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CNC Turning Machines

Coordinate system for a 2 axis CNC lathe


A single point cutting tool removes material from a

rotating workpiece to generate a rotationally
symmetric shape
Types of cuts:

Contour turning
Parting (Cut-off) / Grooving

Turning Parameters Illustrated


Tool is fed
radially inward

Figure facing

Contour Turning
Instead of feeding the tool
parallel to the axis of
rotation, tool follows a
contour that is not
necessarily straight (thus
creating a contoured form).

Figure contour turning


Right & Left Hand Tools

Right Hand Tool:
Cuts from right to left

Left Hand Tool:

Cuts from left to right

Cutting edge cuts an
angle on the corner
of the cylinder,
forming a "chamfer"

Figure chamfering

Parting (Cutoff) / Grooving

Tool is fed radially
into rotating work at
some location to cut
off end of part, or
provide a groove

Figure (f) cutoff


Pointed form tool is
fed linearly across
surface of rotating
workpart parallel to
axis of rotation at a
large feed rate, thus
creating threads

Figure (g) threading


CNC Lathe: Air-Operated Chuck

Right Hand
Profile Tool



CNC Lathe: Tool Turret

Left Hand
Profile Tool
Tool Turret
Grooving /
Parting Tool

Tool Holder
Right Hand
Profile Tool


Part Programming

Address Characters As Per DIN 66025

N -Block number
O -Program Number
P,Q,R- Parameters are used in cycles
S -Spindle speed
T- Tool Function
X -Movement in X-axis
Z -Movement in Z axis
U,W- movement parallel to X, Z axes respectively (incremental method)
F - Feed
G-Preparatory function, identifying the action to be executed

G codes
G00 Positioning (Rapid traverse)

G42 Tool Nose Radius compensation right

G0l Linear interpolation (Cutting feed)

G70 Finishing Cycle

G02 Circular interpolation (Clockwise)

G71 Multiple Turning Cycle

G03 Circular interpolation ( Counter

G72 Multiple Facing Cycle


G73 Pattern Repeating Cycle

G04 Dwell

G74 Drilling Cycle

G17 XY plane selection

G75 Grooving Cycle

G18 ZX plane selection

G76 Multiple Threading Cycle

G19 YZ plane selection

G90 Turning Cycle

G20 Input in inch

G92 Threading Cycle

G21 Input in mm

G94 Facing Cycle

G28 Return to reference point

G98 Feed Per Minute

G40Tool Nose Radius compensation cancel

G99 Feed Per Revolution

G41 Tool Nose Radius compensation left

Example : Write a part program for turning operation

using linear command

Billet size
Dia.32 x 70
Workpiece material
turning using linear
Tool Type
RH Single point
Tool position in ATC
Tool 1
Tool offsets
Manually set on machine
Spindle Speed
1500 r.p.m.
80 mm/min
Depth of cut

Note : To manually program tool path for stock removal (roughing cut), with one block of
program for each tool motion can be time consuming, inefficient and also prone to

Almost all CNC lathes have a feature that allow the roughing tool path to be
processed automatically, using special cycles. For example, a cycle identified by G90
preparatory command is called straight cutting cycle. Its purpose is to remove
excessive stock and is used primarily for removing stock in a rectangular fashion but
can also be used for taper cutting. The cycle structure and motions are illustrated in
figures below

Before going further, a reminder. Do not confuse G90 for lathes with G90 for milling
machines. In turning, G90 is a lathe cycle, G90 is absolute mode in milling.
To cancel a G90 cycle in turning, all that is necessary to do is to use any motion
command- G00, G01, G02 or G03.

Example : Write a part program using turning cycle

(absolute and incremental method)
Billet size
Dia.25 x 65
Workpiece material
turning using G90
Tool Type
LH Single point
Tool position in ATC
Tool 2
Tool offsets
Manually set on machine
Spindle Speed
1000 r.p.m.
Depth of cut

In order to distinguish between straight cutting and taper cutting methods, using the
same G90 cycle, there must be a way to distinguish these two types of cuts, and there
is one indeed.
The difference is the addition of an I parameter to the cycle call, indicating the taper
amount and its direction per side. This value is called a signed radius value. It is an I
value because of its association with the X axis. For straight cutting, I value will always
be equal to zero and does not have to be written in program.
The figure shows that the I amount is calculated as a single distance, i.e. a single side (a
radius value), with specified direction , based on the total travelled distance and the
direction of first motion from start position.
There are two simple rules for G90 taper
1. If the direction of the first tool motion in X
is negative, the value of I is negative
2. If the direction of the first tool motion in X
is positive, the value of I is positive
The values of I can be calculated from simple
trigonometry, and the Format for taper
turning using G90 is
G90 X(U)_ Z(W)_ I_ F_

Taper definition
To calculate taper length

To calculate small diameter, d

To calculate large diameter, D

A cycle which is very similar to G90 is face cutting cycle, programmed with G94
command. In this cycle, the it is the X axis that is main cutting direction. The G94 cycle
is used primarily for facing cuts and can be used for simple vertical taper cutting as
well, similar to G90 cycle.
For straight facing the format is G94 X(U)_ X(W)_ F_
And for tapered cut the format is G94 X(U)_ X(W)_ K_ F

Example : Write a part program using facing cycle for

the part shown in figure
Billet size
Dia.32 x 70
Workpiece material
Facing cycle using G94
Tool Type
Single point
Tool position in ATC
Tool 1
Tool offsets
Manually set on machine
Spindle Speed
1000 r.p.m.
80 mm/min

G92 command performs Single pass threading cycle. Only the x axis moves need to
be entered in subsequent blocks, up to the minor diameter value.
G92 Format
G92 X_ Z_ F_
X= minor diameter, mm
Z= thread length,mm
F= pitch of the thread, mm
Calculations :
D= 32 mm (Major diameter)
Pitch = 1mm
d= Minor diamter

Now write a part program for threading on bar.

