market environment.
IDeaL/CARE is an essential element of the e-yield Solution and enables us to
make the 4% Guarantee.
What is included with IDeaL/CARE?
Monitoring of e-yield and PMS Interaction
Monitoring of Software Operations
Decision Quality Audits
Responding to Events/Incoming Communication
Escalation to Appropriate Yield Professionals
Problem/Question Resolution
Patch/Update/Upgrade System
Implementation of Configuration Adjustments
Recalibration when Necessary
Executive Management
Affected Role
Yield Manager /
Reservations Manager
Group Sales Manager
sports, you need talent, teamwork and practice,
practice, practice. That's where IDeaS yield
professionals come in. This group of hoteliers,
mathematicians, scientists and engineers (many
holding advanced degrees) has worked together
analyzing hundreds of properties. Their goal:
consistently exceed the revenue gains stated in the
4% guarantee.
When a hotel invests in IDeaL/CARE, hotel
management can use this highly effective team of
experts to:
Information Systems
System Administrator
Affected Role
installation. Hotel PMS/CRS (property management system or central reservation
system) data must be available for the 15 months prior to installation of the
system. Because only hotel PMS/CRS data is used in the analysis,
IDeaL/RESULTS can evaluate any yield management system.
Figure 1: Actual IDeaL/RESULTS Data
That's why we measure. We do it to meet our number one objective: creating
measurable benefits our clients can count on.
What is the impact on operations?
Affected Role
Executive Management
Yield Manager /
Reservations Manager
Group Sales Manager
5 Hotel management
Hotel Management plays 2 critical roles in the e-yield Solution:
1. Management determines the pricing, market segment, and risk strategies which
drive the solution's decision-making logic.
2. Management experience and guidance is essential in addressing unexpected
market behaviour. The exception reporting system alerts management to these
areas in time to take corrective actions when needed.
Executive training sessions are organized to prepare the hotel's management team
for the system. The training sessions are based on the hotel's actual data. These
interactive sessions, taught by IDeaS staff of specialists, also help IDeaS finalize
the system calibrations. As the system is brought up, initial recommendations are
tested and reviewed to build the staffs confidence in the solution. Finally,
ongoing monitoring keep management in the loop at all times and exception alerts
focus management's attention to the areas that need it most. Training and ongoing
consuhing prepare management to deal effectively with the unexpected.
Often, as a result of using the e-yield solution, management is able to spend more
attention to guest services and strategic decisions such as planning, pricing,
scheduling and budgeting.
Figure 2: The training steps
Create Data
3 Months
Build &.
5-6 Weeks
Stage 1
2 Days
Executive Training
Stage 2
5 Days
User Training
Stage 1
2 Days
Quality Audit
6 Decision integration
Decision Integration enables efficient execution of the hotel's market, risk, and
pricing strategy by actually implementing the resulting reservation decisions, eyield works tlirough the hotel's existing reservation systems, controlling
overbooking, available rates and length-of-stay tlirough the familiar Property
Management and Reservation System interfaces.
As a result, e-yield begins increasing revenues immediately after installation. The
dynamic nature of the PMS (or CRS) integration also ensures that each booking
and change ti'ansaction is automatically incorporated into subsequent
recommendations and decisions. Instead of spending time interpreting charts and
graphs to make routine reservation decisions, management is able to concentrate
on more complex decisions, such as how to price and place groups, and how to set
pricing. The system also produces a wide range of reports to provide the insights
into demand patterns and forecasts to support mission-critical processes, such as
marketing, planning, and budgeting.
When fully integrated, the hotel's revenue management practices are not subject to
being compromised by staff absence, turnover or promotion. While decision
integration enables effective yield management, ongoing automatic monitoring
ensures its continued success.
e-yield's extensive monitoring capabilities keep hotel management in the loop at
all times, directing attention where management expertise and knowledge are most
needed. Decision integration and exception monitoring work hand-in-hand to
provide hotel management the benefits of automation while retaining and
improving decision visibility and control.
Full PMS Integration
Minimizes end-user training.
Ensures decision implementation
Insulates revenue management from staff turnover
and absence
Directs management attention to potential problems
Remote monitoring of system activity ensures
smooth operations