Multiple repetitive cycles

Unlike the simple cycles for turning (G90 and G94), the advanced cycles for CNC lathe work
are much more sophisticated. The major and most distinctive feature of these cycles is that
not only straight or tapered cuts, but also radii, chamfers, grooves etc. can also be
programmed. Several of these cycles are used for contouring. In total, there are seven
multiple repetitive cycles available, G71, G72, G73, G74, G75, G76 and G70. G70 is actually
the finishing cycle for G71, G72 and G73
G71 Multiple Turning Cycle
G71 turning cycle makes large diameter cutting easy. Cutting can be done in simple
straight line or a complex contour can also be machined very easily.
Through G71 turning cycle parameters CNC machinists can control
Depth of cut.
Retract height.
Finishing allowance in x-axis and z-axis.
Cycle cutting-feed, spindle speed.

G71 multiple turning cycle format

G71 U(d)_ R_
G71 P(A')_ Q(B)_ U( u)_ W( w)_ F_S_
U - Depth of cut, radius value
R Retract amount, radius value
P Number of the first block of the shape
Q Number of the last block of the shape
U Stock amount for finishing on the X axis diameter
or finishing allowance in X axis
W - Finishing Allowance in Z axis
F - Feed Rate
S- Spindle speed
G72 Multiple Facing Cycle format
The G72 cycle is identical in every respect to G71,
except that the stock is removed mainly by vertical
cutting (facing), typically from the large diameter
towards the spindle center line X0. Like G71, it
comes into a double block format.
G72 W (d)_ R _
G72 P (A) _ Q (B) _ U (u) _ W (w) _ F _ S _

Example : Write a part program for the part shown in

figure using multiple turning/ multiple facing cycle
Billet size
Dia.32 x 70
Workpiece material
1. G71 Multiple turning cycle
2. G72 Multiple facing cycle
Tool Type
Single point
Tool position in ATC
Tool 1
Tool offsets
Manually set on machine
Spindle Speed
1. Roughing: 1500 r.p.m.
2. Finishing: 1800 r.p.m.
1. Roughing: 100 mm/min
2. Finishing: 80 mm/min

Refer class notes for sol.

Part Program No. 1234

Pattern Repeating cycle

This cycle provides for roughing out of a form by repeating the desired tool path a
set number of times, the tool path being incremented in to the work piece until the
full form is completed. This cycle is particularly useful when machining castings or
forgings which are already formed to the basic shape required. This cycle also
requires two blocks are needed to specify the all parameters
G73 U(i)_ W(k)_ R_
G73 P_ Q_ U_ W_ F_
U(i) = Relief in the X axes direction
W(k) = Relief in the Z axis direction
R = Number of cuts
P = Number of first block of the shape
Q = Number of the last block of the shape
U(u) = Finishing allowance in X
W(w) = Finishing allowance in Z
F = Feed rate

Drilling cycle
This cycle is designated for deep hole drilling, the drill entering the workpiece by a
predetermined amount then backing off by another set amount to provide breaking. This
cycle is commanded by two distinct lines of parameters.
G74 Drilling cycle Format:
A double blocks format as following
G74 R_
G74 X_ Z_ Q _ F_
R (e) - Return Amount, mm
X - Always Zero, mm
Z - Drilling Depth, mm
Q - Depth of Cut in Z axis (in Micron)
F - Feed Rate
Grooving cycle
G75 Grooving cycle Format:
G75 R _
G75 X_ Z_ P_ Q_ F_
R - Return Amount, mm
X - Total Depth along X axis, mm
Z - Total Width along Z axis, mm
P - Depth of Cut in X axis (in Micron)
Q - Stepping distance in Z axis (in Micron)
F - Feed Rate, mm

Example : Write a part program for the part shown in

figure using Drilling cycle
Billet size
Dia.32 x 70
Workpiece material
Drilling cycle using G74
Tool Type
Single point
Tool position in ATC
Tool 1 Centre Drilling
Tool 2 (Drilling operation)
Tool size
1. Centre drill 6mm dia.
2. Drill 12 mm dia.
Spindle Speed
1000 r.p.m.
80 mm/min
Program No.

Example : Write a part program for the part shown in

figure using Grooving cycle
Billet size
Dia.32 x 70
Workpiece material
Facing cycle using G94
Tool Type
Single point
Tool position in ATC
Tool 1
Tool Tip
3 mm width
Spindle Speed
400 r.p.m.
40 mm/min
Program No.

Threading cycle
G76 P (m) (r) (a) Q _R_
G76 X_ Z_ P_ Q _ F_
m - No. of repeats for finishing operation
r - Chamfering amount
a - Tool angle, degree
Q - Minimum Cutting Depth, (in Micron)
R - Finishing Allowance, (in mm)
X - Minor Diameter, mm
Z - Thread Length, mm
P - Thread Height, (in Micron)
Q -Depth of cut for first pass (in Micron)
F - Pitch of the thread, mm

Program No.

Program No.


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